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Times Advocate, 1994-02-09, Page 25
• Too c'01(1 for .1106 1 South Huron District High School's annual MOGA Madness event was held a little early this year. Searching for a Most Outrageous Group Activity brought 176 students out into the cold on January 26 to participate in 11 events, ranging from a tug of war to an in- nertube race. However, the bitterly cold weather has led student council organizers to conclude that MOGA should once again be a springtime event. Bluewater bowling results By Ron Dann ZURICH - The Bluewater Asso- ciation Ladies team won the six game, match play Ontario Five Pin Bowlers' Association (O.F.P.B.A.) Youth Challenge Regional rolloffs at Owen Sound and now advance to the O.F.P.B.A. Provincial Champi- onships March 24. Molesworth's Lindsey Matheson and Evelyne Matz along with Goderich's April Bartliff, Clinton's ,Kyrstie Pounder, Wingham's Sherri Voisin and Zurich 5 Pin Bowlers' Association coach Pat Palen turned in a superlative effort in defeating Grey -Bruce, Maple Hills (Guelph) and Grand River (Kitchener - Waterloo) to take the ladies divi- sion title with 34 points. fitgbeil's. Chad: Wilding set the f . ., . `;n ..;, pace for the Bluewater men with a sizzling 1,536 six game total pinfall in leading his team to second place behind Maple Hills. Clinton's Mike Atkinson and Zurich's Heath Palen along with Goderich's Jason Naka- mura and William King added a 4,574 score as Bluewater piled up a 6,110 team total. Zurich Associa- tion's Gary Huston was the coach. Bluewater's mixed team of Clin- ton's Trever Trewartha and Darlene Bailey along with Listowel's Greg Cregan, Zurich's Becky Kirk, Mo- lesworth's Michael Gilbert and Bluewater coach Howie Baker fin- ished third. Sleeman Holiday Classic Sleeman teams from Mitchell, Lucknow, Mount Forest and Kin - LARGE AUCTION SALE Furniture, appliances, approx. 50 new Persian rugs, Royal Albert dishes, and cups and saucers, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Dave Harman of Goderich, Retta Baird of Clinton, plus additions. ,Saturday. February 12 at 9 cm, Zenith 20 inch colour TV, Ultramatic power tilt double bed (new), power lift and tilt recliner chair (new), apt. dining extension table extends from 20 inches to 6 ft., 4 matching chairs, chesterfield with pull out bed and matching chair like new, loveseat and chair, chesterfield and chair, 3 months old subject to reserve, antique pine blanket box, upright freezer, portable washer, 2 microwave ovens, single box spring and mattress, like new, 3 piece bedroom suite, chests of drawers, dressers, wooden extension table, china cabinet, Sharp PA 3000 electronic typewriter new, left hand golf clubs and bag, some bedding, vacuum cleaner, small appliances, lamps, 2 parlour tables, bath tub chair, walker, toilet seat extension, upholstered chairs, electric meat slicer, high chair, baby crib, stroller, antique bam beam boring tool, electric bench grinder, old violin, 3 brass bells, crocks, shaft bells, handsaws, levels, cross cut saw, 2-4 inch vises, hand tools, C clamps, Husqvama heavy duty weed eater like new, subject to reserve, fishing poles, shop vac, Selling at approx. 1 p.m. for the Persion Carpet Co. approx. 50 new rugs and runners various sizes Chinese, Indo Persian and Persian some subject to reasonable reserve, large offering of Royal Albert cups and saucers, plus others, pink depression pieces, plates, glassware, china etc, plus many other items. Terms: cash or cheque withroper ID AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton 1+ Employment and Immigration Canada Emploi et Immigration Canada II.noN INI/U•t111A, fAININO AOVn1onv COMMIE 77• COURSES OFFERED to those who are in receipt of unemployment insurance 2 Wks. - 25 hrs- Mon. Feb. 14 - Fri Feb.25/94 9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m I3ENMILLER INN, Goderich ENHANCED TEAM WORK CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING For individuals wanting to upgrade their existing interpersonal and business management skills Focus on Customer Service, Tram Work, Professional Career and Business Development 2 wks. Mon Feb 21 - Fri March 4/94 9:30 a m - 3:30 p m CENTRALIA COLLEGE COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING Course Outline ✓ Windozns ✓ Simply Accounting (Windows Version) ✓ Quicken (Windows Version. / Upgrading to Word Perfect for Windows Some knowledge of accounting. bookkeeping. and computer experience would be an asset . 1p wks Mon Feb. 28 • Fri. May 8/94 9:00a.m •3:00 p.m CENTRALIA COLLEGE INTRODUCTION TO SMALL BUSINESS Designed for persons with little or no experience in business operation. Contact your local Canada Employment Centre for more information on this training progrEm Exeter 235-0471 Goderich 524-8342 or 1-800-285-5185 cardine will be competing in the Bluewater Association Sleeman zone rolloffs Sunday at Wingham. The winning Sleeman team will ad- vance to the Sleeman Regional playoffs along with teams from Molesworth and Zurich Associa- tions April 17 at Molesworth lanes. Black Tower Team Tourney The league round of the Black Tower Team Tournament will be completed this weekend with quali- fiers advancing to the Black Tower House round February 27 to March 13. CWL potluck CWL parish news GRAND BEND - The Catholic Women's League council scheduled their monthly meeting for Tuesday, February 8. Members are reminded of the annual Huron - Perth CWL potluck dinner/fun night to be held at the Blyth Arena on Wednesday February 9 at 6:30 p.m. Bring a cold dish or dessert and your own table setting. The bus leaves from the church parking lot at 5 p.m. for all those who wish to join the other local CWL's for the ride to Blyth.The snow date is Tuesday February 15. Plans are being made for the World Day of Prayer, March 4, to be hosted by Immaculate Heart of Mary CWL. Services begin at 2 p.m., and will include members from St. John's By the Lake Anglican, Church of God. Dashwood United and Grand Bend United. Two other events are also being organized: a pancake breakfast for all parishioners and a Day of Recollection, with Shirley George, CWL Diocesan President - Elect as guest speaker. Dates will be confirmed later. 4 Stay away from water! EXETER - Thinking of taking a winter's walk down by the stream, toboganning in your favourite riv- er valley, or building a snow fort down by the river... think again! Watercourses are extremely dan- gerous. Although rivers, creeks, streams, and ditches were safe to be near in the summer, you must be careful to stay away, especially with the Targe snowbanks and drifts and the current thawing of the ice that is apparent in the ABCA watershed rivers today. Watercourses are currently filled with snow and ice and create a va- riety of dangerous situations. Last Friday' s milder temperatures amounted to one inch of rainfall on the watershed which increased river flows considerably. The currents created weakened the ice and situations were present where water was flowing over the ice in the watercourses, thus weak- ening the established ice consider- ably, said Alec Scott, Water Re- sources Manager. Ice may have cracked and moved; colder weather has now formed new ice which is weak and thin. You may have a variety of ice conditions present: caverns un- der the newly made ice, thin ice on top of flowing water, and weak ice present on solid ice which may break with your weight and cause you to fall into a hole which you can't get out of! Although larger rivers may still have thick ice present, the ice is weak and extremely dangerous - STAY AWAY. If you happen to fall into the chilly waters; call for help, try to - grab onto a tree branch or get onto the ice on your stomach, anything that will stop you from travelling down the river with the current. Always play with friends and if someone does fall into the frigid waters, have someone run for help - don't try to rescue the person by yourself. Remember this season of winter cold - it would not take long for you to lose your strength and you would get hypothermia. The ABCA is still taking book- ings for their Floodwater Aware- ness program. Younger children in grades 4, 5 and 6 can be educated about the dangers of being near a flooded watercourse. Local schools may book the pro- gram by telephoning the ABCA of- fice at 235-2610 and asking for Patti Haist. PAUL J. PICKERING TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY AND RNANCIAL CONSULTING Call for FREE Consultation! Days. Evenings, weekend appointments available. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-561-7451 J. Paul Aitken, Manager 3 Rattenbury St. East, Clinton CLINTON: (519) 482-1241 HEAD OFFICE 111 Waterloo St., LONDON, Ontario 7 ©o /!. .• J aIesIiss is 14.a' foaa Valentine is di soss4 al Oa% 4sdlaa4a#t Try one of our famous homecooked meals. Fri. & Sat. evening Dinner Specials Treat yourself to one of. our deli- cious Sweetheart Drinks. RESERVE NOW Erb's Gowan Kitchen 16 Mein St. 236-4812 ZURICH Licensed under 1 Times -Advocate, February 9, 1994 Shuffleboard Exeter F rteary 2 3 game winners Marjorie Hodgert Allen Berry Lloyd Lovell John Pepper February 3 5 game winners Steve Hrupchak Doris Miller 4 game winners Doris Denham Lloyd Lovell Marjorie Hodgert 3 game winners Joe Gosar Ray Hodgson Sena Gosar Hensall February 1 6 game winders Dave Kyle Helen McKay Emma Campbell Hugh McKay Lloyd Lovell Jim Davis Thelma Thiel Pearl McKnight 323 277 261 259 324 273 329 292 291 272 271 270 471 437 411 399 389 388 379 376 Page 25 Duplicate Bridge First Gil Northey, Robert Drummond Second Carole and Dennis Hockey Third Edith Bowen, John Brintnell Wednesday nights, 7:30 p.m. Exeter Legion Hall Lucan Community Bingo Wed., Feb. 9 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game 53 calls or Tess $600. bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I, I, Larry's Town r and Country Crediton IP r ✓ Join us fora w ✓ Sweetheart Brunch' r ✓ � r. from 10:30 -1:30 r ✓ For reservations call 234-6310 or Join us r ✓ for our Sunday Smorgasbord, r iv 4:30 -,7:00 p.m.. r ✓ Seniors: $7.95, Adults: $9.95 r • Children $6.95 • rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr CHARITY CASINO (LAS VEGAS -STYLE RULES * Free admission * $10 Maximum bets * Professional rules * Professional dealers - 3 DAY EVENT - Fil., Sat. & Sun. February 1.1., 12 and 13 . 1 p • ,c, RAPID BLACK JACK - MATCH PLAY COUPON ),. Name: (please print) ra Address: Ci rl 1 `i Prov. State Poul Code Tal >Y asakieilaadiam Use on Rapid Bled( Jack Only. Limitation of • one ooupor sp per deg. User r e sat 1 n ga0 couponsof age or older. User muss t valid identlficxitlori. N r r d restricted. Usable at identified event only. • 1. • 238-6776 On Main Street Grand Bend Ontario Proceeds to Grand Bend Winter Carnival Inc. * Casino License 1P938344 * 4