HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-4, Page 2T1410*-e.Plal4a e' e tee .4itar:" aa•la eat/ ; 'Xieet a:tia t: '1 1.(01F. ,e. Vailatarrie 4:46: e:15 G. • la S, XaNainelaii• Leave lite ee, 1e70. OOPIES • 54 tbaTeascsenearehe bad et any 6f the , Peek Steree,Lietee, 944 at N. 'A. t/oe- e, 0}A'ael)raa , Storee „Lainen. ellenlete with all tlie generel news :Italie day, itudiertituteed with loeal itewe; Price,5 ' 'events per eopy • -,--- "011e frxelfr lines •THURSDAY, VEBRUAWL '4, ;187° witakaiayLinoto-censerryariyo Journ41 in South 01110 There is sOT;ethipg wonderfully atortant in the feet that strews sh iieh the Wiod Mews; but in on which we are about to pass a meek ontwo there is fiothing to ihe feelings into tha'.enblime dePthe weindereh a t there is that Which cell a XXI s4ati itielkuuto everyone,. as- be "1,-terS, ir9POrtaute Yillages,,towns, ctk(?anse.,. grow and hey° their Orig A9 to the care which thefarmer besto nepinti.a,e yetspg with' fain stVekadl:thanieerietinieut by wh their lystem is reted, eel Wit for t elieiltlik.or ill condithiet of their futa Similarity ef principles appear to ex eTsp-triAllus:Fations of an entirely feral'it 'Vetere. Thus, ii 11 the mighty forest in king way for the hanitet, thou, the v lageeatid then, if Properly manage fn-'th'e town and city. • Yes, if prop lj managed, •Bate 'what side of tl *ouderfulelitneta efAllein is to be p eted in,orderto procure such a my tie transfermatidfi " Pie .transform tion, ysot may tee'celled, is net at mystic, no has iteee ilettlwith ttnythin striatum', hut a united ...People; peep erhoee oely aimis progress, tia: Who protege is the habitatirm-of :their .ado time. If it be a hamlet, lee its feud eakeftillyntieletted and a ritard mov inent will never be known, provided tl natural advantages are co-werlie syjoth yourself., It is to be admitte timerwhen a feeling of torpi ity would feign creep through your bo eimetethautteadetriment of the plac tfieder proteceien. Shuffle -th off.; AO not allow at for a moment t find a iodging-place in your beiug. Let -emulation., although mech. is sai against ic ba'a cardinal vittitle`; allot to take deePreot, and have as you 8P,X440 ,v414,gei '4,11112 44. ,naore,..importanee okay your own.- Argument follows argument in theedenaeucine of this noble principle, .e but iie;jeffieeen_eiteeis.,morally:einaposiiible r norporatieneto ,Ldragtheir pon- weight' along' ag to overreach ilitinselves in the struggle Pfeaect- melee!, ofe cpuree,,monemeatel • projectsaaie feet ably'greppled with—. To..ensurcesuceepe, never, as, already intimated, allow despair to mark in dew, darklitme tin,your bra* the feel- ing& with vildah yonanay for the nonce die itubeed. photogeerh,. the eVirit Within revealed, and plainer 'ealan writteit in a, book is the cause .aapada *WM °Never'speak in anything lent itt ego (imaging tone Of your village, iaejPeoeei'eets,. and thaneople within it. To iitpa.r!a word harshly and, detriinen- ael•l• ttittliCwealef your. burgli is-_eonsid- ar4 re taiSn a drop in the beckee ear a ilailianfilie'pabrit .A1140., preerfaiStidoka, repeasedia tteepteeee to cause affeekailicaihan Of 'the evil -so •eaeffirebi.it:hiiittainglyeaeconepli&hed.-- ,,,Nithoatefeelhigat all, given to ti - =cent, fiattery or wishing to, instil onyAing Orin to egotism into the minds ..of the .people of this. village, we eanoot but ,congeatulate there on- the happy ,fact thatno disperaging sentiment to its, growth pan lie righteously .express- ed ky Ay eye: ,1 , Ab....gX4er .IS rapidly approachingthe period' when its demand for -a- position eride'ay side with already ' noted cam: tnerdialr4eiatres be madilyacknowe ledged, and 'se iteatige ..faees in 011r nidst arenoViteno 4iifYin.it,Will not, ete trust be deemed ,� Make ati obiervittion to, wit6iA iv* tefietitien, 011, eheCiefixteiialtives At the caee,13iehop tdeetiOri 'Is, you had a xdfOrity 61'81; tlie Cameron.' Cireertwayelectioli which „sOon afterefol- lewedeeliiiikajtieitYwae florae what atia- mented, thus'ehowing to a verity the atill iherecteing tifYour strength iu this village, and 441 it to, peeve that the eatepeseWtelel at that time. filled. the ,loreasta of menibers of .the party. were not weeng/y.foilialed, at,•the,',1ate elec- tion theepave .And at the' ,delose .4the poll, the Majority wasfound to Inteeetoll-oe. thus malting a Conseseat10, Majority, including.some nine or -ten who were either ate ft dia..' twee or had votas the 'tiurrouncling townships,..etabOut .60. .New, we sin- ocrely itop'aethat; )rehai 10,144 tif oar strength Icooeving thee thoroughty ,poiniervatieti feellagewhiehe'aistsi YOU riot, ifl ow hat ie - stir of not ing and in, ws ich he re, ist tlif- tat ila- d, er ie re- s- a - all le se p - be e- rs 30 d- s - is ifl as ill one in sane aeetamie letetch might be itietried age 'the ' osea (if iower lioin those xeitta diffeeinet'ehiede BilVOS0 flhoilld 011Y feel .like settling le r What outsideee tiliooee term,' POO tear vial sea nest. •'The o6' to .Olganize has tie oftee 1)°6 A trtE;11Pot:ed that,the word' ant, ,hodiee it Seems ti) llaye ' itlateed- efill we.ropesot,,.and 1011 the • »of i.ths ,Sollth! Reyit beAtualtlfileitinte 441 etentailied or 'Vent k etehezny eleu ee. f years eiuce WaS Very gee)44, fkB4 944.;:f*iifiiieGW11; 4o4ite Woete Well) atid hiaelten, fee allktlithat. ie talte deliitiet au dieing it SG kiteg as it retalail1,4 w, but 4 While as straw after straw drops otl, and °there show sins Pf de- , gay, its. zeal abatee and ite work is but bUI(dem), Se it it with the old orgau- ieatiou„ le ale° true that defeat afe ,ter defeat hae the Pektrocrahlehig" the ardor and (dual -king the zeal. But ite the case of Seuth Huron 'why $uch slioald be ele eannot ivhen it is 80 generally known thee better or- ganization undne iefleenee haye been, the weapons used to °atm defeat. Whet Oor Reform friends do well in tho 4111Y of organization, and as to the mat- ter of undue iufluence, we trust the day 4raiveth nigh when such will be nupos. sthle (eitoeptiug st little gerrymewiering now fled again), cell We net aSpire to do 49 well ? Ocrte.9, and now, let the old orgtuizations go to work with a de- termination to come out of the coining conflict with flying oolors. They thew will see how our words RS to "organization " Containing volemes— tihrttried, in -faefa---uare bean verified. sso vir4 T10.11*S. The eitablishing of Sectettes or Associations for the propagatiou . and edyeacenient of different ebaeote'seemix to Meet with euch universal approval that if any special purpose is held in view the establishing of an Association for the purpose is speedily determined upon. With the age, so do the bene. fits grow which are to be derived. If this, .then, be beyond dieente, why no work upon the suggestion made to us a few days ago of starting a Yoang Men's Conservative A.ssociation in this village ? understand that Ceps are now being taken to this end, and that ere mem), weeks pass,: astrong and lively Association will receive its in- uguration. • it might not be amiss here to state that even now the num- bers having expressed then:selves as willing to claim connection with the Association will.. make it a tolerably large one, and we thus feel safe ie say- ing that the growing interest in and, inareasing numbers to Conservatism in this place will soon require ward -Asso- ciations in order to accommodate all.— The idea of the young men thus falling into line and picldng up the "come of mail so long and well worn by the trus- ty old wet horses, *ho bear the brunt of many, ivell-fought, battles, is some- thi well fitted for emulatien by other places. GREE.dr fra C.SOIER0.4" Putting the matter -plainly, it not on- ly is Greenwity or, Cameron and their respective principles but a Government which lacks the necessary qualities .o give it strength -sulaient to erect its spinal column and bear its own burden or one whose path would be to show to the people of the Domin- ion tliat their principles were exact ones and their adieus show that they did not depart from the platform which they had laid down before taking up rhe cloak shielding that much -sought for object—office. Then we have a wide field before us, one however that demands a careful surveillance of mat- ters very closely identified with our own interests. To be or not to be is then, as %yes said at one time, the pre- vailiug question. We feel "to be" is the manner in whieh that very simple question will be answered. That is to say that Thomas Greenway, Esq., is to be aeturued as the representative for South Huron in the House of Com- mons. And Olio issimply because the people of the riding are sickened at the futile attemptri made by Mr., CarnerOu to represent their, interests, Not .only has this oCcasiened a feeling of squeam- ishness to take possession of their vi- tals, but the late trial so convinced them of the maxi's. duplicity and the void of' nearly every good princi- ple, that their delight appeals to be in elevating their noses when they hear him approach, scenting him from afar and praying for genie protecting spirit to keep him there. Many who voted for him at the last election have so felt the tingeish of censeienoe at having as- sistedtheine ehai ea election,as tahnadt anxioust heereitp re snots •only to vote but to work against him shouldhe have the hatdittood to contest the Riding. The mannerin which mon- ey was spent by him and his agents, the hair -breadth escape which he had from disqualificatiou, and the censures and restrictions raised upon his see. duct by the judges of the Election Court are not the Orily, reaSODs, to be advauced why Mr. Cameron should not occupy the position to which he has so often aspired, the privilege's of Which he was only enabled to rnijoy,for a sett. son. But it is well known that his proclivities are independenee "in our eye," and such a man i9 not wanted We want no man to represent our in- eerests who will submit to be bound by oaken pledges, and everyore knows how limited MaCameron's “give -a -fair - trial "principles g�; his method is to travel on the " go it whole hog" route. And this miians to eupport the Mad/ - tunic government, ie every ease, The proclaimed poliey of this Government is too well known to require ,ite-atioe, and its policy as acted is being so gen. erally known as vastly different frotn the pretensionsanade by those of its composition, that the miserable at- ,terapt it makes to deliberate for the oi;untry's weal is looked Spoil as riot eulteiently materialized ; or, in other words, ua being ,too thin to lie of any use, Forinstiume, we take a castiaf glauee ,at the shuffling and unmanly 'Cease° adeptenl by it in the North-west affaire. From beginning to end ite in- eit eagle teem. We have alwaya bean Wil- ling to admit that in the first inatance, in, hi the pardoiling of those implie- :LW in these troubles there were ,diffi- citifies to overcome at which the Very strongest of governmento might trot, Me. !notwithstanding tine, we should like to see govertnnell LS IIS Wkil as in- dividuals ineintalii their adv6eaey and show their good prindiples let the to, t,be what it inay, If, fig titokelazie viten he .toole the tenni •et pacify to 441 'vith this matter was 4 10404,110k* eistic fleanpeersle, .144,1 theauttee talltit Veentry and 'elted life'ee ,b. lcal4,9Pit lifireitIta in lite defeece 'el alietice and, eight, WIly 4114.14 1'14 eveiga hie, p9s4ti9tA Whoa he foetid his inabil- ity te•Oetpaaei4t•thelle VerY matterleY whieh lie e4iita'affiee ? The reason14 eitsilar given. ',tt e desiees, oe h° l'evar Woald have ioeii reselt to such itifigiera he the Northaveit affairs. Ha alsO Weald be eveuen,orellnwillieg than anyone 'else tO' x-eceenize rtu adherent whew he had blown 'had purcheeed theft pesition hut yet we see his come twitting) aud Ida was given our Mr. Cameron, aud win are well aware why the appeoaeldeg JeeiQu i to take place, ' • • On the other bend, in ATe. Greenway we have a man who has his faults as well es other people, but what they are or whataheir character bas been SO *par-, sely thown -from their trifling nature, Grit and Censervative are alike com- pelled to pronounce him as a man well fitted and in every respect quelified for the position to which he aspires, and which he richly deeervee. In him Mr. Cameron has found a lean worthy of his steel, and foe he never dore inee face to fee° eless occasion made its demands for it, We assure our readers' of a fact of which they have now apret- ty well -formed idea, that should it be your Pleasure to elect him, South Hu. on would heve to 'represeut her in the halls of our DorninionParliament one .whoee light would not be hid under a oushel; wh e pride would be in open - ening his quiver, drawing his bow, -and ellowieghis arrewei to strike deep, let it Wien' his light'or his left. Need we blame the man when he says Soutli Huron (for which he has done so much already) and our beloved Dominion will heve his special att ntion ? We think net, and we hope that if elected his fortune will not be to sojourn in FIcrida a portion of the year, and 411 his office the balance. Seale of Mr. Cameron's friends have already untele the boast tint he owns...the iling.. ,. Of course, Mr. Greenway cannot set forth :try claim to it in a inoaetary light, having been very miserly about election tfines, especiaPy to churches, whilst Mr. Cam- eron was the very reverse. But in all sincerity, thee hypocritical of- teriugs be looked upon is a pledge of adherence ?' If so, we cannot but say how prone we are to err. Our knew - lodge of the people of the Ridine leads us to hope for better results, andtosee ,the masses rise 'Aerie' the loathsome depths into which 3Ir. Cameron would feign plunge three: proclaim their in- dependence, afid aive '31r. Greenway a nnble majority. Let us say en, Mr.Greeoway's friends, by no meani tamp& With an elector by way of bribee coercion, promise, or, in for the candidate is head 0,114 ShoOlders ..9. atiaenr-theVeteitiniattiaii iiiiifi' eTY::17:477411:211:: ,. ;: eae. la Q ain Isle h yel g touOlas tol a in con e'en° or "Piti'vOtine; 026 staudard." to q hieli at, the let .---- .e.r--...-----L...nr....... El'oter wnd itiqii. : , -a:71 Coexert.' meets 'next MinulUy. TUE Godeikir Star has peeured the, eantract ferCounty printing, for thecer- rent'year,• , Vita.Aoe Lors:—We would referi otir readers to M. Geo,,,Hodgins's aesitt in another colume, , :Bosieees.--The Iteevy roials,'' widen. are due to the quantity of slime which has fallen has been got drew back to business of all kinds during the peat week. LOT SALE AT KIPPEN. -Ale 'Wharton Sodgson has been instructs() by Mr. W. 1.3awden. to offer for sale by auction at Kippen, On Friday, tht; 19th hist, several village lets. • 0 THE 131G 13LOCE.—Alr, Ills. Pickard, the pioneer merchant ,bas 'some ' excel, lent winter goOds yet on lised, and a °nurse he dosen't want to eemove them all to his new store, MA' t� save him this trouble is rushing thein off. THE Coven Lopez. ---The C0111 ty ehew and Larnbrook went ,frene._. this 1) Lodge of L. O.L.. foe Huron met iu Clinton on Tues ley last, 4 deputeti n consiisting of Messrs. Wiliie'; alawa-' village. . Banciams.--Owing to smile e'ause or other, we neglected last week to' men- tion that Mr. Renton advertised "Bar- gains perpetually." But theu a glonce at his advt, would convince our reaaers of the fact, for they know fuly well that Mr. Ranton's say is no idle one and his boast no empty one. Cell paid see friend Renton, now. i CHANGE.—Mr. S. G. Zealand's change of advt. appears iu this issue; andeane would thiek from its contents that whether you purchashed sonee of liS cheap goods or not he would like, t� have you call., ,,He says he knows you would buy if you only heard the prices: And this ouly lasts for two waeli, • CLIPPED HORSES.—Our horse fteeeierii arouud town who sport their clipped beasts may be interested in kriowing that in New York a few days ageeyr.. Beigh's society for preventing emelt to animals, had &coachman fiuedeneavY-1 ily for leaving his horses unblatiketed while standing in the cold. SAM 007E. This enterprisingehow- man was in town a few days, -ince, niftkietg arrangements for the ,ensiiina, fact'anythinehy which the election season. •He with his circus (whieli might be avi idek and let us show Ur infertile us has been wonderfully un-: Dominion that Scaeth Huron can elect mented since his last visit Imre) will Mr. Greenway by the free and uniiiflu- visit thisxvillage on the 29th of May awed voice of its people. next. VE.VSUJIE. As the election for the House of Ccenmons takes place on the 18th inst., awl- the nomination to be held at Var- ua on next Thersday, the 11, the fol- lowing telegraphic despatch may not be without its importance: Fort Garry, Man., Ian. 30.—Apublie moet- ing wits Reld in Winnipeg last night, the May- or in the chair, and about 250 persons present, Messrs. Cornish, Drtgald, Sinclair among ths speakers. The action of the Govornor-Genetal, in commuting Lepine, was aeverely censured, as was also the Ottawa Government, and strong resolutions passed &ape/ oving of Earl Duf- ferin's co urse in acting without the consent of his mihisters. Some of the speakers, held that this brings the law here into contempt, and that it was sio rise spending thousands of dollars to try Le- vine, and then on conviction'almost pardon- ing Lim. It was held that Lord Dufferin had no power to commute the sentence without the advice of his Ministers. In connection with this we- might also state =that,. the by this Govarnment nearly ended in Lepine pitting Jis headiri the nooee after all, °wine to .,010,official delay, the, po wee to reprieve ty 'telegrams being barely sufficient. • The Xtberai. • We have received several copies of the 113W Reform paper, published in Toronto, by Cameron & co., of the Lon. don Advertiser. The paper's typographic appearance, with -the-exception of ad- vertising columns, is really excellent. The literary features of the Journal are numerous and well sustained. Politi- eat it does not seem so Gritty as its relative in London or the Globe,. but its articles to..onr mind are not so vige orous as those in the latter named jour- nal. We 'are glad to see that it takeqa firm stand,,,n the temperance question; regarding it as the question of the day, and do not 'intend to take an interest in it moldy as spectators, but as ac- . • tive partionia,nts •in the etruggle to, AUCTION SALE.—Mr. John Treble commences his clearing out sale of Boots, Shoes, Harness Whips'&c., to- morrow (Friday). As Mr. Treble is giv- ing up business ami his business stand, together with the two buildings to the south. are to be offered for sale on -.Sat- urday, bargains are a certainty., •Mr. Bisnop is the auctieneer: . COURECT1ONS.—Ill IRSt Wak'S ittsne ., • , thee unruly fellow the typo • matleat, .eouple of rather material blundere, giv- ing the result of the collection at, the. B. C. Missionary raeeting aShort 'time t ince as $52 instead of $152. .:}16 also gave our village Council credit forhai- ing appointed but one auditor, viz., Mr. C. Vandusen, when the IMMO of the other, Mr. John 'Renton, should have been mentioned. CortozaT.--The PresbyterianSabbath School of Exeter North held a concert in the new school house on if0nd4 night last. As no other announcement was made of it that through': the pulpit, the attendance was very sniall. accommodating band was pabeent; rend together with ti.good choir fr' one, Roil-. gerville and an excellent speeen 'friim the Rev, Mr. Gracey, tindatldressesfrone some others a very interesting seeson wacsrent.- ..... `',,',' - — ' 4 ANOTHER SALE. ---If we wish to keep the pubhc posted on the mttaaLof sales we shall'have in a short time iVdevote a special :lepartment to that eilohal As yet, the supply of newsln- •tlint quarter does net detnaud it; as the (Sli- ly sale we have heard of this wteli Was effected by Mr. A. Holland?* Mr. McVey; it heilig about one aftl" of ri acre on Main Street for .$59b. , p. t.- THE STORE WHICH oPREAD A , SSELP.— Of course our readers are awarenhat it was the store of Messrs. 'Samurai & Piekard which was eulargeel laelefall se as to, receive thelarge vonsi Mients. And now we learn that this '''',ii litinno- dating firm not only makes m ,.al'itrom for their customers but Offers tient bar; gams in their , winter goods. e Buy a, new coat and don't freeze. gam prohibition. As the Messrs. Cam- I . l' P. C. A.—&t the last mefejing a „uffnuljn the eron are atleast enterprising, and as this association, held as the new ionrn-iii seems to be sincere in bagement, of the W. M. Church, Mr: , J. iteeterantces, we welcome the Libei al W. Broderick read an essay,fild of deep thought, and Mr.' SWirerton in to the newspaper world and wish it , abundant fill ocess. veryegoedeetyle read a lyelli‘mjeeted„, • compositimi:• tait aI uesdae next, ' beg to move, That the shrievalty the 9th hist., at 7:30 In the pro ofthe new County of Dufferin be at gramme will consist of " Talk on the tled pleasure of having an objeCtinlife," by °nee setupon, and that Mr. 13is- ne„e G eticdtIac• All in favor, signif over those bivalves, Mend Archie, be- fore you go. Rumen Says Siuclair of Godericl South Huron and Cameron fame is t receive the junior judgeship of Bruce. Tun 'Tiverton Watchman says :--Th probabilities are, that before man weeks pass away North and Soutl Bruce will be the scene of another elec teen compaign. We have good author iv for saying that Mr. Wells has accept et! it Government °file°, 4ba that Mr Creeks and Mr. Wm. McDougall az expected to eontest•the riding., It i reported, with seine degree of trtith, we think o thaelttr. Sinclair has 11,04 opted tile ()trice of Registrar for Nortl Bruee. ' imp receive this office. Seconded, yes! WhitW. odWij] e w give a recitatioult ill and Witt- 3. y. Carried: Fork auley. Admission free 1, To showli.ow ritliettiond ,tSTegraPIlto errors fientetinie appettr, the' folloWing 1.44Y (S1Ve eeine idea: The 'Toronto Ltterat of alcieday Ittet!saye, the toard of tduCation tor London for the year 1884 field its last sitting on Saturday iiigh Min Prr.ns f Otdbny PeterS eft,tty,i bee mieepted the nomination 'of tlielte, form Convehtion' to be hid forth to slaughter on the Ifftlx inst, In it ttal sna the predietiotie Of the London ArIveduir hoe been literally fulfilled, • NEWSPAPER POSTAGE.—III.00119(t(quence of the change in the Postal IAN be- tween Canada and the Unitel ;States there will be no postage to pavon hews - papers in future on the other;hle of the Ueder the previous yostal ar- rangements, there was a chat° of one The removal of this charge ill' bring to two cents ot each paper frod Centida. about aslargely incteased 'ex h41!•FX of Canadian nod American n spapers. PCrtIOney theeefoie, having fr title toatt relatives in the States may 'fia.thena the TIMES at- the semi rate 'restage as tetitonlin • yapstsTrt oifNCaivn r;iadit. Tm.....4 mbethie of E xeter Distriet" Teitoliers stittite was held in the School, Irni 6 thi 9 place, on Satartlay:', t1i QOIleinst •,. There Waii a fair miniberi of telicherS .preeent. J. R. Miller, I areettaa was also preeent. Atter, the neeting was chily otganised, Mr. S. P,I,talle, Preei. dent, delivered his loa,ngii41( address..; after whieh MOSSIS. S. rIcke ofefeeit; ,torth aneffev, Wm. Godiiin of Exe. ter, delivered very able inn inteeeeting Addressee. Misa Elston iluetrated her ahethOd of fettolthig tit1 Ahatel for Witieh elest wee tenderedllie thanks ot the Institute, Progr inhaler next meefiega,..,Me, aplinsen W illustrate hiR nietlitittof teething Vulgar Prac, thine," igrb ilradley, add silo EMnla, tioz n. oo s. Mr. H. Brown a fl it/8 3Pieet,2" Who Will choose their o 19itbjectS. tustitute adjourned until t eecond Saturdaa alerein • RoN4WAY.---111"„ Jne- 'Treble drove street ea Afenday afternoon last, a nd the use of the same, to deposit and 'writ keel) safe ell valuable pepere belonging he to this toweehip, Carried, ale clerk wee erdered to notify 3/1r. John Little, e.p late toll -gatekeeper en the Ridduipil 444 ss detioioney in- will be (wigu tattlitee,lult Totr ,:t1t1dytsels, jo}fer torftitice 110,41)14;r:deli sze: lie tor for colleetion, eSolved, Tliat tine a conncil do now adjoin% to meet again on the first Monday in March at the Qourt room, YillagE ef Ireland, at the ie hour Of 10 o'cloek A. M. • OS W. 110DGINS, 0- Clerk. tied his horse in frout of his busine etaltd. Some pieCes. of harmswhi were hung en thepost outside frighte ed the horee by its shaking so in t wind, that it broke ite heiter, made turn to the left, passing under Mr. Zealand'a verandah, and turtling o the read, tekingaPost itewity, eetter when near this Weigh seal etrueit the eorner of lk sleigh, and r J0380(1. itself liann the horse, which W011( dowit,ltfain-st. with the shafts flying at its heels, like the fellow to flail handle, Strange to say the hors Was scarcely iujured ahd the cutter bu 711itt1D4QuielaugEeita-1:110' Seadaelo—it 011 duty oa tnafno ;ten v1,11111110 tiP jiay hp! pepae7initoeu midst, and thue it is a paieful task t wieefoisrlitnviat4hotmenetticart: imnisesur4Poguibel,iewithhoao not acted a lady's part to the pupils un der her care, if altnve hoar be correct, and we hava litttle' reason to doubt it. Instead of using 'entreaty and persua- sion, she has, until a few days since, been using a large stick, in the ene end of which was fixed a nail driven though the stick, sharpened at both ends, and pretending at either side. With this instrument the scholais were punished repeatedly by this innovator of school rule, soreetinies leaving a deep cut in thehand where the nail had placed it - ,self. We hope the trustees will inves- tigate the matter, and not allow it to drop, notwithstanding a lady the other day made complaint to the teacher in 1.114 etafaSta.41114 te. It SHEEP KILLED.—On Sunday evening ° laet Ur, Alexander Jamieson, of the t Base Line, Blanshard, had his sheep wornied by dogs, and ,four of them kil- r led. Farmers should be careful to m see that their dogs are properly scourr ed at night, as there is no telling what o damage they may do to their neig,hbors. 1 ST. 0.114.1R1',S, question. an attempt has been made to hush it up by the principal, it is sup - p nett, having ordered it to be burned. , Nee Go.—A peripatic shoeman made his appearance in town a few days since escorted a couple of tame bears he had in his possession before that store Mag- nate, the Reeve; and asked the privilege of showing in the village; and what's the damage? Law replied "$5 license Showman replied by presenting that part of his body as shown by Gen. O'Neils soldiers at Ridgeway, and turn- ed the bears to their right about face, and was last seen bearing for more arpreciative quarters. wan and tinito Mr. J. Y. Savage, two doors from McLean's ho- tel, ban been Appointed our !gent for Lucan and vicinity; is authorized to receive orders for sub - ti ,ocriptions,joo prinng, &c., and to collect accotuits land give receipts for the same. J; • (From our own Correspondent). POTRACTED MEETING.—For two weeks part the:Methodists ofInuian hava been holdiug a protracted meeting ; it is now over. SLANDERERS.—Lucan must be the headquarts of talebearers and gossips, if the thunder launched at the heads of thiae unfortunately constituted people from one of our village pulpits on Sun- day last was deserved. The all -ab • sorbing question now is, "who are the guilty ones ?" EXIIMITOR.---A meal° lantern exhi- bition was given in the new Hall for the amusement of the children attend- inglEoly Trinity Sanday School on last ,Thursday evening. Rev. W.Logan ex- eilaieed the pictures. Prizes were ;given for regular attendance, and the kraines of those Catth ChloSS who COM' initted to memory the largest number of verses were read out ; the children as Well as their relatives and friends who "were invited appeared to pass a very agreeable evening. BuszwEss.—Since the election busi- ness has been quiet, and money hasenot cireu/ated as freely as the business men would wish, eThe low price of wheat has no doubt had a depressing influence on trade, and there is every indicatien of a period of "dull times," in store for the business commnnity of this -section of country. Take in sail,. . geutienien,, and beware of giving too ruueli credit. . THE WARDENSHIP.--Middlesex, , which hits the late election shown itself so conservative, bas -iii the County Coun- cil ignorea politics -and 'elected Mr. •Watere, a Balwin Reformer, as %Ver- dun because he was considered the most suitable man. me. ;Waters:ob. tained little support frim men of his own political views, because in the late election he was guilty of the high crime axul Misderneaner • of thinking for hinn self instead . of letting the wirepullers of the party' think for him. B/ISDULPII TOWNSHIP Comm.—The eouneil met pursuant to adjournment the court room, village of Ireland: The Reeve and all the members of the council present, Minutes bf last Ineet- ing Were read and approved, and signed by the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Garrett seconded by Mr. Collison, that the Vol - lowing accounts be paid, and that the 140sign orders for the same :" An- drew Kuff for gravel, 60 cts. C. Mr. Webb, for good furnished Dixon, an in- digent, $10.00 ; John Ryan, for gravel 60; ' Jeremiah Salary as lieense in- spector, $8.00 ; Carried. Moved by VI.. Dagg, seconded by Mr. Gturett, that the -following liccounts be paid, and that the Reeve sign, orders for the same :- Win. Culbert, planking Alexander's 'bridge on the 4th and 5th cons, $23,00; Atkinson and Hasket, for plank, $5.87; Edward Blackwell, building bridge on the Oth con. $10,00 ; James Atkineon, repairing culvert and drawing, plank, $3; Framtis Davis, tightening bolts on bridges'$1.50; Plaettgare polling-- booth, $1; .D. ItleIlhargey, polling booth, $4 ; School Section No. 4, pol- ling booth. $4; McIetyre, pelting booth, $4. Moved by Mr. bagg, sec- onded by Mr. Collison, hat Jeremiah Lewis be appoin ed Assessor for tlie year 1875, at a Salary of $60.—Carried Moved by.111r, Garrett; seconded -by Mr liodgins, That the Clerk be huh -tuned to see Arr. Prouty, Clerk of- Stephen, and demand the Money due this Muni- cipality, respeeting townline.—Catriecl Meved by Mr. Garrett, seconded bylgr, Dagg, Thitlererniall Lewis be appoint- ed Licence Inapector for the totvrnililp of Diddillph for this yeer at a gaiety of $8. Carried. 1%,foved by Dagg. secended by kr, , Garrott, That all parties requiring a tavern or shop Id- eence are required to meke application for the Same te the township elerle re Oti or befothe •leth day of February, 1876, ' Carried; Moved by. Mr, Dagg, secondea ty Collison That Wm. Turner be appoitited rtilditer for •thiS Municipality ,for the year 1874; the reeve appointed litr. joschun, Thornpson LS llie.other auditor, IVfoved b,y Dagg, seconded by Hoclgin it, That the reeve Alia ohstk be and are hereby instrueted to preetire a safe for the RAO �t this inunicipaiitie ; the elotk 4i hate COLLISION ON 11111G RAND TRUNK. —AS train of grail, cars was being taken to the station from the sterehouses, the two rear cars became detached and ran ' back towards the railway bridge it be- gindown grade. ,The train from London was just then coining acrose the bridge, and collicled with the freight cars. The head of the engine was con- siderably deranged, and several of the passengers seriously injured. One man had his collar bone and jaw broken, and a Miss E. Shillington, of this town, received a severe contusion on the face. r•fitlhE S YAWS. A young girl in the township of Georgina, Co, York, unintentionally committed silionle by administering poison for the purpose of procuring an abortion, she beiag under the impres- sion that she was then pregnant. Mr. Duncan McMillan, a barrister of London, was on Thursday last elect- ed by conservatives of East Middle- sex to represent the riding& the Com- ; Thomas O'Brien returning home from Brantford last Thursday, quarrel- led with his wife and beat her so brut- ally that she died. O'Brien has been arrested. Whiskey. Horse thieves seem to be prowling around Brantford. A svoinie- named Klinesmith, of Humbertitone township, was found drowned in a well one day last week. She wasypartialiy insane, and it is bought she committed suicide. They had lively times in Newcastle N. B. one Gifford, while attempting, with other's to arrest the leaders in a iot, was shot in the head. ' The mi- itia was called out. On Thursday morning a little boy was riding on an ice sleigh in Port olborne. The ize broke and the little allow was drowned. The Federal Bank of Canada has pened an ageney in St. Mary's. The people of Toronto have focred he street railway companies to run Joie 'omnibuses on runners in winter. Mr. Renneth[Mackenzie Q.C. said the titer day that he had been nearly forty ears proeecatin x and defending crimi- als, and during all that time nearly very crime which. he had dealt with as either din ctly or indirectly traced intemperance. The Treasurer of the County of York as succeeded in tracing two of the de- ntures which were stolen from the fe some months ago, and for the re- very of which ,a handsome reward as offered. Mr. Barinerman;willlagain beOpposi- n candidate for South Renfrew, the 0110 of Lorne McDougall's chicanery's. Toronio curlers beat Buffalo by 50 hits on Friday last. The population of St. Cathertues is w 10,915, Cousiderable distress is reported •in . thitheriues A prisoner nanied Alfred Barnett, matted for 'Lunacy on the 18th t, has died of typhoid fever. 1 ti 11 .19 li be Sit 00 tie SC po no St cm H, Co d ins Rev. Mr. Varley the EnglishEvange- list . preach3:1 ia ou Simla y last. e collet), of Wentworth has a new • A Frenchman in charge of shanty supplies to Opeongo feli in fronto, a a 1 sleigh which passing over his neck, severed hishead from his body. Whis- key again. A nun escaped from a convent in Montreal last week with the aid of an Uncle, and refuses to return. The Manitoba Legislature will meet in March next. Three itnnortant positions have been captured in the valley of Carascal, Spain, from Carlist forces by the army of the north. Times are lively for the young monarch. " Jas. R. howison, a prominent law- yer of I3altimore, Ind., died last week, and it has since been discovered that he was a defaulter to the amount of $150.000, the sum being $60.00 en- trusted to his care. The turbulent colored militia, of Ed - gonad county, North Carolina, have been disbanded. • The French are again trying to patch up a conetitution. Better get a new one, -patched goods are worn out. A special to the /trait says Hon. D. A. Macdonald intends to make the prepay- ment of publications of newspapers compulsory. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Ex-Vie-presi. dent of the United States, delivered on addrese on Oddfellowship in Wind- SOr on Friday evening last. The return of Mr, Adam Oliver for South Oxford is to be protested against The case is already in the legal hands. I3eauport lunetic Asylum, at Quebec, was destroyed by fire On Friday night last. The fire origiarnited in the nor,. twit of the building set apart for the fen:1410e, The inmates hid themselves in allmannbr of places and when found had to be dragged out. Thieves stole what they could lay their hands on while the fire was raging. A proliihitioh mega meeting wae held Th Strathroy Oil Priclay last. North Sitncoo Grits banquotted 6t p"t11218)1.1.000e0rileonray14ioetylile,v,,aCtitin°gIrtii' c Ivistandard 81) lel t'f The Montreal toard of r1 rade are not eatished that church property per. chtteed In the name of the clitirch for speoulation, eliould be exempted from tatatioin If religious and moral tutions are to he exempt, the question ovvtlilea tofu bi ront4oilt VI, punt ittristroliktot wr ly arises, 1C2CE PAID,r-TP T110 Exeter Bran ISSUES DRAFTS ON 04 it And all the primeval Cities Makes aelvences on Produce Buys and 80115 Sterling Exchange, Discounts for the Farmiog Com - Collections made in all ruts 84VING8 BANK • d7sect:0::: a26 frame 1574(4YDIblieul)irlocillsiiinntggs iful.firmreen vvr° naosfe Payable on Demond 14th interest from ci orrice rtOUIlil-Faom 10 A.M. to a P. al; Saturday About fonr Stu the Merchant's Bank, Stratford, which quickly communicated with the Regent Hall on Ontario street, the same being totally destroyed. The loss on the building is $15,000, and is cevered by $6,000 insurance. The occupants, A. Williamson & Co., value their stook at $25,000, of which not over $500 worth was saved; insurance on stock $12,000; A. G, McKay & Co's stock of $80,000 was totally destroyed, upon which $15,- 000 was covered by insurance. The adjoining premises, owned and occupi- ed by J. Nasmyth & ruggi sts, value $7,000, insured for $2,500; total- ly destroyed; stook -valued at $10,000; partly saved, and insured for $4,000. Another adjoining building occupied by Seffry & Menennan, was gutted, end partly destroyed ; value of stock $30,- 000, covered by an insurance of -.$21,- 000 ; he losses are fully secured. The furniture of A. Williamson &Co., worth $•3,000, was totally destroyed; insur- ance $1,500, The building occupied by the Herald newspaper was damaged, and stock amounting to a loss $4,000; covered by an insurance of $2,500 on building and $3,000 on stock. The stocks of A. Matheson, Beacon Office, Hope & Clarke, A.6McNair & Co., and James Gordon, dry goods merchants will ell suffer materially from damage by fire, water and removal, but are for- tunately covered by insurance. The origin of -the • fire -is uuknown, but is supposed to be the work of an incendiary, and much sympathy and aid is tendered to the greatest sufferers —A• Wilhamson & Co., A. G.. McKay & Co. and J. H. Nasmyth it Co., who with the characteristic energy, will arise from the ashes and maks their presence felt again amongst us. The Goderich Star figures out a ma- jority of 73 for Mr. Greenway in the coming'cOncest. Maitlitradville is to have a post office. The Lord Bishop of Huron has gone on a trip to the Southern States for the benefit of his health. Mitchell market clerk gets riled be. cause farmers don't pay their market fe A very daring case of robbery occur- red in this town on Tuesday last. A young mau named McLean was sent by his brother—who keeps a tavern in Kintail—to town for the purpose of pityiug 8100 to Messrs. Sheppard and Strachan. A fellow of the mune of MoBride aocompanied him, and know- ing that he had this money about seems to have laid his plans. On the road he was very liberal in treating and in town the process was renewed, and taking his victim to the Colborne Hotel he induced him to go to bed. When there he soon fill asleep. Then Mc- Brideillenibraced his opportuuity and 'c'wont through McLean, not leavieg cent his pockets. He then went to Polleis livery stable and paid $10 for a rig to take him to Baylield. tie has not since been heard IrJ111.—Sfin'. The Sentinel editor in its last issue grumbles about tho poor lintels of Pal- inerston. That fellow will soun want shirts buttoned up behind, tual store soap to wash with. R. M. Wells was elected in South Bruce by. a prodigious majoiity. could y jaihaeo' ttionlgt1 was tlhiaetlicaeksstheinc. Teuwn Hull, Lticknow, on. Tuesday evening last, to take into coesideration the ad- visability of granting a bonus of $2,000 by that village to aid in carrying the L., B.R., from Blyth to Wing - ham. , Kincardine was also waited on by the Directors ofthe Road, and asked for $3,000, and also on Wingham for $5,000. . A Father Matthew Society has been established in Lucknow. Entrance fee, 50 cents. Is started off a few nights since, with a load of g7 members. The trial of Rogers, who stabbed a man named Jones in the Ontario Ho- tel, Segortn, comes off to -day. krasLAlat-Maux.Ex--At the residenee of the bride'e brother-in-law, Mr. 3. Hind, on January 20th, by the Bev. W. C. Beer Mr, George lierlsalie 10 Miss Mary Manley, both of Csborne. Ber.innits—Wrisn—On the 281/4 ult., by the Rev. Win. Lund, at the residence of the bride's fa- ther, Mr. George Sanders, of Exeter, to Miss Eliza lane, third daughter of l'hounts Weir, Esq.,iof Ushorno. Isondr. Dfxsatona-In BlanChard, on the 2flth inst, the wife 0131e. A. Dinsmore, teacher, of„ti Son. B0Y WANTED TO LEARN PRIX - TING. Must have a fair English educa- tion. Apply at this ofilee, OALTTION-2=ALL PERSONS A.RE N....) hereby forbidden to :give credit to ayp:r- sou on toy account without a written. ordonr hid, (Lai Will not he reaponaiblb for iavrn . ket f thCcr6oadinitco.n, Fob. 3, 1815. it"laivi 8wr 1546, 'VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALTI V —1VOw offered 101 131410 a lot containing three-fifths of an tiara, hieing Sanders and NVilliant streets, With frame house having brick fon tidatien, and good Well 011 1110 P10113180a; alto tsvo gplandid 1011 3011 Gidloy street, a good /ratite hou,o,Vo11 and other 1)rivilogoe on. each, Apply to 7(1.3t. GEOECE 110DGI1S. VILt f proper y or s1,- TIiat e . ekconeht Property sitaate nearly oppetite •tho W. M. Church, ILtoter, anti containing 114 scroa of land, with good frame ilivelliag hook); andstable, and splendid well, is new' being offered for sale. This is nil excellent opnofitnery, Away to A. LEWIS, 011 the prom. os. aaunary 29, 1875. 74-tt. '1.".1TAYEI) neon' the proaiiset of the fiteaseber„ 'lot 5, 0011 7, Stephom on, or alma the Middle of November Istst,, tWO yearlingicitttIe ,==.4 heifer ((nestly rod), mid eteot (dark ro(1n), BY proring eteeeete awl eeeine ointuiteS the owner oaii take thtlfl away, G' LEWIS 74.19' TRAYED from the erentisee of 0.10 ltdhiteriberi lot 5,0011, Stephen, on or libetit Litie,leityietteleteMid ewe and lamb (tail 01 1110 littterWEN ;Ma elri,Wildbittelt Spot en 1611 (Nillidel) Slat raid 1t1111 8111111411106 ea the naked of MVP. or. elielatelPilit the neffiellter thio Melee *ill be preatielitest bIF T5W MILL. 1445. Plere "kyr,rt allee lost at the thiniftliee A N Tion. 2)0991009 401147000 pit of Moleens Bank LONDON, ENCiLAND, NEW YOB, ST, JOHN, N, 13. and TQWn in Ontario & Quebec, New York Exchange, Greenbaoks, *0 munity of the Dominion. DEPARTMENT. Dellar Upwards received, date of Deposit to date of Tfritiniroval o from 10 A. 31 to IP, 51, BIWA, W. STRATHY. Manager. 'VOTE LOST.—STOLEN FROM -La the pocket of the snbscriber, in "Beaforth, on Tuesday, theleth inst., • note of hand for $35. 65, duo on Ian. t, past, drawn on Mr. A.lex. In- gram, Brussels, in favor of Jas. McNabb or bearer. Payment of the sante has boon stopped. Also a, pasa book. .TAS. IVIONABB. laseter, .TonuarY 21, 87.5, Mat -Ipte EWARD--POCKET-BOOK LOST ...aou la Exeter, between Mr. Bell's baker shop road Mr. E. J. Willtihs' Hotel, on Triday evening, 15th January, a. small blaok pooket-book coatain- 1118 about fifty dollars in bills and a memoranda of boxes. The findor will be liberolly rewarded by leoving the same at this othee.T. BRADFOBD. Woodham• Harness Shop IZEINTRIT 11.1-1LER, Manufacturer of Light and Heavy Hamlet* would itnurfoorm the inhabitants of TJsborne and Blan hard that he has on hand and is prepared to manufao- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, and those in want of anything in his line will study their own interests by giving him a call be - lore purcha sing elsewhng p ere. Repairing attended to. 75-3m. Thames Oatmeal Kills, ST. MARY'S. Sutherland Bros. are;prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE FOR OATS delivered at the mill or at the store, next door to B. Eaton's, Oats taken in exchange for oatmeal. Will have on hand about the That of March A Large Stock of Seeds including CLOVER, TIMOTHY, &c. tar Gristing done on the shortest notice at the mill. SUTHERLAND BROS. St. Mary's, Feb. 4, 1875. 75-8m. THE FAVORITE LINE. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP --0— CROWLEY AND FLANIGAN H tying bought eat JHawksbaw, have Good, Horses, Comfortable Stages and Fast Time. These stages are driven by the most accommo- dating of drivers, and leave , THE IVESTERN-110TEL, LONDON, 'evdry afternoon, at 2 'arriving in lateen in time to connect with 1051110 for the oast and west (1z.d connecting in Exeter with the Clthtensand St. Mary's staves. MANE EXETB ABOUT 4-00 a.m., connecting iu Luean and London with stages and trains. TED CROWLE,K W, BROOKS PAT FLANAGAN, Driver. Proprietors rit NEWEST & BEST THING OUT; In. portant to every owner of a Building. Carson's Paint, (improved Fire -proof.) Those who aro, in need of Paint should enquire for Carson's Improved Paint. It is Cheap and Fire -proof, entering the grain of the wood ; it stops all small leaks in cools, and preserves thous against the action '''e• of both time and weather. One coat 113.50 ser- viceable ea two of common paint, and two coats WILL LAST A LIFETIME JAMES PROTJT, Agont, Exeter. N. B.—Wood taken in exchange for the paint. E. F. BROOKS, PRACTICAL Watchmaker a, jeweller QUEEN -ST., ST. MARY'S, JJAS a large quantity of Watches and Jew- elry on hand, Guns and Small Arms of • every description MADE AND REPAIRED on the shortest notice. A large supply of goods suitable for Christmas Presents. Re- member the place, opposite the Nations Hotel, Queen Street. E. F. BROOKS. St. Mary's, November 19, 1874. 65'-m6. 11„ S. :MURRAY. .a.BgAT OF CARPE". •"Aer4q..08taralOg' 2,000 yardis l'aperitry dirpet, at so et.. 2,000 yards Tapestry Carpet, at 90 Oti. 4,000 yards Wool Carpet, at ea .to. 4,005 yards Union Carpet, at 1661o. 8,000 yar s different gradei of Carpet at Cost Price. 400 piecee 13ruor81t Carpet et 411.60 par yase. 11OUSE FURNISRI/IGS of ell kinde at,tost prioe, Salo to continuofor One Month TEBlvi. Partitg NvishiDg Carpetshoula eail immediately, at the game opportunity for gel,ting Dar gains nifty neVer our again, 11. s. NtunlaY, 14, Drindas.st., 12r3 LONI)011 London, /annoy 1.874.41