Times Advocate, 1994-02-23, Page 21CQMMLJNJTy
Hensall Legion Piiblic Speaking
Hensall Legion was filled last Tuesday night as parent and friends came out to hear public
speaking. Winners in the story telling division were: Denise Ritchie, of Hensall Public School
who placed second; Matthew Martin, also of Hensall Public School who placed first; and Ashe-
ly Erb, of Zurich Public School who placed third. And standing in back is Glenn Cooper, youth
education chairman, for the Hensall Legion.
Times -Advocate, February 23, 1994
Page 21
Lucan Bowling
Monday Ladies
Pat Hodgins 250,227,283-760, Lynne
Farquhar 267-733, Heather Smith 256-
733. Lynn Smith 255-700, Shirley Noy-
es 234-660, Barb Tuxford 226-622,
Joyce Sovereign 232-618, Marie Jaques
240-613, Kit Hearn 214-607, Helen
Swartz 263, Darlene Bourne 223, Ka-
thy Mason 221, Marion Hodgins 211,
Evelyn Smith 211, Shirley Rees 206.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Trevor Maxwell 172,148. Chad Rod-
gers 164.158, Marcus Appelman
146,137, Vanessa Smith 141,123, Nor-
ma Culbert 162, Tyler Graham 150,
Brad Ankers 141, Arden Carter 128,
Man Trudgeon 126, Kurt Juergens 123,
Carne McGregor 120. Mau Pipe 117.
Arnie Vanderweil 245-594, Ken
Weir 225-583, Don Eedy 196-525,
Tom Barr 221-517, Dot McKinlay 193-
503. Ted Shendera 203-500, Bill Bere
220, Arnold McGuffin 193, Tony Si-
roen 186, Marg Schendera 177, Bob
Jeffrey 168, Dave Smith 167.
Senior Citizens
Jean Dann 274-712, Ron Dann 275-
707, Orval Rinn 231-645, Cathie West -
man 238-614, Bessie Caldwell 241-
574, L. Mosurinjohn 209-560, Marg El-
son 205-554, Mac MacCormack 189-
549, Harry Noels 201-515, Florence
McRobert 192, Marian Noels 181. Pe-
ter Vandenboomen 173, Mary Scott
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Aaron Holland 201,105, Ayden 01-
livicr 190,178, Mike Anekrs 183,100,
Kelly Wilson 156,118, Robyn Hodge
145.133, Robbie Yeo 129,126, Josh
Smith 129,100, Derek Lucier 119,1 19,
Neel Misra 136, Ashley Smtih 127,
Jenni Holland 113, James Lucier 112,
Alexandra Dawson 100.
Wednesday Mixed
Frank Smeekens 267-690, Don Cun-
ningham 261-684, Tom Dobinson 238-
656, Al Rollings 257-636, Casey Van-
hooydonk 215-625, Laurie McGee 237-
620, Karen Smeekens 242-619, Doug
Smith 250-599, Doug Beaudoin 244-
594, Patricia Jones 233, Tim Carter
206, Karen Leger 202.
Senior winners were from left: Steve Dawe, of St. Boniface School who placed second; Jamie •
Reabum, of Hensall Public School who placed first, and Kristie Miller of St. Boniface School
who placed third. in the back row are: Bea Uyl, secretary -treasurer for the Hensall Legion and
Glenn Cooper, youth education chairman for the legion.
Winners In the Junior division were: Brianne Webber, of Hensall Public School who placed sec-
ond, Melissa Welsh, of St. Boniface who placed first; and tying for third were Candace Becker,
of St. Boniface School along with Stephanie Erb of Zurich Public School. Standing at back is
Glenn Cooper, youth education chairman for the Hensall Legion.
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - Stan Lee Club will
meet Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. at
Kate's Station for noon lunch.
They will then go on to the Clinton
Town Bowling Lanes for a few
gaiiids of bowling.
Varna UCW are hosting their
annual crokinole party Friday at 8
p.m. in the Varna Church
Basement. The proceeds will go to
the Clinton Public Hospital
Auxiliary. Ladies please bring
The Teen Youth Group (grade 9
and up) will meet Sunday at 7:30
p.m. at the manse.
The World Day of Prayer
Service will take place Thursday
March 3 at 8 p.m. at the Goshen
Church. Varna UCW are invited to
The Official Board meeting will
be held Monday March 7 at 8 p.m.
in the Varna Church.
With the snow quickly going
and spring coming keep in mind
the annual yard sale at the
Complex on May 24 weekend.
While you are spring cleaning
keep that junk that could be
someone's treasure!
Water infiltration project for Lucan
LUCAN - The first project to he
undertaken by the village of Lucan
with grants from the newly an-
nounced federal infrastructure pro-
gram will be solving infiltration
A report that was drafted by sen-
ior staff told council the infiltration
problem is the number one priority
for the infrastructure money.
The balance of the suggested pro-
jects will be discussed at the yet to
be set 1994 budget meeting.
Deputy reeve Harry Wraith
asked, "What arc we going to tell
people who ask us why we- arc
jumping at this money?"
Reeve Tom McLaughlin replied.
"The federal government was elect-
ed on a platform of putting people
back to work. There is no doubt
that this infrastructure program is
going to create additional employ-
ment. 1 agree that some employ-
ment will only be temporary, but
this program also allows us to do
some much needed work with a 66
percent grant on the projects."
While the entire village will be
looked at to correct infiltration
problems, the biggest concerns are
in the Nicotine and Kleinfelt areas.
The total infrastructure grant
available to Lucan is 5828,898. The
village will be required to provide
one-third of that amount.
A final decision on the future of
reconstruction of Duchess street
has been delayed another two
Attending to hear the decision
were Duchess street residents Mrs.
Claire Anderson, George Mawd-
sley and Mrs. Stotesbury-Leeson.
The report of M.M. Dillon Ltd.
noted that the Ministry of Transpor-
tation subsidy for culverts is 80 per-
cent not 50 percent as had been in-
dicated in Huron -Middlesex
Engineering's estimate.
Other noted differences were in
the cost of the culvert and pedestri-
an bridge. Huron -Middlesex esti-
mated the cost of the culvert at
575,000 and the pedestrian bridge
at 525,000. M.M. Dillon said the
estimated cost of the culvert would
be 555,000 and the pedestrian
bridge at from 530,000 to 535,000.
Council has planned to put in a
culvert which would make Duchess
a through street and the residents
want a cul-de-sac instead.
Councillor Rob Brady who owns
property on the north side of Duch-
ess at the drain has indicated he
would be willing to donate half the
land required for a cul-de-sac.
Mrs. Stotesbury-Leeson who
owns the land on the south sidc at
the drain said she would have to
have someone physically show her
where the cul-de-sac would be on
her property before she could give
an answer on donating the neces-
sary property.
February 15
6 game winners
Ethel McMurtrie
Gert Eagleson
Russell Ferguson
Thelma Thiel
Hazel McEwan
Gertie Moir
Lloyd Lovell
February 16
4 game winners
Lloyd Lovell
Grace Farquhar
Tom Williams
3 game winners
Edna Caldwell
Belva Rowe
Delmer Skinner
February 17
5 pane winners
Wm. Baechler
Marjorie Hodgen
Doris Miller
4 game winners
Steve Hrapchak
Pears McKnight
Muriel Marshall
Thursday Men
Bob Smith 277,284,249-810, Tom
Bullock 248,368,191-807, Gary Melvin
251,273,283-807, Doug Smith 355-
769, Don Clark 279-765, Bill Withers
328-762, Doug Lee 323-754, Brad Tay-
lor 283-748, Bob Pipe 281-744. Scott
Smith 271-740, Pete Smith 285-732,
8i11 McDonald 276-732, Colin Brewer
303-731, Bob Taylor 278-726, Wayne
Smith 253-726, John Kohut 246-718,
Frank Palen 271-717, Larry Gibson
263-713, Brian Sanders 254-708, Mark
Hickson 301-706, Lloyd Rimmer 263-
704, Dave Smith 255-700, Don Wallis
297-684, Jim Sweitzer 315-660.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 252-717, Larry Smith
308-715, Paul Smith 256-662, Dan
Rodgers 246-657. Wayne Smith 270-
613. Russ Smith 274, Evelyn Smith
237, Desmond Rodgers 233. Robert
Heckman 226, Basil Short 221, Stan
Roth 211. Marg Carroll 211, Gary Al -
blas 208, Ron Carroll 205.
i.adies Inter -town
Lucan 7 vs.Zurich 20. Pat Hodgins
230-644, Barb Smith- 234-628, Helen
Hardy 196-513.
Men's Inter -town
Lucan 32.5 vs. Zurich 12.5. Frank
Palen 316-1345, Scott BErger 289-
1210, Doug Fenn Jr. 303-1138.
Sunday Mixed
Don Morgan 311-744, Garry Gibson
251-641, Butch Riley 238-638, John
Speakman 232-626, Dorn Stoddart
247.614, Pat Dunlop 241. Floyd Riley
234, Ray Bunn 233, Pat Hodgins 232,
Sandra Glover 220, Pat Rimmer 219.
Marie Jaques 208, Carolyn Homer 203.
Barry Southcott 202.
Zurich Town &
Country Lanes
Wednesday Ladies
Wanda Reynolds 565, Madaline
Arnsby 468, Bea Dykstra 486. Maida
Baynham 409, Dorothy Kipfer 456. Ro-
saleen Berends 511, Grace Drummond
460, Maxine Sereda 442, H.S. - Doro-
thy Kipfer 229. Bea Dykstra 214.
Wednesday Night Ladies
Go For It - Joyce Hillman 740. Five
Alives - Karin Humer 557, Dirty Devils
- Marge Roberts 540, Filthy Five - Jan-
ice McClennan 590, High Single -
Joyce Hillman 261, High Triple - Joyce
Hillman 740, High Average - Joyce
Hillman 205.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Nickle Nuts - Jim Smith 658, Hits &
Misses - Henry Larsen 743, Pin Crush-
ers - Anne Martens, Henry Vanderspek
606. Sexy Six - Gary Huston 687. High
single - Leann Meloche 315, Jim Smith
359; High triple - Trudy Rooseboom
823, Henry Larson 803; High average -
Trudy Rooseboom 216. Gary Huston
Friday Night Mixed League
Bad Attitudes - Bev Cregan 731.
Hush Puppies - Madeline Shepherd
521, Hot Shots - Brian Sanders 583,
The Nots - Don Beattie 725, Good
Sports - Anne Martens 587, Gutter Rats
- Bonnie Steckle 558. High single - Bev
Cregan 316. Martin Dykstra 305; High
BFv Cregan 807. Tom Smits
: High average - Bev Cregan
204.78, Pete McFall* 208.
Tuesday ARC Angels
Myla Dawson 113, Dan Greb 76, Da-
vid Bressette 115, Joeanne Durand 165,
Robert Fox 119. Jean Robson 121,
Don Tiedeman 78. Eloise Klungel 179,
Penny Caza 91.
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Doreen Reid 524, Al Hargreaves
514, Norm Wilde 512, John Wintle
499, Frank Allen 491. Hilda White 480,
H.S. - Frank .Men 225, Doreen Reid
Thursday (:olden Age Seniors
Elaine Weido 330, John Lillie 314.
Laird Jacobe 300, Hazel McEwen 306.
Harvey Martin 298. Mary Jacobe 241.
H.S - Elaine Weido 192. Laird Jacobe
Monday Ladies
Friskey Five - Barb Reschke 652.
High five - Linda Webber 761, Alley
Cats - Sheona Baker 658, Town &
Country - Verlyn Huston 608, Happy
Gang - Patricia Palen 634, Smokin
Shooters - Patti Fox 490, Packers -
Joyce Willert 507, Pinpoppers - There-
sa Stark 523, Odds 'n' Ends - Trudy
Roosehoom 651. Red Devils - Bev Cre-
gan 674. High single - Sandra Dickert
340. High triple - Bev Cregan 818.
High average - Sandra Dickert 219.
Tuesday Men's League
Ramblers - Milt Robbins 612, Hen-
sall Boomers - Mike Lebold 679, Fami-
ly Affair - Frank Humer 694, Market -
Jim Smith 614, La Crystal Balls - Kirk
Smith 697, Klondyke - Tom Smits 689.
Highrollers - Bernie Kelders 641, The
Hookers - Bill Pole 712, Rockets -
Gary Huston 882, Wayne Pien 769.
Teatotallers - Pat Flanigan 590.
Monday Pineview Park (:roup
Maureen Healey 499. Winiferd Ka-
man 428, Chris Morgan 369. John Ka-
man 443, Milt Robbins 540. H.S. -
Maureen Healey 181, Milt Robbins
Monday Grand Bend Seniors
Ron Dann 646, Jean Dann 569, Clay-
ton Lovic 444, Dorothy Cutting 408.
Aileen Ravelle 406. High single - Ron
Dann 249. Jean Dann 206.
Saturday Ladies Inter -town .
Molesworth 8 vs. Zurich #I 19. Bev
Cregan 776, Glena Tripp 764. Lucan 7
vs. Zurich 11 20. Joyce Hillman 745.
'Mary McDonald 619.
Saturday Y.B.C.
Bantams 3 games: Steven Munn 525
(199), Jenny Hardy 483. Ryan Parsons
446, Laura Shanks 426, Lucas Bruxer
401, Derek Ducharme 379. Leanne
Shanks 356. Matthew Laporte 337. Jen-
nifer Slittelholtr 326, Michael Klaassen
324, Jamie Bengough 319, Thomas
Groot 310, Chris O'Brien 303, Jona-
than Kelders 301. Jason Kelders 291.
Stephanie Groot 289. Aaron Datars
255, Jamie Johns 234, Lindsey Van-
Damme 223. Juniors: Jonathan Hardy
421, Jason Hardy 500. Peewees 2
games: Kevin Ducharme 174, Julia
Hardy 136.
Winter Olympics
McCurdy had their own style of curling at the Winter Olympics
on Friday but it requires just as much presicion as the regular
game as Hung Vo found out.
Endurance was the key to the sleigh relay. Jeffery Van Ber-
gen, on left, gets help from teammate Thomas Wood as the
go into the final stretch of the relay during the Winter Olym-
pics at McCurdy.