HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-02-23, Page 7DELI COMMLLN!TY St, Patrick's First Sunday of new season Church youth a priority for new assistant pastor EXETER - John Boyachek is breaking new ground. He was recently appointed the first assistant pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church. "The church is growing and the youth needed leadership," he said of the church decision to create the new role. And while he searches for a place to live in the Exeter area Boyachek is also busy familiariz- ing himself with new duties. "I will be taking care of Sunday evening services," he said. As well, he will be responsible for the youth ministry, visitation and helping out in the community. "I'm looking forward to getting involved in the Exeter community and helping out where needed," Boyachek said. Although he just began the part-time role on February 9, Boyachek said he already feels comfortable and welcomed in the community. "I enjoy the friendliness of the people in Exeter," said the Komo- ka-area resident. As for his role at the church, Boyachek will be setting the stage for future assistant pastors. He in- tends to highlight youth involve- ment in both spiritual and physi- cal activities with bible studies and gym nights. "I'm trying to find out who the youth are and what their concerns are," he said. "I want to be their friend and help them with needs." And finding a common ground to relate to the youth should be fairly easy for Boyachek who has lived in many different parts of Canada and the United States, r_ ' therefore has many experiences to draw upon. He graduated from the London Baptist Biblical College, majoring in Theology. Before this appoint- ment he was an intern pastor at his home church in London - the West Park Baptist Church. John Boyachek, the first assistant pastor at Emmanuel Bap- tist Church is already feeling comfortable and welcomed in his new role. l Granton WI meet for games of euchre By Muriel Lewis GRANTON - The Anglican parish bible study group met at Connie Ramsey's home on Wednesday after- noon, February 16. At the, St. Thomas' Anglican Church_ on Sunday, Februaiy'�l0, the Rev. Stephen Emery's message was about there being plenty of opportunity in the world to- day to become broken and sinful, but there is the assu- rance that God's forgiveness follows repentance. An evening Ash Wednesday service was held at the church on February 16 when Rev. Emery's message was about Lent as a time of the awareness of sin, con- fession and asking forgiveness. Service time next Sunday, February 27 is 8:30 a.m. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes' sermon was 'A Communion Medi- tation for Lent I' and the choir sang a Communion hymn. Flowers were placed in the church from the fu- neral of Frank Nairn, father of Elizabeth Garrett. Granton WI The Granton Women's Institute met at Nora Wis- sel's home on Tuesday afternoon, February 15. The fun day program commenced with some games of eu- chre when prizes were won by Florence Bryan for high score, Lillus Clatworthy for lone hands, and Becky Kindree for low score. Refreshments were then served by the hostess and Muriel Lewis. The meeting followed when the roll call was an- swered with 'A smile for the day'. Margaret Oakley read an article 'Happiness is' which illustrated the motto 'The secret to happy living is not to do what you like, but to like what you do'. Muriel Lewis chaired the meeting and gave a report of the district W.I. executive meeting which was held recently. The district annual will be held on the eve- ning of May 11 at Poplar Hill Baptist Church. Corre- spondence included information on the coupon book which benefits the Children's Hospital of Western On- tario; also about the F.W.I.O. Conference at Geneva Park in Orillia during the weekend of August 12, 13 and 14; the Farm Management course at Centralia in February and the World Health Day also at Centralia on April 7. New members and visitors always wel- come, call 225-2227 or 225-2578 for a program. Personals Get well wishes from the community to Jack Noon who has been a patient in St. Marys Memorial hospital since Monday of last week. Carol Wissel spent several days last week with her mother Phyllis Brown of Seaforth. courn-pywrLowp5( r � � 1 'i)l 1111�' 1 (f)1(.) (m, Childrens Classes March 16 - 2 p.m. Wicker Hat March 23 - 2 p.m. Bunny Puppet March 30 - 4 p.m. Fresh Chick Arrangement April 13 - 4 p.m. Raffia Tray. $15.00 per class Adult Classes - 7 p.m. March 21- Monday, Spring Swag March 22 - Tuesday, English Garden Wallbasket March 24 - Thursday, Victorian Valance March 28 - Monday Spring outdoor Wallbasket March 24- Tuesday, Silk Green Planter March 31- Thursday Victorian Country Wreath April 5 - Tuesday, Kitchen Wreath April 6 - Wednesday, Victorian Country Basket April 7✓ •- Thursday, Sweet Huck Arch Please note: Samples on display in store. Pre -registration and deposit necessary per class. No refund on deposit. PST & GST not included. For more information call 3ql mainGt• e)etcr 2352350 Times -Advocate, February 23, 1994 Page 7 STAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Holy Communion Service was held at 8:30 a.m. this past Sunday. Rev. Stephen Emery for his childrens focus talked of New Beginnings. This is the First Sunday of a new season of the church year. Lent is a time when we think about all the things Jesus did to help people and how we are "called" to live in loving ways just as he did, and we are reminded that when we forget to love others, God forgives us and invites us to begin again. Next Sunday, St. Patrick's Holy Adult Drop In Centre February 21 Carpet Bowling 3 games played Ray Smith 3 wins, score 54 Marion Dearing 2 wins, score 39 Doris Hackney 2 wins, score 31 Myrtle Gusso 2 wins, score 29 Cribbage 9 games played Ray Hodgson had a score of 802 land Lois Learn got consolat on. communion service will be held at 11 a.m. Lent 2 (Year 13). Scripture readings to be Genesis 17: 1-7, 15- 16, Romans 4: 13-25, Responsive reading Psalm 22: 23-31, The Holy Gospel Mark 8: 31-38. St. Patrick's dessert euchre and bake sale to be held at the Parish Hall Tuesday March 15. Mary Davis was recent dinner guest with Pete and Joyce Sovereign. Congratulations to Crystal Davis, 1st place winner in the Knights of Columbus free throw district championship at South Huron High School on Saturday for girls II years old representing Usborne Central School. St. Patrick's have been busy with their• meat pie fundraiser which has been most successful. Hazel Davis and Audrey McFalls were overnight visitors with Walter and Donna Brasca of Mississauga and attended City Line "Home Day" with Marilyn Denis on Thursday. Hugh Davis is attending the Ontario Good Roads Convention at the Royal York in Toronto a few days this week. — 46 G/'4„ --- since 1887 --- Iii "A Tradition adition of Fancily Service" ...where your confidence is well placed. Dinne FUTNI;ItAI. II0i I; INC. 471 Main Street, Exeter --- 235-35(X) • e 4 ogy BEATRICE CLASSIC ICE CREAM Assorted Flovows 529 21 tub rIGA PLU 2638 VALUABLE COUPON IGA LARGE EGGS While. Conodo Grade A ctn. 011 dozen . 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