HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-15, Page 11J Granton Residents enjoy festive supper By Muriel Lewis GRAN'TON - Several from Can- ton attended the Kirkton Horticultu- ral •Society's festive supper, pro- gram and annual meeting at the community centre last Tuesday .evening. Everyone was given agift 'bulbs to plant and four people out of six from Grunion were each *poky enough to bring home a poin- . W3. Granton Women's Institute had aper together at Heywood's X erintry Restaurant last Monday evening. In response to the roll call 'Winter Peace' was read by Muga - ret Oakley, 'Star of the East' by Ba- bette Hatton, 'A reading about Christmas Carols' by Olive Hod- gins and some 'Christmas Quotes' by Muriel Lewis. Sympathy from the community goes out to the family of the late Kenneth Hodgins who died at Kensington Village in London on Monday, December 6. Rev. Ste- phen Emery.officiated at the funer- al service in St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Wednesday. The Anglican bible study gip met for a luncheon at noon on Wednesday at the home of Mary Jefferies. Nora Wissel and Muriel Lewis enjoyed a bus trip with McNaugh- ,on]ours on Wednesday to see the mal of Lights at Niagara Falls. Members of the Lucan Legion in- cluding Val Middleton of Gratton, Sid Daley, Gord Clubb, Art Bell, Roy Fills, Wes Hickson, Bill • .Smith, Jack Holland and Len Mas- len, all of Lucan, and Dave Inson of Huron Park visited with the vete- rans on the Western Commies Wing of Packwood Hospital on Tuesday, December 14. At the St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Sandiy;: ieoeniter 12, Rev. Stephen Easerreslairmiadsbe HolyEuchuristraitkiliii•mulmige was that God 101111110111111oogh His faithful peopitimedemibies them to do His will. • The Advent 1 mdies for Peace, Hope and Joynwsec_lit by Philip idedgins. Ken Ptmtch and Andrew were placed in the from the funeral of Kenneth At Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Ncrmalie Vomkes entitled her sermon'But what shall I pray fob!' The third candle of Ad- vent was lit by the Broughton fami- ly. 'O come, little chil&en' was the anthem sung by the choir. Flowers from the funeral of Ken- neth .Hodgins were placed in the chinch. Members of U.C.W. Unit 2 sold Pleasure Plates (cookies and squares) after church. U.C.W. Unit three met on Tuesday eve- ning, December 7 at Margret Bryan's home. Everybody present took , part in the program with Christmas readings, articles and alosises. During the regular business period, it was noted that most oldie pians for fall events have been ful- lilled• including catering to the an- nual Firemen's Banquet recently. Joan Hayden, Elisabeth Garrett and the hostess served refreshments during the social tune which fol- lowed. Usit five had dinner at noon at Sir Ides Restaurant in St. Marys and than wan to Eileen Crawford's home to have their meeting. The president Margaret Spence opened with a poem and the scripture read- ing from Luke I. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1si (Established in 1876) Provides sur insurance Coverage lex Farm Pr anise NOW Appii00100 tare Waoewea DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS tarry (:ud.ner, Ham. arab .....41411.41117$ tamMadison. Woke ....,,..s.,s .isdc NodYnt, AR I, ItMllen _sees» 21841112 .bash Chdte, AN6IW »....i1AAlif lidntl Olivia AR3 GrsMsn.......2111111111r AGENPa Hoes Hodson. Emmy__ .... ,WoiMoors. OidiOn Joseph Wise. Midge' ..,sNM1! Hud Ohm, Eimer ..... .._._....... .,. 211ei41100 A oakand k m amorha use ftia- esipnrd ler as pilay boitira neo wally, ams an turd and b iNaa/ nail!! ap as at Deoerrr bar 81, 0•2. The devotional theme was God's Greatest Gift' after which Silent Night was sung. Each one took part in the program with poems, lead- ings and songs. • Pastor Voices closed with prayer and the hostess served dessert, cof- foe and tea. Masonic Lodge officers The Installation and Investiture of Officers fot the Granton Mason- ic Lodge 483 was held at the Ma- sonic hall on Monday evening, De- cember 6 as follows: Worshipful Master Brent Marshall, I. Past Mas- ter Fred Zwaan, Sr. Warders Norris Atthill, Jr. Warden Christopher Beard, Treasurer Carl Mills, Secre- tary Reginald McCurdy, Sr. Dea- con Raymond Currie, Jr. Deacon Robert Spence, Inner Guard Roben Andersen, Sr. Steward Murray Switzer, Jr. Steward Daniel Rich- ardson, Chaplain Robert Wilhelm, D. of C. Gary Raymond, Tyler James Harding. Others taking part in due Installa- tion were Wilfred Riddell, Bill Ger- man, Michael Andersen, John Seyl- et, lames Harling, William Morley, Ross lEveriu, Norman Amos, James Watson and Reginald McCurdy, K(. --- since 1887 — "A Tradition of Family Service" ...where your confidence is well placed. qiniu . FUNERAL HO ; INC. 471 Main Street, Ems' - 23&8500 di 4t vsrt acre sit Times -Advocate, December 15,1993 Page 11 133.14108M104:11.1. Elutt_mxim Plies t *ern ear towns. thrfeiaas San F?analaco Sour V 411 Raisin Breed leaf $.1.79 Dough Dread fear 99C • 4 Fresh 1cauntry Buns PssNre Mincemeat Pie $1.29 dee. $" $2.9J •: �(- .� Canadian and Imported :` For the Christmas 8085 0/7 Cheeses ad oy , from around Oriiridtt Fresh from our oven Mincemeat pies and leitarts, dinner rolls, variety breads, Gingerbread, Christmas cake - light or the World e L 4.41 anish Blue, German Edam, Dutch dark! Fancy Christmas and 'e Shortbread cookies. 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