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Times -Advocate, February 9, 1994
F<giire skaters compete at 11.0.11. F.
Zurich skaters who participated in the H.O.M.E. competition in Ilderton last week returned
with awards recognizing their achievements. Behind, from left, are Jessica Verhoog (9th Can -
figure B), Julie Semple (Gold Juvenile 8), Melissa Timmermans (6th pre juvenile B), and Shel-
ley Miller (Silver pre -juvenile B). In front are Elyshia Denomme (left, Bronze Juvenile B), Mar-
cia -Lee Denomme (Gold pre juvenile B), Megan Gingerich (Silver Canfigure A), Sarah -Rae Lovie
(two first places and a gold medal in provincial preliminary figures and freeskate), Crystal Rus-
sell (2nd provincial preliminary figures), and Jeff Miller (6th Canfigure 8).
Exeter Club holds test day
EXETER - The Exeter Figure
Skating Club held a Test Day last
Monday and the following are the
Preliminary Figures: Jenalyn Bak-
er, Marcia Hilliard.
Preliminary Dances: Sarah Over-
holt, Hilliard.
Jr. Bronze Dance: Michelle Hak-
voort, Mcaghan Marshall.
Sr. Bronze Dance: J.J. Wilson.
Jr. Silver Dance: Kim MacLean.
Sr. Silver Dance: Rebecca Jenni-
sen, Mary -Lou Magie.
Gold Dance: Julie Cook.
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Skaters from the Exeter Figure Skating Club who recently competed in the H.O.M.E. competi-
tion in'llderton are front row, Courtney Hrudka, Megan Gaiser, Kristylee Varley, Jenalyn Baker.
Middle row, Michelle Hakvoort, Megan Nedza, Janelle Hern, Jonathan Ens. Back row, Rebecca
Jennison, Jena Darling, Kim MacLean and Amanda Jennison.
Local bowling scores
Lucan Bowling a
Monday Ladies
Lynne Farquhar 298,261,231-790
Darlene Bourne 271,247,233-761, Bon-
nie Kooy 273-742, Heather Smith 249-
7(X), Helen Hardy 269-662, Lynna
Smith 238-634, Marj Green 247-627,
Cathy Holtzmann 275-614. Marg Elson
249-607, Diana Leddy 243-599, Edith
Yeo 247-590, Sharon Redick 264-589,
Shirley Rees 229, Marie Jaques 228,
Marg Young 226, Deb Pearce 221, L.
Mosurinjohn 214.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Tyler Graham 221,153, Ryan Nichol-
son l98,152, Joey Graham 181,140.
Trevor Maxwell 166,133, Matt Trud-
geon 152,130, Chad Rodgers 147,142.
Kristen Hickson 140,133, Marcus Ap-
pelman 178, Joe McNaughton 162, Da-
vid Knip 160, Suzanne Juergens 142,,x.
Colleen Moore 130.
Len Poole 246-599, Arnie Vander-
weil 232-591, Jean Poole 207-550,
Tom Barr 222-544, Peter Denotter (94-
542, Ted Schendera 192-536, Marg
Schendera 197-524, Bill Bere 191-513,
Hanney Denotter 209-501, Tony Di-
roen 202.
Senior Citizens
Mac MacCormack 286-674, Oval
Rinn 235-639, E. Mosurinjohn 206-
529, Cathie Wessman 199-529, Myrtle
Gusso 183-520, L. Mosurinjohn 177-
513, Peter Vandenboomen 190, Marian
Noels 178, Pat Davis 173, Len Smith
167, Theo Sentjens 164, Florence
McRobert 163, Norah Wissell 158.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Ayden 011ivier 151,134, Derek Luci-
er 144,107, Kelly Wilson 142,110, Josh
Smith 117,108. Jenni Holland 117,100,
Aaron Holland 112,101, Robbie Yeo
I09,103, Mike Ankers 104,101, Robyn
Hodge 104,100, Charmine Melanson
139, James Lucier 114, Melissa Baker
Wednesday Mixed
Dale Fisher 244,641, Don Cunning-
ham 240,608, Gord Fisher 224,605,
Doug Beaudoin 224-582, Casey Van-
Hooydonk 240-578, Bob Smith Jr. 233,
Laurie McGee 2i6, Tom Dobinson
209, Doug Smith 197, Kevin Haw 192.
Patricia Jones 191, Al Rollings 186,
Candi Cunningham 185.
Thursday Men
Bob Smith 240,365,281-886, Brad
Taylor 254,366,212-832, Larry Gibson
241,317,271-829, Tom McLellan
273,260,276-809, Tom Bullock 320-
, 793. Andy McIntyre 330-781, Jack, -
Fulter" 313-775, Doug Lee 316-765,
Earl Allison 278-764, Don Watt 253-
731, John Kohut 276-718, Carlyle
Thomson 273-716, Larry Smith 290-
700, Pat Holland 248-691, Jeff Allison
Exeter 3 vs Mitchell 12
Goals: Denise Ritchie (2), Jamie Darlini
Assists: Karly Pinder, Ashley Gooch,
Amber Preszcator
Great goaltending by Miranda Grenier
Feb. 3 - Exeter Optimist Petites 5 vs
Forest 2
Goals: Pam Keys (2), Sarah Webber,
Lauryn Baynham, Laura Skinner
Assists: Keys, Webber, Kelli Fulton,
Kerr! Fulton (2)
Sarah Hodge played well in net
Feb. 1 - Exeter 6 vs Mitchell 3
Goals: Amy Edwards (2), Shawna Rowc
Assists: Tracy Taylor. JoDee Rowe (2),
Carolyn Quinn, Kelly Regicr,
Teresa Stire -
Feb.6 - Exeter 5 vs Seaforth 7
Goals: Edwards (3), Rowc (2)
Assists: Rowe. Quinn, Edwards, Stire
Feb. 1 - Exeter Optimist Belies 8 vs St.
Marys 3
Goals: Kim Farquhar (3), Danielle Min-
ers (2), Heather Davies, Jennifer
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MacNeil, Chris Morgan
Assists: Farquhar (2). Miners, Davies
(3), MacNeil, Katrina Brandt (2),
Feb. 2 - Exeter 5 vs Stratford 2
Goals: Farquhar. Miners.MacNeil (3)
Assists: Miners (2). Janice Sanders, Da-
vies, Brandt
Excellent defence by Chris Morgan. Judi
Wilson and Katie Armstrong
Exeter 12 vs Seaforth 4
Goals: Farquhar (3), Miners (5),
Davies (3) Amy Edwards
Assists: Farquhar (4), Miners (2). Da-
vies (4), Judi Wilson (3), Edwards (2).
Teresa Stire
Feb. 5 Markham 5 vs Exeter 3
Goals: Jasmine Cote Rifou , Corlett Eld-
er, Cyndi Moore
Assists: Suzanne Jansen
Woolwich 9 vs Exeter 3
Goals: Elder (2), Cote Rifou,
Assists: Julie Ritchie (2), Veronica Far-
quhar, Jansen
Exeter 9 vs Dorchester 4
Goals: Cote Rifou (4), Elder (2), Moore
(2), Ritchie
Assists: Cote Rifou, Moore (3), Ritchie,
Sus Coates, Jansen (2), Kim Gray
Scarborough 7 vs Exeter 5
Goals: Cote Rifou (5)
241-690, Wayne Smith 315-689, Paul
Smith 245-685, Steve Snider 263-670,
Bob Pipe 259-667, George Lee 243-
667, Pete Smith 278-665, Rod Witten
288-660.`Frank Palen 247-655, Mark
Hickson 297.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 369,280,268-917, Pete
Smith 257-730, Larry Smith 281-720,
Lynn Smith 262-711, Dan Rodgers
252-671, Robert Heckman 340-666,
Harold Smith 275-664, Wayne Smith
277-631, John Carvell 218-618, Evelyn
Smith 245-602, Rhonda Eastman 243,
Elsie Melanson 217, Rob Eastman 211.
Ladies Inter -town
Lucan 8 at St. Marys 19. Marg
Young 234-624, Pat Hodgins 264-581.
Marg Elson 198-537.
Men's inter -town
Lucan 31 vs. Molesworth #1 14. Jeff
Drinkwalter 275-1249, Scott Berger
345-1244, Doug Fenn Jr. 276-1222.
Lucan 21 vs. Fleetway 22. Murray
Bennewies 324-1292, Bill McDonald
264-1151, Neil Beuerman 310-1138.
Sunday Mixed
Don Morgan 260-714, Doug Hockey
291-708, Larry Gibson 266-705, Jim
Smith 306-691, Mike Tuxford 240-657,
John Jaques 234-645, Butch Riley 285-
642, Dorn Stoddart 232-640, Tina Ri-
ley 219-612, Cheryl Smith 249, Caro-
lyn Horner 236, Sandra Melvin 236,
Ray Bunn 228, Brenda Morgan 226,
Pat Rimmer 220.
Zurich Town 4
Country Lanes
Monday Ladies
Friskey Five - Natalie Mason 631,
High Five - Vesta Miller 578, Alley
Cats - Sheona Baker 652, Town &
Country - Verlyn Huston 579, Happy
Gang - Sherrie Edwards 608, Smokin
Shooters - Anita Faber 603, Packers -
Mona Kraft 494, Pinpoppers - Carmel
Sweeney 525, Odds 'n' Ends - Karen
Campbell 717, Red Devils - Bev Cre-
gan 762, High single - Sandra Dickert
340, High triple Bev Cregan 818, High
average - Sandra Dickert 220.6.
Tuesday Men's League
Ramblers - Larry Smith 734, Hensall
Boomers - Don Kirk 759, Family Af-
fair - Henry Larseh 576, Market - Jim
Smith 677, La Crystal Balls - Leo Hoff-
man 624, Klondyke - Luke Mommer-
steeg 728, Highrollers - Lambert
Baltessen 610, The Hookers - Rob Van-
derback 672, Rockets - Gary Huston
627, Teatotallers - Randy Bedard 726.
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Norm Wilde 601, Vic Dunbar 545,
Marie Wintle 540, Vee Wilde 531, Ken
Reid 529, Doreen Reid 520, H.S. - Ma-
rie Wintle 246, Norm Wilde 224.
Thursday Golden Age Seniors
Jack Lillie 413, Laird Jacobe 345, Al-
fred Priest 271, Elaine Weido 314,
Mary Jacobe 291, Rose Priest 219, H.S.
- Jack Lillie 234, Laird Jacobe 194.
Wednesday Ladles
Grace Drummond 501, Gen Beavers
487, Rosaleen Berends 497, Beryl El-
gie 436, Madeline Amsby 475, Noreen
McCann 401, Theresa McCann 594,
Grace Ballantyne 478, Linda Webber
818, Marion Deline 578, H.S. - Linda
Webber 355,245, Theresa McCann
Wednesday Night Ladies
Go For It - Joyce Hillman 557, five
Alives - Betty Datars 568, Diny Devils
- Mona Traquair 644, Filthy Five - Jan-
ice McClennan 667, High Single -
Mona Traquair 252, High Triple - Jan-
ice McClennan 667, High Average -
Joyce Hillman 207.
Saturday Ladles Inter -town
Zurich 11 23 pts. vs. Seaforth 4 pts.
Saturday Men's Inter -town
Mikes (Stratford) 27 vs. Zurich 18
pts. Gary Huston 1330, Ted Stanlake
1124, Bert DeBont 1032.
Sunday Y.B.C.
Bantams 3 games: Laura Shanks 422,
Jenny Hardy 408, Thomas Groot 378,
Lucas Bruxer 375, Ryan Parsons 362,
Aaron Datars 360, Stephanie Groot
358, Joey Hay 336, Michael Klaassen
318, Leanne Shanks 289, Derek Du-
charme 278, Lindsey Van Damme 270,
Jamie Bengough 261, Jennifer Mittel-
holtz 247, Jamie Johns 234, Matthew
Laporte 221, Timmy Hay 214. Juniors:
Jonathan Hardy 385, Jason Hardy 380.
Peewees 2 games: Kevin Ducharme
(78, Julia Hardy 155.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Nickle Nute - Clasina DeBont 587,
Hits & Misses - Trudy Rooseboom
590, Pin Crushers - Henry Vanderspek
691, Sexy Six - LeRoy Meloche 674.
High single - Leeann Meloche 315, Jim
Smith 359; High triple - Trudy Roose-
boom 823, Henry Larson 803; High av-
erage - Trudy Rooseboom 216.4, Gary
Huston 222.1.
Monday Pineview Park Group
Milt Robbins 385, Winnifred Kamen
530, Sein Smits 484, Maureen Healy
550, John Kamen 607, Chris Morgan
477. H.S. - John Kamen 238, Maureen
Healy 195.
Monday Grand Bend Seniors
Jean Dann 528, Dorothy Cutting 434.
Clayton Lovie 341, Aileen Ravelle 304.
Sunday Y.B.C.
The Crew - Jim Denomme 615, Mat-
thew Hayter 537; Hot Shots - Alicia
Schroeder 424, Becky Kirk 379; Zurich
Strikers - Jarrett Palen 499, Jason Shep-
pard 315; Highrollers - Nathan Zim-
merman 546, Heath Palen 533.
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