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December 14, 1983 - Damag-
es could go as high as S250,000
ur alhich broke out at Ex-
eter Ptlfce and Storage Com-
early Friday night. About
i0r000 bushels of turnips are be-
ing assessed by government of-
ficials and another 2,000 boxes
of turnips ready for shipment
were discarded.
A five year-old boy was re-
ported lost from the •-Canadian
Tire parking lot about 5.15 p.m.
Saturday. With police alerted
and search for the youngster go-
ing on, the mother remembered
she had delivered him to his,
grandparents before goingahop-
ping and • that's where he was
Stephen unship council has
signed an agreement with -Onta-
rio Development Corporation to
take over snow removal and ,
weed control at Huron Industrial
'Park for . an annual fee of
'2S Yaira2o:�x z
December 12,'1t�68 ' 4�
and nomination, IvanLuther
and Douglas Martin became the
newest members of the village
of Grand Bend council.
Speaking to the Ontario Legis-
lature yesterday, Agriculture
Minister W.A. Stewart an-
nounced the establishment of a
veterinary services laboratory at
Centralia in . conjunction with
Centralia College of Agricultu-
ral Technology.
Stewart said,''Tttis.is amitural
location in view' of the -fact -it is
located in the centre of the-'mosf
prominent agricultural' area in
Some*.of the 60 workers left
jobless after the closing of
Found:Brothers Aviation Limit-
ed plant.. at Grand Bend' have
found jobs _at Hughes Boat
Works Limited at Centralia In-
dustrial Park.
50: Years Digo
December 16, 1943 -When
disposed to grumbling regarding
certain rationing restrictions let
ilYlibt et iiiiitre:of us.httt4u
heeir'eiblfged`to`-go 'to a hungt&
Stormy weather has finally ar-
rived and made flying. teacher-
ous. A plane from N. 9 S.F.T.S.
at Centralia made a• forced land-
ing on the farm of Sydney.Bak-
er, just east of Dashwood.
A sudden gale came up over
Lake Huron Friday afternoon
and rolled up heavy seas that
did 'considerable damage to the
pier at Grand Bend.
The Times Advocate still has
a full line of Christmas cards on
hand. One dozesn in a box is 35
cents and 16 in a box go for 45
cents. Special cards are priced
as high as 25 cents each.
Money from the Exeter Boy
Scouts bottle drive will go to
the "Chins Up" fund to assist
Boy Scouts in England.
We face the opening of the
Western Front in 'Europe with
quidt hearts and steady hands,
but we do wish with all our
hearts that there was a good
deal less talking about that terri-
ble .day. especiially by those ill
high places.
As proper diets are essential
m maintaining national strength,
Middleton's Bakery is now pro-
ducing Vitamin 131 bread.
400 Nears -Ago
December 16, 1893 - The 100
acre farm of the late James Wil-
lis estate in the township of Ste-
p/sea/was-sold by public auction
al the Central Hotel, Saturday
d was purchased by Mr. Koh-
Sanders for the sum of
$3,100. The price is considered
Cheap. �r
fRhet's more then
,yen advertising •
,lopen with Prim -
rite! Financial
. It's the resaon we are in
- providing you with low-
- farm insurance and investing
"tour savings in mutual funds. •
'you owe it W yourself to io estio.te.
Gail me et 234.6367
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;Primerica Financia Services
Representing Primaries tam
Insurance Go. of Canada
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riitrrark .AQF MacKenr,o
Dynamic Aruba/ and More
In Grand Bend
Lighp4OUSeStYle bu 1 I d in
:river proposed by Yacht
By Fred Groves
T -A staff
GRAND BEND - There could
be a significant change to the
look of Grand Bend in 1994.
Monday night at the final coun-
cit meeting of 1993, council tis-
tened with interest to a presenta-
tion from Don Pearson and Craig
Coleman of the Grand Bend
Yacht Club.
The two brought drawings and
diagrams of whatthey hope to be
their new clubhouse.
Situated on a River Road prop-
erty adjacent . to the existing
launch -Tamp, the clubhouse, when
compltd, would look like a
lighthttie and could :stand as
high as 50 feet.
"It's quite an impressive look-
ing design, it's going to be nice to
see an improvement down there,"
said councillor Bill Uniac of the
village's harbour.
The Yacht Club does not have a
clubhouse atillaaanicas a small
Wilding it did'l as tom down
a :cal pie of teiltk`itgo and since
then they have looked for a new
No doubt the new building, es-
pecially with a Iightlttsiiwer,
would beautify' the eritim ater
access to the tower for observa-
tion," said Pearson,
Grand Bend's harbour is unique
in that is serves several purposes.
There are commercial fishing op-
erations, sail boats and power-
1Jniac's main concern, and the
major one of discussion in re-
gards to the new. clubhouse was
the visual restriction it may cause
to other nearby properties.
"It's a giboddition
to that side
of the river"
One of those properties is a pro-
posed subdivision owned by the
Revlon Group which was repre-
sented by Rick Draker on Mon-
day night.
How's the view?: "Has any
member of the Yacht Club gone
to my client's (Devlon) and ima-
gined what two stories and a tow-
er would look like,? asked Drak-
The proposed clubhouse is de-
signed to be about 20 by 50 feet
and have an 8 by 8 foot tower
which' would look like a light-
house. The two storey structure
along with the tower would meas -
"11 is _proposed. their VO1114 • be ure nojhighei'lhen 50 feet. .,quire.
"Usually it would be a feature
rather than something "Obstructing
• view," said Pearson in response to
Draker's question.
While the new lighthouse -style
clubhouse is in the- preliminary
stages, there already has been a
lot of work done on it. The Yacht
Club has received approval ffom
the Ministry of Natural Resources
and the Ausable Bayfield Conser-
vation Authority as well as leuers
from two neighbouring property
owners which do not have any
'It's a great addition to that side
of the river," said village resident
Barry Richman.
Richman wanted to know how-
ever if the approval of the height
of the clubhouse would:SO a prec-
edent in Grand Bend fiitithers to
come and put up high buildings in
the area.
"I don't know if you'll have too
many structures like this pro-
posed," said Anne Marie Howard
of the Lambton County Planning
She exp4hat'the proposal
would meet with the village's of-
ficial plan policy.
"I'm sure there will be many
questions when this becomes a re-
ality," said councillor Phil Ma -
Times -Advocate, December 15,1993
Page 6
EXETER - Although Perry Origi-
nals is in the process of closing its
three stores and warehouse, the Ex-
eter store is expected to re -open in
the New Year.
"The store hasn't had any renova-
tions for nine years," said represen-
tative Allan Donnan. Once renova-
tions are completed the store is
expected to be back in business.
Perry Originals expanded into a
London shopping mall in 1989 and
the following year set up another
store in Guelph. Donnan said shop-
ping malls have been hit hard by
the recession.
"But the Exeter -store has been
holding its own," he said.
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Hensall was represented at London's tree lightning ceremony recently, es the Hensall-based
company lceculture displayed a two ton ice carving of Santa Claus. It took nine hours to make
the sculpture of Santa with reindeers and a sleigh.
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