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Exeter Times, 1875-2-4, Page 3
• Gt Clothing, E1i rot S. C. ZEALAND' 1IONSTE arr -will be continued ThO WEEKS LONGER AT ". W. Broderick's old Stand Everybody on the path and HUSKING TO TSE MO}1!Efl SALE TO SECUIE TIE ARGAINS r - THAT ARE GIVEN EVERY DAY. Don't fail to call early and secure some of the rre FEADY-MADE CLCUBING, MENS' FUR -CAPS, MENS' FELT HATS, Tweeds, Dress goods, Shawls Mantle Cloths, Wool Hoods, CLOUDS, H06IERY, &c. Ifrussels,. Tapestry and Wool €aipet.....: . A Nice Stock of Groceries, Classware, &c Isral ia., Thc The whole Stock to be e s 1 d off tf o imrnediatelyial the premises have been sold, and 'possession mush be given at the earliest possible date.: Country Dealers and Peeper will And it to their e advanta g to gibe me an early call. her he .ince >r r; `". Bro e i d r oWs CJI0 Stand SIGN•OF THE RED FLAG , -TUo xJltli, ' sit PolisOt4.. oc 301fi1ct)X18Atita e,R±:R ero sac&11aa io, rzr la 4t `u lr.. do v . P.M of 1i1 inlay , .,,[ *sot*. >s . iS,oRa1A r A AitR9ta Nrr, 1te 7a'a'Jtttt ra ; ra A 1no4,T fior 4Quseq .golds v2Vq, .1444 AI.9, tortitl4 4.4 }tYRliA},4 A,aavSS1x17dX4xe, pros k ,s re G yHX+ : hep i p eta, oa4 41 ti 1 hon r ,l lar Haase , et ;. 'hap tlsv post P ors,la rs iti ar trite Which tea ttegt!o atria Fox, , o at) 11K Aureate ureate it* Okt Iy .Q Rt # 41 + 1s p om .p144ia* olimt4til 4e #i.pArit ,'muat ariaitt♦r.Ytt31 tNa7r, dR 1ife xt4tRa, A x ta ad• 0110. iter• t1Y, 4 400. flat :raw vg, Osetoso 1l8 - +us„Eii I.stot e1hlRR.y"'atJaosadlUgs'ts er 6or few eases »i t4:xrs 1, t hind irritating. tMonte leicatoor- 8040. tta2til1 )a.w nthou7 ro4ln gnat an.ono41c fowls, . .al9dPss a liio.t 3a nY stow to axial ewetaa 1640.9 lege Ali the umr• bird seerot4orls to v heaity, at =:QLD 3 t fi X 'DIV' GGXSTs. Price, 11 per package Ferry Cis aoai .tole Props. 4.4 unary; 21, 1875; , o The fir;cl Jt'uvteua4. It 18 nOWW 111oposed to estahltph ag 11' etrlturltil 'eocletiepwith the .liOU ly formed East, Ituf1, ,Arest Slid.; log* of thif eoil;lty, • cad death occurred in Mitchell ori Taiesday aftttruoou,- 2fith lllat,,; Mr, WM. 'Anon, 0 n u B s f ru eels;,. wadi All lug' w With d 1 111 s • ', 1 Wife,- to v4444 0)44 fl',tQcd 1u St. Mary's, W1104 pta.asirlg .through ,dais town lee called at Mr, ,Francis An- 'dersola,'s wi',IV/1911110," h 1'was .' 1tQ uttiniteii; A ;me'1 'Was atu d . Q,CI e : prepared; r h ,t, scir,cely had, I4ogatA commenced to oilt" When a piece of !neat was lodged in hca throat. Defo1'e niedieaal aid coaled 'b4' procured h was: ,ch k] Petto death, Advoettte. T1aere•is considerable ,dlstitutiatr — Hatniltoli.at present. r'I:AZN WORDS 1TBOM THE 91tfiAN ok' "Fgg The Simcoe Couservatives banquet: CAT OLI H o L7eGU#s. to d leading in'ernllar-s of'tie Uppvetzon — iu.the Local and + Federal Houses, at (From the frisk QaNadean Jan 27th) Barrie on Thursdauy night last, in !loin As it has ever been our 'pleasure to 1 or of elle return et three Conservatives commend the Reform Party when its i fur the county. Conduct has been such as to entitle it to The Southern Pacific Railway bills our poor praise; as we have always have suffered tLe same fatoin the been ready with our humble help when United States Congress as Brown's pet. assistance was needed to assure the Treaty. triumph and success of that Party ; so Archbistihop ?!fanning has replied id also has io been our duty, .on more 200 pages to Mr. Gladstone's pamphlet Haan orae occasion, to. remonstrate with on Reformers as to the irpolicy of theirurbilitcan deereesof Papal Infali- y. the Va cose when their acts appeared to us • ill-judged and ungrately closely linked Three attempts .were made lest week as we have begu and still are with the to bur. the Navy .Department: at political party of our choice, yet we are Washington, but all were frustrated Trot so indissolutely.wedded to it as to with small lass.. A gloss over its imperfections, or cover up There is frightful, suffering In tnsas' crimes laid at it,1 door, whose terpitude and `matters grows worse ever dray,. is a disgrace to any party, political or Ten miles west of Bur Oak a •Ianiily, otherwise. calling itself respectable, consisting of eight persons., and'a' deli Hence we are free to say that the sate woman and child, have- startled:' Reform Party'have come out of the flat- The father of the six children wait aid( tee, if not beaten, pretty well shorn of with fever, and a terrible snow' storm their strength. We learned them in kepjtlais wife from appealing -to similarly advance that they had no "Pacific circumstanced neighbors for aid. When Scandal" with which to go. to the found, bnsballd, wife d six ldron electors ; and that the measure of sup- were past aid, having laniterally starvedeh port they would receive would be in to death. Not one man in a hundred proportion to their recognition of our has grain enough to last all winter. just claims to representation. Elated A telegram to the Liberal says the by their success of last January, they protest against Messrs. Irving and heeded not our advice; and we hope Wood, the members for Hamilton are' the lesson will not be lost on them, not to be pushed until the close of the but learn from it to be wiser and better session. The trirl, howeveris fixed for men. We pointed out to 'them that the 9th Inst. our country men demanded fair play at • _ • their hands, and thev would be content Iluron County Ceunctl. with nothing else. How they responded to our appeal can be seen in the The County' Council of the Cdunty d slaughter of all our candidates. Thank Huron met on Tuesday the 25th ulti-, God, our people have learnt to appre- Ino. elate their rights, and are abound to in- sist on them ; and woe ,to the :Party Moved by.9ir. Armstong, "seconded by Mr. Girvili, that Win. Ionng,Reevgl who denies full justice. Of eighty-seven Reform conventions only two Catholics, exclusive of Mr. Fraser— : member for the Govern- ment—secured nominations ; and these iu constituencies proverbially Tory— South Lanark, and Frontenac. If in the new House there will be found two Catholics supporting the Government, we need not thank the " Clear Grits" forit. .In Ottawa every Reform influ- ence was set to work to defeat 11(r. O'Donohne ; and Mr. Bond'field s el.ee- tion by axlamation for South Ren- frew is as much due to the Conserva- tives asvto the Grits. The latter, with their characteristic blindness, nominat- ed a Mr. Stewart—nothing but Scott for them—and only withdrew !aim when it was manifest that to persist in run- ning would lose the election, both in the Local and Federal Parliaments. it cannot he said; in extenuation, that our candidates were in any way, whether iu intelligence or political fealty, andd' inferiors of their Grit rivals. We blush to compare the conduct of Reformers with that of Conservatives; nor do we care to scan the motives of thelatter Party. Sufiice that they nom - Mated and loyally Qleoted several of our countrymen and co -religionists ; and we have heard not an instance where they abandoned thair Catholic nominees. We regret to be compelled to contrast their genercus conduct with the narrow bigotry of those calling themselves Reformers. They elected four candidates—Harbin, O'Snlhvan, Coutts and Long—and the „Refc.rniers one—himself a Minister. The Conser- vatives supported two brothers— O'Conner and McRae—who were de- feated through no neglect of theirs. The Liberals ran Doran, Dawso,a, and i\Zontreuil to defeat. They treacher- ously turned on O'Hauly, Kennedy and Hawkins. All our readers • Aire' acs painted with Mr. O'Handly s record as a constituent and able Refornior ; yet, notwithstanding his many credentials to the confidence of the party, he was not only hurtled off the track, but shamefully treated by the chief organ in this city of the Reform Party—for which patriotic act they lost Russel and nearly all the constituencies of Eastern Ontario,, We trust that this may turn out a salutary warning to the bigots of 'the Clear Grit school-• the incubus of the Liberal:party-whereas, hadthey acted wisely and discreetly, imbued with a love of justice, we doubt. not that they would not have less than fourteen sup- porters from Eastern Ontario. Hence• forth we shall closely watch the Grits ; and if they persist in their blind ex- clusiveness, then our motto shall be rt war to the knife." "Down with the narrowr, contracted bigots." We fear it will come to this, and that we shall be'epinpolloa to sever our connection with them,' and build up. a new party in which there may be ether tests of eligi, bility. The Woinen's Christian Association of London are about starting . a soup kitchen in the batieme nt of the tnarhel house. Tickets worth a quart eachwill be sold at 50 cents a dozen, to , th 3 charitable who may dispose of them to the poor at discretion. 1 Brussels talky df starting a band. Mr. A, Andrews, founder of the Re- porter, Xincardine, is now P'incipal of the Niagara High School. The pres- ent proprietor of the paper has enlar- ged it and given it a new dress, John Bceker broke his leg while co ming down the steps at Moore's photo. graph gallery, Brussels, a fewdays since. One e day last week, t D. Moran" of at f eafr. S o ell bad , a narrow escape Froin' death, While swamping in Grey. Ile' was struck on the head by the limo, of a falling tree, and buried beneath tilt snow. His escape from fatal injuries was wonderful --!,Oast, .Mr. A, B Jackson, of Wiiig1anl, having entered into partnership with Mr. Names, in the Foundry business i1, Gorrlie, is about rom ;vine froththa; village, The, Grand Cross of the order of thr, Bath has been offered to 1tlr, Carlyle' and a barontey to the port laureate Tennison, ,"`both of whish have been re. cased. Aro the :l nglsill people beeom- ing Pemocratic. of Colborne, be Warden for the ether; t: i year. -Carried. Moved in amendment by Mr. Green- way, seconded by Mr. ,Wilson, that Mr.') g Cresswell, liteevo of Tuckersmith, be''Potato 60 to 080 Warden for the present year.—Lost WEDNESDAY, Jan, 27. 1 Ve lea:to the' belief°tllat he was not guilty of the er'in a or -Which he had ta)Sat„c,oluvieted,,;,hut that” the pl ain tial' ex the"actio!! was.. ,, dls'a„patgt,claartretel•, +ucl thafthe ' ar ju i ooiuluittell at t•>: ripe; lave but adultery. . t was .flurthur ex. let' ned .th F % . at.klucskuTage in) • :;ilt2©r- il r l fom t, 1 1 l bealtli, tend that it' 1104 :peodi1y uberated''he will not live: lone, ru view of ti e v" .. . ,,,r ,.. 1, clirustanoes a.l ust 1 - rtion toils pa'seeii i iiiiinimousl •.to' the i' - feo,t thmt he; petitio ho y f t 1, d 5141 .Ut3j b1g11Pe1• by en's tindivia'la;aljmerrlber of the Couu- l,' ivhiolt was done - Moved by Mr. Willis, seconded by Mr. Hunter, uGel^, :dud carried that Messrs. Halls Usbornei Strong,' Goderioh, and Turn. bull,' Clinton, be re -a ''pointed tie Mena.; hers of the Board of ,Examiuere for the 8xufafination•of public school! teachers Moved b. Kr. • 1 . y Xie ly, seconded by Mr..B. Wilson, that the resolution pas- sed by :the council at; •the'' December meeting, abolishing Graham's bridge, aud• aasureing.instead thereof Fisher's brill teat Wing hem, t Wlnl,ham, be xeseindecl, and that the County ?ngilaeer,rbe instruct- ed to have .Graham's bridge. rebuilt forthwith "Reterred to the Road and Bridge eoznmrnittee. The 'Council, on'motion, adjourned until 10 o eloek Thursday, The oaiolueiing portion of the report Will a Oven e w 11 h Oren next week. .rsla ifit1(CFTI ' EXETER. ea;White Wheat ,, $ 80 to • •85 85 O rtittg Wheat ... • ,.. 8.805 too 377 Potatoes" . ••• ••• 40 to 50 Peas 85 to • 70 • ESgs 16 to i8 ' 18 to fE1041 per :.. 500 to. 5 0000 j• 11ran 12 to 12 Shorts 19 to 16 • oaf 4 00 50 to 5 50 ides.:. 008 to 0 061 Sheepskins:.. 70 to 126 Hay 13 00 to 14 00 7 to 2 Dried Apples 1 b 00 Onions 75 to 100 Lard.......,. 14 to 15 Goose 5otsper pound ; Turkeys 7cts per pound. Chickens 10ots to 124ots each ; Ducks foots to 25 GRANTON. .Fa11'Wheat .,, ,,. ,., 3 Spring Wheat... ... ,.. Barley .. .., ,.. .., :Butter ,.. .., Wool '::, ::: ... sT, MA3tY•S. ,Deihl wheat, per buses! ' ... 85 to 88 Spring.wheut ... ... ... 0 too 886 Y Pq a s ... ... 70 to 72 Cam ., .. ... 35 to 38 Egg?,•per dozen ... 16 to 18 22 W6tA Butter 6 t20 o 88 Hay., 1200'to 1300 Pork 776 to 780 `t G less ,:.1.' if to ii "LUCAN. Win o wheat... Pato 90 $tgiiw oil es to so 80 to $ 88 80 to 85 95 to 87 70 to 79 00 to 1 02 25 to 25 97 to 98 spring 8t to 88 oats 098 to 041 Peite 0.68 to 0 70 BnrTay......................:....:95 to l 02 Butter.......,... 23 to 25 F., s, per dozen 18 to 20 e OB rt., Bard 12 to 13 Tallow: ..............•,,.,,.,-,..,,::..:.....,6to" 61 gay ............ 12 00 to 14 00 .'timothy ¢cert , 3 25 to 3 50 .Clover seed 0 255 to- 6 40 . «'s1ol. . _ .... :... ........... ............ ....,, 37 to 90 sheepskins 1 00 to 125 Beef 55040625 - Rides 64to 7}. Pork..• ................................:..•7 50 to 8 50 LONDON. White Wheat, per cental...••.„^•••• 135 to160 s',•endwell.,•. 15ere 1 s9 Rod Wiater Wheat,..•••,.,••'...•••..,••'.. 1.4040150 Spring Wheat ..•.•...•••....•....•••...•••.... 1 0 top ti0 liar]ey............................................. 20040 220 Poas...•••...••'...• 110to 140 ............... ... ... ... ... . •oats.:: •.........• ................ ............ 11540171 The Council met, pursuant to ad- journment. All members present. 'T1i.o Warden in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Tho committee, consisting of the Warden, Clerk and Treasurer, appoint. at the 1a,t session of Council to arrange with Lukcnow as to the share of the County debt the portion of Lucknow formerly in Huron and now in .Bruce should bear, reported that an amibable arrangeneut Thad been effected With l,uckuow, by which that village a;}.ead to pray to Huron the"slim qf'$1 200, fur which she receives a clear receipt for all claims held against her by Huron. The report was referred to Finance Committee. A petition from the inhabitants of the township of Turnburry, asking the Council to petition the Governor Gen- eral for the pardon of Joseph Hocker- age, who is now crnfined in the Pro- vincial Penitentiary. 'Priem explana- tions made by Mr. Blac)r, Reeve of Tarnberry, and Mr. Gibson, Reeve of Wroxeter, it was ascertained that Hockerago had been tried and convict- ed of tae crime of rape. and had been sentenced to imprisonment for life. Since his confinement .circumstances I TR AYI;D FROM CENTRAL HO- TEL, Liman, one bay foal with web head- etall on. rinds, will be rewarded by taking care of it and sending word to R. SreLmAN, Central Hetel,.Lu4an., ... .. . .EXErEft PUP FACTORY AIN: STREET, one door south of 4116Britannia House. J. SOUTHCOTT has on band a number of I amps. Orders filled on the shottast rotice. Satisfaction guaranteedboth as to work end material. N. r3.—A largo quantity of 4 Inch }} stuff for pumprnukers' use for sale --r JOHHN SOtYTHCOTT. Nov. -8m. BRICK FOR:SALE. /A QUANTITY of Brick for Sale at ix. Centralia Brick yard. Yard to be let for tho.yoar 1875. Apply to THOS. GREENWAY. Centralia, Ootober 22,1874. 61-tf S. PRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, 5th con. of Usborne. abhut Sep- tember, ono yoarling bull—light red and white, nearly .ia roan color,—And a yearling heifer, very dark red, almost black about the muzzlo, split in ribht ear, mid a; notch aut in left. • Information 1es;.liuc to their recovery will be suitably reward- ed. W. QU NTON, Exeter P. O. 74-43. Dominion Gun Slop • e Rifle Factory RUR-STOCK110 see r• i.,•li PIN FIRE -GUNS riri , •)iJ; 147 it sxr DONE IN First -Class Style. R W SODER ALTERED TO Centres!. Fire. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER,3N, Rules, Shot- Guns, Revolvers, Pastels, Fishing and Hunters, Supplies, Poudere Shot Tackles Lead,e Caps,Cartridges, Gun Wadding,Wad Cutters,Pow ezFl akShot bags, CI canis Rode. Cap rims, Bnllsmoulds and General Gun Fittings kept omstntl on band,. Breech and muzzle -loading Hunting and Target Rifles made to order.,.Itys ,fitted, 33jaggage C1'ieeks made General Job,work aid Repairing dome. with -NL eatnens and Dispatch. Good Hunting Rifles' from $12 upwards. Good Shoh'guns, 84 upwards: Revolvers from 55 upwards. Sign of the Gun and cot en Key.. CLARENCE STREETBETWEEN DUNDAS-te,KING. y L on don. Ont. e8 -m London, December 10, 1874. t).1i c li 1•7'' MARRIN B oS 1' .Tel hlILLr 9N T. 94 1t16in R 1141 d1p m pliglloilll 91 - ' tin, : Imp sell II . .a,e.. Iltll III If 11nu l i 1 1 Ipaf I .Illlll,l'III Illi II! Ill I . n - 'ler ,, 1: I mem NIIIOInIIOF ,, _I 1WBfle U .111111111illl11111 N°° 1nm -✓. 1I a- A ,, I q I :1 I Ip 7 1 11re1 I 1 Ills I " n • 1 h:l I I 1 III I "u. t 11:1. In. hro ,1 n : . I. VIII I i .J Ilr n,i I i ql I 111 II 6111111 IIIA -, ' Ilu u.aed 11'11' WI11 ;""ri■I,MI 0 .YmB4:4,1 1"1:# W YA®W roag,” .p1lpl I 1v'°s:4 •®•'as 7 1111111111111111111100111,1111111111111111111111111111111111101 t-4;timoo•---1-w''..m``rro,a' 1.,•L Jl'll.,ell•Illlnl-01161 U1ugmnqunpnlMluBnqu110111 11111111111111111mnll dltuum I 1 VIII I II 111111 l It 11 111 1111 ll l:l .. •E .wool@Il oolonllll(Ilullutallllln iiill!!!llllbnlll JltllUlllllli I➢ihIIU{ il.Ifuill OddlVll' r. II rtlIIi1 11111 II811111I111u il l till I 11' I 4.4,;.. ) l .. .! Vta i llll ' I IIIIIIIIII,III1111IQ) (. l ,. I. I I t1,. I I' 1 IiY', r nu1 II 1 1 ILII I I1I „<> , 1 9 . .ter•.' I'll I ,J r . II I .l. , 1 1 [I I .• [I Ilil(I i ll 011111 ' 'I I I • ' Iilml1ll1 n : I VIII ll -" iii Il 10(liV 1 .r ^t I I l 91RRD1il I igg .0 r " t a of Reed: Organs We do not, wish to detract from the merits' of Other 0 ADA 5y upholding ours, bet are ewer- ready to eitbmit them to a fair ttildIi 'atrti 'ai; 1 test,feeling confident of the result. •: T 1- T r 1 • y r ray ... 56 ri r $44: , tSti leatihleltial6 frola ho beetlnuaioians ti Canada can ba soot, l` EG} to return •t}lokksincere tha11k9 to the oit zepa ;of Exeter and ,burrottottin 'oountr r. Choir• fib ralpatronage during OOaW. past yea!`, and by strict attwt do i o b 1 e e's u y fq- ' 11 a , . r dog) 1,11•g .laorporSlbly wit); telt llartaeJl we bo110 tS1' i,A favgred with a. •dontinuil,inc4 of your #Lour 6 we fif ty our iruaiUosa iuoreasielg tl4 4. , 5!141 in order to, Wake ro ni for t' ` r ,.. r o q t Very large Sririn(, , to41e wd are offe11il3 tho balance of our Winter 09o4 at greatly Itedpoed t'rtees,,..: Wears offset P. • Bargains in. Dress Goods, 13argains, in Tweeds, , Ba l a n in Ilead - ads Clothing m g Bargains in a 'splendid lot of Men and Boy's vex oats. Bargains in Fur and Whitney Caps Bargains in a, quantity of Blankets . , . y t.. Bargains in Boots sSJ Shoes—in great variety. Bargaii s in Ladies' and Gent's OTersh Ceti. Rubbers, &e... We have op hand , .Qrat.olass stook of Groceries, orookery, Lamps,. &1,, very cheap.. An ly assn 10 solieitsd. Exeter North, January 7, 1875. 13ARGA1NS RANTO Bargains in the Beginning ; of theet e son., Bargain the Middle of the Season. Bargains at the Close of the Season Bargains all the year round. AT RANTONS, EXETER. Accounts due Yst January, 1stApril, 1st Tilly and 1st October rM1 Wanted, a quantity of good clean rendered Tallow in exchange for goods. Exeter, October 22, 1875. 1TE t.; B. & B. R. R. 1S COEN ISAAC CARLING Begs ]cavo to t}'ank his friends in Exeter and.snrrounding country for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade 1n the future, having ON HAND. one of the Larg 'st an Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General CONSISTING OL Dry-G ods, Groceries, gtc,, Ready-made •= Clothing, wines and li- quors , Hard*. are,Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Leather, etc. Please giv'e,I. C. a ca11 as he is determined not to be unde sold by any establishment in this section of country. Exeter. October 7, 1874 AT . DREW Owing to the unlooked for dul- ess in the Trade during the ast few weeks and, . n order, o secure as much ready mon- ey (a -clung which time has pro - en long since, that no busin- ess man can dispense with),• as possible, is now . offering, urniture at prices 'which not only he but others declare to be as cheap as in any ,other ,other es- tablishmentin Canada outside of the cities. Call and see the Parlor, Bed -room and other Setts which are just received. Findut o the ' competi- tion tion defied. If prices; ' p eti I can't suit you no person can. One, door NorthOHN of o REWBank. Exeter, January 28, .187'6. ' _R , E RN S1 Sl in GENT a RJ1 Wm ` o r tieLi ' ell LATE of LONDON wishes to sae attaint the irihabttelitsot ht;.1} i,e•n, LsLoltc Ilitidulpl't and .30.; 6111111 ay that, he he a Hurtletb ahtfl+, Ceuta alio,whore all in want of LIGNr OR HEAVY HARNESS or any artiolo usually kopt in s Sr chess establlehmb such se SADDL TRUENII$, WHIPS, V .LI$L$, k eat obtain the name. Give uio iti oall Mud examine irly welt for youinolvorin: Aly,prieee ere its low to those charged by alny fiJrst•elegi work illefi¢ ltbS PAIRS PROVIPTIN A r'ENDLD I. 1 '; ., .. 43.At ..1I4, Aeon 6. i6lt. Ti , ( i 'i sa•t lf ing ink!, /+ o d$ irm G'lrllsu ' in Tor0IIip SMITH Of l`l'. •MAR,Y'S is "ilellirteiaff•`f*s a. tire Wholesale ctri# !itn(1 btactQ,$ooto iota S1tea, 040 hie lftoekaf n(ily0eries, ND.°A° prices'- these- Goods aro marked down to are rapidly.4loarlog then ont at a !tota l! while count rgor ebanta are findingit to their intereSt to secure all ri for Minix Spring Trade Thee Business In St. 11ar 's will be confined to Dry. Goods, Clothing, and Millinery, and the extra ad wantehe bestbabIn-rp nSloouost• wart lve arl4eij re to offer •to the pert1e ;wxe•'make . 4kfQa1'leetrugirtMheaerkxeta caunaenatsatiiyeaboofugnodrsstoo,d0 .b3. Smith will le able to buy fret. British, Canadian and American Manlifacttirors to supply itis wholesale place in Toronto N;3:. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS during this ale TO MERCHANTS. either wishing to he sorSprt uping frtheirees. tstocks lar bay fo' t G. B. SbiiTH; January 280875... - • GET THE BEST s1 O N NS' $' 1 HOT` 'MR' DRU • Sava One:hirl • ' Jf l'ha Nr90d,, and, WI'It t ' SAYE. IT$ Okix `VINT$a. ' Price Reduced to $3 so4444, -T' HAVE a very 1.. large Stook of STOVES from :d i ffe r.eat makers, and sel- ected with great care, which I fsr VERY LOW FOB CASE! Also a nice ait- sortment of LAMP4,-0 H 1MNTT, Lanterns, c c. STOVEPIPE; VARNISH --A ..40QD THING. Best Coal Oil, as usual. Chapping aiee,beet, in Canada. Cistern Pumps, Lead Pipe, Zino, Ao 1.000 LB. PLATFORM SCALES, CHEAP- EST IN THE MARKET. All kinds of trade taken in exchange. IR' Cash for hides and skins. N.B.—A GOOD DWELL1NG-HOUSE; FOR SALE. .. D. JOHNS. THE BUSINESS OF THE LATE S. '. R'T;RR; St• Mary`s Will still becarrisd on in all its brasoh. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS t Opposite Boz & Sommerville's. A First-class Stock always on hand. A Competent;Perron has charge of the UNDERTAKING I Department, which is constantly;supprie,t *OA the best of AMERICAN ds CANADIAN BURIAL GASES Funerals • Furnished throughout on abort notice and reasonable terms. pit. KERB, + N. B.—We have also on hand the El- ectric Balm,for the preservation of bodies for any length of time. 54. ]fary'a,':ovember 10, 1874. • 53 THE LARGEST VARIETY ON 3. T O VE S. AND THE Cheapest Place „1 TO 3 7 Y YOUR STOVES YOIl MAY FIND AT cillie.GIUMENV • y SiON D• ►' THE GOLDEN` STOVE BT.11I AR• .i► SOnt. Se Mary's. oV. 19. 1874. y, New Ta .li or Shop. BEGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Exeter and Vicinity that lie hail opcn.da New Tailor shop 1IN REAR or flIsSelhs atacher-Shogs y ' ' sxETlrlt, .., - wherekr, atria attentloiti;teabuRarie3erllt,ho ester" Merit a fair share of patronage. PA•1NT• C 7 1 GI A 5PE71ar{ r; Iia ete.ket$ tit.• 1tietor. yanuary 7, 1906 y pyo RIFLE S I EIrLES t RIFLES! ; a p's Cooi RU*D &4014 Deinlas,at., ,London, OHS,, bat. SO* on barite large :liltitbk e Huntut Sporting g and it►rot''jlifi s ' sl!,tliel> tiViit':litinufabtiiri, iio`we'dorr Nlot' e''' bifirlilof llil}ddiiifishing t •,S x 8 g r 8r tAblcfe, itDl1-K, rlre,BShdttteg good!,. pet peat for lxriee l ll►t, Ilct1,tirislg int' tits Gan tin' 4460 ttbSl promptly.,: .