Exeter Times, 1875-4-22, Page 4Te tree `loy hp boeem, ead Quki4cthe'dayLe•One 1 or two ? chevioee 11;0014 'etiered !hie breii s or Or ible ? 1 in or u out. Ife toolt a al la hold and nialited. Wig tIta1 of TuliwY teet in th6 pesitiene M'oet faVorable Palient ? Because it's eon- eight, 14? 01'...0,4"ereowi-,1„"te,§{,epteeg etant to no pill. pull, Whet was '0184 be heard ? A !Rao man observed that, he land A frantic eryofpnio Impossible, .lie two liegatw• e (41,14141es he never NY pulled again, and Again. tee meet the- iport:gatiieloabte,d, purl )1,e never wanted R ilowl$, prayers, arid :iiiitreatiee. But the boy's heart was 'like' adamant. 8t."i3bs teu onana€1°P,— lie pulled and pulled with a wilt. pre, Thian4Aus 'Weera Seetiou of stovepipe eently, be beard a thetnidingand a, eAPh' 10g during the ma2 deg seaeon. beneteng on he iloor. It was hie irate TTQW true, as D. jelipson says, that friend limping, towards the wihdow- t4 every man endextvore with his otmost mingled with hie tones .(hoarse with care to hide his poverty from others t,tid idteasa from himew. Tassieh And PlOh),001,,l,h1 -Pe-..11e,a01 Jit?' Criceof bsortby" ,,spbUse for " don't care Much ttbout the bugs," help. The window wae reached, it was 8314 Vir4.40,0iii.14,11,044 Of 'ft •gehte0',Opened, bust eame a Teutonic curse bet the fe'dt'i followed by P, ‘'Proriuding 1E IJ4s' '104, 417en't he blood to epare•; You spons4, 'fearing' he would frOiii pee that yelp:self, eludow to the paVeinent behrie,, clutch - 4t 44s i?eon discOyered that shaky ed his hablimeats With a frantieigrasp. .:Artuo 1,islit41Y, belong, to the Millerite The unrelenting urchin now ties the Pereuarl'en' be8'iuse t4eY all • 4°e1) the scl'h-q to the gt,iteand• vanishes. ;His, day of their going up a profound eeeret. guilty oak. has -cauglit'the• tramof a p„Pietepeageable gentleman in policinan..:'',Ent,bis work is', done.' He twaooct1yglVen u bW3l has avenged Vie heating.. 1:000 *Alt 4ilr1ane1ly late the eountrv V crilSkiAg' iCe ' #lad dainely animances ins determina- ' gen of devoting the .remainder. of his We to dispoyering the man who sent. him paving: stone, hy express, with $17 charges n zt A. NdYada Wonian 'recently knocked From ill° N"r;ikIrk Sun' 400140,44,444V4I+KAt.94.4e afti Ituuther• In the miat of tlieedreary rein. storm, Her lenabandevatelied her. from tnetop on Monday evening, the steamboat J,. Pf the' stark Ada felt so bri'nfill ofha't=1.13'.- gchuyler sailed from Pier 85, on her tle thafho evutIn't •cool-otf- until 1.1•,.. • ' • irst trip to Albany this, season. The Jft, t r Ca eitt 0 the Wia4; 40 th 4.: lwaw hiw. 1,01ne4,4,-,Importinlg 1 iii:, tint nollr Iti'e 'e 4 i 4114„0 (a" 0 f (104ble you, , ,ipitito tuv,..,94id, 1 .. oIX 1-1"14 gbesti, . rollud4, AP, 4,0Per,11,111,111 Iltil'+'04 1- ers ere not OvoWaed la/ felt thestring Oh -what ithequ 41 . 0 ,Ei y ihany etreet, Mrs. "%feeder at the time 4"t5 Ougtig04 at her household duties, U and alt of stidden elle was astonished • Phd 4,144fOnntled: tteilerding tO her etate- ntent, .kiy\rbti>t seemed. to be 4 'ef ,liigiIitt'ti'bi 1,141'01' 7:4.44tathl: 444.eli1:1144,st wfla o overcome by tile strange occurrenee that she 'eereamed at' butthe light having disappeared, elie• regainod' her emizposiire, and to ber still greater a„ ctonisirment, happeningto cast her eyes ...t.Witl'aS e Ceiling Of where she was at the thno ehebaw the mark .of child's foot en ,tlie overhettd„ She'etood a moment contemplating.the ob,teet on the ceiling-, when she saw an - Oilier mark, preeisely like the first, he' ,gin to (lovely') itself on the ceiling, which, "coon apPeztred in fall, beieg, the print of, a child's, foot corresponding exaetly to the ether one. Size became alarm., ed and rilshed from theroonl- • l're:•10,4"' g to a neighbOr's siM called in another woman, anti,byt4 Watehed the envious affair. Soon after other' foOtprints de- veloped themselves on the,, wall, when. anotherslatly was,ealled in, but the foot- prints continued to Multiply. This cu- rious development ;Went on until the eeillug of' the kitchen was almest cov- e re:a these tracks' CTO sin. ,the Walt in dilrerent'line'S of 'directien, 'and soon after similar marks were seen in quite a nupabeCon the ceiling of an 'adjoining bedroom. The marks,,in heth roems ,Mr.'ete o s fOot, and preei ely, alike in alr'regpeets. '''Phe'deiling';' like all het this time Year, is moro e ottlid,; ,• leeft colored, and the/Marks op ,,t4J3 wall look like whito. spots of the foot shape. The marks are still on the wall- althotigAehle,ef•theMlliaVe been u1-. bed off. .1,deesit sale. CApTAIN HANCOCK FIGIHNG HIS WAY UP THE ,HDDSON., lute jerked his,eight-year old bay out of bed and "whaled" him sMindly for not getting up and helpeug his Motner. A young. Washing tonein,who has j net I been appointed an army paymaster and ordered West, gets the following good ft seud, off" front the Notiintal Repul1i- paii,1,,,As a leader of the German, he • etands) without a rival in this city. No caniii' meeting or pigeon match could suecesstelly conducted without hie preOniee, ,Tiz the sewing eirele lie was iwpyl wele,ome, and wheu there was a preeentatiou te be made, Roche alone eould'elo it properlyin fact, every - bad' loves .‘ Jim' Roche. The ladies praise; him, the children cry for him, puddle colored people call him "Moses." Yesterday, was indeed an eventful day in tli.et lifd of a, lady on• west Jackson aitrip on the street Cars tpStaAe :street anilback, she saw a love- liest polonaiee pattern she ever saw in her life, theliapeomest fellow .she ever eawin her•life, the handiest woman she ever ea.w iniher life, got the worst fright she ever had in her life from the druuk- t.st Man she ever sa-w in her life, never Was insulted insulted in her lice as she was by a'young manovho spoke to her OD theyar,-and finally got home feeling imOre,,tired thou she had ever felt in 0 her -life. -• Oirrister on the Oxford Circuit(to witness)—" Now; sir, what is the char- acter •;.•„ of the pfaintiff ia this suit f‘ Her choa:gaer is slightly matrimon- .aarrisitor" What do you mean by, a•Slightly matrimonial character ?" Witness --1" She's been -married three A ,young,mait..bf Cairo, Ill.,while talk- , ing..to an old grey -headed darky on tile extre 'Me cOld weather, asked the oldrinan I f heoulci, explain the reason. The Pittman said, " Why, yes, dare a,int any. it. I can explaiu det in41;Ont a minit. Don't you 'mem- 1.104at OU123.81, what we lad las' fall -2 i'ane,don't,you 'member'dat we ,haclea, yartliquake about dot time ?" The soling man answered that he did not ie eneneber the eircumstauces, when the pld.man said, "Well, de fact is dat cony= gt striick disyarth andeauseddat yo,rtlk quake', and;it butted so hard dat it (lone pent dis ya,rth about tree or four hun- drediniIes furder north, and dat's de cazi-seof the peasant cold weather. One of the New York papers states that lomebody'the other day stole a very 'yaltiable buil dog from Central Park .tnenagerie in that city; and I have telt eve since as if I would like to get ac- quainted With'the thiefA man who is eapabte of stealinglita bull dog hal ta- lent that is sufficiently remarkable to exiitle, him to thoughtful consideration. sUppose for a small indueemeut such a nun as that would pick np a couple of Bengal tigers elide hyena and walk off with them, and if I owned a good wild cut I would not 'ike to leave him alone With it. I think this man must be re- lated to a boy in Potts Ville. i?enn. It is stated in `one of the Pottsville papers that "a boy of 13 ran away with a cir• tale frem ;this „place -last ?,yeeek." And this, it seen:18,6 'me,u.-atherlays over the operation of the emoazzler of the 'Ha" is abby'of 13 'Who dis- 4ains stealing a single animal, but aet- ieally confiscates an entire circus and de- pamPS4rit1i it: Destiny. points tna;da'-• rear in Congrese_ fgt.. this boy. When think of "tfiii manlier in .'•W1iCii"21.1e would put thi.bligh-a, 'grab, I 'feel as if the:country was 'entitled to )ifg'gersices. at Washington. Ira 'night prove to be invaluable if le. should take a notion to steal the WasthingtOzi monument, or LO plope with the'Patt 'Office, just before the anitibtl,avalanehe of reports de- geendell,iiPon, the country. IMM=••••• A PRACTICAL Toth.—Situated ou Bed.ford,avenue, New York, is a largo grocery store, owned by an irasible Teu- ton, Between the boys of that neigh- torhOdtVand hiMsolf " war, to the lcuife," hac't been inaugrated, 4•nd frequ- ent elrirmiehes were the result. It the' summer season the beys would a teal his apple a and water melons. This he Tesented, Aria lite& eti4entte`lis efforts to preViit t, One niglit, anticipating a fad& ho Idoked fLirtli fr6in his store, and saw a boy in the -act of cf carrying way a Iyater, nielexo. , .Fils brow grew dark, And, tinobeervddi he „seized a eownide. A satInic grin over spread ti st sountenstnee, Then he stole out of the hsiek doer, and with noisiess foot= iitepa aPpreached the unhappy 'youth, it oncolacious of peril. '‘Dtitehy" (as: .he by ,,61,11Pd .11i44) Mo. I a quick rush aratind the corner,and 81ized ono of the tOrmenterS. He looked at him a me - init, and then asiced, ',' Vat for you Vaiting foe an Answer, he plied his theal Mine Vater Illt110110 `?" WillItnit 'CONVili(1R "41g0I0t1Sly, until he was corn - 'ailed from exhaustion to stop, lie I have. teach yon for ehteal etelone ?'' Rs than alloW* free, After this this If reeled pleesiantly On., litith Or two until one of Card refit' fitivel contrivalice Drew and the Schuyler mere both to have started at ,G,,•e'cleek but the al2'.01'S of the. Drew depided, at the last mitinte,,thatetherte„,„,e,,teeeeeeeee?: eeee much ice in the„ river for safe naviga- tion, and announced that th&flrttij would be made •to -night. The last barrel was not rolled on to the &hay- . . ler's deck until atter 9 o'clock, and it was half past 9 before, the„pilot's sig- nal was sounded and the enginefruoVed. No boat had tried the passage ,frOna New York to Albany sines last fall, and every arrangement was made for a rough trip. The barrels of sugar with the lower deck was loadedovere piled ae,cereftilly as if for an arctic von.; age;. andethe rolls of wall pup" veldt hoies6fe codheh filled the little' holes and cornerS'. The Schuyler was short of deck hands-, but she;leas, vell officered, Cnn doreHnoof iind' tWo of his sons being in counnand. Before she reachedYonkers, one of her boil- ers was nearly disabled. The pumps stopped working, and whenthe donkey engine began to throw COLD WATER into the Voila:, it, w,(4 bard to' keep up steam. In a short time, however, the machinery was in order, and worked finely. The thirty or forty deck pass - augers stowed themselves away on, the long row of barrels ; and as many in the upper saloon drew ground the- wa:ren tire and told Stories, or read the even- ing newspapers. Before eleven o'clock everybody who ha a berth was asleep in it, as those .who had none made then). - selves as a's comforteble as they Could on the cold, sloppy, lower deck. At one o'clock, when the Schuyler was opposite Poughkeepsie, everybody was awakened hy,ancratali. , Bythe time that the,pelot'S Signal -had reached the engine room, the passengers were on deck', On every side, woe. fieldeefeiege, Not the smooth caleS,lliat TOD'k as you might' Walk aehore on -them; but. great blocks ; cubes, triangles, and cir- cles; big cakes standinebstraight on end, and looming iiplhearly asiiih' a's the smoke stacks ; lithle pyratnidw of frag- ments ; uiniature iceburge ;, iu every imaginable -shape; *ainVio'ein quantities sufficient to stop eery boat on the river. The engines were rever- sed, and With all steam on the boW was thrown against one of the high. walls. of muddy,,- dirtydge. The -sleet broke, andlilioWer of la fellAiPfin the UPPer, deck. Another attack had the same, result. The deck hands armed poles ancIPiln'S;cIithd o.yt1fe'raide, and' clainbe;red,on ithe floatrng ico%,",cakes.1 Again andagain the 'vessel was forced against the field, but with no percepti- ble result. The ice reached as far as the bright lanterns could _light, up the river; and as it was going iloWn with the tide, the Schuyler was eapidly though unwillingly returning tn. 'New: York. After '- HBT,JqR 4r sr an hour •and -it- half Of; bliokiiig` against this fiehl of ice, the Schuyler was forced to baek dowin'eand skirmish • around the:edges .foeette pa-S.444P near the -shore. ;.• 'A' had Stopped,raining, and :the .i.igh,t,:•:,,wit's;eleay.„Nar t1i „.eat opening as tight' squee'eing,anelintich patienCelie 'Plueky 1ittl boatinade berwaythe'oligh, Loot by foot., „The ,field of icewaseiipat-! :ly a .quarter ot a mile lo,ag.ii44, tlie entire Width of the thia'dew Wen t dowh the-haYe with' ''the.' ebb t.ide tile la .t ice was 'out of the Hudson river. After the passengers lza,d dosed' for three er fp:Ili:hours in berths that, had a goat ianr SP,ria,g4 enough blaultete; daYlight ,,iinvolei them '‘,:tel the fact that the SnieW wasfalling tIj6 an1:. fast;''The window parieS 'were' covered' With it, tlie pilot's house was hidden - by it, and the „.sle,:,epy.seste Weer d -evaer„ sweeping, it fronie"thp linnet sounding of the, gong showed that .1.10, pilot was creeping,„ his way. along, every ,tiiing-leeing done by :gneei work and the kneWledge oftoeality that ainan will acquire after year of Ser., 1406. ' We' couldn't have a ,,blte'irAz;tif a the wheel;" said an old '‘.05:16 ,$ to a passenger, 4, He`g4ifaviilett:-..ti itild down that river for forty-two years, and there ain't a foetof it that he don't „ -• When the SahuYier redelied citOctir aim Was jellied by tlik.c ity of Itiidlion, and, alif,tlo 'Oeifig"*ilsi,doiie. TheCity Andsen Waslight,d if not for' her many landings, could liaYe. easily flown ahead'. ach boat -was,' ahead ''eseVeral' tiinee in. Wen, and it was about an even thing at the finish, The Schuyler was a epectitcle when he i'eaelied Albany. :VOie•,iiptieredetili:St 'Were: eavered...Voth six'‘hechts, o allow I allIlie.expoeed parts 'Of her mitehinety Were White. ; and htet.' wheels:- Clitirtia, p the srio eN44Y4ievr., 1 The. firsttrip of the :SeitentifrOili,: NeW Y4Al to Albaey Wii4ended At hair Past 11 on Unetday nierning, 'after vb,ttge, .144 totaitigirA .fo.t. ot,ttly:1 fifteen hours through snow and fee ikott ; .i0.1)8(1 hij l vr yir rey en now, .1),titt.tha,..•01.,Tv. tystlg a b. 1 140t 0, ft, ottitglo:iii 00 • Afiti, Iraq; 114:0,te " .Meeite Chribteki ekiipe:!frbin the sack in which he , Miaafhifig' into 4he eh from th,e.,Cha,te,4441:fehas,been,4144,4techebY .0. .1iflCur , - Teti theedispleasure of a ngn aripeit Shiraz, :14011m:timed Mirza was condemned to be fastened up in 'a seek withza viper, cock, and a cat, and after an hour's time, when the happy family had. improved their „acqemintance, the saelnaad its contentS tcehe thrown into the riVer. V eFor' t in401y for Mohammed Mina his executioners forgot to eearch his [locket which coetained a small Directly the mouth of the sack was closed upon Lim and. his 'compae- lolls, he cat inehalf- .the viper, which already en c Vlingi his leg e, thee eock' incl.:44 were: ne4illotate11ed,' arietmilq Persian occnpied the remoinded of his hour by simulating a, violent, fight of the animals arid, giving:ferth the most excruciating cries: of agony. In due time the sack and all were consigned to the water, and then Mohammed Mirza, epeedilyfreeing hims,eff fromt lie prison, , gained the other side' of thP river, nid came post haste to Europe, for the fur- ture a voluntary exile from the father- land. ' '• ' ' Peowiteo.-4n plowing OD 0 may " make more hate' but get "less greod." No plow Should be put into reunff that is wee, ,or when thp .,soil sticks to a bright moil hoard.' Il wateris seen in the furrow, plowing should be stopped although the surface may seem dry. The nearer plowing tand seedling can be ' hien;!ght .togethel. the bettor it'will be for crOP:` 'It will be better to run two plows by and by, than begin -a day too soon. There is plenty:of work to do before one begins to plow. Top dressing meadows or fall grain, will be foundfilefut:- Spread the ina- urvefllyubbi1i if any re.= Mains, and go over it with a brushantr efow as soon as the gruundee dry enough. SEEDS.—If a full supply of seeds has not been procured, no time should he' lost. To lose a week ,, or. so at teed time, because seedgmen are crowded, or to go without scarce ...seeds, :becanse the stock is exhaueted,is,!a loss of neon- ey. The best,-, freshest .:,and eleanest. seed only .ehMild be ,used, . 'A!echange of seed is desirable, eSPeCiallY of snch grains as peas, oats, or -wheat, which ,are Vtaekediwith' we (3etra,iore4,e74 in Weight in'oni.."clitnate.' 'Early pasturiag is a mistake. The :StoOk. arefinilde :their appetite for dry fo,Od:1i '1u1phug Is Very hifii-rioui''to t1i S'Oft does noterecover leonel,t for many years. The injury tothe grass iseeeroties. until th(i.n dry aTiththef is a fall hife alien the paStilres.' ,paetaireeee meadow in the spring. '..,,!..k.goodestipply of green fodder never comes amiss. Cows at pasture will al- wayette a meal of fresh green fodder, Ond if helps the milk pail. An acre or two 'Of'-feil, plewed. ground should be liberallY top dre'sSed.with Manure, and Or "vetehes. The greuria:thfie05e-iiiii:de rich 2't letispels of oata:. Or barley,' and 3.4'ef peas or Yetches.shoutihe sown. ISIITNG' TACKLE,' i.S`71IbEES'ALE SALE AND RETAIL. Dundttsoireet, London, Ont., have now opened out a fine line of fishing Tackle goods, also a ,cheaper quality for boys, comprising,in part Beni - boo Poies,,ilointetiillecl,a yrtillting SticIrltoda,Recle,' Baskets,'ilandinghnd Minnow Nets, Artifice:111M+ cotton, Linen, Beaded Linern:Vhite Riiir and silk, Twisted Sillt„and,, Oiled' Silk rinicii.i0iihte bogie), fly loon, hooliii14.ctss ferules, hooks to gut, hooks to girop,rtying`Ot,girep by the yaid,. sinkors, floats, fUrnishod linos, rods., tips, nings'and keepers, Brass Swivells, etc., etc„ oto.- Send,by i,o,,st4or CARRIAGE - WORES begs to return thanks to ilia hamoroti4 custom ere tor the large petrenegehestowod aeon hitri" during tho lwttityyeari fie has carried on bus- iness in Crecliten, and hopes, hy the class of work he terns out to merit a continuance of the game in the future, - y shop in tlie district to show more 'Or bet. tor inatoulah Or tti‘,:prodttee bettcvwork, 1461dfly •;•''' :$11'itlAge6*' f:'4itti,14Sti'ye,iltir,iatailtiOugittil Mid Sim the Cliffer.43•:•Kteiglika ,11:13` , „ IVO CONVENT- ); ksittlet,(,,,ipWc41,1iligl,104190 pie V/ M.V;,, Ir. ELL10'11- T:WG. -0 )1(1,AL men say that xothi.u-iieo ira- portant to geed health as a ineuz corm fortebly warnied. Tlio season of year is now at Maid when you will require the very best AN BJSSETT BROS beg to satfliat they have just received One or the tarps 4004 An the county,' consisting of Stoves of, every haetit desien and the best ufacturcs, which WILL WSPLD REASONABLY CTIEAP Their 015 and alwayslias been to satisfy cus- tuners. Hardware, TillWATO Copper -ware etc always 021 113.11(.1. Also the Warrioc It Alto ,and. 1,900 LB „SCALES:13'211 118. Old Itags, Copper, iron, etc., bought. I3I58 ET T 131105.' EXETER, pA- 7.131Nipr,.mikit.,UNtliiiiiTAREBS, tnvko this opportunity to inform the inhabitants of this and surroundingsectionsthat their Now Hoarse Is noW„completed, and they do not hesitate in say4; ing thatit is One of the best hi this.we'steru part. Our +11N liblIgl'AKING Department, as heretofore, will he foundbill, very efficient condition. Collins -plain and ornionen tat,- SABO,' shrouds, oto Fumarals furnished oi the shortest notice and moat reasonable terms. N'.'11 -A good assortment of FURNI'l'ORE c.1- waysin stook kril st '74 52.1y The Dominion,Organ ^ R AOIIQULTURAL WORK THE BEST ()Q4BIN.E1):It.48,pE.R.. ..•)1•6:* . ,....i,pi.T...414:potim•ON • • TITRE SIIING 74AolliNEs pen ttiii; getablisilnuelit aro 50 well knowh that any eeconuriendatio'ne weuld be imperitupun The Three - "Wheo)4, gang ,121cm. made by ). R. Moore, PlahaiS pleoodenee of anYthlug Of the kind in the Dominion, WAGONS ofettperior workmanship and na1erial, Patent DozniuionLand Itolleret P1oWS,111ti.Vatbrs, Sed Drills,'Broad-cast Sowers Soullleis, Sugar -kettles Aud Ceuldrone, end every other kind of Agricultural illuPleuXenta on hald OT wade to order. • JAMES R. MOORE, Rior . , St. Mary's, july 1, 1874 - EXETER 1KERY max. SICZNITEXI, FANCY 1311E41?:?&NP.kSOU' IT'BA011, & CONFECTIONtli, EXh1TB.,, while ioturning his sincere thanks to the inhabitants a Exeter and surrounding villages for their past liberal pationage, Loping to merit it continuance, of their favors, would call their attention to Lis largo stock of • Cakes, Crackers and Confectioner. , • FBUTT 'CA4E$, 15 VENTS „TER POUND Wedclialg$ id ::Parties' a Speciality. • ••'- Fresh Bread constantly on hand at Exeter and North lilx,eter Post (lIflo'es,and 3. Short' Orediton , -an d lilikil oil's,,c(nta Alla. Ft inilies.,w ail 13 cn • ' Exeler, APri110, 1874- (37-cf: A. SKINNER, , • LONDON, . . • • ..').0111( ELI OTT, PROPrUETORI 0 ••••• .mnTutirszapil4cwers, Cultivators, P1ow,..2, A N D ALL 'KINDS OF il-ITZEIvals4Tif#7,P...391", FARMERS' AM WELL PICKAD are just now opening out a lot of -w SPBI - GOODS Owing to the aejresiou n trade They have Bought 4 number of and are now prepared to offer •CiEAPFST Goeds ever offered in the,Village, Liarceine. .,"e1,7.1".V.!SkamiqPirnestigi , I BOWMANITILLE, ONT. ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, Callan(' see our , 85. [i ORGAN Spiendi L Success Taking Everywhere , Imniense Nunaber Sold. , „N. —Old Ins,trurnents takeh eeellange for new. instruments constant14 on hand at J. Drew's iyurnituro WitreLroein. ' Music, Stools In TO $1. V.5,each. Setidlor Circular„te ;CPedlar a g fExEIT,Rm. o. oneral Agent. , THOMPSOICT 89 WILLIAMS , 'Ati,RICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Boiler, and Engine Works ,ITCHEI.J1J, ONT. Two- , (IS re.'we. This machine has been thoroughly tested and ENTIRE, 'SATISFAQTION Ilis supplied with e • J3ANTD''WT-TERE. for driehig' Straw C-qtter, Crushe; Oiother machinery, -witheUt eXtra expense ex I copt for the,belt. A 41RIAL 01.41ERED. Ah kInarl'4 ‘,; Farmingimplements fccpt colistantly, on lianti; • . • OI -LER SIOP Lull- opeirel Atii 6 order, st,a% AddRee, Sit dol ' t15, litil118 ta t Mt4oll, Ont.: ted4h,oeybor isitit. SEED DRILL. This implement hail. a double distributing grain cup, and admitted to be the best baton tile public. I am now busily engngi d making 2h 30 for the sp ing , seeding, and will be Pre- pared to supply thou 0, 30, 11, 12 tubes each, with tube shifter or without, according to or- tler, and will endeavor to 10 (3p ou liend either kind and size to tupply any who may not have given their order. The style, ilnish, ahd mat( r:01 used 'oil be found all Mist eau be deiired, and, if equalled, not surpassed in 'Western Canada. • o •, This requires no introduction. It 1305 become a necessity to L., r not On y as a labor- saving implement, but in the inn eased quantities of grain saved by raking the stubble after the. reaper,. lu , various xyaya it cap be used to (alvtintage- • The experience of the last two seaAnti' has di:Cid:ea:Me to 'use round -steel instead of the oval for teeth, as being,the best adapted for the work,not only the sti (ingest and 3east liable to break, but holds in position the best, not nearly. so tint to straddle apart and miss in raking. At the Wtstern Fair 1. took First Prize in •Sulky Baker; beside that, C. Tayror. I am making the Litchfield Bake. 11 is very much like the lthica. In the eastern. States end the Loth' Provinces it hos taken, the lead of all others.' 1 made ten-c`if thun hat senstm as an eiperiment. Lev have given ample satisfaction. 1 will be i•eady in seasen -with beth kinds, and hope to be able.to supply all tho may favor me with their order. Last season 1 was short fully one hundred rakes. ,JOHN ELLIOTT Phanix Foundry, Corner .13,ntlutr4 a9,d ,Weltingion Sts., London, Ont. FAL A R IVALS ICKARD EXETER has just opened out the largest most complete beet assorted and cheapest lot of goods ever brought into this part of the country. lmportecl. all of his Dry -Goods from He is able to do it„little better than any'other hong° iri thie part of the cormtry, , and does not hes tato to say that , . liEha,s the tAit6g4T ZIOCICO IPC4ODS,I11111.0C01111TY 'And as,cheap as can he found anywhere inarket,price paid for all kinds, of produce. Ii'anaeniter this is the Oldest, Established' Ilouse in the County ,91090Zit6 *lie 1060 ot.fice. -CA T CjAll'r .,'ashioriable, BOOT Sign of ‘th6 (t Big Boot Ontario acioniet the ieheletstettS of this end Ow, Etiti'.ottn*g coitttry, atict thoec'elSititee feteee inarket,' that he hag onisSaiei ii arge rAook "Of llootS. and: 811608 oJ h'i,(Eivrt mino 1114(400y also imported ; CAN SETI,eAT .P.1.1:,[01,1,f8 TO 1)1.1b'Y''. COMPETITION( t ie is Ptdinfiffid to AO ordo'rerin taliMA 12:110 ciapicya nolo l'irstweln to:thine/1, and Meg ning othbut rire'teelnes $toek,, ' CATIICAIITe . • . 01.11) KRUPT 7 -- Just secured: a 'large Bankrupt to ch ATA. -rethendo' s e ue- tient which will be cleared out at -prices TO AST6NISH— VERY - FIFTY 0vEB0?:01P. A 1 I/71 La - BARGAIN,. FORTY CHEST of the T EA -- in the country At -WHOLE SALE PRICES SAMPLE S FREE call and get one, and try it. T., GREENWAY Centralia, December 24,1874. T. G. has been appointed agent for THE BOYAL " Sewing 'Machine, whieh is acknowledged to be the Best ever put upon the market. Direct PTO= Baltiznere, 35 c. - - per can. 3 cans for §1.00 Five Pounds Best 'Tea in FIxeter, $4.50 Ten Pounds for $8:50 GROCERIES - proportip, at the EXETER GROCERY & LIQUOR STORE •nmommaeoni•11 mom. - CEDAR POSTS Look Like e.:(ViCarL 1 Bails & or d -w cod' Ilave'Yoite C1othitig10,1Fit Yoti vontfortably dreatiy. DERSONSieqnhing Bails, Cedar Posts, 'Or' Cordwood, can be, supplied by applyMg to , THOS. GBEEITINAY, Centralia • or, W.H. OltEENWAY oto the prelnises, Lots 7 rind9, North Boundary, Stephen. 0949 PIZOTOCIIIAPIES OPIAS. SENIOR having removed to the stand. laely-OccuPied. by Mr. C. Routh - cotes, tailor, lian compintely,reuovated the prem. ists and aryangod attulio 00 -523 to command On of the Pest Lights in Canada ' is prepared to eictotta 3(0(510finotscIa.ss al Aickildrredging 112151 pa (205 50, lie beg's aeon tam. 'alle‘of the 'favors of In( Attention, is Called to his kook 'of re arree, ,to,, having on hand it,goed Soleetien 01 wouldings, ;and being prepared. to Make frames il xnedersto IlLt013,— Itesid5nICO5phOt0grflphe0. Phetagmpliewhou re- toucluel, $1 per drnl.; Cabinets, el' Imperials •ft . ' New Tailor P Vt7-.-liteAlt,TZTEV 1.111GS to intimate'to the itiliabitanta of Exeter arid Viehility that ho 12a opened a New Tailor shop IN '1I:8Alt itisselirs littletter.44op encurrep, where by Striet attention to huSineSilia thoptat 110 ,ffierit fair share of patronage, 0001) FIT GIJAIIANIFFD. P AN:If-CUTTING, A SP ECIA.L7 W. ittetcr, (Thizeoy. , 1t723 11/ CO. fully . aware of the fact that tho people of Exot, or 10;a gnrrounding boo/Any-have it taste for thati 'irytiich fa cinufortabld and 'heat; and more especi, aily in their clotbi'ng apparel, have, in order to, Meet this demand, opened 001 22 ' Gents' Furnishing & Tailoring Establish't it the standltitely eecupied by lifr. 1. Vishborm where they intend keemng constantly on hand, a Won -assorted stock Or the latest styleS of TW E E 04, qOATIAIGSi VC, Mr Bright' bast M13 charge 'of the, tanning d,o- nartment, and brings birn no unenviable re -i putation age. cutter., Parties buying clothe may rely on Mu -chasing. thdro 'as cheap as ever they s purchased goede in,ExOter, besides having TIIEM CUT FRh'E OF CHARUA Kii" A perfect lit guaranteed. , A.TOIN.TYRg & 00, ..• 311 502', Match, VACTOB,i, ,L ° 0 ,16.1,4,.I.1Ay calla inform the inhabitaas of Hay, Stephdll' and 1.1sborne, that be itartitfrtettiros all kixia4. tho IgOICSINGER VATT IgOltet tJM for whicheie has the exelnsiee. right for; ithe abeve.rioned townships, Tim Subscriber f.00k ootmont tiTl12t ho aptify ti,080 111 volt pumpsi as to•ivorknanstip and etudity, and a (inch prieee that be CAN,. NOT 13,111potlivNt&til.01118?1JD 1,1.4_, 110, Meevreeeetty.--One-i'onrtli nettly of thesi3Iajit of Iihieter, an Lot 7, Itay, Londor N lel::(Ct„ (11:1111s4lel'titga re ast'teiett'el(ieleciiproth l. ets' 1.if"")t'' GEO 130LT0li liftY$ April 16218741 Gni.