HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-2-4, Page 14
Every Thursday 4/10111111
4P TITI- PPP0714,
Ree egellatnl, payable etrictly in advance,
• *II010Ortrii.94ti.00tt 10t iintN than WA. inontha,
PATBS Ort4PItle4esteeNG,
First insertion, leg line••••• -,••.-e ••--- ...... •- . • .. •*'"
aubeectuent ineertion per se. -24
A.,IVertieemente, et strayed, eatt OXUS:WS lot or
eicce net enteeetling. ten nies--lirst inouth
,*4.0N.; o1Seheecluent niont14,50couts.
islOtiOSe Of igttini,t1.141.Tittn't4 and dot,t11,1 ineerted
AdVOrtieemouta withoet eiseesie directions will
he inserted till forbid, lind ()Wu:paaceoidleidy.
Adveetitenuente, blt nieaBeied by Q. sealo, of
Sella nonettriel.
nit 12.X.X 4G.IWE1111.72v 3 :
The following rates will be charged foreyearly
otn 6 xos. 3 iittott
e Column $,60 . ..
Ralf " 85 . .. 15 .
42rtuater " , ... .„„ ...... _ „...- 8
Eighth ..,12 8 0.....„,„
usioaSS cards, six lines and under. $4 Six to boa
4aege $6. WEITE
steps leave gates daily for Liman and London
40,,n1.; arriVieg o Lueaeat 6 ean,; in London
at IP- 14eaVes Lendon for EttatOr '21).111.;
Luca; et 6 p. n. arivieg in Exeter a 7 pan,
stages leave Exeter daily for Clinton at 6
arriving in Clinton at 10 a.m., Leave Clinton at
2.30 p. zarrive in Exeter, at 3:30 Pan
agesleave Exeter ou Tuesdays, Thursdaya
and satuidays for t. Rary's, at 6ii.m„arriving au
tinae for 11000 trains goingeast and west, Leave
et, flary's at 2.30 p,tia„; arrive in Exeter at Cele
Physicians, Surgeons, Accoucheurs, Oftlee
--Dominion Medical 1,aboratoasy, ono door 'north
otRa.vis. blacksmith shop, Maui at. Exeter. Re-
sidence, Dr. Browning's, Iinron W. 131t0Ww-
zz4o, MD.,. Graduate Viotoria College, Member Col-
lege Physacians & Surgeons. Wm. Invine, M. 33„
Graduate University Trinity College, 11finnher Col-
lege Physicians and Surgeons: references kindly
vermitted by W. B, Geekie, Eng,
L.R.C.P.. Ed., Professor of Medicine University
Trinity College, Toronto, Physician Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital; Sue. Fulton, M.D., MR
ember oyal
(«allege Burgeons, Eng., Professor PhysiolOgY
vel• asTrinity College, Toronto, E ditor Canada
• J., n. Graham, 'MD., M,It.C.S.. 14., lute
Burgeon, to Prussian Army, Surgeon Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital. 110-tf.
14 C. MOORE, M.D., C.
.A GRADUATE of 111cGill University. Mon-
trealPhysician., surgeon,
(Mae snlrestdence-lexeter. Ont.
°Mee hour8-8 to 10 a.m.,and 7 to 10 p.m.
"[IR. LANG M. B., M. D., L. R. C.
k. 8, 0, Graduate of Trinity College, Mem-
ber of the Illollege of Physiciaus amt Surgeons of
Ontario. office -Drug Stm e, Main Se Grantee
and is also proprietor of the Drug store, and con-
stantly keeps on hand a largo ',took of pure drugs
Pe.tent Medicines, and Dye stelle.
Granton, June 18,1874. 45 -Gm.
1UFRS. ELIZA ANN MAIt3.11011',
midwife, hes perineemetly settled 111 Luc
an, on George -6t Calls pi omptly attended to -
Inquire 'atWalker's hotel
ffice and
✓ Oesidenc e -
Main street
Exeter. I3u
siness boure,
any time in
Tienrieley's excepted). 111.'0 /el re r ts
should call for ad•vice abent children's firrt t eth
as soon as they begin to foil. IN'orlt will 1.e
to that of any othir Mitre and warranted sant:fee
.1. A !MING & HARDING, Barris
tars, ttorneys,, Solicitors, Conindesiouers
0.16., Am.
rece-Horrae's Ilt,oca, Water Street, St.
ti ary's.
I !UN E. RARDTIVG. E. 'W. HAfinren
xrPSS18. jON.leS & slici)t)UGALL,
Barritit0113. Attorneve-at-law, Solieitore lo
:1h/100017, Coneeetweere, Commissioners ili tali,
trd NotariesMarv'u,
OP1,1=-11utton's Block, Water St.. St.".11ary's
30, 1-1v.
1.4•eFON M. CLENCH., .13A.Iii.tIbTEli
it and Attorney -at -Law, Solicitor in Cluveco*
Le, `lesolvene cawl Lettere Pateut, mere etml for-
aign, Plans 'lila drawings oxeeeted, end se:Achim-
t10118 drawn peesueut to 101e6 ot vitt,. IA 0.140t... <di
t'OCOi. Mg inetructns oor production' ,i modtd
(Viorca-antton's .1.11)ek, Qeeen Street. it
"lin rfs, Out. 1-13.
I .
marriage niece sea Exeter, Ont. 1-ly
Tk• 7 i/G. 'WILSON ISSI: Ell OF
. MarInie Licenses undo- tne iiew Act,
at the Pan Office "'tore, ( 4041,
T BROWN , Public Aaetioncer.
A e Salm' monipt),) utteeded to.
Tams reaeonable.
Whichelsea. Oct. 16,2878.
y. SPA CKifA N,
J_1 For the County of Unruh
oNt., W. RAWEST -JAW, Proprietor. Thi
new and commodious bote..is noir completed, a z,d
fitted up throughout with 11)A1 -furniture. The
hest of Armors and the choicest of Cigars at the
3 tar. The house hi capable Of necomniodatb.0 85
guests. Excelientstabies and an attentive hos-
tters. (54-1 y.)
BOWElt, Proprietor. This flrenclua hotel
has lately chaugecl hands (from W. E. WUI ns to
'44", Dewey", and is fitted with new fur Mitre
t esongliout: Free 'bee to and from theAtitti011
(1,:it.:•• for the new nue of 'busees to Lendom The
Ler i4 replete With the ohoieest Lquors and free -
re, tavaires: • Four e.otetnercia,1 sample room.
6.04 -stabling and attentivelostlers. 32-ty
eJ LEVITT, Proprietor. This Hotel has lately
6...oged betide; andthe present roprietor feels
6,.L.Leffed in saying he cam givethe best of accent-
utodation to man and beast. Choice Liquors and
fargnsent Cigars at, the bar. Attendee hostler
employed. 27-0111
MOLEAN, proprietor. 'bus ns lu eon,
nexion -with this hotel to and from all trellis. The
chaiceet Bettors and Meankept constaetly at the
bar; also temple rooms for Commercial Travel -
leis. Good stabling aud'ettentive hostlers. 14-ly
veld cennore proprietor, Who beet attention
-paid to -the travelling public. Firanclass liquors
arid cigars at the bar, Coed stabling and attent-
ive bostlers Cha gee modem D. 14-1y
C5HAS. SENIOR havieg removed tO
'kJ the standlately occMpled by Mr, C. k'oufb.-
cotte, tailor, has completely rune -vetted the ptem-
tflOti and arranged his HttlitiO k) as to command
One of the Best .Lights hi Canada
is prepared to execute wevli in lira -e1/10
010N,W1P6gn4( Pastpatronege, c begg a eott-
titan-thee of the favors of the ',ebbe. A ttentiot
is called � his stock of I'rnmes, etc., Levine on
band a good selection o toonldirigs, end being
prepared to make frames tit moderate tateS.-
Reside:ices photographed. Photographs when re-
touched, 5.2 Pet doe.; Clet/IllOtS, $4; imperials, 88.
$2h 1,14J, DAY.-^Ag011t.f. Wantd
e10 of working people, of el -
1:10k, YOttOtt 81111k0 more money at work
for us in their 'nen: wont itte, m ell the tan%
then at anyildee elle. Portion] are free. Post
card 101.111,11,11; Litt 600 001160, Mares G,
, STIN HON & CO., 1' ortl 411(1, Sin Me. 02-y1.
141AMI FOlt SA.I.414.1.-411.11 51.11.3 -
scriber offers for Sale the XV, of lot 1,
con.l1,810borim, toeteining 110 Itel'Ofi of eget:110A
Itata, 46 11.01IM cleared, balence theberee,
deedih g onelo, barn awl Eitni).10 ,011 the 5i10n1i6118i-
1100 togoli6 yoting orco•ard Of goat itelt and a Me
sprimp Distant fieint Exetee. ;feet
teilee, leer further ilartleulttra npply to j. DEA/P.'
filottr, proprietor, assetes nee 7841.•
it*" etistieq, 'Tr At, benne] Mete or fenntle;8(55
vw wormrsou.minw weoc, day or evening.,
(.,q)1011. ,W0‘, send Valiieble
9,....,pilelftiges Of goti.lo by teen tree.
('010058 '60(1)) tee coet fetern eteirlp, ''630t66)Alti Ore eirieieb sNO\* VOrk .61401Y
VOL 2, NO 23,
INI1OLE Q. (8)
.1,\TMPLES:y,'X'H" 0A4.:Errp,';
P11.45, (C.htIllitia 1 vsr. j,
vAN/yu. EN co ST. MARY'S,
J(REP constantly on band the Largest and
1 Best Assortment of
Patent Medicines!
. .
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth
School Books, Toy Books,
Blank Books, Megeziees,
Albums, Finley Goods,
Pencil Slates. Lead Pen-
cils, &e.
liC) Co.'s Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and
Eye -glasses.
A.so for the London Life Itutra.,co Co., of
London, (bit.
Preseriptiohs and Becipes quickly mul accu-
rately dispenSed. Remember the Plaeo-Di-.
redly opposite the " Central Rotel," itlidu-ot.,
Exetet . C. I? AN SEN d: Co. .
Exeter, January 7, 1874. 71 -yl.
The Dorainicn Lamle:tory
mein proprietors of 1.1:is establishment feel -
Mg that Exeter offered a splendid field for
a Pirst-class iirug Store, condueted on Ill GRT
1'111Ni2,1PLES, over a year slime,opened vith
0 T 0 :
In the Dirt!, Deportmeht,
and in all nepartmentrs,
and by strictly tullie,int, in it, and keeping a,
tip-top St 101101'
Pure Drugs,
Dye Stuffs,
Patent 111cdiCines
Fancy Goods
4.e., 111100 12111110 its success a PERFECT
While thanking their numerous friends
fo1 Oh, rutronage afforded them in the
past, they beg to msure them and the •getieral
public that
Their NOM is still Unchanged •
then- stock greedy erlarged, rind that, as in the
past, every care and attenlien will be given to
SPOilre the mosi peifect eatisirelion to all who
m 0 pleesed eall itt
The Dominion Laboratory,
next Door to Davis's 'Waal:smith-shop, -
Livery anc ,8ale Stables
(In conneetion wait the Ceetral Hotel).
a..tir'IF'''''''-!•••• 1.
lUegekeetReeee' snle-eseee s,
I". 101 ••---•,-------.••>'.3,•1\•,..'s
i'l: 4....' '''"'' " 16;'• „.....„.,
,,,,.. ,, •
ABLE vehicles always on hand. Favorable
arrangements made with com
mercial tritvelere.
All orders left et Bissett's Thisbe') will be
promptly attended to.
Th (51 T. BISSETT, Prop.
Rxeter, Sem. 4.1873. 3-13'.
T 0 17- E 11-t, S
And Stook -13reeders.
Wit SWEET, V. S.,
Graduate a
of the
Ontario gees-- s....-------..ege College.
Has removed his office to ono door north of W
Panama's harness shop, and ditectly opposite Da-
vis' Blacksmith shop. Veterinarltl
y edicince al -
Waye orl and, Calls promptly nttencled to.
Horses examined as to their soundness
Augui t28th, 1873.
.e -e, etertegeOiaget,
40. i
.--- 7
eVi..et9, '
, ,
(7)9 victi
Z.raettle;1141 (MI ,j1-Itlit76tig eove'
19/ .giaaoi,
'eetitll CO) ()CO
..ar5AaatkiJi Setra(i
.14 161(,1 a de
al,ter (.1•6116Z
Aet ee)iJieemi ereve,i4t4;•?,•44
ler*eke" tO4t4
Tinsmith and geueral dealer in stoVes, plow
nails, filmes, &e, ,
(i�xi18 p01 oot, (iut 110.6401, 4.40 pe* 100
(looking stoves t14 and uPwards 46 IY 9
The Curw
Curtis plo; .
L B.
to ,carry away
AND ILL tasoss or. •
(Plain and Ornamental)
special Attention paid to
Orclers fot Patties, etc
The subseriber would also announce to the
5300)410 of Exeter and vicinity that he has on
hand all kinds of
Teas that cannot be surpassed for their quality
and flavor. Sugars, Currants, Raisins, To-
baccoes,. etc.
Also, all kinds of
Dell, Glassware
Sulallirso•e, Toys, ote• All hinds of
Prodeee taken in eseheng,ii for goods.
Remember the place--Noxt door to. Bolton's
Drug Store. Bread deli \tared hi ail pArts of the
town free of chinge.
Exeter, NOV. 10, 1874. 1; .:
Great Bargains
THEY will sell the whole of their
Boots and Shoes,
For CASH, during the month of Jan-
uary, to mu5coroom for it largo spring ',took.'
Call Easly, andsSecure the Bargain-.
Winchelse ct, January .5,1874. 71-tf.
-le Thee:rums. Bonn ONLY BY SUBSCRIP-
This splendid enterprise is not only well sus-
tained in every feature, but is being conetantly
devetoned and improved. It to- fay stands nn -
rivalled in the whole world of periodieal liter -
tme. The beautiful dog -portrait "AfelestInseltieb
ioriend," a enromo presented to every subserioet,
is a decided hit, and will if possible, add to to.
'popularity -which this woric has gained. Tae ART
UNION feature alsopromises great and bonefici-
out results, in arousing public iutereet in the Rae
arts. Circulars and full luformettion on applies. -
• • --.
Parts I, III, I vile now ready,
Leisure -Hour Miscellany.
To be completed in 40"mrts, is issued fornightly.
Each part will contaiii en elegant froes,„pme,
originally exigraved on steel for the. Londou Art
Journal. •
at it price withinthe popular reach, engravings
never before offered foi less them iivo times toe
These plates have been the attraction of
. .
The London Art Journal
Bach pert will contain 26 quarto UtnigeS, includ-
hag the elegant frontispieceon heavyplate eu.p-
ot. A ,superb title t'age, richly illuminated in red
and gold, win he elven with the tirst part,ahd the
rename of the entire work will be a worthy rep-
resentation cif tbet'Aldine,Press,'. whieh is a gea-
ritnto 1 of something beautiful and valeable. , At a
Cost o1125 Cents it'tiart.
Parte 1,11 and III are lust published.
TUE ART JOURNAL, complete in 12 monthly
Parts, at 01 .each. , Iteproeueine the boatfrill-
page illustrations from the earlier VOltntitili of the
Eaeh roontliiy part will contain six suie
(mil plates with accompanying descriptive wetter,
anti whether tor bniding or traming, will 'be en-
tirely beyond competition in price �r artistic
character. Every impression will be most care-
fully taken on the finest toned paper, atul copal's
will be spared to make this the richest, peoduction
of a tvess which has Won, in dinarvotoupiy short
time at world-wide reputation,
GEMS PROM '1'HE ALDIND, especially assort-
ed for genie llooli Ilia stratioon end Drawingelass
Copiee, A large collectien of pictures el, differ-
ent sizes and on dimogt every eonceivable subiect
have been put up 10an attractive envelope,. and
aro noW °tiered at a price, intended` to Ulrike them
popular in ()Very sense. Envelope 530, 1, contain -
leg tie beau taw engravings, iioNv ready, end will
he sent, 'postage p616, to any addreee far 0118
1111, Ltbdka dit1001111t0 to agents ahd teachers.
fiCIttiP 1300I48, -A sidemlid asSortment of
Scrap Books have been eXmeesly prepared for the
holidayeenasen, a lid no 11000018 of ITIOrd permanent
interest coin be selected tor gentleman or lady,
old or young, No. 1. Half horoni, cloth aides, gilt
b 250 ack, pp, x 161 inches wiao, '55 ;bo, a, nen-
bound, (dote sides, gilt Nick, 500 pp(1.3 x,18 Undies
$71 NO. Moroete, beveled bearde, gilt fold
aetique, very rich, 500 pt.,Lettt2i0d to Order
in Old, at 25 coeta (mei) lino, &nit 61v thitateet
mild, oil reeelPt .0f. the ptim(ie, [11 1') ALDINE PAS -
513 PAIITGIAlf-Th copliance tiith repeated
retpiestriitlfe publishers oi the mope 01000 pro..
par6liviarefikone Of many 08 iboir Most beauti.
fel plate"; ffir" preme.parteut treieing. The 000
0,18 161166)016801 On a, bcOntitelly tillito aware Mat,
t*Ith handsonle 1•66 1)006)01 (8110, TO 0)84)10311110glese, ?Mb fee tbe er to paae. Mid fold
°Vol. filrea(1 eAttfalehad I order and teitmey ko
40)60be tt Mid; '57 sew (ate 5. in., 25 os':
*ttli rptim,tottoe 01 61,10 fdoe for 610
-seitotiels 61 56111 to puhn“hore, hlweete, 10 lry
12.1 eless, 4te. 7 tlitiiiee,oA:xo, te„
18, ee mete glees, 40 C.; 32 8111,tedft,•14 , 0 ill, 30
wifh Smut by moil, without o1.:61, po[it,
paid, for 0.100,
cifiVT(ASiviePs TVANI'isn,
TX1A.D.1$ Olt#: 'NY , •
.68 gam
Grammar da& Rhyme.
The annexed. effusion dees not, come
under the head of new inventione and
recent discoveries, in fact we believe it
has been published frem time to tune
during the past twenty years. But, as
the Commercial Advertiser (When it ap-
peared last) says : " The name ot the
author should not have been allowed to
seek into oblivion. On the contrary,
he deserves immortality, and the grati-
tude of ge61erAti0118 yet unborn, for we
have never met with so complete a
grammar of English language ie so
small a space. Old, as well as young,
should commit these lines to memory,
for by their aid it will be difficult, if not
impossible, for them to fall int& errore
concerning ports of speech :"
Thiee iatfe eice:e-s-Yee. often see
Are articles a, an and the.
Amon le the name of any thing
As pelmet or garden, hoop or swing.
Adlectives show the kind of.noun,
As great, small, pretty, whit or brown.
Instead of I1011118 the pronoun stands
Her head, his fee°, your 111111, my hand.
Verbs tells us something to be done,
To road, counb,.laugh; sing, jun p or run
How thinge are done tie adverbs toll,
As slowly, quickly, in, or well.
0,41.jimetions join the words together,
Al men and women, wind and weather.
Tee preposition stands before
A. Lunn, RR ill, or through, the door.
The interjection shows surpriee,
As oh 1 how pretty—au !how wise. . •
The whole aro celled nine parts of speech.
Wbloih readiug, ri6l/1g, sneaking, teach,
It, was the first night on tile (deceit
after vacation, and old Tom. Btidenn.'s
turn for a story.
Tem'sferte lay in thenrinslual
He had cheated the • gallows o ,often
that Bill Quipley need te, say he won;
tiered how he conlalook ahemp-field in
the face. .
• Did I eYeit tell you,' said Tom, giv-
ing his tumbler of Julep an exhaustive
suck Did I ever tell you, boys, about
Obed Scott's case?'
No, he never had.
I shonla. like to have such another
now,' he resumed. & It wasjust desp-
erate enough to put one on his legal
metal ; ami I think, with my present
experience, I coald Will three .limes out
of Eve tinder eimilee.ciecumstanees_
Bil" I Wee a boy* then.' :
'How was it?' we asked, desirous to
cut short the preface.
The case 'was in a nntshell,' said
Tom, comiug to the point.
'Enos Budge was an old settler;
without wife Or child, who began to
feel hempered as the population aye --
aged half a man to the square nulo.-
kb to sell out and go West.
'He had a choice tract ofland, with
a comfortable cabin on it; and Obed
Seott, the likeliest young 1330616 561 the
settlernent made an peer he hots it.-
Obed, instead of squendering his gains
foolishly, see too many youngsters do,
had saved them up. One reason Of his
prudence maybap was. Ins :engagereent
to Iletstie Ward, the prettieet girl
- The old lawyer stopped hoke to hot;
or her Willi a 11 miuiseent swig. • '
Though others,' hecontinued, of-
fered mere in payineet, Etioataccep.ted
()bed's' offer; for the letter Was ready
to pay cash demi, and Enos said he
-wanted to quit the country for good;
and didn't want to leave no onsettled
baeinese behint
Ou the ay appointed for emplet-
Mg the contraet,e Enos went before a
instiec ofehepesiee, and dely executed
deed to Olied,Scote, whiedi he merriest
with hisinsaying•Ohed. wit& to: meet
him t'llstt, evening, pay the inoney, re.
eeiye the deed, and take poeseseiou ; af•
ter Which it Waal:Rog' iritentiCit to pees
the' night with ite old friend to ..whoin
15118 to pAy 8. siesta debt, and Whose
house lay in the direction of his, Jour-
neY, .
,1 who had both the Motive and the Op-
portunity ?
' That wes,the question 1 asked my:
self\ wheo retained to conduct Obed's
defeece, and I eonfess I was, usable to
return a, satitfactory•enswer. Still, I
felt bound to do my best, and I did it,
'.0-te the trial, the fade were Trovqt1
Much as I have related them. In sum-
ming unI made the most of, Obed's
good cheracter, dwelt on the fallacio-
usness ef cireumstantial evitleece, read
cases from the books to show how many
judicial leurders it had been accessory
to, and wound up with e strong appeal
to the hay to give the defendaue
the benefit of every reasonable doubt.
• But old Paxwax, 'the presiding
judge, stripped the gilding off my
speech by repeating, in his charge, the,
uettealeptetitenles, abOut tha impossibil-
ity of -circumstances fy-ing. True, he
told the jury that the prisoner was 03-
titled(10 1611 reasonable doubts; but
then emphasized the word reasanable in
soh it way as to indieate, plainly en-
ough, that in his opinion in the present
4ase6 any doubts -Would • be wholly me
reasonable. '
But Enos nerer reached his friend's
houee, the only acco ant of him a, t .r leav-
ing justiee'e, Wa43 by Obed Scott,
who said he had met Enos at his :cabin
as agreed on, paitl hint his money, and
gotten his dead ; and. then Enos hcl
gone away, leaving 1611)1.511 posecesion
of his purchase.
There was no honester man than
,Enos Burge. That he should have left
She country claaestinely to avoid pay-
ing the one trifling debt he owed, and
without stopping to bid his frien as good
bye seeinecl a thing hardly credible. '
Reanors of fool play began to be cir-
culated ; and those were nat wentieg
who hinte11 at, the possibility of Obed
Scott'having thought it, all 0001101331e,
al stroke to put Enos out of the Way,
and to possess himself of thedeed with-
out paying the stipulated price.
So life slid the rumors grow, that
euedry geed citizens at islet called ois
Obecl, and told him Shat a thorough in:
vestigation was necessary to vindicate
his name. ,
'Instead of ieviting inquiry, as good
policy, to put it on no higher greuncli
6voniti have dictated, Obed was he -lig.,
'sant, of. feigned to be, Al the ,iinputa-
tioe cast upon hien. His t0110 enhan-
ced rather than allayed the prevailing'
'4oubte3 teed a eearch of the prereisiest
Was begun without weatieg for his per-
'Not far filen the cabin, hee00,111
ecntie smattered straw, signs .0,6)e10 dif4-
e0Vel'84 indieating that the earth had
been recently removed . and oe. digging
• .
tI056)11 little Way the Illungleel corpse
of Epos Itnige wee celittined.
(Med admitted thet he had taken
poesession on the evenieg ot the late
owner's departure, an11 that lie 1056t, 561
th.- cabin that night, tilos Durdge
1168(1 5)06)61' been seen Alive elect). Who
so likely to Lae() elain and bugled him
nisei:a his body Wit8 f01111i14 )411t, 1330113 thei he 140
' When tbe jury ' brought in the vele
(1105, Obed tinned pale for a moment,
though, on the -vhole, I think he stood
it bettertham: I did.
What hive you to say,' ,asked the
jndge, that the sentence of the JAW
ehould not be prOnoueced upon you?'
'Nothin' ' Obed answered;' only
you're agoin' to :Send me, judge, afore'
a court as has got more sense, I hope,
than this'n, au' whar git a fairlrial
even ef Squire Badger ain't thar for to
plead my case.'
The judge reproved him for his ley-
itY; and, after an exhortation to repen-
tance; which would have become the
month of a better man, old Paxmax
sentenced the prisoner to. be hanged, st
the end of six weeks.
' applied in vain for a writ of error
and stay ofproceedings. Equally in
vain I appealed to the Execittige clem.
env: Governors ot States are gener-
ally so much more just than the Great
Governor, that when it becomes a quos -
tion of mercy, the responsibility is com-
monly shuffled off -me the latter.
Obed sent nee a message to come
and see him ow lie last night. Heftwas
the only inmate:of the little • log -gaol,
with three tiers.of timber ,thick.
The jailor let me in, andeclos.ed the
door upon me.; 'It wasn't. ,usnal then,
as now, to keep close wateh on crimin-
als to see that • they didn't anticipate
their doom. If they hanged themsel-
ves it was so much trouble saved.
How do you feel, Obeli?' I inquired,
taking•Iiis hand kindly.
',Jest middin,' he auswerede' 'Yon
seed conlslot etood•it a heap bettereif
Hettie hadn't come hate to see 'me.'
'Die like a man,' I said; there'sno
help for:it now.'
I Can't doh,' he replied' ; and what
is move, I won't.' .. ' • . •
I looked at him in surprise. .
Yon see this yer rope,' he contin-
ued ; I made it out of my bed -close
this afternoon, determined, ef I had to
be hanged, .to do tile job myself; but
since I've seen Hettie, I've changed my
My astonishment increased. •
A lawyer hasn't no right to peach
on his client, hez Iso ?' he asked.
O That wes 16 queetion, including SSP-
tral ot.hers, ninon them the important
!mewl= the ,reletionehip referred to
might. be suppesed.tabe ended. ,
At "env rate ef you give- the alarm
now, I'll kill you,' he said quietly.; and
before 1 knew he gresped my arm with
one leuid, end placed the other over
6)1051(161 '
You mist sninnit to he wigged,' be
added, in the same firm, cleterMined
61t 51155 .conscienee
'diq not de.
mend; Ihe imperilling of my life. Isaw
Shat Obed tees &emirate, and would
stick sa nothing. I Wae, more017017, 6612
inlant inlis hands.
atiV11,(1a something hi.nty
mouths and secured it by a bandage
breugllt round sold tied at the back :of
my peek. •
Thtm, con:penis es Me to. change cid-
thing eith hiiii, Ile belind sne hand seci
foot With the cord he had preparedeted
fastened inc on his bed. Then bidding
nee'goedt-night, he tapped 165 the door
--my isand 'signal to be let out. Ido
not itrew if I would have warned. the
deoweejellor if 1 coutd as I heard him
hid hie good -night, in veice, and
wu3k it 7, hy:t1 I] molested. I think I was
glad I 62,u1d not; for I had never
than Issepelieved-in Obei's guilt, and
despite the inconvenience -foe rnyselfel
°Mel-IA.1,00d a -secret hope,that hiselplaa
of eseare mightemeteed.
' Of &wee, there wee inhubbub when
the shwa- mid ussista lit -came
tne mends)° . course, my explan
tiou provedsatisfactory ; and -of -course
it would, have been carrying the doc-
trine of ,repreeeetetion liy,attorney .ta
1661 un wqrantable •extent, to lin,ve hang-
ed' me le my client's stead. There were
some win whispeeed it •was 06 preeon6
certed plan between Obed and myself;
but my teofessionsil standing was a suf-
ficient iadiention against such a slan-
der. ,
Ha I laughed an irrelevaut jun-
ior. ,
The dath rattle' &Yoked by Mr.
Badger'slast suck at hie julep' was the
onlyreple deigned to the youegsman's
impertineace.. ,
And what do ,you think ref the case,
atter all 2'a:died Bill „Quipley.
011 I the truth came oet at last 1-•
Ahab Grendy was paying ine Wine
fll Utley one da,,,y, A niong the hanit
notes he give ine one pecnliarly
ed, which temembered, letvieg paid
Enos:Barg, on the (ley lie dieappeered.
I secrals procured a warrant, and
had G1'e11drs.6 henee eearehed, The i�
sult wee ft) nember of the mardered
man's effedss mono these e watch lse
had Wt1111 fir many yeetts, and witielis
Wag teedilYideeti tied. '
s When (le:fronted With the swede of
his geilt, Akb eonfeseed that lie lied
waylaid, teebed eed 61le1'c1e1e61 tees
Beedge, well. 116 'latter had l'eceived
beriecl the body at dead of mght,yvhere
if it should be found, suspicion would
be likely to fall upon andther. '
Ahab Grandy was hanged in due
time and Qbed Scott yvho turned up
efter a slesssen, wits happily married to
Hetty Ward, yvho heel utiver lost faith
ie her lover's 1l141008.UC0 111 enite of
judge and jury.'
IP I.*
Tice Ilatcltet "Story agt*ils.
A little boy having hestrd 61 beauti-
fel story 161)0(15 61 little boy and a hat-
chet, and how, because the little by
wouldn't telt a lie, he, in time, got to
be President of the Meted States, was
very much unpressed by it,
Now, it so happened that on the last
day of March he was just ten years old,
and his fether aeked him what he'd
:like to leave for a birthday present.
Very naturally the boy's answer was
A. little hatchet if von please papa.'
The father bought a little hatchet on
that very day, and the boy was so de-
lighted that he aetually took it to bed
with Isim.
Early not -morning he got up,mdres-
sed himself, took his little hetchet and
went out lute the garden. There, as
luck would have it, the first thine thee
caught his eye was his father's favorite
cherry trree
My eyes I' the little fellow exclaim-
ed, 'what a time my father would make
if a fellow were to cut that tree.'
It was a wicked thought, for it led
him into temptation. There was the
tree --tall, straight and fair --standing
invitingly before hins, just the thing
for a sharp little hatchet. And there
was 'the hatchet -strong, 'sharp and
shining-ejust the thing for a favorite
cherry -tree. In another instant the
swift strokes of a hatchet were heard
in the still morning air, audbefore long
a small boy was seen running towards
the house. Hie father met him at the
Aly.boy, what noise is that I heard
just now? Surely you have not been
at my favorite cherry tree!
• .The boy stood proudly before 135626,
but with downcast ,yes and flushed.
Father, I cannot tell a lie. That
cherry tree is-'
O Say no more,' said the father, ex-
tendiug his aims. Noe have done
wrong, my son.; and that was my iss,v-
orite tree'but you hive spoken the
truth. I forgive you. „Better to-,
This was too much. The boy rush-
ed tate his father's arms. •
'P1651301'!' he whispered, April fool ;
I haven't t uohed the cherry tree; but
I most chopped the old,apple stump to
• You youug rascal, your cried. the
father, & do .you mean t?say you have
not chopped my cherPy-tree ? April
fool your old father, wine you? Take
off your ',coat, sir l'
With a suppressed solnehat little -boy
obeyed. Then, shuttingehis eyes, he
felt hie father's hand descending upon
hi S shrinking form.
'My eon,' said the father, solemnly,
as he seroked the little, shoulder, 'it is
the 1st of April. Go ttist way.!
_ .
A singular trial will, according to : the
Berlin correspondent of the Stanq•cl,
takeoPlace towards' the • end • de this
mouth, or eerly in February, -at pots.
dim., 'One of the pectiliarly interest-
ing featnres'ef this case will be the ap•
pearanc.e of-eome ef the most distifigue
ished personages in the benlll try, include
ing the Crown Prince anti Printess, in'
the character of witnesses. .The per-
son into whose doings a judical enquiry
is now pending, a soman named Kirste
had been some time caerying on Et
swindhug game no less bold in concep-
Lon them it was successful in execution.
° Frau Kirst" they be described as a
Spitzeder. without the religious ele-
ment. Her mode of action displays all
the simplicity characteristic 01 the,
highest genius. She appears to have
moved- 161 Sery good society, and to
have been on a very friendly footing
with the genteel neuters who -trade up-
on the temporary needs of people of
rank and fortune, and ,who no doubt.
frequently employed as a go-between in
the arrangement of such transections.
Otherwise -it is not easy to see how -she
dpula have wormed herself into the con-
fidence of her victims. One, of her fav-
orite modes of operation' was the fol-
lowing : She kept a good table, and
would .often invite her moneyed friends,,
one at a time, to parteke of her good
cheer. When thechampagne was free-
ly circulating, the -liveried footinan.
would enter: With telegram upon a
salver. The missive net unfrequently
ran thus : "..INIrdestr Frau Rivet, I
must have 505000 thalere this evening
On any terms.. Secrecy.", It • iwas
eigned with the name of distinguished,
often,royal personages. Sometimes
the leters rrodticed wsts genuine -that
is to say really must, by the' .porson
whose signature Was affixed to them,
altivetgli the coia tehts ' might refer to
some very di,fferent matter, but general-
ly they were direct forgeries. After a
berried perusal, the letter, with many'
earnest recommendations of discretion,
watild be placed in the hands of the
Man of businefle, whose eye would glie-
tee with delight ea he drew forth ins
checktboek and closed in bargaiii at the
moderate rennet 80 or 4() per cent.
The gaineehoweVer; is tiot up, end
poor MistreeeLKiest is now in' prison
with cleelated debte to the' Amelia of
'fitline 800,000 thalereeinereased every
Aar by.the fre8h cIttjl61SEOli(1 into the
Potsdstto court from some hitherto une
ditteovered d16)1e living3 porlottie, at the
ether end of the world, ,The proeeod
,ings will, of ,course, turn the lantern-
epon Bonsadf theniAteries of centetup,
orary Berlin life; end preeesib many
colons tine interesling features,
There is „nothing more ' hapirdens
than to be botherieg fl irritoble Voinan
with foolish questions on wash day,
When a, Go lerith wee:loess $55(5 on
(111) 05(1(3681 ho;0311'0.4 ;05, rOWarti fot it,
Ilo knows Getteeigh littMttnuatalN
'A, FwL DINNER POJS 150 o,' -Res.
(11611)6(6135 keepers sometimes find cue-
tOiners who axe not profitable. Such
an one, whom the Proy 2-het5 calls hie
chempiou hungry man, came to Troy,
aid—but we'll kit the Ilona tell the
story, It esters :-Satraday noon a sore
of slortchy-looking, liun,gry.eyed; cada-
verous fellow, stepped into reeefitaursint
on Forth atreet, awl said he wanted a
cup of colree and piece of bread
and butter, The waiter told hint
that :the place sold nothieg under a
complete dinner, and the price -wee 50,
cents. said tee stranger.: s,Well,
see I ain't reel hungry., „and I only
want a little coffee -and a bit' of bread.'
Waiter -It, mateg, no *difference ; eve
sell, a whols "dinner for 50 ete. and no-
thing else, 'Stranger-Yoll give a hull
dinner furfiftrafillts.? Weiter-eYes, a
whole dinner ; roast meat, potatoes,
sueeetaeln bread, better, pie, pudding,
coffee' and tea. 'Stranger--We11, P
suppose yon. give &Mall all be wants
to eat ? Waiter, Oh, yea. • We fill yon
up for fifty cents, and give you a sol-
id, good, plain meal. Stranger -Well,
I've half a mina to eat 'with ye: The
fact is, the ole worinsai gave me half a
loaf of bread and a' piece of cold corn
,beef fer a bite, and I. ate ,that ,up
Carpenter's just now with 11..00.38 of
beer. 1 thought l'd like a good cup of
coffee and a little bread and butter to
kind o' wash the • thing down e but ye
say ye Can't gimie that ? Waiter -No,
sir- We'll give you, as I have said, a
solid square meal for fifty cents. You
can eat as little or as muoli as you
please. The stranger's eyea• opened
and looked thoughtful ?or 'a 'moment,
and then, striking his fistem the table,
he exclaimed, 'By , gum !I le'leeve I'll
take it. I ain't right, real hungry, but
being on yer roes' beef and taters, suck-
ithash, tea, coffee, breed, pie' and pud-
dm'. Bring 'em' on By gum !' I'm in
for a, square meal, and .ney fifty cents
worth 1 The waiter hurriedly eespond-
ed., and the way that stranger's knife
played between: his mouth and the
plates was ft CaUtiOU to greased lightn-
ing. 15 beat a half. a dozen paws of
castinents, and sounded more like one
pf Billy McAllister's bone, soles than
anything else we aever heard. The
vvaiter stood aghast; and When he turn-
ed up with the tetrippIate of rarest beef,
•tne proprietbr, pale as marble froth a
Vermont. quarry, called him aside be.
thebale eFoit.G.sed's sake who is
that fellow ?" Beide:he., 'Life eet.s,. vie-
tuali as fast as 16 threshing Machine
swallows straw,
' The strangerts plates
were begintug ter show bottom again,
and ,his eyes were running up and
down ,the room for the waiter. He did
not stop his eating, but simply turned
his back and let fly .against the wall
with his heels. s'more roast
beef and taters,' he shouted. The
landlord raised Isis halide in horror.
'Great heaven,' eTemeSS he'll clean us
out!' said .110, as the. Waiter sprang for
5110 kitchen. 'Ain't ye, gut more'n one
kind' e' -pie?' inquired the .stranger.
'Oh, yes,' el said the :waiter. . 'Well,
then, bring it on; and give 118 some o'
that pucl'in, too. Jimmtuy, if I was
onlyhungry, how' I'd clean -ye 'mit!
Being nee two euis of eoffe, and 'a' cup,
of tee, too .' I ain't onlyjest beginhe tti
eat.' fl'helandIord listened in dismay
and, siepping•the waiter ,as he entered
She kitchen for the fifteenth time, walk,
ed solemnly up to the stranger', and
said: ,See here; we ain't got enough in
this house to feed you. Just go on
slow,' and I'll calf it thl Square. 'Yon
needn't pay a cent for whet you' Yelled.'
The stranger became indignant, .and
declined' saying that his -appetite' was
just ;coming, "And winding tip with a
very, very emphatie, 'Hanged if I will!'
A brigheahought etiiihk -the landlord,
as he walked off in Mental agony.
Hastening to the bar, he jerked open
the till. pulled out a half dollar, and,
rushing up to the stranger, pieced it in
his hand. 0 Here, here :' said he,
'take this: and go right up to.the Holly
Tree; and clean 'eni out. ' Go on..
They'll feed you till you bust for fifty
,'Well,' said the stranger,- a&
he gradually rose .itud stretched hire -
self, at the, same time puttiiig' the scrip
51115 15 vest Pockets I don't mind ,ef I
do take tt. 'I ain't very hungry, Any-
how. I only wanted a cup of cofft.s and
a piece Of trearand. butter' When I
'come n, bat I am jest as well setisfied,
I gueee Inv the old mare some 'oats,
aud tbeiteintli I get hum to finish up.
And he left.'
The Judeelary Overhauled.
The Parhill Gazette a sheet of She
Grit persuasion, talks in tine outspoken
manner'in its,last iseue ; , ,
;The London Adverfair has lately
been indulging in- fi; tirade of abuse
against the Jtedges who unseate4 and
disqualified. Major Walker. . We believe
it is- the first Canadian journal that
has ever attempted tO impute political
partizanship 50 0116) Jeldges, and we are
sorry that the Advertiser hail, become so
infected with the Major's spleen as to
disgrace itself by semi1 an unseemly
attack. if ever there was a man in the
world guilty of treachery it is Major
Walker, atid he richly deserves' the
punishment meted out to him. The
only wondegwae that Jadge Hagerty
did tot find his qualification ou the
first instance, -his lenieney in the re-
spect showing stuything but political
prejudice, We thing every 'journal end
every fair thiehing men in the ecittetry
11150611(1 frown down this thunder, end
SlieW thoe epOiled 01311(111011, 51165 their
last crime ie even worse than the firsts,
-,Parldtill Gazette. -
rickpoelgetk srvixtvitcd by a Pa,
' ticenotett. '
1-1,Y 0514 Pe04-16. W46 166-
Cill,45ttea -With Meet. Of tlieitelfte`fiet‘are,16
lentry fient heeame these ieeoentite,
41,64,4* teleeient4 the nelgh. ,
1,)co5ile14..,Ptt tbe 1"44bOnr4 $to 11040T-
'Ide 'WAS 414 to Aessiet them loy Cow-
lininieetitigt•ite them infO1lhlet8P4
1 f850 P144608 Wi4Qf1 I1y might okle'5'8.t9. 446
balety otherwiten no proprietor of
the tavern overhetted hun, oti 0E08 00:
eaSiOt/e warned e0nt0 $91.ftect94*-#,OP'°'•
tliseaft.:Ietearee ka-Gefet)te#4,1401
rsteei,te eVenifiteeenselete,Otives WO :lie,
1tlfere. 'Ilia eervieee welts not, 61066r41\0.'
1 given gratuitouelye and it n'as Use bhtek
mail he levied osi els; friessde for hoqf''..
Mg -theni oh tr, of. dassger, or ,Prefelsellot:
theth when they leal fallen, into tise ,
hands, of the poliee, 11106(1 ; hes. nate
brought: lain hit° dtiliceltiesse • Fouled
one W01118.11 Dallied Spencee''. he eot as,
diemed riser Alta is 'hell . cisargett!" to
being her up Woes 'the prilen: to 'the
.0ourt liouse, lieeeeesi. to stop at a eate
and Isreelciest with her at, her 'etcneesse ; •
he else, stole bee clothes, Illone)-' 11101
jewelry; by,nieaes of a, faisse letter, froth, .,
the hotel at \vial she wee staying ellen
arrested, . Freen5 a, ,hretiser-in-lew ,of
the same wouniti, a,n-Can liatned Flem-
ing, and iii the einnee.proleoSeiOti, inCe„x-»
hotte'd tenepeande stud a set of chess-
-oscine; from enothee; a Valuable 'gold
wateste from ()there, veriotis El illlle' of
money. 1 -Xis victinis inside diselossuree
while in prisoe which led, to hie preeeilt
appearance at- the Bar.The .cssurt
•now condemned him to five yeir's ina-
prisonnitiet end' to remain ,tieder • 'the
survillanee of the police, foe a--
like per-
iod after Warae.
. .
gri111111/ 10 COPU1lir111 a
The Cincinnati' Requirer telle this .
yeencione tale ; ',OA rather iatellgient-
looking man cense nits) the Meted
States.Glerles ellice yesterdayand stat-
ed that he (108168(1 50 talie.oue .
right. Mr. Toun Ambrose explained' •
that by the change in the law 1,870,
ti• 't
application must be. made niece, y •o
Washington. lie said he had a tilble
performancelie eviteted •to get eopy-
righted, and setenireteihow it thould,:be
done. Capt.: Authroeeteld him ehe
would have to send three eopies of. the
work to the departineut at WaslichetOn.
'01 Which the table or shell* 2' ask-
ed themen. .do yin W
righted ?' inquiredAmbrose. 'Why, a
performunce on 'a table hy aa dog. , I
might Sent three 'tables on, bete -you •
see I have only one dog. The little
fellar acts the euteistyOu ever seed, *arid
there's money in him . for uIe (1) I ben
only get a copyrighton it so other folks-,
can't learn their doge to ,do tho.. enema
tricks. IloW'll it do Mister 9' , capi
Anibrose aisurect him that he liadno
remedy, except 'to make his: dog'fie 'act-
ing so superior to , others that 'they
would not be encroaehab1e7 by, doge :of
haw iots talents jUst. She seine. eopyright
which artiets enjoy. ,••
SENSIBLE. 'PoieNTs.:-A' young lady 'of .
Ballarat, Fsngland, shout contemplating
matrimony, was asked by, her, friends
what IiLoa Of veeddhig:preseete She.wonhi '
like,. and replied .that she w'ould. prefer
useful and ornainenUal ones. " Her 'we'd-
dingljoerney ,consisted -in; going. froni
the house. of -parents -to a pottage, in --the
vicinity, and upon aieieeng there she
found a barrel of ilonr, ajar ,of butter,
a complete set of cooking, Utensils„.i
piece Of inerinoot set siforockery Ware,
kniyes, 'forks, spoons and glassware,
enough householtlfurniture to last over
six months, enSi. 011 her parlor table a
receipt for the 'payment of oue yeelei
rentfor the cottage, wientwo '410 metes;
pinned to. paper,. on Whicili Was writ-
ten, l'Tci purchase something uteful,"
Was net this the eight• kind ofentffitar-
ianism for the young,conplee efelimitecl
meane,, abont starting 'out npou their
matrieminina 'career,. and Was it. not
!snore' ,Vestutifel than !dualicatek
kmves esud'• other trash, ussuellyseeVeen
upon like occasions. • . • • .
Artemus 'Ward once leet luott.ey.
He thee accohnte'the'el'aneaction : A .'
egendesnen fs ioull'ef i1i came to the
with teat& hi his eyes, tisaide 'Why
these weeps ?," He seid•hisehact _mart.
gage. on She (166)1 16)6(1 11,,64 ,‘„vgi1451: to. 'bor-
row $200... hese we. i4031ey; o/0)
went away: Seine' came.
with more tears..' 'said' he Meat
leave me for ever: I -venteired,'fi38 fee'.
mind him:of t131e-$20,0,• 6 Ttold hadsboirowes :* •
I worild 1136) he: hard" 011:11i1.11; 14'
ed. He was 11111011 CIA 1.1p.. I- th,otight
iiir- I would throte eft .$1b0; 'He
brightened,- shook his -hand, and feud,
"Cid friend, alloW you to met -
do me in I'll throw off _the
other hundred:6' '
• '
TEN:Irainekant'bbi1,An DAucinTE a..
-OU eer,taineclayi on a Peniisylvaiiia:
railemede a, Instle ofe, thtiyiug. ,Pennsyl. e e •
• • , -
yaiim toden
wn, the ehtere f,, 16 . wealthy. ee. see
lumber merchant, was tre,yelteg.in., She.•
sante ear with al sliketrd old citleen pf
h.erna tiVe• toWit; atid. an "fig tee'able- 'kei).-
tleniata from the West, .who telleestlee'
steeye tliheeelaeter,had, lessen ,:talkingeto
,the tteqeehetes, the „night grew „me •
.the y96 1j15idk1kre#1,41rowsy, he gest!,
up hie isat odier !Ad pleced hiniSieff'
beeide stile ,Fietne Whitt•' Cynical 'Peiinsyl..'
vaunian. ‘Tida.latterbegati conversatlini
by pointisg to ,the.,high mountain,, past
whion they ,weie„whirling, and sitidT:
t'Yoti gee that m0011tanl ? „Six: or eight
years ago it Was 'Covered' With -as hne
foreeit that ever grevv; and wOrilr$1:0;060
and ,upvvard. •-:= Now; Without 165, tree,
cevered, with stempee ehe, land
scarcely wertn: a continental., , The net
produce bf that nionlitainiiee'eVer there
ill thet sedge" andlie Poititecrto' thelel- •
cumbent•belle e''thet isestny,cititeilatsien.
It lass just stissothecl•all,of,that-duenbee,
which her, father ewned, to raise, atisi
estimate the girl, pay for her clotheseand
jewelery, her out in' siitietke"' 'and
nsaiutaiu her there. Santa: �f 'yeti
-young men, if yon Were 4siVe51- your
choice between the Moan:tails y ender,
as it now stands, inid the net,,prodece
en tlia•t seat, Woe) d tele:the net p red Ilea;
but afs for tile; .giVe Ant; the pumps."
The Paris Tribunel of Correctional'
Pace lids kind tided siei itibpoeter of
Police, twined Derineneu.,, on the I'fitiWt
8,111g1118r elwrgo of swindling. pickpoelt-
ete: Thi e rssan, having a *knowledge of
the ittagtiko, woo ,etriploydd
frequently at the ?,8efe68611)e td arrest
the T4on519.0,,, 810)pl1fter11 and ;other
titioy04 whc snke 4ekaukiouat td
. .
AsliecilIl eeligicess ,service .was ',held •
teeently iyi681',V;t3, Id ell 5 Jslingto_n, ,
Englatid,tor„tho, beileht of
GypsiOs, whe vere `t1)en-l'6d1eatell
8.5 1116 Agtieutetteiti --/
with. a gigantic.fair there,' Ned.
She 'ecniVertea thief, and :Bending(); 4,116
converted prize-fighter Wete..„beith
sent, fold tletiveredaildressos,,, large,
litttnller. Gl-ypsios littendettand`
sisted in. ranting tvrettotrkahic congte,
gation. Pen -dingo, in it 85111E116 Inttlititir
related ids experiehee lolIti -convetaiots,
hiss language, being of a niest eettreeire
(Beaty kintl; nd itiglifliOg".'i 111g6 psr
tion otp118n.'Ned Wright delivered
ari energetic itildreas i'lkt the words ofie
I aortae to do'flie will of GOV, ,And ,1148
wurdg .a.,,p,posaid, pi,od•dce111.
itivtooko4,9,0 thoao vlosOSlo.