Exeter Times, 1875-4-15, Page 21 12 critieing. sone* of the aetion4
eiteeenoseeeinteenak,wea'aht Sion •)v the Oppoeitloat hi the Locel Ilottee
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iaseeXite arnnolA. A.--VA4AA, A '41,144' . al,- 0.) te aajuistry fer pettY
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of the Timr,einiety heltini at any et the
3,dt,ok *tores.,Exeter, tihd at N. A. 13cs
morttee Thaw ,Store, Lateen. Replete
'0444 4a be tWP.OTta Pews a 0„KI,
)41044.144lea wit1Infati neW,e, ' Price 5
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xelfr Elmo
VElit1RSDAY ° APRIL 1,5en 1875
4%4014 4bore$4,03ihorVative ./ournoi In South
The new law lar which publishers
Ara cemPelled to prepay postage on ell
Vapors goizg. throualapost-offees, coulee
uto force on the 1st of May, and there-
fore after that time we will be of neeee-
oity forced to reeeive no orders for
subscriptions unless accompanied by
,auu wan) and aleo to have ell aroars
paid up. Those who have not paid up
before the 15th of April will receive
their accounts the followine weak,
when we trust due atteutiou adl
stiyen them. •
41y., Wets) Story,
Tile new story, the opening chapters
of wide)/ appee,ped in these oultiaws a
few weeks $hoes has met with favor by
our realer. It ttn •origival story
entitled "Safe, Unsafe ; or The .Man
from California," writteb for the Silt -
taxes Miscellany, a journsl of impor-
tance, by a welk-known American wri-
tert whieh strikes us beiug1'ull of droll
_oharaeter-sketching, sa well as incident
ondonerrime,_t, aud quite equal to any
other mood DOW in course of pithlica-
tion. That those who piak up,. the ad -
Ventures 14f Frad, Owiler, the misehiev-
ous, mid the equally mischievons Pen-
;:ty Worrell, ;viil not be likely to do
otherwise than follow them to the end,
we aro safe in assuming.
4'114 1')e Naid.3.1DI? )141D:i-
1ea irl 111(.1-00).e
HON, MI3 •ArepOUGALL While
in conversation with the late ,444,ndfie1d
'llacdotitthl, who uab a staunch RefOrtn-
er, he asked idol, how he got along With
Oaanerou, hie Tory eolleague. Mr.
Macclenald responded that he found no
aline lay et ell with Mr. Catneren-he
wee VjU111 te listen to advice, and ten-
ded to Strengthen the Gavernmet where
it ;vas thought by sonie Ike would em
bermes it. And further, he could trost
Mr, Cameron, while he coeldn't trust
oue of his Reform colleagues. o We
won't wager ten cei ts that he didn't
mean E. B. Wood.
Sonsenf the Grit papers, headed by
che ,Globe'e 'pet brother," are endeav-
oring to breed disaffection in the Con-
aervutive camp. They have discovered
mare'it nest in the fact that Hon.
McDougall has been chosen as
the Oppesition candidate iu the contest
for tlse roPresenta,tion of &nth Sinicoe
in the Local House. Thesejournals are
pelf -appointed guardians of the Con-
•aervative party, and in their anxiety to
s' elevate rue standard of morality"
eemotigst the tloneervatives, they are
in 'danger of lowering it (if Possible)
in their own party. It was ,held. by
them that because Mr. MeDougall re ade
his bow on the stage of politics as an
saygaige4 Roche/LI, and proounded
every Medical. theories, he.camact there-
fore receive the hearty suppikt of Con-
Servatives when he appear! ati an op-
pooelet ,of the most corrupt and extra-
tragant Goner
2143e4-that has yet octal -
pied the Treasury benches of this pro-
finefa According to their theory neia
thee time nor circumstances sheuld
'aluinge n. man's pslitical faith. We
wonder if these same scribes forget
that circumstances over which Ir. Ed-
ward' Blake had .some control had a
or9ab deal to do with the change in Mr.,
X, B, Wooi's politieal opinions some
four years ago. We wender if thee
forget that circumsta,ncee altered the
faith of.Mr. John Hawkins. We won-
•elor if they forget, that Sir -John Mac-
.slonald's refusal to take Mr. Cartwright
into his Cabinet was the means of pre-
siding the present Government with a
Finance Minister, and that the same
reaS013 provided the Government with
,ps Minister of Militia, in the person of
W." Boas. Peans were sung over
the Sccitusition of thee men, and they
were arduously hugged to the bosom
• pf the Beform party. But yet it is
quite wrong for the Cousetvatives co
welcome any deserters from the Grit
ranks, no matter uuder what circum -
•/stances the desertion takes place. it
• may be, and in this case is, that the
defeetion is caused by the parry forsak-
ing. its principles while the man 're-
mains firm, ; and this is where Mr. Mc-
Pougall differs from Wood, Hawkins,
Cartwright, Sueith, Ross and other
1.10formers" who were reformed by
the bait of plunder. As Mr. McDou-
gall stated at Cookstown, he was a
Conservative -Liberal since 1867.. At
that tiine the leading Mell of the two
porties mutually agreed to bury the
1mb:sleet-to forget all past difficulties,
Ana to bend their energies. towards
building a nation out of the ,scattered
Pritish North American possessiots.
Mr, gaDougall was one nf the proud.
neat Reformers who followed. Mr.
roitte inti the et -impact, and because
130 was iridependont enough to remain
WO. to his word and refused to retrace
his steps when Mr, Brown retired at
faimied slight, he must needs be
branded by his former friends and elliea *
AO 6 traitor to his principles! He as
carrying Out the programme which
George Brown spread before' him for
guidasee, and to which George
owo and Sir John Macdonald both
agreed t� be bound.• Whersin lies Mr.
McDougall's sin thin; 0 Was he not a
gongigtent and ersclentioue I'leforiner
pp Lo3 Confederat on, when he with oth-
, feu adopted " Union and Progress" as
Motte, esehtswing Toryism as it
was Awl 4q,clisealisin as it was ? Has
he net acted eousistintly and coliscien
tiously with the bonsoryatiyeparty in
its ereleavore to inlvanee„the interests
• of the Dominion And the reatival of
to4rty Ittardeil ,and their opplication
ttiptslejarie of to -day, cannot be traced
to eithep Mr. 'McDougall 'Or
MSit John
addonald, both of them showing a
real desire to fOrget the bickerings and
animosities of the past id their harm°,
rlious eeeVere fOS ,the filttire, bat ra-
ther to the efforts of toe reareaat BroWlea
ANYONE Who IlitS paid any attention
to the debetee iu the House of Com-
mons during the eeesion recentlY eatea
must haVe been struelt :with the states-
manlike conduct of Sir John Macdon-
uld arid the other members of the Op-
position in comparisou with that of
Mitekenzie and his faetion during the
time he led the Opposition against Sir
John's Goveranneut. Sir John lent Lis
valuable aid. to the Government on
many occasions, suggested many valu-
able amendments to bills, and frequent-
ly voted with them literally fulfilling
his promise, on "" ;topping down and
out" that he' would give ,the uew. Goy-
ernment his sapport $o far as their
ineasuree met with his apProval- No
oue can poiut to any actions of the
kind on the part of Mackenzie. He
seemed to be always trying to remem-
ber that he was elected to oppose the
Government, and °ionise it he did,
were it action s good or bad. Sir
John's actions might appear as a trib-
ute to Mackeneie's ability and sound
judgment were it not for - the fact that
Mackenzie has to a great exteut follow-
ed out the policy of Sir John, which he
had previously condemned. A com-
parison of the conduct of the two men
toward one another will result in mak-
ing Mackepzie's factiousness stand out
prominently beside Sir John's earnest
and patriotic efforts in behalf of the
AN Ohio jockfurnishes horses widi
false teeth, so as to conceal th air age.
The trick is toettnin.
TITS Sightli talks of eloquence, and
in trying to ,write eloquently he suc-
ceeds in makhig his readers think hp
is inthe habit of imbibing something
stronger than water. • - •
AN ornament to 'Society -a large red
carbuncle on the end of blue nose.
THE new Grit paper which was to
"raise the tone " of Canadian.journal-
ism and thererby present a centrast
to other Grit journals, has been pok-
ing its nose iuto the business of the
" Self-righteousness," you know.
DR.RENEALY is again nothing himself
appear ridiculous in England. . He
wants Mr. Osborne, one of the lamp
ducks left from the recent gieuerahelees
tion in England, and a stgiig believer
in the ideutity of tlee • ceteimant, 'With
Sir 'Roger . stand ,,for
Bridrort in the Liberal interest. If
Mr. Osborne will not consent, then he
Wishes Bridport .te'llave a chance "to
gain. the. eoviabie distinetibn bestowsd
upein Stoke...tilorieTrent,"; by electing
his pan. The doctor is 'alilre a quack
Seou nedrratin s.
THE Mitchell Adremate •siys the Lon-
don Herald abuses the grits, and is fill-
ed with "rabid partyisras.'t Doesn't
that remind one a good deal of the
old:story of the kettle calling the pat
• CARDINAL MANNING at i speech at
the opening of the Roman Catholic
College at Kensington, ou the 8th inst.
said he regarded himself ,as intrusted
with a commission of warfare, for he
believed the church. was approaching
a crisis -the most fiery fcr- three hun-
dred years,
MR. CROOKS° sed: the Mail for libel,
14#11401#1, 410t.
you. want eireulars,
)'04 Want
If you. want 4:usve1444,
If you want bosiness oarda,
IS you, Want ueat WIWI:waist
If yea want eltiasping tagS,
If Yea want tasty ter
If you want nice visiting eatds.
If you, want the best of hall wok
If you \Vita 33,13y kind Of joheprinting,
Leave' your ,orderS f'ail the 'TifutiSQieo
riind you can eccure then On fihOrt'llg';'
tive, at low rates, and the het style.,
and the jury gave him damapes •to the
amount of twenty cents.' °Waken we
take into coneideration the fact that
Creasy J. 'Whellams was awarded two
hundred dollars damages against the
same journal for damage to ,character,
we are led to believe that the jury did,
not think Mr. Crooks' ehareeter worth
much. whether Mr.,Crooks will' allow
the money to be put out at interest, or
invest it in debentures at 85 Cents On the
dollar we are unable to say.
. ego and ickilg.
Dmar on Sunday.
Donlon 011 alouditat.
COLD 4113,1 fair on Tnesclay,
„ Ton oisoatorially int:Hued now dis-
cuss the advisability of spitting upon
the w
De-LIGUTFUL.-Sunclay last was the
most delightful of spring days.
go egg -the season
Benue on the lar
is at hand.
OPENED OET.-Mr. A- Skinner has
opened out his new confeetiouery and
bakery, and has supplied it with
everythiag choice in that line.
THE Foosea-Frost is nowpretty well
out of the ground, and several farmers
have eomnienced Plowing. ,
AIRING -Mr. Juo, Pratt's horse' Bea-
con" was out for an airing the other day,
and looked well. ,
THE Fntsr Woax-The first excava-
tion for building operations commenced
at Mr. D John's bulling on Monday of
lest week. ,
on Main Street in front ef Mr. E. Drew'e
block lute been lowered during the
past week, so that now necks ,are safe.
HOME. -T. Greene; ay, M. P., arrived
home on Tuesday eveniug of last week.
His appearance is evidenee that his ill-
ness was of no very light character.
He is now doing well, and recruiting
NEW BUSINESS -Mr. C. SOUtheOtt has
added to his tailoring business that of
gents' furnishing and general outfitting.
Mr, Southcott's stock is worthy an ex-
amination, and his tailoring worthy a
trial. See advt., in another column.
tional meeting for the circuit will be.
held in the W. M. Church in this village
on Wednesday evening next. The
Presidents of the conference, Revs,
Williams and Stringfellow will,be present
on the occasion.
A WAR. -The clash in the Exeter
fashionable world just now, betweenthe
girls with pretty feet who want to wear
short dresses and those IN ith ugly feet
who insist upon long ones, is described
by the fashionable dressmakers as
something fearful. WARNING -Our vigilant constable is
acting upon Council iuctructions very
thoroughly, and informs us that he in-
tends disposing in a summary manner
with those young men (?) and urchins
who make the street their abode, until
about 10 or 11 o'elockP. M. to the dis-
guet of passers-by.
SHADE TREES.---NOW.iS the time for
people to plant ornamental trees in the
front of their lots or around the build-
ings. Everyone should make it his
duty to attend to this matter, as while
they are thus adding value to their pro-
perty they are doing so much towards
beautifying the town.
• Reeetweer-On Saturday evening last,
Dr. Browning's pony started on a jaunt
around the square. The fun to it was
that the lines were handless, and the gig
empty. Somersaults and side -springs,
and the pony traversing part of the way
alone was the next scene. Harness-
makers,bottle-blowers and wagon -mak:
ers received a.0 acquisition to their la-
bors after the trip.
Miller, Public school Inspector, will be
obliged to any one who will give informa-
tion as to the names, ages and resi-
denees of any blind persons living in
the municipalities of kehfleM,Colborne
Goderich, Hay, „Stanley, Stephen, Us -
borne, and West Wawanosh. Address
Goderich P. 0., as soon as possible.
CLEAN Up. --Housekeepers and others
should clean up their baclt yards and
premises without delay. During the
ivinter any amount of'rubbish accumu-
lates which when gxposed to the ,hot
sun is anything but conducive to health.
NEW BAND WAGON. -The, Bissett
Bros, have had the Messr#. Dignan
build them- a magnificent new band
wagon, which did service for the first
time, on Tueiday.
SERENADE. -NOR- that the summer
months draw nigh, we may look for
the parade of the musicians of the
town. On Saturday evening last, a
marcra no and down the principal
streets was? indulged' in. The music
music sounded well. -
:---Wo have receivedthe Spring number
of this beautiful publication.- T9 the
ladies it must be of great value as it con-
tains the latest changes in the style of
dress in Paris and Vienna. It is re-
cognized authority on all raatters relat-
ing to the fashions and also contains a
large amount of choice reading matter,
dboth original and selections from the
beat authors Our lady readers will do
well to subscribe for it, as the price is
a mere song compared with its intrinsic
value -being only one dollar: end ten
bands on the reef,it wue sitY4d Th
" Itesetle" WaS at the see40 of fire atia'
vistaed, in poeition a the well. H coal.
Loomed phiaing on the dwelling, and'
althouoli,a miserably small trifle of wa-
ter, assisted somewhat toward saving
the lientie. At one time, SO great WAS
the shower of SPerics whieli sailed high
through the air, the buildiugs at quite a
distanee front the fire seemed to be in
ienninent dengee, and a number of Men
had all they eould do to keep in eheek
tho flames wisieh wutdel feign have talt-
en poseeesion of Inn Floyd's barn -
About 12 o'olock the f tea4 halloo Went
down, and the danger Was over, All
hands then set to work to save wbat,
ever of the wheat that was fit to saTe,
Some four or five hundred bushelwere
then saVed, some of ft in A very smoky
and burned condition. The cause of
the fire is not known, Solt rumorare
afloat that it was an ineendiary,s work.
Others think that it may be accounted
for by some one of the number of idte
charetters who are now lofteriog about.
Loss, (Linda $2,000 ; Insurance, about
1,O0. -
Dr. Lloyd, ef Ohio, surgeon in the
army during the war, front exposure
contracted consumption. He eays in a
letter addressed to Messrs. J. N. Hails
& Co., proprietors of Alleu's Loog
Balsam, I have no hesitancy in statinge
,that it was by the use of your Lung
Balsam tha11 am now alive :and en-
joying health,
THE FIRE RNGINE.-The fire of such
day night appears to be stirring the
people to it sense of danger. Another
trial was made of the throwing powers
of the " Rescue " on Monday last, and
at first her best effort wahi a failure.
On examination it was found that
something had lodged in the noazle.
A probe wasinserted and a large stone
the size of a hen's egg, driven out,
when she worked freely, and well,
throwing a heavy stream of water over
the highest buildings. This is a cir-
cumstance which leads to grave suspi-
cion. The stone was driven in by some
one, and the fact that the engine work-
ed well some two weeks ago, and be-
tweeh that time and the fire, • the ob-
struction had been inserted, leads aper -
son to think or some fool play.
# •••
Stephen and Ushorne Show.
" Success" has never, to as great a
degree, been stamped upon the efforts
of the Directors of the Stephen and
Usborne Branch Agricultural Society
and their Spring Show as it did on
Tuesday last. The show of met year
was in advance, of that of the year be-
fore, not only in quality of stock on
exhibition, but also in quantity ; but
this year was far -in advance of eny
previous year. A deep interest appears
to be taken in the society's work if we
are to judge from the number of sight-
seers. The display of horses was ex-
cellent. In heavy draught, the ° Bach
of England," which camel off the red
last year, and " Netherby," lately
brought into the couuty, were keen
competitors for the fleet prize. Four
horses showed in this class. In three
year old heavy draughts, the horses
shown were particularly well bred. The
two year olds showed a like improve -
went with the other ages. A ecinniug
trouble pervaded the breasts of the
three men of ribbons in the judging of
the general purpoSe horses. There
were five competitors for the prizes.
After an hour or more of talking, trdt-
ling, walking and running, the licirses
and attendants left the ring, the judges
being unable to decide and asking for
more judges. In the other classes it
would be impossible for us tcepartiea-
larize. Suffice it that all were excel-
lent. In Durham cattle, Messrs. John
Glen and.W. Hodgson showed two fine
bulls. Li two-year-old bulls we no-
ticed Mr. R. Manning's "Loudon
Duke," who makes the scales turn iet
2,030; the Slane gentleman also showed
a 10 Anooths Durham bull whose weight
on the day of show vat 845 foneals.
The following is the
HEAVY D'EAMIT.-1St. iodgson, &
Hatokshahe"Netherby ;" 2nd,Oke & Bie-
sett, "Bank of Eoglaud ;" 31d, P. W.
McEwau, "Enterpeiee."
1St. H. Mason, "Honest Tom ;" 2ud,
P. Curtin. "Capt. Watts."
1st. John Avery, "Britannia," 2nd, W.
Woo, "Young Miracle,"
GENERAL PURPOSE .--1S t. J. Sw iner-
-ton, "Glory Dominion;" 2nd, John
McIver, "Young Ploughboys" 3rd, J.
Swinerton, "King George,"
A CAI3LE, despatch from England says
that theRight Hon. Mr. Childers the
new Presidentof the Great Westren Rail-
way in speaking at Pontefract on Wed-
uesday) gave an account of his last
American tonr. He spoke in high eulo-
gy of the United States, which he con-
sidered the most prosperous! country in
the word, and which he estimated would
inififty years contain 150,0`00.000inliab-
itents. the people of Canada will not
we think thank this President of a Ca-
nadian Railway Company for his grat-
uitous advertising of the "Jolted States,
especially as his one week's residence
there could not have afforded him any
reliable means of forming at opinion as
to the resources of the countrY. •
' cents a year. Those who would like it
TEE prOrogatiou of the second session should send one dollar and ten cents to
Wyatt, °apt,
A, A. llobitir15, ,iet,t-sTreas.
In a x110110-1 or so the (dab, will tie op-
en to play inatOlies,
of the,thiad Parliameet ofthe Dominia
teolc place on Thursday last. His Ex-
dellency the Governor. General reserved
two ,of the measures wbith passed both
ifettses forthe signification of her Ma-
jesty's pleasure viz., the Peteison b1 -
13i11; end the Copyright Bill;
aaheitell.O0 te tie4ar.V.Atkit.1 tti0111et,
'•.be attributed to sordid Motives, and we
aue ne reason Why he Should not ro,
peive the nintiiimoini auip'Port Liberal
gols6tvpo) even if lie were stow
$44ftfer,...3 14,the 1161140 of
pans/. where', partp lines afe generally
Opposed' t�, n1014 ..strietly drawn
tho$ 001141. LOcal
few of the more enterin'ising agri-
culturists of tssex, afoor considerable
enquiry into the matter,,have rt.ssolyed
to practically test the qupstion as to
whether the soil and thof climate of
that county are adapted tJ the profits-
ble growth of ,the mar,41, facture. of
'Aft James l4iinrno, of Camden,
prominenhartner, recently received it
telegramper ocean cableil°,givixIg Dpn
the plessing no11goiijc tliet • a, legacy
of, $150,000 lied, beeo,leift, hint by a 'ken
atine iui f3c4land, .,.'
'The ba1aiM6:sheet ofthe town of
Sherbrooke.for.the 'Past' Yidtr shows a
totul expoiditure of 2g.g,1704,
largo, part of this 'was fo,(,bonuses. Or
intet.et orbonuse,i te railwaytiettol
(notterieS, , ' '
• , The epteial iter p00 held at Chilton
have reetilted inn gain tO the
giltir,01 0100 11,4,14.1.')Pt.'g•
York City, He gives a !splendid pre-
mium, also, to every subscriber.
Pian. -True to warning.We have
had a Bra; we are now an, big as our
neighbere. gothing to boast of,
though. At about the hour of church
closing, a bright light Was 13Oen to shoot
to the heavens:from the southern part
of the villago,and the cryof fire Was
at once giien and talten, Those re-
siding in the north of the village had
the sight so -presented to theni that it
Wag at once thought the street directly
in reariof the Tistris,offieehut on hur-
rying to the seenteit WAS 'fOl1.11(1 to be
farther south, and in Mr. Jun. Willis'
barn, which was soon envekped in it
sheet cf flattee, Thoee haviott bon
earlier on the grotoad had managed tb
melte the horses, cattle and bogs which
were • lit the beta all& 8 tableS-4ho
porkers making a ,hesperate effort to
beeetne " fried iieat. 4 steeple wind
vole blowing steadily frein the East, and
driving the coals and cinders hi myri-
ads over and above the reefs of adjacent
builtliOls, rot' tirnevoiy etallhopes
were en erteined'of saving Mr.Wflft
dwelIing-house, But by the strenuous
440040 o 10 y�11g4g4 Nitlif41
The second seeeion of ths Ear
third -
lian1Wit of this POnlittion te"daY
bronglit to a Olose by the usual eere-
Naar Greenway, Esq.", 41C44,Y 1)1'"Qgati°n, which "r" g911°'
all7 Conceded to be the taineet What' of
has opened cut a eplended stook ef
new spring goods at Elitnyille, 'We
understated it is his intention to have a
regniarly established etore at tins Place-
0/tIOGAL,Li rit;11".
--James Allan, "YOUne Capt. Watt;"
2nd, Thos. Hereto "Napoleon." -
Mathew lielland "Young Scotch Mira-
cle ;" 2nd, W. Hill, "Young Miracle."
CARTHAGE STALLION.--lst. R. 'tethers
"Pride of England ;" 2nd, L. Hunter
"Young Coachman:"
John Avery, "Sportsmen ;" 4nd, John
Hunter, "Coachman."
BLOOD' STALLION. -1St. Alex Innis,
Archie." 2nd John Pratt "Bea,
Hocloson 2nd, John Glen 3rd D. An-
a ,
nen. '
Manniug, 2nd, R. Hunter, 3rd John
Manning R. Hunter.
GRADE apra,.= John Russel.
Dietrich, John Xestle.
,A. public 'meeting is called by the
Reeve of 'McGillivray, to ho held in the
Town Hall, on, Monday, April 19th, at
p. in., for the purpose of diecussing
the advisability el chaugiug Ibe seltool
system 61 tlie,townahip by tile appoint-
ment of tawnsliio boards oC trustees
and an, equal general rate of taxation.
ST. Malt PPS
St, ilthey's boson° of the oldest ladies
in the Do olio ion . Ivli s Br° wo , mother
of ,Micheal Browo, himself an old man,
was born in the year 1770, and eellSe-
quently is 105 years of age. She is it
native of Munroe, County Limerick,
Ireland. She is quite smart, does all
the marketing, aud attends to things
generally around the house. To all ap-
Pote-katraainaselelooksf'.geiasieritlorni.lau:hliketwetty ylivingoars
itcan and ticinilif
mr. J. Y. Savage, two doors from McLean's ho-
tel, has boon .kPpointed our t4gazot for Lucan and
vicinity; is authorized to receive orders for soh.
scriptions, job printing, .& -e„ and to collect iiccounts
and give receipts for the 811,1110.
(Vroin ohr own GetruEinoudel4).
, Oitnaenzon.---The . Maple ,Leaf Base
Bali OTub of Luceil have 'reorganized
again this 6=i:ilea, and .intend to try
and be victoidous in their matches this
season. The following are the
of office beavers :
Pres.-G.A. Pmte,
Vice Ares. -A. Murdock.
See. & Treas,-A. McLean.
Capt. -J. 0. Watts.
Managing Committee, -Messrs. C.
Gleeson, C. Quigley, W. Henry.
A SAD Aeteuen-A serio comic event
took place within it few miles of Luean
last week. A young man was paying
his addresses to a neighbor maiden
with a view to matrimony. The young
inan'e mother objected, but Ile continu-
ed to be self-wilied. Thereupon the
mother went down to a creek which
flowed near her house. No one was
theree. so she waited. till soineobe would
pass by, when she threw' herself into
the cold water. It was, not very deep
but she sat down and the water came
up to her neck. Assistande was Oro
curred to pull her out, but she struin
gled to stay in and drown. 'The thing
however couldn't be doo.o. It is
thought the youth will not now leave
the maternah, fold.
NEW BUILDING -Hr. .11; McLean
contemplates erecting it three story
brick building • on the site of• the drug
store lately buruod dowu.
Rubs, &e., -The , toads , are now
good-unusuallyso, for the length of
time since spring opened. Crops of
tall wheat look healthy, and do not op.
pear to have suffered from theaievere
winter. Quite a nuhiber of farmers
have begun ploUghing last and present
RnvivAns.,-The revival in the 13. C.
Churth here still continues with taut -
bated vigor an& en tti taiane. Soinew h itt
about 1)0 members have ;lolled the
ohurch-ntiostly young people
tilt) rittsntion of our teaders to the ed-
vertietnents of Messrs Phel. Johnston
and Mr. Ino.previthick, in another col -
tII iI1 thet has teken place at the
eapftel for malty it long day. Now
'that the session 18 OYU' and, has lasted
so longer thei4 wttS 414,1t440,,ted,
we may reAsouably take kloOk atAbe
result, 'Tis trno many important mat-
ters have beeu dealt with, hot perhaps
it iyould be assuming, ton/much to 'say
that the two months- have beeo. as Pro-,
litably employed as previous sessions
of the same duration. The Insolvency
lfrv has boon remodelled, the election
law emexided, the postallaw andergerie
eonsiderahle change, •Su-
preme Court has been established, al,
though it met a very narrow escape at
the hands of the Senate, being soyed
by the casting vote of Mr. „Speaker
Obrietie ; it laW 'relating to the North-
west Territories nas been passed, giv-
ing another opportunity for diepeneieg
Grit patronage, of which we shall no
doalet hear more shortly, • Many mil-
lion& of the people's' 'money have been
voted away -giving an illustration of
Grit economy when put into practice.
Many other matters of minor import-
ance have been- discnssed, ,and must
now rest for a time.
CoUNcl L PROCEEDINGS.- Couueit met
to -day, all the members present, mho
utes ofprevious meeting read and ap-
proved. Moved by -Mr. Diusuiore, sec.
by Mr. Sawyer, That orders be granted
for the following sums: Robert Moir,
$4, fo.S' labor on beat No. 63 ; Williani
Graham, collector, $2.69, widows' taxes
for 1875, end uncollected taxes $8,63 ;
John Skellett $8.00, Ruth Richie
$5.00, widow Tobin $3.00, widow
Doupe $3.00, George Wilkinson $3.00
Alex. Fraser $3.00, Agnes Bollard
$3.00, widow Orwell $3.00 -for ehari-
ties ; John Abney $125.00, for plauloas
per contract ; John Bell $1.00,repairine
culvert; ,Tames Gunning $50.00; grayl-
ing tenth concession; Robert Harsteme
$5.82, for spikes; J. B. Abbott $4.75,
for printing e widow Orwell $12.00,
lumber and shingles for house ; Adam
St. John $11.30, etone for culvert-, St.
John's eide road. The Reeve was
ordered to wait on the County Judge at
Stratford for the purpose of procuring
a deed for right of way for River Road
throogh Mrs, Humphries! Lot. The
followiug persons were appoiuted path -
masters for the ensuing year: No. 1.
Peter Genaw ; No. 2, • Richerd Wiles;
No, 3, Thomas Hyde; No. 4, John
Cameron ; 5, William Roger; 6, Wil-
liam Switzer ; 7, Thomas Lane; 8, John
Cameron; 9, John Wilson,10, William
Stacy; 11, James Marshall; 12, Noble
Johnson; 13, Joseph Beaths ; 14, Wil-
liam Steritt ; 15, -Philip Kerr; 16, Wil-
liam Stephens; 17, D. Bretb.our ; 19,
Samuel Glenn ; 21,Alex. Jameison ;
22, Samuel Marriott; 23, William
Johnston; 24. Thomas Thompson ; 25,
Alex. Knox; -26, Nelson Tibbitts ; 27,
William Davis ; 28, janaes 'Gunning;
29, David' Johnston 30, Ja-mes
McGowan ; 31, Richara Hayes; 82,
Thomas Lanton ; 33, Robert Foster;
34, Joseph Lanton ; 35, James Keith;
36, Robert, McKay ;87, Gauge Rundle;
38, Henry Switzer ;39, C. S. Sperling;
40, William Brine ; 41, John lieuedy ;
42, Mathew Forsyth ; 43, William Pea-
cock; 44,“ Thomas Wo d ; 45, Thomas
Pearin ; 46, Frank Sommers; 47, Chas.
Bailey; 48, Mathew Pearin ; 49, James
49. James Sutherland; 50, George
-Lennox ; 51, JohiaDawson ; 52, Samuel
More; 53, Adam St, John; 54 'Mi-
chael Keuny 5 • 55 William Donnell;
56, Hugh Baynes ;' 57, John Lennox;
58, Samuel Robinson ; 59, David Rob-
san ; 60, William Henderson; 61, John
West 3, 02, Charles. Cain 3..68, Robert
Moir ; 64, William Hutchins; 65, James
Richard; 66, William Oliver; 67, Chae.
Skinner ; 68. John Baynes; 69, Lach.
Cade. The 'follovviog were kneel/dad.
fence 'viewers :• Ward No. ,1, John
Stephens & James Spearin ; 2, T. Mar-
riott & Williarn Fotheringham 3,
Robert Somerville & Joseph Lanton,
4, James Elliott Sz- Frank Somers,
Adam St. John & James Pickard.
Poutd keepers t Ward No L Moes
elair, 2, Wilhean Painter, , 3, Thomas
Shipley, 4, Alex. Garry, ,5, Edward
Delmage. The sum of $25 was order-
ed to expended on side Road between
12 & 13 Con. 17. The followitig scale
for statute labor Was adopted and a by.
laW-law ordered to be drafted in con-
formity therewith ; $100 to $900 2 ltys
$000 to woo 3,daya; $1500 to $2400
,4:claye $2300,to $3400l days:work $3400
to $4400 0;days;and for over $1000, or
fractional*part thereof over $4400 mu/
additional day, Aud alt allot matters-
itt connection with statute labor shall
be in Accordance with by -Laws already
in force in the municipality, The
council they adjourned, to meet the first
Monday in* lbw at the hour of ton
o`ch.ek, a, re„ Wit.ixot ,lonstsToti,
Connell liall, Illipeshard,April 8) 1875,
B. B. Ourn,-tou Saturday night last
a meeting was held in the Tovva
for the purpose of orgitoie,ing it 13ase
tall Club. About twenty-five mein -
hers joined and it is expected to be
rather proficient elide, l'he folic/1,411g
Were elected offite bearers ;
'Dr. Rollins thee.
Cin 'Vise poo,
as if to satisfy l'hiiosopher Mills that
ohne iye, si"heet1,11.°' etP triet T4a1 t6eirt In°1 Os 14174 h°Thel
been brualnrig-toriate, p4sing seVe-
,ral amendments to different bus sent,
up from the COmMensr and' .finally
threw ouitho,bill authorizing the eene
niteuctlan of, t e , equonault and.„Nana-
imo .,Railway,o.togther, Which i*oulit
save the 'country ' several mi1iion for
which no egniyelont len°, be received, it
good. authorities on British doltimbie`
matters areeto be belieVeib •It is rum-
ored: here, however, that Mackenzie
will Mit need the action Oh the 'Senate
iu this matter; but teroeeed Itt once with
the work. Many will watchwith in-
terest to see if the great Constitutional
sticklers will adopt such a high-handed
course, ,
On, taking a .general review of ,the
speeches aod Votes of the seeeioio yeor,
readers and the couutry
6geDerally will
readily admit that party lines are by
no means distinctly drawo. As the
Yankee would. say.
and the most zealous party Man must
concede that with Sir John supperttng
Mackenzie's Governstient aud Blake
opposing it, some'"of the lesser lights
inuet flu% it difficult td.deterniii.e -upon
their correct Oulll'Se.
In bidding yourSclf and your readers
allow inc to ventnre the 'opinion that
before Parliament ince s again some
importaiet changes will take p"aee in
the personnel of the Government, May
it be foe the benefit ofthe country. •
T rr .
Pluming was euninicaeed last week.
A sehemo for the abolition of tolls on
the roads of the county has been sub-
mitted to the 'nfeldlisex Council.
A man uanied McKay had a narrow
escape from drowning hi Goderich one
day last week. -
Lambton has thirteenlodgesofgrang-
Tim orthographomanio
reached Sarnia.
Good Friday and Draeville witness-
ed a 14 and 18 yea e eld couple united
itt the " holy 'hauls."
Kincardisie pavers ; say that little
Mum didn't die freio wino; sulphured
matches. ,
- Robert Govenlock of McKillop blows
of beingin possession of a lamb, which,
at its appearance, turned.the scales 17
ro an ds.
Dr. 'Wm. Beckett, formerly of lilts
Coouty, now of Kingston, Jamaica, is
now on a visit to Goderich.
By a series of penny readings the
Mount Forest Sons of Temperance aro
raising money to purchase -an orgau.
Pala Boynton has succeeded in the
almost ineredible feat of swinnning
across the English Channel, with the
help of his life-saTing apparatus. At
leasthe may be credited with its aceom-
Plishmen,t, though, owing to the ap-
proach of night, the tempestuous state
of the sea, and the refusal of the pilot
to be further responsible for safety, the
courageous inventor had to quit the wa-
ter when about six miles from land.
A large crowdjuid ,assenablial. at, Bou-
logne pier to greet him on his arrival,
and received him with the utmost en-
thusiasm. He inteods to" repeat the I
experiment, . I
Last week's iseue closed the fifteenth
year of the existence of the Mitchell
The Rend Eau News intimates that
there lave beeu thousands of 'acres
ploughed in Kent already this season.
Rev:Robert-Scott, who is en the eve
of taking his departure from the Pres-
byteriau Church of Camlachie, for New
York, bee been made the recipient of
an affectionate ;Wanes and a purse of
The Goderich Starn'referring to the
salt interests of that 'town, says that
"in addition to the Neibergall,
natio 11 al lit (1. gawky blocks,iwe can add
the Slanfey and the Dominion "
ly to be in operation during the pres
mit year.
The Record says the proposition to ea.
tablish a Roelof eteamers between Wind -
P.40134coming liere
fever has
ite to
We .112Port Our avnleof*.
We keen a Inr0e,(414.
, :Panel/ Day- Goode and
and winut je still betcr ^svc ooll our gO0a8
S MAI '-"-7
(.400 a siik'nre th°-f.91
so, only J
000e. Silk, Poplin Dreoe, only $0 00
cooa Ailatea, only, 20 luta 25 els, por yhrd
oohite Cotton 8 awl 30 tout a 00r PATO.
(Wed eta extra Wide Shirting 12 oozas per yard
10'yax(18 raotory'Uotton. for $1 00
Good Vrints 8 and 10 cents per yard• .
A Pirst-class Cotter always on the Pr
!ass oat una ox3o0ino our oxtoneivo stook; ho
oluuoikig; w11 curly, rornombor tho olU ninno, 11
not it bat yd. of limo: loamy of the towns
Payns howiug Machine Factory,
was destroyed by tiro on Settorday night,
Loss /lot asoortained. Insurance $10,
Orillia wants a Teinperenee Ihote1
Thelongshorsemen of New York are
all again on strike.
The streets of Montreal And Ottawa
tire still encumbered with Snow.
The Oshawa II -indicator say e :-On
Wednesday 'e'Vening, the north-western
portion of the town was excited by the
the loss of two boys. 14 years of age,
.one the son of Mr. Wilson, and the
other the` adePtedschild of Mr.'C. Wad-
ley., On Thuraday, young Wilson was
found at the 1Whit5y station. It ap-
pears they had been reading dine nov-
els, aad, excited by the wild romances
in this wretehed, traatie had daptuted in
Heath of adventure. They got to To-
,ronto, when ,Wilson wisely -concluded
that he would go bach home, but the
other by went to Michigan to his
mother. He had with him. stored up
it sum of money to meet the first nee;
esSity lefore fortune should have shear-
ered upon them the gold which, accord-
ing toltho nove1s,1 adventurous ooys are
always sure t:) find. Doubtless, the
little experience of reality • has
kneeled thenonsense out of their heads,
but it woold be well if parents, be look-
ing after the character of their children's
books kept it from entering them.
On Sunday night last a dahtardly at-
tempt was made to rob the house of
Mrs. Jones, who lives with her daugh-
ter on Goal-stroef; close to the Court-
house, Chatham. The time must have
been a little before or shortly after
midnight, when Miss Jones was awak-
ened by the sensation of a cold hand
pressed upon her 1100, and seeing a moo
bending over her she gave a • scream,
on whieh the villain said that if sea din
not keep quiet he would blow out her
brains, and he then covered her head
with the bed clothes. The scream,
however, awoke Mrs. Joues in another
room, and she tmstened to her (laugh
ter, taking in her hand it largo horse -
pistol , \\Idoh hung in- the hall (un-
toaded), and with which she threaten-
ed to shoot hien dead. This was enough
for the coward, for, with an oath and
a boond he went through the window
taking the e hole sash with him, and
lie escaped. The neighbors were soon
eroused, and it eearelt was made, but
no ti -se of the, scoundrele, for, accord-
ing to the foot marks, these must have
been two of them, could be found.
The mud, alleges that Me.
A. P., by grace of V. C. -Blake, and
temperance owner • of the Americae
Hotel, capped the climax of his hypo.
eriey at Ottawa by thinking • a bottle
of wine with Inc Sunday dinner and
delivering it violent temperance lecture
in the afternoon with that wino inside
of him ! Ife is challenged to deny the
allegation if be dare. When will hon-
est prohibitionists learn the folly of dis-
gracing and injuring their ennee. by
placing iton the handeof such hyi o-
eultes as Rdbert Willtee, Barney Dev-
lin, ancl others of that ink. _
The Cools -Mail libel suit resulted
in it verdiet for the Plaintiff ; damages
20 con t
C)LNE & (JO.
un sups AE:
W0 Sell Wliolesase Rett
won lisboxion ;to* of
Clolhing, and 110215e Furnishings,
for °AWL,
lowleg.rriees ;
l'Euley Fianna t3hirting ands25 colts pox ya 4
0 yal (Is laeo curtain not or $1 00
Carnets end klpop Oil Cloth very cheap
(1" 94 Table P6r00,51E PulY Prz copts por yard
Vowels fringed, Ditty 75 cents eer tenon
NAC„.0 nit -wool tWoeas, only 60 n4 60 cents -pox yd.
Suut Pweedo ronay and well msds, only 018 75
emises to attend to ordered Clothing
trouble to aloe our geode ; no ofloneo for notper-
TI),FB ostublnannl. A, OILISEOLII 01
alau of the striking clock, opposite market lane
ir LEP constantly on hend. the Larcest and
Best Assortment of
Patent Medicines,
• Tooth,'Nail, Hair, and Cloth
P ERFU.111EIZIP,1'0.174ET-80APS
• &c.
School Books, Toy Books,
A lbumsFancy Goods
Pencil Slates, Lead Pen-
cils, &e.
Co.'s Celebrated Peifected Spectacles and
From irticrs and retires quitlily and accu-
rately dilws( it. -14 monter the Plece-Di-
tectly oryesite the " Ornti al Eotel,"
Exetel. C. VANEUt:EN & Co.
Exeter, Janutuy 7, 1874. 71 -yl.
sor and the. head of Laic° S np,erier, has
a1ready2att0actecl'attention to, WindSor
as a point admirably adapted for man-
ufacturing purposes, eliould tlie linebe-
°ein' Ineeality. lIfforte Are in pregrese
to' eecore Sitett f'or an elevator 'Anti, ether
A very sensational affair, occurred
on Monday at, Osgoode 'tall, Torooto.
There was it trial between separated pa,
ratite for the eustody.,of a child. The
wife lost 3., endeavoring to seizethochild
by forced, and failing, fire :at lier bus -
band Ninth, it pistol, The sheeiff lobeelts
ed tip the weapon, and saYed his life.
-"Arthur Reid, au old uud ro43peeterl
fernier, of Pre,elton, Wentworth, while
trying to get srniet hunt freln hie burn-
ing hotiee 011 Sunday perished he the
•.8Tupper, will reside permarie'ntly
and praetice his profession in OttaWa.
An advance of 20 to 25 per eoilt. ;vas
marcle on Saturday on ocean passagi,, to
Tlio ev, br. Wild, of lireoldyn.
Y., forineily of 'Belleville, has signified
his intention of retut 'ling to ctumati.
Much damage ints boon dei/tell freehe
Ott iu the vicinity of Brits ois,
A. M. P. M.
Mixed 7.85 -
A. 3F. P.3f. P. Pd.
418; 5.50
• F. B. JENNING0.9-..
Lucar, Iin,f6'6,175
GoiNo Wesr
11 you want a
• Agent for the
011 TIM
Senior z Photograph Gallery
TinAllitt FOR SAIT!'heat,PITE St113-
12 settliet offers fee- On.lc the' i4..W, i of lot 8.,
eon,1, reborne, containing 110 8e1o8 Of 0,'33ealient
Irtinh,,:,10 aCrol dietti44iyannovep tione/tee, a
awellu g 1101) f46;'ffilk AagrattUld!'btetitYlV.iiiti160£1,
111.0. 0 a 00011tilgtl voeli, aitififilek,libit, an c't alie
Vo.l'-failing Alfillittil:11) 4tittIVROM 1,,tetor font
mil00. tot flii'thori) ' Iiiitlitiqi PiI's,ply'tO a'. rulmP.
sv,v,prolafeyok,,,14*e it:Ptal, ; 73-tf.,
,...,. .., ..
TilAlilt It7Oli SALE; --The •sittscrib,
_it: 'or oll'ors foi. fn+16 0 lof 20; oon, 5,:.it;0111611
CoiltA 0.01* 611 n'oroG of o xt.,d'Icnt. Told, 'a 11 .'voll tim,
boroa; 'flus ,.11.,t .,,.;a:bio' ).-1.,s,nr i:Init. t'n'tough 016
1101110 of tho, ihoportsr. Di;bant from 11xotol', 9f
Milos. rot, fttv,thor phrtieutait iltply ,to IVICII.
AK?) sAN1.)11L1i,.,1'..xotsr, 114,1,
. „ . ,
Important to every owner of a
• Building.
Carson's Paint,
(improved Fire -proof.) Those who are, in
need of Paint shoubt enquire for Carson's
Improved Paint.
It is Cheap and Fire -proof, entering the
grain of the woed ; it stops all small leaks in
roofs, and preserves them against the -ption
of both -Von and -weather. One coat,isa1 ser-
viceabi vi 0 of common paint, and two
Agent, Exeter.
N. B. -Wood taken tn exchange for the paint
Siorej Post Office littatdent-tr,
Stock of Groceries and Confectionery
on hand.
Sportsmen supplied with Ammunition.
School Books and Stationery. Jour-
, elate and,Magazines.
Es:etch, Nor ember,181;19, 6r, -N1
(-11-elft;t7- -__.gdetai.
aye; !fp anal ..11:nvedelment
aletZet4,,,2C,(,) 0 0
eilc4Ve .0.C62,14 110)000
-Vielea, /hut; Occulted 11/0
'1)0 e 0, tO o C.0 -,,Yntted fed
r=drittiVee'ti.e 6.140,0re/ ,ert, eg'io
o/ 67 ant/
el annrene, erce6a;lei.
.SKfrifee c,9211
FLE re8f3TORY,
1 INfroni faotntar of wild c1oa16r
nate*, soot finsistevolvert
Vishing Tokio, awl HI -alters* stipphe;
Gun-8toelting floto in tiafit.olitss stNto, :11ti Pirb
Gun; aluvred oo dontpalPii,o,
Sign of One tint (4o1don tl(oy, otALIPNOII-ST.,
setwoon 1)0100,0 and riing,;Lonilon. April si12-19.
30V wAN.rkst) TO LEARN PR/N.
,5Y,tot,)141/po ittA,11. ttg11h Cala,
ton pply ae nes egeee, '