HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-25, Page 4VOW 4 F10401044 11.14.*P04000 tar eeeeDleo. reisettelee 'ANN LUIDOlt CURD. xteeese mite, weereettea hare ler en atakie or elite, leeereoy, r4t11,449"0,filit,,$‘614 Wielinir a4 aU u. siii16,1,33 4643 warranted 19 cure set satiated. a it 4 in% OW 0 three 1041106 43411 eeettee et wale nee) y Bap 16$960441131iii- 6.17 99.94914„. 440 *Mit 99 24 404089 14141,1011) exiX9,f24.1thet4139),r9q3a„RA, 441,00,Sek , 419 $409e603 9994399nnittitV0444139614440, V49606,010 X0464:00^ 634499996 oie to 44999 WW2 Vali 13813,13iSinedicena, Or 3X eattft 4.4.9.X9 49 31404 940 eietioa rat - faucet it Wati. $444' 1429011.09449thie /eels* teens thensaride rittosi oidatsi 99410640Y f4":. the cure of thea*fill diseasee #1:4 ;9,41400.014000,1 for, The Pile and Burner Cure ie 636411Fttly veget- able ite cepipOritiou, and 6304 13.8edin Perfect, 9afetY inal/u TIIPPD &no danger of its 6131. ving the terreorin, aS it cures on the gurfaee, and tlie patient's bedily health contieually iluprovoa while ture,,r, thie tz:eatruent, Priee, -$1 per betle. Bold by 40...Druggists. ' Feb. 25. :MON DINITORA, The numerous frieuds of Mie Cleafoi Iard, late of the townehip of Stephan. who with his family went to Manitoba last Opting will feel happy in perusing the following letter, eo hear of his wel faro. :We are favored the oublioa- cation of it by Mr. R. Manning, to ta whom it is addreeeed: Mr.. a Manning. DriArt sin, - 1 Before leaving Ontario, I promised to give you some information ebout tae country, and, doobtlese, yen are vondering vehy I have not done so be. eareathis. I wanted purpesely to ga- ther ' to true 1 the olformatien I could, and ' nee the a inter myself; ill look upon, thie as a good oology. I like this country quite as '1 as I expected, and far better thau Carolina, where yea and 1 visit - t year. Me land is very much easeul the country much more de- sirable to settle me ere is an a un - dance of feed for cattle, winter and summer, which is not to be found ia the other place. I had a nice journey up, and what 1 experienced of the eunamer, fall, and so far of the winter, I think it is most enjoyable, with the exception of a very few culd days. The summer is pretty much the sane° aa in Ontario, but thea nights are always cool, which permits us to enjoy our :sleep more. There is generally a nice qreeze upon the prairie, which helps to keep the days cool. I never saw anye thing more beautiful than the Palle had, no rain of any account, and the roads were quite dusty when winter set in. The winter commenced abaut the 10bh or 12th of November, and we , have had steady sleighing ever since, and expect it to remain until about the lst of A.pril, next. The peop4e I plowed here on %he 5th or 6th of April a last year, so that is not very mueh later r than in Ontario. When the mew leaves a us, Le spring sets in right away, and the old settlers tell me that the cattle an shift for themselves and DO WELL ON THE DEAD RASS until the greeu grass makes its appear- etnee. You would be astonishee .to appear - r' see droves of horses,which live out 4 all winter pawing the snow away until they reach the grass. I saw a few of ehe other day and they LOolcED weed,. Howe if I had a teem of hereof/ eI should prefer stablingthem, as it is cruel to leave them exposed to the very se- •vere weather. The coldest day of the season was the 8th of January, when the thermometer showed 41 DEGREES BELoW ZERO in Winnipeg. We have had ebout three weeks of sharp weather, the sky being clear all the time and the thermometer :ranging from 20 to 40 degrees below I don't think we :have sce- rafte,h windyer as in Ontario, it being .generally ca itada..-eaere' cold. • With regard o the -winter, I mIssaatetuld '-that the snow on the level is only ae\ Anna A FOOT DEEP ,and salight eget it hardly ever balls in the horses feet. GRASSHOPPERS. Thegrasshoppersaisited us last sum - .mer, stopping about eleven days, and .doing a great deal of harm, eating up •the crops—especially the barley and ,oats. I believe they do not touch pea, and are not particularly anxious about, potatoes. This is a grand. country for growing roots of all kinds. "The Ear- ly Rose" potato is very Droduetive, and ,grows to an enormous size. I have seen some nearly as large as my foot, and, when boiled,perfectly dryethrough- out. Of course, 1 cannot tell you whet •the yield is to the acre, as the crore .had not a fair chance last year on ac- count,eof the grasshopper plague. A few days before they came 1 traveled through the old settlement to Winni- peg, and I never saw wheat, barley and oats look better upon land and it bad- ly farmed leyi the half-breeds. I think if such farming was done in Ontario the people could not grow enough for bread. Notwithstanding the grasshop- pers, some of the settlers had from 25 to 30 bushels of wheat to the acre—the grass being beautifal. There is a sad LACK OF LADIES in the country and consequently any amount of bachelors looking for wives. The neighboring townsnip (Greenwood) can rrateter no less than 36. So you can alai at how eagerly young ladies are sough after. I hi c settled in the township of Vic- 4 Maria [8 or 20 mike north west of Wm- Aipeg, a • BEAUTIFUL LOCALITY, aud 'bought out two gentlemen; as the Government •Leeds were all taken up, unlese I had gone a great deal further back, which I did not like to do, 1 have 830 acres pilaw', forty acres of hich; is poplar bush—which inaltes lendid tails for fencing and wood for rning. I have a • GOOD SUPPLY OP WATER oeefftafarm, and a very good well con- eient to tate house, having strnek ieing after, lig ;ing 19 feet. There is a.eaout 9 feet of water in it and has sup- plied thirty head of cattle and two fam- ilies. I have eight cows, a yoke of ea- sy, and five calves, all in gho I condi. •floe living well on the prairie hay, of which 1ateve an abundance. I paid from $40 to $70 each for the cows, $170 for my oxen, bought a viago n for •$100, and plaagle for $85. My oxeti can break up from tht;fa quarters of an vete to an acre of lima' in the day. Ix Winnipeg butter is wieeth 40 ob. per lb. 0 ereQesetig per doeea Wheat 1. 11,25, wits $1,20, barley $1,50, peas from $2.00 to $4,09, and potatoes $1.00 per httehol. I paid $4.09 per hundred fot my flour, talci price of greceriee high. Although 1 like the eountry so well )3134401f, 1 would hot take upon me tb fia.54,80 Any Ile1$011 to come ontil thea Oa* it for theniseIveta My opinion Age meal With a little ilaPikt (attY $2000,) could do Well here, if he lied a ' few boys willing to Nyokk. Ali sre rein alb, f Youtil Tettlea Ottettatti MO teat. rated ateettolot, rtpi 4tti 1875, I • OltANP OSANON 14013GU OF WAltiTilliN 051TtiliXO.m-r-019 flight Worshipful Ledge a the Orange AsSAAjAltiOn of Western Ontario met in tho town of Clintou, Oat., on Tuesday, the 113th 4t 2 0'01044 p•Pi. I'llore was it largo Stt0111141100, Although a Dumber oi telegrams were received from: delegatee stating that they could net be present un account of the road e being. hloetked with snow. The (Ireful Ofileers reports were. preeented eemmittees were aPPollited. The Bight Worshipful Grand Lodge, on motien, adjouroed oat of respeet to the lamented death of their Grand/ Mater, D'Arcy Boulton. The Grand Lodge aspen -tined at nine 0'010011 1101,11. on Wednesday with it large- ly increased atteudance of delegates. Committee report e were received tud eeatine basioess proceeded \vita until ebven o'clock, when the members pro- ceeded to St. Paul's Church. The Roy. Bro, 11. Cooper and T. G. Porter con- dacied the morning services, and the Rev. John Gerry, B. D., Grand Obeli - lain, preached a very able and eloquent sermon. A collection was taken up for the Protsestant Orpliens' Home of Toronto. The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge met again 'at 2 p. me and proceeded; to the election of officers, when the following brothers were elect- ed :Wm. J. Parkhill, District Master of Mnlmer, of Ranclwich, R. W. M.; Ma- jor James Bent, District Mester of Toronto, R. W. M. D.; James Wilson, County Master of Wentworth, Associ- ate It. W. D. M.; Rev. Hugh Cooper. of Brussels, R. W. G. Chaplain ; Thos, Keyes, St. Catharines, R. W. G. Secre- tary; Captain James H. Beesey, J. P.; Grantham, R. W. G. Treasurer; James McClure, Holland Landing, 11. W. G. Lecturer; Thomas Browulie, St. Cath- arines, It. W. G..Directier of eel -monies. Deputy Grand Chaplains—Alexander Sanson Toronto; Thomas Rump, St. Catherines ; Francis Ryan, Parkhill ; A. 0, Chambers, Clifton; T G. Porter, Georgetown ; Elliott Grassett, M. A.,. Simcoe ; Andrew Wilson, Toronto; Pe- ter Campbell, Campbell Cross; anA. Smith; and Robert Gourley, R. W, Deputy G. Secretary, St. Catherines. The next annual meeting will take place in Harenton.--alait T.IBLES !PP r.irGs The bell for the St. Patrick's Cifurch Ottawa, weighing 42,000ebsewas drawn across from Ogdensburg on the ice by one horse. The, frame , weighs 28,000 lbs. At the recent fire ab Stratford pro- perty was insured in seventeen com- panies to the extent of $135,000 and the losses were adjuettel by payment of $07,000. A negro -was admitted into the senior class ofeboys ite the High School at New Orleans. Twenty out of twenty-two in the class left immediately. There was no disturbace. The Irish World of New Yora states that, as oemplied from official sources, the product of Irish and French immi- gration from Canada to the United States, represents a population of two minium. This is a suggestive fact. The wicked ruan of the Brassele pa- per speaks of putting the peripatetic man of the Mitehell Advocate in the lock-up—a bran HOW one at that. A St.Mary's man, with his ea•ins fall of his wife's haggnee, thought he was left by the train the other night, and running rapidly across the platform fell over a trunk. He straddled one of the handles and rode it for a second, lung- ed forward, and got his legs tangled up in theecross pieces, when the malicious \thing reared up to slide forward just effeagh to tin ow the men off bis flame ana-hatehaira-thaate e-e'eficieed his eyes and broke his spectacles against the handle,and ron over his foot With tha Wi1001S, and •even after he got :may from it and was seated in the car be says the trunk ran after him and kicked him twice in the ribs before the breadtmen cold take ia away from him, The Luoknew =reheats now sell their goods at Granger Prices. Xxow Toeseree—Well's Annual of Phrenology and Physiognomy for 1875 contains mealy Portreitspiographies, ind Charaeters of leading mon ; all the Presidents of the United States ;eiGan- non Rangeley James Lick ; Pere 'Hya- cinth ; Von Koulbach ; John Tyndall; John Laird ; Chatacters in 'Shakes- peare ; Our oyes—Blue, Black, • Grey Green, Large Small, Alumna, etc., with more than twenty illustrations ; all about Sleep; Eating to, Live and Living to Eat; Blushiog. Cause and Cure ;Oar Faces Open Books. Large octova, full of pictures, sent first post for 25 cts. Address $, R. Wells, 389 Broadway, New York. Revival meetings still oontioue in Brussels, and a scarcity of falsehood in the Post is hoped, but not looked for. Snow frorn nine to ten feet high in Brussels. Ugh ! Give us a rest. • Mr. Sohn Tate, of Grey has showed !he Post a piece of wool eleven inches in length, taken froirt a May's lamb. On Friday afternoon n sad and fatal accident occurred to a woman, named Mrs, Mary Murphy, residing in Hama - toil. It appears that about two o'clock, became cailled, incautiously opened the doors of a woodstove, and turned her back towards it to warm herself, Wbile thus standing a hot coal fell from the stove on her dross and immeeiately all her clothing were in flames, Becoming terrified at the sight sae fell prostrate on the floor, where aho remained for ten minutes before any one discovered her situation. It was thou too late, her clothing was completely levet off, add ber body dried to a crisp. She died at nine o'clock the same evening. Several small sales of lumber were made at Ottawa yesterday to a Montreal dealer at last fall prices The Supremo Court, of New Bruns- wickdecided yesterday that neither the Province legislature nor county SOS SiOD has power to refuge liquor licence, that being a resolutien on trade, on which legislation can only be had in the Doneinioe Parliament On Sunday afternoon ft Inall named William Heddrell was feund frozen to death in th0 TOM' of the Grand Trunk Hotel; at the station, Bolin. It is supposed he was making his way to aie boarding house, in a state of intoxica. tion, and thus Met his terrible tate. • 13ishop Roran of Kingston died in that city on Wednesday of last week. Tenders aro now asked tor Telegraph poles along the of the L., I. & 13. K. 11. A. Clifton despetch stele° that young MOD, 1141D0 onknown, was fatally in - jived while totogontog from tt40 top d tlie leo bridge at the falls, oilun 4q Tie a*, yoatlirclol, A Jotter was received at Niago4 ata the 22114 With partieolare of Mr. tor's death, also of Mr. Wilson'e. 11 seems that Mr, Dafxtor INA Mr. Wilson left Fort Kipp on the Oth qf December lat4 ter Vert McLeod, to see some friends there, toal on the way back on the 31st of December stopped at a fort a short distance from Fort McLeod till dara, and when leaving for bome tho people tried te persuade them to fitfty all eight, but they thought they were all rielit and knew the way: They started for home and nothing Was heard of them, till neet dsy about 2,30 p. in. their horses came 1101D0 saddled but riderless. CeOtain Brisebois jun modiately started to eee what was wrong, Mid while on lis way, he met an Indian boy, who said he had seen one of the mete lying in the snow dead. The captain sent the boy to the fort for. a wagon, and while proceeding in the direction shown him by the boy, found Wilson not quite dead. On arriving with him at the fort, he sent for a doc- tor at Fort McLeod, but before the carrier hbd pee ten minutes Mils/me expired. They started againafter Bea- ter, and searched till night without success. Next morning the citptain started with some Indiansd offering them a reward if they found Baxter dead or alive, and meeting,another In- dian, who said he had found,him. On arriving at the spot they fetiad Baxter (as tbe captain supposes,from the position he was in) had fallen asleep, and wakened no more, without suffer- ing any pain. These two men were the best in his troop, and were sorely re- gr4ted by all. They were buriea with military honors on the 8rd of January. A despatch from Washington, D. C., says : About 1.15 o'clock on the 17th hist. an unknown man, thirty-five or forty years of age, jumped from the second out side gallery of the dome of the Capitol, ana struck head foremost on the roof of the main building, a dis twice of at least 150 feet below. Of comae he was killed instantly, his skull being terribly fractured. He leap- ed out so far as to almost clear the pediment of the central portico. One oaths Capitol policetneu recognizes him as a poorly dressed white Mall who had been seen about he several. days recta ntly, and erho looked as if he was not altogether of sound. miud. The nial.ter created a great deal of excitemeut about the Capitol. The terrific leap was witnessed by a lumber of people woo were looking out of the several windows conimanding a view of the front part of the 'centre building. The bedy was plainly vieible on the roof during tl.e time that elapsed before it could be reached. A coroner's ingest was held tate in the afternoon, and the jurors found that the deceased was James Maealahon, of this city, aged twenty-five, and that he came to his death by suicide while under tempor- ary derangement of mind. He had been etudying at the Baltimore Catho- lic College for the priesthood, but was advised by his preceptors to return home. Latterly he had been working at the carpenters trifle with his bro- thers, and loft his residence to -day ap- parently in good. health. The father, who was before the jury, was unable to account for his sou's coaduct. 4 TI II l TS, The annual dinner of the North Rid ing ot Huron Agricultural Society was held at the Rattenberryliouse, Clinton, on Tuesday evening last, Mr. Forsythe, late Market Clerk in Seaforth intends snortly establishing a laundry in that place. And the Expo - s ttor has already begun .to gather up his old shirts and paper collars, Befoie Friday last, there had been no trains over the Southern Extension for two weeks. Mr. lifoedie, the freight superintend- ent, of the Western Division of the Grand Trunk visited Breeeele a few days ago; and offered a tereff of freight to merchants in Brussels from Toronto, Hamil ton and Londou at 10 cents per cwt. to Seaforth. Mr, William Grieve, of McKillop, has dooe some tell work in the thresh- ing line during the past season. Be- tween 6tli of August oed. the 9th of February he thrashed 1-67 days with one mactaine, besides having employed a hired in achine at addition to his own for 18 days. The amount of grain thrashed 'will average 500 bushels per day.—latepoeitor. The Lucknow Sentinel of last week wee the best ever issued from that of- fice, but it was at once aceourtted for, when we read the following in its local columns ; Oa account of Mr. D. B, Boyd, [theleditori , ba‘ ing been unexpectedly callEd away on Wednesday last per readers will excuse any errors that may have found their way intends is -me. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Math- ieson had been in Lucknow, and while here had imbibed too freely • in the cursed intoxicating cup. On his way home he.called at Mrs. Morrison's and asked for more whiskey. Mrs. M. frankly' refused the liquor, adding at the some time that he had enough. He left the house and some lime during the night his horses got home, but there was no Mathieson there, A search was at once iustituted, and he was found in seven feet of snow beside the road ant not until Saturday last. Thus it will be seen that another name has been added to the long list of those who have been brought to an untimely end by the over use of strong drink. -- Lucke ow Send! el. Goderieh boys drive their dogs tan- dem. A young woman named McLeod stole a fine salmon trout from the store of Mr, H. Horton a few days ago, and was convicteduf the offence by Judge Toms. &del It ALL g EXIITER, White Wheat ... fl 80 to $ 85 " Spring Wheat 80 • to 85 Oats Potatoes Peas Eggs . Butter Flour p or lob', Bran Shorte ' 80 to 87 40 to 50 156 tt°0 178° 15 16 9.6 800 to 880 12 to 12 14 to 16 ...... 7 00 to 721; ..... ..... . 4 8° to 82 Shaeyepsxine„, 7020 tot° 01 26256.' Lied APpieS . . 00 to °° Onior ... . ... ... ..... 11.771 tttE 12 (10°: 0=',B07$151ditbeit):.;(14;i18; aach; Duck 20018 to 81; GBANTON, (E);a)L(ng71:10t64::.: Bettor .., gsfrN wboi $ 80 to $ 85 80 to Sr • 85 to 87 70 10 73 1 50 to 1 02 25 to 25 ,.. 15 to 18 3100 4$ FY1'. betbl wheat, pot bumgel „, 66 85 449rIng1rliteit „„ 8800 85 ,„„,„ ea to 55 PateT „. 70 to ' 85 18 eft Pgae, Per doten la 16 111 P'dtoV ig 0. 00 ..88 to 80 T7Sbo 780 Deese-------,.., . • 44 to Wili163 ,„....„.- kto 90 ....... 85 to 00 ..... 82 to se .......... 088,00o 48 o sto 0 70 95 to 1 02 a-, 23 to 2.5 P10149i1)63r 18 te340 P01atoes... . . 00 to 0 60 Lard ... .. . 12 to ri ..... 0 to 01 218$, . . . .. 12 GO to 14 00 '1'inlotliy ........ 25 to 50 Wovor .. , . 6 25 to 6 50 ..... ... . .. . $7 to 30 Sheepolii6166 1 08 40 1 25 Beef .... .. . 5 50 to 6 25 6110 74 . Vert; . ....... .... .... . . 7 00 to 80 ./ LONDON. White Whet6A, per 1 551910P 'lrca4woil 1 00to 1 5,) Bed Winter Wheat....-..."" '" , 1 OltslOO SEAPORT E1ttour . • .. .... . „ .. 009° 123S8 ;582 t:t atti °too: 04260S86808785 100 tol 60 . 20010220 . 11010120 1.15te 171 sforeg wheat„.' Coate, Biir/eY • • ..... ess TILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE V -Now offered for sale lot containing three-flftlas of an acre, facing Sanders and William streets, with frame house having brick foundation, and good well on the Premises ; Also two splendid lots on Gidiey street, a good frantic house, well and other privileges on each. Apply to 7s-st. 0.00110E RODOINS. BRICK FOR SALE. ' A QUANTITY of 13rick for Salo at ..C36- Centralia Brick yard. Yard to be let for the year 1675. Apply to ' ' ' THOS. GIOBENWAY, Centralia, Ootober 22,1874. 614f STRAYED from the premiaes of the subscriber, eth con. of Usborne. abhut Sop - 'timber, one yearling bull -light rad and white, nearly a roam color, -end a yearling honer, very dark red, almost black about the muzzle, split ia riblit ear, and a notch cut in left. Information leading to their recovery will be suitably reward- ed. W, QUINTON, Exeter P. 0, 7441 FRESH OYSTERS! Haddies & Bloaters. CHEAP, AT G. SANDER'S Store, Post aftfee It tat ding, A Stock Of Groceries and Confectionery on Inlaid. CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS tar Sportsmen supplied with Annnunition. &heel Beaks aud Stetionery. Jour- '• Ws and. Magazines. ALL TRP, Le -TEST ;NOVELS. • Woodham O. S.ANDEBS. Dxstor, November 19,1874, 65-yi Harness Shop 1 THENEWBST dt BEST THING OUT ; BUY ',LIRE Best Organ Made eaaa Xy4 THU, ONXit, 14E440 ZYDA AWARDEP P0,13 O1 - Zit Trip oosiefoe. ---,--- IN BRITAIN AND WHEItEVL'll anraivour Organs are univer- sally soknowledgied to be SUPEAIOU TO ALL orusna in all the eseentals of good Instrument. Dllring the YEAR 1878 we secured aio usual FIRST PRIZES AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN AL FARTS OF CANADA Alive Years' eriarantee given, with each instris- meat. Poi Illustrated Catalogue, Aditrese • Nv, BELL & COMPANY, • • Organ Mann ft/Muer, THE W.D.McGLOCHLON WATCH ia the best in theinarket Important to every owner of a Building. Carson's Paint, (1mpeoved Fire -proof.) Those who ' are in need of Paint khoutt enquire for Carson's Improved Paint. It is Cheap and Fire -proof. entering the grain of the wood; it, stops all small leaks in eoofa, and preserves them against the action •of both t'.n and weather. One coat is UR ser- ciceab! art t o of common paint, and two coats WILL LAST A LIFETIME JAMES PROUT, 11. B.—Wood taken in exchange for the paint and those in want of anything in his line a -in study their own interests by giving him a cell be - Agent, Exeter, lore perch' sing elsewhere. Itepalxing promptly attended to. • 75.9m. 1-1E1711.7" IMA.1-XLE11., Manufacturer of Light and Heavy Harness, would inform tho inhabitants of 'Osborne and Blanrhard that he hes on hand and is prepared to manufac- ture LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS 9 JUSE INTRODUCED The celebrated Silver Tongue AND CLOUGH &WARREN ORGANs NOTED FOR THEIR Ditilbility, Purity of Tone, and Elegance of Finish. SHOW ROOM—SENIOR'S PHOTOGesAPH GALLERY. 0 CALL AND EXAMINE. FRANK WHITLOCK, Agent. Dominion Gun Shop & Rifle Factory GUN -STOCKING DONE IN rst -Class Style. PIN ,FIRE -GUNS ALTERED TO Cent? al. Fire. w. soriER IIANETACTUI1EU AND DEALER, IN Rifles, shot- Guns, IlevOlvers, Pistols, Fishing and Bunters, Supplies, Powdert .Shot, Lend, Cape, Cartridges, Gun Wadding, Wad Cutters, Powder P1a4s, Shot bags, Clcaningriodsi Cap primers, Bullet- maul& and General Gun Fittings kept constentla on hand. Breech and muzzle -loading Hunting and Target Rifles made to order. Keys fitted, Baggage Checks made • General aoh-work and Repairing dome with Neatness and Dispatch Good Hunting Miles from 412 tipwards, Good Shot -guns, $4 Upwards. from $5 upwards. •Sign of the Gun and CTolden Zey. CLARENCE STREET, BETWEEN DUNDAS d KING. London. Ont. tondon, December 10, 1671. 68-ni Tackles Revolvers vi<t<< HARBIN Tiottim, 4,4;rommil (, 4104- R argethlil onifilg • LB rip mu nflrIkI'u11111111jNg Ippetomail -11018. eatgi 110 iNaLtgaugt iii aim 1111811 JtI LtQt os 0/•TT. f4 e w CD tl s cp pad oo 1- Op F4')frJ g' Vt5 5 a 5.• co4- r; P,c11 Fotri •r".. iirat 0'0 0:1 " 4i; p. 4"0 'itt',1 cS 4'g g . a Pi (3 r.1„4 ic Thc Hing of !teed Organs We do not wish to detrect trove the merits of other Organs by uphOldena Ottra$ but are ever teady to enatait them, to a fair mid impattiatest, feeliug oontiitent of the result, prttatic's F116114: $65 0001 110 bOtit Inueleiano iu feteedle esee be sew 41It 600 ELLEir -111DEG te tattoo thetroitiOOre thanka to the oitiZenO Of Pieter and outeoundiee .000intry Io theirliherel patronage durioe tae past year, euti by otriet attention to 8188111080, Ind delta ing honorably with all parties we bope to be favored with 9, contientauce ef yew/favor*. AO we tine our besiners increasing daily, and in order to reek° room for a very Urge Spina fitoek we ara.offerit)g the ledence of on Winter goods at arestly Rodeeed Priam We are etterine BBaarrggattin ioss Dfl Twr'eesesdsC4, :008 • Bargains in Beady -made Clothing Bargains in a splendid lot of Alen and Boy's Overcoat., Bargains 111 Fur and Whitney Caps Bargains in a quantity of Blankets Bargains in Boots & Shoes—in great variety Bargairs in Ladies' and Gent's Overehoes. Rubbers, &e. We have en hand a fireteleee $09k 40o:worlds, frockary,Lauipm, ao., Very cheep, ly call is solicited. Exeter North, Jarthary 7, 1875. BARGAINS AT IZAA N T 0 N Bargains in the Beginning of the Sea- son. Bargain the Middle of the Season. Bargains at the Close of the Season Bargains all the year round. AT RANTONS, EXETER. Accounts due lst January, lstApril, 1st July and let October Wanted, a quantity of good clean rendered Tallow in exchange for goods. Exeter, October 22, 1875. PE E. Rs 11. 11 COMIXO ..•••••••••••••••••• ISAAC CABINIAT Begs leave to tbank his friends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade ln the future, having ON RAND one of the Largest an Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General CONSISTING OL Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc., Ready-made Clothing, wines and 11- qaor3, Hardw are,Crookery, Boo and Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be undo sold by any establishment in this section of country. Exeter. October 7. 1874 zzzrz R F T7RNX513ZisTC 11017SE. 411%10.131 REIN' has now on hand, The largest and best Stock of Furniture ever brought into Exeter. RUSHING' IT OFF AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. CHAIRS EVERY DESCRIPTION, FROM 50 OEM 8 UP. TABLES EY& XIND, FROM $8 UP. SIDEBOARDS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, Handsome Parlor Furniture SUITES FROM $45 UP. Bedsteads FROM $$ UP TO $90. Marble top Sets CALL AND EXAMINE THE'M. JOHN DREW, HARNESS SHOP in CENTRLIA Wm. Cotterel LA,TIO OP ()i wisheti to ' ennitua in t tins i tilt abltatite t, Stephan, Vsboinii, Bitidulph end lit 1,1111,4 Ilkotetti ab ant of LIGHT OR HEAVY HARNESS or any article usually kept lit ft' cities estahlishme such as sAppLE TIVQN XS, WHIP VA 180. eat ebtiln the tame. Gltvi eso a nd misrules ray work fOrytairielves, .464.1coa...imaiWrao My prices ttre aeIOW fig those 011argesi by toy At Worittnah,RE ?Jails BitoutittAlv• AlTvxDut‘ T. VW. 00ftitlitELL. cottowitititts*e, 00.tt a G. $ ST win be ;skived ou end 2 STOCK- '<INC I. eh will open in the ELMO ito," who voitt continue andon the DM of Ma o‘" Heederson to sellout ilio BOOTS & &IOE8,AND GROCERIES at Wholesale pri es, there still being a. great maiv thousands of pieces of these goads to soh G. ii. bas deeid9d that it will best iterveithe in- terest's of the nmas well as his old and besr friends the retail customers of ttas estsblish. went to sortenp the sizes so that every custo- mer oaayfitted until the Boots and shoes the are all r ailed ont rather than to offer Ohre in one lot ow lo trade so that mono/mere of thin establishment 4,11 have the advantage of OheoP bebtept shoes for some months yet but the at. Xention of the slew firni will be arected to building up the trade iu dry -goods, clothing and millinery those brenehee having formed the bulk of the trade of Olio house for ,,sismo yews add they muft naturally increase wi,th the advantage of having the goods bought along with 0, B. &filth whole stockfish 'took and under the management of the men !the have really run the busness to a very great ex- tent for some year while G. B. Smith was der - smelly pesent. Thames Oatmeal Mills, ST. MARY'S. Sutherland Bros. are:prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE FOR OATH delivered at the mill or at the store, wilt door to It Eaton's, Oats taken in exchange for ostmool. Will have on hand about the rust 014444.0 A Large StookofSeeida including CLOVER, TIMOTHY, &c. Or Orbiting dons on the shortest noaito at the utilL Mary's, Feb. 4,81iT1875REitia". Bit°758.. LONDON QUEBEC and MONTRcAL Temperley Line, Composed of the following grwt-clasg IRON STAMSHIPS. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY,. THAMES, DELTA, SEVERN NYAFZA. • }LECTOR. The Steamers of Line aro intended to mai, luring the Season of Navigation 01 1873, from LONDON FOR (FM AND MONTREAL, es follows :—Scotland, Wednesday, 271h August. and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from QUEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 21st Angus Severn, Thursday, Ilth Sept. Scotland, Tuesday,tard And every alternate Tuesday d Thiusday hereafter. • Rates lower than other Lines. Certificates leaned to persons desirous of bring - ng out their friends. For Freight or Passage, apply to DAVID SHAW, Montreal. WIZ. A. BAY'Llr, G.T.R. Agent, ST. MARY'S. THE BUSINESS 01' THE LATE. S. R. KERB St. Mary's WM still be carried on la all Ito brasiolule. FURNITURE WARE -ROOM$ Opposite Box & Sommerville's MEL A First-class Stock 4.1F$X6.pa hand. A Competonty•roon keta ober. of tbif: UN DERTAKING Department, which is constantly ,suppliell 11101 the best el AMERICAN k CANADIAN BURIAL CASES Funerals Furnished throughoht. ION short notice and reasonabie terms. M. KERBI N. B.—We have also oxt hand the Et. ectric Balin,for the preaervatiof ef bodies for any length of time. ft Mary% rovember 19, 1874: • IS THE LARGEST VARIETY 0OF STOVE \5 • AND THE Cheapest Place I TO 70:71 YOUR STOVES YOU MAY FIND AT 43'.C.GILIPI/11170 SIGN 01' THE GOLDEN STOVE: ST. MAR'S, Ont. Bt. Mitres. or, 19. 1874. at. New Tailor Shop. EW8 Mcs4 -ntc4:8 to itaitimte to of Exeter and Vicini.4 ikiew:TitilOr Won 1 IN REA. ett bike etet ext Whore be iltilet attention hi Merit a lair iheie ei A 000DVIT OVARAltt P4NT4t727.1NO A