HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-20, Page 1031'
Payton)) ntaen;,11810 th Ohr
ea proi4 tly ettetteeteatieieet
Exeter, marea 1875
?. • MOORE, ALA,
g1A1riATT4 Nralal 1.7 94-
s. Oat VVYNnuan, me,rikon, J‘te.
0,liceUiiret,thieuee-Gxe Qr. Ont
klico hours -5 to 10 07tq
"ea Payee:044e,e e
-Doi.O404vsktmeat. .); Q r dO
of ,D),W41' ORO littg ai)
' iron
j,404tialt, Ban otoria (1ollege,
nrgeees. Wu.
hate ' pity Trinity College
lotJo i51 SurgeonS:
4 1 LANC 1)
-,11 le S. 0'. ciraduate of, O1Q,18 0
be College eflPhysicians and_ 41,i 4088 I,
, Qtnee....preg stete, Main St, 41)
) proprietor of tne Drug Otoro ijt, 01
'858300 3M40 large stock of ntlfiu
p tAlodiehles, and Dye stuffs.
4,1 !ton, J 11a0 18,1874,
,S-iirg6c572. Dentist
has lOcatedrpermanentlyin Exeter. Office in Fan -
son NeW Blook: 411,47
tors, ttorneyS', Solicitors, Conamibsioners
()prIoD-IlwrroN's BLoon, Water Stet, St.
I ()RN B. 1-1.Ainanni. E. W.
J.SS11S. JONES & ItioDe)60.A.p,i;
„, Barristers,. Attorneyagit-law, ;Solieltorh , int
ocorY, Conyeyancers, ,Commissiduers, in,
xnel Notaries Public, St, Marv's, .
0 egg 013-lillttOlf13 .141o01);" Water St;. St) .1.11ayyt
Ont. 1-1y,
• i,larriage Licenses under the int Act
, at the Post*P44.41x store, Zurich, Out, 038 -ti
,ow ublic Auctioa ear,.
• ieeheisene Sales promptlya tteudiid. to;
Torms reaSiMithle. _
WinehelOdlzOet, 18,1873.
. tio'ncer for the Co of Huron. Sales mama -
1 y attend, d to, and terms reasonable Post ottice
address, Exeter, ot.tolMr" 4
VANPU85A, an
IIDEP coestently on hand the largest and
Best Assortnient of
atent ilfiedicines !
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and' Cloth
P E;R,FUMERY TOILET-80AP8 from $4:to $8 per day, can bo pursued in your
neighborhood, and is strictly honorable, Par-
ticulars free, or samples worth several dollars
i. .,..,, ,
that will 8111(1)10 you te 60 to work at once, will be
unit oil receipt of fifty cents, Address J. LATH-
.; STATIONERY ! AM &CA, 419 Washington street, Boston, Mass.
0 Box 21Eil. 110-5
Sthool Books, Toy Books, P.MOTocr.AP4s
BlankoBooks, Magazines,
A IbumsFaney GoodsHC AS. SENIOR have4Tremoved to
Pencil Slates, Lead Pen- the standlatcly occupied by Mr. C. South-
cotto, tailor, hits completely renovated the prem -
OHS, &C. 80S and arranged hie studio so Ala to command
ANTED. -Wanted an Apprentice
to tha Dross,,MIVIzing, Ap0.y. toMr, Rob-
, ,oppos,tto 0, 0'14100, St, Exotdr,
The subscriber has a quantity of excellent bee e
and maple cord and steve wood, whicl), he will sol
at reasonable figures. 1, CARLING 105
Rt1rrY Brown, 08 Wi uchelsea, informs hiS friends
that he`can supply them with v,11 manner of rcap.,
Mg, mowing and threshing inachine repairs. Ire
is alwedys ready to moot Ills frionds, and do his
best •for them, by supplying them with wood, or
iron ‚pork, irm.tity J314,0 WN
thereby es;ution all persona against entting
removing timber from the land8 of the Canada
Company, as 1 ma authorized to prosecute all
trespassers with the utmost rigor of the law.
Timber Agent Can. Co.
Exeter, 11fity 15
• give oncrgetio
Alen and. wcanon
Businen that will pay
One of the Best Lights 1# Canada -
-4 is prepared to execute work in firtt-class si yle..-
Acknowledging past,patronage, lib begs a eon-
binuance of the favors of the public!. Attention
is called to his stock of Frames, dcd., having on
baud a good *Selection p f mouldings, and being
prepared to make frames at moderate rates. --
,;A , ...
ENTRAL -HOTEL, MAIN Setetta ODE Age:a I s' '1 br LAZAIMS, Afcrems, 4 Residences photographed. Photographs when re -
4, \ , ouched, $2. per doz.; Cabinets, $4; Imperials, $0
Exeter. Ontario. Oke & Bissett, Proji0e, Co.'s Le eurated Perfected Spectacles an
tors. This hotel is new and fitted tip in tlietbest ,
styl,e. Special attention paid to the,•twautgelNre • '"
Eve...lasses. - 1- 0.L. NO,.924
triv011ing public. Lar,ge 581131510 rooms foitisnla- - 4 . Night of ,xneet-
anoi-cial travellers. Good stabling and ati,putivs), 1"'ing-Fiist Ericlayin ev-
bostlers, 10fliff, Preseriptioqs and Recipes quickly and aeon- ery month, over S'tan-
'lately dispensed. Rstnember the Place -Di'',
Drew's new block, Main
ley ,C.: Jermyn's store,
rectl,y opposite the "Central 'Rotel," Main-st., st. Visiting Brethren
Exete,,. C. VA.ND LIE ii dt Co. cordially invited to at
xeter, January 7. 1874. -..t 7] -yl.
5*--. - 76-1y. ^ secretary. .
newene eonsteemeavisellAW, Proprictorl
fitted up thitoughoutta ti.1100W
best of Liquors an0 the choicest
Bar. The house is 01,11311510 01 acconnuodatilm 35
guests. Excellent stables and an attentive hos-
tiers. (54-1y.)
UEE N'S 110TEL, LUC-Ale..0 icse
DOW1W, Proprietor. This first-clat, dietel
has lately ()hanged hands (from W. Pl. Will ,,hs
ms. peleeee 15)1(1 18 fitted with new fur 181(10"--(11t44)patz, Erce 'bus to and from the mie.tiAt
bee is reseetzea•rtieetaasereeneseeereleseeeete, The
rant lIav.tua.s. Your commercial sample 300
god stabl lug and attentiVe hostler. \
etee Frank and William Streets, Lucan.
aboVe 'iotel has been rented by Mr. Isaac WO5ts,
an thoroughly matted tor the ,comfort or 451s
traveling pubhc. Good liquors aud•cigars sSi'
bar. Attentive hostler always 111 /1110.103 41100,
/mean, A»ril 30,1875 85-eni
seribee offers for sale. the N.W. 55 of Int 3
000.3, Usbef!..20, eontaining 50 acres of excollon
land, 40 acres cleared, 31.111000 iirabered,
g house, barn and stable 't
ratio n, good y0111)g ore, ttrd of graft ;rat 11310, COW
ver -failing spring. Distant from. Exeter. tour
1)11155, For Cuplicr particulars apply tel. Deana
SISY, proprierer, Exeter P.O.
for sale -One hisd-
IL yea acre, n107:0 or 1t7SF30.0t.?' 00
avil 0011., 1J41 no Ceurify of Divert.
78 acres cleared, reintiluder luSbhrd-
wood bush, well fenced. mud g)gbod
state of cultivation, underdrained, gocAT 915015 ,380,
splendhlwell of water, frame barn 36370, good
collar under, a log house,. andcotivonion 11 to
81351015031311- 7 miles from Lucian, 8180331 Grsnton,
and 11 from St. Mary's, on a, gooil 51
Toms -55,800; ' half down and, the other In flr3 or
seven years' Limo, For further part1du111rs53p1y
to JiallEcc SADLER. on the nremises. 507711
Owing to the death of his wife, the subscriber
offorsfor sale the , Connnercial Hotel at 14811-
tcloocl, Lake Road, township of Stephen, qe.of
Huron. The house is 80x40, 2 storeys high, having
good kitchen 4.10 V000S).10d. A, connnotious
driving house anti' shed, two never -failing
ot water, a good garden and cattle Yard on. the
premises, which m.es copriacre of land. or
further particulars apply to
,i1fr Dashwood
, ,eietED acres of wild laud' being lot 41n the
135111 0011 01 -Colchester, in theCounty of E sex
well timbered with marketable timber. I be
eehf,cm easY terms, or exchanged for )11511.1)10
town property. For -further particulars apply to
jOHN' contin, in James Fansonts Cotbaue,
ADtwelling House in the Village of ExetA
er. P-
PlY to T. CARTA:cll.
te •
..1.= the emase of CURRIE vs-. CURRIE, and
loeariug date the 1St11day of November, A. D.
" 1875, there will be sold by
Pla.b14.0 A.uctio'n.
With the apprObation of HENRY M,koDER-
MO.TT, Esquire,,'Master of this Court, at God-
erich, on
ItIJARY,, A. "D. 1876,
AtZtvelve-o'f,look noon, by the said Master, at
MAIIEGOR'S HOTEL., (formerly Patten.
bury's,,) in the
111 one lot, the following -valuable 51;'arin Prop,
arty, viz. t ---Lot number twenty-six in the sixth
Concession of tha Township of t'the
County of Huron, containing
DYE fluNDBED-.AalieS.
Viity aeree are cleared, and under cultivation,
ime 'fenced the renlainder is a goo51 heedeveod
bash. me sett is a good Clay. On it flee a
Framellowo, 9510 etorey high and sixteen feet
by (w83517-kth ; 13 flog Barn and a Ikig Stable.
The land 5.1 sitnkto within rout miles of the Vil-
lage of Zurich and within fotir Miles of litho
'London Gravel' Eoad, and is cernionient to
Church eha School House.
The title to the lanais bidisputable.
The pat chmer must 5(8751 08311 et the time of
sale a depot -it of ton per tent. of his purchase
money to the Vendors or their Seheitors„ veal
the balance within one month into C0111'1;,t0 1(110
credit of 5111 cause, without int%t, on 7157'
1110111 of which lAtatoco he will be entitled to a
tatutteyanee and to poSsession of the lane.
Tee eroperty 0111 bo tett 115) rytt alry upset,
price of 54,000. The other 0013(151101)e of the
sale aro the standing conditions of the Court of
• Ohaneery,
:Eurther teertleulete iney be iceened in the
teennihrie et, Ilia (Aces of I, T. Cut,row,
'W. It. Seeder, Esquire, and 351,;01'5,
ateleattleia Vendor's eolieeete
'1 eltisfee.
at day of Neon:bar, A, D. 1 878.
If. 1,,f A CI )14Iti\f OT T
Master at 0 odericb.
gcrAo DEN ,
Ventler'S Solieiter(f.,
Silver Tongue
Clough, & Warren
Senior's Photograph Gallo ry
Oysters! Oysters
GE a ICE M P'.5
Des,i,r in first class brands of Tobacco. ,
Choace Cigar* tot every' rariciy
Just arrived by tho
Lond.on, Huron & I3doe R. -
FRESH OYST31111S direct from BuLfalo,t.-'
Hotels supplied at reasonableratee
en kinds of pipes and smokers Infinities
Oysters! Oysters!
(35 dents per Can)
'Dealer i,n Lumber
Au exten• sive Stock ea hand. Tho Lumber, for
Quality or price, cannot be beat. A good assort-
ment always on hand, cheap for Cash.
Ward East side Main Street, between Gidly and
Victoria 'Streets.
(19-1v1. .7. -WILLIS.
!And Stock Breeders,
I 'I
of ti 4,.
Ontario ,,,,,,.
f er,
4;r:ideate Veteri.
vee. ,.,„..4-417;-
;,../IT-' -t''-. 'College.
has removed his office to one door north of C.
Eac) ett's harness shop, eml, nearly opposite
John's Tinshop. 3 firy medeeines al -
,a hamb ...,, t romp„tly attended ,to.
'',.y.tcIsiles tkaininect as to their soundues%.., -.
August, eaah, 1 70-e, -4,-
ral TAT'.1).McGLOCHL'02. ATCH
-1 'he hest in the market
Be; sure and get" the W. D.IkleGloehloiftWatch
befeit b113-1ng. 'You will have no othOtItiter 800.
All who W0ILl: them Stecommend them.
antl.,Silver. Ladies Mid. Gentlenaan's SIZOS.
77 Dumf1g:41)tre0t, London. Seo the testimonials.
The largest, bestand cheapest stock of fine aord
jewelry, Clocks, Silver, and Plated Ware, Fancy.
Geeds,„ in the Province. Repairing of,
every description. W. D. MeGLOUCladg.
'77 Dundas FL 1...i011- ‘4.
HARNESS rgtr.,,,,
• .1
Th* Autumn days aro gone -all down;
The yellowing leaves from off tho tree$
4;5)shod, with 530,15110 doleful Liman,
Of whistilng wind and mournful breez.3t,',
The ournbered °sixth hears far and near
Those saddening Algal/ 01 4,848303118 death;
And leafless forests, moist and dor,
Oppress 11E3 With, their chilly breath.
But lotus look around onee more-
ls there 110 beam to cheer our sight
No rift in the SO &MA OIOUITS ? Ali, 81130;
We are not loft without some light?
No ; 'tis not sol E'en while we gaze,
See from yon hill the red son rises,
Miming with his ohoeriag rays
Tlie earth that all so darkly lies.
And in deserted hodqerow springs
The hawthern berry, brave and bright;
While perched atop the robin sings
His clear, sweet song with all his might.
Our life will come to'Autumn hours,
And all ina,y chill and dreary seem ;
But even then we'll find some flowers,
And even then 401110 joyous beam.
Repine not, therefore, that thy youth
And manhood's prime so sweetly !leo ;
Lo 1 with advance of years comes truth,
New light, now hope, Cabal joys fot thee.
vi Legend of 1776.
Night had set in. deep, and in a small'
log hut, situated a few milesfrom iren-
ton, N. J , sat five men, four of hom
were seated at an old oaken taile in
the centre of the room engaged ixi play-
ing cards, while they frequehtlYmoist-
ened their throats with large deaughts
from an earthen jug tliat etoodupon
the table.
They were heavily -bearded, otirse-
looking men, and from theihs dress,
which somewhat resembled Beitish uni-
forms, they were evidently Tories. The
Tho other was a stout -built youugman
cleat in the Continental uniform. He
sat in one corner of the room with his
fetae buried in his hands.
" Tom," said one of the, Toriee; ris-
ing from the table, and seefing himself
near the young prisoner—for such he
evidently evas-'-ei,3Tine.mus, ;tett yeanuel,IT‘eet0auor
prisoner, and if you don't we shall hand
st.Loo.1-Louteebtlionlelie-, a aaaave up your
you 'over to heed -quarters to -morrow,
while, if you joeu us, your fortuhe is
made ; for with your bravery aud lei-
ents you will diseenguish youreelf lo,
the Royal Army, afiaftere:he rebellion\
is crushed out your `caee shall be re-
wsrded with knighthoed 'anti promotion
in the army. Now ththe are two alter.
natives ; which do you Choose s ,
" Neither," said the,, young
raising his head, and lodeing the Tory
straight in his 'eyes: " I e,m) now, as
clock strikes twelve I shall ditappear ie. enor8."?.12)-tJan 'mild giIT'el'n' si'lloawn,rngt1.10
you say, youe prisoner, but hen the
a cloud of fire and smoke, a0 neither 1- ileltsrer Malldle-SeX; - ;14etItelitYthitenenee:r7.‘es-
roy. Statistics were
progress of Canada in building rail- wcitoyu.ld hleAlte-theevecrouanitea• iir?azt....ror„....„
hecon3es the front of, the country,
-you nor your comrades, noeieven. my-
self, ,can prevent it. You, .4ey watch roads, scarcely a village.tovri° 4yaemair.est„ a; -,i..and Tru, nk being,
eited,as a proof
hitattena'' ads andei° 2 footel:r iafs :;o3 '111r.1will, 'P 1 6 ha :!''t ' :t.'ti -le' 1 i g Ini lee: '''.12i°g11' )4:1;;;.-1.0-12111.f:ffleD711:6511P4O-'"::;:a:ct:iai: ,this. Ile congratedated the people of
power than yours has ordithied that I„San.at is now the Dominion of Canada. 'London on their aeutenese-in : building
shall leave -you at thet time."; .a.,
" Poor.I -fellow his mind Wang/Ale,
es:/• et.: - • . -- ,
,edid4t,e.,Tory. " He'll talk ;dela; ed to
Inorning." And teg'ille youth
his ee'at at the table, pais hands.
with his head restinalielevn,theyoung
Ar,re'seellr3,-,P.altlie 01 *.iiip'sereed sleme toe ace()
es60' "-teleclif,'.:e.iut:et aseqd the Tory
r. if ile had aneozObjections to his
erne tinge " None in the i4," he saki,
'addhieWith a laugh.." tha is, if you'll
Pieljei„egt'..net to disappear ina cloud of
. y„t1,2 e„yomegheereniat e n reply, but
:ilca)iiiediateleetilled hie. Pipe laving &ale
Whieliho commeheed-pacier the ' ,floor.
,AIe took belf-ealeient Ile alleitil (I
'-doWn, each side of th:e'roo,.3
.'' appeAach-
iog nearer the tieleie eac,haiine, filen,
having exhansted,:hie pepe lie returned
'He emikel:I'fi'fi":,:lMlitill e iitiI'Pt welve
O'ClOQk, 5V.I.1811 he ',Iirtieea' fe u :hia aeats,
.anci eloy.,ly knackii4geth ehes",. out of
his pipe said: ' - e
" l'here, boys, its twel , o:olatlial. and
I must leave you. Goo i. yeee ,
IlneeediatelY e4eAreetep the 'ffreeWerie
eeen stre,ams.ef"Olelliesir and squir811:4
ing, t he cabroawas, fil with dense
Ralpieurous smelgegeani' which wase.a
:clap of thienderire'V'The't erica sat -.alit
their, chalets natal:feed. es
.... .,,paq. „emoke,,oltkredv‘ii4,...csaiill.,40,.10441-1.:,,
airisonertYeaS'ithwhere t
'tatife'ilgfae 0\713ftlra,Ot wiuq. we
OM 0,40,4,0 4440,f8; and neCheWas...
lying'#WtheOiericl,,ouide the biiiid-
.,, t.
log, ',',,,,',, , ' " ' ' '(1, .
..'llAin".`.TerYt -leader,.,, er,t, reap eing
fronfhis etopore'_:gaYe. is, ' apciar4Tette.
the 'eboin, and sprang:. a 'the', Ili:3e
theirraonm,ft hs Pi.);1001ctoe ii.;ai,t1,1), beyh.. 6,, b., f„.6140, 0. 0_ c of yt,h;.:(t,41.hte;
ish enctimpincnt, 160 ir
and; other ataarie, tat mus e s.
fbt'Mes. 'which ligid,'e
your the cabin,. :,..,,,'
. The next daylvgel
int,..the:., eontinent%
'Standing niaii.,the.,
do,. elQiie was our. pr
peeyiktee.'e: "Let ns' 1
Ton"' saidthe.oilier . .
WelV ' eaid he,. t, aet eiterairige, as I
was pas„ llii's lilac twp.:'.1,.,nritis.' ran:
- no. ,
out.:of,,t h taliti ii-ancli.' 0 PotisPsion. Ot
ti*o 4,00 make anyreelata-
tincethe too 1150 in ,.and who do you
:.v,I.1,,,,010:. '0.0:4s a laaer of their'no-r-
i,e ta Bartonit . old schoolmate
,t'cit; h ine,,lid tried to indiree
I ceii ialh I told. them. that
1 \y,,a ;,,th at 'twelve o'clock :.a.ca n---diiippear in i
' 140 lauglidOit:the
and eta I was nt that beach,' ' About
levan o'cloek I asItell. 11 ' if; ,.1, Might
akt it'..::Ilc 'Said holhad no obj.ectiona;
e� I' filled my pips' and commenced
waiting , the floor, :` I lied abotit a
poinni of geopowde , in my peoltet,and
as 1 walked strewed it all over the floor
When the clock twelve I bade them
tood-by, and told ti am :I had to ge.-.--,
i then knockeZ the aehte :oat of my
pipe., tlio powder i453iteaf and a droa-
zliog flame of fire shot itcroes the room
filling it with ettifeesting Amok°, Ile.'
fore it cleated away I hurled it ehair
, through the Windew, toeing Otte and
dooarted, leaving theta to their awn 'tee
floetiotie. .Yoti hoot the rest." '
Y, JANUAIZY 20 1.817,
GA IL ni
Maya; Cronyn, as Chairman, reed
letters1-k, apstlogy from tue Bell. Elijah
Leonardfon, Edward Blake, Hon.
Oliver Mowat and the members of the
Ontario Groveroment, Donald. Sinclair,
M. P. , M
North Bruce ; r. 11f,o1ee-
worth; vermnent Engineer ; Mr. T.
Trivitts entraeitt ; Mr. Hale, Clinton ;
and Meeers. Crampton and Barker, G.
W. R. He then said : .
Gentlemen, it is now my duty to
commence the formal portion of the
proceediegs of this evening by calling
the meeting to orderea,nd ask you to
fill your ,glasses that we' may drink as
the toast of the evening. the " Health
of Her Majesty,,Queen Victoria." The
band playing, " etod Save the Queen."
The " Health of the Prince and the
Princess of Wales" received a hearty
response, the band playing " 'Rule l3ris,
" The Army, Navy and Volunteers "
was briefly responded; to by Col. Lewis.
"Larboard Watch " received justice
at the hands of Messrs. Marshall and
" The Health of the Governor-Gen-
eral of Canada," was proposed iu a neat
speech from the chair, drank with a
hearty enthnsiasm and responded to
ty a musical selection from the band.
" Tne. Lieutenant -Governor of the
Pantaoy,inee of 0
nt.ri:vacvsaliist:caasItlecal 021 in
for a
1".TFT,l.cie6eP7a. rAliasmalejinhtuemfmCae
11:1aiaeine' id"a wasiln) leatill. el geheO; vCewapiinswheiettliingtdole.erg.:•eniluY-Pr nIP:171.1
hearty thanks for the enthusiastic man-
ner in which they had drank to the
health of that honorable body. He felt
great pleasure in being present to cele-
brate sue!' an event as the opening of
the L., H. &B. R. The Dominion gov-
ernment, he said, had done great work
eo giving. assistance to ' tmeisting rail -
801508, allusion being made to the Inter -
colonial and Pacific railroad. Con-
gratulations were extendeil to the
people of the north upon being brought
into railway conuecti
time would, soon Conte when a similar:
dt h ht 01 liema( ote;
of Loud9n1,1
gratulated the municipalitics through
whyi it runs and tsi tee citizens,of Lon-
4°nirj.iwlVitary000rf tOhenntagr7ove°"-thewht°: eroliP
t he glasses. 'The first to lespond
Mr, Thomas Gibsen, M, P. P. for E.
Hrtron, said the assemblage was the
largest he ever attempted to address,
and if left to himself saddle° would ra-
ther sing a song than, make a speech.
(Cries for the eong). He was prond to
stand there as a citizen of the County
of Huron, which is now better supplied
with railroads than any county in On-
tario or the Dominion. And this be -
sinus° she Was always ready to put her
hands in her pocket and pay for them.
She had already given $1,030,000,and
not one of her debentures had ever been
dishonored. (Applause). Huron now
only wants one more link in its rail-
way connection, when the whole county
will have free access to the three prin-
cipal cities in Ontario-llomilton, Lon-
don and Toronto. He then sang "The
Red, White and Blue."
Mr. Bishop, M. P. P. Of South Hur-
on oonsidered that the Government of
Ontario, in granting a bonus of $2,000
a mile, did what was right. The Lon-
don gentlemen who promoted that
scheme had, as was remarked, passed
through great tribulations, and been
called any but pretty names while us-
ing their beet exertions. They had
been called stealers and it was said they
wanted to get the money to put in their
own pockets. He paid a high tribute to
the liberality and confidence of the town
ship of Usborne, which bad voted $25,-
000 a sum morethan its fair share, and
llelei aras
refused to reducait when it was fourd
that by so doing the scheme was likely
to fall to 1,12o groit
they hoped Lae anteiesale men of Lon.'
township would do Isa
say to -night that they were willing and
able to pay it, and the result w--2(1The
of great advantage t tee_ •ownship, for
a-- areved look to their, own interests,
ors.) rsW.
R. mereditb,
and not permit themselves to be under-
sold by Toronto and Hamilton.-
M. P. P. for
London, referred to the thanks due the
Government of Ontario in connection
with the celebration, for bad it not
been for the bonus the road would not
have been built, He oommenditigly
spoke 'of the policy of aiding railways
by Government grants, which no one
and develop the country,: He coueluded
by hopiug forqhe railway the sacess it
store; /Jost onice Block.
An ocellent Stock of Groceries andConiect
erY on hand.
tr". Sportsmen supplied with AmmtmitiOn.
SO11001. Books, Stationery, Magazine s
Maehine Needlesof ()Very kind fot
. , ,,, ,, ,,,...„.! ...utact„,..equoit thrid itealliy 'fingoes%*61.00
nforin tile inhabitants of,Tifiborne and 33 Ian hard
11151 110 lute on hand and isprepared to, 1)35(11,5513(0. •,
S% .--'
„„ , ,
and those in wa,nt of anytlainf,,, lin his line will
q.sudy tlaeir 083111111011048 by giving Win a cal be-
fore parchl sing elsewhere Itopairing promptly,
attended to. Carriage 1.1-trtt15tt done-, 713.s-1. ,0,,
.,--......... ,
r IVERPOOL, LONDO. Fli,„1:1,,Y, &
'Cheap fbiOasih
Sat' mill, two toul a halt 831'le0 west ot
bter, on the town Iitto of Stephen and Hay.
11151 615111 0111 0)1 the shortest notice loss then
fifty bee,
• 1). 1-00.07#,
AO • -4
Ata• -•4•
A tremendous cheer greeted the ris- the railroad, for he believed -them too
ing of shrewd to originate the scheme if it
Mr. Thomas Green -way, M. P. P. for would not nay. He believed' the Gov -
South Huron. He referred to himself ernment of Ontario eoelfPiett.tng in the'
best interests of the .Cateet:trY, andnsing
as the greenest member of Parliament,
and thought that Mr. Farrow shoeld its influence in .the right 'ilirection, in
have responded first as he was called on giving aid to railways. Heehad'erav,elted
to do. Ho expressed the great pleas-
the greater part of Canada and the
tire he felt in meeting so many be was United States, and we have hero the
a grain -growing country. (APplause.)
world, the West -
finest country in the wo
already acquainted with, aud so many
ern States -being no comparive to it
in the future, to celebrate the opening as
West -
whose acquaintance he hoped to make
of the London, Huron and Brace Rail- " Success to the Londou Huron &
way. It was a taaryel how this 'road Bruce Railway" was ne:et given.
had been onstructed, and the amount
The Mayor said this was the toast of the
a result.
quired to bring about so'granil evening, and called upon those present
of work and energy that had been re -
1 -le was glttd. to see around him united .
to fill up a bumper. He alluded to tbe
early history of the road, and stated
that it was his conviction that the $100
on this happy occasion, so many who
000 bonus voted by London was the
bad done yeoman service in procuring'
Lbest money ever spent in such a pur-
bonuses necessary_ to set the work
pose. They would not have been here
apoka sound, foundation. A..great deal
to celebrate the completion of this line,
Of hall,work had been done, and now
thiit the werle was over, and the road tenight but for the assistance of. the G.
W. R. and the energy of the officers of
was set in fairly running order, all must
be pleased in meeting here for 'mutual the company. (Cheers.),. The toast
gongratulation. He was glitd so many was driank with immense enthusiasm.
of those gentlemen Who took part in Band," The London, Huron and Biace
the ..eaalfeatruggles in the towuships Gallen:" '
had ben -gee ored;oith invitatio xi se.en TbeHon. John Carling arose amid
this odeaeion, andfto notice so premain- deaferiiiig , cheerto respond to the
ently io the list„ ids friend, Mr. Patrick toast., He said that he had attended
Kenya to whogego011 offices they owed many meetings in connection, with the
verfhtuch. (Cheera). road to egehre bonuses, blit none so
Mr.-Felyrow, M. F. for 'North Huron pleasant,orumaniroons as this. His
-ElattiiktiOn at being present)- He was minglakiiith regret. He regretted the
feelingaOf ejoy on this oceasion were
,wstiithen:Called on, and expressed his
glad,',ferbe with his London -.friends Pk -deatli,oFone of the ablest advocates of
tleieaecasion, and to ,,e,'kpow that the the,road a he alluded to the late John
14;iidon, road so long' talied'of 'direct Birrel, Esq., than whom, heel he been
er, '
tro ter :lime „ea.,: ,,...
mai ,111114.1-'•21. Ailment on this occasion, none, would
P0n.te, .'6+P.' Recompile
,aarthen,,apolo.,;;of the '15aid vehich coraial welcome. e'It is 'na''''ease--eaea.
I'a,eliRindie ' ;the i. Legislature to build 70 miles. 'of railway, and the
ad:1004g a ,railway enter- gentleman who stuck to the ellterpt180
#r. 094.cto see that until the last rail was laid deserves
Witle ree` ' to Jig. Torwayalhe Pa- has ever been constructed without diffi-
Ailt*i'lkin earliest some credit, (Cheers.) No greatwork
-1,130 Pi0000t:' 0
culty„ But we are assembled here to-
44 f
.'t. N4i1fetile,tit_vgas their de-
aa,ttre, colintii*ofildrjjakaffy it., night,. united as one man to celebrate
..te'reetitia ion 164,0e it carnitd eut eat scion
Tko the triumph. (Cheers.) When the
rtiten roe et of ,Oitteada,' 4.,...considered al- railway IV 11.S first projected as e narrow
6yeenment of
inosteithlimited, anal Iteequal to the guagedie objected to it, as he.thought
tasleand he hoped
we could aot coronet° with the W'el-
tieeday, no matter ,°,1* at . party would lington Grey and Bruce Retilroed, and
bo in power, woulpose )i� time in car- therefore he was in favor .of the L., II.
rYing it into exeaUtion.. go proposed sad B. R. being of the uniforna gauge.
that the Londen, Huron & Bruce rail -
indebted to G. W. -Railway, aria he
For the completion of.this lino we are
Staind;' and communication opened niust say a word for the Hon. 11tir.
Way,sheuld,be carriedthrough. to Owen
WithOolpoys tat at least, and a direct dsrs. When that gentleman 'emu° to
route' thug seetired
„,from London to this country he felt although not leg,
lIttnitOba. . . ally,"the G. W. 11, were "'in honor
, Mr. D. McMillan, M. P. for East bound " to buihl this Fne. Mr. Child-
ers,hetedete a high-toned Englieh states -
Middlesex epolte of trio railway' clevel-
ppinent of the eountry, an(1 congratu- man. lie fonnd ,that the G. W. R.
lateci the asseinblage on the completion dirvtore were " tn holier bound" to
earty out their agreement, and he did
of' the work, and hoped, that the great
eo to the letter.' (Gretet cheers.) It
work alluded to by -other epeekers; the
is a matter of great importance to the
Pacifie R,ailway, would be hurried te
northern people to have. a road rtinning
Completion, Canada, had, tindoubtetl.
Iv, ab tbe time oftunion vith Ilritish from Buffalo to Kincardine, through
Ooltimbia, entered bite an agreeinelit mit of 1150 ',levied, itetieultural dietriets
for the buildint.',, of that road, and that in the Donthaion, if there is a garden
tigreemeot, whether right or wrong, in Canada it ic in the" County of lItt.
shoold be kept in good faith, We aro V011, every farm of which weeld be en-
hanced hi Yellin, tend the City of Lon.
in 150ner and duly bound to carry it, out
don wonld reap the 11551051111 inaested
Mr. I, It. rrtwor, M. P, for London,
ten fold, Ito was glad to see his old
was pleased ' to sto se Many of the Nor.
thorn people present. 'Pie section of friend the Mayor of Itineardite phiserife
Lilt for the 1,inertieline belitta they
aortutry through which tine railway pas.,
' . a.
ses is tot surpasse.10 arGOVOStorwitpOtt d. in 0111111011,a. lio
wouldnot intve beenble to 00tYl
O0PgrattflAted 0
. .
lett the link from Myth to 'Wlitighain.
hitvitig000urga the line, and also cons 110 noticed It large number of tile rept. 'When it Was rno,ot nodded, mule ,
CILyrS/ng tho 8,11),Iptritor
Ono of 1110 firs t•Clittiq, fti11-1 Vet ca do,hui I t
Steamships of the above 11130, ,3300+111* d (39518,
for. tbe naVigation t o' ttvorag.
ingirom 3,0110 to 4,2.00 Con1,. wi Itltia,Yo Ott e (Ivory
fitstOrdtty foe tivernool 01111 ,tiisc1611116Y
* Prepaid pstasage Cortineittes Ta4-tied et lowest
atos to p orsIs vdshing to bi ihg but friends,
Oii.SGO \V 1/111,114CT,
The steainSfifpft of the Glasgow ill 11i)
dortplif tilea from Quebec!,
Vox- tielfets 133 51 ovoytinf0,taio.,.6666
30111,.1 fr
Times 6tlidc), litOtOr
resentatiio inolif.of the Connty of Hu-
ron and Brace present, and there was
not a man in (lither of these countiee
that eould saY that he (Mr. Carling)
had ever promised anything that had
not beeneaerieg. out. 4Cri51,ers.) They
had been called swioillers and other
1111111055, but he said to him in reply,
gentlemen you are too intelligent to be
imposed ; you canjudge'of_the iriata
tors of v 111011 WO' speak', and know
that the cause \'!,re advocate is one of
reciprocal interest (cheers.) -Mr. Car-
ling closed his remarks amid great
At, the suggestion of 32. W. 'Manville,
the Mayor requested the company to
rise and drink in silence to the memory
of the late Mr. John Birrell, which was
a,ceorclingly done.
Mr, Masson, Engineer of the LOnden.
huron & Bruce Railroad had had grave
doubts whether or no the road map
have been built in the time it had to be,
referring to the severity of last whiter
.as a great drawback. It had been done,
however. In connection with the bon-
uses he referred to the necessity for
ready money, and for furnishing this he
gave credit to the Great Western Rail-
way. He heartily wished prosperity to
the new road, and hoped it would meet
the most sanguine expectations of its
promoters, He humorously contrasted
the advantages of travelling by rail and
by stage coach, and took the oppor-
tunity to speak' of the forbearance of
those who *ere inconvenienced by the
running of the rails thrmigh their prop-
erty, sitting.down amidst applause.
"Prosperity to the -reat Westelei
Railway of Canada," coapled with the
name of Mr. Broughton, *as next giv-
en. The Mayer was glad to have a dis-
tinguished representative ef the road
present to respond.
Band -o Fiat Your Shoulder to the
Mr. Broughton, General Manager G.
W. R., on rising to respond, was re-
ceived with great applause. 1 -le said
that although be had attended many
'Meetings of this auarracter,he had never
witnessed oue so enthusiastic, so full of
life andgood nature as the present one,
He had heard London called, he sup-
posed, in naock humility, the Forest
City, fie had ttended the Lord
Mayors banquet in London, Eng., and
when be looke11 at the decorations that
adorned the walls, heard. thesaelotment
speeches delivered. looked ats the mot-
toes of commerce, agriculture, &c-ee'era
"i,,the walls he ,nnao•ht.t.,3 41- -Lon-
don, banig,,in fact, this city was
itelthpuabnl Y. opportunity i'enPt 11: Olt ef•
walte„ kr_eaeereareeaaitrl_aitem*;‘..evirtehd Mein% 13tte-
$10,000 then tdyi UGtit
Hay and Taekersmith
their eantributione eheerfully. In States
ley it war, a hard Vghte (Laughter,)
was a nook alta nook fight, and„ they
eanie vory newt loeieg the bowie there,
the battle in its fitvot beieg herd,A.
portiou of the p1 iU woWalit,4
deeeiY0 ii people of Tueltersmith.
(Leughter alai a` Oh") et ho
proud to siey that everyehing he ha
$taa to the people of thee municipality,
ct,1 ‘oieilt1 ittoe ttt)htQltiootoltteriece,;, tlitialbenoto.‘ca
(Loud cheere, tied vaicee-" Truth yo
epeak.") The tewn Of Clinton bad ales)
come nobly forward, as well as the
.eisd: ,
great aseistance in the promotion of' the
Sehefne, (Cheers.)Mr, Carling pro-
ceeded ,te refer to the bonuses granted
also • to the bonueee granted by the
people of Ireland, whereby they liadje-
cured the station of Clandeboye, But
for the bonuses granted by IVinglittria,
and Kincardine, tie felt sure that por-
tion of the line could not Jaye been
betilt. JIe trusted these towne would
reap full banefita (Qheere.) lde trust-
ed the elideavor to make firstclass
harbor of Kincardine would be suceees.
fill, and that any applications for Gov-
ernnaent aid to improve the harbor of
lincardine would find hearty supPort
from their member of the Legisla-
'titre, is well as from Mr. Broughton, as
repreeenting the G. W. R, (Cheers.)
In regard to Lucknoye, they had wished
to go to the relief of Luclenow, but
Lricknow would not conic) to their re-
lief. (INItich lteughtee.) He was conlie
deot Mr. Broughton would be able to
report to his friehd Mr, Childers in
London, that tbey-iyoulet be able to de-
clare a dividend Of Seven per cent. on
this railway. (Cheers) The policy of
giving aid to railways; -Inau,gurated by
tbe Governrnent of the 1-lon. John
Saudfield. Macdonald, he heartily ap-
proved of ; it had given an iinpetus to
public works which eVould not soon
stop. Thera was scarcely a farm, ita the
Province but was now brought in cone-,
paratively easy distance :to a railway, 'e
tltus giving.thom opportunities to visit
the best markets, and dispose of their
produce to every advantage. (Cheers.),
He concluded by proposing three heart '
cheers for the municipalities which co
tributecl towards buildieg the L.;
B. R.
The toast was enthusiasticallfdrank,
three cheers a' d a tiger being:given.
Mr. Patrick Kelley, of of Morris
township, being called ow.ttir a respon set .
spoke of this beitag the/happiest day of
his life. He had .ueed every effort for
the procurement ne fronueeA: He refer-
red to the early ds of the undertaking,
giving some reminiseer cos which evoked
applause`,' and now that the northern„
country is malted to London --the Queen
City of the west -we, ought ct)ionisfee:1,
...;_rpizi•onuttelas wndo wooir:etttoig:thaeic•lif.so,r,,a,the devel-
tatesteaaeatieeatesasewhon the b
bonus, and it should receive the
don had had acted, liberally in granting a -
opmeneof the west. (Appian -et.) Len -
was loudly cheered, "de
athatirglail) \ in. tuodtt:eee(n'44 '0elo-:";a3t's7;1°'°fnC4 I it''°1"`tfill'Y' '
nchan ,,wavianosh remloaar_ntii_Hra:ip:i.rdolnY,i,gitprodectehrteee i,esncv,,er.:2;aricioithtoqiaintaingu3tire ij '
.,, 1 vtaisr.,1 , ,
wnat hOread inCopper's Novelee athea jai -4 WilltepaebbseiblrInfiisCile/it,L111:6'11;e:lacsolitirsilfjairogtj‘an..10.'
man of the Indian race oeeupying a et -SID 1 'Lttli•°0S11:1.11t811,1i,..elle011131173-Th'w-r-Te-'16i1 i "--,,,,Sit`.1
a boy.' In Louden he fonrid a gentle.' j
near Ireland had been named "Claude: °0(;),11(1.eor gre'et thitugas froate titi,o,
high position; he had aead his writinga
around him, he felt that instead of- 1')f.mtiluleedil 6t \ol il'alittitliti:eg-at 1 i e',,, t;ea6ley'es7ct '
that appeared in the Mail -with great
interest; he -referred to Dr. Ormilly-
ateltha, a man whose ethnological lore
andiforeeight might do credie. to IluX--
ley or Max Mailer. It gave -him
plea,sare to see that one of the stations'
boye", in honor of ,Earl Dufferin
(cheers) while Brecon hadtbeen namedI
in honor of the Welsh." Hellen:led that,
there were some "Komregs" here.
,(Cheers.) As for himself on looking
be -
in' a stranger that had been rather
bullied whewhe came first, that he
wa4 quite at home (cheers). Had not
31r., Carling referred to the Hon. Mr.
C,hildera m.,,,the manner in which he
had, and which he thanked him for, he
would have done so. Could Mr. Child-
ers be present to -night hHeo wroegull!elttbode
proud of the occasion.
that his friend was at the prerent time
under a cloudhaving lost his dearest
friend' on earth by an accident; he
would, however, couyey to Mr. Child-
ersl'ist good wishes expressed for him
by the assemblage (cheers). In re-
gard to the line. When he took charge
of the G. W. R. he determined ' when
it had been accepted to assist Mr. Mas-
son, the bhief Engineer, as mach as
possible and they had succeeded.; no
line that he was acquainted with had
been built so quickly ana so well. He
was in favor of granting bonus to rail-
roads opening up new sections of coml.
try,but not when they would depreciate
lines already constructed. Mr. Ross
hall. spoken of the advanced civilization
*t.5553), ettee eaeant
The lAittya
'Warden` of lerrice,
sponded, ,expressing
thierfelt at the tuccees
the new ro;,`d.:
referred to end • -3-----`. ..,.,l Veit 'knit..
bonuses to open up the new country. L"1)- ---.-..--„...., . 1,I, he Inee c
'.hhoiusgchottitld'hantotthaa tp ptloywtno e .....,Sutri4attlidrooy,v;e111.; 1 finitCos611)..onliVsetts11.,..;16'.:,o,,,mm,ie bi,,, ivtir.
well without a bonus, as it Was so far W.atters,"‘Vatelen. °f.'W dle'sex; tS 18°Itliffn
advaucedin civilization, (Laughter). Munro of Elgin ; Mr. I ex„,ward
In reference to the G. W. 11. 4 had net of Perth (who sang a song ai,
bean very prosperoue for a few years Gibson (who did likewise).
back, but the direetore hoped for better - Mr, C. P. Smith as Tilled 0 -Pae
1 sei-
times. In Englitncl they consider- dent, then gaye the " Ageiou 133851 In -
ea that a railesay whiCli leost terests," wh ich was teeio ed -le by
25,000 per mile ought to plq,and Mr, High Love, sr-Cleak ofAlee Town-
es the L., PI. Si B; had not cost' ' ship Cif nay, but owingeto eb at
W. R. that sum, lie expected it ing nOISO which exiet0855U113(in tie hel. l
N.1 a'"ekeleso re-.
etitql&essie re
' Cole 'Walker then; as eend Vice-
Chaixnean, gave the toast- of " Oar
Guaats;" being loudly applaud0.6' be
real- to 'his feet. He reforred\to the
teasa`. as, one which would. tieceite
hearty reception. He would only sea;
few :Words in relation to the tOast,
lamdon b.as never been bellinclhand
showing, hospitality tta straagers, 851131
never have We been sb hcenored as oil
thee present occiteiettleaw4h we lfave so
large aild, intelligent a representation of
our neighbors of the'riorth-a delega-
tion that does us more honor than the
many distinguished men from. Britain et
and elsewhere we have eutertaineel in
in our time. This is a proof boe., their
confidence itt the stability of London,
and in it ability, as a market, to sup-
ply the best 851170108 -84 the lowest price.
The great/number of our guests -wthuld
prevent his nanaing them all, but they
are written on our- hearts, and thole
memory es more -lasting than the iran
band which now` unites iie...Looavie-nat
always had the most kindly feelilige"
towards her neighbors, and he hop3r5,
Strathroy and Goderichi weaa
burbs of London eery Dthidem,
of them. He 79.6 sure the toed „ west'
the time it WaS, impossible:or that fien-
prove a good investment, He votiId
do all in his power to make the Ile a tlen7 to be liekae,s(ditne,to alt0 ..IftCY01'.0£
sale and good one cod he hop ' the i-onaon " Vitl'S rl'0130804 ly M ' 3touglis
. ,
I a
. ,)
people wthild assist ilenattking.,it sue. ton.tedien thanl- v ,' orter returned
°ass, lir. Broughton resumed 11 seat by ralteolyn.
amid much appleeee. • joseph A.tkin.kor 1011 gave bio
Hon. John Carling gtve tt C mniereial and geaett &fairing inter
bstuaitldedingthoaftabfeutLt,w.I01,.0&1Bat. Rn1.0161, Ithra040. tslY,,,01.ro 1111 1,0n.b,,eiratiitteltriotion '5516,01-mtioiscr,oisiiiiyitl li,ot
nicipalities which 'Contributed t Wards '443"" _/'
municipalities on the route -had efused '....`",ta1"11'114 1'01'9' l'at tilt) °°'1""a":"
ial interests'os Le' on were suell as
iloobion on the townships who ,ansoa , votild leeti our e o' lorn neighbors rie.
to contribute. Ile didn't make Lily ro-
be to their iutereet to an go. , ho nut 4:,, „ ,,,,,,,I.,
don btleeti they did not, thinit ', wo tilt' Ver:tr: l'F,:.,,31,vu:,..ti1:3::T.:01:1:11:\av:ii.iblisonnI61.;1101rtycittlitovaie0013.
nieipalities who,diti give assista co wee wr " " L"f. '
entitled to the Iioarty 11181118 of Ji ,
terdinoters, (Olieere,) Ihe 3Tayol °Illiiint.''''Xilvt>.i.h''' - l'-'1u°9'tiollo,1 To -
the COI! p Or at ion Of ‘Teendon hail 651. Lay'61
t„ W. 1\l'tpi vale eeepoticled - 85341153'
tributed very much. to, sth suet
building of this toad, Mr, Carli,t0o-
ceecled to entnnerate the betaisce4'ellt-
ed by the nienieipttlilies of SteCia
bertio and 'Exeter; 'and the A014'1,0)11
natttro of the grants. Illatee
liObly forward with its support.‘"
in o111,111 0, a. lodbroptD70,, and intro- _
dop"g son ,1 bentaind .vittieitp.,,,;'"ic'
ookbeofiel herdWitli, NV11--'9w.'"''° ".O" .
peeiVed.. /L' .
a The tenet 6t4a The Pio'
k). IL, Flock mots\ with -, t' t .
atteenst to ex ton