Times Advocate, 1993-12-22, Page 71MM!9 , Ifterrafer12,163
HENSA = ` eienty-ftser1iin-
tall Senior tjoysd a delid ler-
>~:; airmail -. at the P4s iblien n
taf111M allowed by the bettealefer
411111g, December 14 at the Unit -
Church. A moment's silence was
served in memory of the hoe
4bS>tothy Mickle. Chrisonas carol
--ilating was enjoyed. Ciaienee Vol-
-land was remembered in the $i
tal and Percy and�IRlliill
on their 65 wtlig may•
Gertie Moir and Vera Smale'Nare
in charge of the program. wows
of the cards were: Pearl Mc t,
Stewart Blackwell, Gladys -
man, Annie Reid, and lone hands
Evelyn McBeath.
The Tinker Tots Co-op Nursery
School held their Christ , draw
on December 16. Flar'Slade
won the cookie house, Karen Jolly
won a S25 gift certificate from
McTaggarts Food Market, and
Catherine Klaver won a gift basket
from the Klip 'n' Kuri.
The K nsman Club of Hensall
have just completed their annual
200 Club Draw, in which there
were 198 tickets sold out of 200.
The winners of the $50 draws for
the first six weeks are: week 11 -
Wes Chambers, Clinton; Lloyd
McCurdy, Kirkton; week #2 - Brent
Taylor, Varna; Terry Ashton, Kip -
pen; week #3 - Gord Robson, St.
Elaine Hayter
For more than 10 years Elaine Hayter has set aside time to
help with the Friedsburg Days festival. And for the last two
years she has been committee chairman of the festival.
"It's an important community event," she said of the 23 -
year -old festival. "All the money raised goes back into the
community to help organizations such as the Community Cen-
She said the committee meets 10 months out of the year to
make plans and she said the success of the festival would not
be possible if it wasn't for the help of many other volunteers.
'There are a lot of people eager to help," she said.
The Dashwood woman also volunteers with other organiza-
tions. Hayter is a Block Parent representative, as well as a
Sunday School teacher and member of the PTA with Our Lady
of Mount Carmel Church.
Service in Greenway
By Roberta Walker
GREENWAY - Greenway Unit-
ed Church hosted a Christmas Ecu-
menical Service on Tuesday, De-
cember 14. Hostess Eloise
Eagleson welcomed those in atten-
Members of various local church-
es were asked to contribute to the
program. Roberta Walker, repre-
senting Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church, in Grand Bend, performed
two solos: Sweet Little Jesus Boy"
was sung a capella, and the Wex-
ford Carol was sung a Capella with
a violin introduction by Walker.
Eleanor Durie, of the Church of
God, gave a reading - reflections on
the true meaning of the Nativity,
and how Christ's love continues to
reach out to us. Dorothy White rep-
resenting St. John's Anglican, read
"My Christmas Wish for You", a
religious paraphrase of "Twos the
Night Before Christmas".
A septet from the Grand Cove
Choir represented the Grand Bend
United Church. Irene Kennedy was
the pianist for the choral piece
"Sweet Little Babe in the Mangei
The U.C.W. of Greenway pre-
sented a playlet they created for the
service titled "What Shall We Do
With This Baby?" Taking readings
from the gospel of Matthew and
_14tite, the drama of the Nativity
veli re-enacted, with UCW mem-
bers costumed in the traditional
of the Holy Family, step -
lairds, angels angels and Wise Men. The
Season's est
Here's wishing you a holiday
season filled with joy and
winter's wonder.
Thank you for your patronage
and we look forward to serving
you in the New Year
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narrators reflected on the scene -
what happens to children with no
parents? Do they remain homeless,
hopeless, helpless, hungry and hu-
gless. That is the fate of poor chil-
dren around the world, but there are
alternatives: relatives, foster par-
ents, adoptive parents, to take care
of them.
The congregation joined in the
Christmas carols sung throughout
the play which finished with a
prayer for all new life.
The collection, in keeping with
the theme, was taken for the Chil-
dren's Hospital of Western Ontario
in London, which will =wive
about $140.
After the service, the aiwomen
gathered in the Church isament
for refreshments and a time Oriel -
Kippen East
WI enjoy
hristmas party
KIPPEN - The Kippen East
Women's Institute enjoyed a deli-
cious dinner at 3AAA's restaurant
and then assembled at Grace Drum-
mond's apartment for the remainder
of the meeting
Drummond opened the meeting
with a reading written by Helen
Steiner Rice "Let us pray this Holy
Christmas Day". The roll call was
answered by "An environmental
way to wrap Christmas present"
Donations were made to Errand
Lee Homestead, Pennies for
Friendship and Women Feed the
World. Grace Eyre gave the smile.
Tickets were handed out for the
District Quilt draw.
Mona Alderdice, Helen MacLean
and Thea Witch vim in cbage of
Fun and Games which included
contests, readings "A Christmas
Story", "New Year's Pie" "A dollar
bill at Christmas Time".
twill; -Wilk 4104
taerlet OfilkAillistilejlrey,
week 15 - Bob Latvrene', 511 1;
Sheila Reabum, Fleritall; week`
Alice Neilands, Hensall; Wilma
Misner, Hensall; week #7 - 5200
Marvin Taylor, Hensall; 5500 Gary
Maxwell, Hensall; 5700 Rob Ware-
ing, Exeter; Jamie McBride, Exet-
Proceeds from wz go -to-
wards community illMbe projects
and donations to various a sniza-
tions within the village.
At the Hensall United Church, on
December 19, Megan and Amber
Preszcator, Micheal Annen and
Fragiskos Fragiskatos lit the fourth
candle of Advent.
Darren Stephan, son of Rod and
Tammy Parker, and Jonathan Elli-
ot, son of Steve and Julia Thomp-
son, were baptised by the Rev.
Henry Annen.
The Hensel) United Church will
be having their carol service on De-
cember 24 at 7:30 p.m.
The shut-ins, of Carmel Presby-
terian Church received communion
at their homes on December 20.
Don't forget the Christmas Eve Ser-
vice, at Carmel Presbyterian, at
7:30 p.m.
Hensel) residents are reminded
that the Hensall Village office will
/feety c4;htt�ras
from the staff at
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Effective January 1, 1994, the totiosillit iait swill
increase at the Exeter Public Cemetery.
1, 2, 3 and 4 grave Tots and crinfation lots
Interment charges
Annual and perpetual flower beds
All ott?er services, such as cremationistittse4ietting
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ment, our cemetery offers a plan of preneed. Let$
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es, please contact=either-of the fDttoWkig*ttaiff
Harry KnSp, `il4ultQer lty MOM"
Elizabeth Biebl, ifileitiollternale =SOON
Wishes you and yours a.
Ws that time of year when families
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wish you, our customers a very
special and happy holiday season.
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