HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-18, Page 40 rM'A o144TsINo, • • *C. By yornesomememomme viil:1tormE' noe his . . r 114c -1Q .,•.- 011 43 yYa.al 0011'1:113 ta7 S:'Ll;? tl:lt11 fttJ'.::i, ly .'tl: *k^RC'a•F.'. .9 e.�rP hex Y• :'.... , . ::it' • C _c- 4- • Tlao e till be 1 fi,� ti�lda, tp ti0W �tCM1X;I�i/.t� iu'tf1 itn , OVerk+v 11 ,144* RA +4ittla,inA. �ir16li rte 4t,iiyeli e,y ',. ha4vo,�p4adtta ogoc� pp, ane, g'atlt end', tato fat P fltth^ 4NX 1041434; IY f, too :suet el1P0 „ fdl ren?, 711.4 ve ntel)a i em 644110401104, It or (aa . a owl nils tow eerfy 4144,0P:a't' Xrn44g. 4!4141,. 0 est . 9 tai,4: Ai oP fasts A4 rP a ,N>�i1;if srkgry finsltx 4Keal4 ,1400p, t try toxo raa.,dx too{t,, t von u ualM. t r . e • Pti fn 11xnS•.a PIar+4uoil.,t)t 411n9;4aa ebop.4.t144t ilo0449, tttvro.lvoUee t ria very low 0I444.: a n Pf•3at. o ti t as 4ntn . n 1. u 1049001,00„, t i9 6 P o t 4 1r .). to 1n9a t, r to x 4Y' w�tl4oat irr,)tNkkttll, logo dein ta, 9r R4n4 ft* i,44d!g41, vote oyl}' Pro4ngin ' 4,014194#911 of the 1'9w)Q..1 Meso 10V00 alrougtl4.4o trip synt,9iu, a po 00,9)04 9wow, amtehoriges an 4149 isor,' Din oorotons to.'1 hearty stat 1"r,. r W ', X''u II6OIEr,S. 1 �,.r paeagQ Perru 'Davis f 4ot►rt, afote Prom •J 9ttuGrt'' al, 1873: e 79.u41. TOE 1,04,A4 NEWSPAPER. c 0 1ru1B n 1t CT , 1t' • One of the Utobt .ilnportrapt qL estinne under the ennsi4leration of the edu,oa- tore of ttdift ,and other Countries : is: How guides, we indnoe.'the young' on Jen, vent; soh Ql to utilize , the kuowled e. they have ac t it'ed? It is our painful, experience to ,not,,iee: that many of the most promising and ambitious Bohol bars of our rural schools vanish out of• sight; so far gas their influence and i1se• fulness are concerned, on the Clay they leave schen, and, while, in our ogin. ion, they would be eapablo of acting the part of leaders in the sphere iu which they aro placed; they are here automatons, and often become the tools pf unscrupulous men. In order to account for',this we have only o vis, it their homes, when we are at fence' struck with the absence of books and newspapers. ` Many :laudable. means are "employed by ..the Educational De- partment to overcome this prevailing evil --the want of reading materia in our country hames; one of Iheso-r--an excellent ane• -is the provision made for the establishment of libraries of dif- •ferent kinds, and from 's hat • we have seen of the working of the system, we add our testimony to the great doors ac- complished by them t. But of all the agencies employed in the enlighten- ment and elevation of,. the masses of this country there is none so effectual as the .local newsraper....When the snails of the week ,are drought to rural homes, and composed probably. (•f Globes, Mails, E'xi:TEn 'hugs, s, &c., we invariably find that the young nliahe a rush for tile TIMES, and eagerly devour its contents, .whiletheyi maty not . as rnuilla'as open the .great Aletropolitan organs. The Toronto papers may be invaluable to rolrhe, yet the young have no relish for them. What they want, and what all judicious parents will pm. vide them with, are short, pertinent, facts in whish they are more or less interested - news • respecting persons ani places with whom they are ac- quainted. -About these th. r will. read With unabating'interest. We feel that . we are not pleading the .;arise of the TIMES more than that of the rising young; when we -say that.it is the. duty of alt the •guardians.of•children to foster that lots, of reading which will grow 5 with their growth; and ripen with their iU I,tn ity, which will make ..titenl love 5 then- home "anti country-, and greatly enhance their influence and usefulness, in the world. Any person w ho it'. in the habit etreading newspapers eitnz'0 • be an ignorant pehson, and his ol,init•n tLp j:lsti of • will be regarded with deference by oth- :eis. • , . .. l' O RtStRvE InTRINO THE SALLE, ,,;gyp aha pra�llilses have becii't*ld., and possession must --be given 0arhe at possible. date, .,. --DO '-T •FAIL-. to..CALL: AND SEE. FOR.YOURSELF. i D o PROVIDED ,GL ROV D1JD I UR LADIES, AN • Will be strictly enforced.. • . ;,.r. 'rivt to 8alequring the day. �a1 r idZ"edlers will find it to,their advantage to give me n, e_. i�i�?�er'the ry•�.aC , ;r 444, a, �.f regi . s.oid Stan ' , THE ED EE Or Ate. CN.l M M 1i t: i a; 1'1'1 O N. ')wi;r T1M;:>`,-- - I was much pleased ‘glen I re- ceived a copy of yourself, and, in re- turn, .I would just like to pun a few ;hies for your tine -appearing columns, for, while spending a few hours in your putty li4.:tle ,town—Exeter -, I was much interested inmy introduction to some of your :worthy hwb t rrs, and per. .haps a few jottings of what I Baty in Exeter 'may not be amiss -to some of your readers. Like all .other inland towns and villages, pro,,pects aro fluc- tuating, and, at present, ,your pros - peas. handled properly, will be condu- cive to your future welfare, for, while you have rt' " country vast " to endorse your endeavors, and a class, of 'curdy yeomanry to help in your future great- Iiesy, there is one thing very, mush against your progress (i• e.). some of your leading spirits are too lauleli given to self frons tlhe fact that your 'o:} -n ti<< ..,i-.11..1'21' Vf1.,v fliscon agiuc' .fig t encouragement to come amongst you. If those . having t -he ince inductieu Of your town.proper.y•wotild' be n !lith• more of It progressive character, then, no doubt, but in a few ntoutns niaany new homes would be built, up and other enterprises would be entered tan; your fnecht;nicsu•snild'be in. better, 'spirits, ian4i your,rlhercbtidlts .]motiles. sacks. to their stocks ; your ,clin.i'ches'would be 'hiller; your, paper, better :supported ; and' a general i ro •wems iz m t would be. tele or- i diet oldie day, and, aftee, a tinlb; your town of E,reter would some day appea) on the •mal%as a, place of,spirit andei'n-' terprise. Y slaw in year town w,hat 'I deem a step in the right, diraction.- You have what many places deprive :themselves of, a Sabbath. 0111 fearful to think of towns and villages in' oiir land disregarding this holy day. Your innkeepers are mein of too good a ,stain to be engaged in the business in Willett they are o uploy 0d, ou abut day, for seldom do I Anil the Subbaill ab-, "served toil saw in Exeter I saw a' - :good influence working from the teaeh ings .of your Temperance orgah izatidri; the good old S. of T., Where, With lire i and wometn8Worn to the cause, such as Exeter can boast of,, she wields , d mighty, nfluence for good, and whilst being fe t to-evy i will 1! bo felt au future..tnry days when her present wake's' are sil• out ui the grave, Noble hand 1 err bs . o f al e forward ! t 1d asses Elie anis t`s .p, p I ► for our Captain is shone other than ti.e' Lora of Eo'ita, and he tieing With As is wore tlien,:thll that can be ,aaaitast rtis. 1 -saw some of • your young men syho r►re yet out of slid ostler. i retllfeiir shield them ; if y!ti cirrus bring them in and never lease until you hod made a total•atvee of year town fol the c.al se'+ n. t� 1 trust rn " dlear>Ti - a e r# s 1f ver ' ort11- , y i 4 . pp tiity 011'00 14 tide to spends n. toy hoai-s .:with •uhf t- h '' d itli lderxi.lt � il'e s ,r. `S' r a l►t(t! yid 2 t to, d1t1:.rlrustilg foh'.''y(5un suecelis and, *Aire, t ram:nu; tort Perry, Utxt. td ,n ' e l��v �� d O � 1 o. y C, W, • VOW* „,, :Tag + o4ooraou p iaiw,Ilrttu ltt(4 ou,4 " d 'rtlCO1"i' h* aids 4 1t9toDr}det 1 f10111!a fd pro,, 4/4410#1eat.ro4loP 0sitfefao oo gwkon gOnliOt14, aoitlurlvoxrt�a'�d. antNterlob, Ne 11():-(449'x o-4113 tu.$47 of ;loch atut% for )url toOtter4t too rer• souk-, 1 ! 090,4019i0 R 3b• P 1, 1 0* lilt t 11 ;en dl�drMa .,gi ainitg 64oP „o es4eIinti1 iTter4;elonroe 0414040 tl!Iczadw.�bexPbkrMANn atP PAi ,P 1n si444 041ygno O'40.444144broft. 4.94 tonta 4P .I9r-fs„ns ,apt1p8,, .;1414nnt,Frani Exeter -fourmugaof former eartteuta re, poly to 04 pp + fit lt, Pr talerer, Vxetor e.Q, 1444., 1011.41 h4,;Z'B' h) a iat4at it � ldlI, , ' I - sere a IntooNk .se t9 : 85' F,otoats, . ' 40 AO : 67 10 50 1'P.64 ”'a to 70 bl r dg'"ter le e ate, �l. 500 � k, # OR ith*rti 12 to' 12 Hps ? 1( to 7 25, Beef,,,.., ,;, 4 50. th S 50 14401/,,, 006' t9:, 0 Of 9heofiakiun.,'.70 tq k 20 2f8y 14 00 to 14.00 llrtild AfipleA 1 75 tP 2 00 OniopA, 75 to 1 00• /44x41 14, to 14 Pesos 4..04 ,p ;i potn4,;T 7c tAPer .ou2,t,t d.0 ck nn loots.ro 12 ct0 0ato • Dt4k Wets tP (111ANTON. P'1411 Wheat „. Z 50 to .4 80 Spring Whstt 00 t9 85 Peas Peng 35 to 87 Barley 70 to 72 r # oo to .,i 24 �B�l�ur x Wqu1 • 14 to 1$. 87 to 80 ST 1iiAlaY S; Deihl whost, per bunsot 55 to 8O spring whoyt Ai to • 96 Poul Barley , 90 to 95 70 to 7`5 Oats 3.7'to • 48 Eggs por dozen ... 10 to 18 Butter 20 to 22 \vogh ... 96 to 34 1;ay 12 00 to 1200 Pork • 75 to 7 04t Gesso White wheat... ............................ 86 to 90 Treadwell 85 to 90 Spring .................................... 81 to 88 Oats 0 38 to 0 41 Peas 0 68 to 0 70 Barley 95 to 1 02 Butter '23 to 25 Eggs, per dozen 18 to 20 Potatoes 50 to 0 00 Lard 12 to13 Tallow '3to6t GO to00 Timothy seed ,13 25 to 13 50 r a. o Clover 6 25 to 0 60 Wool 37 to 89 100 to 125 6 50 to 625 G3 to 71 7 50 to 850 LUCAN, Sheepskhne Beef Hides , Pork LONDON. White Wheat, per cental 1 55 tol 60 R ,1 Winter Wheat...Treadwell.......... ::,' 1 o Oto 150 Spring Wheat... .:.' ... ... , .... 3 0 fol 60 _ZTJZAYED upon the premise,: of the k subscriber, lot 6, con. 7, Stephen, on or about tee middle of November last, two yearling cattle —a heifer (mostly red), and steer (dark roan.) By proving property and paying expenses the owner enn talto them away. G. LEWIS 7443. MOTE-- LOST.—STOLEN FROM tiho'pnoket of tho snbecriber, in Sitaforth, on Tuesday, the 19th inst., note of hand for S.35. 6:, due Dusan, a, past, drawn on Mr. Alex. In- gram, Brussels, in favor of ,las. McNabb or bearer. Payment of the same has beou stopped: Also a pass hook. ;las. MCNABB. Exeter, ,January 21, 1875. 71-34. I- ONDON J QUEBEC 'and MONTRcAL Temperley Line. Composed of the fellowing Ehret -class IRON STAMSHIP S. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, THAMES,. , DELTA, SEVERN N NYAFZA, HECTOR. The Steamers of Line are intended to cat luring the season of Navigation of 1873, from LONDON -FOR • QUBEC AND MONTREAL, is follows; Scotland, Wednesday, 27th August, road every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from QUEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 21st Angus Severn, Thursday, 11th Sept. Scotland, Tu0Kday,23rd ' And every alternate Tuesday 0 Thursday hereafter. • Rates lower than other Lines. Certificates (Puled to persons desirous of bring, ng out their friends. For Freight or Paeaago, apply to ,1) AVIL SHAW, Montreal. WM. A. BAYLY, G.T.R. Agent, ST. MARY'S. • t�YeRr.,)Q7k. >AI dr�l �4}.t ' Ct0 tl 4.! atu44;thir, ppl iatm,..0 tP4 uurb ,itPau,.of;t XRb0300, 4061 5 e >t a.. 4bar o 4artto N�1#alt 1rt'. PaPrkyar9A0 4uOre-, tk 4.fi 1l&,,kr, very rdir k�r 0.101,910 *Legit gk# nwrte, 4nlt b teor1ano,W41n:iii r1tt14 te44in 1 their reefni4 ; verho mottolidr rRr>rel Wt. Br, 14NIfiII'914010xA R 1+,.Q,•7rtrt . j SHE, THE ompy 1N t?+aalsVEl AlvA01)14P lrQ1 on. r{AA?t 3'N 7th D0.$ENr0$. • ANA \V 1hmVEIt Sons Oe `::4 n4 ;siw,untvor. dally aokgowledgiod to 40svrrtalnnx0407te114 In an the eseentalq of k rood instrameut. ' During the YEAR 1878, wi 41410used as usual IiP.IRST PRIZES AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN AL FARTS OF CANADA A Five Yearie t+ttarllntee given with 'each Surteta. ..: 1314410. For Illustrated Catalogue, Address• W BELL & COMPANY, Organ Mounts. d'tr.rer, THE W. D.MCGLOCHLON WATCH ie the beet in the market a CEDAR POSTS Rails & Cordwood P`ARSONS requiring Rails, Cedar Posts, or Cordw Toa, can be supplied by applying to THOS. GREENWAY, Centralia; or, W, H. GREENWAY, on the premises, Lots and 9, No'•th Boundary, Stephen. 69-tf FRESH OYSTERS Haddies & Bloaters. CHEAP, AT G. SANDER'S ifore, Post omcr, lluItdtne, A Stock of Groceries and Confectionery on hand. CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS t Sportsmen supplied with Ammunition. School Books and Stationery. Jour- nals and Magazines. ALL THE L .TEST M'VELS. G: SANDERS. Easter, November 10, 1874, 6.5.-71 • Dominion Gun Shop & Rifle Factory Forst -Class Style. R. W. SOPER, HANUFAOTURILR AIQ0-DILAL$R 114 Pin rifiC•IWIllit .th rxlRD T8 Cents al Fire.' f c hut- Gnu; lrarlrer4 Ptslots tRh o Tpekes • anis dangers, Supplies, Powder, ,.`hot, Leaii, Cape, Cartridges, Gun Wadding, Wad Cotters, Ponder Flanks, Shot bags, Cleaningilods, Cap primers, Ballet-monad.i and General Gun Fittings kept conatantla on band. Breech and muzzle -loading Hunting and Target Rifles tnsde:to order. Heys fitted, Baggage Checks made • General Job -work and Repairing dame with Neatness aid Dispatch M" Good Hunting Rides from $12 upwards, Good Bhot.gnns, 14 apwnrtt . from $5 upwards. Sign, of the Gun and Golden Cep. STREET, BETWEEN DUNDAS cP KINO. CLARENCE dkvolvarl London. Ont. London, December 10, 1874. - 48•m MARRIN ' Bl OS Imo`?s;1:Ii iTI:T. ONT. . VIIIAil' rT'ru i l'dIIR l nlir / ml upl'llll Ut I+IU" ( ;i . 11.. ,6. 1i .II I I I i l 'x+14 . C1.I{''I9 1;! 'I?- �>m' e t `4 't IP; �h' t �� �I I �I� I��, Ir h,.�I a rw„r , r !, In. , Ldr rm rvr ,.Il% 14 t r1S01 .. IINI�t�I j. �_ennlv.� » P'� r , ml limlrmal ((ulIII II W 'i Ill t � I IID I�n0111 I NV i (II III 11 lis f I I �li �i�ll s.> I I w b I Q0000 O. U I t I 1 , .., �'(s IUI asses 11 l 111 ll'I 111, INI171111111�,+, i fl'ilr mpu�t 13'39.3irt3M1p®®•Otlpsnaggns maee1.3113 '�ewom3T” m� II; l N'llil !Illbfhm6i'm Irllt me1111wo1i11 I Ila I IIs%l mmlmalmlwmmulmnumroll Ileum ieullt Ili'IIIItU¢I�- `' NR1umultluuln11111MlAnIMitpll 1000lgim11114ui�i mluutululli rM"'7 .' Ali I I I�'i'lll telt ll7rlllll�,l..tiI�,.�, I I I •~ I I a Cll�llll IBILIII r l IIII I�NuI I I I I n 11 �IIiI I I i,�lllll f' h I Ir � II I IIIiI I II .l I I I UI 1 I IIIIII I ul 3_. Ili I ppI it I1.� 11 I• ..1. �II � 17 •I I-. I' ti I INiI� I II It@�II1�1 NSI NII11,��I� IIIIiIiI i iVlq(IlQIlllli( ll�llll �i'll� Pj' 11 „G"m elk •1., + x ' •nX)w '. .} ny"''t . Ri ,� ' 1 .. • »nm,,,A ,. it �.ngem •alis , 4Qiii ...,� aftl "we l PE. dt l fi .Aata: p' d 4 .o t p ttyilNerr 1rg1 (rgn'a 4 atyrhba gtAMt;y r 1!1l.ria1to ru sAesta'� � ef rp i00A}: , i lsriie we �o.tP.bAav4r � vit�� .,u� li►41ca.Ag ft, liA alt 14idag-�tPttologdti,lyre0 as deer to-mN roof► fe aeg lab :cp►.;% Pro*+e waaot1 g the, LOW*w�4t r(�iaat�routfy�eda Pepriere.- aro eRitxa B,a,uae Dress G00.4s,' N�1 Bargaine . .:r e Bu aja Bead - yde Making BoRile.S leudidlot of den and oya Over oats, 13argainfi 'u ur and Whitney Caps •, Baxgains is a quantity of Blankets Bargains u13 a. o: a Shoes ---in &eat Variety, Baigalrs in •Ladies' and Qent's Oyeraheee, Bubbere, &e. We have 911 hAnd &Aret-slaw stock of Greoerioj, oxeeks ° ,Loa o, 41. varyt, 444 tl t Iy sass iy,Rohotted. , Exeter North, January 7, 1875, BARGAINS AT .ANTON Bargains in the Beginning of the Sea. son. Bargain the Middle of the ` Season. Bargains at the Close of the Season Bargains all the year round. AT • RANTONS, EXETER. Accounts due ist January, lstApril, tat July and lit October Wanted, a. quantity of good clean rendered Tallow in exchange for goods. Exeter, October 22, 1876. , TjE L., E. B. R. R. IS COEN ISAAC CiARLiING Begs leave to t3•ank bis friends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade In the future, having ON HAND one of the Largest ' Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General CONSISTING OL Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc., Ready-made Clothing, wines and li- qa321, Hardw are,Crockery, Boo and Shoes; Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined' not to.: be ,unde Yixeter.ZiCtd1UCT 7.1879 - - EXETER TITRNISHIN•O - ECOVSE, d. .71%TO DREW has now on handl The largest and bestStock • of ?u,i tu ev r brought into Exeter. 1 RUSHING IT OF1? AT THE. LOWEST, POSSIBLE .PRICES. - ..- 0 CHAIRS - EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAM Ge CENTS UP,. TABL:;E.S • EVERY KIND, PROM ss UP. SIDES OARD S .. • A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Handsome Parlor Furniture ' SUITES PRObf $45 UP. � Bedsteads ads PEON,`. sa :UP TO $9O. }. Sets Marble, p DREW. NE I.HE C�'�1"Lr AND L'KtLl'tz f A' HO�.'.xnC... HAN ESS S ... , Cotterel -'V�me+ 11A S. S,l Th ItM 1'4014 lril filol 9x1 to 4(O(taltnr; lie laotty�filstet'y r`olidyv�t4rt£dichoraiii vasa and arranged hirf 8t(I1lizY t s, tYY"6dbYYiiiafit/ One of the lrsst tights hi i aul& preper 1d sal nilaatitrt Well to flrst•0lriits 514'14.•- lcitholi'idglhlgostttsfrobsgo, 1)9bigA t't„0011,, 1100400 of slid y0Y2 of the t)tiltlic, Attibiitloit id cellar to hit stock of FreirtP rv, &a':r riridtsd' S'n 16 a t,d at geed waleaticln d t tn'nitld101r•', and boin J . •tF tt'tif fIII6ke, f"e bre , et t r6 . � 4 Ira I� Y 1 U f�rlltlY laitationteitidiCk01301511eliv riiDtogrii,tilikivtted Y•'a• i iddli trr**Verdolr.; Ca .00ta, 41/ IrayO1kilr, dd • , t I.AT'14 U' IiON p rhe to icgeiaatl.ttbeiahabitattte htspllen, t"aborhe, B1'dttel'rt11 end s•. Oillivrey that he hose Heenees to Coist1elia,•1lLAI d.all inwashof. LIGHT OR. Ht'A VVY NAMES or At a)ilcla natda alar bei,t in It 64' hood ti tllblirl m• inch Ai SAI)D1.(E, . f VAhISES " lyhok! or br rtt*e1i'ee. Ve' (de 110t Winh to ttbtr pt trent tiro merits of other Organs byupholding holdi fair .,� p .u>s Ors but; are duet leads to si1bulit tlient; to tt aaxl Ors, yd•11n �trtnal fret i'celitx p i 6 teo ildelit tlf true result, .. t haat Atte b(sbt rit1 i'Nialiatsi in Can TO$i Oh4fi fid ildttr Ila ebtiiiii the CAtue. 41,4 166 tt Pti)t l►prk 68C01ltle 099'40 ft.ti lent, �s. t hoseab an.r'wal itrt oinT. ATTENDE TCOTT$th1w1 t +: SOO Qn Om 14t of Mara). 'tho ehai*jlo4tx,tf►e 'firm ttke4.p1 P. Mier tin n Aduto Meeors, ,uder- 80u and White, who F eye sp, ,dwell )(wawa to a1t, Of (i, li %PithsettstO ie Rl}t-t3k6 s 50rre 4� 'tag retail blNiu96lraf StyNiy+ 9., . tr BOOT 402CIP 107X010 and 0100040 we markeii DOWN • TO .WHOLESAU L + RJ.CES; with the view pi eleariug tl4ew on$ efatirgly kt<- fere that (bate, while ulna) linea of Dry faieede ate ver'' much aedneed for the' purpose'ef re- ducing the wateek kaferq tech Chanes in the. Rini', Although the DRY Goons, CLOTHING a 'UlDL1 1EI6Y will be carrifsi.9n 41i.(nll bloat; by•tbe flow,flrm, with revs nuponor"-advantage of bii'rhig' their goods bought with 8. 11. Smith's whelemi'.g stoek. St Miry's, Feb. 10,10.75, 'GET THE BEST! O NKR' 8: NOT:' AIR-. OPtiiM t Saves Ne' half 'the Weod,''an.L WILL SAVE ITS COST IN ONE WINTER. Price lt,rduced to so ;50 cosh, 'h. TT 't$Arge EAVatock of very R S STOVES from different ntakers, rind ries- a.eted with groat Dare, whish t el- ter PERI LOW FOR CASH t Also a nice ,a•- sortment . of LAMPS, CH /MNI-ES, Lanterns, do. STOVEPIPE VARNISH—A, GOOD THING. , Best Coal Oil, as usual. Chopping axes, bests in Canada. Cistern' Pumps, Lewd Pipe, Zinc, to 1.000 LB. PLATFORM SCALES, CHEAP- EST IN' THE' hfARKET. All kinds of trade taken in exchange. . Ear Cash for bidet', and skins. N.B.—A GOOD DWELL1NG-HOUSE FOR SALE. • 0. JOHNS, TiHE' 13USINEBB :<TF THE LATE S. R. KERR St• Mary's Will atilt be'earried on in all its branches FURNITURE. '.'' VAREyR00M8 1 Opposite Box dl: Sommerville's Mill. A First-class Stock always on hand. A Comp•tent!Person has cheroot' the WN DERTAKING.• „__ AMERICAN & Cal74DIAN BURIAL CASES Funerals Furnished throughout on short notice and reasonable terms. M. KERR, N. B.—We Have also .on hand the El- ectric Balm,for the preservation of bodies, for any, length of time. 8t', /Jerre, november 10,.1874.:. 65 ; TIIE LARGEST VARIETY' OF ANLL:; TIiIE ; ea Gest Place 1 sr OUR' 'STOVES ` Y,d AY `i fl4D AT . . rCai.G'iLPi'N'S SKIT OF THH, GOLDEN.STOVE. $t l fary'4. •;:ti. .187!? 1•••• ° ' as, itto Mir . �■-�� h'rGS to flit mute'`te flub' inhii itatite .L./ sete{• d,nd'Vieinity Eitat°>odrriaOpened a 141W Tstlor theti ' IN REAR , dere" lsretclie'r-a9t p itke1 kti, *betel .bj#triet attention to business /lc u beydi •e•• 3°41441 oak ahtire v(stronsS. i-, V �E D.- .. , Ix a ,��tA ' g1DOb11' iagPTt�''l" •t r �� r'• . tire" isfc.,((.7C1+h1a1't. Babtet;yttnndEy'l;16(tJl tt.ttiii;. ►II' L1.' ltat.E ii N t'1, J4 0111104, 80 0it,t1$I{�$•st., i`aonttdn, Qnt., c Hnary tV✓1i`yA i Ise olt of df Bu1!nr 4 rt 1 nr id� ,oN t I thmF 114 c,r a ed'' e , cartridges, *,tiid(tpf 1shuag taaltlel'- 1 *;otter. 10e1tingg61040, >" S I14°01#J.goat Matttos :, ep.ti ns la thoo +ar ta► Jlli' oseik,t4'failirg t*P0stati. •