HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-12-01, Page 1rSallitglaffir el Is Godprich `foo far away'?
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ter a• — ma ma— mei
Park plans
Lions unveil
new gardens
page 3
.Grand Bend man
shares expertise
page 5
Teens targetted
under law
page 12
Leafs fail
Mohawks beat old pros
Second front
er -Toyota
lending a
helping hand
EXETER - With the holiday sea-
son well underway, Exeter Toyota
is busy preparing to help the less
The dealership is kicking -off its
first annual Toyota Christmas Care
From now until December 24,
Exeter Toyota will help collect and
deliver food items and new un-
wrapped toys.
These goods will then be distrib-
uted by the local Salvation Army.
'It's a chance to give something
back to the community," said Toyo-
ta dealer Rick Frayne.
Fifty Toyota dealers in the prov-
ince are participating in the four-
year-old event.
Don't get
involved in
scam, warn
EXETER - The Exeter OPP are
advising local residents not to con-
tribute any money to a "pyramid"
get rich scheme that may be surfac-
ing in tkisarea.
Police say rtlloIiiwQod tmsidont
received a chain iNlitttt>rwiilrr to
that, flayinpalieliallgiainallea. The
letter innallitea iirlfaellistooed re-
peated payoffs, and claims it is a le-
gitimate business and not a pyra-
mid scheme.
It asks the recipient to mail $5 to
four listed companies in order to re-
ceive four reports on multi-level
sales plans. The recipient is then
instructed to name their own new
company and mail out four reports
to pevpte asking them to mail them
$5 cash and carry on she chair► let-
ter. Further instructions advise you
can then mail out unlimited copies.
The Exeter OPP have contacted
the anti -rackets branch. and say that
postal security we aware of this
fraud scheme and will be investi-
9at .g the sources.
"Do not become involved in this
wittiness it is a pyramid scheme
[lared." advises detective constable
R. W. Borden.
tiro:•, isw. Wednps,r1,1% i*oi vent.'a m ►r+',
Ch�7dr�w's Aid fau.dtaisIng a hard sell
EXETER - Fundraising efforts to help build a new $1.9
million building for the Children's Aid Society in Goderich
are going well, but the Exeter committee is finding it hard go-
ing in this pan of the county.
White the $312,000 has nearly been reached halfway by
community fundraising programs in several Huron communi-
ties, the five -member Exeter committee has met some resis-
"Exeter, compared to all the other communities in Huron
County has been most uncooperative, unresponsive..." said
Heather Montgomery, a co-chair of the Exeter Community
Fundraising Team for the CAS.
it's been hard," she said, but acknowledged some service
clubs have been sympathetic and generous.
The reason for the reluctance, speculates Montgomery, is
that Exeter residents perceive a stronger connection with
London-based agencies and health-care facilities, and maybe
don't see the need to support the construction of a building in
The fact is, she said, the Huron Children's Aid is the only
agency Exeter families can turn to over child care problems.
"You have to stop and thinkifthere was a problem with a
child you know, or any child, they have to go to Goderich to
be helped," she said, adding the agency needs to stay in close
proximity to the county's court house, in Goderich.
Even the Exeter PUC rejected the fundraising teams request •
to put a donation flyer in with utility bilis. Other PUCs in
Huron, including Goderich, Wingham, and
Brussels, have agreed to mail the flyers to
households, or the municipality has included
them in tax notices.
"Everyone else in the county did it, why
didn't Exeter" asks Montgomery.
Aside from approaching service clubs, the
fundraising team is also asking for donations
from businesees and industries in the Exeter
"We don't want to go door-to-door," said Montgomery,
who said she would rather not see that be necessary to help
raise funds.
A.skate-a-thon is being planned in Exeter in January, which
will not only help bring in some of those dollars, but also
raise awareness of the CAS's cause.
Another obstacle to fundraising is the divided opinions to-'
cal politicians hold on the new agency building. A recent de-
bate at county council was a typical example of the fact that
not all municipal leaders support the construction of the $1.9
million building. Some argue the building is overbuilt for the
agencies needs, others say similar space could
have been rented for less.
While Montgomery has yet to visit the new
building's site, she said an inescapable fact is
that if the project can be completed debt free,
county government would not have to support
the cost of a mortgage.
The Children's Aid Society in Huron is funded
in a joint arrangement between the county and
the provincial government.
Montgomery agreed it is a sign of the changing times that
communities are going to be asked to raise funds to assist
government agencies. Hospitals, she noted, are already rely-
ing on outside funding for capital projects.
n most
Hearing closes look
But who pays chief's bill?
By Adrian Harte
T -A Editor
EXETER -.In rill likelihood, the books will close
on the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Ser-
vices hearing in -Exeter without an official explana-
tion of what went wrong between the town police
services board and the police chief, and without re-
vealing whether the board was justified in firing the
chief in September 1992.
The hearing wrapped up in Exeter
Monday morning, and what was to
have been a brief formality turned into
a discussion of some as -yet unresolved
Hearing co-chair Douglas Drinkwal-
ter pointed out that the commission
exists to resolve problems, not to deal
out punitive meaaires far .pest mis-
takes. -`
:fie -position the commission takes
is...the Exeter Police Force no longer
exists, therefore the problem no longer exists," he
said, stating that the transition to OPP contract po-
licing on November 1 makes any issues over the
former thief of police a "moot point".
However, John Caskey, lawyer for former chief
Jack Harkness pressed for the commission to issue
some "general statement" as a guideline to other
Ontario police services boards in situation such as
Caskey said the hearing, which stopped testimony
in June after hearing from only two witnesses, had
pointed out his client had had his rights violated,
that the board had challenged the authority of the
Ontario Civilian Commission, and that the commis-
sion would have made a statement "that similar con-
duct would not be tolerated."
John Judson, representing the police services
board, disagreed, and called Caskey's conclusion in-
appropriate, given the incomplete testimony of the
hearing, which did not place Harkness, . nor other
members of the police on the stand, only board
members Bruce Shaw and John Stephens.
"I have another view of what might have been the
consequence for chief Harkness," said Judson, spec-
ulating it might not have been to Harkness' liking.
Caskey repeated his request for a general caution
from the commission in its findings.
"What you can say is police services boards have
no authority to terminate people without a hearing,"
he said, saying that conclusion would be of assis-
tance to other botards, police officers, and to the po-
lice chiefs association.
Drinkwalter asked Caskey if such a conclusion
would not imply a criticism of the Exeter:board.
"I think it would have to," agreed Caskey. "You
heard from the mouths] of two peo-
ple...of the way in which they treated
the Police Services Act and a particu-
tarpetson in their employ."
"What's this inquiry all about...1
think the people of Exeter deserve to
know," insisted Caskey.
Judson replied by suggesting if Cas -
key really wanted to let the communi-
ty discover all the truth behind the dis-
-i m $4te" "11,-" eee agreed 'to
smisjraad- kekearing.
!'I'd be quintglad to pursue this hear-
ing to conclusion," offered Judson, but noted it
would be costly to the publiepurse.
"I would urge you to leave the matter . as you
found it, as unsatisfactory as that may seem to
some," said Judson.
Drinkwalter appeared to agree, and advised Cas -
key that drawing a conclusion, even one based on
incomplete evidence, would imply guilt on one par-
ty or the other. John Zarudny, the lawyer represent-
ing the solicitor -general's office, agreed that a con -
•elusion taken from an incomplete hearing would
"run the risk of subjecting the commission to at -
Caskey's arguments before the commission also
:dealt with the subject of Harkness' legal costs. He
istated that since the commission named the chief as
a party in its investigation, Harkness should not
have to bear the cost of his legal expenses. Caskey
referred to a previous case in which the commission
referred legal costs of a named party to the solicitor -
While Harkness could have used the hearing to
stand in the way of the OPP takeover, he did not,
said Caskey.
"Jack Harkness as the chief...elected very deliber-
ately...to allow the town of Exeter to go ahead with
4 Please see Hearing, page two.
"The Exeter
Police Force
no ledger
problem no
Cockatoos, canaries taken
ExoticrIs, worth
$5000 stolen from
Dashwood man
EXETER - The OPP are investigating the theft of exotic birds 'from a
Dashwood residence.
Police say sometime Sunday morning or late Saturday night the barn be-
hind the home of Frank Leishman in Dashwood was broken into. About
13 of the ret birds that Leishman raises were stolen. They are valued in
excess of $5,000.
Leishman said some of the bird were canaries, which may have made
their way into pet stores already, with store owners unaware of their ori-
"A lot of them were cockatoos," said Leishman, who added that he is
putting word about the theft out to other dealers in exotic birds in the hope
they will be wary of people attempting to sell them.
The OPP are continuing their investigation into the theft.
Record -size Santa
paiade piniaed
for Saturday
EXETER - This Saturday's Santa
Claus Parade should be one of the
biggest ever, according to organiz-
Terry Schwartzentruber, a mem-
ber of the Lions Club that is co-
sponsoring the event, said he had
about 30 floats registered as of
Monday afternoon, and more were
Entries will be accepted right up
to the last minute, and anyone
wishing to take advantage of that
offer is asked to meet on Andrew
Street behind Canadian Tire for
registration before the parade starts
at 1 pan.
Prizes will be awarded for com-
mercial, family, and school catego-
ries. The only overall theme for the
parade is, of course, Christmas.
Entrants are reminded that Santa
Claus appears only on the last float
in the parade.
Schwartzentruber said there arc
at least four bands planned for the
parade, to add the colour and music
so popular with the crowds.
Following the parade there will
be free skating at the arena, and
Santa will be visiting with children
there until 3 p.m. Santa will then
take up residence at the BIA's Santa
Store on Main Street, where he will
be keeping regular hours up until
The Lioness Club also has an
"Angel Tree" at the Purple Turtle
clothing store. People are being in-
vited to choose an angel from the
tree, buy a gift for the child it repre-
sents, and return it to the tree. All
gifts will be turned over to the Hu-
ron County Christmas Buret;u.
iabesse 111 441 members kept the toddlers left in their care Saturday morning at Pre- 411141010 hav -tpo ttpAgalopik all the time di$cov-
cious Blood School busy with games and activities. braodi French (MO 41,10 Cecile WWI ' • • Mclean (left) and ilarri(ggaanrt. The two were
Maes (right) play a game with Annick Maes. Parents were invited .to,>t oir Chll- keepftgisn eye on Michelle VanEsbroeck at Saturday's baby-sit-
dren et the school for the baby-sit'thon while they went shopping, a•thon.