HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-03-02, Page 10Page 10 Y Times -Advocate, March 2, 1994 CQMMUNLTY Quilting bee at Township Hall By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - World Day of Prayer services will be on Friday at St. Pe- ter's Luthern Church in Zurich. Anyone who enjoys quilting is invited to the Township Hall this coming Monday at noon to help the Women's Institute with a Quilt- ing Bee. There will be a pot luck supper as well. St Peter's Lutheran Church wom- en's group will be having their an- nual Work-a-thon on Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome and asked to bring some- thing for a pot luck supper that's to follow. The Golden Ager's are planning for their next progressive euchre card party for March 21 at 7:30 p.m., at the Township Hall. Every- one is welcome. The Zurich Chamber of Com- merce is having a dinner meeting at Hessenland Country Inn on March 15, at 7 p.muest speaker is Ross Daley who ill be talking about the Value of Agriculture. Tickets for the evening are $20 and available at many area stores or through chamber members. Gran by Roberta' GRAND BEND - Four members of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Women's League attended a Retreat Day at Mount Carmel on Saturday, February 26, with guest speaker Sister Saint Louis of Lon- don. Lia Vandenberk and Roberta Walker, also CWL members, at- tended the fourth annual Wonderful World of Women seminar at Wyo- ming, sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association. The guest speaker Rosalie Wysocki, a performance motivator from Mis- sissauga, talked about goal setting and a creative, optimistic approach to the challenges of life. There were a number of special events taking place in March, dur- ing Lent: • World Day of Prayer, hosted by the Grand Bend CWL at Immacu- late heart of Mary on March 4, Fri- day at 1:30 p.m. Fr. Beck is speak- er. • Workshop on March 7, St. Bon- iface, Zurich, on "Grief Process - Gru',f ,York - Time is Hope and Healing". Guest speaker Gord Lang of London, a grief counsellor, $12 per person. Call 236-4771. • Tuesday, March 8, 8 p.m., For- est CWL Meeting Room, Guest Speaker Sister St. John of Sarnia, talking about "1994 The Year of the Family." • Wednesday, March 9 - Day of Reflection at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Hall from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Guest speakers Muriel Mur- phy of CWL Diocesan Council and Father Beck. No cost, bag lunch. • parish Picture Directory. Pic- tures will be taken on April 7, 8 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on April 9 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All regis- tered parishioners will be contact- ed. • Development and Peace Collec- tion. Good Friday. April 1 during the 3 p.m. service. Remember to "Share Lent" with those less fortu- nate. Exeter WM hold February meeting EXETER - The February 24 meeting of the Womens' Ministries from the Exeter Pentecostal Taber- nacle, was held at the home of Dove Matheson at 2 p.m. Jean Tri- ebner presided over the meeting and led in the hymn "Blessed Assu- rance", and Ruth McLaren had prayer for the service. The roll call was taken by Shirley Prouty, and answered by a scripture verse on "Blessing" by the nine present. The group decided to send ! do- nation to the boy's school in India, from which Doris Peebles read a letter. Shirley Prouty read a poem entitled "Be Calm My Soul" and Rev. R. Peebles gave an inspiring message on the theme "Small Things made Great", John 12 etc. After the meeting a lunch was served by the hostess Dove Mathe- son. Recent events Seven students from St. Boniface School along with chaperon, Rose - Marie Bedard joined other students and teachers frotn Huron -Perth for a bus trip to Toronto to see the Phantom of the Opera. A group of women from the Mennonite Church got together last Tuesday to tie some 15 com- forters that will be sent to the poor in the Third World. Afterwards they had supper and a short meet- ing. Music students at South Huron District High School took part in the Musicfest Canada Regional Competition for choirs. It was held in Leamington on Thursday. Several students from the Zurich area took part in the 30 -Hour Fa- mine that was held at South Huron District High School beginning Fri- day afternoon. The Grand Bend Alhambra group spent a Saturday night bowling at Town and Country Lanes. Personals A farewell party was held on Sunday for Sonya Shantz at the Mennonite Church. Shantz will be leaving for Mississippi to work in a medical centre in Greenville. Juliette Denomme and Theresa Hartman were visited by their chil- dren Michael and Yvonne Hart- man. Andrew and Alida Rau spent the weekend in Dorchester with their daughter Suzanne and her husband Dave Bell. Marie Denomme and sister Mar- tha Ducharme had a two week va- cation in Florida visiting with their brother Paul and wife Dorothy Du- charme. They also visited Joan and Paul Ducharme. Cynthia Tripp and Mark Strick-, land spent 10 days in Barbados re- cently and also visited Tripp's un- cle, Hugh Ferguson, while there. Wayne and Denise Meidinger and family spent the weekend in Windsor and visited with friends Dave and Carolyn Stark and fanci- ly. Mozart, Julie and Chantel Geli- nas spent the weekend up north with relatives Marc and Cathy Kel- ly and family. Blaise and Joyce Duchanne of RR 2 Zurich spent the weekend in Windsor and attended a family en- gagement party, held for their daughter Angela who is planning to be marrit;d in October. Birthday wishes are .extended to Mary Becker who recently turned 40 and to Renee Sweeney who will be 17 on Monday. Helena and husband Jack Sumner of London spent the weekend with her parents Joe and Maria Kenda at the Resthome for his birthday. On Sunday there was a family dinner to celebrate his birthday which was on Friday. Also attending was son Joe and wife Marilyn Kendra with daughter Amberly. Doris Meyer spent a few days in the hospital last week as did Ruth Zielman-Zehr and Marie Gingerich. Congratulations to Tiny and Vera Thiel, of the Resthome who cele- brated their 52 wedding anniver- sary on February 10. Last week, an item on an Ice Cream Social at the Mennonite Church on Friday night should have stated that the money raised will go towards the MYF group go- ing on a street mission to Detroit during the March Break. Zurich figure skaters CENTRALIA - At the February Women's Ministries meeting, the group enjoyed the message shared by Barb Triehner of Strathroy. Tri- ebner also ministered through song and to close the evening refresh- ments were served. • The Sunday School hosted a mo- vie night on Friday and the over 65 in attendance enjoyed watching "The Blunder Years". The Bible Search Contest began in Sunday School on Sunday morning with the girls team eager to win the title this year. Points are earned for bringing their Bibles, a friend, find- ing scripture and learning the Books of the New Testament. Neil Degraw from Cochrane. Al- berta is visiting his brother Pastor Bob for a few days and joined the orchestra with his steel guitar n Sunday morning. In the evening service they played several songs and continued after the service was officially dismissed. The orchestra consists of: Sharon Parker - organ/ piano - violin, Amy Swance - Flute, Phyllis Dcgraw - Piano. There will he a volleyball game for everyone on Friday night at the Exeter Public School at 7:00 p.ni. WE HAVE SURVIVED! 25 YEARS IN OUR CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS CON STRUCTION Crediton Help us celebrate! 2 5% off One time only special - Regular price of our quality -built Garden Sheds Examples Reg. Price 8'x8' Gable - Roof 5795. 10'6"x8' Gable -Roof $976. 8x8 Hip - Roof $849. 10'6" x 10'6" Hip - Roof 61266. 10'6"x13' Hip Roof $1396. 10'6" x 15'6 Hip - Roof $1525. _Smda1P_dce $595. $ 730. $635. $945. $1045. $1145. Maintenance free pre -painted steel Included. Floors not Included Offer good untll March 15, 1994 only Order Now Ken McCann - 234-6401 Doric McCann 228-6331 Competitors at the Glencoe Sweetheart invitational rem - petition on February 13 in- cluded from bottom left: Sa- rah -Rae Lovie winning gold; Megan Hearn placing 8th; Amanda Wilds, silver; middle left: Meagan Kipfer, 9th; Jen- na Becker, gold; Jaime Eckel, silver; Caitlin Russell, bronze; Sabrina Brand, 6th; Back left: Kimberley Powell, 4th; .Aman- da Breuer, 6th; Julie Hearn, gold; Shelley Miller, silver; Crystal Russell, 4th; Sarah Breen, silver; and Megan Gingerich, 4th. [Con* In iib eira iT r.. .. . 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Studies show that blonds have 140,000 hairs on their head while brunettes have 115,000 and redheads have 80,000. By the way, those hairs grow about 1/2 inch per month. HillonApothecary Ltd. "Your Health Care Pharmacy" 1 PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. JOIN OUR CREDIT UNION and invest in your future! Membership open to all • Investment rates are higher Chequing costs are lower; personal cheques .40N. 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