HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-11, Page 4«roi)1 teaU.S` TH0E5,014, Jan. 1ve'l bY ..gt"" Uill'soth see. by ttlr, illetek, that three valuatore, ell to he !selected feeta oeteide the Canute', be Atuzoolifitet to travel throuelt all the lownahias ill the ,(...olutty town an4 hige$„togother, and vele° theta tweet, ti- ing tO the $0th elteese of the aeseeement At of ii; letvieg iu veitv the quality Itila video of the teed, andemerehiemoce M inerketing provided by the ttouuty.' 'Stud valuators to be sworu. Some discussion felloweil and cer- eat fireeetiefitiwt 41.01 ri* raitielf LN:e ^ J)4,b0;,;J)4,the past tv,101.1ty t11(;) teLd ba the Eiteineer •", and idea thit. imitate), of itaellieeitt farmers hate itt reherenee t t the lanattdar.Y he• (int tgod comittlevably ou (lie ,subjettt of Nvvelt TiKtkerS)Itiflt and Ko" t f the tteettueut Of immure, IOU cateettead that Cat' eana(il PaY tine half it wee geneeelly believed that nteuttee or op, fir4 k Mit of $910, being $4.70. letea fo l'Ot all'i kl,?e,11111)050 WO.Sfl - '111;; t3oinlkl ;111 eee tie) eeeeesite" le.ter inveetteent thita motley ttt inter - of etteolittiug comutlee eseist the eet ,a• Mete hi the proeeee of rieeztittg. tetiteet iuletting etontractai but re- N'o v the great tmfiti tiority of niers tie- eetate end thet the Reeve of n'inlit* hove that there is a geettt Imes iti etoring eleality whei•eyer the job is to be let seateesse, teed ueless it is te be applied aive sa e'restints fenuerly. to the ielvantege of eertain crops, they ee TI10)1A-9 St.f•'1)8()N• prefer to apply it to the soil in a green 'stain amenthheets proposed to the me- Chitin u an state. t ot • con, ana it was snggested, that tino The ,Tail I O^mit Howse ttnetnittee. T01 I ' .11t W..S teouset neceseary to rolls ter this year be eerwareee free), 1 reported that they lead towed the jail In keep te immure lister> covered in meter to the various meuieipalitiee so that the a setiefottorY condition-. The preveut the eseatie of itrinnorillt„ Now Equelizetion Committee mittittexemine In8l4t r'411°(33 "'eh erc'dil" upon til° juilt it le believed tittet the noeiotea gasthat thorn at the June session. The m tion or, J.s Ceeremietae, au 1 hie essistent. is given ea from 11211U143hea1s is not howevE r, was withdrawn atel it war; There are at Present "IY three Pr13m1- annuinda in the in, but volatine Moved by Mr. Shannott, secoeded by ore in jail, all males. uoultued for petty substances ef little vaine. An English Jr. Hayes, that the members of tide offenses. They \\amid recommend that eeenest shows that it is chiefly sui., Council use) all amid eleteaeors eke.)1 the application of Mr. Reid, cue taker imarettca hycirogen. Then the practice that the as iesemeut itt the reepeetive of the Coact Ilten-e for a email dwellime wab to oo.vor up tile manure as seen as tnunittipplities be cerried out its the law house, to uot nu! el mere i was diet wn out, Alia many fermers directs heti' hi, towtes and C1 -11101t01.- WU-1118i' allotv the na enure' to be spread aud. that the asseesinetit citairraaih out only a little iu advance ef turning tolls of this year be laid before the Moved by :Mr. 0 ibson, sretd il ecleIN I __I_ _ ).: ,te eurewe over it. Now there is a oquelization (Imamate° at the Jame Mia Arinetioag. Tlatt as it 6 li'eely the geeeret preatereeee e4owe to eliaeaainf? "Iteethig, that the committee may be emtate n, ili 'moil •to issne dcbentUreS to the immure bioadeast, atal lettiug it Letter able 0 arrive at a more eorreet the amount of $60,000 to net the remain, oil the surface of the wound. basis, and, 'save a great dela of coulusiou gravel road debentures for that amount Twenty years ago manure ", was not and perhaps Intim, litigatInt • twa. that which fall dee in jute, 1875, and tili it haute a into the field till it was wanted the Reevee be requested to bring the would increase the value of the dn- elefor the use of a crop about to be plant - rolls of the'present year with them ill three, if the comity was asseseed at its ed,aid wae then placed in heaps trom June. --Carried. fall Value ; that the Clerk he'lli8trnctett the cart or wegon. Now the praetice is . . . Moved by Mr. Cresswell, seeondied fe have a crCular intuited alai forward- eeconiing general of hauling, it iuto the by M. Seen, that the sum of $71' he- ed to all the Clerks requesting them to field tte it is made, and ofseattering it granted to &atoll of the Ridiag A.grieul- call the attention of the assessor of the broadcast from the wagon. The time turtt1 Societies in the County of Huron, respective munieipalities to the 20tle of the year in which this in done is. said sum not to paid until, after the claw of the Aseeeement Act.---Carrred. 1deemedimmaterial, but tee more =nitre ;120th of November, 1a75.—Carried by a Moved by Mr- KenYt seconded bY is wed° in winter than in summer, or majority of 20. ' ' Mr. Wilson, That the Clerk be instruct- at loess more te counted, it is iiattiea Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded cel to procure three copies of the last Stile out at that thne. ' • lterira.'Satettati. 1..501, 0111,5, '77.77.7-etals by Mr. Parsons; that the Engineer be tutes of Oetario, or enough to ferntsh The fullowieg are porno of the advert - instructed to have the.bridge crossing the Reeves allO. Clorks of each enamel- antes of hauling out Immure in wiatee, ed Creeks_ oh the boundary title be. polity iu the County tvttlt one eopyeach Seen efter dropped. . The airin end tweeu Middlesex atna Huron rebuilt, and one copy. of Rarr.lsoll'S Manual for about the farm buildings is kept from' Couuty of Middlesex to pay ono half the the use of this Cetunal.--Cttrrie& being filled with foul odors ; the hero' o t.—Carried. Itlevel by Mr. Mullen, seconded by efr. Simpson, that whereas travelling Mettageriea and eircuses, in passing through. the Comity do a great deal of elannige'to the roads, withont making any compensation therefor, resolved that thia tieuncil petition the Legishe- 'Luke of Outaiio to anima the Municipel Law so as to empower the County Connell to teass. a by-law for levying a toll on all horses, carriages or wagons oneaged or used in any sueli business. —Carried. The Clerk reed the schedule of othounts expended for clarity in the Pnanicipahties during the past ten years, as follws :— A$hfiktia. Brussels, in one year Clinton.. ... 727.97 ....... .......... 786.88 'Exetee„, „ 35.00 6980.00 $600.65 144.00 Goderich town Goderich township. . 918.75 Howiek ..... 300.00 ..... .... ..„.1424.00 Seaforth for four year 181.52 6tan1ey ........... ..... . .. 864.00 Stephen 1600.00 1094.00 1002.00 1458.82 Tuckersiinth Tat-IA:terry. Usborne Wawauanosh...... 548.00 ''vIngewa,nosh .... .....1214.00 `Wroxeter:leeene year 8.00 5.00 evened tallournede and stable yards ere tuoee cloudy ; the Saturday morning, IAD. 30. ground over which the manure is Council resumed., All the metabers drawn, being frozen, is not injured by present .except '11.1eissrs, Leekte nd Greewnay. Moved by Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Willis, Thea eommittee composed of Messrs. Greenway, Creswell, GarroW, Willis, D. D. Wilsou, Gibson, and B. Wilson be'appointedpo define thelimit of High School d,i tricts for this County. and repert at neat Xune session of this Cortncil.—Lost'hy s majority of 19. FINANCE REPORT. We would further recommend that. the aprlication of George Ruddell ior damage to horn, tFeet,, he not alt. paid, but that he receive the sum of $67; also that $69'be paid as costs in the suit of and the grownd is frozen the manure McDermott i's. County of Huron for will remain frozen on the top of the etationery, ape., Atte plain -tiff having ground. If the winteris an -epen 'One agreed tetabandohthe snit if eachwOuld however, the manure will become ills - ' soiled and pass into the soil where it is ,needed. eee, INDUsTnIA-...traam. Moved by Mr. Garrow. seeonded by Mr. Fisher, that it is desirable to es- tablish at as early a date as possible a llovise of Refuge or 'Industrial Farm within the County, and that it commit- tee should be appointed to make all peeessary.enquiries as to the estimated twat of 'such aninstitation and a conve- Thient locally therefor, and to reaceit with such full and complete infortna- tiou as will enable this council to take ,definite action at the June session. ten .a.dielteton the motion was lost by it majority of 20. .Council adjourned,. THURSDAY AFTERNO0N. SCHOOL INSPEcTOR'S REPORT. Mr. J. R. Miller, Public School In- , apectoe for West Heron; presented a yoluinjigons report of the condition of the houts ia the Western District of Huron.' The distviet ,comprteed the township Althfield, Colborne, Goderich, Hay, Otahley, Stephen. Uaborne, West Waw - nosh and the villa,ee of Exeter. The Amount received during 1874 for school porposes was $72,172,55, of which had been expended iu salaries, ne-v build- ings, improvements, &c., $62,588,971, leaving a balance of $9.633,571. The etaatoant of inctebtectness throughout the sltstrtst foe salaries, repairs, buildings, was $8325.76. The value of school property was $96,779, while in ).871 it yeas 80,820. The whole ntimber of school sections +PISS —Ashfield 18, Colborne 7, Goderich 10, Stanley 11, Stephen 12, Usborne 8, II,ty 10, West Wawanosh 7, Exeter 1; Uttion Sections 17 ; It. C. separate echoole 2. The number of school houses was 81 • a---29 brick, 2 stone, 1 concrete, 45 frame, 4 log. There WOrO 1,7 log schools in J.871. There are no reuted buildings in the district. Each school had at lettet lialf anacre of ground as required by law. gehool visits have been made to the number of 1611 during the year by dif- ferent persons, 159 being by the Inspec- tor. The school population for 1874 was, boye 4840, girls 4276, being an inerettse of 434 over 1871, The nnmber of scholars between the ages of 7 and 12, not attending SChOol was 115. In many sections the trustees heel looked after this matter fitithfulty. School accommodation was ample in every Vo- ,eality. The'vthol,e number or teitchers itt the district wag 102, the religious perstut- sion being time clessitied—ItIethodiste 45, Peesbyteriens 88, Eviscopallitus 11, &mien Cetholic,s 6, Baptist 1, Quaker 1.„ Certifieetee WOre as follows,: First, °tate B. 2 ; Kest °less C. 4 ; secood ebtas,A. 8 econd, Attie B. J. third ,elase 56 e old comity board 4e interim 1.1s Higheet eatery to male temelter :$500; lewest" $800 highest to' femate plachor $325, 4 the Wheels of a cart or , waeou ; larger loads cal, be taken, and' -attiring much of the time a sled can be used instead of a wagon ; the manure may often be thrown direct into the wagon -box, and the labor of once impaling it saved, the labor of both men' and hones are of little velum in winter, as comperecl with so miner. Of course, manure should not be hauled in winter end platted on steep hillsides or in the vicinit,y of gullies where it would. wash away, but ie other situation e it may he applied to good advantage. The labilitios to injure are very small. If the whiter is very cold pay costs. With reference to the resolution re- commending reaumeration to the care taker of the Court House in lieu of the rootns he is notified to vacate, your committee would recommend that he get $25 per month, that he furnish a house for himself, and that the War- den's committee define his duties in future, and that they instruct him \viten to vacate the rooms. A. S. FISHER, Chairman. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Gtbsisit, That -Mr. Bay's Salary be $900 for the current year.—Carried. The Council then.adjonrned, to meet on the third Monday in hate. FItIn4Y1stoaNiNd 26th Jan, Council itstitiect RAd, keeper of the Court ,applied Lt flitV6 si WO hORSO ereeted mit:aide the Conti House tor aecomoda. lion a his family,--Ileferred to the 'Jail told Cottrt Hotted Ccittunitteci. Council adjoarned tater teadhig atiil pliteittg two by-lowa, Thg,OuNTY suuvrsfoR s =row. report in stey, Surveyor presented his No steps had emestfollows :— Exeter bridge. He hatakep with the comfnending an Iron bridge, itinPf re: making an inspection he would ;jig"- ge`st a bridge like the Brussels one, which would last twenty years. The bridge at lower Witighem was in a very damaged state and it would be well to rebuild it after the spring freshet. The bridge on the boundary between the townships of tiibbert and Tucker - smith was completed but not in a- satis- factory manner. He hsd been prets nt at the time the tenders were examined, and the Reeve of Hibbert declared in favor of telte .tonder of one Mathews, which was the lowest being $940. Now; however' a man named Burns comes forwardas contractor &aiming the gum of his contract as $1075. It would probably be best to pay overHu, rents share of the $940 contract to the county of Perth. ' A. Bay, Co. Engineer. se OUR ..:44 MOTTO. , t Entered according to Act okessienatess, in the year x872, by DYNEs, SMOcK, 8c CO., Indianapolis, Ind., in flie Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington. Many a hard -handed farmer has his land all paid for, plenty of neoney at interest, and yet not only denies his fathily, but himself, the necessaries of lifee Such people are not the benefac- tore of their race. It is they who drive the Young 'men and Maidens to the cities ; 'whit rob the soil of God's bounty, tekiug all they can get, but putting nothing babk ; and Who wring from their offspring their very heart's blood, and,, thus exile them from homes --if Suchit 'can be called—to- whither they know not. While these' hard hande.d farmers squeeze out the life -blood -of- the young, and eultivate neither mind nor soul, so long will the yonng flee, from the homes of their fathers. Through this bright, good land—the nf the weary and oppressed of all nationS-1Tiftee, people, especially in Canadian 1.1p 'EV ank of Commerce LUGA.N. CAPITAL, $6,000.000 RESERVE . ... 9,000.000. &Branch of the abovkBank has howl opened in Lucan for the transaction of General Banking land, n iss. -L,I,NrestPril..'iOd .iN V.,Is weeterit States, "--eitcly not- -only tue . ,, . 'ecessaries but luxuries .,,,.: life. , 1 & S. GIDLEY, EXETER, CA- • B'C INET -MAKER & ND!=ARS , KE. take I ieeq 1 tea opportunity to inform the hXhabitants.of this and sarroondiugsections (bat their New Hears) SAVINGS B1NK DPAR r Sums tu3 10W as onoaffitar received on ileposit, loterest4 and 9per cent. allowed. No notice f withdraws I required. Amorieut eurrenei, boug..i -and Or D., STOW M.:DinE, Agent, a P., 011 GE CA. T 3: I C II T Fashionable BOOT & F&HOE MAKER, Sign of the " Big Boot, Lucam, Ontario, • wo't telbthabita a Is othis and the serroundng countey, ad those visiingNenttreies on hand a largo stock of Boots and Stoma of his own Inain- llfactilre, also imported work, wiiich he CakIT SELL AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he la prepared to do orilor work seetmd to none, a he employs none but First-clas workmen, and uses nothing but Fiist-elass Stock. 0. CUTHCART. Luca% Oeteher '22, 1874. ((ll -yl) WATT'S TIN SHOP, Ill -JOAN 1119 ctl 5,13chintr.Q. T110111153011& WILLI= A 0 m1J1auitm-4, I11,11)141,4M.ONT$ Boiler and Engine Works MITOFILL„ ONT T 0. WATTS, of the Iowan Stove and Tin HILT, tl.‘alor in Tinware, Sheet -iron and Copper - P./• ware, Stoxes, Coal Oil, Lamps au.I La up e'limni.).4. He does E "i.er E It 0 3 Ck' on the shoStest notice, and at reasonable 0riec4. Tle flatters hinivelf that he can sell at as reasonable prices as fray &also hi the Trado. 5ati.-4ao: grieran teed. The HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IIIDES AND SHEEP SKINS rtetaetabes the S tan1-.—Fir d ahr eastref Yarro l'u Sttre, "fliin-st„.1,tu viATTs Imean October 22, 1874 Irnm=9.4nSr.a••=1.1t.ineam,trx¢,/,:nsstm,s,---.1r..a a..ArahProw.r. ,c-.4-X•run .em..mn....n}xm,WaLM10.0 ESH OYSTERS Div -07.:t .7.com 35c. - 3 cans , is now completed, and they do not hositittellisay ing that it mono of the host in this western part. Our UNDPILTAKING Department, as heretofore, will be found in a very efficient condition, Coffins—plain and ormunontal,— also, shrouds, oto Funerals furnished OA the shortest netice and most reasonable terms. N33.—A good assortment of FIT:1N ITURE ways in stock. August Qs, '74 52-ly . ntlent hula „pay.' EXETER; rump FACTORY . _ In 'England the day was once obser-1 ,I red with much interest and favor ; but I of late the celebration there, vs in this country has dwindled to the mere an- onymods endinetgOfpistolerY deem- bies in prose or verse. Valentine par- ties have recently come into vogue in this country, anti when the guests en- ter into the spirit of them, these are really.very entertaining. These are conducted in two ways. The hostess invites her friends expecting eacli to send at least one Valentoid, original verses of a huretorous or bantering sort being most desirable. The writer, who need not reveal his or her name before- hand, even to the hostess, must indi- cate whether the missives are intended for gentleatett or ladies, the hostess, addressihh g,temae sopiooses, with out knowing their contents. The other way is for the hostess to furnieli each of guests a list of those axpected, thus giving thein an opportunity to Write their vitlentlues to partieular persons. The velentines should be sent to her before the party, and site should be careful to provide herself with a few extra, enee for swill of her servants as have been oveslOolted. When the guests have assembled, the lady or the house pt•oduces the valentines, tient de- livers them. one at a time, the reeipi- cuts being compelled td read theta elotid fer the benefit (tithe eoinpany. Some .o* the n is Ayes will be o pertituangatod. otheesioapt, that they cannot fail to be arnitsing. If one guest fleds himself good-litimoredly laughed at, he Ime the atttisfaction of laughing at others in tante so that any petty feeling at an- noyithee will be diepelled and forgotten iti the general merriment. Peri50`.18, sometimes, in seeding val• entinee, melte the innovation a sing gifts- ot small vette, coupled With such graceful phrases as Will imatire the acceptance of the gift, Others taloa advantage of the occiv, sion to give presents et considerable tvortli to people ill hutnble eirettrnetan, taw to Whom chttrAy boun not be of, fere'd. Tints the memory of the gettial St. Valentine:linty be perpetuated not, only by social nleelo,"."" ' * [AIN STREET, one door south of tho Britannia R01160. J SOUTHCOTT has Ziel:trdt:stn=tc°0r.Va?irritratiton grt =Utile !Cif) otli as to work end Material. N. B.—A. large quantity of 9 inch I stuff for ptimprirekers' use for sale -- JOHN SOUTHCOTT. Nov. -6m. CEDAR POSTS Rails 8c Cordwood DERSONS requiring Cedar,posts, or .L Cordw pod, can be supplied by ,applying to THOS. GREENWAY, Centralia ; or, W, H. GREENWAY, on the promises, Lots 7 and 9, No-th Boundary, Stephen.. 69-tf FRESH OYSTERS Haddies & Bloaters. CHEAP, AT ‘J G. SANDER'S tore,- 440st 0111e ilatit4talng, --- A Stock of Groceries and Colifeetionerf on lientl. CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS , La— Sportteneti supplied with Ammunition. SCII001 13601tS and -Stationery.' nate and Magazines. ALT, TEIE La...TEST 1OVJLS. ',SANDE113. - NoreMber , , 85 -ea 1875). SCHOOL BOOKS. (1876' Jour- liTrAVED hinol In go sopply Sohont Book9, goltool Stationery, Monti Books, Dbitios for 1815. W ich are offered at 'moderate pried, To the Traits,, lioineenionts aro gieeti equal to Key in Western Ontario, at for per can. $1.00 luatr.saniarr.cconicssrsaula=6,-yegraba FAS AleC16:10[111 R,) Five Five Pounds Best Tea in lixeter, $4.50 GROCERIES Ten Pounds " " for $8.50 in proportion, at the EXETER GROCERY & LIQUOR STORE FALL ARRIVALS. JA Nee et - s ICK HD EXETER haSioSt oioiiied out the largest nest ceinplete., best assorted and, cheapest lot of geode ever 'brought into title part of the country, PAVING. inaported all of his Dry -Goods from the:European Iarkets He is able to do a little better hail aefother house in this part of the country, and drd. not hes tato to say that HEhaistheLA 11 .TOCEOTCIOODSIIThe'COTINTT canbe foUtiA:..anyhere..,,..• • - • • ),At ,naid for all kinds of produce. in Itee ' tb-° 1 01.doSt 1118 1-oished House n the County eicipozt Of 000 „ co. EtnitatitIvE CHARLES - SOU has retnoved his . OtrisTiNcle Alit) r.PAIIJORI1 ' to the new brick estabiishn One door South of the 016 TG BUSIVE$S (nit premie. tirig , a spociality OtrZEZOOTZ. Two -horse power Wood Sawing Machine This' machine has been thoroughly tested and given - ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with BAND WEIEET, for driving it Straw Cutter, G -rain Crusher,' Or other machinery, without extra expeiise ex ()opt for the belt, ' A. TRIAL 01:41FP,RtD. All kinds of Farmingimplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP E4 NES of all sizes to order. • 121.EP„6.11R.S prtruiptly attended to. Adarest— • , THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. Mitellen, June 18, 1874. 45-1y. 'The Dominion Organ THE BEST CO4vi riN,P1) REAPER& MOWER IN THE DOMIltaot-c TEM TECRESITTING MACEINBS „ rota this Establishment ere so Well knOwil lOCW11419114.14ti9140 71'911ill RUpepA1046, "7."' 4„7 T22.4, The- Wheel' ge. 4 made by J. R. Moore, claims precedence of anything of the kind in the Dominion. of superior wOrkruunehip 11w1 Waterial. Putout ihuniuiour4241 golWr J Plows,Cultivators, Seed Drills, Broad -cast Sowers sologio, Suetwkottleg mid ow [op .111d :,.("rvetaatietoor ryotlierlre". of, Aghmo oulturul p mon n o o 1 JMNIES R. MOORE, PROP. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ORGAN S, ORGANS,. ORGANS, Call and see' ohr gg WAGONS „ Splendid Success Taking Everywhere imuien.so Numb& Sold. N. B.—Old T ent9 :taken . ix; exchange Renew. • - instruments constantly on band' 'at ,T. Furniture Warc-rooin. Music Stools frun , to each.. Send for Circular to „ 1Pectlar, EXETER P,, 0. 01101al Agont, INTERESTING. ED1CAL inen'144 that'nothing is. go h(1 - portant to geoid health as a:: room,com- fortably warined. season of year is now at hand when yen will require the vhry 134t STOVES • AND BISSET BROS. beg to say that they have just received One of the largest stooks in the county, consisting 41 ,Stoveo of tha very latest design and the best manufnetuies, whielk at/ILL BE S01.1,-.)'11EA80NABLY CHEAP Theis aitn is and always has booh to satiSfy chit - torpors. Hardware, ' „ Tinware copper -ware, etc,. , . alWayti on hand Also the . Vr, r ot: k 4*0 and 1,000 LB SCALE(kkOlt $18. Old Bags, CoPper iron oto. botight. ' RISS BROSi NEW. PUMP. FACTOle TflVit-i S. 1.?1:3'iV14?- G 'BOLTON ildAY tild inferM the inhabitatitS f ilaY,,Stop:hoO d Usborne, Oita ho olatislootaros itil kinds of putepte itioluding the • „ MONS/101En PATENT rOittOEPtTht for which he has, the 'exclusive 'right for the eboVeatamed towesitips, !the tanbstiribeitools botilidont that.ho catt satiety.those in wtiot o /mops,as to Worionaliahip and ettelity, Ana a Such prices that be CANNOT DE 'IINDID11SOLD DoAtiNioN.. , ..tAlivi,A6T•mrst„—olko.voliiiii, mite oorth of tilt) 141,140 Of .1#0ter, On Let 7, Hay, London llnad N. D.—Itopaiting attended to with prolOpt, Atutdolio ijt teas011iciilo Pride& ' ' „ 010,, .110LTON,.. Aptili 6, 1911, " 64.6itti Marrii, July 1, 1874. „ SKT.1\T1TIGR, , Jiwv,017: IfitEAD AND BISCUIT RAKER, EXETER. A.S. takes pleasure iu informing the inhabitants of Exeter and surrounding villages that h. , bits rented the E'xeter 1311kery, lately occupied by Mr. R. Sauderi, and he hopes by SUPPLYING A gIlIST-CLAbscAarricLE „. : 4ina oiriet 0,06Aticil to "ettiBinee8 to merit 04$411yodiatr9uttge:, .. , Wedding Cakes Made to Order. - manufeaturer ef Graham, Halr, Ryo and tbe PATENT CREAM BRVAD, All orders for ` Schools and Parties, promptly intended to on the most reasonable terms. , Fresh Bread etipeterale.en.hate.a eterteeter ansl NortkAxeterPost,OffioesAndJ. Short'fi Orediton, and W. Baker% Ventialia: Exeter, December 10, 1074. 6741. , A. SKINNER. eap : SAM WELL & PICKARD owing to the great RUSHw'clizARt five Idol tf:, " LA GE THEIR STORE! \ h ft.q tO ACCOMMODATE their e118i0U10114. Just Received: ()NE C.A_S!E MORI?, of thoge Cite:ti) , - BLACK LIISTRES Gine Case Scarlet Felt Skirts one,oagp. • • •• • G-rey Satinettes ! nil 1 e s of G o o d.S Suitable,. or the Season's Trade. , A JOB LOT OF.',LAD1S' FUR SETTS To be Sold Cheap. Exeter, November 10 czo State. BANKRUPT STOCK.' Just seeur&Fa large Bankrupt- Stook srrIC'eniend.01113:',1° • edue- Hen which will be cleared' oat prices TO ASTONISH EVERY- ONE. , FTY'''''O'VE.BO.04:rgAT' A' 'GREAT BARGAIN. • FORTY -CHESTS ! `of the BEST TEA " the Omirry „ , At W. SALE PRICES • SAMPLESFREE ,call T. GREENWAY Centralia, Decenelter 24, 1874. 4 4- ..•„„ lex,Beattie • • • ••• . . DRY -GOODS ORTERS TAITORS Dealers in ouse Fusynishings„,1,,, ENGLISH 01LOLOTI-IS, etc, ,t„ May C R S n 1 NVIXE MERCHANTS NowSettS011'8 ttild spies Dpily 01)611. Itov.i 1814, ,