Exeter Times, 1875-4-1, Page 1#
ot N.Q.117 ',1.!/,‘"11 ;10111.UtTO:LtbiO ..Vtokbi10.1
71 't dobr to llo.wden,t't turrblo
'J t1 1 to'0,,•.•32:-Petnli 3 to11 nd 1 to 1 e.'4
717717r. Mareh .1 7
C. Nt.
.' i"de (.1 Lln iyersity, Mon-
kt eat mlysteturn, surgeon,
att 1 residence -,e1 whir. p.
1.1;1401i hours -6 10 /.0 031113,7GM,7 (30 1,01)•111.
811.1vo1-4, Aceouelleurs. arliCe
Ueditial. 1t boratoq, 400r 11°rol
PaVi.s' ulaelvinitti situp, mniti leixeter. /to-
sidenee, lir, Browning's, lliiron J NV. 131towx-
IXO, 51.D. Graduate 'V ieturia College,
Surgeons. Wm, layn,a3, 1-4„
• u..4▪ 41.1440 e reify Trinity Cu 1g& Member Cot-
, lege Poysielitus awl Surgeons
U. LANG 1\1, 1)., L. It. C.
_verse. s. o. Graduate of Trinity Coll 77, Mem-
ber of the tiollege of Physicians awl Sul:goons of
Ontarioofilee-Prug ti,lore, Main St. tirtuiten
and 8 ilso proprietor Of 140 ,Orug store, awl con-
stantly keeps o'kt aauti.13 ItIrgd 13 171111 of pure drugs
(tient Motheintis, and Oye studs,
tirautou, Julie .18,187 41-7n1.
1 A LI1)IN(1- & BaaTis
• tors, ttorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners
41ine13-IIcTroN'13 Er.o0E, 'Water Street, St.
JouXE, E. w.iesseense
narristerS. Att9rectykAtimv.., Solicitors in
kiv-oyoa ,U44441:14444:.ligierk: in
NotariesTublic, 81, 'ftEirt-r3.'s,
''t"1774 -'s 1.31ou8, Water St.. St. Mary's
o DlARMID , B.A.,
4,Y,7 •
Licenses 'under tho MINT Act,
tore, Zurieli, Ont. 46-1:f.
• Ilfar3
at the P;ist
,*" 5.11ttionttlitt5
BROWN, Public Auctioneer,
• Winclbelsea, Sales promptly attended to.
Terms reasonable,
Winelielsea, Oct. 15,1873.
loorthe eountY Of I.E11011.
11, if AN 810N .1 1 0 US .!.11 NET 1...1 lt
1Ni v 7 '
!I3A8 c31nu3to,lh7,8 c' 7.3 ,v 117 .1
iats,..).1 t,teue.7 lent witharst-Mrniin r. '
best of 1111.17 ••,-; ;tad t 4178(.0'tof Vigara ;tr. tile
Bur. Tan .80fnle ig eccoi.nuoittrif u sr.
g usts. sat Was and au attentive hos-
tiers. (51-1y.)
TYE E N.8 1-10L..2.L,
7)L ,130WrlY, Pacrorigtor. This. first -elm hotel
. 11.13.8ehaug-M.ditutts AV. If.. ‘1f13
1301V33gY,. mut 18 tittott 37781 1)011-33ttere
throughout, Free Inze tO :MO Trout st.cti.r.,
01084. fey t':ie nov,- flue oir 'frre to 7 r num.. 11'7
71.7 8' replete.with the c....7'c.84.si ...tolors and frag-
retit .71 3.:ea eOlitt110.4,ti,A Stt.111 1!.8 1'00,11.
000.1 Sti1i7t 1,81 atten tive..host170. 31.3..1 3
-1:]te EVERE eUssele, LUCAN, A.
rrourifitar. This Hotel Mis Iretet
onouged 187Is. a tbc preteLt 3 orriet'or 7ee'111
satlinie8 in saying he eel giyythe best of !teem':
tuo.latiou 31113.11 anAl heart. (Moire 1.171100.3 ant'
ftbrgatent Cigars at tl..e bur. Atioutive
ROTE L CAN 11013T.
3E,:"i',N AN, pt•oxi.".tor 'brs 3111 131,1 11) con-
.) odor with thio hotel trt 11,11/1 fyom tri 0 s. 118:.1n.oitmst liquors ain't constar tly at 0
7111i13,1,1 Z1Zi 0"., 7o1,'',, fTre.v7.1-
J 7t'L'123317 3.1131 13.41±7131.847 bosi-lcrs. 11-1:
AL le )TE , L 1.' . J. .
••A333'41' 1L.,111'01.1'1rbo•. The best attet,tio•
7,11) tr,tvelling 731,1 ?A. lt p•re
.tiurt.r..4•3.1 te 4t.r.0.1.131r .1.11(1
.3 114,41,1%; 811 s 'mod, 11: 14-1:
t)UHE ANT) LOT 1'011
qot•ont.-•.trwey 1 Or,•1', CO1 ,
5 roont!s:s114,.. act P. of 1 0;1430.ing 11:0
ua', 1 'X(' 87'. 011 ±130 lot i). :tn 081.4 1173:1
w, ter. For par.-ticula::5 1,1,1 V tr) 41.411''
DE.N, 'Exeter. 77-11'.
0 713(701" 0: WOVIII:Oli 770 ,318. of
thor sex", yot tog oe old, n mit 1,
for rid; in' 11010. Sp 1107ru1 1 01 : 1I 11 t• lio••.
101s/1 ot illlyt;17D17 ub:O. POTticillv-t, fee., l'o
to States e.,Fti, 1.tZt 0110 eei.ts. A31,1rei: 0.
ETINSON 31'3,70.. Pori:laud, Maine,
Ire* NO l.1.2-1
11 I
7f:I I 317 meet -
ow; Tiro,it'n7i-,047;;.1•1 or -
ley and Mein 33te1,
tim,.B..cit,"100 3ece'dielly
M1'1 tea to ititend.
Jc'l.N 71717 1117,
" lieertrliary.
7;14 y.
/ 11
Vel7 and / uQ Lautd.8
11.1 1.130 Central rotel).
'ss's ire-Seesties,
A.BLE vellicleFalways on hand. vorable
stir,bugernents in too with .,
co....qiteretai 141valets.
AU orth.rs left itt Dissett's Tibshcp will
promptly attended to.
11. & T. ,BISSETT, Prop.
Exeter. 7'.1 ,i.. 4.1873. '2-1y.
7/711'. krrrrri
• 7
Cr ad ete Teteri-
of the
Otttai-i() es-
• ( °liege.
Ras romoyed his °Elect to one door north of W.
l'itiison's harness shop, Itnd directly opposite Da-
vis' Blaeksmith shop. Veterittar,v Medicines a 1.
ways on hand, (ails promptly attended to,
2187856 313<81111108 11.6 10 17011' soundness
Augin ttigth, 113773,
1 fir y
VOL. 3, NO 31, —WHOLE NO. 83.„
1N/ 1) I) SEX G 411. 7
a .4
ETEIt thirty.five years' trial, it is Ohl 00
CO. coiving the most unqualified testimonials to
EEP conStantly 911 1141111 010 IlargeSt and
llost Assortment of
Patent Medicines !
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth
School,Books, Toy Books,
Blank Books, Maguines,
Aibmns, Fancy Goods, .
Pencil Slates, Lead Pon
8, &C.
s-7... se--7ss-oso,
. ess. ,' ' os . estesesses
-,......,.. ,i)
CI OLE Arents for TAZABUS, illORP1S, &
.r.i Co.'s Celebrated. Porfocted Spectacles tiud
Eye •gioNses.
Prescriptions nrat quiekly mid aceit-
rately dispensed. Renumber the Plate0-1.)i..
,roctly opposite the 0,-ntral "Hotel," iNiain-st.,
I...., +0i. 0. .VANI,1.7SEN Co.
7 41111', Jantlary 'I, 16'11.
The Dorainim Laboratory
713,. T -T 11.1 P II
rr propriotors of tbis establishment feel-
ing t;ititt Exeter offered a splendid. field for
a Fiti,t-abll -.1)rtg Store, ('0 3(17718(1 on RIGHT
i'll1N011'LES, over a year since, opened. with
• 1110
711 /he Drug 1)opartment,
/net ?•17 all '23/181'! (147)7
and by strietty intlieling to it, and keepiug
tip-top Stool of
Pure .1i32-ags,
P e dic e
anc-y C3.-coOs
i1'c :in aito its unceers a .37,727,17.7.0riN
„L. 7111 (7 Inuro:.0.115 11.1(.-3111
7,; the, in: vv.' Ir.!' "t.1,11311.0 i.10121 1.1:0
to 11:811' 11('M 11.1341 the general
7:317,141 3ii1.1
T:d311* 7."13'ith
;•,tovitt grintly enittivetl., :trot that, RS in
cak.0 sire:vim. be given to
,,e‘tre the Ion:1, perfect. • 1(1 17.11 etion it'd 'who
41' (111417:31 to ±73 13.1
The D. olizir,9,-)1-1 Laripo-latoryv
11081 Door to
to eabry away
7", --tv
I:See; goes,
(Phim 8,1d Ornaniental)
sp,et:o. Attota.,ti pai(1 to
Orders ffa-t2 Parties, etc
The subscriber would also annOunce to , the
people of Exeter and vicinity that 110- has on
liana an Sines of
onece sera
('0131310111) 11 -
Main Street
Exeter: 31u
Fitness homs,
any time in
'Thursday's excepttd). 0(11.777 free Parents
should for advice abou1 children's ilrht teeth
as soon its they begin to fail, Work will be coital
to that 01 1713 other office mid warranted satisfae
ORGE g",
, ritustkatod c1)7:1;107416 Of
;rant, rlovrer &CArEen Soois
ro.00 c[11-1717 A'W121,1 171 811i11.77,17,,
• t:
4.j" Nott rio,t1,q or
Vegeittblo f
1.10111 int' 00.1,Ye.1 One:),
The :f3...”:4011: Geed gteeo
iondoe.y Oat,
401140lidIttroh 18, Oil. 81.•747
Teas that cannet be surpasgeil fo' their quality
aria 71.31,10t. . OtrrentP, llaisius To-
baccoes, eic.
Also, all hinds of
its virtues from persons of tho highest char-
aetor and responsibility.. Physicians of 1110 first
respeetabfity recommend it ag a. most eireetual
preparation for the extinction of pain. IS 1101
0111y WU bust remedy 11 Ver 1:110711 101' 111.174018,
CMS, Burns, f770 , but for 1/y.sentery, or Cholera. or
any sort of liewel m
Coplaint it is it rm
eedy un-
surpassed for offieloney and rapidity of action, In
the great eities of India' and other hot climates,
it has been the standard. mot Mine 1)81' 1111 such
complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia, Liver emu -
)(181111 airl other kindred (11507(1836.Vor Cough:.
awl Colds, Canker, Asthma, and 13110U11111110 111711,
0011110, it 71103 bU011 proved by the most abundant
and convincing testimony to he an invaluable
medicine. 11 113 11130(1 internally and externally.
Sold everywhere, Price Mete,
PEERY DAVIS & SON, Solo Proprietors.
All 9_rP94:1P._ ,4:14ebtea
tOine, Note or
Book Account, are re-
quested to call and set-
tle the same at once, or
Costs will be incurred,
a3 lam obliged to have
tho same collected at
an early date.
R. C. MOORE, M. D.
Exeter, Mardi 4, 1877. 79-11.
Trscr. Mtist have it English educa-
tion. Apply 11t this office, c
Harness 'Shop
Manufat furor if T.iat end 11 entry 11,•trur FS, 801:1ini:orni tee inimbitants of Vs1.711se and '1117,1p 1711'that ne has on hand t•aol is prepared tu mem:fee
and 'those in want of enytl.ing in his line will
study their 01011 ilett‘rel ts 1.y 1,1v11l71' him 13. .call be-
, orn 1,111011, SiDg elsewhere. lbcpairing promptly
attended. to. 71-7117.
..12 • •• •
'GE 0 a ...EBTES
rest )11,-;w6T4r.gr,
. A Stock of..G.roCeriCs• all d. Cienfectitinery
GII0.7.01-TOBA 03113 ande.C..T.GAP.$
nee- Sportsmen impplied vitli Ammunition. .
Seli0.00 Do.Okti and Stationery. . Jour-
nals and Magazines.
T84441e1', Forsiniani 874,19, er-vi
I 11.T ussc !
Sinallware, Toys, eti. All kinds of
Produce taken in 0:v(110114e fer goods.
Remember tbe pl)ce-Next door to Bolton's
Drug Store, Dread delivered. in parts of tlie
fro,: of c,'.1argo.
378010 1', Nov. 19, 1.874,
-001g. Lihe !
Iffeme Troier triothilig to Fit YOU
Co21l4'o7i7f71.1,4; to; .trectile.
droINTYLIE 4% CO., fully
nAvuro of the 71361 fAati.; the pool& 41f Exet-
er mid surrounding country 817110 13. 7118710 70± that
deb is comfortable 00d neat,...1l1,1 111000 0q106I-
31 1)y le tilt& elething apparel, 1110 O, 111 Mtn: to
meet• this demand, oponod 03171 )1
Gents' l'urniehing- ez Tann ring t
io the stesie thtely =opted 1,y '1", FishInwir,
where they intent' keeping colistantly on hand, e,
well -s sorted stock oi 711,1, 1'les71 711 ,7)08 of
TWEE it t COAT t' NiCi65 r
.1.71'. Bright hea e87770 07(1,0 tUllorthg
m trOollt, 51771 77)1:7) With hint 110 unenviable re-
puta(ion as a cutter, Parties 1,3)717.4 otottos May
..ely 311.1 ('0130 Wing t110L0 1113 0113)177p a.4 ((74117 thoy
7171) 1353371 7300(15 in Exeter, heshlts having
TilE M CUT FREE 01i1 C.14A1161
1.8)711 yer7071 :111) tam ivn
J/< (o/ 0±37117 '73, 1075.
0. choice collection of Tustrtments 1 Music for the
Organ or Piano, tont:lining nearly :5710 31e.41.11,
roll.as, Waltzes, Selections
from Op vrEs, Ontorios
--i.nimrtrtres, anti 3.-f 11 eauptecl footer in the
e00.1 inurt(1.
73111.81.1 12.31)
Also, numpton's self -1,01(10w spring beck 1311117-
8'1111t1(1101,'s hcettires; cloth binding, 0.5
• 010.1011 17, 1137
- will not be ri,sponsible for
_ N any debts 410111( 1141)0(1 in my name, unless
7111, party contraciii.g, has an older from me.
AIA .1 pe, Mar. 4, '75-10
1:4'..N1,‘,1. FOB, O3Ale1f.,.--'11:1.F.; SUB-
effol-s 107 7:10 t10 N.W. of lot 3,
(10.0. 3, Osborne, contaim, g axles of excellent
laud, 10 acres cleared, Manned well timbered, a
dwelli g house, burn and stable on the premises,
also 11,400(1 young ortir.ard of gv.ft iruit and a no
spriug. :Distant Ivan Exeter le=
m• iles. For turther particulars apply to J. 11E11171.'
SEA", propriever, Exeter P.O. rig-tf.
VARM FOR SALE. --The subscrib-
er offers for sole ',AI 101 20, 0011, 5, Stephen
containing 50 acres or excellent land, all well tim-
bered, The Aux Sable riyor runs through one
corner of the property. Distant from Exeter, 80.
miles. For further particulars apply to 117(311-
s'AINDElts, Exeter. 77-11.
rAIN STREET, one door south of
the 13ritan1118 House. J. SOUTHCOTT has
011 hand a, number of 3 limps. Orders filled on
the shortest notice. Satisfaction gnus -anti e0.30t1)
V.1: V) work nd material, 17. 13,-A 111.1710quantity
of. 0 01011 7 31711117 108 pmnpurehers' use ,for sale.-
olj.MN SOU 1.13-7(,:08W. Nor. -an-
AT 1111 1(1
"Popular House"
a Ca TT14Eral
For agricultural purposes, we believe
no better district can be found in the
Domiuiou than the County of Huron.
This is to a great extent owing to the
industrious people occupy the land, and
work it in such a manner that its fer-
tility has, WO were about to say,d)ecome
axionnitie. Not only has Huton at the
county, 'Western, Central,
es .
and Provincial exhiations made :itself
known by the excellent quality of the
products of its soil; but also by the su-
perieritypot itO stoels-aselor instance,
witness the numbers of prizes carried'
off by etock-raisers. To raise our coun-
ty, its people and products to even a
higher position in the estimation of'
outsiders end ourselves,wo must organ-
ize more thoroughly -adopt system
more practically. It was this very idea
that suggested to the fifty or more
ratepayers of Exeter the advisability of
petitioniug the County Council while in
session in Seaforth, 117 Doceniber of
1873, to pass a by-law authorizing the
establishment of a cattle fair in this
village on the second. Tuesday, of each
month. The Council did.so, but we
are 501.1.37 to say that the privilege thus
exteuded us by this body has never
()nee been made -use of, so that we are
not in a position to say whether it
wonld be feasible or not, Dr whether it
would be practicable.
'We hope that eome steps maybe im-
mediately taken to establish the month-
ly fair. Surely the men principally
iliterested in the euccess of the scheme
(110 1100 so apathetic as to let it the an.
easy death before its inceptiou !
not,let them -take hold of it right away.
And we think no better day for a COM -
m(211.2(3111011 them the day of the Spring
Show, which happily fells upon the se-
cond Tuesday of April, the day decided
'by by-law Old WhiC11 to held tho 111011t11-
13, fairs. It is certain to be well at-
teuded, as buyers know how well -bred -
is the stock in this part, and sellers
know they can secure the top" figures.
Those who are interested should take
hold. They cannot expect disinteres;-
ed parties to do so whey they them-
selves will not ; their e.fforts will be se-
Since writing the above, the Council,
has decided, as will be 7e01.4 by postei:S,',
to call a fail. for the sale of cattle on
the,same day that the ShONV of entire
stock takes place in this village. The
fair Will be held on the show ground.
We hope that this, whih is to be the
first of the quarterly fails in Exeter
will be well attended by cattle buyers,
as well as by those who wish to sell,
and that.its success may be stamped.
Owing to the, depression in trade, both in Can-
tata and the 'United:States, tile mantlacturers
and r,tholesale men 13,00 been forced to dispose
of their Stocks for
8117111111 reforohde to
Even the Cost Priee of the
1.-11i3 I
Wm.,MOrrit0Sh Co&
Issetee eleenel thole Winter 87ee17, thmegli
theis Vely, satda,,,,,sfat were the heist
posidhle posilion 8 takeattlVattlage Of Olt:S.44U,
of the mottehl, Their .$pTing 'Kock has- beol
bought mtich e17,1170 than usual,, and mater all
the 11(17)l1177133.'3)%03)101('110.) nod matured
11814,1)0v cam coluniand,the
23c114.1..5 of WIWi7 gzVcfl
Oar Clislomers
te2e4OLV.111(i8. of .Paeffeershisnsael NeOW," Now .1) ellithsi
Nntioo , th,,,t the vaibtorA)Iv IN 118 • 1\70W Cot bOtt.
aeseseseve exist:tee between see undersigned in ,
LieilieN44 of biletmerookA, 11, vte teweoliti 757 Now Pi ow .No* .1.01.tets
Ht.,.1 it, 8ti.e148 tayo table 111, d le of . "Wahl &
rs,'" 10g11018. this 1111 'day of March,. 1815, •dis-
'solved hy Undue). 'eofigent.Wir0.111..i
If. MOT91.
abnitiee.Wl'"ihre e
at ri1C0 41'EV.er b'eforeN1.ina 01:
ngIl 15 1ttdbcarried V.
N10141081. Ca
my try ihotrlergigned,VidatVIII Stte
:v .Tmli,t,,h
0371)0;4:108 itactlen With (.1741 latcflird. STAray,lir
isow 1---"P! had sufficient warning.
Is it not time that it was being
made to have more sufficient proteL,_
against fire. This is 111111711±07 we have
U1118 1111..1 again alluded to, but as yet
noiiitig has been done ia the matter,
further than a slight movement of the
Gunnell towards protection against fire.
'Moving did we say. Well, we will ad. -
mita, but the move made only effeeted
the calling 07 11 fire meeting, at which
meeting a immher of , officers were
elected, who never received notice of
their election, simply bcause the Coun-
cil failed to ratify the appointments.
Bat vie are a trifle wrong, the " tuE"
otherwise called 17 fire -engine had a
something done to it, we don't know
what, and then it was laid up again to
dry. As we have already said we have
inta a warning. Ou Monday morning
hest, the fiery fiend threw out his lim-
pid tongue and lapped. up at one
draught several thousand dollars in
the village Of Lucan. But, although,
we ate iti a measure, a trifle better off
here than they were there. We hav-
ing brick buildings, whilst t'heir's were
frame. Eveu that, though, won't ex-
empt us. Oar time is to come, unlese
our interests are looked after. Let us
have more protection. Wo think the
voiee of the people demands it. If -we
can have no other or better engine
than the one I/O have, let tin, Council
see to it, that it is made as useful as
:tete; dad
Mtss Spieer's ()eerie' on " —
1011:510 111
schools" app041.1" next week.
Picieoese-A eign ol' spring. Wed,
needay morning, pigeons 111 great num-
bers 77010 seen flying over the village.
liftietren IMPROV,11111ENT. AS t110 Spe-
cial meeting 111the 13.'6. Church are be-
ing coenhaeled, the Mu.t.ual Improve-
ment Class stand adjourned to April
20th, iit 7,30 P. M.,
DDBATE--Owing to unferseenciscurn-
StalleOS find it will be impossible to
give in detail the speezhes delivered at
,1111'e, late Y. q. cleoate, as WO
promiset: 'Erich speech would make
ryer two 00111700)6 in length.
9 Illowseis.-No one shouhl be with-
out the Times froin now te the end of
the year, when they can get it for that
P0710717 (postage paid) for ono do1her.
Send along your name and the $, aml
we'll send alcnig the paper.
EASTER.- (3 00(.1 Feiday was observe(1
in this village by the closing of all pla-
ces of business. Easter Sunday was
also observed by service being held in
the 'V C11 11TEITE*S, 811(.1 sermons
commemoretive ((7 ±117 day aud. the rea
sons for its observance.
Deyis. P.kiN-KILLER.- The bendst
most popular Family Medicine in the
world. A blessiug t3 the rich; a friend
to the poor ; within the reach of all, it
has saved, more liras and relieved more
suffering ineichntal to traveling than
any other niedicine.-See advertise-
A CHANG:E.-The readers of the Turns
Will notice itt glance that a change in
the "make tip" of' the Teems has this
week taken placo. Circnmstances and
tulvertiements have minle the change
necessery, but, as we think the chi style
can't bo bettered, WE shall assume it
again next week.
people 2 Our village fatly r's, being of
a philanthropic notion, are determined
to save the credit of the neighboring
towns and villagee as far as possible,
and now, elicit ft 1 1V :Of the Goderichites,
the Clintonites. .7se4tfoethites, 'Brussel-
rtes,Xfitchollites, or any of the editors
therefrom, come to Exeter, anl coin-
inellee any of their "didoes" we have ft
constable tc look after them. The
.1111111 appoiiitcd is Mr. J. Gill. 1 -Ie eons-
mencecl Operations yesicrday, by order-
ing obstructions off the roads and side'
EL-Fw'rtox OF OFFict:77.---The ele-Ctroil
of- offies.r.z.fp,,,r, lne ter Division S. of T.
for the eirgiting term took place oil
Monday evauing laet, with the follow.
iug reselt 7-
W.P.- Bro. W. J. White.
1V.A.-Sieter Hatiie
Deo. ;I. Grigg.
Treas.-Bro. C. Tom.
Chap. -Bro. W. Grigg.
Con . ro. Wtdr.
A. Con.-Sis. Dymond.
I S.-Bro. 33e11.
SUND.S.1.' SEaviem-3.---11.ev, F. Biyall all-
1101111Cetl in St Sabbath morning his in-
tention of holding services in the Epis-
copal Clierroti here, morning and even -
''(1 1s117011f1.3OE11 commencing with
next 01 -lime,.
11ELIC:mus.--The four en
meeting of Exeter B. C. Chu'r"cirirt0j15-..
held iu tl:e church, Exeter, on Friday
last, at 2 p. 111. itev. J. Whitlock dis-
coursed from the text,"Unto you:there-
fore which believe he is precious,"
The love
for about, thirty minutes.
feast 1711171 fallt)W ship meeting followed,
at which alma.; thirt,) spoke. This
ineeting. for DivinJ influence and sold-
happifying enjoyment, was it is Eaid
one of the best ever held. in Exeter.
The service was closed by the adminis-
feettion of the Lord's Supper, to not
only members of the B. C. Church but
ot hers. 0713 171111(11100 and twenty mem.
hers of Exeter, 1351)111 6(111, Prov., Eden,
Bethel, and Crediton partook 3f Alio
broken bread. The special services in
this place are confined, and likey to be
for eome time
Deneusr i Exesesse.---The wonders
of B'arimin 74170 ftS Well known as his
humbugs, and one of theso wonders
was his adeptness ana tas e in the use
ef priuters' ink. Now, vve term Mr.
Griffin the Exeter Bernum, from what
he says in the advertienlents :vt Lich
linty belioticed on looking throngh our
columns, he admits his belief in print-
ers' ink. 'qr. C41141731n is a young Man,
\Nhose experience has licmen 112 fb man-
ner, a mallet: seedy one, he having en-
joyed the pleasure of delving into the
little secret 01 ±110 seed business, and
getting 80 17±) to'euait rstand it thorotigh-
ly. He has eavried on a business in
London for it number of years, awl
considering this village to be a good
opening he docide'd on the venture', aml
we see) glad to leant, that from tho
custom already devoted to him; ho has
no cause to doubt his belief in Exeter,
and surorimding country, supporting, it
thorough seedsman. Give Xlr. Giffin
71 tVial and tey his imperted seeds, ancl
throw away those clogentrated ,varietiee,
which since the time yonr grandfather
played marbles, have been too lazy to
buldge a particle in size, shape or nice-
" DULL TiMOS—the Exeter Tieres."
:elye the London A di1r,r1i8er. Wintt
a thin yarn that is Retract, ye knight
of the quill, or vengeance is ours.
Wiitmr ortr Seafortli cotem. grasps
his scissors handles, plunees their
blades into the cclumits of the Torouto
Smi, and gouges therefrom articles li-
bellous to ourselves, and incentive to
others, would it not take, all the credit
to iti,elf 50011 there be), but " give
the devil his due."
Lieut, General Sheridan has pnb-
fished a leiegthy letter concerning the
131ack 1E11 country, Ile doubte the
existence of gold in any quantity and
adds (11111 0)1017 08 very 037181011 in the
Eighty convicts in tile Indiana Stele
Prieurt made it 'clespersto attempt to
brook jail on Thutedity. They sudden-
ly quit work. ovee powered the gnasde,
tied and biledfoIded them and succeed,
aud sleeted by a number of ratepayeee
playing the Council to grant aul to
Mrs, Clack wee handed in, and on mo-
tion of 1). johns, seconded by J. I oss,
said petition WaS laid Over Mail next
meeting of the Council, the members
an the meantime to make all neceesary
enquiry iuto the (ewe, A continuities -
lion from Air. Wan l'aneon, eleo relat
ing to Mrs. Clack, WaS read. No action
taken in the matter.
Mr. Piclutas account for $4 for
Municipal .Manuals was ordered to be
paidoon motion of W. H. verity, $00-
01.1led by J. Ross,
Moved by J. Ross, seconded by W.
II. Verity, That MrasaKeeke:ew's ac-
count of $30 for renf-75T-Fbinn, wood,.
lighte, &c. for the year 1874 be paid.-
Tho report was reoeis;ed,
and adopted, and the Abstract ordered
to be printed, on motion cf W. II. Ver-
ity, seconded by J. Ross.
Moved by 3. Ross, seconded by D.
Johns, That the late Treasurer be or-
dered to hand over ail monies, books,
and documents in his poesession be-
longing to this municipality to Mr. G.
Eacrett, Treasurer of .this Village. -
Moved by W. II. Verity, seconded by
J. Ross, That $148, equivalent to Gov-
ernment grant for the current year, be
paid to the Treasurer of Exeter School
Board. -Carried.
Moved by W. H. 'Verity, seconded by
J. Ross, That the sum of $20 be paid
the School Board, to be distributed in
prizes for the children. -Carried.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded
by J. Ross, That Mr. W. Bawden be
paid $1 for the use of room for holding
Parliamentary electioa m Jauuary.-
Moved by W. IL Verity, seconded by
J. Ross, That 'Mr. John Gill be ap-
pointed to enforce the observance of
the by-laws of this village; and. also
that he bo health commissioner, at a
ealary of $40 per annum. -Carried.
Council then adjourned until called
again by the Reeve.
171. EACRETT, Clerk.
ILL.Z.it'S DI 1.1R O.
Fon BRII CoLveune.-Mr. Henry
Anderson started yesterday for British
Culumbia, whither he intends sojourn -
Mg for some time.
EXAMINA" ION. -The examination of
Fyne in the 4t11 Line 5011001, Blan-
sherd, svae held on Tuesday of last
week. The pupils were drilled pretty
thoroughly by Mr. S. IIarding, of tho
3rd Line school. Most of tho scholars
were proficient in gram -mew- The dis-
cipline of the school seemed to be very
good under the tuition of l‘Ir. Philip
The'Council mot to purstuitit to a(1-
jourtinieist, et the 7711061 1)01)7(1, March
1'875. Peesent-Cottneillors Veri-
ty, Solms and toss, Arr. Verity was
elioeeti Cintirtnate. The minutes of the
previous ineetir;g were 178071 1411377 con-
114(77e W. Sanders not being abie to
perforni the duties of assesser in 00114k
secpience of ill-healtlif Mr. A.. ltoliaml
Mr. Daniel Shoff, of Ireland, informs
us that the last propeeed route of. the
London Railroad is accepted and adopts
ed north of 1,11e Grand Trunk. The
right ,of way ie purchased through the
whole of McGillivray and part Of Ste
phen.. Tile engineersare now woeking,
south of the. G,T.R., and the right of
way will be complete in a few .days.
The London railroad will elm :tinr
the .Grand Trinik at Mark West's, say
two and a half miles woad Luellen It
has been fully decided to make Ireland
station. This little village is about
two miles se, the intersection alluded
to, and about the distance from
Liman. At Ireland eleven aesee for
station beildings have been granted
the London, Huron & Bruce Railroad
Con:pimp by Meesrs. 'Hodgson & Bice.
ed in partially odthig a hole 071 the tva4,40.pointea in his goad, La a salary
enter 717171.1 whon •gonortd AVM lV9,8 of on motion 011). join) 9e7)01±4
given'. The outsMe guards rushed to 3,)Rosg,
the attack, aryl at the 11)1174810 of their
fore8c1 the convicts, to desist, The
leaders were promptly dealt 771111 071(1
all is again quiet, .
y'70137.Chrehniati p777.113071 107)-
80'IY 1,18,61) Wortli et hogs.,
A . accotint of $4 from lqr. 'Whitlock
Wits .rdered to be paid, 11)1) 11107.107.1 of
*15110,4 g , seeonded by D, 3011118r
TIR1 'Reeve iteriVed and took tit
Gnaa-D Eit'D.
and thrilling scene occurred at Grand
Bend on Thurstlfty evening last. A
young Grand Bendel -has had his 11011,71
strucic by one of Cupid's arrows, and
on the evening nanaed he put on his
best bib and tueker and sallied forth to
visit his lady love. The young lady's
mother W itS absent and the young
man's mother know where he
WaS, SO eV 11'3't111E(4,, was pleasant ; for
when the cat's away the 1700(1 can play.
The door was lucked, the lamp turned
down ; mid after a considerable num-
ber of heavy sighs had been hove from
one to another and back again, they
" hitched their chairs up nigher." All
was lovely until aboot twelve o'clock,
when a stealthy l'ootstop was heard in
the back kitchen. Fearing burgla,rs,
the door 'MIS cautiously opened and the
watch dog let out ; on daring to look
out what was their surprise Co see the
fleeing figure of the young man's MG -
tiler pursued by the infuriated cur.
But the old lady's scare 11 as soon over,
81411. her courage returned ; and picking
up a stick she soon reversed the order
of things by. taking after the don., which
(1i)31797313111'0l1very quickly. 8187 111011
rushed to a. whitlow, hauled out a flexi-
ble glass, and Put her head in: P11071113e war began between tie damsel and
the old dame: From their volubility,
violent gesticalation and indelicate lan-
,gliage, your correspondent at first
Wail inn/TESSA with the idea that a
couple of Grit stump speakers were ad-
dressing rather noisy audience. The
young num, 91109160(1 by the language
of ids mother atul that of his 177.773'love,
rushed out and caught his maternal
parent and tried to take her home'.
But her blood Was up, anti breaking
from Ills grasp, she whetted Line 07761'the head with a big stick. Ho resumed
the attaels and finally sticeeeded in
bearing her „off 1108114) 7171(1(117 pretest,
and in a very demoralized condition.
There'e not a lingering spark of love
glinimering in that young 111811 "8 1)080111.
11Note.---Mothere, never Interfere with
your 770118 when they aro qnietly enjoy-
ing the company et young ladies.
Young men, never lovo While yan have
Is mother ; 077 it' you must, go to your
bedroom a little early; then climb Olit;
of your window and soot. Then your
mother will think you aro in. bed'. Itit
0 our correspondent ought 10' rise and
etplitin hew he mune to be astound at
A tiOn headed by %,,Nir, Xinstruthi ,o',clocit At night.]
The time of gli sets and strange
stories does not appear, after all, to be
only of the flexible, imagination of tile
Medieval period or the harrowing
min Is of grandmothers who Stand on
the verge of the allotted span, or of the
pet nitres whose mission and pilgrim-
age are 10 1(001> io morbid silence the
buoyant spirits of aspiring man by tel-
ling him of the humberless times the
spirits of their aneestoes appeared at
their windows, and by this means se-
cured it reign of quiet. We say these
days aro not past, and in, this we speak
truly. We road records of transpira-
tions, of spirits promenading the brims
of Leer vats (of which no doubt exists),
of spooks carrying of the maids of Brit-
tany, aim so on. And also of illusions
-optical and illoptical-, but not of-
ten of cases which migbt eause the
muds 07 1)111102. to evolve with such
painful quickness in their study as the
following, which we give as rumor sent
it us, and we only sayieg to our read-
ers, cunt grant) whs. For reasons, we
shall not publish any natnes, but mere-
ly state that the occurrences about to
be related transpired, or are said .to
have transpired, in TJsborne. It ap-
pears that a few Sundays since, an old
reeident WaS called to render up his
last account. A short distance fr1 in
this person's residence, were standing
in the door of a house two or three gen-
tlemen, with their wives. About 11.-
30 A. Al., a halo was seen to spread it-
self about and above the house in which
dwelt the perbon now deceased, and
presently to issue forth in a flame and
smoke. Doubtful, they retired to the
upper story of the house, and the view
there ',obtained strengthened the ideit
received below. The gentlemen, aware
that sickness was in the house, and
thiuking it to be a mass of fire, rushed
towards the spot, 11181. 11 was whilst on
theie way that they stopped, and the
climax of the phenomenon took place -
As if by the magic wand of the sorcer-
er, the flames and smoke arose, assum-
ed a huge nla3S above tho house, then
slowly spread. and dropped like a mist
t 1
into the earth. The house s ooc eu-
tile. Taking this iu connection with
the fact that at this very hour, the old
gentlemanpassed away, anddropped off
into the sleep of sleeps, these are cir-
cumstances which might cause us to
eXclitim, the hand of'Crod has shown us
great things, but yet greater are to
come.,,,esaThen we haveauother story,
the celfs'ect one, which has been taken
fronAlie lips of one of the persons in-
terested iu the interview with him.
Btffralthough What. he has informed
us ale not facts which would cause ue
to think the circumstances to be of so
strange a nature, there is yet sufficient
in them to lead one to understand a
strange and peculiar hallucination may
have existed, whatever other theoretical
connections the superstitious may af-
firm are in it. We might state that
the morning was rather hazy, and that
the story was true, insofar as it related
to having observed the smoke, but our
informant thinks it may have been op-
tical of the 81111, causing an
such as its shiniog unon snow on a
misty day, and producing a fire -like
appearance. Instead of the smoke and
-fire 'being distinct and rising up in a,
body, and then dropping, they were
light and seniewhat hazy, the house be.
mg partially distinctodtheugh appear-
ing as if in a fire, and the supposed
smoke and flame disappeared as would
a mist. We have now given the stories
t"-'-‘14/..8(11 allow our read to draw
their inore
, Isnowino that the idea
will provail,that its soieT• •
44 a hard
nut to crael,"
fa a TO
PRESENTATION. -T he Kirk ton Presby-
terian congreeration preeented Rev. Mr.
Gracey the ottiter evening with it purse
of .$60 as a mark of their respect and
esteem for him..
G 44.4'
ELnOTION.-The election to fill the
vacancy in the Biddulph Council caus-
ed by the death of 171 r. Isaac Garrett
took place on Saturday last, and result-
ed in the return of Mr. Wm. Stanley by
a majority of 200 over Messrs. Gowan
and Foreman.
seNrov MINISTER, -The incumbency of
file Eirkton Episcopal Church has been
led by a late student m the London
call( go. He preached to a large con-
gregation in Granton on Sunday last,
111 d was listened to attentively. Steps
are being taken towards building ft
church here. A meeting is to be held
to -day (Thursday) to consider the mat-
ter'. Kirkton promises to do all it can
ifsthe people here will do the same ;
and wo can get a church if tho people
who cs11 theinsolves thurch members
will but take the matter in hand,
Hopes are also entertained of getting
the minister to teeide amongst us.
IL E rm.**.
REvivAt.—At Crediton this work
is going 00, 1110 whole community be-
ing stirred to the work. From te71 to
twenty aro night after night presenting
themselves before the altar . It is im-
possible to tell all who have sought and
found Jesus, Rev, W. Litubert has
charge of the Meeting, and Neill the
54m477 7)* f.tratorS, their
. ,(/,M''') and t1,44-ir dmtpliters,
111';8.E41 turning nut dartng roe }'370±L 71±
)reok to eugense in the roanufaotort of
1400hur10e. Tioothm, stew -pave, ep98,
1111(1 filtereve are 1rt7s.:1( s 1/8t to be
4770811d the house at tlie pi'e8ent
see their le1uil4e0e7113 it? the v,(1011,.1
/teed ben, absence fisSol -11.0h14 A ;>'''")(4
ceop 18 hoped
fiFimuiron. Pa s. 07 84(171P71:1)' ('l7-
1117)74 Jest., a 111110 r of the frifoolts and
ateputintenees tsf Air. 11711837 Brown of
Wittehelse,t, assumod 8(41e ef belli-
gereots, and. made *their wee- to hIs
1101110. siege and the 7'e4
svdt vas, 311,„ 13rown speedily yielded,
owing to tIte press •- of baskets laden
with anituntion, Oh taking poeses,-
eion, the asmutitiori was unpacked, andos.
thoee present elterged theinselves with
it, whilst. the Istly friends, of
ifigeharged th.enieelvee of chit-chat,
4171,77111 entertttined very interestingly
those present, the wltole, ft gootl
tinie 411711.9 spent, and tile eoznpany re-
tired at a seasenalde hour.
Dator „Moire --The People through
this _township are'now discussiog. the -
ad visibility of a daily mail through dm
townehip. We thuds they rre entitled
to i , and we hope to eee the matter
taken up at °lice, and a unlil eetablish-
FARAI SOLE --.11I7 F. Cornish has
disposed of htis hundred acre, farm, lot,
32, coil, 2, 'Osborne, to Mr. Riehard,
Blatcliford, for the sum. of $5,500
ST. OR ,4
DROWNED. -171r. 'Wm. Owlets teacher
in the common scheol, was found
drowned, in a cattle gums" On Saturday
evening, The deceased Was a young
mau lately from Forfarshire, Scotlana,
and is not known to have ally relatives
insthis conntry. An inquest was held
on Monday last.
ncan and tic:hdlg.
mr, J. Y. Savage, two doors from McLean's ho-
tel, has been .4777'ointed our r gent for Lucan and
vicinity; is authorized to receive orders for sub-
scriptions4 o o printing, ke., and to collect accounts
and give receipts for Clio seine.
(From ourown Corresnoudentl.
On Easter Mondayinoiling, our
la,ge Was .the scene of a-disastrottS fire,
and Main street has noise four fewer:
houses than it had last week.
The .fire originated in Air. Henry
Collins' flushes), ,which •was blunt to
the ground in isbout littlf an hour. Mr.
Collins says he lit a fire in his store
at 6 o'cleek in the morning, then went
to his stable; and on returning to the
house in less than five minutes, he saw
the house in flames. The rest of the
family were in bed, and :such was the
fury of the fire that there was not time
for them to dress before making their
escape. Mrs. Collins in rescuing the
youngest child had a, EarrONV escape
with her life, for half a miuute had 1,ot.
elapsed after she snatched the baby
from its cot when the floor fell and the
cot fell into the burning mass beneath.
Books, notes, stock, bedding- every-
thing on the pscmises was burnt, and
even $125 which lie had in the house
in bank bills .was consumed. On Sat-
urday he was in a comfortable position
-on Monday he was ruined. The
property he lost was worth several
thousand dollars, on which there WaS
au insurance of one thousand. The
harness shop occupied by Mr. -Win.
Thompson caught fire from tile tinehop
and was speedily burnt down, nots
however, before the stock was saved.
An adjoining house was pulled down,
and thus the fire was prevented from
spreading to Mr. H. B. Quarry's house.
Mr. Bosworth's drug store on tho east
side of Collin's was soon in flames but
thanks to the fire engioe, the fire was
kept under until the whole stock was
removed. Had the engine been on tho
ground a little sooner, there is no doubt
that tho drug store would have been
saved. As it was, we are of opinion
that it is due to to the work dooe by
it that the Central Hotel and Mr.
Mara's ` grocery store are • uninjured, -",•,'•
for by its nmai s.the drug store wIttche:,e,
VMS a high building, and witbin ten
feet of the hotel WaS kept from bleziosess..
up. 111 1.,1 _the hot.16I
would undoubtedly have been burnt:
PETTY LARcENY.-While. a span tity
goods which had been removed from
Bosworth's drug store were on the
side walk, a woman came along aod
after first looking around to see that
she wag Unobserved slippod three :pa-
pers of condition powder under her
cloak and ,maile off,
VESTRY 11IEETING.-The annual Eas-
ter Vestry meeting was held by the
members of Holy Trinity Church on
llondily last, Messrs. R. H. O'Neil
and F. Sadlier were reappointed church-
wardens. Air.,11. Faxwas reappointed
Vestry Clerk, and Messrs. B. Stanley
and R. Fox representatives to attend
Synod. During the past years, the
church society of this. diocese gave a,
grant of $2nm
50 per anuto supple-
ment the salary of the clergyman, „but
notice baying been given that it vietild-- -
be discontinued, the clergyman gave
the people to understand tufa they
would have to pay him more than they
paid in the past year WhiCh was $700.
On being asked to narne his terms lie
stated $900. Several members of the
vestry thinking this could not be done,
he said he would resign, when a Ill 0.•
tion was passed pledging the Liman
congtegation to raise $550 which
would leitee about $400, , to be raised
by St. James congregation. As it waS
not considered' poseible to raise $550
from pew rent it was decide(' to try
the envelope system, and a committee
has been appointed to wait on all the
members Of the congregation to Meer-
tain what they will give, so if they do
not raise more money they will loee this
SOrVi(10/3 Of the most popular preaeher
they have had since Rev. Mr. Vickers
011100818171.11)1,110;,3of the church is working sue- Was incumbent.
A very painful OCCIIITEllee took plead
tigil ft.r.111.71. few miles from Cookstown, In the
township of West Gwillimbury, on Psi -
P. OF H. ---On tilt, that grange of day' night last. A respectable young,
the Pat( -ons of I.Itiebaedry it to be Or- lady, 13118g 'M. A. Leo, 001,,11711tt0d SlU
{..pinizeil in this township at a11 eraly eide by eaeSeg171 doso 67 sh...yel.itiine.
date. Dieettpointenent in love is said ,to be the
SLEIGRIEG-Sleighing on Ibo St, catisc.
Mary's vonel is 110777 0)003'(10,d ill the Ile N0mi11171 ket a learns Mr.
:annals of the past. iStAioriNd, ±1 Division Court bailit, and
00tmort.-T1ie township papas :Meet ex -Mayor Boys, Barrie, be candidateci
for t ansa,ction of business on Saturday in 'South Sluice° besidei Afttlou,.
870371'),, GALL, ,
ttnvivAt. Snitytons.-tteviVal Cervides 1± ie stateti Last a conga( era e 111‘,
8,17e being lield in 1?rinsitive elnitch, berofporeons in Duluth, 1\iinne4ltirpoee
Wilicheleete, by 11c77. 3. Itaylock. movino to Vert VVilliam 0l t1,17 ring'.
Services of the above natitro tiro beirig They riave been building houses in sec -
by the liev. W. C. 13cer, at tlie fions this wintery which they vot falin
vitie 11, C. Church,
with them as babitaions,