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Exeter Times, 1875-2-18, Page 3
an o t itii4:ti'4.1ot,1 0),•• re* a ied -Sett ti, tritOttefpre iltere AVe \‘. b.41-4".te. qti;i14.111 'WA It, re trr et, w rr. ; -ArAr, "A A „AA Ar47 TA' • SS^ c kk '114 ;f149t5 A weettee e t3t L44t'V 1 nee't el teintends, te make a trip to' Mttneeo ti 1,',41tropt• C„0:1 tint 4A).1(1Shil)$ Under tike loett ket -month, vo would, lit. Q. tO. Pllgag0 'OW '‘1 , '6". 'TA Agitqi),,44)54 Ovemt:900,§4:03., 1. olalari,4kw go VA)11 et Iv 0.114 )," '110; SIVIA0d& Ara ti,s(tt rill. ter olsa w;q0e, 8 mol.ttit ttna 1'1'11 VIrirli,CO Ohl"' ja.44' 6 6()",i, aviliti9,4514 qual)14. fitmov y,ee5 , eel etretuy,tleeeietiott, and. wttle rewaetke 1,4)10 rapidtty„ 'Nile hexagonal antililao or trunk,* Nvhich, loohe like the tart ut op a moilitor5 is throe feet 100.14 4.11(1 otintietWo feet wide., It teteel9etete been 0' + 05. 1 I 1 I. M yudgiu.sait coti,11 1,1113 IA, 1,11 r VieL a'et ti Oaf na tijot t' ittCliyip 11 ICItp tkdtkoki •eat o.N..1.) lled .0 My.t. 61fl ii tiottilta. ArAkerAyei, eLl treed, lee thee, lieaetteiteltent,,eletelt-,;' ttt.letp'eeteete„..hte„itle 1110 bos,t an aryd und istte,,t;(toze kttkil t)ktItt not al‘tktt kilo ti;10i,01)er,tlti)r, Wit'te.t^ , ,,gentieuetta ee t tot •a t1.0 following jO8 p itlo teet :and render inint'6Ifliseltrilit'ettr- 10,, reyol,•(*),;,111,,,nj..n.)));$ Aicelid he pm. tI i.the,,,,,Agg age -5, payin4Okotel. bills, 4I11 uk ,h4fi w, the fte, ''''.':,t-neettne., of ,Cereplee,ng cl:$111 rota thiA ltdabliaouvat org B0 IYOU Ittiewlitt* VV,V09 WUrcto 17U001, an, 101,71 144 G41,911arle8her. 0 o'kthe 11124,- on • p rpOse, Rp ok sou. • • , , Nan Par e Avenue. 'efelettetS'atypeeetteri tlie oftme,of the toetoti„,) ore, ateper thatwettteto elieetffeyeare , ago, ewho the 'eYvo tett t‘tael " waa ityia ete payetettie to be put in -eype, I was working heed, mid makeup. 4 woe &liars per, week-, . even .-dtellare per week was good wages in tlittee , ltota, ,„ tin -tee, when ,first • eould lie Lila Ili.' '0..•Q • 4p•,1 jj If ut O1I101)(I C! hoete were oely,fone Qv five 1air. Bet titled Was a: elrilhed ta-• nt4r" eeketteityerelive :elpthevee per„- .eyeeltetecleen 1.441.1.44An1 flee iv93'1,i 'WAS iff14'..tial 1:111(1. teightee,eein Este Why, a yetung man in 614k:dein:et:meld hey0 been little etee1t4t, eiteAlocktit'e'nel ttAtj t'eate bolt t. eaettielieteattetee east as 1,40.: wae.eeven, o'eilock. int1Q00mt, enia the adVeniseinent wthildttefiear in the morning'iSsite,' I read it over Once more, set up the -word. wanted, an d then gkiek, eAlct*Atsilea me, (tied to soot -1 e him and to remsop etith him end be (teeny leteettne citelm. C told bine* 1 wee e'•deteetive; 'wa0 fee to to rest tho ota woman, tend requeet- el bite, to unlook the the door so 0 et iecteuldeeiete lee e,' elterenerteaetationtet0' complye't wheteeetlept he ebtaelged hie 0) (t audwIttketeffee 'aelpue to detect the poleoe, ana then we will go down and ebop the old 9-0 3V,can to ..fr „„.,,,-- t., r p, • ..,±. 71' '';1. cannot ,iet ont tieli bettle. 1 e ' Yon mus . tle 'tie drew the revolver egein, wild i. saw that he would elloot wee ife4 Alia net comply. Thinking that be might be eetisfied eitel,, ealtetted .one „elf the 1-.,Lne, It Ma ae Li theiceetiaidthand'eWitiO: t 4 hint. 0 VOy1„ WW1 h hat (313 •COVOI', side 14 WO iroi'r which ar sedar- tea .-by eren,e50,40;e5,,,Amlig,htepressure :met .heso 1'04,4 011 a given ihreetion, tot- AlactiNa.4.4(4.0ii, and the hatch; '8YeiI-siniiktWnitett.,* In this w ay tliP;ittl.:t \teeter purposes escapiug front his Vote should Awy thing eeee wrong, with rn a ulkijjoy,. five etyma' apeetureeVIight, fite.At Alici $ide6 and the top having tvindee t - of French plate glass. On either ,end f the wellhead, extendieg upwaed sewe oral fqt, ai o twci vroutht irou 3:t041&, in- teoal eeptiettoon nnele by , Moore, clahnaprece'demse gplyfbiliorpt thc lOkk.4 $kt ,W.4500$ ofsuperl,or wolionanouiR rAte4t PoiedeleerPettil 4tetterei , „ 71;144%.., „ , 1471 re . eafee t , -, ',C,,,./`i,40,14,,,, ,1`,*'‘' 1.. ' '1 lae*1 I-Imills, 4.• O% ` tt,ItiSt $ouineis ginger -kettles and 040a4rox,10., alia every et140e kiwi ef,Agriettlittral tet1)leteeet s 01 I bs.1141, or inad0 to oieler, ' , (46.1y.1 JAMES R5 1400n Vuor o e t, Uares, July 1, 1874, ;? ituellieca• the forefttebt (04 • 'he ewe' ne t 1iu1y letucls. Notliing eleertieular.---be back in/Mt:if"' I rlid, as't I slipped on, my e&k4c uj start(4 down stairs. Of couteelha,anade up iny mind aPPIY 1'01"11tte eetuation. 1 thonght There is no poison in this ? he ask- ed. ironlyt,petre wetsre „ • shell not believe you until you %did ttle; t ha' ea aft er -sharp :Zook leat. a1 'thet4iS.Ifeeine-See yortetagfe5-' He had me there. One good swallow f IO1V1 nue of VI Dee p piscln awe elect LP e,s would hare been death. 1 ver' bottle hack, took arother, put it heel., and finally gave up in despair. eee, I knew you, he hissed, you wanted to poison me, but I have trapped you. N ye/ you. untet.Atieek from _one of the bottle began trying to get his mind 'on something else, but it was a failure. He went to tie door, listened, and thee I saw him look at the galvanic battery and then et me. ; - • )01.11#1,4torfilidi!,10.tiki, the -1 plight fill tl30 1i1, if lie was not too emceeing, end- if he refused me, I would be no worg6ff than before. egetek AVeiirte-WaS a, lope way out 4roth toe lteaetta.theiectfyi. and I went ;thy st,ae. Paid:not kneWn leIr. Sher. Waif even byeteeitettitiOneehne the driver knew . whe'te and that eritH enough. teitlettewas. Mareh 'night, with eonsithr dile snow, and my entbusimene. bad coeled,effeonsideeedely before the • Aleoppektne down 'en trent of a flue brick neansitni, Sta-adiug beckea, few raile the :atontle. 1i1 going' hp the path i noticed that the lawn was prim tnented with etataary, and ,coiati pee at a glance that the gentleinite was possessed of wealth and good taste. Thorp Was no light below that I4bt1a .cliseOver, but ft ceuPle ofyids f.ehe„ bells brought a woman, ijta-tlia rinatie Age etathe door, lamp ia hand. Td • ine; deeieryeeset,o whether itee. §herman as in, the made no. direct reply, but asked •rif net) bosinees was iinportant., It was I, said; but she replied that I had bet- ter come again -in the morning ; Mr. Hirakeila,n was in, but was net well. I 1‘4tsIturning away.when -a gentleman eome down the hall stirs, and said: -"pidethezentlemeei wish to sea me. I aid, sir. I replied, and he immedi- ately invited inc lute 'the parlor., The • temp ,was turned up, we twit wets and J. started on my ereand. eIf, y,oneetee the,teet, you, have the place f he excliewiede 'Slapping his, 'lianas. together,. and break -Weenie eiff 11 was giving him reference. ,,,Aek me any queution you wish, I re- viled. ' - But it is' a test of a different charac- ter, he continued. Come up to my room. As A4VC paSSeit, through the hall on etFtWAYpp: etairs*tha.,5yoman standing OtOileeterye0eirttlieid her head rem enee'paile„ and riNigq1411,0",§,d.:„.91.idain ;sail exot catch.' ,,,,I-;elenettittiteele greatt pbef inepeetintincel 013 her part and wom she was met half-deuuk or 4 J operatov in Vanget•',„tyleetets'e 6 thorn eet force hieeself fronthui,PThee. To, the at rod te connected, by a nurnbeF of etteete148 44 wire, 0,01,11kklar,„91,0:#0.„9.9.45, ,Whielt,vailintilts ,itatiittletvitffejt,It is made of three sections of iron gaSpipe eeleeteo;pedi, into eteelettethee,„ earn -Tallied ViVcap..•-lit the' "t4,36114,*(iticiO.0f pipe is a tumbler eonnettett With a scr4w OU s. teal which, is ateached to a wied lb*;"-aln41.0.P,;.130iiia., (;.il This section makes the -Upper section air -tight. It moves up and down 4th the pipe• and the operatitr can, it will by weens of it, expel throuelt the „weeee the feel air from the boat. 4,- oorn in the Streets. " Take holdeelf thee haftulle,s, he' ord- ered flourishing the revolver. ..,He knew that teerwetild reek me -se- Vei:ely, 'and 80, thb 4tenti white he Wu making ready, I wrench- ed them off. He did not diseover it, beiug ou th.e other side of the table, and when he found he could not shock inc eyes eeietiniedeeeitle iidetr'rnielicer Aene -are •,aevil, he, said, econaitiete, eath atti t YOU; u st .411oosaIN ; 1. .bettle nr:I will 4111 y otf.1 etlepUtettim Offin oneeeeay atetienotheit about fifteen minutee, and:then he forc- ed me up to the table, presenting the muzzletettee;mrtbrieltete *esti:gel:etas le think Of ,--1"L fit tee, ire •Was --•?e!Very` eh 'nee that his carelessness would dis- eltarge.the weapon. e: Choose :ehoose ! choose ! he fairly ard -dually I picked up one of tIe bottles.-' tee , ete, ee-vo Now drinke he eWl4sperea'eeholding:; the weapon' met, foneefeein I could see by the gleam of his eye , SNW: Describing the casaulities on the mght of the,lse Janetayee_he Paris, whrn iI -Was. - ' CM, r6spondcht, wriees " There was one accident' which p obably. no, parallel. IA womaii ihe,..Raelainsey, wdlij neer her accouchnitentet'lend had mule an arreti,geneeut wieh a lying5in hespit: al for.:ttie: Being taken with labor- iains on this night, she ran hast - Trent' tlifileirlinVilr own. d or. Sheeeried to teise, .aeo, after slip' pin:g abouVfor melte* fe'iSagain to thecterounde She eikid Air ..Two gendarmedad Eted.6eilAnen were going towards her, falling two ,tir three times themselves, and on leaenibg ,teieeeetatesf theetease, they tried to help theeVieorAvoAkii Oh between therm The tl tree fell together, and then nein, ii:qa Olen the woman's pains pzeveuted 'her froni walkiug. The gendarmes took ofl, tittir boots, and in their stocking et ?took th,e etifferingtcreatuve iu titeir arms, en.tenieg tpitechsly at each step. -But tet leneethjelle til,igered a halt, a;na her child wa,s born upon the overeat of a gendarme. He took off his civerceat to wrap IL p the little stranger, and car- ried leine safely to the hospital, while eFirmenion chrtied.• thq mother. *Stieenteetto say bob mother :and child` ere "dt,iirg very we'll `indeed:et But Or 'Ow two liyaye -meu both roust :lniVe'r afa street." Entered- according -to Of ecelg'es$. in tile Year iS72, hy. DY34, SMni.,)CK0a, PO IndignaNlis, Ind. in the Mice of the Librarian of Conaress Wash' gt • etarig ian auk of ' 1_;1-3 CAN. CAPITA.L, RESERVE °miner° e A;(3,000.000 2,000.000. A Branch of tin30..b,OYenank has boo a opened in 1/330033 for the transaction of General 13 vt. noes. SAVINGS BANK DPARTMENT. --eleiZede• - The room which ,we 'entered wes• 'Aunt twenty' ivet, sqUare;tithout 031- 0 11(41111, elnelret leictitree,41 etely, ifueniture - 4%060 ti aild" a'rney' 8bel.veg. Jeemeteeeeeee eteell eimiliar to that en: tW a,' dozen glass tars and a number (11 e t ,hottles on tlee.ebelves,, -0-n . the tables evitS- a ,galeranie battery. havieg two handles for one to take hold of, lik5. spple5of thr5.4incliipes on he street' „pcIpkezs cite Jaycee A:eg, pardOn for' bringitig yeti into J5u0144, eheeleless place, said the man , )0olang the door Red peckeein ;the key, but I could not'deratiteetrate • iny Mew; elsettlere. • - " nfade reply that I- was perfectly satisfied, and lfeeeftt' hieecar to , one of pa'nele of the door and tieeenetd te learn w.otnan had followed upleup stairs. you kntAt, Winepered, placing bililiande on iffy she dors', the' old wo- man dewn stairs intends to poiema me? , Impossible, see would nee date I re- -- -.1. ".„ ' Sums uo 10.‘33,-Oft3 ono donor received on aeposit. Intorest---4-3 nwl f)per cent. alloved. No node( wItlAdrawtare(c-afed, ,47.',A.,werioafieurrolicy mid sold. „ , sTONv 1s3.,331)I.E3,:341orkt. ;A7 and. his compressed. lifIS that be was determined, and une irked the bottle. There was ewe chance 5;11.1 three if I demple,-andedeath was tiertain, if,tj eree f4ed:e. `lit')1 dine th e bottie t en yerfg ht". d' I 'sudaen resolved tnt‘eika bin?' With it. 1 cannot tell how I did it, but, eunw that the batie Cuatie doWn•oli?. his temple, that his revolver was dis- charged, and that he fell on the titian le hunted around the room a 'dozen etTnes fie.,d thee deo, .e.ethottgleeethe laVip was butehitiglintletheirl'oroih- 10 g•clown--•,in atorner 'eta' Wes 'nearly crazy when a eouple whem ehee woman Lad, pent ftitr, eenate an de b uret the. doer in. e The teeth Was that' 'Sherman ba'a-- leii gratrlia*, 'bedOtiling,hilean1;.1;f0-4 nlcintlIA,;: he had no. idea of -going, to England: and prelAily wrote. theeltatt: vertit,erneut oeder to get some one to practie hie 'Wild trick oii, 'He was Oh 1 yen don't kiiow tier as • Well as 9e453 c9114netea, ,954Akikkg his eye- eteteere'e'qteAtion c>f time. pr. willbe • IT yen' can't poiSen my food. r„my_tee, 1kooffee but, she 4- eve ,444.10e'•!:.*ItYti."--'5 Ilevte".-Whaf ?"fasteigde'fOi:Alie first tinfe,noticing seinething•steange itt his looks, , • -,You See; clort'l, live as Otlietefolks do be whispeted„I 0,44-1,eompeeed of cast ,•on,. ntI eat and. drink; Arink a ,,great c,leab of Cftiring wateeebeeriuse that ttlievetits nett> ertire rite tine'', if erty irtsicic 'should get rusty that would be the last GE OATHOART e- 0 Tlz, SHOE MAKER, Sign of the "Big ,Boot, Lucan,, Ontario, DULDeacquaibt.the inhabitants a this and the snrrounding country, au d those 1;liti g Liman marltdithat ho has on hand, a large stock of Boots Inul Shoes of his (irrn man. flute -lure, also imported work, he CAN' SELL AT -PItICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that Le IS'prepared to do order vork second, to none, a . he employe none but First-clas' Cr. CATHCART. (61-y1) '..;-- Two-hose power- lt4d11.1ne L•his nuichine has been thoroughlY tested ana given ENTIRE SATISFACTION' It is supplied Ititti ' :BAND VINVI-IE, " tor driving a , Straw Cutter, • Grain Crusher ;•%, °tiler maehinery, vithout extra, expense ex- cept for the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. . Ail kinds of ' • • • vorkmen, and uses noIllint; but First-class z uek. Lucan, October 22 .1574. WATT'S TIN SHOP, .L.A.TCAN pc, to el OilItt,';'''aetcot, it, in isvery, look now that his wors int )0- ,trityea, theeseeret, an it, a erefit uli, my back at the disoriveryi- I felt for a moment as if my, lege were going out, frorneender me, hut the mem smiledand 'elttiledittedS"o felettettiitin)dreentl&that herve Sooli„carne back. ; , She will poison one of ray bottles of etfiritig roddiiing: ea a[ter-e, J3 4 several years afterwards that the doc- tors, b adeenredel m, :of -his mat ady.Tite, beteleeteetts•texamined: a edaytoe'tweetafeeit thc eYtntitild the- diAif eirlonitetme; r tiad taken the one with the arsenic in it. FartningiMplement$ k,pt.e.,st.tly on baud. BOILER SHOP 71- c....W.A.TTS,:of the Lnem Stove and Til Shop, d-2.1der in Timv:Lre, Slicet.'ron and Copper- - Stoms, Coal Oil, Lamps'and La op Chimnius. He does , I: A_ "kr E - 0 IT (..4. it 11‘.•-:- O- ... on the. shostest notice, and a.t. reasonable prices. 1-10 flatters himself that lie can sell at a, • • reasmablc prices as any Hone the 'frade. Sati fitclimi guaranteed. - The HIGHEST •PRICE PAIL) FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS Rettielneer the Stanl-FirA east of Fit7rell's F3rn.; Story, 7.,1,3i11 -..t., Lotesn. J. fe. WITTS tic= October 22, 1874 (01-11)3.) ' 11.37 Tlieee sister! Dubuque..., are sot - to littlreireeternetereetee, p1iliCF11e5, th at elay taitillePeethe.,,Aire,d melt the Iireeth of every gentIeinan caller and reporte;the reettlt, liefore nOwitta,nce to tile varlet ean ibe Obtained: ' New,44,4Porge, you intivic1etbe cake .5.1itinorablv with your lifItittier" ' " What ie honorable, mo- ther." , " It meansthat yen .neust give hiin'tleee largest Piece." - " Then'i nne- .4.:L..........t,'43%el,her ',Charley should divide ,It looke bad to see a dog preceding itstier'd'Otiinlife; 'strellt'and calmly dtiwri411eeStite055'.:ofil143 flret saloon 113 epproaches. It shows there is sone- sonletlnng lacking., a de; nlorable tendency on the part of the' piirciWitSitegirc. The waters of the Illinois River have Leconte so tliorougnlye,coseept' eeLahde poisoned as net only to kill the fish .ehettein at Jeliet,yorrie and Marseilles, 'hut teierender diSease:nald:deatli de1istin5. to those who dwell near the river, At Marseilles, wagon -loads, efetleadt'5,•,fistit are found frequently in the mill-reaes, and frequently stopping,tha,machinery., The stench which mises from theriver ia hetritge. !hoypod .beliefer A„ meeting has been held at Mareeilles to devise ways and mean ns to abate this in-- telerable uisance, and mn seek eas of eseapieg from the pestilence which 'threatens th,e.t.oWn.,. OW' Paces -L -Open ffkioks Tne 'mystery of tlio schools4 or the learning of the ancients caneot be studi- ed. by, all, but,pages frorn the gr'sif,t 1;6°1' haMan nature are scattered all around us, in every, changeful diversity. There is no repetition, no eameneee there4 but 'all are original opiA mat let , OhnupotetiCe. ' Enter the sotto* w here the4eceitifitee4ettill! being prepared f8‘r •lfte and we note the open eye, the uttruftled brow, andthe undeveloped feature's", denoting it:116cent childhood, and *- maturity. , Into another; of a different class lof, children ,.' And oh, hOw forcibly), ,dets, the care-worri brow, the. sharpened and Pinched ,features speak Of POV.e03/ bettlx,,s, fron tile 5811 elt. and fsladiiigv the talift),, . 'Nittienettrly all full of,eleeir: Water, and '1(>0koa 80 6-.0 61;1)'/ il)ab one ',could. 1)06 IVO told from tbe other,. ' •"*"7 tr.) SV.1113t VO18031 'aolott suppoSe he , .tV1) '11 se 1 he ,tisk6d,-, Arsenic' t)r strychnine, .iirobal)ly, • , answered; feeling. rather lkervoliee ';15; thitlit, you will 414 -ntcolyoli„pql 6116' hitg-VOtitle'Vtidiatiotileiji.ito that.," iI�reached, .dovOi two ounce pack., 'tt,4•41iphid' And tho tfik,..,110;yrt,01,, thi('g- 1ttryttae peteed,oet etteli palette 'oath' ii5` Aotitii,"4 ."40sq.10404, .116 bhci go,i0eint's'into (ht. A. colored preacher remarked :- 'When -God made de fast man He set him lin 'agin de fence to dry.' ' Who made de fence r int aretpted an eager listener. Pt d:at'75'lliari, ottkiexclaililea 'the - colored. preitcher ; ' such questions as 44'.'d destroy all the theologyein de 'tvoeltl? '1'1d: A wPeltly paper in Illinois scr„ibek the editor of the other pap r as a ''''s'hlbilt-eya hitchingepost, a gaat-faced gummy sack, a wart -eared bung bole (Or cider -barrel, and a plaster cast for the poop-ileck.9i al.' can aber+P Fur -7 thevmore, li'd tnittsltliiitent wider " Se- ptet Goesip." . . . - eeeeeee-te 5tiia 6.131T()villg, t)fttatties .5f criitit I, in,,p100,011,741.1,pv,o.-bw03.10145,11pti' .6ongizogaltei. r,antl• tan)re 434" 5343 Witt,gitidati •1,4100,5,911 atimi.,footun many p o tang ct4likon. iannnany leak atid yet elude , TE; jt1Ti!it411C Ybit 144 ;1*.14 0,:otogil.'ta, '0•Le6,Wi ' b,t,t110,01Oldr:i, sittrettunOf the. yoeti and ;strilting*do, the 's,pacioika .hettily ,,,brawy• thoughtfort ta6eitItheoiti,-,iruith41.0 ihsorti're(1,• flitOliti ,v661iligeftliser 33rottatviSiy'ttha'4110.1 Orre8g101VIttlit'lfttAttif the- 0.16,11titO ThJeil lady. tpti thou -4iiigiOst tont,iiitrit.liutow.itlittk AA, ..5Y:piit' ;dont matiotlithiith thoti 'kink nt it4Innititot,..44141/4 Plirego, 0s0 lvt,$A ' Itrevated. Vhitt -1•610 1141 ,Ptli§e.rdOillf 4.0416, . While walltinm with a friend, a,- gen- 1,1603(01 accidentaily,r.steppp4,„ ,iipop. lady's trailing41,red:.eioaPitikea':47it'll 05.frowningloob„ and a strong , exnres- iim tniger:f his usual nrban- ity he refilied, " am scirry, ,inadam, eltyrindke4 etianit 'idthinja••litiarter of 0 the of Yon. . A euedous extract, from '4 Ectcb pelieter'.,e presentie'd`ti; t Atevittyl; fiflhgu ft chink tlte g,e11..,:: ;tnk rePaiting., otOgpft Pl3a1tt�13 8' '2100ti' ,t)f 01 It 11.611S 'den,- and it HOt. Of „.116.-0.10intitig' 0,, WO/ aty, in* oila V kt", new"; ihtatgilt, d.' Bed, 5pay e/ "5t5'..*.kPit,1)411t. 7',37.*td, 14111 ' thinf4p�stXth1tYt014EAni3 thifintrahlttl,ntkIf Vale 44.16-ifils1ogetetioifits,Adv:tiodti, 14,!.61r.,*.earric, b. . teeteeeteleice;..: • --eteee A -44,x iiletatiaridAlleY,d6 tiet*Sitate )o. Ibiofit tfitill)60 fii• Mit svd4t6k , oar l),iNi3ArNO,Detntiintontilfi,lietb fore, lid I he found In it irety:,eni dennlitfon, ti: 110i 411,3ki,Vot611446(116111014314 6 ee•elititeeeleceiretteit, et Neaei. Au t98, 54 7 St- c. 3 cans for ore, per can. Five Pounds Best Tea rn F5x.eter4 $4.50 " A.r A G 0 C RIES • in full operation. Elg NES FANCY BREAD AND RISOTJITI3AIIER, EXETER, ' A.S. takes pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Exeter and surrounding that ki has rented the Exeter Bakery, latelYeRecupied by Mr. It. Sanderi, and he hopes by SUPPLYING A FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE tind strict attentiokto business to merit tho,yrtiiiic patrmiage. 2e±'• 4 • :AU kes Maael.,1 tg•.. o ij 1ffil anirthe PATENerontAlt Alraters tor Schools and Parties, promptly attended to on the rilost 4asonabie terms. jr Fresh 13reacl constantly on hand at Exete/and North ExeterPostpffices,and 3. Shores Crediton, and W.Baker's, Centralia. Families-„waitea op daily, 67-tf. Exeter, December 10,..).74. of all sixes to order. anpAlns promptly altinnled to.. Address- ' THOMPSON Ai WILLIAMS-, Mitchell, tpli,t. ,,iii.^11(311, June le, 1:374 454y5,•,% Tbe Dominion Organ Ten Pounds " for $8.50 pr.oportion, at the TER GROCERY & LIQUOR STORE -!C 145 --ARRIVALS. A. SKINNE1t. - 5 44 sAnTELL 11 p4ds WPICK,411, 1Tell owing to the great RUSH FOR CHEAP GL CDS have Iola to 130WMANYILLE, ONT. ORGAN' S, ORGANS', ORGANS, EXIIITEU bas jost 5.0pened out the largest Most ,(39mplete best assorted and bliea,p0Stact ;•-of -goods oerrettg lit to; this Part of the country. , , liniaorted ,q1Lof .his,Dry-Goods from •';'t the Enrop thouse in „tlite patt of the country, ean IVArkets ter Men a/IY ()theeto 86,3v that e is able to do;,a)ittle bet ' and doe-.0iot hes, titt c liEhexthe T STOCEOrGOODS-INthocousrry ait eheatY ti8 0633. be ietnia anywhete ' , inarket price. 'mid for all kinds of produce. the 01, (lost Ei,tahlishecl House in tile Count to t rolot 011100, '1 ett, Iitto tonlovtd his AIL tiqG obick establishment COTT doot 8 -611th of the old pvetaizez. ._„ iitralite6d opeo 5,,' 1,3 V 14. E SS 11 , C di mid see our - „ F M g 9 till HE I Splendid Su cc,,e0s Taking Everywhere Inathensu Numhor N. 11. ----Old instruments tahon, ii etechange for new. Instruments consian tly 011 kl Mid at J. Drcu's Ifiinthurc Wan, Music Stcols fitna t) to t5 each. 343011 fur Cii.enlar to ."EM etiA tr: If A: 0,5 ACC014,21013ATZ their Customers. Just received: ONE CASITZATORE of Those Cheap BLACK LUSTRES ne caseScarlet cIt Skirts Grey Satinettes ! -AND- Full Lines of Goods Suitable tor the Season's Trade. A JOB LOT OF LAMES' FUR SETTS To be Sold Cheap. • 'V ANKRUPT STOCK.11 INTERESTING; T Milne-, men Fay that nothing is so portant to good health as a. room com- fortably 'mimed; .Th . season of year is 110W hal id when you will re4riire the very best ST OVES ci) AND BISSET EFOS. t.5 0 •v , • , beg to say tbat they have joist recei;ied one of the largest atodks in the cminty, coriaisting of Stoves of the very laliest,Itosign and Ihe best manufactures, which, ' • "WILL 13E1 SOLD REASONABLY CH FJAP Their aim is and sit/aye has boon to satisfy cus. toiners, tierdware, Timm°, Copper -ware, do i41WAYS 'ot haud. Also Exeter, No -yowler 15 mimMIMIED. v;ro..r..10:0o. stria 1.00 la g9A.titqliti1l148. Old AagES,,CoppOr, iran4 Ote,4 hOug. DISS kITT 110S PIII%113:,FA.Olitl14X 11131 ititoot tho tnhabittnts C4.1.151sr, alliborno, that Its inanafaetares all kitict51 o 1144tti355,1110l44di3g the •, tOr Whielirite h'air: the' gifit F61: the Itt0.11$11402, .1*ATtilt $,Pridt P111110, ttkvAiitiffig,`0:filetttiluidtihet, fet.10, eointilent, that IL6 can' satisfk those 'in' waitt pateps,its:inWoritinanship and }limb IVieteEr Olitif gottisliALIOISO 'ill. Tilt ' :•inite north 6 the 141140.6f /4#6,te34 on lett. tairlaen ,14.;11.-,LallspalAtitt httihitteit Ai With prollitit* 11644k, tiAgt dono At 1141tt0it4tbt00tiebg,..• • • 6; i814415)456tot 0111•••,...1•••Mr Just secured a large Bankrupt Stock Tremendous ©2 ttf f tien wbieb will lecleared,out at prices . • • TO ASTONISH EVERY- ONE. - - - • ,;.8.i.41R04. /117 �Fh okist8 of the EST TEA in the country At WHOLESALE PRICES SAMPLES FREE TA, pt, one, and try- it. ' l'tGatEENNVAY Ceutralia, December 24, 1874. te / .i11,5=4..2co 3,5143, eattie . ,,i;W AA, DRY -GOODS !!, 1)4:Alenii ttrt.*4t tit h- ;16t1...701LOL(11TRC d,8911! rUitig- tt11t'spiie 1814 (Veil