HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-22, Page 3sa m iron�m_mat 11111
Ckarwater Aircraft
caught in cash flow cri
By Adrian Harte (ening to the s attempt
1'41 to hold onto the 's license.
HURON PARK - Clearwater Air- He said only about $50-150,000
craft, the jewel in tine crown of the would be needed to get the comps -
Huron Industrial Park's hopes to be- ny back on its feet, a small amount
come an centre for aerospace ern- . of money compared to what the
ployment, is teetering on the edge ODC has already invested in draw -
of oblivion. Company manage- ing aviation businesses to the in-
ment say a bit of financial help dustrial park.
would put the operation back on its "How can they say they want to
feet. create jobs?" asked Pearson, who
More than $6 million has been in- alluded to an internal conflict at
vested at Huron Park since Clear- ODC's London and Toronto offices
water's arrival in early 1992. Mil- over the future of the industrial
lions were spent enlarging and park.
upgrading the hangar In all likelihood,
facility to repair, re-'' 'Pearson said what
furbish and repaint • • will probably happen
large aircraft. An- JIow Clln to the company is that
other $2.5 million was they say they it will close down to
spent on repairing the want to create be re -std age
former military bases with a new investor
runwa s. OSS, ,r and a clean slate. A
Dennis Pearson, the large U.S. aviation
president of Clearwa- company, a former
ter, said that a small management customer of Clearwater is quite in -
team of about 15 were keeping the terested, he said.
operation alive, mainly to keep tt,s A Mexican military aircraft cur -
company's Department of Trans- rently sits in the hanger, still being
port license valid. Last May there worked on. Contracts like that
were about 90 people employed at highlight the scope of Clearwater's
the plant, and hopes were that up to market, said Pearson.
200 might find work in good times. "We would be instantaneously
Pearson attributed Clearwater's prepared for NAFTA," he said.
troubles to a cash flow crisis in the Glen Ryter at the London office
lagging economy. It's not that the of the. ODC said that if Clearwater
work isn't there, only that the com- does close in Huron Park, the pttov-
pany can't afford to do it. A couple ince will still push ahead with its
of contracts with U.S. airlines had plans to promote the area as an avi-
to be turned away, as was DeHavil- anion centre. He said he was confi-
land, and the Canadian military. dent, that the Clearwater building
Air Canada will also be looking to would once again be overhauling
have its new paint jobs put on its and repairing aircraft, even if under
jets, said Pearson. antler company.
"So there's work there," he said, "It's still going to be there...I have
:adding that if Clearwater can be up every confidence it will remain an
::and running again by January 1, it aircraft maintenance and overhaul
may get some of that work back. facility," said Ryter.
The .company can't turn to its "It's probably the one of the most
banklatifmancial help because of modern facilities in Canada," he
an olldTtourt judgement passed on said, pointing out that ODC in -
its former operation in Sarnia. Un- eludes in its 'feasibility studies of
til it is resolved, Clearwater s cash prospective businesses what would
supply is frozen. happen if they go under. The mil -
Pearson -said he doesn't want to lions invested in the building won't
be tno't iticaltf thc-thitario Devel- 'bp: sted,•he-said.
oprA)enrcb* x (`belt; ''which oper- AVitiSitlirClearwatjerAats in fi-
nancial trouble, Ryter said the
downturn in the commercial airline
business was mostly to blame.
"It's a combination of things.
You don't need a degree in rocket
science to realize the commercial
aircraft business in Canada hasn't
aces the Huron Industrial Park, but
admits he would like to see more
support from the provincial govern-
ment agency.
"l`ean't say they haven't been sup-
portive...but on the other hand,
we're supporting them," he said, re-
CM .water Aircraft, the plant that was hailed as Huron Park's
entry into the aerospace industry, is in a cash-flow crisis.
Company officials are battling to either rebuild the operation's
finances, or find outside investors to put it back on its feet.
EXETER - The Exeter OPP have
investigated several more acts of
vandalism and property damage in
the area in the past week.
Lash Tuesday, four incidents were
reported to police, two in Huron
Park and two in Zurich.
Debora Muranyi's vehicle, parked
at Exeter Machine Products in Hu-
ron Park was scratched with a sharp
object. Kelly Oloan of Barrie had
the back window of her car
smashed out while parked at Cen-
tralia College in Huron Park that
same day.
In Zurich, Cliff Gingerich report-
ed that someone had vandalized his
truck and backhoe by throwing
rocks through their windows. St.
Boniface School in Zurich was also
hit by vandals using a, BB gun to
shoot at two windows and doors of
the school.
On Saturday, Donald Baker of
Concesaiop 16 in Stephen Town -
' ship reported to police that some-
one had dasnaged his front lawn by
driving a vehicle across
Anyone with information about
these crimes can contact the OPP at
235-1300, or call Crime Stoppers
of Huron County at 1.800-265-
exactly been booming," he said.
ODC will continue to work with
Clearwater toward some kind of
resolution, he said, and added that
other plans to promote Huron Park
as an aviation industry centre will
go ahead. The possibility of using
the Centralia College buildings as a
pilot training centre hasn't been
ruled out.
"It makes sense if you have the
facilities available," he said.
A former Clearwater employee,
who asked not to be named, said
that while company did introduce •
some innovative approaches to the
industry, the economy wasn't
strong enough to keep the business
afloat, as airlines cut down the
number of hours their planes flew -
slowing down maintenance sched-
"It's disappointing to see what
happened [at Clearwater]," he said.
"There could be another organiza-
tion going in there...but they say
there's too much overcapacity
He agreed that financial assis-
tance from the ODC might have
made the difference, particularly
since the unemployment benefit
costs to the former employees
would exceed the needed help. He
too, hopes for a resolution to see
the jobs brought back.
"I wouldn't say it's over," he said.
Stephen Township reeve Torn
Tomes said the loss of the jobs at
Clearwater comes at a bad time for
the township, but he hopes the fa-
cility can once again be bringing in
aircraft for repair.
"ODC has a lot invested in it...It's
a specialized building now," he
"This hasn't been too good a year
[for Huron Park] with the college,
EMAB, and now Clearwater," he
said. •
Wishing you
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