HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-4, Page 45 Isturea 9'4 ' • 0 ' ValAted *049 Aeg Trm andaloho, with, tus Roy aro t. im oiAr. 4404, .. $1?,o4;34**4. d,4414; 4r,0t4i4ttlYqr ' • mak voothwo,t, 11,,;* bnae33. of carat W00% t349 INIAY 044; 'Neva aweAry tra,volek. ilaitlag'netith 4 tre's • J�• e. filgo41:11,Q0,Ity %%ere the fereat ,Pt•tati ginia; 40rO tiwamp all tandledp •4euktak f9rmi par oraae; arau.u9a.wirtstal:41wrik.: o.aitttha' • 'Thee a areath #ie aelftesk 4•10atiho ag an tair, f7aelt a'reet oattakoe , 40a irapriats tatire, Aud mineral saa aaiatbsa. ' Chlinren, too, faa (Mr life's fain windoW Always soinening new, Pet your litthirl pie tures Will nottotcb ptituiaWd*, jack prosttsi fingers winter daf, thp' rig be lasting , 44,$*coini Whether made by Willie, aohanai. 4.aa 4) And you t little picture, Bitetrite story tells evil Of the good or .., W410 you• 4Wall°, ...}..ti hiokInd word Or ,adiloti Isis picture bright; ,?-3vory niastored ; Ut esAia tought of Rage , -•EferY Worll of stri,' Plomislies,•tho,picture. • Stains the gla.Ss Of life, tOl,„ 11440, ,00, $0140.no,ker, TYikT b4g. boiitijittoq ont for thr011'epreotdotti sling104, Wadinzily Or.14)1.1441PPR' • Y ttsliP,' 40 YA. PA'i0331(3 4,001),a,,•'41, , Of the ()treat of (34,hyay, ivrpl 'cm, lop 4.14/i3!;, 443* h n g'' dinteted a 'scene .)f More , than, entywni taterest,, ho fore aliO had elptured • enkall 404 with eant'roban4 artiolos, together WO •a man mid by who had eliarge th.no, 414 tbe eaptaiii whose name \Ilia Dri)0114,, itaa oadered that the old slonggler 6130,lthi bp ii irdlIS- To thi's indignity 'ther'. nada stoat, reastaneo,4114, WA' heat Pi thU(Ot ft aa $0 fii,c, fie:gotten himself ita to atrike eartaill which laid him upon the (leek., " Suah fu tO atiollleer Wit S t ° nth' ^ Wee,. an't.ia puoisholeut• for Ins offence sniaggler had been ouadenmod• to .A single rape was 1.0+4 at the star, board fireYard arm, and 'all. hands WJE 0431ed to witness the exeoution.— Thi rope was noosed and slipped overthe culprithead, and • •the run - 'Wag end was rove throagta -spatch hook iu he deck. 'Until this ariainent not a word had escaped the lips of the ali, e trembled as he beheld the r preparationsan,d, as $4e fatal ifooae 'Wasmas.,:ed and arawn tiglit,„Ahe eol4r forsook his cheeks, and he spraug for- ward and dropped upon his kneesi, fore the incensed captain, Merey, sir—mercy I.' a Far whoinrateked the, oftlper,, ,t1s, conteinfittions 'sheer ,icSita '011" 11 .11111.71014,. ' .130st )11 journal iimocontly remarks . that ther& is an improbability, about the Chicago Pays story of a wounin rt'tfrok)sis,e4tarafilip byr: grasshoppers.' 'SO -me of"' fheae •Boston papers watild doubt the Ter,aeity otulliver himself The witloWer'agrieff has been pro - :pounced by cO.Mpeterat authority to be leVely,ivhdat iJ laats:ibut it is not con- etruCted to endirre tlnarirde hsstitilts of ,Ainae.1 Conneetlout man :.iho only litet pih threara •hirnieltaapon the ;cold -lurk, thattliaiPed clay and weptaantiViris eYelitshes• -fell aoritalias ,.sinc4ad three women follow - ng aroiindrforaelimony. Browsy Bunker of Carmel loafed' ltapan(iklkdartayina tr; get the highest 'bid:4dr vote". IL Wanted three dol- , Jars; butrailist as they, . were about to bJuiprohilAd ohtwo dollars and a half, the sun went -down and tLe inspect' r Cibblareil chasa.: • All be. re - period was, Careat'Clusar 1 is it pog- ,sible Vn3 13.0ti, time to vote for the vaeonstitutional amendment prohibiting (Afriliery-at -eleettions - •• Recently. the. localpaper at Glass Vt@Y=Saij The Kettieet-..gitr p1ora,ss Valle' y ''dbeiniit' Carry': herself straight *trough,• ,when promerading• For h aveek after, all: the Grass Valley girls taistalle about like so many bean poles; And every girl said, "That horrid . perl Ma,*d0i11* I walk "straight ?" 'The editor of of"the Louisville Cour- ier -J(14061 reponm.ends a rawhide for therishig liOye. A.pparently his early adircation washeglectedin Elia par tica- ler, and now he ia very sorry for it. Et la never 'fug late to mend, however, and soniedhe 6 *flag hirir and 1108 half try. " •Eielitieffariner in'Utis'eachitSetta, , - • awretired-Bostoialan didn't kuow. how 46 -take a wagoriatheel off to grease tho axle, ancl so he tiered holes throagli :48.•htib'Eirid :Poured in 'the- grease, There is nothing more depressing t� ft thermometer than cold weather. gen' Whi;"" travel barefooted around xtpnew1y0arpetekbed room often find 4,hevsthe wrong tacla aaiathatta ',hurried her , ..‘,...Snridatifiai,Calecittise ite 6411: get Put onab ti10 robe and craWfa'aeMal,dathe beak yardz . and play fiantaaplaue. Weiuspect that what most grieved tire yoang lady who-representeda Katie King•iir.Flailsalalphiaawasathe fact tiaat aha wm,popiitac,rly gllp'posid4O.b-a;thcire atitalamq Yeara Why are shedi ,the Laist. moral of foilihre' 'Because ihey, gardbol in 5.3heir youthaspend-4machl of their :time albt.iquita many . Of theni dblarikleis; and they all get deeoed at last. galIalte yon a•;ceati?' said a su„s- pierieara toaa su.s,pec"ted .customer. 't Oh, yes, sir, with the greatest of plai4o.a.',,IT.ThSi54,-,just stand in that volition, please, and look , right upon "..thattiotiO' While I. take your ineaShre.' eaistOriaer. ,reatts ,tlre neeioel , -,«-Itawas-a-cionple frorn Danbriry,:-Ct. Trh5.1a, diOti wed: a.'two' year When 'starting on.. their bridal tourain ordei to ei)Oive inqisitiVe cfoWd a&d theana.tnre of the trip. 411 economical tourist has written a :antpapile,t,7cri'Wheite.to ,:go; ;whim Yeti liatreir t raiielfanorteyv R.wilialae 'read with interest, for we don't know of anY giridlidoe-ftr.go to in"tbia wrotril•Fdrider pitelf'LeriitirriStaireee'," I 94 1.4.ie Peag 0410# taPlable 9f , an:1)4014a attPtild tboy hap.- ' peirto. , ptio,x4:49e-gp4a 11.4.0„,9pipt)lip.,„ iow1,,,e.141)09S$„:01i',;*ti,r4, ioarb For that old man whom yon are abuut to ,. clics, boy! • . , • Blithe is My father, sir.' No matter if he wereany own fath- er ; the manwho strikes an.officar Who Mu the 'peiforinance of his 'duty Must Bat he was inaulted-he- was man- acled, sir.' urged' theheY, Iusulted 1 Who insulted hiro,?' asked the captaiu. You did sir,' said the boy, while his face was flushed with indignation. Get up‘ :sir; and, be: carefuIthat you do not get .the same trentment,' said the captaii., in a savage tone. The old man heard this ,appPal of his son, and as the last words dropped from the lips of his captor, he raised his head, and. while a look of, the, 'Utmost defiance ,Passed over his features,' he exclaimed 'Askuofavors, Robert. • .Old. John Kintock can die as well now as at any time, Lot them do their worst ; I don't have to die but once, anyhow.' Then turning to Captain Drocutt, he changed his term for dndol plicatiou, and said : Do what,you please with meaabut en't ha,r6i any bey,.: for helms doke no I 'folla ready: for your sentence itildibetdOrier yen. Inisfr. it the` 'bet- ter.' Lay hold of the rope,: shouted the captain; 'lay hH er ynvlrt ,of you, and sand by`to`ritif tl4evillaln 'up.' In obedience to this order, the men ranged themselveealon, the deck, and each One laid hold.of the rope. Robert Kintock looked first at his fa- ther, then he ran 'his eyes- along' the line of men whoavere to Ale his execu- tioners. But nOtorie sympathizing or pitying looy could he , trace. Their faces were all hard and &Old; and all appeared anxious to consummate their to arderous work. >, 3.:Wara't '"ekelairn ed the b oy, as It teat staA64froi4his. trembling .lilis, is. there not one, even, who can pity?' Up with him l' shouted the captain. Robert buried his faoe ii Lie hands; and the next moment his father was swinging at the yardarm. He heard the passing rope and the creaking block! T4,c1 he knew that he was father - lees; 'r Half.4. , homaallerttaar datlifbaly4P eft by tlieilae of righastly corpse, and a simple prayer escaped,hs lips, .. Then another low murmuring Boland Came front hie .hosoria i„ but mone,of thoie who time: :stood.: fliqUlICt krow its import. ..y.was a pledge:,of ':deep revenge, ' • • Just as the old ma't's body ,slid from thegang board into the water, a vivid flashof lighti)ihg streamed' threngh the heavens, and in another instant the dread artillery of nature sent furth roar so loda atm' loo(thaFtlirfileirite, Wally placed their hands to their ears to shut out its :deafening power. Robert Kintoek started at the sound, end what had caused dread in other bosoms, sent a thrill of tiatisfaction to his own. Oh, revenge! revenge!' he mutter- ed to himself, as he cast his eyes over the foair-crested waves, which had al- ready risen beneath the power of a sud- den storm. The darkness had come as quickly as did the storm, and all that could be distinguished fram the deck of the brig, save the breaking sea, was a craggy shore, as flash after flash of lightning illuminated tine heavens, , „ f Light; bo ,1' shouted atmaraferravard" and the. next Moment Oyes' were tamed.t abright llghtwhchhad eta- -den iy flitheVup'; anitaie,' the" Os teat , The iudhad now reachedits hi.tht, and. With its giatar-powe it, set theailf, 'fated brig'directlY upon' the.surf-beiiiid 1icre of r 'eke- an& 'reefeand ive4 face but oneWas ".).o. vain ;did theytry: to•lay, ,the:Wg ,to 'the Wirid„-bn t net ra *a:would., held Ida' ai hiStant, tintit St.'5156figth, tite frieti 'Managed to upa fore dud atarta'.4tayAa114:ifid.thettihdlitig'..tor ao,horttuin&stodbrav1y .up ,'agaidat the lieitving Aut.. ,I3nk it, was „...eyidet#,. _he dibiett'rashores.lor'lhe jbsierf •the egtgagm.yayqs„was, g61ta*5.,,thao:*hatl tho' wind; , •119y4dp yott., 1;ht35w that.' 404 id r,tightt holdiokoli •‘' tO8, Sikv!, witi )14. OtriuWilitA1146. or , P01O:1014 :60000,6 thOliatat tf It.. , *dead 3lie..• side Of thiS'?'` 6,46a theodititoft, 5a glut* of hopO ahot 5 ttorogg. 40400 '5 5$5°Q4,5'355sii5 A4artoilitly thoe 55, , ,, 5,55 ' , .55 5 .5 5 '5• yoti'1016* gid,passag •0405445,451:1Ailivd' qig,fib;iay o 6 106;,611;tii4t6 e�as ittit ' tttrit otiV yoit ialto,th 540 ilia' doh* ,5,5 Yu, Olt tlitit*titod f1hetoztliti hoit litit Ate eaptditi 1'04 WOVilYtitioll#il• ,t1", yO4 40411to we lxy5 wt. G994,0, v1Q0,y04... that 7iory. Moment.' '1', Die brig WO ov1/4 W•riirt3* 4114 11.Q1eit Mittf,301i btliti0130i1 A klilAtiPtf nvox4 the starboikril forgard arna, froara whanee. his Prdera were pitS2: set 4!+/614 •.1)O :the haimeman. The 1)914114 veStiel soon dune within' sight ot the crap, and the heart of Or-, ery WW1 leaPPd with fearful thrillas Iwy)YPPO'iiWtipt, past a..frowni,ng t.eck which it'lnioat,graaed them they paS, sod. OA fleiv. the brig, and phe thicket itrid more l'earfal grow the rooks, Wbieb. raUied. their had.s on every side. , 'Tort ,shpnted the boy. Steady --so," Port •j is. ts.' 'Steady it is,' Starbeard - quick:' 'Ay, ay, starboard it 4' Steady—so,' • A. Steady it is, • ,Ati5 this atparnt„the vessel swept past an oVerharigingoliff; and just as a viv- id $1a4i of lightning shot through the „llealie!A 1914 revealed all the, horror aroundlloud 81100 was hard :from the yiii1ot,faful in a nreinent all eyes were turned Oward him. He atood upon the extreme end of the yard, and held himself by the lift.— In a rn011lent more he crouched down ii1oa.tiger Aiir • its prey, , and then 'withaorre reaPi'iviclierf the' preijeOting rock. 'Revenge 1 revenge!' Was all that the doomed men heard, and they, were ,ewept; into the baiilip g letirge beyond. ' Breakers—a reef I' screamed the man forward, Starbpard—quick.' '10 Bat lwasatoo latedEre • the: • helm Waihriff lip, low, ii;eniendens gritting of the brig's keel was distinctly felt,and thepekt• paw, a crash', which ,soithdiarhigh aboVe the lrO`tti�f flinle- meuts, and the heavy masts went sweeping away 6 leeward, followed in a few moments by large masses of the ill-fated vessel's wreck and cargo.— Shriek after,shriek went: up from the dootned'•• theb, AniV•theY• were ip the grasp of a power tnat kuows no mercy. The Storm King took them all for his own. The next morning, a small party of wreolreaaamine floWn from the rocks and moVed along the rhore. It was strew- ed with fragments of the , wreck, and here au& there were seattered: along the bruised and mutilated forms of the brig's crew. Among that party was Robert Kintocka and eagerly did he aearch among the ghastly corpses, as thoulk, thero„Nas ,ene-there,..he, would have found. At length he stopped, and stooped ov one, ripen the 'slibul- deis oVivhich Were two golden epaul- ettes. wo,a,the pap:paha ofthe brig— jfi father. The boy placed his foot upon the prostrate :body, .and while a sudden light beamed from his eyes,and a shud- der paiied over his coantenance, he, muttered: Father, yon are fearfully revenged!' The boy soke ptruly. afFPP?lf!AP,Pgia(Q.,11q0; Ife nIit 4 T.Oinity..pf,Caouptet, hashoeu the scene Of riot and distarbance sinee the.14tli '14rdVi Alb11a,thildIoo1Oh'ereWid ‘wai The' 411e. • iirinVieCtaillariN.'iLl'Soliool, 6'4.IiiCh jaction of the ehabitants are violently OPposed. Oa Cie day • of the meeting riKteitalkfitteed7Cofiaideiilible PiP.,5akY1 „PM Vlak,fortli threats agairrat the peatie AliaC44hithitipits,, who supported the -Aw.: 4 rigt048 'tumult 1111,3." 4eeiiiP lit) ever,:gime*); a•,0,1t,': Monday Hon.' Itobert Yonurresidenee at Catracinet; 464Zigifilmililtab*I3r1g hi aatig of gofers with es,7144 i t •a °len ntions • t),4fr 4044 09;44qage.eYqtaaifr.gt,t0d,', if4•1400444'1#eri'die;:fLOtsia`rotreat,' ti• 'theeatet,44010, The, gra441 wr out ' seVeral. 441100'0 Vit,10,Ortteds of' wird etolen.. eftt,e:rtiotttit toogea :that the rid., $Piie:Vieeeeaiiigd 404 resultedttagiottily, 4 Pit 6,113 A t444 $or 5.0413'5 ot,5, 'Shstites pot y;, Aver& *6 inalto, breasts, and ve. as shot &fad hyY.s, l'reaohtlatta.,, 4,1totiohatahy Sarre • Ulla b' 84{(to bd .;"0010 611,i'144'Gri' doi th rits)lo°, iot4 IL, to at ottg 410 1)565tai •iyhtdp t ttU t Atofootooy houts,, aroo (000ldi guireb40 t.110'; 6,011t 41f!hirkitilag4,4,4111:004"i a , A SPLENL1D oppoituuity for 'purchasing that really* 'valuable property, Lot 2, Con. 3, Biddulph, is now offered, said lot con- taining 100 acres more or less, having good frame barn and dwelling house, two wells and 2 orchards, also all fall plowing done. For T oras apply to the proprietor on the premises Vf,„ClAVA., AGE. 65-tf Entered, according to: Act or Congress, in the year IS7z, by, DYNES, Smocit & Co, Indianapolis, Ind., in the Office of the 'Librarian of Congressk Washington. C& S. GIDLEY, EXETER, JA- .BINET-M4TPR& UNDEILTAKERS. take this opportunity to inform tbe inhabitants of this and surroundingsections that their New Hoarse Tair • 12 11Q* 601:111)115t4a, did they do not haitatoin say iug that it.isohe of the best in this western part Our TINDYRTAKiald„Department, as heretofore, iiiin be lotind in it very efficient condition. Coffins-7plain and ornamental,— also, shrouds, etc Funerals furnished oil the shortest untie e and ITICIEt reasonable Mims. • N. 13.—A good assm nt of IIIN1T1)BE al via:ys in stock: • August 28, '74 52-ly Canadian AILS •-kOR• SALE. SUB - scriber hatkon, hand and for sale omE. 4 lot 8, g,isoo black, ash rage.Apply on the premises to ,RfOlir,iati.)130X,1,` 72 -St CEDAR POSTS Bails ec cordwood TjERSONS reaairing Bails, Cedar Posts, or Cordw3od, canbe supplied by -applying to . THOS. GREENWAY, Bank of Commerc e LUCAN. CAPITAL., 10,000.000 RESERVE •2,000.000, 119 1,241tintrg, •1.QULTT,113,814 IX(P1'41.4 A Branch of the abore_Bank has been opened in Lucan, for the transaction of Cien eral.B a n kin g busi- ness. Centralia; W, H. GREENWAY, on the premises, Lots 7' and 9, Noqh Boundary, Stephen. 09-1f • DIJR1101,,REL FOR SERVICE. THE inilicriber would, intimate to the ferns mg cemmunity that hp has now on his premises, „an,„exceneat yoring psrkom Bull, which will stand for service on the preinissi: 1 have just purchased him from Mr. J. Load - man , of }fay, for the sum of 6140. He has tak- en several first prizes, and has an esoelleat pedigree. Coatos & Hatton as,' ha is the best bull in the county. Terms 136.00 \ H. BARTON, FRESH OYSTERS! Haddies & Bloaters. CHEAP, AT G. $ANDIER,s Store, Post flOice Ilutt dffig4 A. Stook of Groceries and Confectioner" on hand. CROICE TOBACCOES and C/CIAREI Isg' Sportsmen iiiipplied with Armitnitioni s911901130011a and Stationery. Jour naig Alit THE OVELS. O. SAlalotita. Exeter, NUvetriber-104474,, • 5 801111.01.5: ,I3 141VAP 4akea haaa, a1agdijt soheel Stotietiety, Diatied tot *1110114ri Otte S.tL,fhistlerateatrieeita tifikTradaalirdireerlieritt•ate#iteh, t� Ito/ NvOshat eatst.64. at- tLlftf'Mg 55, SAVINGS BANK DPX1U?\[N11., Sums as low as one dollar received on deposit. I4erest--,1 and 6per cent. allowed. No notice f withdrawal required. American currency bought and sold, D. STOW h:E:DDIE, Agent, •••••••••=••••• IT•inial.111••••14.102.••••••••=gir. GEORGE GA_TEIC.A.P.T Fashionable BOOT. .SHOE MAKER, Sign of the "Big Boot, Lucan, Ontario, IATOTJLD acquaint the inhabitants of this end the sarrounding country, and those visiting V Y Lucan market, that he has on hand a large stock of Boots s4o'es.or his own man- ufacture, also imported work, which he CAN SELL AT PRICES „TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he is prepared to do order work second to nom, a be cinplo:is none but First-class workmen, and nses nothing but Fit st-class Stock. G. CATHC.ART. Liman, October 22, 1874, (61-y1) • WATT'S Trif SHOP LtTCAN T 0. WATTS, of the 'mean Stove and Tin Shop, dealer in Tinware, Sheet -iron aud Copper- s). . ware, SteAes, Coal Oil, Lamps and Lamp Chinmies. Ile due8 .A- V E T 0 ITEGIER'..1: N G on the shostest notice, and at reasonable prices. Tie flatters himself that he can Bell at as . reasonable prices as any House in the T,Tide. Satisfaction guaranteed. The HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS Remember the Stand—First door east of Fail-elPs Drug Store,. 1".lain-st., !Arlan. J, WATTS Liman October 22, 1874 , (61ares.) FRES Dia:et-A Fro= lialti-zzore, 35 0. 3 cans - per can. for $1.00 A 0, Five PoundS Best Tea in.lixete-r, $4.50 GitodnitIms Ten...Pounds 'r for $8.50 proportion, at the EXETER GROCERY & LIQUOR STORE ETEl 8. •f ,; EXETER has just opened out the largest most complete best absorted and cheapeflotiggeoWeVer braught. alto, this part of "!. e country. DATING. IOW Imported a1 of his Dry -Goods from the iuropean Markets iidis able to dO'a little fetter ,thitt, any Other house in this part of' the country', ' Y ' al does nq heS tate to say that h4Sthel4n. stiti. Tocitor GOODS'IN the COUNTY ,an-,ct as ' `e,ap as, catvhe, ibtaid.' apYI'vhere ' ' /tows inark.ot p� iyaia fb,1l kinds 61 produce. • Otabel: ig Oldost tstahlished Eottst)tt the comity COTT has no,red hi i 7 §6tiiiiit 4 P. 1# Sta5b55::1:1si:055,,:5i. ti :*: ,5li5.5455.0 tv.r.-oc+. . .xttti.:t60. asaa Two -horse power WOod Sawing Machine This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with •,BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept for the belt, A TRIAL OFFERED. All Icinds'of Farmingimplements kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP , ,in lull operation. MAIGEX NES of all KiZefi to order. EP04.1 s Promptly attended to. Addres THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ont. 45-1y. Mitchell, June 18, 1874. The Dominion Organ d BOWAIANVILLE, ONT. ORGANS, ORGAN S, ORGANS, Call and see our $05 I N • BOB Splendid Success Taking Everywhere Immense Number Sold. N. B.—Old Instruments taken in exchange for new. instruments constantly on hand at J. Drew's Furniture Ware-roomt • Music Stools from 61 to 65 each. Send for Circular to EXETER P. 0. CI Pedlar, eneial Agent. INTERESTING-. TED1CAL men say that nothing is so 1431- .1.V1 portant to gooci health as a room coin- fortahly warmed. • Th.. season of year is now at hand when you will require the very best STOVES BISSET BROS. k.1 ,c4 bog to Qey that they have just received one of the largest stocks in the eounty, consisting or Stoves of' the very latest design and the best manufs duress, which WiLL BE SOLD REASONABLY CHEAP Their aim is and always has been to satitify ettii- tomers. Ilardware, Tirwart, Copper -ware, etc. always pi hand. Alto the .WarnLoo.lz A= mut 1„000 livsoiLm.voR, $18. OM gags, dopp,er, iron, etc, bought. BISS ZTT BROS. EW .2•13MpFACTOlti.. '5 , P 14,oziToil tia fofoo4.f11o.ohobffofif4 of 1143,f stoottoo'; mitoto63, that he tamolastares alt kiods. et putn4 laeltpliag tho, mossfivatit. PAIgitt tottot .P0110 ler Which his has the' okeltigiVe rightler the, above,nittned townships. The OinbSeritet fools eotifident that, he mut arttisfy. those hi want a pairapsi 415 10 Werliinitliship and qiiillityr itacl'•A • sadh widos that ha. 55 OAN1405".11 111' 1TX1)111itg0111) fl4T 5 , 1)(5,:)N1INION, litAndkA01Ot,•-,0116-1kittrtli iit ritittlaof the of fa Lot 1", 14,y9,.tioaaee • • • tt..,Atetiaititikattoodoa *lift istoihot, )104y d( And, dtind olsasbuslifept,i16, '•• • '•, GEof OfitrObl*: #4'd OM 04 AO**lpaez4t a owefl04°T1rliOat ay rocoomool4tiofor,o011e04.0noOtt. „ The =Arco ,"'1773xce-1, 04.0ig lovr U3liflo by 3. It bloom, Warns preoe4e0om of anytIlipg ot the klad, ia the Dominion, ITAGON soPerier workmalialiip and material, rtent POMinion Land "tonere, Plows,Caltivatorst Seed. Drills,BroPaa,cast Sowero smooth Sugar.kottics and Cauldrous, and wary other kind of AOriOOft4i41 imP1eme4" " hand or made to order. !TAXES R. X0ORE, rnoP, t. .July 1, 1874, EXETER BAKE .44. SKINNER, FANCY BREAD AND,13ISCUIT BAKER, ExETEB. A.S. takes pleasure in informing the inhabitants Of Exeter and sarroanaing villages that he has rented the Exeter Bakery, lately occupied 1)y mi.. R, ganderi, and be hopes by SUPPLYING A. FIRST-OLASB, AliTICLE and strict attention to business to merit the public patronage. Wedding Cakes Made to Order. Manufacturer of Graham, Half; Rye and the PATENT CREAM BRIAR, All orders for Schools and Parties, promptly attended to on the most reasonable terms, Fresh Broad constantly on hand at Exeter and North Exeter Postpffices,and J. Short's Crediton, and W. Baker's,Sentralia. Fanailievvaited on daily. Exeter, December 10, 1874. 67-tf. A. SICI.NIMIL .._ChoapGoo&WillTell SAMWELL & PICKARD owing to the great RUSHIFOR CHEAPIGL GOS have had to ENLARGE THEIR STORE 1 so as to ACCO MODATE their customers. Just Received: ONE CASTEITNIOIZE of those Cheap BLACK. LUSTRE8 One Case Sed.rlet Felt Skirts One Case of Grey Satinettes ! Full Lines of Goods Suitable for the Season's Trade. A JOB LOT OF..J:LADIES' FUR SETTS To be Sold. Cheap. Exetur, November 19 4 033%32, 'V 4 71'.ANKRUPT STOCK Jusi. secured a large Bankrupt Stock AT A Tremendou.s Iledue tient. which will be cleared out at prices TO ASTONISH EVERY- ONE. FIFTY 0VEBOOAT8 AT A GREAT BARGAIN. FORTY CHESTS ! of the BEST TEA in the country At WHQLESA.LE.PRICES SAMPLES FREE call and get one, and try it. Centralia, December 24, 1874. T. GREENWAY ex. Beattie D D flVLPOETEflS TAILORS • Dealers in . Hous� Furnishings ENOLIP . ILOLOT11.44.0.0. NOW 8010011 irut tiispioos bi1y6 6nitt tiUarY NOV, it i814,