HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-02-02, Page 7•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• • • • • FAMILY Times -Advocate, February 2, 1994 Page 7 Fun ill tIltL' .�'1J(/►t'... There is no shortage [1,, of snow for those who enjoy outdoor fun. For Crediton residents Chris tine Glavin, on left and Kelly Bowers, Saturday was perfect for a bit of exercise. ote- SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Morning Prayer Service was held January 30 at 1 1:00 a.m. Rev. Ste- phen Emery for his children's focus spoke on how we learn from Jesus' example and what it means to be an example to others. Sunday. February 6, St. Patrick's Morning Prayer Service will be at 8:30 a.m. Scripture Readings to be Isaiah 40:21-31, I Corinthians 9:16- 23, Responsive Reading Psalm 147:1-1 1, 20, The Holy Gospel Mark 1:29-39. Thc Annual Vestry meeting fol- lowed lunch on Sunday and was chaired by Rev. Emery. Margaret Carroll was asked by the Rector to be vestry clerk again. Officers for 1994 arc as follows: Warden's Wayne Carroll and Hugh Davis, Treasurer Hazel Da- vis, lay delegate and delegate to Synod are Betty Johnson and Hazel Davis. Board of Management Che- ryl Carroll, Bill Johnson, Suzanne Davis, Viola Atkinson, Heather ' MacGillivray. Rose Cunningham, Arnold Cunningham: Honorary Board members Mary Davis and Margueritc Greenlee. A work day is set for Saturday. April 30, rain date May 7. Michael Davis and Bob MacGil- livray entertained the Sunday School children to a snowmobile party at the Davis's. do your laundry without Ilona soaked HensalL Coin Launany Open 7-10 On Hicbway 84 •••••••••• • •• "Legiskaters" make their debut Special hockey game in Zurich By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - The Zurich Agricultu- ral Society will be holding its an- nual meeting this Thursday at Erb's restaurant with supper at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting to following at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcomed to attend. Please contact Margaret Deichert at 236-4130 to make reservations. This Saturday a special hockey game is set at the Zurich arena with the "Legiskaters". MPP Paul Klopp and Elmer Bu- chanan are among those scheduled to attend and Premier Bob Rae may also make an appearance. The team will play against the Zurich Polar Knights at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $3 for adults with pro- ceeds going to the Minor Athletic Association. The Knights of Columbus Couple Bowling night has been resched- uled to this Saturday after being postponed due to stormy weather. Thc event will begin after mass at 7:30 p.m. If registered couples are unable to attend they are asked to contact Doug DeBus. On Sunday at 3 p.m. members of the Zurich Figure skating club will be performing for free at the Oak- wood Inn skating rink as part of the Grand Bend Winter Carnival festiv- ities. Upcoming events The Zurich Optimists will have a float in the Grand Bend parade the following Sunday at 11: 30 a.m. Next Tuesday a meeting for the St. Boniface PTA is scheduled to take place in the school gym at 7:30 p.m. The Grade 4, 5, and 6 classes will be presenting speeches. The South Huron District High School Jazz Band will be playing for a Valentine Dance at the Exeter Legion Hall on February 12. Tickets are available at the school i for $8 which also includes a lunch. lam•' i•Fi_ ..•, %'`• f•� all Tradition of Family Service !• $'44 4 04 since 1887 The /aunily o/ ijinney's Funeral Home Inc. can white to families /('('ling sorrow bec•cttise Cre't'e been working with i►eol►le i►t times c►/ yric/./in- yecars. Our special talents are comforting people and acting resi►onsibly on (heir belutl/. Our 'cattily is fully i►►•eI►ured to meet (unit) situation with delicacy and tact. Perhaps ct visit by your family to our funeral home in u relayed hour ntiyltl be (Itc''beart way to eslctblislh our credentials with you. ('all o►• c'isil U.S 10du1/ to m•rculye FUNERAI, HOME INC. —471 \lulu St., Exeter - 235 -3500 -DiRECTOiCS-- \1'tllluur Dlnncv • Robert Dlrnrt•- • 1 I,, jJ. Only 150 tickets are being sold. The Zurich Optimist Club are planning to have,a "Euchre Tourna- ment" at the Township hall on Feb- ruary 19, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcomed to attend. The second Annual "Quilt in a Day" workshop will be available again April _.12-19 with instructor Darlene K ning from Hutchison Minnesota. Space is 'mited so if interested call Sharon aye at 236-4185 to register. The CWL Fun Night will be next Wednesday in Blyth with a bus leaving St. Boniface Church at 5 p.m. The evening begins with a pot luck so don't forget dishes and something for the buffet table. The $5 cost includes a seat on the bus. Call Audrey at 236-7342, or Caro- lyn at 236-4388 as soon as possi- Meetings Members of the St. Peter's Lu- theran Church held their annual meeting on Sunday afternoon fol- lowing worship and a pot luck lunch. Their interim Pastor is An- nette Smith. The Ladies Auxiliary held its February meeting Tuesday night with a Valentine Party. Personals Four boys from the Zurich Ven- tures spend the weekend just north of Parry Sound. Steven Lansber- gen, Kris Keiser, Mike Thiel and • Andrew Smith along with adviser Eugene O'Brien and assistant Bob Smith were busy with winter activi- ties such as snow shoeing. Gert Durand, Marie Cyr and Joanne Durand recently were on a two week vacation to Florida visit- ing With Jerry and Grace Durand. Case and Annie Van Raay, Mar- tin and Theresa Van Raay and fam- ily also returned from a two week vacation in Florida. Danny LaLonde spent a few days last week in Ottawa. 4 These "Hot" Winter Buys are sure to Warm you up!" Fresh Baked Crusty Rolls doz. $1.29 Delicious Carrot Muffins $1.99 pkg. or 6 Old Fashioned Date Squares $1.99 pkg. of 6 Valentine Candies and Fancy a r Cookies! Cheese Monterey Jack Cheese $3.99 Ib. Jadsburg $4.99 Ib. 1ER GREAT CANADIAN AIM Ara7'n'Tfilet ;Dim DRINKS 8x250 al WHOLE 99 lER WHEAT BREAD MACARONI YER CHEESE 3/U9� DINNER VEGETABLE 79 ''/��COCKTNL 7N Mt. APPLESAUCE 39 YER0R UN$MIEUENED 28 0Z. Tasty Tea Biscuits 6/ $1.29 "Wholesome" 100% Whole Wheat Bread 650 g. $1.09 Try our delicious jetty donuts, Bararin Rye and Kaiser Buns! TastyNu Ilak•ry Li Cheese House Goshen St. Zurich 236-4912 443 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0332 DD �GN BW�7 DIAPERS Boys or Girls Assorted IER KETCHUP 1 1. 49 BAKED OR `�GRNIDNEY 590 BEANS 14 a CANNED *IMPEACHES nom. 2101. 29 CANNED 1LFRPINEJIPPLEG9 ,1Q And remember... if you're not completely satisfied with any of our Private Label Products, bring it back to us and we'll give you a comparable national brand product FREE! 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