HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-22, Page 30flesfOlo Det fgber22'1'993 r1411 JUT Xi d r ill i 11 # • • Bes.ides presets, what waukl be your Ckrtmas wish? -Adam Blanchard I wish 1 had a'bUnny Jeffrey Brooks I wistf'thatTp0Ople had lots of food to eat *Bryant Dixon I wish all the poopie in 'the world had enough food 'Brandi -Lee Drake I wish all the boysand girls had clothes to wear Cale Duenk I wish everyone had`hydro ChristophereGrotehtraast and Mrs: Bell I wish everyone'hactWarm houses to live in Megan Hearn I wish that all the'peopie in the world had friends •Jerrett Hodgins 1 wish that no onewoutdpunch and kick Tyler Mason i wish that nobodylwerhf!ad to die Michelle McGuire I wish all the boys'ghd girls would be niceTli d'rtotVat too much candy Aimee Payne I wish everyone would be nice Lindsay Powe I wish there would be enough snow tor all the kids to play in Lisa Snyder I wish all the kids in the whole world had food teeat Kindergarten One - Stephen Central School - Millie Desjardine, teache yt We want everyone to have a good Christmas *' We wish that there is enough food so that no one will be hungry kr We want to have our waters stay clean so everyone can have drinking water !r We hope that evelytife'hes enough clothes We wish that everybody in the world can live in peace 1.:�l_llr:w r+G�1:i✓.l' ..±.i.1.�%�Ci� .%✓.i.i.i..v��.i.I..ism"i:.is�^,/:,i:l..�:%.lis;�Ci.:.n: aTi.`.%^�Ci./..1./.�Y..�G':.. itis a :happy ••• May your Christmas be filled with the music of laughter, love and good friends. Happy holidays. — samilft CRF Open 24 hours, 7 days a week 190.Main St. N. 99 Main St. Exeter 235,0453 Liman 227-4834 All of us wish to thank all of you r,for your patronage and support -Ibis past year..Merry .Christmas. Ste ...ons Departmen s Stole "Where Service is Always in Style" 311 Main St., Exeter 2352811 Toys By Jude Morgan Grand Bend Public School, Grade 4 Toys are tor girls and boys, With them there are lots more joys. Jimmy wants an Attack Pack, Turtles does want Jack, Mac wants his Gak back. The Most Important' .Gift By Caitlin Russell Grand Bend Public School, Grade 4 I think the most important gift of all at Christmas is love. The love that Mary felt for Jesus. The love that we should give each other. Reme nber a er .lxslse'Hope By Angela Boundy Grand Bend Public School Long, long _ago in a small town there lived a small boy whose par - I ents could not afford to . buy him any of the wonderful :toys .:sad clothes that the other children got for Christmas so he had decided.lo give up hope on Christmas. As Christmas Eve grew 'f*nther away, Christmas morning ,grew closer. Santa knew what was going on. so he went.straight to the boy's house. "Santa? It is really you`.'" asked the boy. "Yes. It sure is and I will always be here. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor _you willalways get a> many presents as any other kid." "Gee Santa, do you really mean it?" asked the boy. "Yap! Sure do! So never ever lose hope." "OK i won't," promised the boy. Decoration By Brenda Farhat Grand Bend Public School, Grade 4 The Christmas lights are red and green, They glow so bright, What a lovely scene, To see a pretty sight. The Chrisunas balls are different colours, They glitter, oh so neat, Other holidays have different deco- rations eco-rations But this one can't be beat by Christ- mas day! Santa's Visit By Johnny Abbott Grand bend Public S,cbaol, Grade 4 When Santa comes.to my house, it's always very quiet. I've never seen him before, except a fake San- ta Claus. But then I doubt anybody bas seen him. Cool! Lthink 1 hear . him coming down the chimney now. "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christ- mas" Santa I believe in you. emitting Ready Hy Chris Oke, Age 9 (brand Bend Public School Rudolph and the reindeer getting ready for the ride, Oh no! where is Dancer? I hope he didn't kick! Inside Mrs. Clause is baking Christ- mas dinner, Santa made a race car. He said "it's a winner. The toys are being loaded onto San- ta's sled, An elf got buried in the snow. Ru- dolph saved him so please don't dread. -Finally Santa's on his way but when he went down the chimney, Santa got caught, too fat, too fat in -the tummy. thrtstmas Eve By Lindsay Thompson McGillivray Central Training camp and a heavy diet, that's what Chrisunas means to me. Santa takes us reindeer out every night to exercise for the big night. Every house is all decorated so we don't need Rudolph's red light all the time. The elves are always busy cleaning our harnesses and keeping our sleigh clean and pack- ing the sleigh with all the presents for the good little kids on Chris. - Inas Eve. That night is very long and by the time we reach the last ._hause.all .of. us • reindeer are very espy. Santa gives us a good feed nand we go to bed. It sure does feel ,:ggood to be fed. "Throogh.the summer we don't do anything. Santa turns us out to pas- ture and we all get fat. But then in November... the tradition seems to go on forever. Everyone especially Santa looks foreword to the differ- ent houses and presents, Santa makes. The weather is neat and we enjoy the snow when we head out on Christmas Eve. It's great to lick and dodge the snow Hakes. Christmas makes us all very hap- py and spirited to pull his sleigh. H deer? Dear :Santa y Jessica Laseelles B' dulph C.S., Grade 5 you? How are your rein - 1' ou could I would like a COMr .fT�'�'+ stmas. I would also c a r,==i1 a with decora- tions. These are only things that I would like if you can find them. One thing I really want is snow for CItrisunas. Could you give my dog a bore and a chew .toy and my ,eat horns catnip. I would also like an- other dog. Sincerely, Jessica 'Welextendeur special greetings for a safe and joyous Christmas. Thank you for your loyal patronage. VIDEO 358 Main St. Exeter 235-2685 1 •Andthe Angel said unto-thefn, Fear not: f or, behold, I bring you good tiding! of greot joy, which shall be to all people. g -'or unto you is born this day in the city of David o Saviour, which is -Christ the Lord. (Luke 2: 1-20) 1 t 155 John1., Exeter 235.1581 .1 2 To The Citizens O Exeter and District WE, your council, wish to extend heartfelt greetings for a very Merry Christmas and a floppy New Year. ft has been our privilege to serve you. BRUCE SHAW ELIZABETH BELL Mayor 'BILL MICKLE Reeve LUSSY - U.LLER Deputy -Reeve RICK C. BEN HOOGENBOOM ROBERT DRUMMOND BOB SPEARS Clerk LAURIE DYKSTRA j Dep. oterk DAVE MOYER Chief Building Officio) sf1VDEY .0. 0ERTBRANDERHORST DAVE URLUN ERVIiN SILLERY Councillors WORKS Your works department wishes all the citizens of the town the compliments of the season and looks forward to serving you t0 the best of our ability during 1994. Signed on beton pf;.jbe, [fin ,and myself OLENN KELLS Works Superintandont EMU 11 is our .sincere hope that the joyous spirit of this floppiest of 011 holidays will Tight up your byme and your heart with peace and good will. May we respectfully re• quest that you be very careful with your Christmas decorations to ovoid o tragic fire which could spoil the festive season oheod. Yours for better service. Fire Chief GARY /APPLETON 1 1 ct y illowookis *llr i Your police,clvportmenf wish for you a Hoppy Chr(stmos arxi J a Prosperous New Year. May we remind you wain that alcohol and gasoline do not mix. Remember the festive season is fop approaching ond of this lime of your don't forget your family. if you have too much to drink, DIDN'T DR/VE YOUR VEHICLE. Coll a taxi or ask someone fpr Assistance. With the new lows in regards to the Breathaliter tests, Thinking and driving can become very costly and o punishment such os n loll team end the loss of y, ur licence con be imposed. BE MUCH WiSER DON'T GET CAUGHT,BY THE RREATHALIZER. Pence ,Solr/f ; QWd