HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-15, Page 6Times -Advocate, tsoefftber 15,1993 Graduate - Gwen and Murray Coward are pleased t� an- nounce the graduation of their daughter Wendy. She graduated with honours In Business Administration from Westervelt College November 20, 1993. Wendy is currently employed at Mega Collegiate Sports in London. Congratula- tions Wendy! Love Mom and Dad Goofs -te - Harold and Shirley Jeffrey would like to an- nounce the graduation of their son, Craig Sylvester from the graduate nursing programme at Georgian Col- lege in Orlilia where he re- cently eamed his .. R.N. de- gree. Craig is the grandson of Grace Wurm, Exeter. Crag is now residing in Largo, Florida where he is employed in the ICU department at Logo Med- ica! Centre. Christmas concert planned for this Friday By G.B. Caslick CENTRALIA - The funeral of Mary Kooy was held Wednesday afternoon, December 8 at the C. Havoeu and Son Fame* Maine in Lucan. The Rev. Bleglena;.fwa ry and Pastor Robot now lir s!M- ducted the service.e were Kooy's three s iio- ward MacDonald, Pete liammtiga, William Bonner and friends Ho- ward Dolan. Gerald Mills and Brent Caslick. Lunch was sleeved by the St. Patrick's women in the parish mall at Saiulsbury. Once again, the community extends their deepest sympathy to Clayton and his family. Families of Evelyn Smith and the Mather family wld their CMist ars Rimmer ibis ea week- end at Ih0_N1Muty Metre chit. . .. 4c- spectively Qilrtra; StmdaThe y cotrlat v ie held this Poidfy, Deoelsr 17 et 7 p.m. A C,ilsittltites Eve Candle- light and Calatthilion Service will be held at the Caningis United Church on Friday, ,attunes 24 at 8 p.m. Everyone is <aesalsaaed .to • 4, Volunteer of the week A Times Advocate community feature 1 Ron Wertman Anyone amending hockey games at the Exeter arena knows Ron Wessman, or at least they have heard him. For the past three years he has been bury volunteering his time as announcer and director of the Exeter Hawks. In that time, Wessman has covered more than 300 games and makes a point of announcing' the name of each player stepping onto the ice. 'That's about 12,000 names a year," he said. In addition to his volunteer eons at the arena Wessman and his wife, Dorie also spend time volunteering for the Exet• - er and District Cancer Society. Christmas services planned for Thames Road By Rioifilie THAMES ROAD -_Abe Third Sunday of Advent thaeohisilite was observed at Thames Aland United Church Sundaymnaning- The responsive reading was taken 126-and-the-chg "Thee Westminster Carol" ammtsapa- nied by the organist Erin Kraft - check. Marilyn Vanda nbassche and Da- vid and Steven lit the third candle in the Advent Wreath and each gave information about it: The chil- dren's hymn was sung "I Am the Light of the World". The Scripture Reading Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11- I Thessalonians 5:16- 24 was read by Jack Stewart. The New Testament Reading Gospel of John John 1:6-8. 19-28 was reed by Rev. Jim Allsop. ' The title of his sermon was "Christians - Those Who Shine God's Light". The ciosing hymn was sung "Come Thou Long Expected Je- sus". Church news The Thames Road Sunday School collected S139.80 from the White Gift envelopes last Sunday. The money is being given to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. • bensall news Barry and Melonie Miller dont- - ed the Christmas tree at the front of the sanctuary at the church. Thursday, December 16:at 7 p.m. Messengers will meetarptlionies Road Church. 'Stmlday, - flecembcr 19 is` i mas Sunday services at ,t'boti churches at 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. On Monday, December 20 at 7 p.m. is the Thames Road Sunday School Christmas Concert. On Tuesday, December 21 at 7 p.m. is Elimvilie Sunday School Christmas Concert. On December 24 at 8 p.m. is the Joint Christmas Eve Service at Thames Road Church: On December 26 regular church services are at both churches at 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Personals Arnie. Bray returned borne from Tuesday af- surgery for g By lis HENSALI. - The ehtmliesaed organirations of Wnsall, _Vire spent a busy past week for Christmas. The PrientlNip Oink of fil1ri11 United Com, 'acrd 'heir :se ees Altolthe Thillikrifeividenvesp set Deestielr 6, to 1llrte Owe - ems from illoci Christmas tads. "lMey were'breed to Queensway Neely; Hoene for.the enjoyment of the ` re tints. *alms the holiday Helen McLean chaired the meet- ing which featured a "Christmas Card" theme, from the frustrations in the life of a postmistress in a hu- mourous skit by Helen McLean to the enjoyment found in cards in a poem "Notes of a Friendship" read by Mary Brintnell. The roll call was "Where do you put your Christmas cards?" A card was signed and presented to Anne An - nen. Kay Mock's Christmas devotion opened with the reading of Isiah's prophecy, followed by the story of Jesus' birth. The singing of carols was accompanied at the piano by Deanna Brock. Everyone enjoyed fellowship over a tup of tea and Christmas goodies served by Mary Brintnell, and Marg Cole. PCW The Christmas meeting of the Carmel P.C.W., began with a pot- luck supper. Rev. Mark Gaskin joined the ladies for the evening -and asked the blessing. During the meal Marlene Bell read a poem. President Jan Baker then conducted the business portion of the meeting. Marg Valley's minutes were adopt- ed as read. Cathy Bell reported on visits she had made to shut-ins, de- livering -gifts. Marilyn Campbell gave a favour- able treasurer's report and it was de- cided donations would be made to several worthwhile charities. Mar- lene Bell had prepared an impres- sive worship service, by candle- light. Joyce Pepper was the pianist for the evening. Rev. Mark Gaskin closed the meeting with prayer. ter gall Rhoda i1r de returned home from Sttia%rd Hospital last Wednesday after having undergone surgery for a knee replacement. Helen Hodgen returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital on Satur- day after having undergone surgery for a hip replacement. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Specialists since 1950 --- CANTON • SEAFORTH • EXETER • ST. MARY'S • GODERICH • LONDON 0069444 66 • • • • • • END OF... on neat. ". ecI n.erc;r,uruJ,tr • 24ct. Solitaire Diamond 'engagement Ring... 35c1. Solitaire Diamond Engajjernen t Ring... aorrx,nd Sees wr w Ave Shop Wiie4 ANSTETT JEWELLERS this Christmas and all year long for *nest Naar, ylwrraateestSaavice and qua/anted upa(it y. Diamonds... • ter OWstmagii 'lied Church The Rev. "Henry Armen conduct- ed the Hensen United Churett's White Gift Service, on Smalley De- cember 12. Belva Fuss and Jean Ja- cobi played Cluistn ss ttabis before the service. The third candle of Ad- vent was lit by the Martin family, Dennis, Carol, Brandon, Matthew and Dana Leslie Bailey, Mindy Bell, Susan Stoll and Linda Tta- aquair alt took pan in the service. Panayese Fragiskatos, Erin Camp- bell, Craig Tlraquair and Rachel Wood read from Matthew 1:1-12. The history of the White Gift was road by Shawn Wurm. Several Christmas carols were sung and a large crowd was in attendance for this special service. The Official Board of the Hensel! United Church will meet on De- cember 15. The sacrament of Bap- tism will be observed Sunday, De - °ember 19. The village Was'Widened by ant sudden passing of a life -king rex— dmat, Dorothy Mickle. Mickle W& a alletibl teacher and played an sc. tiS Many Mtge activities. thou hes are with Sin Re bol and Clarence Voftand whc are patients in South Huron Hospi tal. Deluxe j ught or Dark.. rtstmas Cake 2 s+vaNalble at TastyNu Bakery & Cheese House Zurich 231E-4912 Exeter 295-0332 t Highway #4 North, Mensal! 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