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Exeter Times, 1875-4-15, Page 4
Coreect, avoid ; yet 4,1ie 022iilee cienger Ole t\ Le Who tolloWed to tvi ErOeliville, and had i3011):0104 $(1t,10 Joy 201 Oo 21e i.t eovreetly, I eoutg.Uu the potio otite tte, the deetor ootitiii lee rola lute en to Faith,'' tot wiU polite° it in VOW eaey tion ()Night boots. 1 ft , 1 1U iwtt' t.i i)ox,I, vui1wilto; di, 0 ,voN(t lii111 alere, iuui 1.111•011eh alVery betWeell that 0;1'4010 K,b001ffiwii.,0L+ if teaeo, alel Galt foe leer lotebeelo boforo she 1Lrt:1240 2)o teontee :after oe2e0„20 ,1)Ol loot ••- leirreteog 01\), er,eier-- 1, (ollowilig , , boogie Ole otoilee 'sir " 'i aid te) lie 21 vok.y soTe1;210 nietlir)21 tbr Londoais ahead, It loos moro Jevs Ithen Paleetiite, more Sgotelimeti ',Edinburg, niore Irieh then Dubliiie. floe Catholics tbegi Ranee eial owee, thieVes then Chicago, . grev,tesint 4iscoverX 4'0141 (4 -that of a woneau neekeog iiro10, 0(.14 eta ve viiife fox 1„ o„, Loa ogee 0 and r Ye joitierly teat:lied it rad asleep,. She wits a noble moan. 1)')(1' little boy accosted hie papa, an•ol, Xt said tliitt nothing will cure a• 1 eti0148 for 22oonee` dedY td gate!). liereat the tinnier tabioex,„ )((1 "tilt ?" d('" ; wizat with 21, " tut) of. Yoor. !lead ie twining throagli ' vont hair ' i. Nvidow was 'bitterly at tile. nue loss of her linsettud, t1, t2, -r• roinar.:Oii to lier inannrth -$,eied colisole „hoe ' 1 g( 1)(11 1 al' I"' '11'411'1 of ro.„1:m.)11 )i ' (.), to.), t,h„ t . he ; " lot :ma -my !Cry out, al " 0, oi °gibe. you aro 'mealy to get . a tart ," -\\ hat wore An economical fernier's datlehter in' you afraid o-f,e" leace i't; "" eass .e.ixts,e„ _ _ , , . ie mamma. „ tte put on inn- Nvokidnig day was afraid couldiet, find th. o • " .1)e°4" -s° &iggs were up 2p forty gents solo ae. it 41.0Z011, 'it would take two dozen fur', 3:`1.1ar.vrioN.—The prettiest girl wedding eakee,aoll pudding • in Exeter has t tho followiug f).1 14es woli,t. 1,11,1,1,4-001.: f2tet-----I am indopeiolont. jshtiess at a ...wedding, Reetilitly one ,4Fati; eui engaged. of tlieni while going taide of the ,Fanwitli halal frolit of faco Pliurcfi estoloiod eli,ort and icielce2.1 20.1 ---eni.nn on. Oa )aneti fle0OToenneiiiali who tecel on Fan with left hand. in font7.. of face - tter tratik., Leave me, • • Cpen and slmt--Kiss ine. Poe tsitid " To villify 0n wide—Love, Oreat'inatiis- the readieet ,way in which 04)011 Ljt nian hinieelf• 110,11in gre0- L. bald Cantwell to his elergynaan, ell° like!. 21 gre dierolieli for 111 p2mriSy, " ji"‘v volt beat lielp reforia the \0 1(11 -BY beginning wit4 eolf," rots the eoneloeive,roolY, A,eemlid.ete for 22. sitmetion as eehool' te020110e relieted," being ' askeLl ' the' ehaew I, the eue the ,rooliede o Well, eetince rolkS „likes ,it and', 'Sooie, eeteedeeo the 02114 u) .14,eaure„;1(111 Malice you thiolt ?" Greece -Luse the 'thole rePlied /4or •• Netts it "1.'1'4(1 whon wept into tho The crab might never have be- Swinging the fan—Osn 1 see 3, oome a constellation but 1:J0-t1)e courat-e 1101.ao ? it evinced in nibbling Hercules ou t ,e We're always cm the- lookout for • A 1111411. \OK) was sentenced to- be jiung Was visif ed by his wife, who cid : 11-v dear, „ 2,11d yoULlike the children -to et° you ex4 cutod ?"- "No,replied he. " That's jus.", you," saicl she, " you ever wanted. Lhe children to have ally otijoyment." This ie the seaeon of the year wlien the farmer tells his soli, John, that if ,ba, will sort over ten bushels of putatoes, 'feed the sto4314, repair that 'fence and ye2shitig1e the carn-cri,b 110- may have :the rest oi the clay to go rabbit-hunt- :Pig- . .A1 r ,,Pos of the spelling mania it may be, of it'4ere it Le know 1,11at a lady el 'Providence, R. I., during leisure nio- enents, hag.spelt six hundred and fifty ,words Out Of the word " congregratiou- odist," and in no cetee repeating a let- ter in the formation of a word. A Western euitor did not wish to hurt the tielineas of a gentle poet, but apelogized for the non-appearance of a long awl tender poem by saying : ," Beautiful Spring" was crowded out of pier Sunday edition to make room for !JAI dee01.11.1t of the great snow storm." An aged ceiored individual stepped iotu a store on Woodward averole, end asked how the thermometer etood : #. A handred and forty nine degrees be- low eeete! ", replied ooe of the plerks. 21 1 dat el fax ?" exclainaed theeold, Man ; then Pve lossed $2. I jist bet 1.t, war -a-huedred and. fiLy. " Here waiter ! waiter 1" caed ll -Mr Rtiral, at one of our city hotels ; 'bring Ri.0.3 some of Francis' potatoes." 1 -e -,The wailer stared, and said he didn't think they had any. Haven't "any,!'e, said M'r. Rural; much ;you knoW,eabout ,y,oir trade—here, read that." Alla he Jenutedtci this on the bell of efare : ':Potatoes a la Francais ."' !, . Walls up Judee°,wake op. thth-e'S burglaam the house 1" said :Mrs. Portly, inBrooklyn, to her litesband, ; Ills other night. The judge rolled out pf bed, grasped his revolver, a,nd pen- d the door to sallyforth for the robber. Then turnine• to his wife - he •said fi : , Come Sar, leacithe way. is a puean'man that will hurt a woman,?' 'Business seems to be dull in San .A.iatinio, Texas, just now. The Llerahi gays : " Times are'so hard that, whim Alb by goes out on Satordays to eol, ject bills for a leading dry goods esta,b- lishment co/nee home with seventy-five aen0,.and lifte the ceiling of his pants worn out by the boots, of the customers feem whom he has collected it, the pro- prietor regards it as a good day for col- ' Pctions." Illegal corn measure—A' tight shoe. " I can't find bread for my family," ;said a lazy fellow. " Nor I," replied industrious rniiler; I am obliged to work fcer it." ' "Ah, Mr. Simpkins, we have Mot enough chairs for our company," said ft, gay wife to a fugal husband. " Plen- ty of chairs, dear, but too much 0(111- pany,"i replied Mr. ,Simpines, with 11 knowing wink. "Bobby," ,sold Uncle 'Peter, its be Oxamined the points of the beast, 1 1 4on't see but one reason why that mere naunot trot her -mile in three minutes." They.gatberecl around to hear this or- Ftgular op','-rinn, and one' inquired, What is it e" " Why," said ho, " the dietance'i!.; ,e groat for so short a Says he, " you know what B e'narp and B flat le ?" Says t, "Gosh, guess Ido. I at on a bee once. It was a honey bee, and I feued him bee pharO, for he ran hie: sting into me About four miles. I rose pretty lively, but I didn't rise lively enourrh for the bee's health, for ever after he was bee tlat." " What do yeu think is the hest • Aing in oil here ?"' said Mahlstick 11) itlee„oilitor of the Goderich Sigurft, as they'inet ,at the lunch 'table after ita specting "a private collection of paint - too' belonging to a gelitleinan." "Best ithing ia oil ? ,WhY, Mie sardines,' said • elle interrogated, as he made a fresh 4ttta4 on thetri,• , or eomethleg very like it, hag develop- Ar,tenivris Ward W111 on a elew s (1&t. Some 111.011 18 a ,o 131121311 n a/14.0 pettalptou am eyed in Galt and obtained work at Cioldie 4 mecei. fotoidty- 110 was acet,mpained by it goodllooking young 8Volnati Who passed as his wife, and who made lima" self so generally, tegroOtible te$ tvin lots of friend 0, Things went otr smooth: ly wnoUgIr until Wednesday last; when another young woinan arriVed by train at the G. W. Station, and mode inquir. lee rarding thie Crampton. and learn.' ing waere he wae, scut itor hurt. 1Ie obeyed the 81,1,1111110/1S, alld41/13otering the station young woman No. '2 faint. ed awq, and W13 o2317 brought to by exertionS„ It then trailepired that she was also the wife of Crampton, who had 0410 tif11.0 ago left fior for the pterpose of obtaiiiinfe Wo'k but had evie dently deeerted her. Crampton then ehipped the yoo woman he had been living Ivitit off Pi ode,directl0 - .vtato No, gtuiii niuuJ tOtelf flic tt o," tephed opposito direction, It is Said! On. the ()pee. and shut sign, but we shy oft wheo We see a o slij‘ fan. Eight, frith. o,,Paollicr, Theefolloeviog'acebunt of ;a:Close:en-, clunter With a wild boast in Caliterniet is from the Sonora Deutab.at, of Meroli 20 : " Ou Saturday night A. Lan - CaStpr,who.lives .on, the Gullitia' „Rivet, 1-1 ethilte,Y 8, (1'; a palitiler, -.WW1 dal bac, under the following eircain- etances Between nine and ten o'clock. lip hoard a noi e am n one Legs which sleptabout,100 yards ,from the house ; in fact, a=do aring scpieal from a young roaster. lie went out as soon as possible with his ,theee. 4 ,. T , he dogs seented.an 'tenni:MI-which (1.1-3 Lan easter saw, by the light of a half moon, take to a treoeabout fifty yards di 'wit. He went to the tree :ant the panther jamped jvst over hishead, and tree'd agaiu 150 yards off. IIis boy brought eat a shot -gun, which did not take ef- feet, and the panther jumped .again to the ground. At the foot of a tree near by the dogs brought it to bay ani a d seerme fight ensued. T1 o clogs were gettiug badly cmt up, a 81112111 _ Scotth „terrier, especially whioli was repeatedly knockedover, again -and ,again came to the front of the light. Lancaster was afraid to fire for fear of hitting one of his 'faithful dogs. He got -hold of an axe, and after several unsuccessful at- tempts succeeded in getting in a fatal blow on the baelc of the savage brute., batting it down. It fell fighting with it; last gasp. Next morning Lancastei eealizedt)his danger when he saw the jitIvg of his enemy of tile night - before, like those of a quartz crusher, ani' Sound ,t413t stretched upon the earth. i measured eight' feet in length. Conic heellave seen more plainly he would no have ventured .into :such close guar ters.'2'' steiniog ony kind of wood ill imitation wohmt, while it is 11,180 0110.zill, and simply 41 its manipulation. The \vood, previously thoroughly dried kInd. W221,1n- ea, is coated 01100 or twice with a stain compete}, of 1 part by weight, of cy„- tiTtkit With) deeeolved in 13 pm is of eat watet heating it to boiling, aiad eirting eveOd thuS tragtodo when half dry, is brushed with I21 soln- t wi of 1 p?ait, by weight, ofbieheoMate of potash in 5 parte of boiling water, .and it le then, allowed to dry thoroghlY and hi to be robbed and polished as usual. Red beeeh and alder, undo); Oils treat- ment, assumeei, moet deceptive resem- blaope to American walnut, The color ie` lieete in the wood te a depth of ono or (013)1i11013. blesena VtisT1.11ES.—In cennection with the Beeler Vestries, or aininal bus - 100135 meetings of the Auo,lican emigre- gatione, the subject of Ritrilism came, up for discueeion 111 Toronto. The St, Jamee vestry sustained Doan Glasett enthusi- ostically, and several other congrega- tions took similar ground. In Trinity Chureli , winch the headquartbrs of tho other part), (1112 subject 1V11.,1 ,CliSC1.1 Skied Witil clOSed cd001:s. , Ther0, ig it al/i)e411's te us only oue wity of checking Ilitulism, anro d extree as the stop may appear, the duty to take it is. daily getting clearer. , , The laity 8110121)]. promptly and unitedly stop the supplies as regards every Ilitu- alietie clergyman. Then steps should be taken lit the earliest possible momeot to ves't the 'control of chinch peoperty more fully in the bands of the synods that it eeems'neW to be, or failing that, the right -of wcongregation to 11(1 itself of ob- noxious or heretical ministers ought to be recognized and made of practicability. But the stopPago of, funds woule ba the decisive move in the game, and if the lai- ty don' .‘-vant Ritulism, that is the len- gnage in which they willhave to express their wiehes. Wo notice that some church -neon in Barrie have adopted the plan. Let it beceme general and the Matter Nvill be Settled in three Years. —Waterloo- Chroniclr. A caSaof special interest tolotel-keep ers aud tit° travellinv public was (loch'. eti in the Court -at Hamilton on Tuesday. The New York Watch Company brought an action.- aanist Mr. L. W. Cass, pro-i- prietur of' tire Royal Hotel thereto reeov er,the value offesetchel- full of watch movemehts deposited with defendant:by 'Mr'-Rogers,2th e agent -of theCoal -pen Co -pen y, w_129,put up there 911e day last October. Theee'atcliel was stolen out oftho office in eonie mysterious way, and found next day in avacarit lot 'ripped open andthe valuables gone. There was semedifler- enoe in the evidence of Mr. Strong, the clerk of the Hotel, and Mr. Rogers, tis to whether the latter had told him to put the satchel in the safe. It was agreed that he had been naked to keep an eye on it, and this the Court held was suf- fieent to make the innkeeper liablewho on any deposit of &Togas eueli rt, way would be clearly liable for their ,loss.— The jury found $450 damages. Boys,be plucky if yon would be lucky ! While -Id men watch for chonces, one man makee chances; while ten Mon wait ferernethieg'te turn up, one, liuns something up; so while ten men fail,' one suce,eeds and is capita man, of2 &neje:— , the favorite of fortune. There is no luck like plueketaid fortune most favors those who are most indifferent to for- tune. 1.2. A LITTLE ABSE1`-14I141)ED---$110rtly 11f- , 201' 2110 SOLI theru Canada train from Tol- edo, to,Detroit ,pnlled out. yesterday af-. tern oon the con ell ctor cgmeinio the front ear on lila accei s tem ed round.His face oie its usual ,bland,expreso but, the,:e was afar-offlbolc bis'eyes, 13211 lie gazed over 11013(1)e lieof bis'i passeng- ers as he,smiled to liiniself and muttered luliIitelIigibIO things. But when lie stuelc a fifty cent script fir it ',ACM'S hat - bithdy the (11105(1031of his sanity was ser- iously considered among, the gpeCtatOrg. The matter, hOW0y01', WaS exphtined when a lady, aelied tinie (1110 (11313111 reached Detroit,' and MUrry beamingly replied, "eight, petinds and (1, half, ma'am, An it' is *eleirrav's first daugh- ter, alittle absence of inind.`,iS certainly eXcusablo in view of (lie happy event. Dioenie 0212(0 of bieinny • forma tram, and lie went te the 0007 cluctor and suggested that tho cow. • catcher was Au Wt.21),g end of tile train. "For," said .yoti Will nev- .44 oveetalte a cow, you Ii -now; but, if rtliti. 'lilt it 011 tile) 01111013 0114,111 14ilf,116 be useful, foe 1100,' tiler° Li nothvi" ili the world tO hinder a eow feten witflchic ri.Plit in and. bitin` tho folk,' An enterprising soap. inaiier in' Now York daubed tile reeks/ all the way tip tile lIudeoxi (112) appeal, " Uee Smith's span ;" vlieretipon 1118 rival, the more enterprising' Jones, after mach Aogitation, „darted his viiitewaslmr 011 ,the riyer to append to each of Mt; fituith's appe4s) g„, if '/0U0441, gok, ;Jdites's.' ' A por800. MO called into court' or tho purpose of ',reales the oorree114 elfein5 of a 11) 01101313 1)111 was 13131(0(1 by Aheether the "doctor did ,not 'PfiticO 602et,40,01 visits after the patient felal ont'of ilat)gey S- "WO CONVEN OA mid uleaschtlx 49.1040.1- fazeter. 51110, .42,1) to -401 0, 15. NIL 'b„ V. INT TING. )10eI4 wee we- that nothiea is fie 201 1,111 i„),t,(,,, to good heattli aS a ;ewe 0011)- 101(8(1)'wad:1110d, 51(2503) Of )'21(1 1)1 BOWsIt liana 'when you. will require pm very »est (12 S'reaNfee COUNCIL,—00111.1eil 1110t 011 Sill April. Reeve abseut. lefinutee of former meetingeead and signed. Mr. Wilson to expend $1,,,5 in chopping out road on Ogud. coin 'Mr. Cameron to expend,-$15..eireogeavelling Leke road near Bend, on coodition gravel is drawn free. C. Prouty to see' condition Of;N N. B. Midge and report to Me. Bay inane- diately. The following o (lees were grantea, viz., Harrison'. Osier & Moss; 12; ; Dr. Rollins, attending young Bo- land, $4.50.; Carey, Work first sideread, $10e A. MeCloy, use of school house for election --; Mr. Ironsides„ lumber for culverts,' $15; Pedlar, :for messing on 6th Cone $ ; Barmy, ework on Centre Road, $8 ; W. Barry, work with Weatheral, $9.75 ; R. MeAethur, work on road, $13 ; McKinnon, damage seaeehing for gravel, $5 ; J. Elliott, Work on gore road, $12.25 ; Mr. Smith, repairing' hall stove; $2.15. C. PROUTY, Clerk. STOVES AND BISSETT BROS. beg'te tlutt thoy liavo just received one 01 the:largest stocks in the county, consisting of Stares ef tli vory latest desig11 and tire best intinulsotif.res, which WILL 131i; SOLp 1111.1ASONABLY CliF4AP Their (11111 18 and always liaq been to i,atitfy ohs,. tumors. Hardware, BIDlluLPH COUNciL. -- The Council met pursuant to adjournment at the court room, Village of Ieeland. The Reeve and all members of the Council being present, ,IVIre William D. Stauley, the newly -elected member (in the. place of Mr. Isaac Garrett, deceased) having signed the declaration cf qualification anti office, the Council pronmded to business. Minutes of last meeting read, appiev,ecl, andesignecl. Moved by Dagg, seconded by Mr. Collisson, That this Couocil takes this opportuni- ty of expressing their regret and sorrow at -the death of the late Isaac Garrett, Eq., meinber of this Council, and that the cleik forward a copy bf this resokf- tion to the bereaved family of the de- ceased.—Carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Stanley, seconded by Mr. Hod- -gins, That the auditors' report for the year 1874 be received, and that the clerk get 200 copies printed els soon as p,osSible.—Carried. Mgved by Mr. Stanley, seconded by Mr. flotlgins, That the petition of Edward Ryan and others respecting the opening up of the south end of the 81112 and 9-t1t conces- sions through to the south boundary be received, and that Messrs. Dagg and Collisson be appoiated to examine :said road and make their report at the next naeetillg t Of this Council, --Carried. Moyed by Mr. ,Hodgins, seconded by Mr -(Jollisson, 'That this Council re- ceive tenders for collecting the taxes for the year 1875, the logNst or any tender not acceptable unless othero4se ap- proved. ,of,, parties tendering to name Ureic eureties in tender.—Carried. 'Moved.' By Mr. Collisson, seeonded by Mr. liodgins, That the following ac- counts be - paid, and that the Reeve sign .orders for the sane: Jas. Dagg, repairing gravel road, $5; John Hod- gins, reeve, :telegraphing, 25.cts.--Car- 131ed. Moved ;by AftDtgg; seconded by Mr., Collisson, That the following accounts be paid, and that the reeve sign orders for the same: Francis,Da- vis salary.for collecting taxes, $80 ; Edv,•ard McGrloghlin, 5Iteep killed by dogs $3.33. Stephen IVIcCormitek for i.,,tbocls-, -$G; Mrs. 'O'Brien, an indigent, $O; ,Thomets Draper, an indigent, $4 ; R. D. Stanley, for w.e.nid to Mr. Dixon, nil indigent, $7.50; "Jas. Thompson, shovelling snow, $9.50 ; Won, McCar- thy, do., $1.25; J. Lynch, auctioneer; lettiug toll -gate moity, Fil..50 • Mrs. Lindsay, indigent, $4: James .Brown, work oa 4t12 and 5th con., $5 ; Edward Blackwell, repays en B tollgate, 5ets. ; }High McCain -dee one sheep killed by: dogs, $3,33 ; joshtia ThOmpson, fcr OrViCOS ad 10.1ditOr, $8 ; Win, Turner, clo„,-$8.-O-Motion "carried, The clerk wits ordered to notify the trustesa of school getti.011$ No, 4, 7 and 10 that their presence ie required at epee cial meeting of this Council to be held in aranton, at the' Ontario hotel, on Monday, the 23111i aft* of April inst., to consider what stops eat" be taken with regard to school section No, 10. ty- • imv No, 10 appointing patlimasters Was 'read and passed. Council then at'. j0t1Vfl031 Bxiuiu Horgnies, clerk, 114 SI-IING TA,OXLE, WHO 1.13 AND ItkV.IVAlL, .,0!).110 1rib 8011 JE SALE Ihrtidad sttreett, tondoilf Ont., haVo now Opened but is, lino line Of ftSitin4yv, Taeldo ((19(1 a 1mer qtt .eataIltli foe boys oineeleine Pait Non - bed Poloist alltingStick Tod- tools, rina m11111051 Nett, Attitit,lil, Vitlhingtalta(CdttielihLitionitaltdodrArien,, Mit', /Mr aridSilky fink and' Oiled flint tirt shOd lines, ro,,, tins, kleriirllittsA14w176114,. ete,, �t1�'tptibo ILA ' ' hob ar.ily-latiOlta,hoolts301111122, Stdog. t heti tO13181( 811t8, liiii'ivi.tying eut„eitetibythe 0(0,0(011 gontlb Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Also the • Warnoc 1 A=e ,vtia 1,000 LB $cA.Lir,se 118. 0111 Ras, Copper, 11111, ate, bought. BISSIITT 131105. rI 2% S. GIDLEY, EXETER, CA- • 13INET-MAlfillI1 & UNDratTAKEItS, take this opportunity to Miorm the inhabitants 02 11115 and surroundingseetionathat the r Now jiethrfie .tv is now completed, and thoy clo not besitato in say- ing that it 1Aorto of Into host W1/A8/11 'mat. 011r IJNI)111TAE.IN0 Department, 11,8 will be found in a very efficient condition, Collins—plain and ornamental,— also, shrouds. etc Funerals furnished 0,1 tho shortest nutlet and most reasonable 10111 1. 11-.11-1 gdo13 assortment of FURNITLTUE a/ - ways in stock August ;18, '74 fe2,-iy- The Dorninion Organ iffr 1111(T0177-1 .:IV1ARY".$ . . . 00)171.3.L.N.l41). • • ." THE THRESHING ArfACIIINFIS era EstelALliieeilt are se well 142.0e -4 112A Awe eecominoudatioos would Do 1114)0111110U The 'Three gang Znove made by Moor°, olilinis preoNlelloo Of anything of 010 killa hi tile DominiolL IYACQN$ 4>J:superior werluaa.thhip J001 ViAttOnt .1.1141(16, Plows Cultivators Seed Drilis, Broad -oast Sowers 23u13ar.ltettles Qanldrons, and every other kind 01 Agricultural inaploinentS 011 itand or matte to oraer, * JAMES R. M.001111, PROP. ('t0^1r.) St. l‘faryee ly 1, 1871, PHCENIX FOUNDRY Corner Bathurst & Wellington Sts., LONDON, •- ONTARIO JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRETOR, Its ht. 33OWAIANVILLE ONT. ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, Call and 800 Oar 120 ENT Splendid Success • Taking Everywhere Immense Number Sold. N. B.—Old Instruments taken in exchange for new. instruments constantly on hand at J. Drew's Furniture Viritre-room. nude Stools from $1 to VS ea(1h. Send for Circular to C. Pecile.r, 0110) al Agent, EX]3TE11 P. 0. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. T wo-horse power Wood. Sawing Iltachine This machine hag been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SA.TiSrACTION Itis supplied with a :LAND -WHEEL 1 or driving a Straw ,Cutter) Grain, /usher, Or other nuCchinery, without Atra expen So 4121 °opt for the Dolt, A TRIA.I.1 OFFERED. Alt kinde of Paeminghitplements kept co4stantly 011 leted. BOILJ23E SHOP Attire in. frill OperatiOn, raeXATIE:1; of all Sizes to order. prompBy tatoitto(1 to, , TION,IY$ON t,..t WILLIAMS, ont, Reapers and Mowers, Cultivators, Plow, Cang-Plows, Cultivators 5 AND ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTURED. FARMERS' E-1 SATVOATLIL:::: PICKARD aro jut now opening ont a lot of W SPEING GOODS 0 ,to th deproosion in trade ',They ha-ve Bought a number of and are now prepared to offer THE CHEAPEST Goeds (Nor offered in the 'Village. call and Examine. Exeter, March 18, 1875. •110111•110,111•1•1101 4 SEED DRILL. - This implement hos a double distributing groin cup, and is admitted to Le the b est -before tile public:. 1: 1111 iww bmily engligtd ninkuv., tht tu forth() trring, socclii,g, and will be pre - pat ed to supply them 9, 10, 11, 22 tubes eac17„ Mite i hifter or without, accor ding to or- der, and will enacio or ik,) 1,cep on ln,nd elan, r 1i tl era ;izt. to supply any who may not havo 81ve1# thtir older. Tile style, finish, und mato ±11 11011 flL1 Le found all that etut 110 desired, mid, if equalled, not sur:nised in stern Catislit, 0 This 11(31111418324)introductit,n. 11 11138 become a necessity to tlie r uot ou y 2512 Libor - saving 11111(00321, tut -the iiierctu!,u1. or 1201111 1t22 riticfng the stubble a ft;t.: the reepor. 1 11 vtirh.ns ways it (21(11 1( 2,11 el to tuivt.ht„,tre. (Li, Ci oi 110 hist 9e1180119 1108 di Cid( )110 to rote 12-32 1(101' ti 4,01 ot o-ral .for it eilt, 1IF 1110 ies adaptod for thelmii,notehly Ole -strongest mit"! ."01181 lit Lie lo lit( holds iP) posit:o th best, Dot heftily t..1,11.1t 109331)111110arrirt. 2.1,(1 mho: t rt,1,11.p. At the Wetttein Fnit• 1 1 ook 12-8 Pri31321111)ze in31321111)the G. 'fitylor. I. am 211111111(21110 Litchi-lob:I ve . it ig 0.- much like the 11)1(11, in the 411112011) P111148 tl tbc Lt 7 1)1(1inces t ken the 1111' of all whets. nunle kr (7f tilt in last season 115 111 ot.3.1;1,11, 11t.. `.1 hey 111211' given (2(11)1satisfaction. 'I t) ill be 1(11(11' 81(18011Avii1 bent lii.(114, end hope 20 be able tat supply all 11-11 naay favor me 1,‘ hit 111110 older. PISA 80118011 1 21`118 8311,7 21111y cmelniudre 1 racist ' JOHN ELLIOTT Pha!nix Fon ne11-71, CheB orr iaq l(111. (11(1 :11'1,11i)ytun 10 ,m10M 11, (.?: 41•1•111•11.11•4•1•111M............ ..MIN.IMMOIM.M.,.4.11111=,101.0,14*1.1v.11,4.41IMPIT...• ..*st,.....T.M.Z.IMil•MIWYJIICIIIICIMM. - 'ALL Tit .14 CK EXETER hasjust opened out, the largest most complete best assoi•ted and cheapest lot of goods ever brought into this part of the country.. PAVING. imported all of his Dry-G-oods: from • the Eu.ropean. Markets :He is able to do a little better than any'other, hens° in this part of the country, end does not lios tate te ,say that HEllas the LARGEST STOCE0 FGOODS IN the COUNTY and as cheap as can be,found anywhere iteee'l''Higl.wst market price paid. for all kinds Of produce. Remh Remember this is the Oldest Established House in the County QpItogOter the' Post Oe ffic. Canadian Bank of Commerce LUCAN. CAPITAL, $6,000.000 , 2,000,000 'Armagh of the above:Batik has boon opened in 1111101311- (013 (118 transactionqp of noral Banking bog nose, • sAviNqp BANK DPAIITMENT. thitho 1.83* BA MAO' 410nar recetvca 00. deposit.Interest-4 and 11301 (1411(2' allowed, 1,1.0 notic dre withawal required. American' curt'eucv hoUght and .cia, 1.). STOW liltIlDX11, Agent, ' GEC)11GEl GA.T cA..itrr Fashi.onable 1300T & SHOE MAKITAI, Sigh of the Big Boot, ,Lucan., 'Ontario WOULD iltulttilint the inhabitants of thiS and Clio Sarrountling &Mary, Alla (11080 visiti4 v v /mean merket, that ho htt„s on ham' 11(030 stock lbots Shoos of his'ewn man. uraetniey eke imported wort, , CAN SELL AT PRICES TO DliltlY COMPETITION. asil N. t he prepare(' to do 0)112)3' 'yak 80001111 to 11(31(0,, 11O 10013103/5 1)020 FirStodail eyerlonen, tied titee nothing bat12'iret-eless Stock. ' Cr, 00IICART, ,44t.6,11•.ic.06tObeit.2 0111) ita 4 VA T. SAMWELL & PICKARD. i; BANKRUPT STOCK. Just securea a largel3ankrupt Stock AT Tremendous Redue= tion which will be cleared out at prices TO ASTONISH EVERY - FIFTY OVEBOAOT8 ATA GREAT BARGAIN. FORTY CHESTS . of the ' EST TEA " in the country lAt WHOLESALE PRICES SAMPLES FREE call and get one, and try it. Centralia, Deecniber 24, 1174. T. GREENWAY G. has been appointed agent for • 1' THE ROYAL" Sewing Machine, -which is a.chnowledged to be the put 111)011 the market. tt* Best ever D iT 01, Irr Cal BaltirAore, 35 c. - per can. 3 cans for $1.00 Fi ve Pounds Best Tea in Exeter, 8.4.50 Ten -Pounds CC for $8.50 0 © 30 Et M S in proportion at the EXETER GROC.7.:R'' 84 LIQUO STORE CEDAR VOSIS Bails & Cordwood DEBSONS reguirin,g Bails, Cedar PoSts, or Cordwaod, eaa be supplied by applying to T1105. erlIEEN WAY, Centrall',; cat, GREENWAY, on the premises, Lots V midi), North Boundary, Stophon. (104f rx-loirc)ozt.Arxxs OHAS. SENIOR h1311112g IwnnroA gfon-tiatoy 051')) 321(32(323 §omth, chtte, hto 00111000yWhoviO.kt the 1711:)11, 28e8 and 2013131121012 hls 52(1010m) 04 20 0020200202 One of the Best Lights in is prepared to exceute .tyttrit 01 tlrta-01131e. ylaty— Aietcnowletiging pent (8120(105 5(', be b(10 00611- 3i801111129of the 25,11019 132 the teiblie. Attenttien in called 3/0 2115 9(0011 of Vraillos,. &a, boAtiug ou hand. it good selection o t anotildieria, and being 13130(11111(2 20 `Make frames I,t Intaltrate rato6,--- Realdon005 photographed, Photographs whon re- touched, $2 per doz.; Cabinets, $42 Imperials, t6 New Tailor Shop. VC21 :VI An !X' 111 Z E G-8 to intiniatc to the inhabitantsoil ,bIlzotoi, and Vicinif 21163 iloitosivetio$1 31 N tit/tailor Shop - IN REAR NiS$Je1,P0 iittiteikkOtilOp whao by strict rittontion to business 114 1)81301110 morit a fair share of patronage. A 6100DPIT MiAtANTiti). PA NT, C lf TT/ cV A 8,PPC.tAtTl4. • 'W. MoA.:.WiNlilt. 71.1nOt PectoveJamitteel,075 )Lcols Like .e. illlave Your Clothiag• lo lit l'ofs Comfortably .reatly. IlraINTYRE & CO:, fully ZT'LLVgr°°!lItc!g'.111)°fVt:Df ami oaPicr. ,,ofo r which is comfortable unit neat, and moro °sped- lu thoir clothing ttpparel, box°, in order to Moot thts demand, opeiled out a Gents' Furnishing & Tailoring Establish't the 020114 lately oceui7io13 by Mr. ,T. rishburn, 1511(1(0 they in tondlceoping constantly on hand, a well..oilsor toil stook of tho latest styles of TWEEDS, COATINGS E. C, m.i0.4114% f.ull charge of tho tailoring 1lQ* parinatot, otol brings with him no unenviable rol :natal len 114 ttelltier. Parties 301(1111(3 cloths 1)1 a rely on purchasing them 1368 oheap 118 bv,or they Ilipireehitgea geode 01 ExotOr, bosidas having , THEM CET FERE Or. O_HARLiZ , . , Aperrett 111 t;Intrttilteed: , MoINTYItE & CO. Exeter, 11,tarch 18, 1875, ' NEW PUMP FACTOR , PCMPS GI-, BOLTON', weald 301013111 the inhabitant§ of 1-Iay, Stephen tsborne, 111222 110 infoinfaotittorg all elude of purepe,iucluding the moNsiNanR.VATENT 10itCg araMtli for whielehe has tile exclusive right for g±n. ebove-named townshipa. The subseribok feelti eoltildont, that can satisfy tholio ±12 want painee, as to worianeeship tale quality, and a CANNOT ]IE 'UNDERSOLD IN TIIE such prices that he DOMINION'. afeeureeroey,--Ouo-lieurth 221±10 north of Itthoeavai!lage of recetele en Let 7, Hay, tondoll N. 11.—Itepairing attended to `with P13e12213117 dill, and, tleine at reasonable' prides. Itity, 4111 .6,104, GE 61.13.13,OLTON