HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-20, Page 3J errs Christmas D A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! 0 VIITORS TO THE REAOYeASH STO E Are reaping the rich benefits of a purely cash business, lean iug theiineighbors that deals with the merchant who both buys and sells on credit, to not only pay the bad debts of somebody else, but to pay the large percentage the merchant might have saved had he bought his goods for cash. We also assert (not without proof) that the cash patron of the merchant doing a credit business actually indirectly pays a portion .each year of his neighbor's store account, without any remuneration, save Vie chagrin he feels at the deliberte way he has been gulled, inasmuch as he is charged from 1 15 tot -3O pr.ct. more t han a legitimate Profit. To counterbalance the interest on his neighbor's accoun Ind to assist in paying the Bad Debts of Somebody Elsa Besides all this, we save as large a percentage by buying for cash, as the retail customer does. Thus the public has a double advantage in .purchasing from us over any house in reach of Exeter, viz., that of us both BUYING & SELLING FOR CASH And` as we purchase a large portion of our stock Direct from the Factories Where they are made, consequently the consumer and the producer are in a great many lines in our business substantially brought face to face, and we are therefore emancipated from the heavy tax which the wholesale houses invraibly levy ou long date purchasers. Wa make our legitimate gain, and The Customer Pays but One Profit The nimble sigp ense is bette:-� than the slow shilling. Ws hs,ve a few �' special lines worthy of particular notice. In Dry Goods we have d MVlen'S Undershirts & Drawers, Lades Shawls Breakfast Shawl f A11d.,/Tubias, Bed Blankets, Horse 131ankets, and Buffa1.o Robes which we are selling at the ghost of current prices. In i receries, we have �EA�r StTGAiS A"D RATsNs, Whichfor pass will entirely eclipse sAly rates ipt at eoxlrlpe Hot), STANTAIY (: J1fM!N.' PreOffterfit�,( .I1uro'►11, This Presbytery mot inClintonl on Tuesday end Wednesday of last week. There was good attondiwoo of Vit' pis. tors two elders. MrSieverightr• ecl that the Gaelic mission station in Godericll was organized, 08 directed by Presbytery, The report was received and the eussiou of Knox olruroll, (lode ericl was irtatruatod to have the Sec- ralnent el the Lord's Supper diepensedl the Gaelic to l lel e 4 1' '�� a bi 1 there, e� a r l 1 Or i e 11 1 ogog t e_> Fo(1 to transmit a copy of the 0omu union roll of that congregation to this Pros,, b ter . A petition from 6 nn nbor and, Ga ad1erelits of Brimfield end vicinity was read, praying That they bo organized into a ooargre„ etion. Messrs Miller, McDonald and Landsboro a p paaredin support of the petition. The prayer of the petition was granted, and Mr. McQuaig and Messrs. Math ascii and MoAsh were appointed to attend to this matter. A call from the eoil ro gatiou of Oranbrook and Ethel, in fav- or of Bev, D. 13. McRae, of Parry sound,. was sustained' and ordered to be trarts- mitted to that gentleman. Mr. Fergu- son was appointed' to support the call before the presbytery of Owen Sound. The Presbytery thea took up an appli. cation of 11Ir. Cameron, of Tippen,Mod- erator of the eessiou of Bayfield, when the follewiug motion, moved by Mr. McCuaig, and duly seconded, and car- ried, respecting the matter to wit : °Ttle Presbytery having heard Mr. Cameron's statement, as also a lengthy statement of certain protests and appeals against a so-called congre- gational meeting, held on Dec. 13, which this Presbytery asserts its right- ful claim to the church property at Bayfield, appoints Messrs, Ure, Sieve - right McCuaig, ministers, and John Scott, J. Shaw and S. Carnochan, el- ders as assessors, to co-operate with the session of Bayfield, instructing the said session to take such legal advice ant may be necessary to prevent all future interference with the public worship of God iu the church, and should they see cause to request the Moderator to call a special meeting of Presbytery on the matter." The clerk was instructed to correspond with the French Evan- gelist Commitee, Montreal, for the pur- pose of securing the services of Mr. Cruchet, a French student, to labor at Drysdale during the summer. A dep. utatiou consisting of Messrs. Sieveright (Convenor), Thompson Young and Ker•. Mellen, was appointed to visit Dungan- non for the purpose of inducing the peo- ple of Mr. Hartley's charge to raise the stipend to dispense with the sup• plement before long. A reference from the session of Knox Church, Go:ler- ioh, anent a case of discipline was tak- en up, and remitted to the session to be dealt with according to the laws of the church. The Presbytery is to meet again at Clinton on Tuesday, April 2d. The Bayfield Church Trials. To the Editor of the'Anvadviasss, Sir: I regret to observe in yourpa- per of the 7t11 inst., an article respectiug the Bayfield .Church which is utterly contrary to truth, who- ever is your informant, The facts are simply these ; On Monday, 13th Dec., the vote of the congregation was taken, when the majority uoclared for the Church of Scotland. Notwithstand• ing this, on the next Sabbath, the 19th, contrary to all law, the Unionists foci- bly seized the Church, breaking the locks of the doors. Approh,'nsive of a riot, I had ou the Friday previous,'ap- plied to the Bayfield magistrate, 'W. Cornier, Esq.. J. P., for a constable Mr. Arthur I3arkie, makes declaration iu his written statement, in my pos- session, that he visited. the said Church of Scotland at Bayfield on Saturday uieht, 18th Dec., and found standing at the door Rev. Hugh Cameron, Kip - pen, with a number of Unionists, end that he ferbude them to touch the doors yet, nevertheless, they burst open the church doors and took possesion The said Union party had with them two pugilists employed to help in guard- ing the church all teat uigj)c; which night they spent in desesratin is the church, having with them a pack of cards and a large jng'of whiskey ! At eight o'clock next morning, Sabbath, the 19th, the said Rev. JIugh Cameron occupied the pulpit, so as to keep out the Scotch minister Jawfully appointed in accordance witli:Ghe vote of the con- gregation. Alld 1netead of any Sab- bath school parties being turned away by us, the said Unionists themselves prevented tl,e Sabbath scholars from meeting t,'iere that day. Next Sabbath the 2('11, the church was •taken posses- sio:l of by its rightful owners, the Churh of Scotland people. Only one of the. trustees (myself) stood at tis( door that day ; and so far from having the re- volver" with rue, as .your iuforinant states I had no weapon of any kind. And when the Unionists approached the church I simply told the parties that 1 would not allow them to enter Inc church again on account of the shameful way iu which they had dosecrat ed it the Sabbath'previoes. I prates owootirsooloole ■ d egariust the in.satltiug name given to alta°taretacro of the peopeirty to the Province I ` ^ '^ Y 1 ti aa.ho.,ola(I c 1 e 1on r t and it uld own), 'a 'lv ' rr r kr a r )a : t l d l �( l k lulu d) la byr r rt � t a a a the l l oorrospoladolrt -opre le the " O111ueh of the Government J1ir, J lay are11dd• )eotland --a inti to whish every larks pro41o1111oos with llo rot'. Since the eonarr'teireonorrt of tho naw year I ars glad to Soy our services by a minister of the church of Scotian° ilavo beep on, interrupted, I arn, sir; pmts. rospeetfully, .Dox( .l) CAlsrrcrtoll t Edo �r r 1 "oto �' t o t`i ,� 9 0. Ot t 10 V h i rr t C � t . (thumb., Bayfield. Toronto ,fan. 12, Hon. Mr- Mowat introduced a bill re- .speetiug County Court Judgosexpiate- mg that the object was to equalize the labor of the judges so haat the present inequalities should, as far as possible, be done away with. To this end it Rae proposed to take the power to form two or More adjoining counties into one district, and to give the judges power to arrange and to take duty in rotation. Hon. Mr. Currie asked what has been done by the Government of this Province since the first clay of July, 1874, towards .acquiring the property tit Queenston, on which was erected the monument of the late Major-Gen- eral Brod. ;. anct is it the intention of the Government to acquire snob prop- erty, and make regulations for the Prop- er care and management of the same. Hon. Mr, Mowat said the 'Govern- ment had taken steps to obtain a trans- , whether it was the intention .el' the Government during 11I) pre,Sorlt tic scion to introduce e 111oxv8llre fot' tlao oreatien. of an undcroirahl tgc Pond; for the pro- vince, Mr. Mowat said it was not, Mr, O'i)oiioghuo asked whether it w0f4 the intention of the Govorluuant to place 0 grant in the estimates this Hos slim for t,00 purpose of blr d' irg a Mott- le Se1rool in oonneetion wait the. 'Nor- nlal School at Ottawa ;, and, if not, when it was their intention to "build such a school, Hon. Mr, Mowat said it was not, and he could not staeewhen they would make such proposal, Hon. Mr, Currie moved a resolution declaring that appropriations to; high e schools, b upon . r the basis of papull a- tton. The present system was very unequal, some counties getting only , t 1 one or two cents per head of population, while others got as Jimch as one dollar and seventy-five cents per lead. .Eton, Nr. Macdougall- complained that the Government had not yet brought down the education scheme. He thought expenditures for education ought to be in the hands of 'the Adminis tration, and any farther proposals would require careful. consideration. Mr. Hawkins said the tendency of the rodent regale tions had been! strange to the high schools in the rural districts. RODERICK =AM, Broderick is selling goods cheap forCash. Great Bargainsdur- ing the Holiday season. HML1 v,: ARE STIkRE IN TTTE NEW BRICK BLOCK, NORTH Off' CARL ING'S STORE ExETEJ--t. 0 HAVE OPENED OUT A Complete Assortment of GENLRAL HARDWARE And invite Carriage -makers, Blacksmiths, Builders, Painters, Mill Men, and the Farmers to , Call and Examine Their Stock. aOURIGON'S CELEBRATED PEERLESS, IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE STEEL. A variety of other Patterns which will be sold Cheap. Flint's make of Cross -cut, Circular, Bock and Hand. Saws. Paints and Oils, Glass, Locks, Hinges, Chains, Ropes, Scales. ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS, -SPADES, SHOVELS, &c Our experience of nearly twenty-five years as Architect Builders will be a great assistance to our customers in selecting goods. Is offering Special Bargains in the - following goods : sLadies cloud Ladies fur �e� Ladies Winter Jackets, NT' eas KNIT I KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWEI S, WATER- PROOF BILA V Y OVER -COATS, OATS f Pants and 'Vests, Heavy Beavers Petershams, and YTndelcoats, rrCanadian Tweeds, and Fancy Mantle Clothes, Sttnn�, , Canadian Tweeds. l Flannel Shlr.tings Heavy Plain and. Cheek ti�1ncles Fancy I'J.�t � , y Blankets, Horse Blankets in. variet, Car- l,t C Bed 73 ,greatY Car - " pets, Hemp, Union all Wool, and Tap ©strY. pe ) p> p „ SIE WOULD CA:LI.r 4 0 CY 0 ,a x R E T A. SitN11 8 W11'OLESAIZ Ni)AItl !,RAIL BAKU.1.11 ANP CONVECT' IONEB, S,_ takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and the inhabitants of +a Lex 1 d eieinit 'u • thug.: t' tbo a drz Y for tl o l past I 7 asl >aaltro.it,(;o, ntl 7a«l)iteg ra nrlt taco tiantct kY la,))l;yalz� alels customers with everytgiiig iii fang iata u0 SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER BEI'ORL OPF E D IN EXETER Wia1)la1Nct OAJSI4S''MADE TO 0110131, S001AL9 AND 1'4.IITI.ihf3 A, SP) CIALITX, FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY. 'R ,'s 2311.E.4:0 Co=sstantl3T' ]• an,d,:. At the Exeter North Post-oi#oa, and T, F.'• c,'Vs, Oredi,ton, and Mitchell's, 001110 na, T yotax, Deeeml 'r 284418M (WWay) LADIES! TRY OUR Brilliantine Hair Create,, the most beautiful hair dressing in use ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER will in a very short time produce a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without a rival for whitening and softening the skin T T • r .1) ROSE PASTE for beautifying the gurus and'preservingtho tooth from decay.' ROSE CREAM for improving tho complexion, and removing tan, frocklee, et,. GLYCERINE JELLY will remove all soreness caused by exposure, cracked hands, etc. SOLE MANUFACTORY, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. GEO. THEXTON, Manager. Member Ontario Pharmacy Exeter, December 23, 1875. IS RECEIVING LARGE CONSIGNMENTS OF R E P E R LONDON, HURON & BRUCE R R, \'14 ' • S STOCK OF DRESS COOD.� Ms,ny lines of whichhave been bought at Job Prices, ?11' willbe sold at about halt th.e.li, value. Al. goods sold. subject W a, discount of 8 por eon t, for, cash at time of sale, or Payable o ist April 11E l'r; otherW1":so ,interest at 8 per relit, per fllitlll2Ji will be ill'vari1ti'll,y' cllarged tar tev that date. :Positivvclly IltA second prioe Tho p l.biio ate Vespect�flrlly,.re(ittosted to oat) and iva:+l'eet these goods and judge :for thornsol.ves, HIS NDERTAKING Necessaries and Requisites is the largest in the Co. of Huron. SAMWELL *PICKARD Beg to inform the pubIlc that they have engaged R. BRIGr HT Formerly with McIntyre Sc: Co, to conduct their TAILO IG DEPARTMENT and feel confident that all orders entrusted to them will give; ENTIRE SATISFACTION. All cloths purchased from them will be CUT FREE OF CHARGE heo have also received a large 'lot of All -wool Shawls Blankets, bought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains. and Stoolr F-iill 7.n.all.DeiDart .entsr THE L., H. & B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead. and have opened out tho CHEAPEST & BEST stook of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the General Line. of Business. consisting of Fancy• Dry -Goods, 0VI ilhin etaery, p e & ILoa.d- xa.Ce C othi: ,g, Gents' Furnishings, Hats Caps, Carpets, 3ase Furnishings, Hardwa roaeries Pools s and 3lioea, 8111ionery, 1 Wall Papers, Orockery'and G1 118varo0l'atent Medicines, 3c., i.UO. I have also seemed the services of MR. W. H. IVES l.s�tt t of ;work of.canto as manager of my Clothing Department. I . of 11(111 guar nt late T,, g 1L s e.ciatity. All u tutting ,a t I ,. t tit tr p by ]lime guaranteed to bo sarond to none n1 the Dominion. � r 01aune favoring tut will. 11 call will (11111 t1)1) goods and prices `right. al0u>''intboi`, this i8 1115 pluae to got everything you want a 1 2low oos. N. kinds of ,'lel3,.-A,1 11an41 Proil,mo tn1:0n 11. 'oleos. r` r ,6A vD Exeter 9, 1.815.:L G I.,,� PRICES OF CLEARING SA.�a,. 1, isn ate t NDERsON IE � T WOMBS R,S TO Q. B. S1 AIT , ST. MARY'S, Selling out their Winter Stool 'PRIDES AND DAMPS TTNUS`CJAL AT RETAIL MAY BE WORE') FOE. HENDERSON & WHITE 33rioh st01e µpd dwelling iiOLteo,--A1so ,rwmr WerrU2g 1111(1 eta'blo,-'Por Bald, 001111u.;uP altre0l E'is1Ur, �IBLTS, Prayer Books, Eiynan Books,: Cassell's ggagazine, Saturday Memo - zine, Infants' Magazine, Satnr- y Journal, Day of Bees, Sunday at Home, Children's Friend, Wide Awake, Chat- terbox, Friendly Yie{ter,_ Childs' Companion, Band •f • Hope, British Worlcman, Ad= Bri j'; lisor', Christian Treasury; tish be Ja113ni1o, Albums, Work rel rn 11 wiitirq Desks, &e., &e., 1 OR CHRISTMA$. FRES. 1,RIVALSI TTEH People' § Grocery Store. J. CRUNNICAN has received a largo stook of GROCERIES. C'ROCZER4 Lc. also a largo stock of moprect&ismcons snitab0 for Fall and Whiter, consisting of , Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Wear. Those 111 want of axxst-ciass• article in the Ree and shoo lino should not Pail t0 EXAMINE MY STOCK Before purchasing, as my experience of thirty years in that line ens bloc me in. purchasing to seleet that only wiliuh can recommend.. 8 LARGE LOT OF FirstClass Bacon JUST RECEIVES D- aJ. CPUNN CAN IRODEIIICK'S OLD STA1L». Efiwczesnwarsamisess alail E Ts g'iY se UPlhco,lfeter,'Jan. 90 1873 i Wait VI 1 0 1) •.. sa c : ng v>. Yu1c tots Pole•• - Butter Floor per bbl.... Flogs Bee Hide. S1 eopss.k- ins... . •• Hay Dried Apples. Onions Lard . Wool Tu11 oys . . .. .... .... 9 0 to to01160 ........:. . ..... ST. MARY'S. (Reported regularly by A. LIalbraith,Clerk). DeihlBa11ey...:wheat, lwr bussol 011 to td Sp11ng w.oat .. -00 to 91 ... 10 00 to ed 400st� 193 80 to 80 25 to 1,0 65 to 00 19 to 19 1t to • 19 600 to 600 12 to 14 to 16 600 to 7 00 4 eu to 000 4 50 to '4 ..0 00 to-, 80 10 00 to 12 00 170 to 2 o0 75 to 100 1.1 :to 15 60 to 100 • hone ' 1ii1'.1 to 81 Oats `. l6.to la Egos, per dozen .. •- ••• to 17 Butter _: 110016 to 12 as Hay LoNJ)o 'White Wheat, per Dental ' 100 to105 r'i0iulwolr 155 to., 00 Rod Winter Wiruaa. 1 D to 159 Suring W11oa6 " 155 to 156 ... 1 (1101 60 SLAP, OPTH Tal1Wheat.. 90 to'93 Sprung wooa6 •,..... 110 10 S)9 Oats 0:30 to 80 Bailey 50 to. t5 POae 0111) 10 aa1.. Butte. ,.,• ... . .0 1('17 toto 1818 Nags White w'loat 40 to 92 '1'roallwdI---............................................... .. . ••,••.... 9O to 07 Sp111 (30 t0 111 Data 081)10 511 i5a„e o uo to o cc oatloy 51 to 60 1301 to. 77 to 1a. 111 to 1e ,� �n 4 ) t•do c l 1 2+i t'o 0 2 i Pottito 80Uto 10 Lard 1s t Tallow 0 • 7 ' 01000 Hay love ') 25 to 11 60 C1t shod (i 00 to 0 70' sLr Clover�x all ;l, 1. to . S� col • "1 uO to 1 50 Shual si 1s r lsunr.•.:. -00 to 0 u0, 7' -t t o t3 00(111 0 to 7 50 tr1N3.ON; Cxl t)cthl wires 01e lrroartwoll• 9 l to 03o; spt•inat 89 to 4011 .13;11 1y, 4Sto 30. Pons, u0 to (1)30. Oat , 28 Lu 3o. 13eer t to Ou. d110001, 43 to '200 . 12ggi 10 ( , 1T5 7'n,7c 7 III les per 11), 47.1(31,0 1.alloly,lot, S eta shoevs1eius'13 to 00. 1MIr Me abb, of Widaor Station., th inventor tial l)tt.Pe1)tee ot't11e now eels. orated ca coupler, bearing his name has boon i var(led 11120 eirst prize of S b,)fi,ltlhalo °ff1rod 1)y the 1'i,u•l sin r C;ovornitl'.oll for t to blit ctt..00tiplor, All intim tion 11 Is ale° boon tntl'1'1 fo'' Mr' 1flcNa b, from the Prvs0iad (.1111 ito 1ties, that 11114 c, tiplot.- is 1) 111110'1 1`1•' pm-ior:0(11 11 others shown, 11)01 i''3 >1 inten(1o; 11cro(tse the 111)1))111)t of tl',1 tat'r7,7 1, Denal'1'tou, t»trkol Slats Ian(1 ail c'Al ;,1nder i)6ttgIM38 hay • cott)ralittell l 113111, at l u o1'41> chnrgo1°f 1(nnokinet C10'0,1,, 1,', el 33' 1110 Ri't'e 1W°a(1, alai t°r,bislr: , 1' , A1u1t11P1 3 2 mO'akOI ,M ":11.:3 ttll"flet (1toei."r 8 00310)101,,, o,