Exeter Times, 1875-4-15, Page 11011100 rtetOfe. „ Ptlira. . MORD, H01110001,311,t1ZiliC Physioian and, Surtax/11. 40Qt" t0 1UN/4013'S //Made works. 14;slamNen-Contrel 1/0t01„ Particular attention paid to obronic diSeaset3„, all oelts proMptly attended, advice free. „Exeter, rifarel3 23, 3,875 8211 !P ,ORE)XD:, 04 . MoGHI HniverSity,QZ treat Pnyszeitin, surgoon, Odle° and residezioe-Exeter, Ont. Odiee ilourti-43. to 10 aan, and 7 tO 10 pan. RS,DROWNING IRVING, Physicians, SurgoonS, Aecouelteurs, Office --Doininion medical Laboratory, one door north (1133aVis* blacksmith shop, Idam St. Exeter 11 0idonec, Dr.11rowning's,nron st• \V, 131town, Graduate Victoria College, Meinbor Col- logePhysicians & Snrgoons, Wd„Ilt.v11304 M, B., thaduate lIntversity Trinity College, Member Col, lege PhysielanS and Surgeons:, 60-tf. DR. LANG. B., M. D., L. R. Q. ..„ries. 0. Graduate of Trinity College, Mem- ber of the Golloge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontarie. offiee--Drug Stole, Main St. Oranton, and it3 als0 preprietor of the Driig. store, and eqn- stantly keepS on hand a large stock of pure drugs Patentrifechoines, and DyeStaffs. ,Grenton,,J4ne 18,1874, 5-6m, A'RD1NG E-AEDDTG, J3arris J.- tors, ttornoys, Solicitors, Cominissioners B. Orpron-IIIITTOX'e 13.LOoN, Water, Street, St. Eery's. 40riN HARDnia. Itelumm ESSRS. JONES & 1V1cDOUGALL Barristers, Attorneve.o.t.-law, Soliettors'in Chancery, Convoyancerst Commissioners in Q.13, 3,nd Notaries Public, St, Mary'S, OFF1011-1111tt011'S Block, Water St, St. Mary' nt. 1-1y. 11,1c1)IARIIID, B.A., V V • BARRISTER., NOTARY, CONYEYA.NER, LT.ICAN, ONT. 'G. WILSON,' ISSUER OF • Marriage Licenses under the now Act, at the Post Office store, Zu0oh, On, 46-tf. urtiantip. II BROWN, Public Auctioneer, • Winehelsea, Sales promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. 14,Tinchelsea, Oct.15,1873. - J. SPACKMAN, LIGENSEDPortho nAUCTIONEER 0 n. RESIDENCE, - EXETER, On SALES PROMPTLY ATTENdED TO CHARGES MODERATE.. gate15. ,=••••••••1•11:•••• l'iTANSION HOUSE, EXETER ONt., W. ITAWKSHAW, Proprietor. Thi 'new and commodious holelis now completed, and fitted up throughout with first -furniture. The best of Liquors and the choicest of Cigars at the Bar. The house is canahle of accommochitinu 35 guests. Excellent. stables and 011 attientive hos- tiers. (54-ly.) (ILTEES HOLILL, LUCAI\ W `.---15 BO WE Y, Proprietor. This first -elm hotel has lately changed hands (front W. E. Will us to W. Dewey), and is tided with new fur [titre throaghout: Free 'bus to and from tho station Unice for the new line of 'busses to Lendoa. The bar is replete with the choicest Loners and frag- rant 1-1 LVallati. Four cominercial sample room. Goo a stapling and attentive hostlers. -"E" OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— A good. one -storey frinno house, 001.110 iniur 5 rooms ; also $ acre of land, toljoining the Marko: squaro, Exeter. On the lot is 00 OXeellellt 11011 01 water. For particulars apply to IsAAO ]AW - DEN, Elzeter. 77-11. 'kg TO BA -Y. -Agents Wwitcd 1 All V classes of working people, of ei• qdb..1 they s,,x, young 01 010, make more 1110110V at work for 118 511 their spore moments, or all the t'me, than it tinythiag else. Particulars frob. Por;t card to States costs but; one cents. Adams G. STINSON' &CO., Portland, Maine. 62 -yl. O.L. NO: 62,1 JLJ • Night ot moot- ing--1First l'rlday in ev- ery n1011111, corner Gid - ley and sts. Brethren cordially invited to attend. OATEN WILLIS, W.M. JOHN WHITE, secretary. 76-1y. BISSETTS' -Livery ai.id Sale Stable's cakinection with the Central lick)). If? p- , /..1..00D HORSES AND COAIFOIZT- ABLE vehicles always on hand. Favorable arrangements wade with commercial travelers. All orders left at Hissed's Tinshop will be promptly attended to. R. & T. DISSETT, Prop - Exeter, Sen. 4.1873. ' 2-1y. TO FARMERS And Stock -Breeders. 7 M. SWEET 7 S Graduate fertile Veteri- nary College. Has removed his office to ono door north of W V11/1SOU'S harness shop, and directly oiiposite Da- vis' 131acksm it:1 shop., Veterinary Medigiu9s al- ways on lama.. Callsprom:141Y attended.to. Horses c oiled' as to their soundness ••' Augui rdsti.. 1873. , TVS'? PUBLISHED GEORGE j. CHILD'S Illustrated Catalogue of ' Farin, Flomrer & Garden 'Seeds 50. 001 61VEN IN SPECIAL 24 New !Varieties of I it 117r1"0" JN AIVAT Vegetable Seeds Ja Send for a copy &twice. GEO. 3. CHILD, The London Sed Store City Hall, Riehmond-st, London, Ont., Loudon, March 18,1875, 81-3713 1)-Tgli.gtilng.VIC SHOP AND RI - 11 W g4OPE1n, .. 4 . 1"., , , 1 iCtiPprfaetttror of ataldoalor In ., , Rtilts Spot GititS , iitetOttekl 1 , , .1, 1 Pistols, risbing Ttieldef and Ittontets' kiljp.plios GUn.stooking aono in ilant-ohiee otylo., 1Pial'iro' ' Gallo altered aa dontrallfiro, ' Slgai of Gun and, (kolaon :Noy, ,NraftENCE.Sitt., bottvoon punc1.01 alai Hingi:Lonclotli A,ptil 8,'75-ly , OY WAND TO LEARN TfIsTG, MnOt have :1-iltioitai pcitiets- , o4. tag; 4:aaeo, AND VOL. Ci NO 33,—WHOLE—NO, 85. EXETER iN()B1111:1 MIDDLE OITA.140 THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1875. The Dominion Laboratory Go to tho Dominion Laboratory if you want PURE DRUOS! Ch.eihicals or Dye Stuffs 11 you want Qnditi.on Powders, Horse Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, PAINTS OR OILS DOMINION LABORATORY :12r A Fresh supply of BEARINE, & VAN ' J3USKIRK'S SOZODONT, The New Brilliantine Hair Cream One of the Finest preparations for promoting the growth of the hair, and giving it A rine, CTlossy Appearance All at the Lowest Rate. N. B —Prescriptions and Veterinary Formu- la carefully dispensed. Exeter, April 6, 1875. T, 500 MEN WANTED to carry away BREAD ! AND ALL LINDS OF CONFECTION- 'RY- (Phde and Ornamental) BRIDES CAKE MADE TO ORDER ! Special Attention paid to Orders for Parties, etc The subscriber would also announce 10 the people of Exeter and vicinity that he has' on hand all kinds of G-ROCERIE S Teas that cannot te surpassea for their quality and. flavor. Su,,ars, Currants, Raisins, To- - Anceoes,. etc. Also, all kinds of D elf, Glassware Smallware, Toys, etre , All kinds of Prodnce taken in exchange for goods. ilemember the place—Next door to Bolton's '3rtig Store. .13read delivered all parts of the • , • town free of charge. Exeter, Nov. 1.0, 1874. J. BELL. 65 -tf PUBLIC CAUTION. nouoseay,s nit; una Ointment aro neither ruanUttl..1.1.,IT(/ lair / 01(1 in any part of the United States, alta.ougo they may bo obtained in. the13.N. Ain erimi n Provinces. Mach pot and box bears the hriiislt Govern weld Stainp,witLatlio words, 'Rollo. 10,i '5 Pills and ia tine nt,London,'engrav,ed. there- on. It has become necessary to make this announ- cement, because the NowYorkOhernical Company (who pay nobody) finding ut hitt that their tiarne hes been. so eximsed, hive assumed the title of '1.3.ohoway & Go;' but, even now. no ono will buy their medieinos direct from them, so til it they have made arrangements to supply exchisively the firm of -Messrs, Henry &Co., of Newltork, with their so-called "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." his presuined that from the large connoxiou Mos.' sem:Henry & Co. have in the British Provinces aud lsewhere, the public is very likelyto be imposed upon by unscrupulous vendors and others, unless' they exercise great caution to prevent their being misled, by boiling thcFe medicines Naring 11 stamp with the name of Holloway & Co., Now York," printed thereon. Many respectable flrms In the British Provinceswho obtain my meilicfrios direct from here, 11 tve very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their 1.101/108 tho paporp that it may be known that medicines can bo had genu- ine from them. The following is a list of the arms alluded to; and I particularly iecommond those who desire to get my medicines to apply to some of tho houses neanoM-Messrs. Avery, brown & Co.,,Ifalifax, N. S; Messrs. Forsyth & Co., N. S. 'Messrs. T 13 Barker Sc Sons, St John, N 13; lifr. T Dos 13risay, Charlotte TOW11, 11281; Messrs, Lang- ley S.: Co., Victoria, 13 C.; Messrs:Moore & Co.,Vic- toria, 13 C; Dr:John Panel, Chiltern, N 13; Messrs., Munro & CIO; Montreal; 13Iessrs. J Winer & Co; Hamilton; Mr. H Rose, Toronto; Mr. A Chili - man Smith, St. John. N 23; Mr. John Bond, Godor Joh; Messrs. Elliot & Co., Toronto ; Mr. Chaloner St John, N B ; rifessrs. 'Harlington Thos., St John N 13; Mr It Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryen, Morden,, N S ; Mr George Hunt, jr., Frodrioltton, N' B; Mr W 11 Phompson, Harbor Grace, N ; Mr j Wilfy, Fredrioldon, N 13; Messrs W & D 'Yuile, *Montreal. The medicines are sold at the. loWast whelestile nett prices, in quantities of not less than 420 worth-viz.,88. O., 22s., and als.Por dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittances must bo sent in advance. THOMAS HOLLOWAY 190hemists rim/ othdr vendors of Holloway's gen-, 111130 Pills and Ointment May havo„ their names inserted in the local papers if they wIll'plOnso to apply horo- 503, Oxford-st., W C London, February. is, 187's 77 -nos ,g2atem 4 ...jS ea94. e nicei 6 e I awes ....gittedlcotent c( qe ;fair/1,000,600 ..aftelzeij aftylail4id at d decrita dt:y 6 o66,0eo,00',,_Attiodeei 4,ettie4et -g/ed de 'ecre (taut,' 6fri eta, ' donmot, treeorlei4 ariom2te rout .A-410;, e‘aregeet!, ,rdont.31100, —1875. NEW SPRING GOODS A T THE Popular House" "--••• Owing to the depressien in trade, both in Can- ada and the United States, the manufacturers and cvliolesale menhavo been forced to dispose of their Stocks for MASI" without reference to Even the Cost Price of the Material. Wm. & CO having cleared their Winter Stock, through their very successful sale, were in the best possible position to take advantage of this state of the markets. Their Spring Stock has been bought much earlier than usual, and under all the advantages which Cash and matured ex- perience 0101 command, the full B enefit$ of which are given to theircustomars. New Tweeds New Denims New Shillings New Cottons New Prints New Jackets at Prices never before heard of. W. MeINTOSII & CO. ST, MARY'S, March 11, 1875. 80-ly Woodham Harness Shop.1 —0-- NEN11:7 TEAZILER Manufacturer of Light and Heavy Hidness, inform, the inhabitants of Lisburne and Blair bar that he has on hand and is prepared to umnufac ture IGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, .10, those in want of anything in his lino will study their own interests by giving him a call be- fore purctu sing elsewhere. Repairing pruniptly attended to. 75-3m. FRESH OYSTERS GROCERIES ! CIIE.AP, AT G. SA_1\11DER,'S store, Vost Otlicc Butiding, A Stock of Groceries and Confectionery on hand. CHOICE TOBACOE3 and CIGARS Sportsmen supplied with Ammunition. School Books and Stationery. *Jour- nals and Magazines. ALL THE LATEST I;OVELS. G. SANDERS. Exeter, November1874, 19, 65-y1 THE NEWEST & BEST TkI1NG OUT Important to every owner of a Building. .,,Carson's Paint, (improved. Fire -proof.) Those who are in need of Paint should enquire for Carson's Improved Paint. 'Ms Cheap and Fire -proof, enteing the grain of the wood ; it stops all small haks in roofs, and preserves them • against the action of both tin r and weather. One coat is as ser- viceabl as o of common paint, and two _coats . WILL LAST A LIFETIME • JAMES l'ROUT, Agent, Exeter. N. l3.--Woop taken im exchange for the pain If you want a , THOROUGHLY RELIABLE P013 PARLOR, 'SCHOOL OR CHURCH APPLY TO FRANK It, WHITLOCE, Agont for the BEST ORGANS ON Tan CONTINENT. W,A.REPOOMS— &times Photograph Gallery, MATN ST, xv.rtn. FOP SALE.-----TIIE SUB - J... scriber off(rs for sale tho N.W.- 6 of 101 3, IT81301110,. COONtilling lietaA ON eellent lend, 40 tieroe eioaroa, bolonoo well timbered, a dAvoifing 1101180,, bitierk and stable on the promigoS, also mooed young orchard. of graft trait and no Vet -failing DiSt(131fr 11"0199 Z*01,01"' lottr 011100, rOr ftirthorpoalionlars aleuetex,ntmen, SEY, propricror, Exeter 21.0. ADM FOP, subscrib- er otters for sale 114 101 4)), eon, 5, Stephen containing 0000 01 of excellent land, all woll tlm borol Tho Aux Sablo rivor mit thron(th ono coma of tho property, inotant ftota. rjlJ tth Od., For further artiettlar0 apply 'to ItiOn BEAUTIg0 'OF StILINO. See, the glorious maiden oomea; Wave the sceptre WO in air: Ope' wide 'the door of all your homes, Bid her a glad welcome there. Feel her balmy breath draw nigh, While witl. steady step she etnnes, E'en the Weds are singing high In thdir cold and leafless home% Now sho comes, and soon our lands Shall throw off their coats so Soon oar farmers, with their hands, Shall have weilt to their delight, We do not slight our winter sister, But thank her well for all she's dere ; Wo say farewell gentle whisper, And lot her 1.159, for spring has come. The cattle housel in barn BO long Come forth' with glad surprise Their voices tell us, with voices strong, A.nd join with our to sound Ood's praise. For:He it is who sends us spring, With breezes warm. and bright. Then let us all Hi S praises sing, Who doth to us such blisses bring. miessismamexaramarnriasso. SAFE-WISAFE; OR, THE MAN FR0A1 CALIFORNIA. 333' HENRY MORPORD. CHAPTER, II. THE GREAT CRIME THAT SHADOWED THE PAST. A -warm intiniacy, the -warmer, no doubt, because of that marked differ- ence in temperament which 1;he' super-' ficial would. have supposed an impas- sable liar to any close friendship, had. existed between Frederick Gwiler and, LauraneelPeane, from the first day, of their meeting, three years before ; and in this important event at least one person was found whose self-will and prido of 'personal opinion, not to say his stubbornness, rendered it difficult for him to fall in with a general cur- rent. Immediately on being informed of the charge against his friend, the younger Owner showed the oldimpetu- osity of his character, by rushing at once to his father, from whom he would scarcely have asked the least favor o his own behalf, or any inducement les than that of life, and demanding tha something should be done to exonorat "Larry," whom he knew to bo iimo cent, and that he should be retained in employment ! A proof', if any should be needed, that modern days are not alto - paler degenerate, and the David :snd Jonathan of Hely Writ and the Do men and Pythias, ef rennsiitie biStOry .dan be even yet paralleled; for neither the sword of Philistine or: Syracusan was much sharper to dere than are the eye and tongue of a tyrant father who sub. stitutes hate a:.<1 eontempt for the love which should. be borne toward his own offspring! The result of this ill-omened ioter- view may well be imagined. All !h. - old bitterness between father and sol. broke out anew, and more violently than ever; end the demands of the former that the latter should abandon his, attachment to "the low hussy I'. poor Penny Worrell !) were nosy oupled with the corresponding demand. hat lie should refuse to reeognize or,in ny way counteminee Laurence Deane, vhom the elder complimented with the lesignations of "013 ungrateful ecoun- ral and thief I" John Gwiler, if he had been speeially nxious..to divorce his son from hiMself, nd attach him with "hooks of sI eel'' o Laurence Deane, could not' have talc - n more effectual ineasurapp.o that end.' 13oth commands were rejected as . con- emptuously as they were given arrer antly.; and /when father and son »art. - d, as they did .in less than tweuty ininiites :after meeting, the separation vaswith words vt.ry lit 1 1.,Ientoved 'from 'mutual defiance. . Two weeks later, in November ono of heSalifornia steamers, the Oh;o, bore elm Gwiler and T.itturoxice Deane as assengers for the Land of Gold, 'which as just then fairly opening totlie World hat/ maiVelons. wealth /of mineral- de- osit only indicated by the gdiecoveries 1,Stitter.'s Fort in .1848. , They have irked their fOrtunes togethek. for weal r woe-efoetunes which .botli, feat to be njust and abnormal, .and /against hich each felt, ticeording to tempera - Mit, :More 'or lose like fightiog world by Means easy: 'to eonqUer ingle-handed and :especially empty- anded? They meant te. try, at least,. liether there cOtild not bo: found,., on 10 PaCifie coast, 'a .jtestiee 'and an. sop-'. orthnitiderned thein on the Atlau, 11 Strange and varied have been their adventures between the periocl--hearly four yeafs--between that embarkation and the return iii June. 18544 Most of the time they liad managed to re- main together, in the rnines, or in the precarious employments of San Fran, cisco, Sacramento., and the oanyass and clap -boarded towns in the mining di&= trictS. i]Never millionairies, but sonio- times almost wealthy, they had been at other times little else than beggars; and Flied. Gwiler could have related, with the small amount of gusto appro- priate to the subject, some reininiscen- cos of the (lay when he breakfasted on o ingle raw turnip, and dined on the rinds of pork surreptitiously skimmed ,,„ from a barrel of refuse 'slops under an open, Shod? Oboe they hid together kept a, canva:1s restantant, selling boiled eggs fern -dollar each, on Clay Street in San Fiancisco ; and again they had been engagocl in furnishing supplies to the hungry inineeS, in a 111.01.0 apology for 0 tont, riladee of blankets, ragvecl in toxtnre, and soilcd oondition, on the banks of Feather 'River, They had tored occagionally, quiteias cat pen , y ally for life as if they had been handling ettW and hammer tho etriStraction of n raft itt Sea; and GWiler averred (though there was hone 16 corroborate him) that he had more than °nee earn- of the boardera at one of the "hotel's: of '49." Gwiler had. nursed Deane through a deadly, fever in one of the. miserable hovels of Grass Valley; an M return, Deane had bean the pain true friend while Owner lay for man weelta disabled. With 0,» broken arm at GAZ P ANNUM that occupied by th i ohl merchant— knoir' Jane; 4 1 I have not the hes , . then paused a monient,:then went upto ot charkieters et,„, t New York, and es d, the crosswalk at the eorner, then down peeialiy In tinainfase,„'; d before the house, ainl etopped at the ' r+i 0i, yes, cettilly, I know all a 1 , , G bottom of the stops leadiog up "to the it ; 'but 1 dOu't guile believe 'all that 1 y old inalloganY doors With its areh arid hear,,sir," answ„ered the good oreatliVe, floor fluted with Ionic columm, ' The Wil0 may have .1ieen. even better 41111,11 new -corner W118 evident.y tr,ying to she .'wouhl otlierwi,46 have been, fl'oni ,INfaryeeville—the result of night's oil - counter with half a dozen ruffians in the outskirts of the town, which an Alex person thaa himself would hav avoided. They had been togethe through even wilder ecenee and groat es dane.ers—in the midst of the Vigi lance Coat4tp`;ttee excitement of' .1851 brothers 'filch, ;ts before and after once, and only once, for ,More than si menthe, th 9413;0:been eeparate-Dean at: that' time rejoicing in, the occupap estr of a clap -board variety -shop a Marysville, and GrWi'er, Sliddenly Visit ed by tliat propensity for sea -going be foie -the -mast whieh so often attacks (though seldom more than once fo eaoh reetiess and roving natures born, to:bet tersethinge. Two or three trips up the dbast to Oregon, and one to the Saudwich Islands and the Indian Ar- chipelago, had been. the result of this whim -,-the amaterir sailor coming b ek. much embrowned in face, and - We sailor Propensily for outrage;- oi "yarns," added to his:old proclivity to ractiOal jokes and drolleries. hrough all these vicissitudes Fred.' G iler had rentained the half -reckless hu 'emus, odd, full-grown body of his elm ler promise, discouraged by nothing abohed by few occurrences, equally really and equally fitted for good or ill- Torinne—the very incarnation of that American character which rises the more readilythe oftener it falls, and which mo At people 'Of 'Toteign nations first perCeive with disgust, then With wonder not unalloyed° .admiration, and. finally with bewildered astonish- ment. Daring the same space of time and,through corresponding vicissitudes, Latirence Deane, though sometimes cheerful and even lively, had seemed toustantly haunted and oppressed with theponsciousness of misfortune and in- justiee. During Abel/Let few months preeeding the; departure from Califor- nia, he had grown yet sadder'atul more weary under the load, and oftener and oftener he had begun to declare his detorMination to return to the Atlantic coast, and dare or even force an inves- tigation. of the circumstances under whieli hell:14 been condemned. GWiler had ea first langhed at him"; -then en- deavored to reason him. out of leaving California beferehoth had "made their piltd'. eanassed Ali -tunes) ; and finallY yielcIed ad :consented to ae--, company him, very meich. as a doctor might go out with ,a refractory patient whoen cguld not rest:fain and. would nelaNnsion, but '-with -.very inibn pito icUits- of any good that could really be accomplised by the journey. It is possible, meanwhile that the friend and mentor might have offered a yet more stubborn e Astance had there not been some terptation in the thought of once more meeting Penny Worrall, with whom (honor te his; faith in long :tbsence 1) he had never ceased his cor- respondene 1, though sometimes long periods- elapsed between the missives carrying it ou. The ieasons leading to the assump- tion of the fictitious names may be readily concieved. Onee more in New l'..0111, without their presence being sus- pected, opportunities might be afford- ed Which the publication of their real names in ihe list of passengers arrived would possibly:, destro ; and ib denotes something 6f the innate want of streugtli of LeurenceDuane's charac- ter to say that he felt safer, under his assumed cognomen, as against that "prosecution" which had. been threat- ened so vag,riely. Snell was the past history and such W01'0 the surroundings of the two so- journers tit the Geoenwich Street ho- tel. bent on a que,st involvine. so illitcli of' the romaitic,, the criminal°, the tra- gic, aad the 1, u licrous. read,. With tho assistance Of tho, ,tlie ,priaceioal,'.04<ff't1101-1.07Wisa,'„ th'e- from, the ,nearesklanip, the'.Plate,'npon" saMo iii5grailtattded,:yoUngStOritl4at she o tho deer ultrathiehion, had .not had 'befOre. "'Yon iieedn't be r 'yet teboioed, ' • Worried- HMaSter''','Llairetice 'Mr • and • The reading 'seemed to be satiafile, Ifee.`7SeMidersei0Villnot. be' baek - tory :for the next 'moment the reader late and we'' Cid iniftive anycompany tit:1100y opened '"tho iron 03.e. of' the Go. up. the etePOir, ' and 1 Will let 'yea , area railings:and pasSed. doWnatlie stepe' M.; andif '.0f0t.' Or Any th3, 4,48t. of to the 4094 The. breaCt-brimmed thein,PITeniltl'Opx.S',,04-,''T .juit 8-aY. o heavily slouched 'hat SO'Cc,j1Vplettltid that ye4'areneiv. drawingt]tS'ter the 'broil/ ,autt eyes/Of tills 'person,', and bi:Mitsieteablf"er O0oinebody alseithaf t the folL,beard '80 effect dOesn7t'" haVe ; o a!qiiii - the loWer part of his fae'e. '441.1,: difficult, c even Arid before ,tlie'a4411getnellt '4f3euld , 'better light; 'toeatc.thert 'glimpse Of, his', in'anY 'manner`ineslified She 'had: cloSed , 'features ; and in the, dusk humight. have 06 'doer- 'eteP4.466,ving 'been, ot.tiny'Climplexionnc'Svithant .dia- the 'yOnnk the, thher part , taPPed, two or three,timeS Ottier with his,..1411-41a0sitti.the..aroai'10614alld: 'heart of af ter a -very ' brief delay it was ,openede,..,„ Litiirence.Dearie. ; ,."Dois:Jano Wesley here now ?" tithe 'OS qaeoitf.ea, 4,140,04 to •Itlie.:1tIgh .110 WOUld'alrancrea''his': sto:Od.; 'rash awaybefwe staring:,itit'the 8101101104 hat 1h door 'opened- and "'leave the "house eq'taae .ttie,;:ilallitieife'r, .at.?4).e and city"' agaiil Withont, 'behelding her idea -that be MuSt.'be'drie:of-those."' helia&deirik theii lits,- l'ealdifee'reinaii tie akceiided 'the stepS and' Steed 14: totypea She litidsoirietimee'seeli-en the' the'hall4lociV',already 'nnelbsed:',. Jane stage at the Bowery, Theatree-- -Weleley.'TetoOd the door m her ''Indacle, Sir; she deee,-.7 -Wag 'the rea' ply, when Biddy found. vole° to utter it, ."4 gerosain t " after another' pause and , a up plain the door for :a moment e then,", spoke the stranger. ." Whatenaine,:if.Ye.plase,?". was the response:of ,Miss i Biddy," who :,-did , not see, pa'7,ob.ably,:.Why, the. etiquette'•Wnich belonged:letlie: deor.and4he parlor. should not also apply; to ,the ;area ..deor audthe Servant's "Ne name, her that'll." perS,On" yZep;ttrht;At,' spoke authority, could redognize. that it treinhled CHAPTER III. zrEmirro THE oLo LOVE. On one of the pleasant streets run- ning at right angles with Broadsvay, and intersecting it a little "abOve 131oeclier," stood the plain but respect- able three-story brick liouse whieli had been for more than twenty ye ire the residence of Richard Saunclerson, Mar- chant, It sliewed notie of the luxuries of modern houses on the avenues:per- haps lacked some of tliose "inoclern improvenients," which Noah unaccount- ably neglected to provide for loci. crers tho Ark and yet possessed all the convernenees which could be need- ed in any locality, and all with which moderate wealili would be likely to sur- round itself, except when impelled by ex.orbitant demands of' fashion and "so- ciety." .Except when the milkman's ery at morning, or the cry of vendor disturbed it, the quiet old street slept cozily all day long, as if unconscioas low near it other streets wore running riot with crowd, noise and bustle ; and a row of stately old sycamores extend- ing along it, abeve and below, gave that particular portion of it as cool a shade as.could have been fottnd in the breeziest nook of the open country. It was . suet' unpeeterlcling old city resi<lence as a man passed middle ago, long domiciled in it, sadly disliltes 16 leave for the gayest temptations of other qnarters ; especially, as old merchants of nioderate ideas ttileet, and suelt ,ts they (ding to, in niftily lo- c;tlity, until boarding houses, tlental surgeriee and establishments of far more doubtful reputation, first insolate thole. from all congenial neighbors., and OVODLitally croWc1 them away in search of fast flying "respectability,'" Dusk had fallen, and 1110 lainpIleYht, OP had made his round in the street un- der notice, a few hours litter, on the ()veiling of the same' day on Which -we have seen. the landing of Ilia Iwo friends from tho Illinois-- when a form p0aSed two or three times along the sidowallt of e oslo- 0. Umph Some people are., mighty )tidel it, in dade 1" 'But 'Biddy theught est to obey the reqaest„ankdid so; , t was only a "moment before Jane sley appealed 'tit- the door—a mp, 'homely body, but with a face cf mietakable good -nature that no one ld_hveid placiue- confidence ini e held the imob-of the latch in her lid, while nOticing that the figure ore her did, not beleng. ehe of the N'..X4tOr.P.... :PII3 C1.0•01:70411;1 prised, if floe alarmed, at the evi- t attempt at disguise, she hesitated Instant, as Biddy had done ; coui- iecl slightly, and asked: 'Did you send for me, sir ?" Yes Jane. Come out and shut the r., ane heeitated. She had heard of orious robberies, assaults, and even rders, committed in areas, dim: lc, all of which had been cennected 11 persons having slouched hats, or etaches, or both ; and albeit she had at that moment on her person of which the most felonieus could e been disposed to rob her, she was of thus 'cutting -off her loophole of .eat. . Oh don't be afraid, Jane, as I see are 1" said the stranger, lifting his from Lis brow and. letiugthe street p aid the twilight in giving the keen s of the waiting woman a moment's ortunity to scan his face. "There enough, don't yea? Shut the 011 S330 r, like a good ,girl, at once! Biddy ehind it, listening without a doubt; I have something to say to you t I do not wish her to hear." Master Laurence, as I live 1—with t queer hat and all that hair on his !" wait> Jane Wesley's surprised ex - nation after availing herself of a 'Me. But she evidently haa more fidence in the known than the nu- wn, for she closed the door, !thus roying Briget's praiseworthy wish ecome wiser." Hush -h -h 1 ---not so loud, jane'!" the reply, uttered in the same tones had eelonged 'to Jelsn'Ilalsey; " that morning off the Jersey coast. m Laurence Deane, 'with both hat hair. Why, am 'so very lanich ged, Jane?. Oh, not to speak of, if ono tould sea you fairly, I suppose; But ed., &aster Laurance,. I am glad have come back I I didn't think of o thing, no more did but didn't ask about her. Only thiuk long you ildV0 hObil away, and ,you used to be here nearly all the ! But good gracions! do go round se door and come upstairs This place for you, 'sir, here in the lIlif b ' I We plu in con ha bef 11811 stir dell all tes doo not 11111 lar wit inu not any hay shy roti you hat lain eye oPP —Y doo is -b and tha I t till) face elm gla eon kno dest to b was that Jr., "I a and "Chan 14 ly inde you Such you how that time to 11 is no area, MIS V ly an be abov by,a 44 Mr. out. now ter Lau). that, felon went 375)1 ialnp grett faVoi bo gI whet But know on. In if, s any 4 10 London, 4Pril 4,R-le,4111 etioaial Il0r1,1 FAI, elite]: Of the 111- traineutane Itotedeo14'Of W3 recently ,f,301itell6ed, hie ApnOaranbe'fOrtrlal,- ;11,011t, fOr pnbliti4:410,aaux DiSmark., has lietS4'.44:4 14)111attrit ° Nittho1.44111ilA4 A,11 undeeit44 that he wiU ti seritto Berlin instead O 4UUOb, wher,e ,/ wee tried), The. ca§e , 11,44. . to fife r 944:444 thalGerrialith,Si*seri2 OrS-16/he end for fommitinerebellioh against:a...A , , rline April et).H-Thfe., Eiehop of, e B1 gi,;*hae.refueed to -resign bi eer 1.111491lrela.4.16V,OleY4.9julal fu1v!.9401 % o.0!N' Tatill4th the debree'eltheCoitrt, a, leadinc,- artiele saYing Omit:the' reeeht evens unfortunately render it too Proe';, ,ly, fearing; theee will be a' dtopnblipan, l'bniattbj.l:rfttl;ait:ntlt,siel:?:eOxsott.,lits-lbs1:41;aiiss;?,111sph;:, to peace; /lire' anz,notiS".fo: Preeipitate •„"'t war of reVeiago uuki, he,'"dagous auspices of MarShel 'thiefais Princea,- „strong.'`, body of, Royalist. deputies, wI1 e Flap', "5 pain a position tO prefit by restora7'4.. tijo. of ,the .inonaVehy, War iteeerding ly s Coining on, .altlibirgli Tehilids gitaiering., in the horizon may','YetAel dispersed. "'' The -AlitStriiirif ConserVa- • 1ives,are end'oagringfes'otigt'Androssy from the Cabinet with a view of parti- pipating in.,eorning,esleirtsi!.;:„.,,Thegreitt,. er part ,part of tho ap5ei' rt. itly. are ,ready„ to.,join anYal1y.arganized4' agamst GerMany, cOnSidoringleranti. Pitipel attitudelmotile.5,te Traliat .ests,; yet': it is..:14..neem eansi:;.;.eertainthat, VrEi:Tr.oe will be.able-telpredureyanVAtis; tro-rtallan Ailiancejust. riost..; 1f,1ier„4' pass when the Ctermitnepeoplehshouldee be better Oquainte,a with.:tho, tion' aiinerinCerneirt'tliat she Would. alurat.o ,!' " ' haild„ and She take'the, preeatr-' of 'the situation....t.-is„,11:7e,-'to lawaIe 1.1fitedOnO,WhilanyOneavlianii she' . deer di 'Litai,l,!! "'CO„Ilidahe steppeil-with;- sid erect Jane cleSed , the TOrtAirgieTlizeillYtotitigellirbter,r4.14e..:,414.4241;11,7: that the 1 in -e -t en we ,o tac t• -p: r - 'lei' 'Ala tappiiir 'gentle "Who' iS it '? .Conte reWaste4rd, whichthe sairreptitiOns visitor believed' he' .ette All the publioliouses-aefilield by a Bing te , company; indorporitted- by Royal Charter. recoemizeil...e.ilailett4lh'rat in her head The directors„ se iu ,differente parts at tlie hall;elentlf-dbor for an instant' of the toiviijiist so mcinfof their 110011 andsaid: "Oh, Mitt yon are "itrone, as,I tliought yomweiurd be. Here is a friend to, see ,you.'' She- lef't the dneor caught 111e hositating young Mali by .t he sleeve and motioned him- towards .it, and "darter I t away d,own the steps eating o baSement. Only an instant mere' .6 hesitation—ailiaps' a pause to e'lrelt' down Some! the disguised stepped noiiieleese inte the roonlit Well'lle'renientb6411 that",r6O'illt k jte Irad been se, happy, yeetir'S seiS tifey rnay rejije4fle population.. ! take citreetliateall lionS'ee qii‘or. is Sold ayeeelight,R9lleventilat0de: and reonaY......!'"Into,„;eache!theye.pnt;'. 'a lig...iir,.;„01Atericl,s :that he ' " to pplies Of spirits from '11ta'pety'..over to -them recievedefor'stiiritS ration conaieting..of ales,,of .o.rs trs, stipPle-L, nted,•., i.„naOst'eages 'by sheet.iS fore; in his budding lofee„therehe, leen so nnuttdiably wietolietletliatja inieeeable dayeidien -was expelir' from'his.Edene. „As we Sometimes Cies'e, our eyes and see the figureS that hay* been lately moving before theiri, so that room. had. rs, :named,' painted oh- 'ate"' mental reti:14fctlirdagli, all the lcal2444 copic changes of 'climate and seeuery. He thought as, lie looked, that it could only have been. the day before when he last saw that heavy beaded cornice, those folding -doors of imitation maho- gany, that heavy olcl chandelier with its awkward swing;ing cupids, those framed engravings that told of a time earlier than the modern insanity for oil. The piano, he linew was unchanged and stood where it used to; he could almost have sworn that there had scarcely been a single article of furuiture renew-, ed or substituted. Ile saw those things, and thought of them; yet how could lie think of them when there, was living womanhood there to wia regard from all inanimate objects ? Lillie So,undersen was sitting at a small table at the back end of the apartment, a shaded gas burner aboVe throwing. a floJd of light upon. the top of her head, and the book lying nom the table and evid)nt'y engrossing her attention. I -ler head had bent low ov- er the b,iolt, but slie raised it quickly . . as the -visitor was annoanced in so ge- neral a manner. A.lmost plain, and yet very pleasantly moulded, was the face that showed as she loolced eounteuace pale, ahd with. some suges- tion that suffering had changed it ma- terially, yet very sweet in its expres- sion ;. the eyes'wavering between bluish - gray and brown; the month small and rather tremulous than firm ; and the soft brown hair swept b sok from the forehead a,nd carried across top of tile head in a heavy braid Well befitting; the whole' classic contour. A slight, tall form' was apparent as she ,rose from -tier. seat, but it was pliant and handsomely rounded; and lier step, as she 'came forward, was. gentle"' and graceful as ever pressed the dainty tap- estries of luxury. The visitor did -n.ot sp as lie en- tered. Ile could not have done so, Ov- en had lie so willed.,there was so much to 11010 of the'cliange which nearly four Years had mar..,1 carrying forWard the budding maiden Of eighteen to tile 'comparative maturity' 0.1 twenty-two. Loss beentit'al,110 thonglit, lovelier ; fioinetlfing to admire a little less,hut something about which to . WeaVe 1,, , I hill not So sure about .thatl" itit°,°WisTsr not4nelint SoYrefOilii; TithS et Od 9fC70°I'gtiec)ti: 'aAs nh(el' vend Laurance Deane, at ()nee sad-: 'poked, that something of that elaange A. bitterly "In this lionse I Might had been. wrought by ins own 11011116 ; more , welcome down stairs ' than unintentionally, but, oli, how 801'1'1:Av- e. Rut WO see about all this fully 1 "idly, Are all the family well ?" Silence, for quite a Moine/It.- itelt1 no crn17-1a, nsciir R. "0 t ty ielliiseehoDngettidicuirliutriortnioeviie,ilinhii)sietltitsatillado And at home ?" satinder5(5t,No sr; Shts is ana:miiti,oss are,gone confusion partly.to his shoulders.' As Wo haven't 'any company just 0,1.j'efaalitliellyatNeV10:a;sinrliciiYcttil,idlie:kilek'e:0111011,10.1.401:11‘1,vbilysiletfh10700:).1raiNavillae8 61 c°1?blft"siNs6v11 1 supPose yoti Will see /ter Xrits Laurence ?" ' its colitthtlittion, QUO it needed it see- ii:oca8c,PliedLkilvt,slteilleveftir:t1)111:°abnadti-°tnSv'e' 11101115 1`11111(tr7- ,Tati0; you are tt good girl," said end lee!, for,recognition, even by thoso bets, of the forty forithig the gerie ; 'once Deane; ineanwhilo-' proving who had ltnOWn, 111111 beSt /11 04rlior Ud, we fool 11011 7(3 1tre Perf°"ii"g Ito did 110i rely entirely ripen obi days, metallic, and glistened, in 1116 An Irishmen went into a gin -Mill 10 nIlleon 0111:6:031;b:111:111,111) 614 lia)1 t(1:111( :Vt1)118 'I:3°1(011:4:1 5g0fte'ill.1110111:11eti:111 dshipy by slipping int() tile Waiting. (11 ati's hand sonidtlitng that felt Ilea; (To be eontinue(1.) .1 want you to donae a Louisville, took a drink, came Ont. thoroughly excellent Inattol's 740- tarot. t favor, Jane—perhaps many gren.t Ile stood a few minutes, when ." things eeptionably Printed, and 80 -111tnt18016°' 's. r oati goo ita)alone, ehall commenced woekin',1, He grabbed ly ilinetrated, at the vovy ps.ice of titicoltr,tiOil(610p1110,atgitilettoigl‘iviiitiela)001.1intITtentkv1.81 81 illisiti8) 160, rushmeatWbiaS ck Itis tho gin-mufl N2v5hicoTitttsilopebroialyillonfhvO0;:.(i-oir%1310.16111:0101101.111g66: remember that eo one else Must aaxnd(las,yITtfroterstriolitaliiiltoyb,e,sialle1,1,-alyoor be grateful ; atid 5lidging fro* "What ree et oven 800 1110, 1(1221 11010 110111(1 )30 80011 and "reeognized by wator, milli 1 our it down fvo.' drown. (V0 2110 8teVlitil6y11111:9'crit60161's8110tY1:1'!'":16SP'of)ildt°;1v160°11:1311Y10)itibdy16.11161.81)rt16Ce6trhi'll - 1(5looss, 'Ana it 'night ho 111.1 ritintel the wrong bettle ; liana me ft barrel o' 6510, oil know latte"—and horo the toith light procession hat oin' Con, at 25 reett§ nilinborttt5te'in th yaortie)ifeg,smp,biirtif,Irti,:rd, with, 8i1 nil ea 110s 11 011;00 ttulitriovtlihgohrtnim1101 ins o ioty, ,,,,1.6)11.titl 40 numbers The Aldine 416th,13 LltW 4 only partial suo'ree$s---'‘ryo'ti him out;° Ij.totbl•ti,1118r8'. 68 1\lkitl°1 IttoydiA anclhalanced by thelnuni:er; 'orities, and „ thereupon, thei. Mint of thauct,Profits.,for thett, inOntlisig paid intO becomeS part Of" the g n 'f3.0iruptf 'the .town. and earnest, istalgVing itker fhoe*tionfof esundry:4:410.1initeee. etraiege,at which the brotteilere•efe-iiiiW4d-Tolglit,,- years ag,o. They enibodied" the'reSulta'' - - of the experience in the followink: four - principals. 1. Svnits to le retailed; without the least amount whatever to - the retailer, who can thus have .no tempations to stimulate their cOnsunip- tien. 2. The sale of spirits` oh credit; or on the secarity of_ pleclgeS, be strictly prohibited. - 8. All houses.' in which the liquor trade is carried on Jo be well lighted, roomy, airy a'aa 4. Good vietaals, at moderate priCeS,16. be always procurable in' 'drinking - houses by anybody demanding thenl. .4.1 11 , COAL ASHES.—I have a ; Cam- bridge of about a thtrd Gf acre, which stands my house and barn:- It is clay soil, and twenty-eight years- ago it was so tough and .hard that it was, almost impossible to get a spade intl.) it. I have had it spaded up every spring and autumn during these 'years. Al- most all the dressing, except a few loads" ofloain o 100 a year from the compost' , heap, has been made en the place. In' the barn cellar a large ceneentell Vatdia&' been made at the side of the earth-closi.i", et, which will hold from a cord: and It/ half to two cords. The cliamber.Water, and all the offal of every kind -frorn-the- house, together with all the 'coal 'ashes' from the eoolting range, 'aud :also ;the - ashes from the furnace;' after they "haVe' thrown nu sienaiu t o choein pearth heap el.° !tit lliis vat. The 'ashes' from' the eeoliiiig: range have more or less weed' 'ashes'', whiph ,come from the ''kindlings tha are need °Very morning ; but the,' fife furnace is usually Icindled but one°, duri ing the season. -,This.,nomPosect'' heap is pitched diTer' ogee' - `01! 'twice'eVerY summer, and it taken -out every autumn, spread' on the soil, /and login., dn. "this way the groimd, which eoverJ, ed, svith fentrows of fruit trees; and,witli cureant and raspberry bushes betsveen the 'rows,' has been. -raieed,''several inches 'so 1hat adi the dwarf Pear tieea havebeconie standards, the 'pear 'etocks having thrown out roots. The gent,gardenee Who has dug over ground. almost from the beginning, says that this lot from being 'tough. and hard is now one of the mellowest alid richest poicebe knows hi the' city. , , an ,confident that the- coal ashes, which have eonstituted'So large it, por- tion of the annual "dressinil that ,has been used, 11].ve been of, the greateSt service, in .not only, lightening, .0 in improving .111 all respects' :the charade]: of the soil. ' s'ANPZIO0Lxo.,or, 1.110 tie4t Meal 11 h4aOlting th.o booto on the opposite 449 of tho $troot from otene