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Times -Advocate, March 2, 1994
Birthday party iii Crediton
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Coulter of
Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Evans of Ponoka, Al-
berta, wish to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
children, Julianne Lynn Rader
and Brent John Evans. The
wedding will take place on
March 23 in Jamaica. There
will be an open reception in
Ailsa Craig on May 6. The
happy couple will be residing
in Ponoka, Alberta.
service at
Thames Road
Church service
THAMES ROAD - The Second
Sunday of Lent and Holy Com-
munion service was conducted by
Rev. Jim Allsop.
The Responsive Reading was
taken from the Green Service
Book "Rejoice the Lord is King:
Psalm 96.
The choir sang "Come and
Dine" accompanied by the organ-
ist Erin Kraftcheck. The scripture
reading, Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16
and Romans 4: 13-25 was read by
Marion Cann.
Rev. Allsop read from the Gos-
pel of Luke 15: 11-32 and the title
of his sermon was "It's Time to
The elders, Robert Bray, Ray
Cann clerk of session, Kay Cun-
nington, Anne Kernick and Mari-
lyn Vandenbussche served Com-
munion. The closing hymn "In
Memory of the Saviour's Love"
was sung.
This Friday March 4 at 2 p.m.
.the World Day of Prayer service
will be held at the Exeter Pente-
costal Church.
On Monday March 7 the United
Church Women will hold their
meeting. Program Elda Rich', Bea-
trice Dawson, Alma Ballantyne
and Doris Simpson , Roll call - "A
helpful hint". Lunch group U.
The superintendent and teachers
are very concerned about the drop
in attendance in Sunday School. If
Thames Road is going to he able
to carry on Sunday School and
church there will have to be a bet-
ter attendance. if the children are
going to get their diplomas and
seals they will have to attend more
We are glad to report that Hilda
Kellett is able to be hack in her
own home after having been con-
fined to the hospital for a lot of the
A number of people from this
community called at the L.A. Ball
Funeral Chapel St. Marys on
Thursday to pay their respects to
the late Roxie Thomson.
Congratulations to Duncan Ethe-
ringbn and Peggy Campbell who
were married Friday.
Angela Etherington of London
spent the weekend with her aunt
and uncle (tick and Karen Ether-
Adult Drop -In
February 28
Carpet bowling
4 games played
Marshall Dearing 3 wins, score 40
Doris Hackney 3 wins, score 37
Wilma Davis 2 wins, score 36
Ray Smith 2 wins, score 30
Marion Dearing 2 wins, score 30
7 games played
Doris Hackney had the high score
and Maxine Sereda was low scorer
for the day.
We held a poor boy luncheon on
this, the last day of February.
Homemade soup, rye bread and
cake were on the menu.
The Crediton Explorers group led by Irene Haugh held a birthday party last week. With her are,
from left to right, Amber Lord, Danielle Pertschy, Annette Grotentraast, Krista Hodge and Jac-
quelyn Skinner.
WI Informed _ about ambulance services
CREDITON - Jim Hoffman of Hoffman's Ambu-
lance Service in Dashwood was the guest speaker at
the February 16 meeting of the Crediton Women's
Institute held at the home of Irene Haugh.
Hoffman said althougharea residents call a Dash-
wood number when they require an ambulance the
call is actually answered by a general dispatcher in
London. r_+ ,,
He added, "Wheiatillittits the dispatcher make sure
you give the proper street or concession address as he
or she is not familiar with the area like we are."
Irene Haugh and Ada Dietrich were in charge of the
program. The motto was, "Learn to do by doing" and
members answered the roll call by recalling things
they did learn by doing. Jane Dearing and Bernice
Cooper were in charge of the lunch.
Public speaking tonight
The annual public speaking contest for area ele-
mentary school students will be held tonight,
Wednesday at the Crediton Community Hall at 7:30
p.m. The contest sponsored by the Crediton and dis-
tract social club will include students from Stephen,
Usborne and McGillivray township central schools,
J.A.D. McCurdy at Huron Park and Our Lady .of
Mount Carmel separate school.
Church news
The regular meeting of the Crediton United Church
Women will be held Thursday night of this week at 8
p.m. Sandy Martin is in charge of the program. The
roll call is to be answered by bringing a sample of
your favourite hobby and lunch will be prepared by
Doreen Lightfoot and Mary Kenney.
The annual World Day of Prayer service for Credi-
ton and area churches will be held this Friday after-
noon at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.
Choir practice is tonight, Wednesday at 8 p.m. and
the C.G.I.T. and Explorer girls meet next Tuesday af-
ieutootr, March 8 after school.
Crediton and area residents in hospital are Allan
Pfaff at University Hospital in London and Zena
Martin, Laura Finkbeiner and Erma Krueger at South
Huron in Exeter..
Robin sighted in Saintsbury
SAINTSBURY - There was no
service at St. Patrick's on Sunday
due to a furnace malfunction.
Yes, the robin survived this cold
stormy week, being sighted in a lo-
cal yard February 19 and having to
take cover during the storm we
were excited to sec hi:n hack again.
There will be no service at St.
Patrick's Sunday, March 6. The
rector is attendin¢ a retreat.
Sunday, March 13, Lent 4. Morn-
ing Prayer will he held at II:00
Sunday Mary Davis, Ralph and
Joyce Simpson and Darren, Bob
and Heather MacGillivray, Court-
ney, Katie -Scarlett, Caleb and ('or -
bin. Michael and Suzanne Davis,
Crystal, Harley, Travis and Starr
were noon dinner guests with Hugh
and Hazel Davis, then all to the Mi-
chael and Suzanne Davis's home
where they were entertained to an
afternoon of skating and visiting
and barbecue. Also attending were
Dorothy Dietrich and Lenny, Bob
and Dorothy Dietrich, Con and Lin-
da Foran. Matthew and friend,
Mike and Donna Martin and Mi-
chelle, Mary Walker. Jennette, and
Sarah and Robin Harvey, Tom and
Kathy Dietrich, Heather and Am-
ber, Fred and Rose Grimminick.
Jenny and Josi and Ambrose and
Helen Koricina. Starr and Travis
were celebrating fifth year birth-
days this week. Also celebrating
birthdays were Hazel Davis, Con
and Matthew Foran.
Bob and Alexia Tindall, and
Hugh and Hazel Davis attended the
wedding reception at the Exeter Le-
gion on Saturday evening for Don
and Myrtle Maguire.
The March A.C.W. will be held
the second week in March, a date to
be set to make final plans for the
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Si. Patrick's dessert euchre and
hake salt, March 15.
Hensall's Food Grains Bank
still accepting donations
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Hensall and
District Horticultural Society will
meet on this coming Monday at 8
p.m. at the Hensall United Church.
Guest speaker, Carol Steckle of Hu-
ron Ridge Acres Inc., will be pre-
senting garden preparations and op-
tions for spring.
Congratulations and best wishes
to Kathy and Dave Delbridge on
the birth of their son Jarrett David
At Hensall United Church the
Junior Congregation shared Lenten
stories, this past Sunday. The offi-
cial board was installed during the
During the second week of
March break, Vacation Bible
School will be held at the Hensall
United Church. Details will follow
in a later column. Bible Study
Group started Tuesday and will
continue for the next six Tuesdays,
from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Confir-
mation classes take place for the 12
weeks, with Confirmation being on
Sunday, May 22.
At the Hensall United Church,
the luncheon for the Food Grains
Bank raised over $900. Donations
are still being accepted for this wor-
thy cause.
During the month of March, at
Hensall Presbyterian Church, Rev.
Gwen Brown will be the guest
speaker on March 13, on March 20
the P.C.W. will conduct the ser-
vice. A Maunday Thursday Service
will be held on March 31. The
P.C.W. of Carmel Presbyterian will
hold their March meeting this com-
ing Monday at 8 p.m.
for Forty Great Years
Jack Drysdale
After serving the residents of Hensall
and area for the past 40 years the time
has come for me to enjoy retirement.
Our business has really been about
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have bought from us time and time
again and the sons and daughters of
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were doing it right.
My partner and nephew Jerry
Drysdale and his wife Helen are the
new owners which makes me really
proud because Drysdale Major
Appliances will continue as a family
business. They are open daily to serve
Your support over the years has been
truly appreciated.
Sincerely. Jack Drysdale
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