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Times-Advogaate, December 22,1993.
ARTHUR - As another year
draws to a close we pause to re-
member those whose friendship
and goodwill means so much to
us. We would like to extend
warm Christmas greetings to all
our relatives and friends who
have given us so much comfort
and support over the past year.
May you all enjoy a happy and
peaceful Christmas.
51' Tom, Carol,
Kendra and Graham Jr.
to to to to to
BALLANTYNE - We would like
to extend a very Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year to
all our neighbours, friends and
50:51x Ross and Alma
to to to to to
BATTEN - To our family, rela-
tives, friends and neighbours,
wishing you a wonderful holiday
season and every happiness in
the new year.
50:51' John and Ola
to to to to Ile
BATTEN - May your holiday
season be filled with good times
and treasured memories. Merry
Christmas 199a and Happy New
Year 1994 to our families,
friends and neighbours.
50:51' Ralph, Cathy
Jason and Jeremy
to to to to to
BECKETT - Best wishes to our
friends and neighbours for the
holiday season and the coming
50:51x Barb, Jim and boys
to to * to to
BERDAN - We wish a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year to
friends, neighbours and rela-
51c Wilfred, Gladys
Kirby, Clara
to to to to to
BERENDS - Happy holiday
greetings to all our family,
friends and neighbours. God
bless you all!
50:51c Bill and Ryyosaleen
Bi• * ll
BOWER - Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to my' many
friends and relatives. Wishing
the staff and residents of the Ex-
eter Villa all the best in the New
51c Verna
to to t<
BOYLE - Best wishes for a Mer-
ry Christmas and a Prosperous
New Year to all my friends and
51c Hugh
to to 4f +M t*
BRINTNELL - Merry Christmas
and happy new year to all our
friends and relatives.
51' Frank and family
ko to to 4 tt
BROADFOOT - Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year to
all my friends and neighbours.
50:51' Mary
tt to 4 to tr
CAMPBELL - We wish every-
one a Very Merry Christmas and
a Happy and Prosperous New
51' Homer and Marilyn
* to to to to
CAMPBELL - We would like to
wish our friends, relatives,
neighbours and our customers a
Merry Christmas and a Prosper-
ous New Year.
51' Shirley's Take Out
Sharon Hairstyles
COATES - Season's Greetings
to our friends and neighbours.
50:51' Jack and Margaret
and Kenneth
to to t< to t*
CONSITT - Season's Greetings
to all our relatives, friends and
neighbours during this festive
season and sincere wishes for
peace and jdj in the coming
50:51x Tom, Barb and Paul
to to IV to to
CREATE -A -BOOK - Thank you
for your patronage over the past
year. Merry Christmas and Best
Wishes for a Great New Year.
51c Sharon Pavkeje 229-6891
• +!/1*3*t*
CREECH - Best wishes to our
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for a Merry Christmas and
a happy, healthy 1994.
50:51' Jean, Ann, Tom
to * `tic to
DESJARDINE - I would like to
wish all my relatives, neighbours
and friends a Merry Christmas
and Happy and Health New
51c Beulah
t~ tr to to
DESJARDtNE - We would like
to take this time of season to
wish our family and friends,
each and everyone, a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
51' Norris and Madeline
• to * to to
DEVLIN - To my relatives, nurs-
es and special friends at the Ex-
eter Villa, a very Merry Christ-
mas andA joyous new year.
51' Jenny
to to to tf to
DICKEY - We wish all our
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.
50:51' Bill and Joyce
to * to to to
FERGUSON - We would like to
wish all our friends, neighbours
and relatives a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
51' Norm and Olive
to to to to to
FINKBEINER - At Christmas
and throughout the New Year
may every happiness be yours,
to our friends, neighbours and
50:51x Eric, Thelma
Jeremy and Dwayne
to to to to to
We would like to extend a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our valued cus-
tomers, friends and relatives.
50:51c Gerry Glavin
and family
to to to to to
HANDERER - Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year to all my
friends, relatives and customers.
51' Susan's Greenhouses
HANSEN - We would like to
wish our friends, neighbours
and relatives a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
51c Andy and Helen
• tr tr *
HARNESS - Wishing all my rel-
atives, friends and neighbours a
very Merry Christmas and a
prosperous New Year.
51c Irene
* * * V to
HAUGH - A happy wish for
Christmas Day, a hearty greet-
ing too, May every blessing
come your way and last the new
year through.
50:51x Ross and Irene
to to to to .to
We wish our neighbours, rela-
tives, customers and friends a
very Merry Christmas and a
Happy Healthy New Year.
51' John Hayter Painting
John, Kathy,
Mathew, Miranda, Melissa
to to to to to
HEYWOOD - We wish all our
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours a Very Merry Christmas
and a Healthy, Happy New
51' Eldon and Alva
to * t: to
HEYWOOD - Wishing all my
friends and relatives and all the
staff at the Exeter Villa a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
51' . Evelyn
to to kr to to
HODGERT - We would like to
wish our family, friends, neigh-
bours and ringette team a Merry
Christmas and a sale and happy
new year.
50:51x Alan, Michele
and Alana
* **V*
HODGSON - A Christmas re-
membrance, with warmest wish-
es too! The special kind that
comes to mind with every
thought of you. Merry Christmas
and a very Happy New Year to
friends, relatives and neigh-
51' Wesley, Christine and family
* **V*
HUNTER-OUVAR - To every-
one a Merry Christmas and ell
the best for the year of 1994
51c Peg and family
tk tk +N t, tk
HUXTABLE - Wishing my rela-
tives, friends and neighbours a
Merry Christmas and all the best
tor 1994.
51' Fred
to to to 1+ to
JAQUES-SNELL - We wish alt
our friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
51' Oliver and Jean
to to tato
JOHNS - Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year to all my
friends, neighbours and rela-
51' Bob
to to to to to
JOHNS - Wishing heatth and
happiness to our relatives and
friends for Christmas and the
New Year.
50:51c Ev and Gord
to to to to to
JOHNS - We wish our family,
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours a Joyous Christmas and
treasured memories health and
happiness in the New Year.
51' PhD and Marjorie
to to to to to
JONES - Wishing you all the joy
of the season and happiness
throughout the new year to all
our relatives, neighbours and
friends and very Merry Christ-
mas and Prosperous New Year.
51' Larry, Lois and Douglas
to to to to to
JORDY'S GAS BAR - Crediton,
A very Merry Christmas, peace
on earth and
New Year to
friends and fa
all the best in the
all our customers,
Daryl Tripp and
, Dianne Faubert
- A
JORY - To our friends, neigh-
bours and relatives, best wishes
for the holidays and for heatth,
happiness throughout the year.
51c Lee and Elsie
to to to to to
JORY - We wish all our friends,
neighbours and relatives a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
Prosperous New Year.
50:51' Ray and Helen
to * t< t* to
KINGMA - Merry Christmas and
a prosperous New Year and
wishes for good health to my
family, friends and neighbours in
1994 and God's love and grace.
50:51c John
LORD - May the spirit of Christ-
mas bless you and yours and
bring you all the joys of the sea-
son. We want to send Christmas
wishes to all our friends, rela-
tives, neighbours and hockey
team players during this season
and into 1994.
50:51x Dick and Debbie
Brayden and Amber
` tl to #o to to to
MARSDEN - From our house to
your house, we would like to
wish neighbours, friends and rel-
atives a very Merry Christmas
and a safe, healthy, happy New
Sandra, Brad
Mandy and J.R.
MAWSON - We would like to
wish all our neighbours, friends
and relatives a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
516 Harold and Ethel
McBRIDE - May the spirit of
Christmas fill your hearts with
love and joy. A very Merry
Christmas to all, and a Happy
New Year. '
51 Jeanette, Gerald, Snonnon
MoCARTNY - We would like to
wish all our friends, neighbours
and relatives the peace and joy
of the Christmas season.
51c Jim, Marjorie and girls
to to
McLEOD - To my neighbours,
friends and family, may the joys
and blessings of this holy sea-
son be yours.
50:51' Marguerite
MEfKLE - We wish all our
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
51' Alex, Audrey and family
to to to t: t<
MILLER - We would like to wish
our customers, neighbours, rela-
tives and friends a very safe and
Merry Christmas and a happy
healthy new year!
50:51c Miller's Welding
and Machine
Marion, Eart,
Steven, Vicki and Fred
to to to to to
MILLER - To all my loyal cus-
tomers who are also my friends,
and to all my neighbours, family
and friends, I wish you a Merry
Christmas and a happy, healthy,
new year. Also a big thank you
and God's blessings to all the
speoial people who made our
October wedding such a suc-
to to to tr to
MURCH - Susan, Tom, Mike
and Chris would like to wish
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and the very best in the New
Year. 50:51'
to to to +to kg
PERRY - We would like to wish
our friends, neighbours and co-
workers, peace and joy at
Christmas and health, happi-
ness and prosperity in the new
51' Bill and Donna
to It
PERTSCHY - We wish all our
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
51' Steve, Erika,
Mary Ann and Liz
• to t< to to
PFAFF - A warm old-fashioned
greeting wished especially for
you. A very Merry Christmas
and a happy new year too.
51' Allen and Doris
PiNDER - To our friends and
neighbours, Best Wishes for the
Holidays and Happiness
through the New Year.
51x Jim, Elaine and family
to to to tt 1
ROESZLER - Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year to all my
friends and relatives. Wishing
you the best in 1994.
50:51' Lloyd
to to to to to
ROHDE - Never a Christmas
morning, Never the old year
ends, But someone thinks of
someone, Old days old times,
old friends. Wishing all our
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
50:51x Bill and Rhoda
to * to to to
RYAN - 1 wish all my relatives,
neighbours and friends a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
50:51" Ed
THOMPSON - We would Nte to
wish all our friends and neigh-
bours a very Merry Christmas
and a prosperous and Happy
New Year.
51' Jim, Marg and Kristen
THOMSON - Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year to all my
friends, relatives and neigh-
bours. Also thanks for the many
prayers and support to our fami-
ly in the past few months.
51' Mildred
to to to to to
Christmas and a happy and
prosperous New Year, to alt our
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours and all our Electrolux cus-
51' Renes and Monique
to to to to to
VANDERHOEK - We wish all
our friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and a happy, prosperous New
51c Marien, Hilda and family
� tr t* to tr
VANNESTE - To all our friends,
neighbours and relatives, Merry
Christmas and all the best for
the New Year.
51' Willy, Jeannine,
Nioote and Giselte
to to to to to
WEBB - Neighbours, friends
and relatives may you all have a
Blessed Christmas and may its
peace and joy last throughout a
wonderful new year.
50:51' Glenn and Doreen
to to to to to
WEBSTER - To friends, neigh-
bours and relatives, Best Wish-
es for the holidays and for
health and happiness through-
out the New Year.
51' Don, Donna and Dennis
to to to to *
NEGRiJN - Merry Christmas to
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives. May all the blessings of
the season be with you this
Christmas and peace, health
and prosperity in the New Year.
50:51x Fred, Ruthanne,
David and Bryan
to to to to *
RIJN - Merry Christmas
and 1'tappy New Year to all my
friends and neighbours.
50:51c Wilma
to to to to to
NEIL - Famiiy, friends and
neighbours - Wishing you and
yours a blessed joyful Christmas
and a healthy, happy 1994.
51' Earl and Jean
NIXON - We wish our family,
friends and neighbours a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Healthy New Year.
51c Nick and Kay
PAVKEJE - Wishing you a Mer-
ry Christmas and a Sate and
Happy New Year in 1994.
51c Bob, Sharon
Megan and Nicole
PENHALE - To all my friends,
relatives and neighbours, a very)
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.
51:52' Grace
to to to *
PEPPER - We would like to
wish all our friends, relatives
and neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and a happy and
prosperous New Year.
50:51' Roy and Robina
PEPPER We would like to
wish our friends, neighbours
and relatives a very Merry
Christmas and a happy and
prosperous New Year.
50:51' Ceoit and Joyce
tlo b
RYAN - We wish all our rela-
tives, neighbours and friends all
the joy of Christmas with good
heatth, happiness and peace in
the New Year.
51c Jim and Marg
• tt t+ t*
SKINNER - Wishing all my
friends, relatives and neigh-
bours a Merry Christmas and a
Happy, Healthy and prosperous
New Year.
51' Marion
to t< * to to
SIDDALL - We wish everyone a
Merry Christm*s and Happy,
Prosperous New Year.
51c Jim and Rose
SKINNER - We wish all our rela-
tives and friends a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy and
Healthy New Year in 1994.
50:51' Sam, Aldeen
and Dianne
to to to tt to
SMITH - Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all my rela-
tives and friends and the Staff at
Exeter Villa.
51' Irene
to to to to to
SMITH - To relatives, friends
and neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
51' Leonard, Doreen and family
to to
SMITS - We wish alt our family,
friends and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
50:51' Mary, Bill
Jack and Rob
to to to to to
STEWART - To friends and
neighbours, may the warmth
and goodwill of this wonderful
season remain with you
throughout the coming year.
Merry Christmas
50:51c Rosemary
+1* to Iv to rb
WEIGAND - May the old, but
ever new, Miracle of Christmas
be yours - filled with Happiness,
Family and Friends. Seasons
Greetings and Best Wishes for
50'51' Bill, Doris
Mark and Andrea
to to to to to
WELL'S - Season's Greetings
to all our friends, neighbours
and relatives.
Mrs. Helen Wells
and family
* to to to
WESTDORP - Wishing our
friends a Merry Christmas and a
Happy Healthy New Year.
50:51c Rene and Leny
* tO to to to
WILLERT - Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.
51c Edith and Alvin
• 1141 to
WINTER - Seasons greetings to
family and friends with best
wishes for a happy and prdsper-
ous New Year.
51c Don and Kathy
30 * to to to
YELLOW - I wish all my friends,
neighbours and relatives a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
Prosperous New Year.
51' Tom
to t+ to t< !o
YOUNG - We wish all our
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives a Very Merry Christmas
and a happy and prosperous
new year.
Jim and Rena
Seaforth, Ontario
to to to to