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Times Advocate, 1993-12-22, Page 38
Page 38 Times -Advocate, DeeOffaller 22,1993 I am very excited about you coming to my house on Christmas Eve. I would like a cowboy suit, slippers, a transformer and some candy in my stocking. I will leave you and your reindeers a snack. I hope to see ya at the Dashwood Christmas Party. From Joshua McCann- Age 4-1/2 RR3 Dashwood, Ontario Dau hter o Sher and Jer I have been very good this year. I would like a teddy bear, a harbie and some clothes for my barbie, oh and maybe some candy for my stocking. 1 will leave some cookies and milk for you Santa. Have a save trip on Christmas Eve. Bye bye Santa. From Nadine McCann - age 2-1 J RR3 Dashwood, Ontario Dau; titer o Sh and Jer Many thanks for your support over the past year. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season Staff & Students of Lucan Public School Siddulph Central School Zion Church Sunday School concert Christmas love was the theme of Sunday morning's Sunday School concert at Zion United Church In Crediton. Kirkton Horticultural Society elects officers for 1994 KIRKTON - The Kirkton Horti- cultural Society held its Annual Meeting at the K -W Community Centre on December 7 with a pot- luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Helen Stanley played Christmas music after dinner, enjoyed by all present. President Madeline Parkin- son welcomed everyone and opened the program. .Lynda Hodgins introduced the *nest speaker, John Drummond from Drummond Nursery of Mitch- ell. His topic concerned the envi- ronment and how all forests help, how they should be controlled and Christmas Is For Sharing With fondest wishes for health and happiness, we send our friends and customers our sincere thanks. WILLIAM'S HAIRSTYLING "A place for a Hair Affair" 121 King Strait, Homan, 262-2102 the right kind of trees planted. Beulah MacDougald thanked Drummond. Draws were made for door prizes of lovely poinsettias. Pat Harlton sang two solos accompanied by Helen Stanley. Anna Peterson brought news from District 10. and commented on the Mini Christmas Show which she had judged. The winners were. Jean Ratcliffe, Josie Ryckman and Gretchen Hazle- wood. Jean Copeland gave the activity report and Anna Peterson conduct- ed the election of officers for 1994: past president Madeline Parkinson, president Jean Ratcliffe, first vice president Gretchen Hazlewood, second vice president Lynda Hod- gins, secretary treasurer Jean Cope- land, assistant secretary treasurer Joyce Strahan, directors Marjorie Atthill, Josie Ryckman, Evelyn Harrigan, Dosis Elford, Marjorie Johns, Beulah MacDougald, Mary Tufts, Gertrude Willis, Marilyn Robinson, Evelyn Wiles and asso- ciate directors Doris Batten, Orrie Hartwick, Elaine Stephen, Doris Waddell, Marjorie Hodgert, Olive Selves, Myrtle Willis. United Way raises $10,000 in GB GRAND BEND - The Grand Bend and\Area Huron United Way campaign is now complete. The volunteer canvassers have an- nounced that contributions were generous once again - a total of S10,611.00 was raised in the area in support of the 19 agencies funded by Huron United Way. Campaign chair Gail Lawson said she thanked all for their finan- cial contributions and the volun- j leers for their dedicated assistance. To all our customers andfriends, along with sincere thanks for your continued support. For all your livestock trucking needs call ROESZLER °TRUCKING RR 01 Kirkton * Bob Edwards 2294143 Crime Stoppers Crimes of the week Police and Crime Stoppers of Huron County are seeking informa- tion from the public in connection with several crimes in the area. A Stephen Township home on.Concession 2 was broken into by breaking a door frame. Intruders stole a Teac CD player (RA04, black) and several CDs and tapes, by such artists as Alannah Myles, Melissa Etheridge, Ray Charles, Steve Earle, and David Wilcox. All were housed in a light woodgrain CD caddy. Cigarette theft Upon opening for business on December 3, employees of the Shell Self -Serve gas station at 119 Main St. N. in Exeter found that some- one had entered the front bay door. Once inside the building they smashed a cigarette case beyond repair to steal 90 packages of cigar- ettes. Although the desk drawers were ransacked, nothing else was taken. Police would like to speak to the owner of a 1980-83 brown two - door Buick that was parked at the real of the building. Sign stolen A large banner, white with red lettering saying "SALE" on it was stolen from the Four Seasons Jewellery store at 423 Main Street in Exeter sometime between November 14 and 15. Model tractors A shoplifter stole four model tractors from Becker Farm Equip- ment in Exeter sometime around November 16. Stolen were a red Ertl model 448D0 International cub tractor with a fine blue and black stripe down the hood, a yellow Ertl model 653DA Internation- al, 1/16 scale with a white hood, a red Ertl model 250DA Farman Super Special, 1/16 scale witha black steering wheel and a grey smoke stack, and a set of Ertl "Series 06" collector edition miniature tractors in a box. All tractors have cabs on them, and the box is 10x4x3 inches. Tractor link Reported stolen from Huron Tractor is a third link from a tractor in the parking lot at the Exeter dealership. The part is described as being green in colour and about 2 feet long with a hookup at each end. Stolen birds Thieves struck on November 28 in Dashwood at 184 Centre Street and kicked in a barn door. Once inside they stole a large number of exotic birds, including 14 cockatoos, nine parrots, and 35 canaries. If you have any information about the above crimes, or any other crime, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-1777. You will not have to reveal your name or identity, but you may be eligible for a reward if your information leads to an arrest. Remember, crime doesn't pay, but Crime Stoppers does. ruzi7Tazzlzmax== A`"':, DECORATOR PATCH We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their support during our first year in business. Look for us during the new year at our new location, 213 Main St. Lucan, where we will be better able to serve all your decorating needs. Come in and browse - Coffee is always on! ...Wishing you a very safe and joyous holiday season Ron, Trudy Pronchuk and family We will be closed Dec. 24 to Jan. 5 for the holidays Run out of paint? Don't worry call, Janice at 227-1705. She will be happy to help you 200 Main Stuart Won, .MOM 2JO a tri friAl ala tert aed h4t 1 14) 111, igigigrOMOPROACCOMMOICCOMigngid May seasonal joys warm your heart. To all .thanks. C. jOutett anb on Funeral Horne Limited Lucan, Ontario tig Whedchatr accrsslbl,'. 227-4211 Sant'a's helpers are here to say, "Have A Happy Christmas Day!" As for us, we thank you so, You've been such a pleasure to serve and know! from all of us TORONTO'S CHESTNUT PARK HO'14EL Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! AGO At tkrs+,"tkbr.Y Toronto is a city packecj full of excitement and exceptional shopping, not to mention world class theaters, fine dining and the centre for winter festivities. Use lite Chestnut Park Hotel. conveniently located adjacent to City Hall in she heart of Toronto, as your headquarters - everything you want in downtown Toronto is within minutes. You'll also love the warm hospitality as we go out of our way to help you locate, reserve and arrive at all of the places you want to go! Holida� City Entertainment Pac $98 4.4/ includes 1. first class overnight accommodation 2. full buffet breakfast 3. parking 4. all taxes 5. children 18 and under stay free 6. children 5 and under eat free 7. full recreation facilities including indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool and the friendliest hospitality. Rate per room per night, single or double oswpmcy. Theater tickets not included. Not applicable to groups. Offer valid to January 12, 1994 excluding 13c .ember .31, 1993 Subject to availability. CHESTNUT PARK between Bay and University, adjacent go (sty Hall 108 Chestnut Street, Toronto. Ontario M5G 1R3 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: CANADA: 1.800.668-6600 OR YOUR 'I'RAVF.L AGENT t% cs' .c©