HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-28, Page 4'•.-ettt ;Ott. e r *relatee etriallett, 4 4, tc",',Tzioq..‘• I- ..tteetetti Itteelsete tettio.o. t elteeet-' al) , t t le tente ihe teeeteet reie eereet,t , t ,,,, 1 tet ir it ee. , He eeate hart ehe OtI,10 OX 4 i AA, Sintre*ten tent,A,weite es a thee% tital; •t for, ti ety Yeed e Otte; a lel onerlit wear, lie teae r ate ;seen banging over bate , het 4•1Qt givittg tletteke. A 001.01.4 goatletnait I& to s:ort$ult None'of the meet' " hightt fid" Ittwyere ia liestoin and after $tAii.ng" his woe 6ftia ; 44 NOW 1 10.10W yotne Ittwyer ; bat I wish you, wotad jiSh *ell lee the truff 'land dat mattee," Pretty lead andee foot, totatty, veld ooe citizen to another,L8 they awl in the street the ()thee day. " Yes, but it'e film overiteuel," respoutled the other. -4' True enough," said tie first, " but lieu very few are going that way." Jhu Ptefeet Tim 'rein, the port of Pekie, China, whose 'Battery we•e $1,- 400 per petunia, Inte julft retired, Akf ter Sour yeari ;service, on a thrteue Qf .41750,000. -fie tlieplayed thrift aad itidastry equal to the •averege Xinede.AAA etilleapholders. " '1 Sent' g, WA. 0.44$ Soa • , etente 0%4 to it, John, Ios yoi knoW' it, ENO now you aro the werse f(n. whieh, elite 1 know teo well, You Iniow my idea ea the eubjeet, and that wade the matter.," There is gruff old party who live op- peette eharele whoee the membere of. the choir twice at week, to prtietiee entawho says 'if the sheering affeete II.teeVeitteteit atte4,' th„...01:b0 no lenie of going there for happiness. tie A. Thomas street sehool. buy hatlejuiet tiisa,, to 'sing tt Lett us love one eetother," when. a snowball hit him in the mouta and eo coulusea him elute he yelled': 13ill Skyes, tuet do tnat agiti I'll (thaw your ear off, ",Nove then, ','saideephyeiciaii, elieer- , iiiy„1"0,2s, pith:lit; 4, yea littVe got alotig 0 tai enotighto int:bilge in a little animal 0,so8d, i\tot you don't, Doetor,"' th4-p4tiout,; 44.r ve suffered :44cingin yonr grelea and slops, and s etrve setiner than begin on hay 'and pats,. piris sitonia bet warned againste,ehe, .,eantoeteety .1111,tin.. marrying realt,eitia atneselien °: enthusi as tie member if that fraternity, ou being awakened , 'ttlie fitter eight fret)* a dreitt4. of au im- Xtentedeing,.eraele by 4 iertiti, :ftimed hitu- tteelfeeittititte up in .deed, holding his wife kt, the eays, having nearly twiStedether frantieeefoits to "'down ' Yoa eertainly Itaye uot epared me, gabel .Moleet fur which I Week yoa, 1 looroty took glass before entering to- ttelt you, to Peccene Mrs. Rose at some futere day, I'm etwry Ahaul take Attor0 11,W, SittnO. you have ktUVOrea it ; for Iha rnui-proof." Mabel looked at the man before her \Vital tlisguat. All the love she had once home him fled at thee hentai words, " bid you good day, Ate Ross. After your frank eoafession, you.'do not even deserve my respect. °Ielebel turned-tiway, But thepassion,.. ete luau below her, ewith a mettered ea I, tie e ,paS6 11 - tl bl '1 1 th nag Deer Mabel, I knew I've fteen weak, but Ileett you so that I can't give yon up. Qtily promise to be my wife and reform from t5is day forward. Mable, swear itt" and the man'a voiee was solemn enough. 111th• an:. initant there :was, silenee. `Meanwhile; Mabel Wee busi1341tiekilig-: Would she ?blind herself to him ? He had promised so often before, and brok- en his word. Sueelyhe.could nett res- pect her andeloteuch a' thitig, • " "No John, I can't prOinise to 110 your wife. I have to go home, which is pre- ferableete being,a drunk:trills wife, , you'll come to meat the end of the year and say honestly that ,you haven't test - ea a drop of liquor ,front 'this ntglitt 111 censider your question again." But the mita would promise nothing of the kind. 'Indeed, be strove to bul- ly the resolute girl before hint. Then, seeing that she was unmoved, he put his hat on'hiChead. "All riga,' Miis Morse. I'm con- ceited enough to think any other girl in the village will have tele." "It's all conceit, Mr. Ross. They are welcome, enough, as far as I'm cen- clarned;" :Ina' this is What johu Roes heinel as he walked but. Of course Mabel didn't say these worde without a heart pang; a hope that he might 'promise at the last mo- ment, filled her mind. Still she was firm-intil he had gone Then, with a woman's ineweeistency, she, sate and •orked- At last, as she resointely iped :a,w,a'Y'hee?: eyes, slie ,said : t End, undertaker yeeterday tenh Q•A: :treat eare dit his lioneet fatm eree ww:e oeavy eked slightly bleed tetling oightly eleep, His haie Wee ltIllf0 4 liagf'y, .0ft-hearten Int col AO$ apotf vistter wi gee° foll of pity tIna thaultfulnette---pity for the eustottierb loss and thankfulness. for the pateonage. Ife wee 4o "wing t"re buedetted with the loee of a dear one by death. ' The inanufactairer of buried eases- noiltlea aeseut 0.11a eOttdOling t he votteg men trout eoeutry seid: *Ito•eeedye ?" Then ensiled a Stleneetehrolten ee length by the teen of grave baelness. Cau I do anything ,for, yon to -day, 4' Well, I reckon set stranger.' Another eileace., Once utore the un- dertaker began by sugeeeting :-" Your eieter ?' Young man stetted a moment, then, as a light geatlually broke upon his per- plexed iniud, he emilede snake more suegestive- of eorrow than happiness and, rephetl :- '7No--tuy wife.' • thatt•tn ?' • No--exeieeted staltitt' of the hied tor several inentlie.' " When aid it liappen ?' four o'clock tide nitorning.' t Leeks natural?' 'Rather.' tSpolien carefully itv.a. ex- pressive of some doubt.) - • - Ahont whet do you: Want the met of it' to ?' Don't care for cape:tee ; git it tip \'''YNEST ..An leldtielenIty,, in town is diegueted •$h1 .She saysif alithe°3neeple Au the eeantry 'were te Stop bnyiug-al- eutuineetneinattliatlieptiliterstvho make 'ea would put in seine total eelipsee , a. sun inia lueon, and benne eransiee of V'elinsiea tinit Weald b te' Visible here geutlemati'•while walking in his Zattaelet cautht aartleeer, asleep u1 - der tree- 'e(blItied litin soundly, "for his l'iiihees, ta ended. by telling', w94hY Po' ,enjoyatlie Jight tef4 the, 4' It Was .tliatreason exactly," said the gardener, tliateit'erept up into the shade.", " Sbroaiger, will you try 'a ltand with sus at, poker, ?''' Thank you,. ,,gentlet •-man,' but, eliette, tire .seventeen leasons nevily inettancit,teceommodate you ,noW.'" t eiteliteen 'reti,s6,111e- for not pl4itig 011;4 '„?„ eeeetheyee" .'Why tliftifirat Aet I thavent t any Motley...en t‘e'stopt that'S-euotigli'; 'Mier mind Ithe °thee- -sixteeit." ,A-neartsighted Clulton man was ri- 6' a 'or ' elnig from he eric to inton In a pas- ttlietotqler•ditYtt-w4,enelt lady :opposite "boterad tHe 'reeurnetl, tlieiWe'reittedthisthatniSmiledttaeeet: kinder nice. 1 treat her handsome, -"Cause", ;the is the" first one I ever had.' -.4 Very \tell, my friend e you'll have it lined with ;white satin, 1 sappose ?' jest,as' you etty, stranger.? 4, -lieftaea screws, too, I sup- *,* ''Y -aa -s, I s'pose so. An stranger, jest put a bully top,to't,' Oh, of, course; eind.you'll wait a glass in it also', 'I suppose ?' ' 'Ya -'as -Oh, Certainly -you bat. Get her up in sniptious, you know, oda feller. Note of your dratted one hues fixins for me. No, sirbe." Just so. Silver handles of etenrse?' 'Eh?O 'What's that you say, strau. ger-sil-Ver han- dies? dun it, now, won't that be petin' it ou too hef- ty like? . I kin stand silver screws and Bich, but „there, is no nee- maltint the hull tarnation trap' of t, silver. The thing has to be moved, and must have litindles;' hitt 'I-ain't'quittitsoltttiele up Ithannow-hot quite; stranger.' ' Very well,'" acquiesced the of obsequies. put., ordinary handles th it tlien.' " • • "Aftaralle ittenthot sorry:. Better to Stiffer4tfeWtii. fete 'heart 'pangs thin to lead a naitrable life. ever after. , Be- sides, he des not truly love loves liquoit: bettartt OnglitT AO he thankful at'iiiy ec"i,a'ahd`' she 'Wei, too. •' A. brother, that efilled drunkard's grave Was lesson enough to. her. She had made a resulve hever to marry a drinking' man,ths-theyt laitaina in his last resting pIrMe; and 'deoW nohlye the kept it we knoith... , • ; Mabel passed a better night than she, thought possible -it wasn't so hard to" give up a weak-minded I/1411, after all. She heardnbtlang of John' Ross for ot"' incintltaht-',Then. it was 511'6a:wind the yillittgOluittlietand Mandy ,,Wiltlejevere, going to be married. ''lleetgetssip-are' gued that shetwas tricky- to make such rieh catch, and pitied° Mabel for 'her lack of sense. Like a good many other people in the world. they looked at it in a speculative way.- Money was their, god. TIM next thtne that Maned heantl-was Ente d according Act.of Congress, in the year tS7z, by DYNES, SMOCK Co,, Tadianapolis, Intl.Lin the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, Canadian. Paull of Commerce CAPITAI DESERVE LITC.A.N. , ....... ... • Br ancit of the above Bank haa beenopenedjo ness. ly, and wee just woliatetiug t,who she ,was, wheo she eaine over and.whisper- VOA's esr : 44 'Ohl' rir you tor this, ola-maul" Then he knew it was his wife. - but the 'price of eistrielt flps continues pinata, -Or, tt.ratliterettlieretiee,aliVieystatitetanic in the hotiati-tthat eheriShei,adesire for thein etre:Omen trem -,Witenethe ,equestion ttenttino,s t' Bread...or. fee:theta ?" it is teroodt deal . 'it -was wi tit' the' 'boy when asked,whiele of his demands Wee tho. most imperative " Never' inind. the itimee,ediel, he rephede '; I inuet have bregatiin-. - o, te, -Jet A,Detyoet insuranec agent` lured a boy ,he otheeelay to mind hie effiee, and ;went th dinner leaving, the youth. .in .elearge. When he -returned' be found that the bia'had whittled one of , the tetteablaiege,aluineeep two anadissected the t;.iifSiiien of the 'singing cliiirt-L" He Nwas greatly annoyed. and spoke sharp- fetilye whenthe hoy!'burste"into. tears and ,replied: • " If you dont. want to let a feller take auy comfort I'm going to Eges-actly-thenes 'em mister 0 t now. yer ,talkin', oenary haudles'll But I .3ay stranger (reflectively) make the wheels glisten like thunder.' Wli-wh-evheels ?' Yes wheels What's tiler matter with you anyhow?' 'But -who ever heard of wheels to a coffin ?' Coffin shrieked the dejected look- itig "young' than'. 'Coffin Now, who the dickene said anything about cof- fins ?' Why, detn't you want a coffin tr No -o! I want •a cradle -a trap to 'rock, ray new baby in.' A.`na isn't your wife, aofta ..... 40,000T000, 2,000.000: -a elm. for the transeixtion ot General Daulsing r.wa.4.:...17.114;:424 , , iI,71:;avit.4.14....0R•L'plp.q5..• oilp.V.,...474. ... ... . . .U.gij1..0:.'W.01t$ ....34.1T.01iX.L.,...O.N.T.,._-:. Two -horse powei JIi BEST CONBINE1) Ti'm THE THREpg-HING VIAOHINES HAL WO WWR 0 reel nos Ekt4lblifillrlliP/t ON SO 1140 4u9w4 Oat, The Throe - made ),AY J. It, Moore„,eleiele ereeedeneeet ef suP9tior-lworkENA.94011.t 4=1;m' 1:10WS iVgb Sorktileie, $utor-itotties and Orteteiren Sa*ing 14:11is machine has 'hgtionthor;aglottlY testedip ENTIRE SATISFACTION. It is sup lied ,with BAND i'NT E BM, for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Cru.$heri Or otter machinery, 'without extra expense ex. opt for the belt, TRIAT.I. OFFERED. All kinds of SAYINGS BANK 10111.1\1F-• NT • Sums as "low as one dollar received on d ,posi rcEt 4 and Spey coat, anowea. notiet .Anierican eurrencv bought and ',1:'0"11,whE1)DIE, Agent, ,f \s'Ithdrux al required. GEO:RG-13] , Fashionable BOOT & SHOR', MAKER Sioia of the 10,06.'1" *gentleman was looltit lee into the eyiedow of .e, toy store the other day, when two boys halted,' and one remerk- ,ea t.."" Say, Jim, delft you wish eve•had -"op: ber:no to {My .pr,egerit, for ic lir, poor lafneieter ?" -Jim replied that hettlia, etna thetgentletnanpulled but shin- plaster:bee:1 said he- was glad tii-,be able :to atsist them in 'suck a praiseworthy enterprise. ,Ile met the sante . boys ,Iradftetre ,hour afterwaraecana 'each had, prickets stuffed With pop.aurn Pelts. • e.-Tlete tRe,V.:„Dr,.Ofteirift, Neve. York, said in his sermou last :Sonday "To foar .s wee teat tettbeeven4d tjt.ttrettAtatetitithyettitlet reteeet,, baby' ripegoOd old men; fourth, ..e4Pe geoid old That is' very pearly onr creed, but we rather think' Akr4 healthy °InOther-in4a,W hest.' And next, a ripe good old. mane who etsits qateedy in the .cernee and 'Odle hes etnbenteliow ha:'-thsecl totteteitili to echool tin -outfit the snow lt-lien he was a boy, and how he used to come home .;atew.np.a peva of evotetit befeteett sup. tete4.1nettearliottlifealting 'the haelt 3300k ler hiataltatert ite the toys do tit:4- v 0.4.1•011MIVANNI,lb 1 At Peru, Ohio,ein tbe Wabash Rail- e'oittletbetitteney .-paeltages, eant 4,hy the United States Express, aro transferred. from one ineeriengerto another. Oil a -retetit trairt ad tifitehes'wete the enesseiigere ,eonneetiegt,at,,ehie. lenient The trantiferntitiettal was Madre hor- t-fiedly during bKier,stotniage tef •'ene; locoinetiire for water. Folme took the hattaftee, art ins , name in the', e'oeipt list; inehulea one letter V011tainiug '4uSt!US;tile :train Was teady to etttet dlecoVered that he bad .Xe %1 $I406 P11,444`04;44,:t0a70891.4:;i4Orlittt.f•Wittk, 11400.1' 1,424"kitlilitike-014.311,0)wlti ittetliettive.*RThepeniatutterell'ithIthis eould nut 'Wet iNfth the 1e,id,poilbility,Of having to no - ow t.Of the,theitin ye tt.14, khow at to di).- bagbagenitui: 44;4 heen t/44414,(01(1 50,is metiMni- t enddenly deeide4 duttv.ho h4astoleit •Thore .vv:to.no /fie for 'Oircoirl4peo- of' the grana , Vliedabig-great boona abY one in the Menntry-of the "oldest inhabitant." She •heard it with the •greate4: event:nay ; her love had hurnea ashes. , Was' it at secrifice Mabel' didn't think so when she met hint drunk in road before 'The- honeymoon was half otter. ,It was Mandy. Willis who was the victim, and t he thought her rear- riagewas such a openiug for her! So the years passed. The story of how John Ross. ;Bede -grieving his Wife to death before his end, you may be sure --is stale news in the village of Dover. Whatever love he had for woman, Mabel llorse held. Marrying from pique could not lessen that love. 'With a woman whom he did not even respect life was anything but attractive to him. The downward course is so easy, and John was weak enough to drown his carets in drink, Mandy remonstrated, of course, but finally became brutal to her, and she was obliged to bear all in silence. Wheu she diod at last, he seemed to get worse, and in a mad fit he killed Would tell this heve been averted if Anhui had married him ? I' hardly think so. With his passion for drink and that it was stroneer than his love for 1%1461 we have eon -it would have ptoven too' strong for him, and Mabel would hrtve been the victim, In after year, wheteltlabel had been married. to au honest and industrious farmer long enough to have a, grewn- up gitl, she thinks how 'kind Heaven had been to her Keeping iu mind John Ross's death, we ask, "Wee it a Sacrifice?" 4 Oettpe Offering', ' -13oot, rtioan; )LD acquaint the inhabitants of this and the surronotli.nr, exult: y, tleoso Nioring ant:lure, also imported work, wide', 1.o i4 'Lueau market, that he has en 1m itiazge stock of I.Acalts and iilioes his 0A.N SELL AT. PleICES: TO DEFY COMPETITION?' peel th n he is invpared to do ordet-work second to none, a .1.e cutnlo s none: ,b at First-elast workmen, and uses nothing but, Fit st7elats ,0 T 1ICART. Luean, Oetebar 22, 1.874. (C1 -y1) S S , C Not by jiigfUl?" Yerentelte. cradles for sale?' No, my friend, I am an undertaker.' -Undertaker of what?' I make coffins.' 'Oh, Lord, let me ketch the feller ,that sent -me here !' And the Irieftetricken youth cram - Med -his hat Aiver his eyes, ran his hand deep down in the pockets of his trouserseand pounced out on the street searching for vengeance. Soeoettete IN fq DERN LIVE .-SOIDD - times .good -rule does not work. Two women came before Alderman Dobbein our village the other day to settle it die-- pute about a chill Mrs. Murphy claimed the boy as hers. As the alder- man could not obtain any decisive evi- dence bearing upou the case, it occur - ed to .hnn , to try the plan once used in .sitailar one' .by, Solomon. He went out to the kitchen and. got a carving knife, and then placed the boy on the desk, and said to the woman as he sharp- ened bis kife on his boot, "I'm ping to cut tine yer youngster in half and let Mrs. Murphy take the body, while Mes. Doolon goes home with the legs." was a clever idea, but it failed. Mrs. Miirphy stepped up to hitn, and doubl- ed up a fist that looked like an under - &pp° leg . of Mutton, she shook it close le hie nose and said, "Ef ye do 3e spat - peen oi'll ,murder ye with me own hands ;"` and Mrs. Doolon seized him by the hair, threw him on the ground and exclaimed, -while she brandished the knife over his prostrate body, "Ginn me the leg I Be tee sowl oi've a mind to kill ye and ate ye." Then Squire Dobbs adjourued the case and, while Mrs. Doolou retired with the boy, he went out to learn if there was not something about Solomon's proceeding hp did not understand. - Danbury Ne-rs. 411111001.00 ' - 1. 'w.Lr.rs, of, the Lucan Stoe and Tin Shop, dealer in Tinware . -irttre, Ste_tes, Coal Oil, Lamps and Lantp Chnonic...... Lie does - -.1...: A_ 'V ID - T It- 0 IT (31- I on the shoAest notice, and at reasonable priee, 11 e flatters liimhe.11 tlutt li() 0101 Sell at as , reasonabic p81005 as any house in the Trado. t'ali:4,8cuoit ,,u,tenutopa. Thu HIGHEST PRI0E PAID FOR 1 1.1 DES A'S te S lidilEP SKINS eteneenecr the etene--tirst kbpr e es t; of Farrell's Deng Store, -.11.,..in-..;,..., .tte..ln. '-' J. C. WATTS ' Farmingl mplements kept constantly on hand. P BOILER SHOP 'heet-hon and Copper- ' in full operation. NUM' NE'S of all sizes to order. 110SPAAIRS Promptly attended to. t. Idary's, 3 -eV 1, teee. reeentateredet/o40 would bo gemg Plow wttstila the popAutoP.' 4teot ]?,0110tRiOn1.400-11011erot BrOadheast r kind ol Aerieulterel implements on order, ,IA.141,18 R. gooBE, PROP. tel every et utt or merle (4,64Y.) S7C11•TZTEnte FANCY BEE4D AND 131SCUIT BAK141-1, EXETER. A.S. takes pleesure inforiCieg the inheldteuto of•Exeter and' shrittelEulOftMlleiler thOt'ho has relitsd the tzeter lIaltery lately occupied y Mr .R $034 en and he heperoetr, PP4VINGA. ARTICtt • and strict attention to business to merit the public patronage. Weel.din4 , ; to , Manufacturer of Graham, half Rye and the ATENT CSEAM BRPAD. or4e4 Schools'and Parties promptly attended to' on the most reationable terms, t..• Fresh Ilread constantly on hand at Exeter and North Exeter Postpffices,atal J. Oliort.'81 CreOitop, aud111. Baker's, Coutralit Families waited on daily, 67-tf.' Exeter, Detember 10, 1874. 4. £1X12k114B11: ••••••••1•••1•1112•1111./.11•01111••••11111 Addre-lt- TIIWIPSON Sr, WILLIAMS, Mitehell, Ont. MiLthell, Ante 18, 1874, 4571y. Lrican„ 'October 22, 1874 • surommtnsg=ise:S=Ezz-- A genuine bully called upoti it friend avowedly tet thraeh Line. • FrieinV,remonstratea the Quaker, knocking down the visitor's fiste, be- fore thou proceedest to chastise me will thou not take $01110 Mliee'inillY'Vrtts gtotton and at once eon4eniea, weehing' don the solide with libation- of strong ale. He rose up again to fulfil his otiginal intention. '8 Fricntl,' 'Qttaltef; 4 Wilt ,thOtt 101 t'I40'' eitites panedi `?":". Atia- he IsaPPlied. abnitdailee of pun* T4e‘t'Ully, note' itaggeeingo attempt - fid ite°ilitaell' his enfertataer. 1 Frlen-; -Bala Quaker, "tn. A the Quak thon take a mid r The hoetaitable'offeting 'was aleo-ae- eepteds Old the 1-ntllY, Wettito then • staggoeed fterosfs the team, to ,Ohttatitie the, Qttalter, The lattee• open- ing Ow Mtn, to. warclit, othl Priend, thou' eattest tither not to. paeittett gave thee a *lot pfter, iug,hut that did. 110t aBSAA4ge thy tage; gtvve the ie think Pfkriilg .but still thou vett boeitte thvolf; I gave thee a bin:a offering but neither did tIlat: anf- A SPLENIAD opportunity for purchasing 11 that really valuable property, Lot 2, Con, 8, 1.4iddulph, is now offered, said lot con- taining 100 acres more or less, having good frame barn and dwelling house, two wells and 2 orchards, also all fall plowing done. For Torino apply to the proptietor DB the premises W, CAVAI,.AGH S. GIDLEY, EXETEnt CA . isnetTeweirea es vent neettenne, tete ih opportunity to intim in the inhabitants ot thi a trail' 01111aing settiotta that their NOW Hears irect e 35 o. per can. br 3 cans Fd.00 Five Pounds Best Tea in Fxe,ter, $4.50 n GMRXIES Ten Pounds " in. proportion, at the & LIQUOR STORE 18 teel I fotee 1st?* for $8.50 EXETER GROCERY Cheap0o9dsYillToll SAMALL PICKARD The Dominion Organ 111 owing tu the gro- ROSH FOR eltEAP.,h..,, ham bad to BOWitIr'eNVILLE ONT. ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, 08811 wad see ortr Splendid. Success Taking Everywhere Immense Number *Sold. N. B —Old. Instruments tali 011 in exchange for new. EOM 10 iel.CCOILE1\101DATE their Customen.. Jut lleccived: ONE CASE 1\101-11-7, of those, Cheap • 'BLACK ,L48TRES, One Case Scarlet Telt Eliiirts lustrnments constantly on band at J. Lnw.;- Furniture Ware -room. Music Stools fn. u 11 to 5 each. Scud for Circular to • C. Pedlax, XETra P. 0. A...01101,d ;ent, IINTITERESTING-. —0. -- One Case of Grey Satinettes -AND- Full Lines of aoods Suitable for the Season's Tritac. A JOB LOT OF LADIES' FOR SETTS To be Sold Clierip. fr ED1CALimeD say that nothing is so ita- l._ i3ortaut to }mod liealth as a room cow. fortably warmed.. . season of year is IOW la }Mini when yon will require the very beSt STOVES J ELTEB lits jiist opined oett'the' ltfitedsb ninetteemplete best tissor tea end re ' cheapest lot of goods ever brought into ,this paet.ef ,tho country. • f imported his Dry -Goods from European 'Markets He is able to do e better than any other }mese in this part of the country, id nold oonitiiiited; tiiia tilo ii.O- ilot bese in Sal lee that.itis Ono of the best in thie Western part. Our IJNI)E1VrAtING bliparttrient, as heretofore, Will be found in a witY 601cient condition, ., notinfte-eirtin and • oriutnieutal,,- alto, shroud's, Otd -Ttirituale furnished e,,x the shortest notice.; ittittinnfffeatottable tetras, • , , '11, 11,,,,A ecee- atreetna e e of lil'Vitht *ape in Stock. . • Atigilst,94,14. 52-1Y ' , . . AILS -1'011 15.1).r.X. '211:0 att., . . . , ,.., ,., sorihor.hair Oh hand andfOr Atale ou lib 4,10t tit S. B, Hay, 2,000 Welt. ash r yy:,•nri , the prentittee to ItiOhAltli, 11 '..• ''.• /1.11t : 80 CordW e7e1w14o8or, (.•161;11triFilt)i:cTI41.pieriCtettitt 6p.tPrpl°.elif;i'ktt a heave ff tionf Drawing rovolvel!n lip °held it tieetio t .te tor oettng ; TWA, GittPINVAY, if114411a 1316 that tabitcY or 411(1 0, North 13, tete' d'atet Otte' ii-tO7it:ilt."319601, O -i11 'M li.„44,g)ogiaatt,t3 4 0 , a' ti,d'ivith that 116 tosoed I)int ottt ot W. WAes the ENV„, Pttini4erli L511 / ' tili.litt,,ttoes not hestate to saY tItat ; liEhastheL, tsTSTOCEOP GOODS.111the COMITY and, it„as ean be found anywhere tket price. paid. for ltinds of produce. Remember thiSJS the Oldest EStablished. Rouse in the County 0 aoito etite Vcazt Ottioo, OUTTMT-0- 4•44444144444.0414.0014aveim404444,44444444444midamoria...444 -DV= reraoved. ins AND TmLORIITG. to the new l)rielt establishment �e cieer solith of the old premises AND BISSET 0'BROS bog to say that they have juirt roccirod 0110 the largest stocks in (he conut,y, consisting of Stoves of the very latest tleBign and the bot,t t ofacticp, guarant e nttiiig a speciality 0. 0 0014"r. mannfactares, which WILL BE SOLI) 11BASONABLY CHEAP Their aitn is and always has been to satisfy ems- tonibrs, hardware, Tinware. Copper -ware, do. always on hand. Also the VrarrLoo1 Amcco and 1,000 L13 s0lnEsk011 $18. Ohl llags, Copper, Iron, etc., bought. BISS11TT BROS, Exeter, November10 Ur, BANKRUPT STO Just secured a largo Bankrupt Stock A'? A 11'Premerldous Reduces,. ti • -which -will be clearecl out at prices TO ASTONISH EVERY- Ol\T . BEST TEA . in the cenntry".:: vt At -SATTIOLSAI4E PRICES - OVEBCOATS AT A GREAT F-ORTY CH EST' of the 44 • SAMPLES FREE call and get one,- and try it. T. GREENWAY Coutralia, Decepaber 24, 1874. NEW PUMP FA.CTOR . I-) 13-1\11D tTIV11? S G. BOLTON, ITAY Duld inforrix tho inha,bitatxtg Oi tete', Stephsti llnlYsborne, nett he meuatectures alt !tines ef patine, hueteling ttio IONS/146E1 .PlatNT FOAM PirM0 for whiollho18rts tho weetisive right ler the ribovo-nented teweships. The subscriber feels eattidont that be eau speedy these in want pumps, 118 tO 1VOrlaattaabil) ree1 quality, and 0 BaOli tunas that , CANNOT 1114 'ORDriatSotin DoItit,110X, Itteetteietentee-Oteeroerth mile north et the village ot teeter, wi net 8 tay, toitdoe Pearl. 11111.-It1pable0' Atte/idea tri with proinpt- ntias, and 40110 at rila%0110110 1.5604, 1EO4 BOLTON' * y, Arm e, :(042 8 1.0ru, lex. Beattie D RY-COODS ISIEPOnITA filAILOt§ Dealers i o U sc ENGLISH ,OILOLOTHSI co ROC .11tiv.-.-4001$oit'41Pvtlifg aiid skieA ) to 64-0.14