HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-18, Page 2.-eeaeee..„4,amaa.4seetttiaiararsaseeeeeaee
4 LWo note aaa leave been 'fee e .isatig• time
latet Te1,1„, naietteed istetta g' 7e9t
deeracd imPr. eent 11 this Plosts vf
-ze*st'94aveula IICqt tulacOd° taeTt$448774;•lueatkefilStellC:1701 Pteltlt1
r.tt 1.11.144 tiett '14'040 144494. Teems are
tad ' =ate ta.,aaaetiateeteons, l'en4011,
'4tie° .f1
41.•*45.. In the fire.$ plaCe, oe el -reedy hintedt 1:i7i4tee'ltilVe"4.14 4' 4 '1.4131Q"
WI; p ee la eettetf pateaseatett ,
Te;flea, /so, ,t ie1gt lltat itJA'444.7i'leY. P, 1•44Punr 80c421*.'"raia
tam aataes, sha mare go., )01.0sV.itigh 0410,t3r4f vtinereillt M4etetetern.talet:t TTInwesgtiet,/
of the' Ttetbilaay litt" thi8' .4911t1)443 thuoftqf ltefe- 1,1°w 4 131(4-abO"hil? of
be dattany of •tta,;
stores ,1,40ter, alas la N. as. ma 41.10 uttqf,alIttf 1/0"13t, Par APF yoinaboot itundeed, and Lae beon
givia eredalit 41 an moot unlimited means of utth :deed;
ehange of Advertise.
me o feoneNr• $.GThealaud talaski ltet
tails, of Dry:gat:toils still continues, and
osliaJhe ve,000, to Attend this week.
,jQPan Casea-Owing to unsur-
moan teble reasons explained elsewhere
we are forced to leeve out some ;tow
advertieeteents as Well 4O ellellgeS Of
advertiesawouts from Idr, C. B.
of St, Mary's and 'Mr. JOhns, of
Etatera" ' The latter gentlemao has
made everyart•angement for putting rip
Me betek etore iieNA eptiug, and, AR he
intends removiog his pteseitt business
stand, he ie making effort to sell off hie
stock atbig reductions. The ellange
Will appear ueat week, • •
Y. P. C. A. -This Association belt'
its regular meeting on Tuesday even-
ing last. The meeting -room was filled
with an intelligent audience, which was
Much edified by the readinge of Messrs.
Dignan and Swinert»On Qn.eooL1ot of
the:uutisually large numher presents
these gentlemen'fforts were eeverely
criticised. A number of pmpesitione
'watt received and eceepted,, elTilie„saelar.
ty i now proepet.i4 Well.
geloyaseleefloae-An iuvestigetioa
diar.ge, Of alleged whipping with a
doakey•.prod by 'elle Of the teacherei Was
held by the Beard of School Trustees
,en Mouday lest. The instrument .spe.
ken of was 'Preduced; ideutiftedi' ena
,oeid to. be equal to what we have alrea-
dy stated, eaeenting that the edge of
the uail is now eagge4, The result of
the investigation was, so far as we can
leant, that ehe teacher was reprimand-
ed, and allowed' to -6"ontinue her ditties
Q11 problIt1011.
YOU'IFITUIe Iduametas.---OU the hear -
big of barglarioe. having been tionnint-
tea in outside 'daces we are apt here
to congratulate , otirselVee OD our free-
dom from this curse. But we should
uot be rash iu our conclusious, for cir-
curnstienees hive» tranepired of late
which cause tears of sorrow te drop
when wethink of the futare. » Oa Tues-
day night last, at a late hour, as.Mr. T.
Carling was returning home from a
skating party, -he saw- •two lads, aged
about nine and eleven, whose names we
suppress for the parents' sake, working
%trifle a shovel, awl. trying to gain an
entrance into bis father's sue by the
cellar wiudov,-; Ile. of conise put a
stop to that game. We learn ;hat this
is not the firet time that they have been
• caught ia a similar act.
A Ksownto Dora -The dog who
discovered to philanthropic. ones that
his master was perishingiwith cola, and
thus saved his life, is not eclipsed in the
followiug, but sufficient is given to show
to what A wonderful extent instinct
was developed in the dumb brute in
question. Mr. W. Greenway is hteul-
iiig railroad ties. The other day he.
lied delivered his load, and was on his
way, (sitting on the frent bob of his
sleigh) for another, when.the antics of
the little fellow, by hisrepeatea itttAcks
as ifin play, caused 11r. »G. tcs repulse
Diesatisfied but persistent, the.
dog sprang;for and grasped the sash
whiclasurrounded his waist, nearly pul-
ling him off hie seta. Then it was tnai-
Mr, Greenway chscovered the bind bob
was lost. When he turned around, 'the'
dog exhibited every - sign of pleasure, as
:much as to say that, had: lie been able,
he would have drawn the sleigh the
three-quarters of a utile
• PEasoRA.Ls.-T. Greeuway, Esq., M.
P., leaves his residence, Centralia, , for:
Ottawa, on Monday neat.. I •
.-David Brown, the young man elm -
en of in our last issue, as heving brok-
en his at the " Mansion lionee."
is recovering but slowly., .
- W Brodeteek, athe has so
leader of the kxeter eve el: eae.....e.
resigned and Mr. Joseph Smith has
hien 'Called Shp 'on'to discharge that
M. gahan (sister,in-law to
Mr. John White, of this paper) and
r, Tina S., arrived safely nthis
town on Saturday night lest, it having
•taken them, Owing to the blockea up
Aide of the roads, three days to inake
the trip from Philadelphia, Penn. .
ters.. odgins &Prier, •two,
, ,
spectable, yun»» men, intend leaving
thjs vtileage for Brussels in a few des,
avbece they intend plying their avoca-
tion, that of leticklaying.
*.etOt an(
*a:044e Drng ' hitore,. linee,o. ite.Oete
with eli. the geaeral newe Qf the day.,
tWlil crammed .with loeal news, Prise P
Pentee pee oupy
I'll URSDAY, •••VEBRUART -18, - 1875
°; file eNe4er ' • totes we:tgre attendance be on hand. Let
-•, e, s.
---- all be teeplyed to the temmon eml.
. •
"raeoely I,Stettaaoteacteeetve Jearcel la Reath 'United with I the. porpoee to .t.lo away
„ .
, • . . alth the ettese seliitth iyes fall ockete
".• ." ., : - ' ' tae're '' '''. '' . 4;7 LO 011/01410 al balikrulaify, we feel cer-
eeirerIVE• : • f • a . • . .
toile that the weal et the geoerallty ot
a- '
ear hasiness map would tSe very much
The publishers of this paper eontem-: „.
., , , . , benefitted. Taking it for granted that
plateeenteltine e oliangez in the., inoi-
. A meeting such Its suggested may be
nee's tif this eflioO and a consequent lin,
, called ; or, in plainer language, that an
1=00We/it /4 tIO , paper, end those
41VA-credit gathering may be convened,
i alebVel• fora':ientitt'r;"FsalateCiPtioti• •: br
it iiiigiit not be: amiss to iiye in Moot
job, Work, Will'gritalty.xiblige hy. paying
language as nearly as possible the
oat the' eanee , immediately. ... TO eearry
tawnier in whiele. the monetary or prin-
out or desigoe it is necessary that alll
eipal part of the business:is conducted
• outstanding tkccounts be settled right
in toWnst Wherkag'iminelise anfOunt Of:
business is done with but few oases of
hankrnptcy. ;.. There ,are, ::w -e have no
'ithilbty business men in this village
who might show, on inspection, ac-
counts in:their buoys.: which have rel
maned there for nearly 'ten years. Is
this a fitting state for a mau in husit.
pees to be plaeed ? To orereome the
evil • of running ft long acclants,"
whieh hes ,e:veln;.nosvagained a "strong
disgeee. Tte ittlevitite. tine; anti ee,
624 41 ttsettilig.rit,P of. tins haneovhy" net"
feria or tattoo, to he feepeed 41104 AD RS...
SOCiat4011,, ill0 issitietiee Of which other
tosatte haye elree,dy tan. If this is
ta,a .preetiestble, let, st, tneetiag, of •our
imeineee • ineu be etellea; tine no•
41' OPSor;ittaa,7(if 00ap
14,1,ieVP7 t1110 sigiStOn• ereeil'ee,.
•The re4eticni erlAuki WO Wee]) 4•104eUt
xlit,44414 luoapables from oftlec bas
klertainly.a tuin„in the tide of events,
'bit not a ehange miuds of the,
;Jiii,4gght an I independent electors of
!xis -.riding; :na& place during the
i)ast'ie'?ii days. .,0hareday list, the
nomination was, ,Varna, and
strange to say; 4404g.11 not eontrary
t9 the expeetations of many, only one foothold he this, the' Very healthiest
candidate, and that-Mie:Oetteitiatty, was tsart of our fair Domiuion, would it
— ' • • uot be well to have an unanimousdeas-
ioa ou the part of all business melt to
giye say three Months' eredit case
the cash is not fortliceming. Anil, if
favera alms alloyed. are, Net; and at the
expiration of this period, t the favored-
• nominated, eine eeelotee Grit dePesttang
a blank paper. Thu is fruitfully ,evin-
oed that whiehswef have'repeatedly and
loudly affirmedotiii.;„that South Huron
is tboroughly Coniervative, and can On -
3y be made to give A* Raorin majority
when untold influences were brought to give a bankable note to the favorer,
'hear upon the pecuniary cireutnstances
of some of its electors. Govern,
pent , party. j.i.eing, from expetienee,
yer sed id:the stubborn ftietsfof the
•atitaep„.:it, 110fi,, then, to be eyoude.red at
taat the ifinerinout.recesSes ,whereiri
Grit, a half•boiled Tory, or It Canada
Fiesiter• Might 'find' a screeuing-place,
were searchea evell"frlepa the shores of
the Huron to the banks of the Ottawa
, for a candidata. Neitheraleas.it aston-
ish when we. leerie that of the few ' am-
hikions ones, *ho have been hanging
to the chat -tails of ;her party'," calling
tf take me in,7.none waq, Accepted, biro-
ply.beettuse they weren't in pobitieu
to Sustain a few of the workers in
lit:44A„-4ft ',14aPtioe YfqgrrSs'
. And often', fer. scene time afterWaids.-
4. reaction' has, inost as.siiredty, taken
place, qua uo* the right mau lias peen
131ital who bore: the:,braut of
t wo parapaigns, anti the unqualified and
nnealled,for abuett efahe Globe, its sat-
Adlitea and the whole of *lie sapporters
• his monentotetil who now has the
jtypeprittealjeandaof '-thiote very sanee
people stretelied.t9Wards.hini, and they
palilng hinsta":',1kietilier chip• ..
. The assatellatioaepertmence, and un-
, ,
aleibitablecleeek of the Oi-its and their
airints again sho w that ethey ' are not
..vbesesiectaof the powers 61. being which
.0. I. Welle, the phrenelegist, affirms
''444.44 -the cause. of idee•nee. , Finding all .the
"Cftififfilittb witiftne--flebestary luaTineto
itons,,an unheard of a,pproaelt was re -
!staled vi;„ attempts to melte
iirrommernents with erecUwAy as would
allegiance from
, . ,
leis party: 'SuceeSs in this effort, as
they might Well have 'mown, looked
e with grim an -g as y sun e upon he
d tl '1 t
$vnt4,:pegone:einbassy.,,.0, ye bird a and
''littliy,hsheS'islet.iis dime nune'gaze upon
ftliktieene.' elesa- there etatal the eerie
silekts S 'and tideti t.p, their mointings,
"Otteire;peoepeisees wishe,s, , spiced
*ow then viith ihreAt 'ibbijuding
Otis, 0...tr4i*V cli..810"qgs .aM1 floor -
4.51°04; 14SY' r44.10 'NO funereal
-tread" thefiaeYes istirroriug the. nulueu•
,O.;•441;104464tat ons Within. Althotigh
-thesr'ery ,for lpet pottage, t,:th,.Toitento
peat:ay ergaas iti.0 asleitcl to herald athe
.. tatted tidings,' That Ms. Greeuway is au
:i..0iiiikifeil,.15Upperiter Of the GbVernmeut,
Ana faec; to face the Oppos-
'itioii." this; and Mitch more, fileY
4' itli 4006y 'et truittpetry and
tat.-)iabkisna witieb iiSitae their Weaning
Alt.this,'more .134t; we wish
ere, Atud ear:readers, to anderetaled
Tat: et AC. Greenevay (leis posiess • every
Otetiele of the gentleman, even to the
aattalts; aceorded. lino 'by his newly:
friends,» and that he Oa was, and
s 14 fonnd suPPorting me-
rett Which he deeme veorthy, bet his
esoliey, be it understood ig by 'oo mons
harfnony with the 'Present
, etteittserie aowever, it is not out' wish
ttint •,:oprisitiOn,ehntild,.be, ef a fad -
tieing kind, This timettlieine will speed.'
ily seek the shiniesistrid,VAnkla and sO
it will die. • ••
past week tate been no tter
elaao oetelpeoesor as regartle the
i110 ,Of 410 WeiiIior 0.1111
duoibe ',Vf$PbPtlit;.; "it:era 1.1e14,-1';'"itittA6't
Mite bitan who,. stty!;;
°need Oahe leagthy aini-VeVeee etttrie,
eiodeaelteacinem • to sCanSable We will
con teat , oeyeelVei'etitla, .• Os tag:, 4 few
fittliefaitrO,Of •
Vedneeaste 111.41414,,I).10. ka.pr this
month, opetiea'plin‘ with alainny
Its cOianteenuee wee:lief/2D
to trail -44Y. tiliertly otter that•the
elemettte gave up their guest, a id
ponred forth in. torrents the °Rea in
sainmer Moen looked forysin. "14
changeable, as.the weather"' wa,4 a trite
ayRg \ 1•,tiki.,ie.us.11(.11, ri.ter.dt9Xprida8y'lli4shati"lahCSYy ,
ties with any eras:ilea ' exposed to its
fury, Thertday, fallowea,.,,,tetia. so:aid
Friday. ,Sattteday seeeessiott pet lit
an 'Sppeerence. 'When Staiday „atone
around, asi on ish men t at, the (thane
and the mildness of the -teettheregeNe
the text for much speech on the re,rt of
vendors in,weather,gessip. Monday,
the $111, the • :f.•• '•
with all its fury. The three following
.daysesew • the merenryAnnning,„ itesear-
row s.phero &morale° sere down to the
twenties. On. Thursday; the roads
were so blocked up that
TRAVEL WAR imeoesiBLF, .
oi eny*Of 'ine testis' which turned to•
elther pole. The lencen and Exeter
mail» stage -attempted the journey to
Exetineatethe gine) hour, andproceed-
vaeon'iti• waiin sefety,
distance from this' plaoe.'itti
nese threw tibiae- 'ell equilibriam, and
totally devoid Of: any feeling for the
passengers inside, . -lay, over at the side
in utter ittaiifer'ence:2aa'peasing events.
Violet s &clock p.m. the mail was
breoglit to this village in lat, the rustic
beiietty and rural eiMPlicity of:the
ruostm " non
sleigh, being .drawn by a ePan »of
eaorm-beaten, horses %.A.na ioadeg with
•tlia driqr .and The. pOsenger
steies thatiethe , 'attempt, and, after
pinnagitig , • s••
' -'enetoven eOLINTAINS or seam,
and VaiitlY endeAvoriag .to make pes.:.
sago through tne milee a this " bean-
WM!' they iverii•forisea to "lay over" at
Mooretille, trot/deepen of thenext tiny,
when a lino Pti treake had been made,
giving room fer the stages, which lied
flow, adopted the _open sleigh, to pass
through. To given, slight -lace of' the
depth of iinow Which had to he encoun-
tered, it is but uecessaay to state that
it ,took but ,, . . . • .
• • South iron Agricultural Society, at
•••• Java xtopssro:,r0v,ta. 3111,Nti,
and -the. toads in a 015metelat -travelled the Anna ttlneding, recently hold, the
state. ,,Neither stage
nor °QUM fellowing report was prepared, of the
makeptssage ,ou FFidayi Judi= ,than present condition and progress of agri-
enuring lieme. By Sataratty morning eadtt ; Within the bounds of tue"' Seel --
the roads were ham passable state„ but ety. The report htts been eppepated
none other. Ti traYel oVer them, witlreonsiderablc eare by thaSiteretary;'
though, required the passenger to 'aeat teed it will he fouila by oar readers to
biruselAwitfi'nerie Powder-. 161 0n» oiLwiliatdro8t. :Thie'reetort, reads
leintidjlaiste, folK the' raital lookedlore folluws
like the backs of Snail ANNVAL .4EionT.,:.,:• •
MILES ok WHITE CAMELS VIC 10 utagem tut beg to say that
„a_ 1
thau thoroughfare, and seaSsieknesi they 'have much pleaeure in boil* in
might have been no rarity. Lenghable a position ,te state' that the aaricaliural
as. Well as serious was the appearance iutere•ste of tine portime of the Couuti
of those' who had the pleasure (7) of of kfarona are proareesiag.es ,favorably
jporanthig.on filet de; The peilroeels node,: the eireutitetancsteacetild pia
in Inany parte were comPlaelY bleckeitT RiUly have.'hoeu Ciptteled.....411e. past
• - - - etaison, like the two preceding °nese
. , aa'a ' '
aid occur, is well as peenliar methods
of reaching hoeute., For instance, in-
dividuals who took 'passage from 'Lon-
don to:Lniaart 'on the eesaing, stage, in -
eonVersetion informed' ns that:they had
,lieen' be the line of the Grand Trauk in
the vicinity of -Guelph, but brinki get
houte by !fate other...way than. themeee
adopted, that they lived in Stratforder
St. Mary's; and .v,7ere ,foreed to take
Passs.i.,e.:011 . the' Great Westarn !.froin
Guelph, travel &rotund by Hiiiniltou
h'ffrirt nilic°,1thr teilr(Ive-;i7ingculialsitelTh VInirOf:11)"
Guelph and Stratford being"' -
" ORE» BrOui4io 'or. SNOW.
Theeoyerea stage from London, flight -
ea With its human 146. Of pi reSen':-,,
gtsis, Pitfke¬ tlattinih a davit eel:,
leys," but througlga.aich scenes As stie
now plaitographed. immemOtially'upint
the minds of. 'those whe were in,it, 05
top of and at the side of it: Yef3, at
the side of it, for be it known .W4 the
six or Natio-male passengers who,, by
by force of circumstancee, took petition
bulhe:npper deck, or in. the Pilotle box
hadthe bump of -generoSity developed
„to's 'wonderful degtee; it, -was
ners," Atnerican Mend chose to
call it, that •such was. the •ceet., With
.eager eye watched they the, cetirse f
events, and not a sidling WAS se'6 kut
strewed along •thet Side. of the stage.
Nearert the heavens might be seen
Clihnbering, leaning; -and -hauling these
41W -dozen, care. takers._ With this
worki: and thittof hauling and
avitteing Mit: 'of the road, antraiding
vehicles, the time and trip Wore alike
happily and merrily, spent. Too: inueh
praise etinnet be given' f.,A) gr. 0E0010,
the driver, for his tiourtemid asid 'meetly'
conduct toward everyone.• The :ladies,
he taid.iii" their favor, behaved nobly.
•Pv.er714we. axmo, tO' 41,9no,to
sAlforings, bori' ot' ace60004;
the wOret was 1`01,1•04 -that ampatatioa
would. be the only cure.
moo 11,
DOPixo 119/44/111....4 correipowlept
0.91140 Vs, 'the, following t Saturday
night 'hot some uplinewn party robbed
Mr: Mieltael Clerroll's Milk-heuse of 2
of ,firet-elaes pork, A 4 eiltritli00
Witk.1,4001.34 EiY(11.0r ea iron
grate out Of the Wail; whiOh had been'
Used eVe•C wera afterwards'
ef thiek plank which
lied, been nailed inside of the grot,i.-
There ist Do clue to the guilty perties
Yet, :9;videntethat the per -
pea Aorta of the came must" have baea
thoroughly eegoteinted with the prem.
Wes. The very hard times witte whiPh
Sdine are now so very iotimate,
others roll in unboatided wealth, Me
have been the prompter of this oriole.
lt should have been mentioned that
Mr. Ottr.oll resides on the .7th' eon. of
1341(1011)h, ana is an indeetrietis farmer
which he may use for the regairements
of his bnsiness., Then will all parties
receive a lessoii of a thoroughly btkii:,
,:ness. nature. Theafact of a uot e of
lama lotaiog been given ad lseeurity for
go ds has Lavery different. feeling upon
the masses than if their names Merely
stoma in the merchant's ledger. We
would uot speak thits, plainly, bnt we'
know that there are many •farmers'who,
sooaeathao sett their grain a few eents
less per bushel than they receive other
seasons, wuula allow theinselvee to
ferun up" accounts without paying any
part of them. fog months, and thus, ul-
lowieg their credit to wane to no very
small degree. A very iflungidea.seetive
to prevail in this matter. The impres-
•sien seems to have gainea grouud that,
by, so doh* *they are furthering their
own inteeeitia But, on the contrary,
they are not, and the merclatut is not
twine benefitted,hatrather hijured.
The stultity of trade and the scarcity
of money is, then, chiefly owing to the
fad that thefarinees liege their barns
ihstead•of their eaockets, anti vainly
wait for a ehangein the market,
because they' are 'fully aware that do
loug as their businees, relationsyeateiu
theY'are, no tie doth bind thein.• • .
This matter' Should. neiv, vepe
Witted, , and .4. meeting..called, and» a
time specified kheir-the order of
things shall come in force. A business
mait's!dua‘istibir - to 4efe•••• :Vita Other day
uwo-..i.ti',111AVA..take.efteot °tactile 1st of,
of notice.
4,10 fo..4i449140,90,: 9f r,94tiou„, ,,civpsi,
44a 40101,44a portodieal ' rest, %sup-
Peof4 to be so essential to good bas,,,
baudry, Largo oorn,,out green, 'Or
summor feed for 09014 van' 0 tmlaQ tQ
sopplY woot of rketoreirlon, tt)ey
are parched op, ,**1 PgAgortn. gross, or
II14041 eat* tut peas, caw green.. Can be
used aili4 sOtotet to hay,» hvit, we
bare IDA 4119W4 OSII/WittgAltr9r. meadow
and pasture for peetuflete rotation of
°rots and rest to the land. ' Solving
grass Heed in the411140,i)30#4, tried to a
coOsiderable'extent; fal {Allot 409"-ivik 9f
experiense'lum yet,h094,,,0494, (49-
able us to speak dehnitely as tO the re -
stilt. • • • •••••-•' '
Flax is reported to ave been au
cellent erop,» the stalk liOng long and
'the. fibre SwOcWhere in, to
aelQ11b01110Da Or 600 acres of hax wee
raised listiCar to supply.tho two ilex,
milis in-Our,Itiding. %Ins is likely
be an ineteasing And perinanent indus-
try with us, for there is no better soil
for flax in the Dominion, lioate as a
general thing were not a first-rate prop,
be mg good in some places' ettd nearly a
failure 1.
quite so
last sea
The hes
them o
jtalges a
ported t
nips to
the low
The hi
661. I
first pr
25tit o
with pi
of half
• Others
200 po
:yet qu
•of the
11 it is
.tent, i
salt wo
left; to
111 pa,
to gra
yet', u
be bt
•try 1
are 1
Seufv-a-Anti lots of it. The conces-
sions all 'blocked up. • The oldedi 'in-
habitant never experienced such cold
nor saw such drifts of:allows' ,
.Aegieeee.-A son ot Mr. Plenry
ton, near Limerick, while drivinelegs
to the mill on Thursday last, gob fast
iu a snow drift, and getting'off the,load
began to whip the horses. Oue otthe
trAcee hroke, letting the whifiletree
hack, which strnek Lim ou • the leg,
fracturing it in three places. He after,
tf aril... 'Unhitched the horses and :rode
one Of them houae, a rather aillio.ult
feat, taking his eonditiou into acaotint.
Sdeditsal aid was summoned and theleg
PoixricAL. --Much surprise, plehsure,
and .disappointment were experienced
on Thuesday uight last, according to
elliNent views and feehrigir'of the
parties, when it beettnee' known that•
Greenivey was,eleeled by acclante,•tion.
A certain gentlemeti of cloth ;toted for
etrong -religious [Ma p•oliticel preclivi-
tied (a coineitlenee by the way ,beeem-
ing more familiar every year in our
country) hes Sillee Made himself con-
spicuous by inakiee andreatiliug the!
most uuwarrentebre and disingenious
aseertiotis regarding • the cense of Mr.
Gettenway'e election and ptesent
tion. • Fanatical °politics and. religion
'tire, 111 1117 opinion, rather eutagometie
to- allow the full development of the
tatter. Inthis case tlie fernier seems
'frilly, developed.
Tureett.---A. large amount of supply
for the railway is being taken out, but.
the work is mach retardea by the se-
vere weather.
43-rictdissre in Santis Micron.
a others. The bags, were, not
t pure yet known is to, piek
tf regularly every day. The
t our root crop competition ro-
be highest yield of Segede tore
the acre to be 817- leueliele, and
est yield 654 bnshels. The
yield • of caerots „was, 1,162
to the sae. and Outlawed 683.
ghest yield of» mangolds, • .1,100
to the the :acre ; the lowest,'
t is worthy of remark» that oi.43
iee turnipe» were sowne:.on 'the
f June, and were tap. dreSeed
aster of Paris andealt, the rate
a bushel to, the acre :of seach.
menurea with Bah at the l'i/t0 of
ufids to the acre, and somee400
s to, acre. Eanerienee hes. not
ite establishett.the _exact., extent
benefits of Salt • as a manure%
beneficial» to miy appreciableiex-
t will be a matter, qtvery grrat
talon to our ,farmers; as salt for
eau at present be bo n alit ,atalie
rks, in Seaforthe at „the rateof
per ton. • •. •a • .;.:
its -s -Any :extentled ream ks. on
objed may, . with propriety, be
bur" horticultural ,Societies, but
esing eve truayarehatekt that, al
h,splendid. specimens weep found
ue the tables; at one, feal ehows,
pona:the whole, fruit was a poor
The quality was, ;eery interior,
s especially so, behig eaten ate the
with small worms, and droptang
attirely ripe from the trees.., -We
of no exportation efeapplee.this
n. „Orchards whieh heel. •twined
150' and..200 barrels .the, ,sosisbn
oas, for iaxportation, had none to
;thiS 'season. ; . .
iir, prodtiets.,-46 -will, We wisaine.
ith interesting aud,,histructive to
ea at the figutes; ,e,oune.ction
our cheese factories in. Soothilur-
This branch of .agrieultnral indus-
s but of:yesterday. with us, bateit
dready assumed peopertions, that
dined astonishing. 4 than k-
th9se managers of factoriese» who
iptly respouaed to our call for in-
atioa, We.» regret» t say tlistki some
lot do so, tionsequeutly, ounetatiee
me:allot, so :ettatplet.9.-or so rehab],
he ibight etfLie 1111,Ve been.
(tient data, however, has besot cib.
ed ti enable us to give at least, an
.ekimate idea, or the results. Cheese
Wade last season at some "seven
odes within thelionntis of our soci
' Some of these were. private fac-
es; thatis, itot supplied- with milk
patrons:- »Ihere»wotild»lJt1 in all pver
teits"Of '-ebeese.thanufacturetlyl'ast
on "at 'the , said' factories-. •Ftiun
•••• • • ..30;*
The E;eter Rom
Ana all the Prineipel Citie
Makes 04vanees on Produce
•pup and sells Sterling Exchange;
Piseounts for the Panning Qom.
Collections made in all parts
:,P6posite from One
Povnble on &puma Leith interest from
OSVIDE HOUND—From 10 VA r. g Batarday
ExOtor, O'etober 20,1814
• eour.;.-This &Beasts » is caused by
the formation of a false membrane lin-
ing the wind -pipe, and obstructing the
passage of the air, nod is known by the
shrill, croup.sounding cough and rat-
tling in the throat. This membrane
moat be removed by expectoration.
Take a double dose of balsam every toll
or fifteen minutes, which will reduce it,
after taking a few -doses. The balsam
will and'has saved the -lives of» thou-
ssndi of eluldren_attatiked with croup,
where it has been talon 111seasene
A Cincinnati aespatch says thet the
probabilities of Coagressional action re-
garding the whiskey tax hes caused a
feVerish activity in tho market ,all the
Week. -Ten distilleries in that 'district
are in active operation, prodacing over
forty thousand gallons daily, Daring
the,week 65‘1,64.19 gallops have beez.
taken out of baldest' which a, tax of
$249,578 weie paid.
••'"It. fatal accident ocenrrea near New
Lowell on Saturday morniug. A man
named John Pollock while working in
the woods had one of his legs crushed
by a saw -log, ana as no medical aid
°cella be procered till afternoon the
poor fellow diea from loss of blood.
At the reguestaf the memhors of the
••• +11•MMOMIll
010.128 saYS 3,1•ce-greetlwaY• was
meinber ot the Reform » Party a feet
years ago, :la is still in prtncipte a
Reformer." That Mr. Greenway was
a member of the Reforni» peaty at» one
tune will no doubt considerably astOn-
ish that gentleman hinteelf. If Mr.
Greenway ever belonged to that party;
he must have had the very best of rea-
sons ktr. for#1.4tirg il'esilre414/ diegult
at their way of 414044 tlis Mara;
atandardbf the peoplearespacielly when.
he still adleeres to Itifpe
ifsha betteform is principle, as
the Globe asserte, that fact is in- itself»
auffietent lo prove that he is no Brown
Grit. -However; the know" just
about as much of Mr. Greenway and
his record as it does of the Prophet
.eitafoXiiatkil$ P.T:af tVp Itti4ine, hes
aherolaineetettit#nt Kat:city ,of.topitey as
- "St t'.4.9.prOtent,:timet An.4 for *is there,
Maid be reatithi. ' There iti•a rpeeon,
and, in fiket, we might se, reaticree, 'Mr
hey 'ars triatty, To Jo btistrtess *Ohs
ouf hre4 w4„
out yeasa, /on »ten reek° the hree45
ho the 044, of jt is a matter of arts&
aointiaeration, 1140 gOlfTiDiti4 •to4y
1/0 liken,ed to the men eyho ittiennits to
(ion, bstsioess on a capiall Which eon-
tst 8410,4. t)ildfi beeks, ,oentaittl
tug, of eouree," but feat pageshaving
;on th04., &PP tim ;Peiies$0,6' 41-aior41
pa*, t,i,igoifying eln4,ring nji of ace
TIIitI» »iiseitintee
.nist retl,tiroe,..thet we;
)iove' ot,tetnimif draye the attentibo
(tt nut 1114fatallig and, ))118410414 Merl to
(at tbe liSutridetnt0 Of' which they
!! ...!•,,,f!Ple!!!!!
cli of NIolsousSank
NEW Y011X, U. S.
i#T. JOHN, .N.
Towns ()Atari° A QUP11410.
New ork Ezebange, » Greenba•ks,' AO
inanity •
of tbe Dominion,
Dollar 'Upwards received.
doe of 'Deposit to ,state of' Witlitirtsotts$
from 10.A. /a, o/
RICK • Stoic, Dweliirigs, efn • "L for
sale. For sale, a splendidlirioX Syne, with
dwelling above, situate ono door north of Carling'.
store; 14/30 a two..scorey brick cottage st-the roar
of lot. For further particulars apply pro-
misee to W. PAXSON. I6-tt.
. THE 14 WILD" 31414:
Saalio, • the trit f atingle 'fisittc,fia or
whom Wemade mentioo last week, was
captured on the 7511 con. of Grey, oh
Satutdaylast and, brought to this vil-
lage :for exArninatton before the author;
ities. After the usual preliminaries, he
was sent to jail for three inenths on a•
yegianey eherge, and the same evening
departed for the hike shore townia pouf;
paeyofCeatetable,Bali, A largs number
of the people of this,section. fi,e1 cprisid-
relieved:now that lei'bs been
placed where he te,ri 'wither donor' sus-,
tain.injury,, for during the late storm it:
was difficult to conceive how the unfor-
tunate eree tare escaped being frozen to
death,' and yet few would like to make
a guest of so filthy a feflow » Sniilie le
an average .smed Mall; alnl.has
al]y beee of a fair eomplexion, • with
'sandy baba:alias whisker tind mOns4-
che, but the time ' which brie» elapsed
'since lie hits had ill teroo4rse with wet.»
er for cleansing pfiepOdes hasettePeedCcl"
'in Phanging the line et his hands. and
face almost to that of au Ethippiant''
fljs gartnente »hAng on hie lintbs 'in
teateee, ,hte nattene Were rstgaa, eesd
he S0,1.9E4fift uppers of hihootS'
almost disselved,.parttiershiP:', Ifevi lia
eneviyed tl.te ba,rdships and ,Privationa
tp ...Whidh, »yniuntiniiy sabinitted
himeelf is .4 Miracle,
The friends giciqr, ocogo,toopoipa„
of Sthithfllopresenteil Ann with lin
" Atka i44148013410Y.'4;011iqiittSfi
Sattittlay; pn the -Oise of his
depettotes to Tileohlierg
AleonthOlf PaSiet,114 airm, 1/1°riari$
attnrii0On a; fire brake T out"'ib •-Letaret
INInghthn, b6itttiletol7 01181111144 NtAt,
54101'40 ef/1011S1tt dottr
liOnse, end woollen invotory, Lose,
*how $0,066 .; inentoil• for S$04)60:,
man and
*as nuaseally hot awl dry, .k$,1141 uitfav-
ord,b,ie, ,in,Lig respects, foe iya,stures statements. made to. us,, we bel.evp that.
exceeilingly.favorahle, aticonnt of
»our rather damp, tertaciims clay soil; to
the'grain.. Where fall wheat was net
- winter killed, it Was an excellent crep,a tti• the 'wealtly,of•onr farinprs,
bOtli'a-s' gaantity ana quality. In: 'from.' ultodee. alotioe' $62.(500,?-beiieg at
stances were not ettatetatk•of •aliela Of the rite nf$25.. tot estela °ewe •aotl We
from 35' to, 40 buslade to thc acre ; but are sittisfiea t hat: even thiti.yield cau
whiter killiag is 4 greet deawb Lek, wed lsirgely inereased, •ete 1 I in :the., face of
to 9;11 ippearancee is likely to 'tiontistue; .perched aria bare' pastures,' by leaving
and, pethaps, get worse, owieg.* 'no suitable green food for summer feeding.
doubt, to the faut of the country being We can Speali "definitely as to horse
tOo much divested of thither. Evon 'tootli'corn, a4 we had•-eeperietice teet,
"le bash", tyltieh was left for firewood; tiMi:soll a fin -1114"1.'"`
letVia -te46' livst -neiug Dlovin eeyen coWs twide.ta..•flay„:for.
down with -wind stormS, the .4 leating itedelta;aS ;toil& as they liottldesit:- ; ie
• intr blasts free sco04 to witlegreat pleasnreAliat''We aro, Owl
Importantto eVer,Y owner, o
13Uildiug. .
Carson's » Paint,-
(1,mpro.veil Fire -Proof.) Those who :in in
/100 01 Paiut Oltenia 4 enquire for Corameo
TilARM FOR SALE.- -The enneorin-
,,, offers for solo 'w% lot -.0, con. 5, Stephen
°onto ining'50 sores exeellimt lend, all well Min -
here& Tito ANc,Soble river runs threpadr,, one
corner ofi.tlio prOporty. Diiltaut from EXeter, 11%.
miles': For further 'particulars iipply to RLC -
ARD sA1I'llills,"1"Ixotor. •
Improved Paint.
It is Cheap and Eire -proof, sutetiog tho
grain of the wood; it stops all small leaks in
roofs,» and PrOServ60:041a0t: attahl.11::ilke ti°11
at both tan tsnd weather. One coot is as Ger.
viceab: o of common paint, and two
WILL LAST • A UrtillAt
7 •-•-- Agent; t.etar.
N. Ilzkiirood taken iii4ihangs for *OW:A
E. F. BRC)01[S,
W'plehmaker Jeweller
AA, a laroNaniuktity of Virtelles .aua
etry on lona, (}a'e otil, Wizen. Arius ot
' Wis`iy
OUSE AND LOT FOR op t'l.a alrol-i..qt notice. A large supply of
A good one -storey frame 'house, containing g gn14 suitable for Christumk. Presents. En
5 rooms; also % CLOYU of lim41; adjoining the Market ;loather et-) Mae 1, opposite Ow Nations
squarC. txeter. On the lot is an excellent woU ot (Poen Stree'E. F. Bat,l01
13;Bar;nyarori.auticulars apply to IsAAC RAW- al Eibtel, t.
774 St. Mary% November 19. 1874. 65-m6.
111 and mestaows ; but, Olathe other hend, snine 2,500. ttowa .supplied the milk.
which'. Would be at the • eate•of. 200
poluttlit ' per " coW. The'. price Of eh dear
ievereeed 14.•Cents per ponitile• afins
sr. J.T. Savage; two doors train- AteLean's ho-
tel, ban been rippointe0 onr ggent;-,for I.mean floc!
vicinity; ia.n.utborited to tamers -orders' ler sub-
scriptions,fon printing, ,fcc., and to c011oot adoounts
and. givitzebeipts pr the
frici42 onroan nortateeneeete
NoRew gricA.4. 1401 inarrowly
escaped , fire last Week. it appeari
that Yit. Griffith; Who keeps the store
adjoining' thee ,‘‘,..Queo,n's,7 hotel, left
seine liotasheii , the , atereEhlease be
hind , the Store about, ten o'cleek at
night, • The fire from the ashes ignited
the:neer-and. The, smoke was
seen,from the ontsside, *hen' 'the' sleet
wed 'Opened and, the fire' extit guiihed,
If the fare Ilea semitioed.,toraliscoYered
iafew hettee longer,» theta) no .4101.114
g'rent tlainagewiielcPhatto been doae,
f,lr, *Ilight :woo Very ••wiedy,
, T.m.i.g.,.-The roof of the EPiscapal
Cfielrole is Out of„reptiir. • On Sunday
last, We, rilergyrtiitti Was' Ohnipellea
the fallitigACOPia•to vaeates the pulpit,
and several.of the tiongregatiOn had, to
lettere their 'eseittilp Order keep dry..
Ttoia tout ..firetia ittteitse
pelitof tile past 'Week Intshatl, the effect
. .
lteepieg peeple ifithet,C heeses, Ana
the rOdchiteing:blcialOil tiy with drifted
pOple the,"".countrY Cilia it
4iffieliW /0 001110 The;'abib.
sequence is, dti‘ 11 and items"
of loofa news are had.
Efeetote. of North
•Midalesex Obeid feeieuther that 16.
SoatehetcL their repremnitattve. Voted
rth Do400: of AI* oirdever,
fit(),*,t, 1001 ot
thelEttelreveitittya kV* hritging
ititit to jtietide,
iv UTE LosT-Drawn in favor bf
dizt7d. tar sstioni,j;thecruie. erI D.oleorksez;
against purchasing or negotiating Mit' unto, no
payment thereof has boon stopped, ANT7t10:3,1.N.Y
r ..131.JILDERS--Tentlere will be
_L• received by tMo undersigned up to 7 O'clock
pan. oNTItursday. lost., for the oroetion of a
brick store and Plans and speoifitha Apo,.
007.1 40800D 011 and after Mondas, 'Rah inst. No
tender necessarily accoptod. W BRODERICK,
'1 EAWE ED .Nlet tress Lest. --On 22i al
\say Amicart,elet:::tnierptie,tetut: aetifer
(1.:,tvsin rs. oar, iro awvitti at, 01 tri,; 1,9(.1.sev.c.11,11iort4eltili.rn,xiontogii..1
to tb*
e' ,P el w
swe011s: fields •afetheir.etionted cover- :able' to nett) the reettlts rif cheese •tnalc-
1.ing of SMity, aad lay here the wheat, ing in 'South Huron: The .length
to alternati) herd frosts mad suushine 'thie artioleeprePholes
at!a c„rtiui auatii. while mir olimete into 'any met
aci'.'oreast Made in
reaitie as it is we am ooneieve of no bur live stock,' im-
mitigation of this, except by planting portation into -the Coantteof-Pore bred
out belt , tree e in all exposed sad- anitnele, ititio thesociety IvIIS oCganiz-
ations, whielt, will net only Welter Our 'ed, ia iiistaltiying a thaelted.and honefi-
fields hi:tinter, but also tend to rata- ein1 effeet.', e'Ortr' •slunife Tinataaeason
gate the -heat mai ,dronglit" Of sietasneta, peiovea that,'117 lieavydratight. hoases.
This question of tree planting is beinn Cotswold 'and- 'Leicester T sheep; T. 9,11d
agitated ahdputiato practice in many Berkshire Pig4 We are 'second • to no
»part; Of the neighloying States, and the •ooTityiii the Province. Ottr ednecial
day is not far distant' When our GO- bast is heavy dreught horses; 9,11413foot HENRY =ANIMA
vernment,•both '!general and local; Will 'we PIA lotof young animals of t•his aa
have s'.friotiAly to consider .,wayS 'aud Ass', coming to" Maturity,. that:.'will be IdUlgigo 'at flunirk gal
As we go to press the stortn Contin-
ued, having commeueed afresitiyeater- along this strip, bring 'Wheat, during
day raornirsg, and, no„dotibt, the rOais the past three leers, hes been tioustial-
will again be Weighted with the rotate:es leegoodee•litet season especially
of now ' The, sample Was bright and beautiftil
yielding In many metancee, 30, 34 and
O.L. NO- 924
_J. Night at moot-
ing -First rlidayin ev-
ery month, corner Old-
-.loy and Mein s.ts.
5705 Drsthiblr
invited to attend.
secretor: .
TitAYED from the Preldies' 'al Ile'
snbserther, Int Ai eon. 2, St, p:ion, on or about
Juno la', onr-vear.oltl owe and numb itall IA the
letter IMF OUt Oft. and block. Alta OU sionadm
and a rani leanb, all marked by the mime of own
or. Any one keeping the same after this notice
will b- •,-)40cuted by law. W. 1441
Then was .4, ow° lost at Vic un ) Ln
• '
TOG. Must have a fair English Ones.
Mon. Apply ist thic office.
- :.V.C,YrrY 1.4,1W
horeby forbid.lon to give oredit to any yes -
t1142, t i'A'';171 Ur titrra`i Utir-nift°11nitiji
Croditon, Fob. 0. 1575- ''u°11'111.41''Swr.fas% e-
--Now olLirod for sale :4 lot containing
three -tit -Clio 05 1(14 :teru, facing Samlere and William
4troot-:, »'»' 17* framo boos,' Nixing brick fountlatim,
mut goo,1 •-•
G1401t01: 1-10DrylIt
Harness .S1?.pp.T.
11. B.
(Plain ani tirnatueniali -
Special Attention paid to
Orders for Parties, eto
T.ho;subseriber wonla also anuonnee to thp
people of Exeter lea vicinity that he has ou
hand rill kinds of
Teas that cannot be sui passed for their quiditY
, and flavor. h'ugatti,„‘'Jirrynts, , To-
- • • -bareireesi -eft. •V'y
maims to stimulate and encourage f,...1.18 to excel. ft is likely: the iiderest till?t he hils on hand ana Previa:ado manufac-
planting of» trees in our De7fltnion1
Spring wheat W49 spite above ao av-
erege.crop, and of goisl quality.It is
quite within bounds to ' say that Vile
yield in South Iluron woult1 average q5
bushels to the ;tore, and we heard of no
damage dune to any extent by midge
or weevil., We note a peculiarity iu
coonection with Spring Wheat, apain.
vio the attention If the scientific In
such mattere. Seine 40 miles of » oar
riding Mime the shore of Late Huron,
For say, a Mile bitek from dile lake, all
LIDS° fiJrie. over 40 laishels to the aorta, muelt of it
with 'tio ',extra ealtivatioit, arta setne
ASSOSSOT StlItO bUt vox.); isidifferent. Barley and settts
in 'this 'department of steak mill contan-
ne for soine One, as there sore at Preta
eame 13 er 14 itnported stallions in
this part of the' Contater, Featly -to talc°
the field »eat season., ..Aaivord•ite °ATI-
neetion with pure hied Drirltrons,„i We
ars of the oteitiori that:.there ig »ace ap-
parent falling off for the past two
years in the interest taken in this class
of stock. This is not aa itashould be,
Mr they stand unrivalled,for erossing
to raise grades for feeding'for the hat-
cher. ' think the daiCy interests are
so iinoottatit• as to warraht the intro -
tion' of a few Urea Avreshire hulls, as
there Is' as little doubt that the Aye
shire cow is RH 11111011 fillOita of the
Darhaniefor milking nurposee, to the
Dttrham ts superior for beet.
Where soil andeliontte admit, ae it
tees Ilnron, a mixed sygtern
his ditties ill a fewi1,61,8'• ' • 'were gOoti erollgsabOve an•aaVerage.-- itandiy nistitimeceed. 'If (nun bt'anch
SNOWED 1.3F.--PrOr4,evell (Dieter of Barley was not quite as large in the WI'S others may be etiodeseful.• Let DA
Pe towlibhi the ne'evs' " hi eta& p" 1 , . - h-perhaps,11, li ' f ' lt* 't ' * t t a
, p, e. , o . u erry, nor weng Mg, as we t ere ore on lye ei every in ere§ an
Of " falcfvfe4 ill" 14. iY,ftbd. ou tIle„:itteu= as tistfal, bat•goKluttll'as to quaatity neglect none. '' 'rho oopitrp...,firni.cionl.'‘.
tie '('?) breeze, ' .,,•.;`,,f.'.• ',,,r, ' ,,,• . „ , and ,quality.,.. Atiki.oloy,tufeadth of bar- olete faittireeoKSividen finaneial,orises,
tonoz";,:-64 Vi'lir's'aity:' night :'.I.ast,', ,1441,0d-oata• Wee "sili*a • me ''aecotiat or the'Canitty• of Heron my 5(0I1
the nighepf (told ,4-ii4..iirola hefolftwits, fall wheat PI'0wed town whteli had been Celebrated throughont the Dominion for
a Irian bY.the natete of aehlis611, Who, 'winter -killed, ,Pette Wete a fair crop fine fertne, gooa stook, intelltgent and
has beeft ' bit a: feW ii1011f110 ill this as to qtiantity,t tint in, „tnany looalities Wealthy farmers. In . enclusion, 'we
dountry, lied dauSe to ge, to Woodhani hm1ty inf4te4 With briga„'"< Cause not feel that we, fit common with the
fer to pnrchase.seMo necessaries NVItile kl1011/111": ,' ' " ' '',„ farmers of Itiroti,, have Mitch, eMiSe for
there it Stripers , that liis itithibings As.4,revibtis)y rein;ttitoa, the hay gratitttletes ti-kilidPeovidetide- ter the
NiVere no6 of ' ttio,,,,'Wee,kest no.tnre; and' crop wsts a light itnea'a it is rt, Serious great/Measure, ot prOffefity whieh we
their fotoe soon made e itSolt"linoWn, .inatter." ffor 601 -ftiiinerd to tkiiew hew eii,i0V. '
tie was Ori his way liemeWttrd, when to get over elover being killed, . Antl, All of viii011 is ve4pRotftzlly etthinit-
Ile lot.V.A0t6P of the stimuitlitits Ni,ithill, lliorOOVOU; 11101q,0 tila,a 0111, grass Abed ted. _ ,_"
anti the extreine 0614 witliont,' Wa3 to. soWn in "spring for the last three ;years, Us LoVE, fir,, reeeretary.
tally overcome,,evandere„ d hi his way hit:4 beett 4 doubtful affair. tVen When GEmlot AnnetOoR, 'PreSkletIL
, .
and e,t,,last wati"fatpia in the ditch by the Reba didliraitd, thO SeVertt iiT011tli
i 4....' . ' ' : thei 1.. v t. A 4 ' 4 . II'. I ' . • r 1'' night.
4, Loop 1 14,est t" , to watt itt Ono., den- that 4 geese eateu of graSd has ueeti a ‘‘,, 'utt.6 6; ...gr°1.! 't)111° 0ll.i... t'llt it!ilovont
a pagser,by, who, hoard lutit yelinig lolled tendee phirit, eo
yeA'" to a bouse near • Ill 'knit it Wait rare thing, We ittow ef fielde ;,1111d11 eilbirthY '34".‘)Y°". u"" '1" a" ° --.'
, . , I ` t f If l't IA A. Wed -
foetid al tRatriiilatiOn Iliitliti, 41014 it 5(0 been iteetleirdowll three yettts lit .ltutotilllo ll.101'.4.)- --ee•ers' tee' - ' -
Were both' :frozen ' ih"ove'-'ilie' 'lititf4t.,' eneenettireni and 411 'proveda failure, del, Load ahou6 $16,004 i inatirel for
gedical Attetglonde wm et'briigii. ',iti)ittit, thne toitivietely' noettnig everythin$g , '
, ,
,.. . , ..
and those'in want of anything in his lino -vall
shuty their own interests by giving him a esII
foro puretit sing elsewhere. Repairing promptly
attontleft to. 75-3m.
Also, all lanati of
elf, Glassware
;spilt 'wave, es, eta. :A* -Inds II
• .-1,ram.t, taken in exchenge for goods.
Beinembor the plaae-Next door to Bolton's
Ernsa »icor.). Breail tie:livered in all parts of the
Exeter, Nov. 19, 1574. 6:• -.1
Thames Oatmeal Mills,
Sutherland Bros.
are7prepo,red,to, pay the
delivered at the reit er at ttio store, next door to
14. Eaton's, Oats taken in exchent e for oatmeal.
Will have on ham/about tile TO st of Me.reh
Great Bargains'
eTHEX-willesell the whole of their
Lai-ge Sto*ofSeekts.
teduaing •
• tar Oristing demi on the sbortost notice at the
Mary's, Veb. 4, 115.. »75
TIIP1 rktton1T4 1.41g. .
• 01tOWLEY ASO ItANA61/04
toiling &night cat d
Goad » genes, :Comfortable' Stave tad
Mt Time.
11100 gtii tAt. tit drii/Olt t,si tile nneki totibennita
• ,
dating 01 driventoina leave
1eON/vlrlelirey4Itneea1n11td'iiItoetlnl;rigatiiessei,gtsok1V,it4;lRi rn:.r'.oE'r IP't;bouNLiElv1tidiliii1ti44it°:at op.ft,, irtivii;it:w4
MI Oinebt;ilir Iteter With theClionMgS
t.oi:.eiiittingta Lieati Sd Letien *1tii
V. tIir‘
Boots and She,
PorZelifitt doing th6 month,. of Jan -
natty, to males remit for a large spring stook.
Cautoxiy, and Secure the Bargain?.
Witiebelson,Janitery '2, DAL »11-tr%
1876), SCHOOL 1000i (1875.
Ilt0EIVEDats1 au hand, a law supply o
8ehooi Dooks,
Scheel stationery,
Diaries ler 105.
,which ate offered tit moderate pdoes,
To the Trode,fintneemetnif tied given eaeal
sotor:G14antaystit: Ontarld, at
11 G G