HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-18, Page 41, l w! lathierG.tti Kik^t in nU �10 it 111 thea] that of bo'r>vie r'w' 1 a� to l, seed:lot tills ruti,`3on X''at'it, one who owe, ,tyle:4e duee not like to fend .them, ; and she elnulte it,e of the man who bunco . eneemol. ono neves conies to koro 11)W to use burt,'ulvv,4i tooirs nor to beep th(;tn en order, tr,uc'l third,' be who' bore .'an weer be a good farmer. It ia lilt• the youug man jinat stitl•titlt; uii"alllUteed tv b e)0w sting, it elwuid not estl,lilL 11 t11ut habit ; to enaa Inv borrow a new illstl'IItuee teff e how it Werke, A Hull 'Vito burr is nut likely to nee it es carefully a., it were 111s owr, said 43 ap collet: tat. e hiss notnicei L 4 do cetera), tlic.t work. A�` scam a pian be tlliul;ilatr about whoa bk 'rows to steel plow, keens it ,Bove �cN.thys or a week, aioi hra,ngs it'home w ill be most likely the ease, so dull y T ,• to be tttrfrt for use , lit : owner only teko it to the shop, and at .r roexpellee •,, carua !t skl,ol Ealud t I b 1 uahl'1 '°is �1 �,.. ei10, there are 99\'41 ,Neighbors who w]ll also want to b fTow ; area thus it is, a harrow, fur tttance may be going ronn(1 throu�eli iaelghbortlu4)4l all the sear on, It ewery way desirable to eultiva n wh'a is called "gond neighborhood," bit this aa1Unot bo done whore borrowing a is praetuleil. UW$ trite Gad' lac t� t to 1r15'a it alta' ]int he 1.14: Saliba, and del ell they could at, keep up the eeisto, of the !.aisle, eLtell t+; awls tie:u wee below zero, Bee this time it i ter thiLd iug ,Lis set v tee• nook] net be icquia rod that 1)it its, lull itasee t.,h'ualuht oat and Glove home, Jet( tares test el the ;softy hat\hie;' int re ]e,ct,iGlaate, "]: Penis,$ mole fedi) in "'tile; es.pstt,ai," waited, eed wets: tin tity t•o- \;~.t4aed os' les gloenig base tibula• 11 C�'t;lbli,. t,A,, Ial•; li ivul (eata ell thu. bddu to,�1•t',:a, ]yea �,1�', lt,ad the Resettle t,) vote hallo] ,a jolly1,t,,µ1 la?11u\1 ; but now that Ins l4la,t l.'.rlt\e, th,'re \V''ata rl IAiialater.. i'lt ee the ,5tata ; test ]Iran with the haat- eek hone: so ,,a: haat+llc�l 1kut foot for iii:;, le:vete:ice, A;hu by thts turtle WaS SI) lig iti bud--•Itul)ovut° he. got rally. tilll. slid his boat to get these iii up time, bet: by spot tiiatu ih0y` had di:ee,vered' that the auf(urtri tc grooms ]list]' lte„let:tted to ereeui'e the iitaeaia , , nod without the( llulhitk�; could be dem:- There was no 1AOlp for it but to get o w, so vvilli once, I thief took the money with joy, batt the r '. t.:\,t clay he ot>,y a 1 ,le,\a .t tri .t61,o10► t�tlOredtut, t114 t(v(i\ery vt' �tliCk e vNee tie e»�,aepurtetl at the, allele ihnt t ,)„1.4a boeti p14y4ed ou Lin; darts lie went to the lwllt.e stud telt] them 1,1.0 story*, The tltat;t t) er, v"its arrested, tho tht'it was radiatlttt. l its t4 11,ttlleee trgeinet hhnl, tae. tl t, sc+tit to Veil al servitrl(ly fu., twenty yeer,r ; the thief got elf ttit'it ills 41(19. - mid as ieu'at•d bo5idee, , as er tarn flaeeds they 'drove a'good five as utile;;, touse'd the license -vendor out of elm bed, had the decuuheuts executed, Illy re"telied the beeps) of sG illany hopos tut #t a"co l1)e wad b t wee lthree o r,al aid fuur o'clock uu Christmas u'lot'uillg or- tlletwain were made nue flesh. 10 - the Core tor fu ret, eenrss. eselesee Liberal feeding is u nv needed. Nu "b 'stook should alive:e l to loge now what they have nuoleiu the stomper. Ou the contrary-, they should Is kepi growing, and they rimy be by proper feeding "He boconeth poor that eleatleth with a slack (hand" is very- true iu anis respect. There inust be close attention to this platter, or 'tummy is lest iu feed and in weight of stock. Duu't trust too much to hired men or buye. Have exact measurements for feed. da b A o c hold l l til •e t i eo uatrt- 6nould Le i , every bin, This makes a lair allowance fur cue ox or horse, or two cows or four calves at each food A busho:-basket of fele cut hay to 0.3 raverrge for oleo lerae or cow, er two calves at one feed. There shoal.: be no waste but as much feedgivo.a ae will be eaten up clean. Give salt re- gularly in small quantities, ur have it accessible to the animals, The editor of the Maine I'arulergivei au account of a knowing horse in the employ of kir. Pullen, tl tuilkmau near Augusta, neer that State, '].'lie 'horse - s bine years old, and has been drivel. over the city route daily for the past year or twu. Knowing this horse to be l.uusuall} itltel1igeut one, Mr. Pullet: oue morning after starting en his route let the reins remain in the hook in the toil of to weeroil to see what the horse would do, He had his own way ill coming into the city, stopped regularly a ` At eighty-four customers without a mis- take, theu went to the post -office. thence to the store of E. Hasknell, Esq. - where Mr. Pullen is in the habit of ;stoppirl_ge-•and then took up his route home, whore he arrived s fe, Mr. Pul- len not once having = g • ~< touched the reins from the time he left home ! el Dr. Hnrshy says, in the Western ,Planter, that he protects trees from 3abbits by putting ,on the bodies a white wasli make from -stackslaehme Reap, brought to the consistency of or- diary paint,with common 33o1r past added to make it adhesive, To kee winter pears, have then] in rooms wher the mercury does not go below thirty five degress, iu a, tight berrel or box `t'hey will.relxattiu hard until January when, by briuging them out into iyarr}� roman they will ripen. ItOLLER TOWELS. --They are a nuis- ance, when employed in public places, like hotels or restaurants. Never use ,thein, , All sorts of people afflicted with All eorts of diseases, wive their nasty faces upon them. We recently met with two cases of destructive inflammation 01 the eyes, traced to the patient's wiping laden one of the towels referred to. When travelling, ell}pfi, r+ al•ryyour own towel pop ti. brush and soap. It is much the cleanliest plan, and decidedly the saf- @gt; REMEDY POR CInRONIC kIoARSENESS.- Au eminent physician of Philadel- phia contributes the following : In Chronic "hoarseness arising from .thick- euing of the vocal, eserchiand adjaceut nembraue''the ammoniated tincture of guide= is often a very efficiaus reme- ay. It way be appropriately mixed with equal parts of the syrup of senega tend a torts,. oonful' of the lnixtuu.e given two er three times a day, e e en e: • "Gogd gracious ! ye don'Vsay so'!" - says Smith ; "didn't you ]rev any' shot . in e-er gun, ` er wliatei'n thunder was , the trouble ?;. "Well I was coming to a. that," said Dr. F. ; !'it astonished me at first ; but `as soon as the ducks rose Thele is a curious )resariJtion 71 l 1 1 E,lq.laulit for the euro of dreekeuoss, bywhich thousands are s l'c a a a,rl to have been assisted i.rl lecuvcriug theinselVes The recipe carne into notority through the efforts of John Vine ]hell, father of Rev. Newman Hall atad Captain Vine 11a1I, cutluuaiuder of the Great I+]a,steru steamship. He had fallen into such. habitual drullke.uess that his utmost ef- forts to regain himself proved unavail- ing. Atlougth he sougth the advice of an eminent physician, who gave flim a luescription which he followed faithful- ly for several months ; and at the end of that time he had lost all desire for liquors, although he had for Many years bee u led captive bymost a nlo, t debasing . habitThe the recipe which he afterwards intblisued,:and by which so many have been assisted to reform, is as follows : " Sulphate of -iron, five grains ; •nag' nesia, ten grains ; peppermint water - eleven grains ; spirits of nutmeg, one .lrachui ; td bo taken twice a day." This preparation acts as atonic anda stimulant, and se partly supplies- the place of the accustomed liquor,' and prevents that absolute physical and moral prostration that follows a sudden breaking off from the use Of stimulating all..lte. -.. Iloty is this foie' /Nigh. If there is any man in Cauadat can raise the following story, let him show his hand, or forever after remain mien. "Speaking of shooting ducks," says i Dr. F., "puts me in mind of a great storm that occurred when I lived on the island. 'As you are well aware, b our island is near Casco bay ; an awful storm arose, and was so fierce that it o drove all the ducks in the bay into the,'. ponds, covering about an acre, near my u house. Infect, so many ducks crowd- .s ed into the pond than could not see a t drop of water." "Slio," says Smith, , s "did you shute any of erre?" "That's what I was ccmiug et. I went into the fi house, and got my double-barreled Bbot •gttn, and di; charged both barrels �' right ..111 the`midst`tirtrienri,vu-., „•hny t astonishment, they tiros ' e w t:. A a'il ie acing not a duck in the. pond !' s a a.; CPO 0i4it tril'SQIp f eC a :)a 1 hrld beets 01'11)140d to defend 1i seedy lector, soiihewhet given to dritilc, lire tonne happeoed to be Jaliii 1Vilsou;' 1:1G wee ehai•ged with fraudulently posing of ]tis , property with the intent to 4tefrat4 cru(litQl$-.---a1 lnis(leelnealior puoisllilble by finne mad iIn]11'iS011n out, \Ve liar! beein tbrOni;li is thorough ex- atuinatialr of all the facts before a one - mating. magistrate, and Wilson was eo.11lnitted to jail to await the aetien, of the grand jury, siren in session, witkl' titin ug]y ease against him. on the testi- Molly. Of course lie was ind cted. r , h judges 1 u had taken uu 1 'e � their 1luc4s solemn gravity ter the dispatch, of prinm- ival businese. The district attorney, ono of th brilliant gen inees who could play loo poker ell eight, with a reasolnlble modi= cum of " old rye" to assist, and come in. court as froth the next norniUg, was alt a s'de table with , his bac]: to the Court and bar, hurriedly makingup his lost time in tilling up subpcenaes for witnesses. An informal list or docket of the criminal court, his Honor, with spectacles o ulus appeared nose, akppea ell to be intently studying. Suddenly I was ap- palled tc hear from the vunerable judge, .701111 Wilson, stand, up." The doctor straightened up ne stiff as a post and as suddenly as the searanrcucll` from the box in sickles' show, while I sat Wonder- ing what was to wine neat, as the judge wont on as follows " John Wilson, you have been l) ha- dieted u- dietas! jury y ak J y of your country for a high offence, but the court is grntified to learn of your repentance, and that you have saved. your country expense by pleading guilty. Your case and that of your suffering family have been rep- resented to the Court, and we have, on confer, pec, decided to deal leniently, with you. But the court admonishes you to hereafter better regard the laws of metun and team, and if; you come before this court again you will invari- ably be used np. The court orders you to ray a fine of five dollars, and to stand committed until .the fine is paid." Before the ilei elo q It speeoll was .lop - eluded, I had talrau in the citation. 1 considered the doctor's case desperate. I had all his money, and enough to cover a moderate:fee, as things went in those days, for "defeiiding him. Quick as thought. I slipped a five -dollar bill oto his hand, with the words, " Pay your fine and cut !" Ho waved his hand gracefully to the sheriff, with the ill, bowed his thanks to the Court, and was out of the door in the twinkling f an eye. Silence reigned for nearly ten mite- tes, when the judge called on the pro pouter t 0proceed.Tumbling v over a •urrdle-of papers in great haste, he aid: " T niece on the trial of John Wilson rs ,: your IHon,or. John Wilson 1" exclaimed tin in iaeiT-ael/BerceeR-1 cod him Isn'. •' No your lienor ; thats- John Wat on, next on the docket." But where is Jolm' Wilson ?" li ske loo]sau r d, ;, hard at me. I replied, Ipresume he has avails inbuilt' of the leniency of the Court nod is now looking for parts un. nown. With this eclaireissment peals o 050 or pua�s.-A mixture of equal a1 parts of glycerine • and carbolic acid, applied with a camel's hair pencil, is recom- mended es an excellent remedy for Forms, correspondent writreto the Scierl- Ole lnierican that the worst toothache, pr neuralgia cooling from the teeth, may be speedily and delib! tfullyended by the application of a small bit of gloom cotton situated in a strong coin - tion of ammonia to the pefuetive teeth. t3ometinaes the late sufferer is prompt- ed te romlpt-edte the tnomentry nervous laughter by the application, but the pain ]las dis- lalakesred. CURE ' URE C B - r URNS, Comte e. A d la Tour Pui says that a resty nilnp solus - lion of ammonia in water is au excel- lent remedy xcel-ient;'remedy for burns in oases where the skin is not destroyed. Having by ligaitift*iffieer &dais fa crucible which 't nearly relhot, he Plunged his av,+ 0 111 Ica' water, , m •Istel aL and 1d •otn , s napes into . };eF;t it seine hours ftertvard covered oskecl itt the same ' 11 a linen s , the w 1t meet pain was:lhapetl � s immediately, and.no blisters 0 ,suppuration obcurr- ea rustling. ` Into fed net r Di ficin- CS. NC3 .intieecetoti•lt ANG A It a few hnndrecl yards in the air and corn- menses] to separate a little, the ducks began to drop, and, whether you be- lieve it or not, I picked up twenty-nine nine barrels cf ducks, and it was apoor season for ducks, too. You see. the ducks were wedged iu so solid in the pond that when they rose limy carrier the dead ones into the air with them, and when, they separated down came twenty-nine barrels of dead ones." Eeonemftai Diet, "Hafeyou:got some of clot kind of oysters fwhat haf been shplied ?" " Spoiled oysters !" Yee, we have a few cans left over from last week that I think will fit you." y' How you sold 'em ?" " Oh, Pit sell 'em right; you have alloro y want fldr a nickel:" "Vol, dei, mine goot frena, will you be so kind to pring me four dozen fon dot damaget lot 2" The oysters were brought, and customer put them quiet- lydown into o the pitof ' 1his stomach, and having finished the ,job, he said to the restaurateur; ,, Now, my very very goot (rent, you have got some goot oysters, ain't it ?" " You're migthy right, I have." " Vell, 1 take a half a dozen raw and some pickles," These were iu tarn Nerved and quietly put down on top of those gone before. But .the restaurateur was troubled, and when the patron came to settle ' the bill, said to him ; "Look here, pard, 1 don't like to be too _.inquisitive, but blowed if I wouldn't like ter know why you totek a fancy to so many spoiled oysters and so few good ones ?" "Veli, you hafts been a goot,frent to me, and so I tel u told t something.You se y1e1 have got a tapeworm, ant efry timedot i3 de way I hafe to do, You see, dot last half a dozen, dem was for me aniueself, but dot damaget tot, dein _ was dedot tapeworm. You know I ain't clot kind of a Commodore Vander- lilt dot I can afford it to preak np mine peesness to feed a tam tapeworm on goot oysters." ife•ttotlbery or Lacy Dudley's Jewels. A PAnALLLL CASO. A Lender( correspondent writer; :- The audacious robbery of Lady Dud- dley's dressing case with £50,0170 worth of jowels hi it has thus far baffled all the resea%ehes of the puplio. The af- "air reminds me of -one which occurred several years ago. A holy of title hiving to the railway in a cab ; on "was a small trunk containing .asing case, in wlnic11. were £11,r worth of jewels. This trunk was en from the cab as it was passing hrough the streets: The thief on opening the ease, was for a moment dazzledbythe sight of solnany jewels, but at opera he suspected that they were paste, and that his viatiin was ari act, •pori whop.] he had robbea of her otsgc `cels]. Ile took thein to "a fence," atm :....."Look at these; they are 6Inti Mat 1. Zuppoae they al'e :no. '°! Vstste."' "Yes"" said the cat..' 1ecaAver, they"they are only lfnita+ are so delle' that I 11 a k cl laughter rang throught that ancient temple, of justice ; and then came a rush ofns co tables and audience d ownt hE into the street after t} -e flown bird The main street of the village was in full view for half a mile, rising to . an eminence crowned with a dense wood, and at the farthest point could be seen my y : quondam client, ,making the tallest sort of 2:40 tracks for the woods, his coat-tail spread in the wind. That was the last seen in those parts of John Wilson, and that is the way my first iedt was cleared.. 41 THE FIRST A Grecian legend is as follows :- When Bacchus was a boy he journey - through Nellas to go to nixie, and the way way was very long, he grew red, and sat down upon a stone to st.As he salt there, with his eyes Pon the ground, he saw a little plant ring up between his feet, and was so tach pleased with it that he determin- to take it with him and plant it in axia. He took it up and carried it ay with him ;'but, as the sun was, ry hot he feared it might wither be- y he reached his destination. He and a bird's skeleton, into which he rust it and'] n on vet But in his hand ad e plant sprouted so fast that it start out of the bones above and below. as gave him fresh fear of its wither - g, and he cast aiio}it for a remedy. e found a lion's bone, which was eker than the bird's skeleton, and he uels the skeleton with the plant in it, o the bone of the lion. Ere long,; e plant grew out of the Irons bone ewise. Then he found the bone of ass larger still than that of the lion. ;he put the lic-p'd concainine• the; cst's skeleton and the plant, into the s's bone-, and thus ho made his way Naxia. When about to sot the plant found that the roote bad entwined elnselves around the birds skeleton d the lion's bone and the ass's bone d as he could not take it out with•' damaging the roots he planted it as was, and it came up speedily and e, to his gloat joy the meet delicious pes, from which he macre the first e itud gave it to men to drink., t behold 'a muscle ! When men nit of it they first sang like birds ; t after drinking a little more, they acne vigorous and gallent like lions; when the drank more still tile'' be- gan to behave like asses. • el „ ed as ti re u sp m ed aw ve fo fo tl 1 til ed Ti ill li thi stu t �h lik au So bir as to ho the au an out it bor gra win F3u dra nex bee but eZ S. GIDL +' Y, t .li; Bh`,. CA - J BINr2'✓MA1ti1a & UND:ItT'AEERN, lasso his opp'ortnnity to inform the lnhah1t site of this rid sarronndinggectiosg that their Novi Hearse IN note coxapteted and the*' sic not hesitatein gay,. inx tf1aat it i t ii.' al the hest 111 this" Wertea n tart. Gro' GN IINT" EINGlae�l ,dt•tineali,:rteriaisiteliir , Will heIoni Ionia int nary 'titildi tat ettYaditta3tt,. Cefilti I,latti't and otfltili fent,s1, 6146, en r+tebasi, dto rOaSTOINiaTalii1114 Ger the sliolrtart pelisse .n a inatf•4hilasfa7ttslti i b UU1 for tltenit`" ']the'z• >«.44A ktail' tl11,101 elet of 1•tftElqt NE'st wets ie *rose., 'fit Se.ft 11 lf�tr'tt,°tip.,, .,I I' 1111 1 1 C K Ii P, NI D \semi, ece 0UR MO"TT t l:nterea -according to Act. of Congress, in the year 1872, by DYlnu SniAIX , ells . Co„ PLibrarian of Congress, Washington in sai3 o Ir, Tn< ., in' the.Office of We ���w Canadiana B �k of Commerce LUCAN. CAPITAL, ...40,000.00e, BESERVE..k 000 2 .000. A Branch of the above:BBank has beol jpenecl in Lnca>n for the transaction of General Nanking busi nese. SAVINGS ANI DEPARTMENT. withdSumsran'al asrcclnirlow asocl. ono dollar re" ed on deposit. Interest -4 and roper cont. allowed. No notice t 'American currency bought an jold. U. STOW hEDD1E, Agent. GEOBG_ : CATHOA RT Fashionable BOOT & S .0E MAKER, Sign of the " Bi Bo Luean, Ontario, g i TCULD acquaint the'inhabitan of this and the surrounding country, and those visiting Luca"' market, that he has on and a large stock of Boots and Shoes or his OW11'Mae ufactnre, so imported work, which he CAN SELL AT Pli 'ES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he is prepared to do order w k `second to -none, a , he employs none but First-class workmen, and nothing tut First-class Stook. G. CATHC-ART. Lnenn, October 22, 1874. (81-y1) WATT'S IN SHOP, LUCAN T C. WATTS, of the ;Lean Stove 'ad Tin Shop, dealer in Tinware, Sheet -iron and Copper- . ware, Stoles, Goal Oil, Lamps a ad Lamp Chimnics. He does Dl AVE - FROUGI-IING on the 1 esio.,t notice, and at reason a prices;. 73e flatters himself that he can sell at as reasonable prices as any Ron n the Trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. The HIGHEST PRIDE PAI FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SItINS Rs:n3mbor the Stand ---First door eas,1 rurroll's Drug Store, Main•st., Limn. J. 0. WATTS Ln n October 22, 1874 x (6l -mg.) Direct` 35c. - 3 cans 4 .timor e, per ca.n. for $1.00- Five Pounds Best' ea; in Exeter, $4.50 Ten Pounds for $$.50 4 Ro GR O4C ERIE S • in j>iroportion, at the EXETER RY & LIQUOR STORE FALL ARRIVALS. EXETER has jest opened o PICKARD the largest st moet•complete best assorted and cheapest lot of goads s'gger`brought into this part of the country. ]l� LAVING. lrrlported al.l,0 th1 s Dry -Goods from •- . the4uropean; Marketh ,than He is able to do a little better, any other house in this part of the country, not hestato to say that and does. IIE has the LA no ' STOCK Gtr GOODS 1N the COUNTY Rind as ohea ati Can be found anywhere "Higneeeleo et price paid for all kinds of produce. iernelnbei this is the rdes t Established House in the County Qppofsito the Past Office. , , ,eirill1YIOV D'ar °HARE S SO THQ0TT •:has removed his CLIT I.'fN'G ,A : 'It; tLORING 3B SI { to the new ]snot; establishment One OOP 14011th of the old premises. Satr teQd. � �ff.�ct�,0 Cutting 0"': Vie' IClwr;atlii- i' itG aai initr , TROMP ON& WILLIAMS AG'%tlOU a`1TRAI IMPLU 11 NTS, Boiler eI' and Engine Works MITE rL1.O T.. T4vo-horse power. Wood. Savin Machine g This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL for •driving a Straw Cutter, G -rain Crusher,, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex- cept for the belt. A. TRIAL OFFERED. All kinds o€ Farming,Implements kept constantly t p aptly on hand. BOILER . SHOP in full operation. ENVIE NE S of all sizes to order. REPAIRS promptly attended to. Address- THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell Ont 45-1y. 5012110l1, Jnne 18, 1874. The Dominion Organ ��II'Imw,P'' O • s �d�n��is i Illi i. i III Um pi lllt�i • I i�l 1 IIIA ��lll' h II '� II II allitimm.m�•-.-. � ��� ' B WMANVILLE ONT. BOWMANVILLE, U3'Ct.a-7SL'1N-b-; ORGANS, ORGANS, Call and see our $85..Q Splendid Success Taking Everywhere Immense Number Sold. N. B. -Old Instruments taken in exchange for new. Instruments constantly on hand at J. Drew's Furniture Ware -room. Music Stools from *1 to 8o each. Send for Circular to O. Pedlar, EXETER P, 0. 1eneial Agent, INTERESTING. o MED1CAL men say that nothing is so im- portant to good halth as a xoom com- fortably warmed: The season of year is now at hand when yon will require the very best o. STOVES cn FANCY BREAD 4I 1?I31SOC' 'X' I3AEgB, EXEC E11, 8, takes pleesore in interning the iuhabitante of ,Exeter anti -s rroundim "'� till ea that has routed the ,Exeter,Ba er late] oec iei b Mr.. . and ri g .•beh4at s by � �, lately aIp y . R �& e , ai a Il.: t1e SUPPLXI to A iiii.a$T-CLA.SS ARTICLE and strict attention to business`to Merit. thePPatronage. Patrons e. 6 Wed . .. �nr C �,OakesdE3 to Order. M;anufuetttrer of (ira4Aum, half Aye,anb the PATENT VRE$p S 0019 and Pnrtios, promptly attended to on the mostteasonable term s, Ii"' Fresh Bread oonstantly on ]land at Exeter, 'North Exeter, and erediton. 'Post.Offices and W. Baker's, egntralia. Families waited on daily., ; e An orders for Exeter, December, 10, 1874. 47-tf,, A, 8 lNNEit.. ST. MARY'S AORIGU LULRAL WRKS THE BEST C OMB INE ,� A -1 U_ .MOWER IN THE DOMINION THE 'THRESHING MACHINES rom this Establishment aro so well knowh that any recommendations would bo superfluons, The Three e - Wheel gang F'lrovv", made by J. R, Moore, claims precedence of anything of the kind y g 1n the Doaluhuon, 11 rGONB of superior workmanship and material. Patent' Dominion Land Rollers, Fl O W Ci ul ti V _, ators Seed Drills, Broad. -cast r Solders gar -kettles and Cauldrons, and 'th' kind of Agricultural im lements on ficnitlei s tau every other p hand or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, Pnop. (46.1y.). 1, Mar's, July 1, 1874. - Cheap Goods W: SAMWELL & PICAARD owing to the groat. RUSHUFOR CHEAP Hu ODS have had to ' • . ENLARGE THEIR STORE so as to ACCOMMODATE their Customers. Just Received: ONE CASE MORE of those Cheap BLACK LUSTRES` OneCase Scarlet ... . FeItSkzr#s O One Gnso of Grey Satinettes 1 titin - Full Lines of Goods Suitable for the Season's Trade. JOB LOT OFLADIES' FUR SETS To be Sold Cheap. Exeter, November 19 ANDS BISSETT BROS. begto say that they ey hnve just received ono of the largest stocks in the county, consisting .i Stoves of the very latest design and the best manufactures, which WILL BE SOLD REASONABLY CHEAP Their aim is and always has been to satisfy cur tourers. Hardware, Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Alto the Worno0 3s laterso and 1,000 LB gt7ALEIie'0R a18 Old Bags, Copper, iron, ate., bought. BISS rat BROS. NEW PUMP J AC'1'Olt PIMPS ,PUMPS Cly . BOLTc T'', ITAlr onlsl inform tho inhabitants of Hay, Stephen° tel Usborne, that he i i.iti 1fa ituros all kinds of pump;., including the meNsnionll, PATENT Pinta PUMP for which he has the exclusive w a right for the above.i amed towimkips, The eubseriberleses. confident that he eau eaaisfy those in *Alit o pumps, as to workmanship and quality, and A. such prices that he CANNOT BE U 4DEESOLI1 IN THE DOMINION. N.erttrlcrasr:-•.bAei•Foarth' mile earth of the vallAge el Exeter, on Let 7, lloy, London. Bead, 1 , B. togiat'✓ingbtfiotolect taws With pronlp• >teea, tend delta apt r8attalii "yblla.}•*ell• Vr'T V, OIa J. 1`Iw ay, Alrrili #i, 1(441 044m0 4 BANKRUPT STOCK./ Just secured a large Bankrupt Stock AT ^. Tremendous ]accrues tion, which will 2 wit 1 be cleared out prices cep I TO ASTONISH EVERY -J ONE. FIFTY 0 VEBCOATS AT A GREA T BARGAIN. FORTY CHESTS ! of the BEST TEA AA in the country & W$•OLE SALE PRICES SAMPLES FREE call and get one, and try it. T. GREENWAY Centralia, December 24, 1874. ex. Beattie 44 tit 4 House a kt.ltelati'y.`ii, Nov TAILORS Iloslerr;in E / G fl O�LOLOTHS��e ' AN1) "MINE M ECt'IANI'S tfiasO t'd. 9, .18742 its and spices 'Jtt y Ai , hug,