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Times -Advocate, February 16, 1994
Mc�flflvray students and
board go for greed team
By Catherine O'Brien
T -A staff
A1LSA CRAIG - Traditionally,
a solid education emphasised
reading, writing and arithmetic or
what is commonly referred to as
the three R's. But now there
is a fourth element - re-
And in recogniz-
ing the importance
of recycling the
Middlesex County (r♦
Board of Education L
is encouraging re-
cycling programs in
all its schools by es-
tablishing Green Team
The Green Team members are
student representatives as well as
parents, members of the commu-
nity and school staff including
the secretary and a custodian.
The purpose of the team is to
promote recycling in each school
and think up creative ways to re-
duce waste.
"There have always been ef-
forts towards recycling, but now
its wider based," said Mary Anne
Brown, principal at McGillivray
Central Public School.
But now students and adults
are more aware of what can and
can't be recycled.
"I was surprised at all you can
recycle," said Jesse Abraham, a
Grade 6 student on the team. '1
didn't know there were so many
different kinds of paper," said
Grade 8 student Tony Isaac.
Abraham, Isaac and Grade 7
student Aaron Lealess came up
with the idea of putting up pos-
ters in their school to let the other
students know what can be recy-
"The posters should really
help," Abraham said.
"We need to come up with oth-
er ways of making the school
green," Lealess said referring to
future committee meetings.
The hoard initiative began in
January and schools spent the
first month promoting awareness.
The school, Brown said, is an
excellent starting point for stu-
dents to learn good recycling
habits. "The kids will
then bring it to the
community and
get their families
Brown said
schools, like
many other insti-
tutions, generate a
lot of waste.
And the board of
education wants stu-
dents, staff and administrators to
be aware of this and try to reduce
where possible.
One area that is targeted is
paper. "Schools are paper gener-
ating," Brown said.
Now administration is more
conscious the number of newslet-
ters it produces.
Brown said the school makes
an effort to ensure only one
newsletter is sent to each family
rather than each student getting
She said it may seem like a
The Green Team at
McGillivray Central Public
School help to promote
awareness of the
enviroment and the need
to recycle. Green team
members are from left:
Aaron Lealess, Grade 7;
Tony Isaac, Grade 8; and
kneeling is Jesse
Abraham, Grade 6.
sn Il step, but at the end of the
ye that's a lot of paper.
s well, the school is encourag-
ing staff and students to bring gar-
bage free lunches another way of
reducing waste. "The goal is for
everything in the lunch to be recy-
cled," Brown said.
She said simple steps such reus-
ing sandwich or lunch bags can
really cut down on the amount of
"In a school with over 200 kids,
saving that many bags a day adds
up," Brown said.
They try to recycle everything
from paper, to cans, bottles and the
school is even into composting.
Right now the school' is focus-
sing on efficiency and in the fall
they will be doing what is called a
trash tally.
"We will see how much garbage
the school generates in a day."
Brown said.
She said the recycling program
has many positive results beyond
helping the environment.
"It develops leadership skills in
all students as they take the initia-
tive at home and in the communitv
to change recycling habits," Brown
Valentine's luncheon
By Mary Peterson
CE:NTRALIA - On Sunday, Feb-
ruary 13, Rev. Clare Geddes and
Peggy Campbell -Geddes led the
service of Holy Communion at
Centralia United Church.
In his sermon, "Twilight Travel-
lers", Rev. Clare Geddes described
the appearance of Jesus to weary
travelers after his resurrection, as
written in Luke 24:13-35. As Rev.
Geddes explained, "it's easy to live
through life's immortal hours and
not realize until later what has real-
ly happened."
The service was followed by a
lovely Valentine's luncheon served!
by the Sunday School. Everyone
appreciated the attractive decora-
tions and tasty assortment of sand-
wiches and cupcakes.
We extend our sincere sympathy
to the family of Paul Klemke who
has passed away.
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Vaientine Bake Sale
There were lots of treats to pick from at the Lioness Valentine Bake sale in Exeter last Friday.
Volunteers Mariam Rider, on left, Phyllis Haugh and Janet Mason display some of t,'4e goodies
that were available.
Family night in Varna
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - Family Fun Night held
Friday at the Stanley Township
Complex was quite successful
again with many families attending
this annual event.
Spot dances were won by Kathy
Glenn, Emily Ratcliffe, Jason
McBeath, Maryanne Hayter, Chris
Talford and Leanne Keys.
The Adults Spot Dance was won
by Beatrice and Ron Fleming.
There were several picked out for
the best twisters. Rachel Haney,
Sue VanMilten, Becky Robinson,
Jason Beierling, Mathew Triebner
and Sarah Broadfoot.
Dianne Peck won the Valentine
Bouquet of Flowers.
Hot dogs were served as usual
along with the homemade cookies
and squares brought by everyone.
The Stanley Township Rec Com-
mittee sponsors this event and are
now making plans for the Annual
Canoe Rally to be held April 10 so
get your canoe dug out and shined
Ball Registration is also going to
he in April.
The Rec Committee would also
like to know if there are any youth
in the local arca interested in run -
ning the concession booth at the
Stanley Township Ball Diamond.
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Please leave a letter at the Stanley
Township Office with attention Rec
Committee if interested.
The Goshen U.C.W. will meet
Thursday, February 17 at 8 p.m. at
the home of Jean Bennett.
The Varna U.C.W. Crokinole
Party will be held February 25 at
the Varna Church at 8 p.m. with
proceeds to go to the Clinton Public
Six of the members from the
Crokinole Club in Varna attended
the Crokinole Tournament at the
Lambton Museum and Joe Fuiop
took home the first place trophy.
The Crokinole tournament for
both young and old will be held the
week of March 14-19 at the Huron
County Museum in Goderich. You
must register by March 11.
An interesting video about how
the Canadian Foodgrains Bank runs
in the local areas and in Ethiopia
was shown on Sunday in both Var-
na and Goshen churches. Donations
will be taken next Sunday.
The teens Youth Group will meet
Sunday, February 27 at 7 p.m. at
the manse to discuss new plans
the rest of the year.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on behalf of the Corporation of
the County of Huron, an application will be made to the Legis-
lative Assembly of the Province of Ontario respecting the com-
position of the council of the County and the voting members
for an Act as follows:
1. In this Act
"County" means The Corporation of the County of Huron.
"local municipality" means a town, village of township in the
County that is not separated from it for municipal purposes.
2. Despite section 26 of the Municipal Act, the council of the
County shall be composed of the reeve of each local munici-
3. Despite section 26 and 28 of the Municipal Act, the votes
in county council shall be as follows:
(i) Each reeve shall have one (1) vote.
4. This Act applies with respect to the composition of and
votes on the council commencing December 1, 1994, and
subsequent years
5. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal
6. The short title of this Act is the County of Huron Act, 1993.,
A copy of the draft bill is available in he office of the Clerk -
Administrator of the County of Huron, Court House, 1 Court
House Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2.
The application will be considered by the Standing Committee
on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an inter-
est in the application and who wishes to make submissions.
for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on
Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing , the
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Queen's Park, Toronto, On
tarso M7A 1A2.
Dated at Goderich, this 18th day of January, 1994.
Solicitors for the Corporation
of the County of Huron,
18 The Square,
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3Yof
Solicitors for the Applicant.