HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-08, Page 32Page 32 Times -Advocate. December 8,1893 .Exeter in on o i is Boundary the works SeratibfLsimillibre in bor Non �ewaty By Fred Groves T -A staff GODERICH - Wishing to con- trol its own destiny, Huron County has decided to set up a Boundary Study Committee. At Thursday's county council meeting, it was decided to set up the committee and look into boun- dary negotiations that are ongoing between several municipalities in the county. "I think we realize annexation and boundary issues are important to Huron County," said Exeter deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller. Although nothing has been put in writing, the Town of Exeter is looking into expanding us borders. Exeter is surrounded by the neigh- bouring townships of Usbome, Stephen, and Hay. "There's been no application but there's been discussion," said Exet- er Administrator Rick Hundey. 'Fuller disagreed that a Boundary :ftitudy Committee be established .land instead, suggested the local ;tmunicipalities try and settle the is- -:sues themselves. -"We in Exeter think the local municipalities should participate as equal partners." She also suggested that a closer look be taken at the whole siwa- ,aion before county council made their final decision to fotm.attte committee. Bob Hallam of East Wawanosh Township agreed with Fuller>.and told council the only time :the county should step-in is when they ..care asked to. "It's one step towards regional gq ovemment," said Hallam. However, other county council- lors felt they had to act quickly or the provincial government would step in and begin to make the boun- dary negotiation decisions. "I think we're opening a can of worms getting 'the "ministry in- volved," said Goderich reeve John Doherty. Warden Torn Tomes, the reeve of Stephen Township is very familiar with boundary negotiations as his municipality went through a very long and drawn out process with the Village of Grand Bend. Against provincial interfer- ence: He stressed the importance of Huron County establishing their own committee before the province steps in and draws Me lines. Stephen gave up a minimal amount of land, but they did have objections which. -were ironed out by the Lambton County Boundary Negotiations Committee. Tomes said on Thursday that a similar committee set up in Huron would be of some benefit. He also added that he favours amalgamation of municipalities over annexation. What prompted Huron County to establish the new committee was a letter from The Ministry of Munici- pal Affairs, Municipal Boundaries Branch. That branch has indicated it has received a number of requests for annexations from area municipali- ties and.that those requests were de- ferred pending the results of the Huron County Study. The final report of the Huron County Study, prepared by the -Hu- ron county Planning and Develop. Mandatory water saving:devices? Water use next on Exter cutback litst EXETER - With multi-million dollar bills looming for upgrades to the town's water and sewage servicing systems, town council is taking a hard look at conservation. One measure already discussed .by the_public works.comnuttee may get a serious second look from council in future months. The installation of water -saving devices on showers and toilets may not only become manda- atory in newly -built homes, but might also be retrofitted to existing homes in a town -wide program. The public works committee has already •recommended council go ahead with drafting a bylaw making water saving devices mandatory on new construction. "It could be mandatory. It could be a voluntary system," suggested mayor Bruce Shaw when asked about retrofitted devices. He said it appears some such devices should be installed by experts, white others can be do-it-yourself installations. Town administrator Rick Hundey noted that building code and plumb- ing code changes may make such devices mandatory anyway in future year, but there is no harm in the' municipality considering a bylaw of its own. ulniLts. LEE'S ( UNTCUN STOK '.ONLY) is closing our door:; forever' urorfing now EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS LEE 5 0/0OFF SHOPPING CENTRE` VICTORii S' `..LINTO 482-973 .R OPEN: fviutltau ;.ulurduv c� ult ��lll►'171 � i'tloy i;i t.i pit. ment Department and the only mention of boundary negotiations in that document invplved negotia- tions between other counties. There has already been some ac- tion on at least one boundary front in Huron County as Goderich Township deputy reeve Dave Gow- er said that municipality has been served notice from another munici- pality. "We have to look at the whole county, not just a couple of places," said Fuller. "The county is going to change. It's hard to look into the fu- ture and see these changes." Bill Vanstone, reeve of Colborne Township said he knows of two municipalities in -the county which are currently looking into annexa- tion and said that the new commit- tee would be an advisory and fair - 'play committee. k • s 40 An All -W and Lord, likely one of the last to be presented in the Huron District, was awarded to Samantha Funston (centre) last Wednesday evening at a special ceremony of the First Hensall Guides. Funston was presented the award by district deputy commissioner Mary Lou Kingham (left). At right is Guide leader Kim Bilcke. The All -Round Cord, one of the top awards in Guid- ing, is being replaced with a new award and set of requirements. B utiPUC wants to raise water rates 10 percent 1'. rates to stabilize for '94 EXETER - After several years of fairly harsh electricity rate in- creases, Exeter customers of the PUC won't be seeing a hike next year. The PUC - issued a release last increase to customers. "We hope to get away with no increase," said PUC chairman Murray Greene. Because of what are described as "considerable reconstruction" week stating that they were ikand improvements to the electri- "pleased to advise the cuslainitfJ,.cal distribution system, thecorn- ers...that Ontario Hydro will not :emission promises that it will be in be increasing .the wholesale cost position to reduce the funds re - of electricity to the Town of Ent- quired to finance the system in fu- er in 1994." : :tune years. After reviewing its -•itudget,-the The bad news, however, for commission concluded that it will utility customers, is that water be able to pass on the zero- rates will likely be increasing for atown residents. A three million adollar pipeline project appears to be in the works for the town, and a larger reserve fund is being sought to fund it. The actual increase is 10 per- cent, planned to take effect with all bills issued after January 31, 1994. In an effort to downplay the rate ,increase, the PUC points out that the actual cost to customers pres- santly paying 512.10 a month for water works out to only four cents a day, or S13.31 a month. How the new water rate will af- fect the sewage surcharge is un- clear. Since the sewer rate is fixed at a percentage of the water rate, any increase will affect it too, unless adjusted by town council. "It all depends on if they need the money," said Greene. The PUC's recommendations for its 1994 rates will have to be approved by town council. t s4T%N/e Send Your Christrnas Greetings All you have to do is complete the handy coupon below awl make sum it -reaches us. aSstar.a.r.war,r�at1tat,rr,rsa�l4.11 a. a .. r a a a r Mail to: • ■ Times Advgcate Box 850,1 ■ Exeter, Ont. , ■ NOM 1S6' (Name • • �A +Address s• Let over 18,000 readers see your Christmas Greeting My Christmas Greeting is... _ : LIMILI . LIL) Card No. U Visa ❑ Master Card Cheque Enclosed [D up to 205.words .$7.pQ Additional words 100 each LJDe.-i5 etitian [ Dec. 22 edition Both editions $9 • a.0.0...J"..i.o.iels,oar.pts■ail.s/r/rsa,a+040.•.....10•4I. a Joao, a w a a a a a aa .a..a a s os f l NOTE: ALL GREETINGS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE MONDAY PRIOR TO PUBLISHING a ;r a a a a • a • a a a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a 4 A • 115.0040%... 4 MIK WOL94011..er 1 4 _ - ,--- ♦ 4 _ 1 9 -. - . _,' _ : LIMILI . LIL) Card No. U Visa ❑ Master Card Cheque Enclosed [D up to 205.words .$7.pQ Additional words 100 each LJDe.-i5 etitian [ Dec. 22 edition Both editions $9 • a.0.0...J"..i.o.iels,oar.pts■ail.s/r/rsa,a+040.•.....10•4I. a Joao, a w a a a a a aa .a..a a s os f l NOTE: ALL GREETINGS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE MONDAY PRIOR TO PUBLISHING a ;r a a a a • a • a a a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a 4 A • 115.0040%... 4 MIK WOL94011..er 1 4