HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-02-09, Page 30Page 30 Times -Advocate, February 9, 1994
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Your Views
Letters to the editor
Response from OFA
"Agriculture biggest business in Huron
Dear Editor:
In response to your editorial on February 2 "OFA Should Recon-
sider" I think some of your statements need to be corrected.
You wrote that the OFA is "too busy counting their new found
monies because of a huge increase in membership". With only 30
percent of the registration forms returned to date the OFA or CFFO
will not know their exact membership until well into the year. With
businesses having 90 days from the date of their registration dead-
line to apply for a refund, it will be mouths before membership
numbers are known.
For years, OFA has had a stable membership of 20,000. Stable
funding is a risk for every general farm organization. No one can
predict what the final membership numbers will be.
A committee has already been formed to look at the OFA's future
structure and its relationship with commodity organizations. If peo-
ple want the benefits of the general farm organizations, they should
be expected to pay. If you are a member then you have a vote and a
say in a grassroots organization.
As far as press releases go, the OFA is trying to cut administration
costs like every other business. If this paper has received so many
press releases in the past why was it not printing the information in
past issues? Agriculture is the biggest industry in Huron County and
will be for a long time to come. Maybe your paper should reflect
If this paper wants information on the OFA, its policies or its fu-
ture plans, ask this organization.
The Ontarian's for Responsible Government are not spokesmen
for the OFA and never will be. We have an office in Vanastra, a
fieldman, head office in Toronto and directors in this community
and had 1400 members in Huron in 1993. We are not hard to find if
you want to check your facts next time you write about this.
Gerald Johns
Director of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture
Appreciation Week
LUCAN - For the seventh year
Home and School Associations
across Canada are celebrating Na-
tional Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Week which will be held Febru-
ary 13 to 19, 1994.
National Teacher/Staff Appreci-
ation Week was started in 1988
by the national parents' organiza-
tion, the Canadian Home and
School and Parent-Teacher Feder-
ation. It's a way to give parents
and others concerned with chil-
dren and their education the op-
portunity to join in nation-wide
demonstrations of support for
Canada's schools and their teach-
Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Week has become established as
an annual celebration in support
of teachers and other members of
the school staff such as school
secretaries, school nurses, teacher
assistants, guidance counsellors,
custodians and bus drivers.
The Biddulph-Lucan Home and
School Association recognize that
for good schools and excellence
in education, it is essential that
competent and caring educators
have the support and involvement
of parents and community.
Lucan street under fire
LUCAN - Council members arc
expected to decide the fate of the
much maligned Duchess street re-
construction program at the regular
meeting on February 15.
A 12 person delegation from
Duchess street attended a recent
meeting bringing along a 374 name
petition opposing the installation of
a culvert which would make Duch-
ess a through street.
The delegation was happy that
the sewers had been extended and
the watermain upgraded. They
would also like curbs, gutters and
asphalt paving, but instead of a cul-
vert would prefer a cul-de-sac.
Reeve Tom McLaughlin in-
formed the delegation that the
present pedestrian bridge is not ad-
equate since it has no engineer's
stamp and does not meet M.T.O.
Deputy reeve Harry Wraith said
he was upset with the wording of
the original petition in which the
group claimed the cost of the cul-
vert to be $90,000. He felt that poli-
ticians often cater to special interest
groups and most often these are bad
One of the delegation, Mrs.
Claire Anderson said she had
changed her mind since December
of 1992. At that time she said she
Would be satisfied with tar and chip
road cover, but now is in favour of
proper curbs, gutters and pavement.
John and Lisa Kernick were also
in attendance and disputed the
claim by Anderson that no one on
Duchess street wants the culvert.
They asked Anderson if there
would be a big change in her life-
style if the culvert went in and who
is now maintaining the pedestrian
bridge. George Mawdsley and
Myths Brady stated that they main-
tain it.
Wraith asked if the pedestrian
bridge was to be put in, would area
residents be willing to pay for it
• through a local improvement
Chitrge and was told by Anderson,
"We do not feel that it would be
fait since a lot of people in the vil-
lage presently use the bridge.
McLaughlin said good planning
was taken into account when coun-
cil made their decision to install the
culvert, but Anderson countered
that Kent and Market streets can
adequately handle any increased
traffic due to development.
The reeve went on to say that he
had called some people who had
signed the petition and was told by
some that in these tough economic
times council should stop all pro-
jects and others wanted their namcs
taken off the petition after hearing
clarification of the issue.
Wraith's final comment was,
"Developers of the Wilberfoce sub-
division were forced to put in a cul-
vert on the Gibson Crescent exten-
sion because it made good planning
sense. It seems irrational to have
two sections of the same street sep-
arated by a drain when we have the
opportunity to join them."
Later in the meeting, the duchess
street discussion was reopened.
Reeve McLaughlin said council has
two options. It will either be to fin-
ish the street as planned with cul-
vert, curbs, gutters, sidewalk and
pavement or finish the street with
an engineered pedestrian bridge
and cul-de-sac.
Councillor Reg Crawford asked,
"What will the cost of the pedestri-
an bridge and cul-de-sac be? Will it
end up costing the same as putting
in a culvert and making Duchess a
through street?"
Johnston was instructed to check
into M.T.O. standards regarding
guard rails and cul-de-sacs and get
an independent review of estimates
for the pedestrian bridge and cul-
If Duchess street becomes a
through street the proposed Mid-
dlesex County enhanced 911 emer-
gency system will be much easier
to operate.
If the street remains as now, it
would have to probably be renamed
for the 911 system to be possible.
Your Views
Letters to the editor
OFA needs funding
...1 do get tired of carrying the freeloaders
that get the same benefits from the work of
OFA as I do at no cost to them."
Dear Editor:
I read your article in regard to the activities of O.F.A. in regard to
Bill 91. I am very disappointed that you did not feel it necessary to
do further research and get both sides of the situation.
It seems to me that media people are not responsible to anyone for
what they say in their articles.
I have been a long time member of O.F.A. and have no intentions
of asking for a refund, however I do get tired of carrying the free-
loaders that get the same benefits from the work of O.F.A. as I do at
no cost to them.
Harry F. Dougall
Merton Lions Club president Bob Young sorts through the dr
nated clothing that will be given to the survivors of last Tue:
day morning's fire which claimed one life. See article frot
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