HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-02-09, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, February 9, 1994 Giffin - Miller Lisa May Miller and Frank Gif- fin iffin were united in marriage October 2, 1993 at the Dash- wood Zion Lutheran Church. The ceremony was officiated by Pastor Larry Stojkovic. Lisa is the daughter of Hu- bert and Vesta Miller of Dash- wood and Frank is the son of Frank and Louise Giffin of Georgetown. Matrons of hon- our were Dianne Biggam and Vickie Hutchinson, sisters of the bride. Bridesmaids were Carrie (Sweeney) Eybergen, Georgia, Sue Tieman, Lon- don, Julie (Miller) Beattie, London, and Joy (Webb) Dow, Toronto, all friends of the bride. The flowergirls were Emilie Hutchinson, niece of the bride and Stacy Camp- bell, niece of the groom. The best man was Kevin Small, Toronto, friend of the groom. Ushers were John Giffin, To- ronto, Mark Stephens, Lon- don, Rob De Koker, London, Paul Scott, London and Doug Armstrong, Exeter, all friends of the bride and groom. The soloists were Vickie Hutchin- son and Bob Biggam and the organist was Joanne Ma- guire. Readings were done by Jane Giffin and Darla Craw- ford. The reception was held at the Hensall Community Centre with Jack Ford, uncle of the bride acting as master of ceremonies. Lisa and Frank spent their honeymoon in San Franciscd and Lake Placid and are now residing in London. Photo by Bill Mason • Talent show draws local winners GRAND BEND - Finnegan's Restaurant in Grand Bend, hosted a "Stars of Tomorrow" talent show in conjunction with the Grand Bend Winter Carnival, on the weekend. Jonathan Thornton, Exeter won first prize in the seven and uo r category by belting out a 'Some- where over the rainbow" solo. Jes- siqua Rapley, Grand Bend, took second prize with her sold of "My name is Joe". } In the 8 to 10ryear old category, Kali and Meaghan Wegg of Huron Park won first prize with their country style dance and in second place were Sarah Tremain and Mi- chelle Harrison of Exeter With n jazz dance. In the 11 to 14 year old cat- egory, Letisha Fairbairn of Exeter won first prize with her dance alp routine and taking the second place title were Kim Pegg of llu ron Park and Shawn $luckless . of Exeter dancing to "Hot, Hot, Hb"t". At 1/ Volunteer of the week A Times Advocate c•ommunit)ffeatur Debbie Thompson For the past eight years Debbie Thompson has been volun- eering as a teachers helper at McGillivray Central Public drool. "When my children started school, I felt it was important to get involved," she said. The Lucan resident is also on the fundraising committee of he home and school association where site also served as past resident. "1 help out wherever it's needed," she said. Thompson 's volunteer work outside the school includes Lu - an minor {hockey where she serves as treasurer. THAMES ROAD Rev. Jim Allsop conducted the regular church service on Sunday morning. The congregation and choir sang the childrens hymn "God Sees The Little Sparrow Fall" and Rev. Allsop told the children a story "Helping Other People". Sharon Passmore read the Scripture Isaiah 40: 21-31 and 1 Corinthians 9: 16- 23. Rev. Allsop read from the Gospel of Mark L 29-39 and thc title of his sermon was "Establishing Priorities" and thc closing hymn was "Breathe On Me Brcath of God". The flowers on the communion table were placed there in memory of the late Alex Rohde who passed away Tucday. They were placed there by his brother Bill, Rhoda and family. Life and Work of the congregation Next Wednesday the session meeting will be held at Elimville at 7 p.m. followed by the Official Baord meeting at 8 p.m. February 24 the Messengers will meet at Thames Road at 7 p.m. Graduation ceremonies will be held for those moving out of Messengers. This Thursday at 8 p.m. the Right Rcv,. Stan McKay, Moderator of the United Church of Canada will be at Exeter United Church for thc general public to attend. Annual congregational meeting Twenty-six people gathered at thc church for thc annual meeting. Rev. Jim Allsop was nominated as chairperson and Kathy Bray was nominated as secretary. NI Ass ./ I-- since 1887 - lei "A Tradition of Family Service" ...where your confidence is well placed. Rinne FUNERAL II() INC. 471 Mei ,Street, Faacter --.235-3500 ti 410-4 • �. lb Rev: A1ltolf $ave,the,'deyerfichn; 1 to- hn 4: 14-21 and the meditation "On Love". Bray read last years minutes, all the reports were well received. A minute of silence was observed for the passing last year of Rose Passmore and Janet Bray. It was stated that Marilyn Vandenhussche was nominated as the new elder. The other elders are Clerk of Session Ray Cann, Kay Cunnington, Lorne Ballantyne, Robert Bray, Annc Kernick. Murray Dawson and Dale Simpson were named to the board of managers. The others on the board arc Alan Hodgen, Scot Morgan and Bill Rohde. Barry Jeffery was named to the ministry and personnel committee in place of Lorne Ballantyne. Murray Dawson called Don and Annc Bray forward and prsented them with a plaque in honour of their 25 years as treasurers of the church. Both Don and Annc replied. Pat Ballantyne is the new treasurer. Ray Cann and Arnold Cann wcrc elected as auditors for 1994. After the meeting many dclicous desserts were partaken of with tea and coffee. Personals Betty Anne Lamport arrived home on Thursday after a very serious operation and a long stay in hospital. Get well wishes arc extended. �.v Ker corner Tour through travel videos AILSA CRAIG - The Keenagers at the Craigwiel Day Centre for Seniors thought it about time to bring you an update on some of the fun and good times we've been having. Special guests, day trips, crafts, pew games, student volun- teers and more have kept us fasci- nated. One recent guest, Ruth Smith's friend, Libby Winzer from Holly- wood, California , who visited last fall, endeared herself to the Keen- agers all the more by sending a wonderful supply of travel videos from her own collection. Since this generous lady also deals with the fan mail for Leonard Nimoy (of Mr. Spock fame) he also donated a few videos of his films. The seniors were glad to hear that the earth- quake did not more than give her Hollywood Hills home a good shake, although houses quite near to hers suffered damage. The seniors video travels last year took them right across Canada from B.C. to Newfoundland. Be- cause of Libby's gift, they are now enjoying the National Parks of the U.S. and European Travel with an emphasis on Switzerland and Aus- enthusiasm for, well everything that promised a bit of excitement. She truly enriched our lives, and tria. This school year, the Keenagers have been delighted to have two UWO students' energy and good company. Maxine comes Tuesdays with her enthusiasm, warmth and wit. She's great with crafts and has a way of getting us all involved. Maybe part of the reason is that she remembers all by name after only one introduction! Mark lends a hand on Fridays. He's a great help with soup and sandwich days,,i6 a good and inter- ested listener and wonderful with games. The Keenagers were saddened at the passing of Florence Noxell on January 15. She would have been 96 on Valentines Day. They will miss this grand lady who was present from the opening of the Day Centre. She challenged every- one to forget their troubles and en- joy each moment as it comes. They'll never forget her spunky re- torts, her good humour, her tender- ness with our little visits, her keen Family Fun Night set By Joan Beierling VARNA - The Family Fun Night sponsored by the Stanley Township Rec Committee will be held this Friday, February 11 from 8-1 1 p.m. at the Stanley Township Communi- ty Complex with the, Valentine theme. Hot dogs will be provided with women to bring dessert. The Recreation Committee has planned and set dates for other events. Mark your calendars. The next event is the Annual Canoe Rally to be held Sunday, April 10. The Varna U.C.W. meeting was held at the home of Shirley Hill with she and Doris Wilson in charge of the program. Miriam Jones spoke on her experience working in Wrinch Memorial Hos- pital in Hazelton, B.C. Marg Hayter gave a report on the Presbyterial Meeting held in Exet- er. There was some discussion on the prices of a new table for the church basement. Cookbooks are still available. The Pancake Supper will be held Tuesday, February 15 from 4:30- 7:30 p.m. in the church basement. Everyone is welcome. The Varna U.C.W. are also host- ing a crokinole party on February 25 at 8 p.m. with proceeds to go to the Clinton Public Hospital. Please bring lunch. The February 2 meeting of the Stan -Lee club met in the Church basement with 20 present. Marg Hayter read two short poem "Fast Drivers Songs" and "Ain't Nature Grand". A postponed Seniors' Games meeting will be held in Seaforth Community Centre on February 15 at 1:30 p.m. For the March meeting the sen- iors will meet at Kate's Kitchen at 12:30 for a luncheon and short meeting and then go to Clinton for bowling. Charles Reid showed a tape on Victor Borge which everyone en- joyed and had a good many laughs. Euchre was played and winners were Marg McClymont, Grace McClinchey, Margaret Armstrong and Elmer Hayter. Draws were won by Marg McClymont, Mery Hayter and Wil - The ea& C( 'hell Is having a vers w sum speadil We'll pay the GST and the PST ALL WEEK on ALL products (Joico, Tressa, Paul Mitchell and Gofdwell). Mon: Feb. 14- Sat. Feb. 19 V For an extra -special bonus on Valentine's Day (Monday) we will hand out a FREE long-stem rose to all our lady customers ?kt tiq/4) 8, s fred Chuter. A potluck lunch brought the eve- ning to a close. whenever we hear the "Tennessee Waltz", we'll "dance" for her! Now that the groundhog has promised another six weeks of win- ter, the seniors are going to put it to good use thinking up some more fun. Donna Waterman, Public Health Nurse is sharing some valu- able information about aging well: they have -rib tickling good music scheduled: and all kinds of "Blah - busting" ideas. Come and join in the fun. Friday Night Special This Fri. Only Attache29a Cases 29 S +N. f,. 231-11" .„M« Women's Self -Defense and Rape Prevention Course Course (2 sessions) $10.00 Learn About: Prevention, Deterrence, Precautions and what to do in an actual Confrontation FIRST CLASS: Tuesday, Feb. 15, 7 - 9 p.m. SECOND CLASS: Tuesday, Feb. 22, 7-9 p.m. South Huron District High School (small gym) For information and Registration Phone 235-2833 "BE PREPARED DONT PUT 1T OFF, DO IT NOW” • THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION will be held for Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten on Tuesday, February 15, 1994, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be four (4) years of age on or before December 31, 1994. Parents are required to bring the Baptismal Certiflcate, Birth Certiflcate and Immunization Record Card of the child you intend to register. Parents should contact the school in which you intend to register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date to obtain registration information/material that should be completed at home and brought to the registration meeting. St. Joseph's School (Kingsbridge) Jane Whaling, Principal RR 3 Goderich 529-7646 St. Columban School Don Farwell, Principal RR 2 Dublin 345-2086 Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Dave Sharpe, Principal RR 3 Dashwood 237-3337 St. Joseph's School Ed Cappelli, Principal 169 Beech Street Clinton 482-7035 Precious Blood School Sandy McQuillan, Principal Sanders, Street, West, Exeter 235-1691 St. Mary's School Fran Craig, Principal 70 Bennett Street, E. Goderich 524-9901 St. James School Jim McDade, Principal Chalk Street, Seaforth 527-0321 Jeanne Sauve School Sam Alberico, Principal 8 Grange Street, Stratford 273-3396 St. Boniface School Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal Mary Street, Zurich 236-4335 Sacred Heart School Jim Steffler, Principal Comyn Street, Wingham 357-1090 St. Mary's School (Hesson) Adrian Pontsioen, Principal RR 4 Listowel 595-8929 St. Ambrose School Ray Contois, Principal 181 Louise Street Stratford 271-7544 St. Joseph's School Gary Birmingham, Principal 363 St. Vincent St. Stratford 271-3574 St. Aloysius School Mike Dewan, Principal 228 Avondale Ave. Stratford 271-3636 Holy Name of Mary School Joe MacDonald, Principal 161 Peel Street St. Marys 284-2170 St. Patrick's School, Kinkora Paul Nickel, Principal RR 1 Sebringville 393-5580 Parents who expect that their child will enroll in the optional French Immersion Program in Grade 1, in future years, have the option of enrolment for Junior/Senior Kindergarten at either their local Catholic School or the French Immersion Centre (St. Mary's School, Goderich or Jeanne Sauve School, Stratford) at which they Axpect to enroll their child for a French Immersion program. L. Martin J.S. Brown, M.A., Ed.D., Chairperson of the Board Director of Education