HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-18, Page 3Sr4441. moorat 0.10 te6t newspaper on the tiering person ever f Jy 441CtU oontinent, it is now ,a regu, stugang. The reasol is, that by ebserving tho mcasure of t to music keeping time-14he urgam pQeoh a/9 1+,ept in such p9sitieli that exiunci4tiol1 i4easY. -APPIY th°- OWIle rale to reading or spoech and the &nit() result will follow,Lo (it , stammerer tako 4 eelltence,, Say this ene,-,-,Leituder 0Wttln. ti t0 frelleSPOIlt--1,4,14a,PrQAP4ue.(4 it by syllables, lig it, keepiug time with his „tipger if peceseery, letting,reach syllable'ecoupy Ui Sante time, thus, Licsa,n7der-swanOh9e1res-yontt dd lie will not stammer. Prenotince slow- ly at first thou faster but still keep time: Iceeping time witlilvords instead otsyl- lablqs Practise this irt reading and conVeitation until the habit is broken perseverance and .attention -ie all thatia iiecessary o.rfoiiijic„ a AieifeCit" rehtni&V $triPLIrat A slight shock of on earthquake was felt flot treeyi11e 3790terdaY at 8-P P Mr. John Naismith, railway con- tractor, of Mount Forest, is out as "an Independent. candidate for the „South Biding of "G.:key. l'hecusteme receipts of Pict914, N. S. kor the sixmOnths endingDecebaber 8,gt amounted to $37,503, 94, an in- Prewase °vox the correepending period of the previons Year of $17,486,39. On Thursday night some thieves ef- fected an eulrauce into the bar -room of theAnglo-American hotel, wood, by cutting a pane of glass out' a side window, •and. stole cigars to the value of 150. A. vote of the ratepayers of Iroquis "(*iittrtalteWil arbyga4. du ifti.4the , Ddh-,, l',)riikAet-OieVil.434§ The4, 41 nuMbir: . kOf.;Votee ptilledAwas .4e!ight, -AMA alld4 majority in favor of the by-law was thirty. Mr. Jon Ilyndm,p4, died F.riday,,at Fingal. He was WA_ „in,,Artylese Scotland, in the the year 1776, and was consequently 105 at the time of his • death. He emigrated to county' "OfEl; gin in 1847, in whichael.o,uniw lit?, „lincl, up to the tiros of his thSitih,,, &.). Afire occurred on Friday last at the ;Nfonealvo Wells, Petrolia, owned _by r.Sruitii*dd"Yaziiigtyiat44clestiOyilig'ho --'harreit otoili It itraeiausaa of the men thawing out some of ,the pipes by building Lives jn,$heini• well was pumping figain A further loss was prevented by'the,a,r7 rival of a steam fire engine from Pe- trolia, whieh soon'+.0tinguished •the flames. Charles Mills and Edward Whalen, charged with robbing the hoose Pettit, near Wellingten •Squiirci,‘-' $8,000j gold last December, were ex- /010'iwjoje tlte in.1ton Polf6e, irkistralte'' 6 FHdy evaii 1 -Cs t The evidence was only partially taken,, and the prisoners were remanded until next Wednesday. There ardother men : arrested on this charge, and who will soon be examined. 001181C1Orabltl terest is manifested, in ,this case; as. some of 8.110S0 in custodyare well 'con'-• ,nected. slight shock of 1t-IA.4.11111,a° WaS felt .at Islok‘za4 un ether;defaulti t; t I) h , • absconded from ilail, t e; larkc sunis of money. , ILE:ports .thre..current Now, 4,)rlearz., i ha the tuilit.t,v ,:ttNte, t'AJ arri, ihe 1:.1i J.a.; 2 i t,j3Nati i;‘itea'','• was buks4i,a Lreatt whil.t inioxiettfed, having sof scuie nay in a barn while light mg ins ...T;he London Times of the 26th gii an accou g the G01:Tible 11001(1011 t, 011 Ole thirty --one was killed and wards of seventy wouuded.. GUMMI poskiz: SerVi0,0 an 0: -- der has just been issned dirc&ing th,tt certain words,,deriyod' fron,-1,ithe Frenekt.;; suei as poste t-,httit, no lodge beorncially used, and Clefiyillg wlfa: German words shall be the equiVuleet of these, Ainai named was sl a ijO' ptikaps fatally, by one Jarvis, at Sehemberg, on Saturdzty. Tlie,*pur tieeilad been at an electieu meetino. and becameembreiled.-- in a, dispute albui with others, when -31.1,1•vL uncl sr- totikto settle the matter with a dirk. e The 'Philadelphia dett6tiveStalye be- cojne statisticians auk c*tify :i,that in thOjoss case more: than.420,000 have bi,en expeaded ; that search ba q been ni.adi from ocean to ocean, froniliole to pole that,70,9,00,0-eirculars have -been Issued, photographing% and.' printing: Mote' costing $8,000; that a crops of cletk's has regularly been er-ployea • cb;respondence about -the + MYS'liands of gypsies have been seareh--, ed, resulting in the, return.of one sto- len ladtio his parent's ; that mummer- :)ogus Roses have been repeated, it..d altogether that it a sad, futile, and "A:nd s tlidtrally" snccessftil connection with it they Rive It .tp, ilenr the revivaleit', nes' eal of indignation'hY ck made in the Metro- urch, on Filday even- .harmonicAciety, in Crized thee,torjo 01 terevoltind,' and said were guilty of profanity e dyingpries andgroans Nearl,:a1141/941.letAb4s.,' itan Church choir be- harmenlc, Seciety,,-took Lttin;$5,f;;:thelbiaterht, 4,e,,Graii&Operttlioubei last. , GOLD 1S THE PRISMS. THAT ,--- POMEROY'S DEIVOORAT for be far better than ever be4 ---13.1,0re filled with news and live diru4,4np,tter,,,„original!aelea0,d,, Tn aciilitionto.'!,its,',06auliii, featUY4384;' such as "Rome Corner." "Our Satin. - day Night," "Chats With a Moneyed Man," ''Gossip With Correspondentsc'.: "Replies to Letter ,Writers,"', pungent, editorials, items of nos c alc' comtnent, will contain, liberal extracts from letterS0,,chaptere ocorrospondence, on- latget market reports, artieles on Fash- ion, letters of travel, original and se. lected stories from the best authors, and 9, better condensation ofnews from all parts of the ootintry, than ,can be found in any other. newspaper% Com- mencing with the first week of: Janao ary will appear o 861408 of life pictures f New Yetk, deViMngftifJy, tho nnont featurea, tii6164-,'nevaltidaY, ,stitutium and OnSt0D18 oe the city, 'Tbia will be o Unit most instruc. tiveo featon of the wtang yox, All 611,, miencl to make Netro)1/8 visitertwore than half of the post....41i.os a the country, and its claten is steadily increasing, Ternis, Fr the vapor ono year, with one of three 14rge, beautiful chrOmoe, QV either one of the laro, finely Oxeouted steel engravings of GenertilLoe, Stone- wiill'beicson or M. 1‘1.Y Pomeroy, post- age included 2,60; for the paper one 'Peitr, without ehroino or eugrAyi4g1 i,Pust41 additional for the year, .20 'eta, ItedUction onCliths. .Samplo .cepies sent free, to , all who apply per- sena* or ,b,) letter, Address M, t. Pomerory, editor and proprietor, P."0. j.)04 lik17 New York City: UEAL BE4RS' d-i31Ash , Altair Beavitifter, Preserver & Dressing This elegant preparation, named from the Can- ada Bear, from which its most essential element is obtained, is a scientific compound of real Bears Grease, and other ingredients so combined as, to 76tain for a len504. of, tune, its original fragrant+, and purity. As a dressim, for the hair nothing oan bo more beantiful or agreeable. , It is elegantly perttnne0, and renderS the Hair Soft, pliant nd gloSsy. serves to give it that peculiar richness and color, wbioll isSO #9,64,396,01, O. a completo,toilet. It is the ohoatzesteinttetlhatmleas and boat Dressing in the WOrla , $6,LD' .13Y 1)11UGGIST.S. A ' • Price, 50. cts.••pel -package perry Davis of ,s'en., sole Prolis. • D99..eue''01 1144 ° .titallt IKE, I'S - • Whit° Wheat „. 85 to Spring Wheat Oats Potatoes Peas Eggs .“ „, Butter .4 fit „ 1- per bh14, • )..," t Hogg $ 00 35 to g70 40 to 60 65to 7Q 18 t 18 23q. 4'441 Ao 12 '16 175 to 800 Beef 450 to 560 0 7006 05 tt no (71. 1900 lo 1400 175 to 1 00 75 to 2 00 14 to 16 Geese 5cts per pound ; Turkeys 7ota per pound Chickens lOote re 12icts etch; Ducks 20cts to 254 • Ci•RANTOT. Fil1Wheat „. $ 90 to $ 94 Spring Wheat... .„ 90 to 90 Barrigy R4ilets Hay ET48 W001 )r. vow, 35 to 37 70 to 72 1 00 to 1 02 23 to 95, 13 to 18' 37 to 88 . 9 7 " 9 0 o Barley 1 CO to F. 0 Peas............... .... ............. 0 02 to 0 2 0 72 to 0 7 Butter . . ......... ..... 0 18 to 0 II: MARY'S, Deihl wheat per bussel Spring Wheat • -. .. Barley pcas, Oats . blew,. per dozen ............ 30 to 98 7 to to 800 if to 41 White wheat.. Treadwell,, .... . . Ma* 1:-...0 :4 , "0 0, 't.% 38 Peals._ . . 0 70 3 0 71. .... . ....... Bnrloy Butter , ..............t 98 to OS 'Egfa, per . iiee4 .z • - ... • 20 to 25 , 1660 18 fatrd - ' 45' to 0 00 Tallow ,12 to 13 Hay 8 to ek 'Plinothy seed _ 10 00 to 1500- f li 01,.... ,..,52 .:".. ; MY..40." .. " .... . A. •• • • AA A, 3 SO to 3 75 . ...w.,00,1t. . . .:.,. - , -7 ...... •••...... 0 00 to 6 60 Sheep:1,0'ns 37 to 39 Beef0 80 t 1 10 .. .......... ... 5 00 to 5 50 256o 87 88o 88 90 to 1 00 8560 70 35 to 38 10 to 18 20 to 21 12 00 to 1400 LDCA.N.. 88 to CO 88 too,r„00 1.111,9 .; to 7. Pork 8 8 00 to 8 10 G52=134.... ,i4:01MIMIES1=====1 QTRA).'ED FROM THE PREMISES of the subscriber. 10623, een. 8, 'Osborne, two titours (tne smaller of the tv.-0 having a white face) wliite, and LI A•iiite., hWina few tolt "Ei,,ots on taco. Information loading to their evoLvary v.111 bo saitably rewarded, H., 1IAR- T:18, Lot 20, Con, 7 I,unaley P 0 71 IpI 1875). COM: BOOKS '0875. , ECEIVED and on hand, a las ginpply of •Sehiml Books 'A School Stationary, Blank Books, Biacies for 1075 .. 1: 414 which are offeredat lno,lcrate'12iiieee. ?ro.he Trade, Lib-main:luta are given .equal to any hi 'Western Ontario, at , , -EMter, January 74875 New Tailor T TZIT 1 .flOr"S iiitill.natt to the inlutpitants of kifiter itlierVicini4U.t Ito ha8'634Chet1 a NowTailor shop PQ,013, 0 „../rokin!or wisr,o ExOTER. ItIthrb bY.etrietti'ttention to business bc fi43S to • merit a fair share 011J8.tro1,age atADFIT iftlARAITiEtD.' ReINT,CUTTINX; SPEO*TY. W. McARTHEY. ete,c,Janu8.ry-7,1895 z OHMS'S HOT AIR DRUM Saves One•Italf the Trood, and WILL SAVE ITS COST IN ONE WINTER. 1 _Price Reduced to $3 50 Caste ; T RAVE a very, J_. large Stock of fromdiffei'enti makers, an( 660 ected with great care, which 1 of- fer VERY LOW F It, CA'S 1 Also a nice 108- 6Ortrnent of , LA IWP8, 01-11MNIE.8) tar/ tOPi„)8 co, STOVEPIPE VARNISH—A GOOD, ' test Coal Oil, an usual, Chopping itstk bestP, .114,0,0040-1,• Cistern '512101716, 105(4 Pipe, Zine, 1,000 LS% PLATrollm SOA La) 0I -IEA E:87 04114 414410,( Alt kind of ti'alle iakeit iiCX'Clibifgev ocali for bides and (1001) DwrIt,1114.IXOtThIii, VoR p, ,You4. }.1,1,--c,c4)401,ghtreq, V.Scr0.44 tho otkicr dad< Or4,4 140,9zrOterned ilto,t,4o,litiboriCor as. A ,;oed to theikrecoyety 'will be thailkfally recoivel, 'WM. 044444. es.0 . V. A R1FLES quRsys, Ger GQ06 0, Dur,(6,..8c, 101,49 t new ea hand htrgo stook of iftifiting Sport* ft ri;'et 111H•s of their' own flitt11440100et.00Wder,shot,cape eartiidgeS, Waddinga100,;3ack1e, and genet' spatting goods, Se4d per post for Price 14,Slo BePairiag in the Olin line 02ettnte1PremPtlY. 11 I LIT THE Best Or an Made THE ONLY.MEDADDVER AWARDED POE 4- , (1,ANS.IN a6,114 1)0911:NI08, IN BRITAIN Dnringbhe 1878 w aeonred aS usual A/W WI3E1tEVE11 S1119N, bur sorgails aro unlver- sallyecknotyledged to be SUPIL,';011. °Taints the essentials of it *goodInstrument, FIRST PRIZES ill'INUYERABLE COUNTY SHOWS ;IV:ALLIAnTS CA1TAD n For Addro W. BELL & COMPANY, Organ Mautfactur er, The Best Paper rry TACE FREE ' 'TJTIPITtLY ILLUSTRIITED- T MEM , ACH 110W, 'JO 80th . y414, b4ioy's tho wildest -1.circulrati,on of itnyveek beWsP46)OVbe 140 tb tryA)id,Anew vol - 602710 941OXieliaa Tanaty 3.„ ec010, tz mbo,ce319e :latest) andrn Oat torarting infoirma. lonV, attaining to the litchis:rift], Mecnantea and Noitt:/tnpT 'ements;`New PrOcessess; and Improved witlit'BOdutiful EngCavings, or Now Inventions, mon e, romesS ot the IN,orldl Descriptions, Dominion' G -un Sho -de Rifle actory rudizokie,:a all, kinds; 'Useful Notes, Itecoil,)ts, 'Suggestione arul Advice, by,Practical fc.,r •Workmen.lind Employers,m LilI. tlie various arts, GAIN 12ttE LE -STOCKING .SONT/PIC AMERICAN is thoolieupest • ard bast illnatrated weekly miper pllblllfteci Evelyn .utol,fer oantains from 10 to 15 original en- gravings eg' new machinery and Ravel'invention. ..:M11ORATINGS, illustrating Improvements, Dis- .eoieries:)and Important Works, pertaining tocivil andMeohanical Engineering, lling. 461i11111 and MetallorgY; Pecordetof tho`latest progress '401 the 'itiiplication't of Steam, Steam Engineering. Rail- ways, Shipbuilding, Navigation, Teicgrapny, Tel- egraph. 'Engineztrin8,' 131actricI6y, Magnetism, Light and Heat. ......X.4,1filtnifterz;--o-nontv Le, ....7uver8-;• Te•mhers, Clergymen, Lawyers, and PooP19 of &C1 PrOf6SSithriS, will find the SarJ9NTLFia AltERIOAN 11SettlitOthetll. ShOtIld have a place in. every Family Lil,rary, Study. Office,und Goluiting-ro)271 in, every Reading -Room, Canoga, Academy, or •iiehool. A Year's numbers contain 832 pages and socieral hundred engravings. Thousands of vol - 0112105 are preserved for binding land reference. - The practical receipts arc well worth to times the sul.soriptionprico. rooms, 58.0010 year by I0:1AI, Mau:ding postage. Discount to Olubs, and apecicIOlieulara'anclepechnona scSt ft06. 111,cy be hadnf VS 1.,'Newsdealers. In connection with ,tlae $ei P A'rkl\,ITentific Messrs- txrunti 00, are solieitors o. 4.9 -Marietta and Foreign. Patents, and have hof largest establishment in, the 'world. . More, than lift° thousandaPplicallons for l'atents bnou rpitcleithrough tiaeir agency. Pist6sits are ebtaineden the boat tern; s, Models; of new itsvontions andsketches ocarnined, and apviceNtbet A special notiSe is model') the Sci- entific American of all inventions patented thre' this agency, with thoname one. residence of tho Patentee. Putouts aro often sold in.part or porter whole, to parsons 'attiacted to the inven- tion by such 71061 113, send for 1 ampialet,110 pages 00004,11;3g laws and full:directions for obtaining Patent,. Address for the,p4der, or concerning Patents, afONN & 00., 37, Park Ite,,v, N. Y. Branch office. con IP and 761.1 sta., Weshington, D C. •M UJii VILLACcI(.1 sr omit tht got oef„orw. ono x.(0). Any information of bcr ' qtnYet.t. IttiNfil(301.-iN)/ON" 67 -St, ,WWP5..Tt1 131ST TlflG OUT; tporta ery P 14, uilciLiig ) Mites of the 6 0.4k0C,404b tib 44704.0*atup.' kret oSot.lAgtor vita !flea tony one 0040 Aa lp 0, )LLAND, , v0T.1.1.137, thai .ROAt 'Lct, '10 'V, udck 47)scbc4c1 J40 r. Nbtael"-Y, PROPRIETORSI arson OIYLEY 'AND Ft.:ANAGA"N liattglit 14311 000‘1• ItOreSt Comfortable Stftges and (1441)1'01'04 1'1'4'0 -P1"oo,f,) • `11.10,0 1600 in • t.lvitoitaw :Ave xiacti of Paint slioulzi etiqui,it' for • Tutpreved Feint, . It'31$ Cheap, and Fire-prcief, ..entoaeg,' tho grala et tilts wood ; it stops ar1I stp411,1.qak§ 111 roots, and preserY62 them againat, the itoti011 of both tinte and Ofic coat its eor- ,yieoahle ,twri of 'conifzion two costs ' • I L LAST AL, LIFETIME JAl , s ;Piz ' Fast , 1100 ages ftfe bY the ;nest az:comma- .dating, of arvicrSeilna leave TU VVESTEIIN 1,0N0()IN internoon, at 3 pan„ arriving nt Lnean in time to connect with, tranB for the east- and 'west aLd connecting in Exoter,witii the Clinton and St. 11"10.): f31),,4'. ' LEAVE ' XET A 4:60210ri. e 1(r.tzt c/..ti Aeca4 an;c1 louden , , gent, haz.eter. ”' -., 81L. , 1 .---Woodtakort an exchange for the paint, ,w, 1-31;,00E5 . ' 11;12RNAy.‹,,,,,, Proprietors , -...,-----.....„._— ______ziest=m6tassooszcszsraest=emesraroin A RI PA 1-/Ig.:1-1J 1,1;4, ONT. 11(1111 LP „sfolif lift, 11 ,412 11/: ) io 0004'21 their 0.1160328 thanks ,o Ole eitizens'of E4eter ausl kt0,r09n41klg f or C.1c11.J„., 4666 0161, and bY striet 'attention f,3 44i.o. eat. 2.11'8.'11x,a?.c.ablv 10 bo favorecl with: a coli'fhicance of your favors; we End OUT 211.11 161 61"(10' to illa140001(1 ,f0/: 110ri40 81)12lg136oak wo are oAering 116O halaLce of our \I/142,OP 00061,11 at g1'eat1y.1.444ced Vrices.W tqe 1:313:t rrgOaiis iiixIs • 13a:1..4,61ns in al3paRiir..eggn'al,ciii:1,4:. B Bargains. ,i3EaaLgaaiii„,/iss 113. ;,DPOS.S. Good,S, in Tweeds, , in Ready-mado Clothing ' lot Qf Men aud Boy 't3 Overcoats, -in Fur and Whitney Caps in a quantity of Blankets in Boots Shoes.-L.in great variety, in Ladies' and Gent's Overshoes, Rubbers, d5c, Wo have on' hand a first•class steel; of Groceries, crockery, Tramp &z,, very cheap. All, ly catl is solleited, Es.eter North, <January 7, 1870, IS THE SPOT I 1 .1011.8 91 *An 0 1,, as Olt unjoli .1 . :17 no t, 1-9'inc!!!!!!!...••••,,,,, • g ' Illi 11643Willitiit91211111 II tomenniii • Ili li, ,i,WurMain";211.:ridirrirt24641`11114,11 - ;4. The.. zra. We do not wish to detract iron the mars of other Organs byupholdine . • our, but are. ever ready to submit them' a all and impartial test, feeling : confident of the result. • PRI OR, S 19-1R0:11 ,55 TO $1,500 ...Mr,Testimonialsicoin lie best musicians in Can's. en.0 be span,., 40NDON Q LIEBE° andMONTRLAL -Tethperley Line. Composed of the following Arta -dlass IRON STEAMSHIPS. mr,D-WAY, TT-IAA:LES, . DELTA, SEVERN N 1A1,"Z A, IIE CTOR., The Steamerfi of th Liu e° ara intended to sa 1 luring the Season 0 DI ,vigation of 1870, from,', „LONDON FOR. ft 13 132, C AND ItEONTRE:IL , )4 follows ;-Scotland, Wednesday, ,`27th August, and every alternate ',Wednesday, mid Saturday 'thereafter 'And from ' 'QUEBEC FOR LONDOLL01,17:43? Thai16eTher504,21s1, Ann Si:loTillItlia,l'igibigithd'8?`Pt'- '„ And ovory alternate Tuesday 0 Thursday nereafter. Rates: low,er than, othotIoles,T, • ;,c d0z-il,W6iA§110(1. to lierikiniRe'SfrOVS ,ng.quttheir.friends. • , Foirreight er Passage, apply to , 'DAVID SHAW; Iltontreal. WV!. A. IlAY117, G.T.R. Agent, ST. MARY'S. GILPIN '4 7ST ,....',,,g„,;. , ARY, . ,, Tinsmith and general dealer in stoves, plows nails, 01,53, ' &e:,- &e ,':,Tintvitic4, copperwaxo and galvanized iron very„ cheap. Eave-troughing,l-om 8 to.42keente,per foot. ,'Cut nails,. $4,50,' per 100 CoOkidtv3t1Nos $14 and`upwards''' ' '`O'`..ly The Curtis ploit'el. 6.50. ' , z , . E. . 13ROC) FRActrAr Vratchmake Jeweller' ,AS8. 110r0 quantity 'of:Watches nd Jev;r-' elry 0» land', Outs and Sniall Arms' Of eiery ' • ADP' AN 11F PAIIIE D ,shor1o8t, notice., A large 'supply 01 ' salt:able, 'for Chriatmas Preselita. Re- nithitber z)the Plaaez oppOsito the 461io18. Ito f01,'Ot leen Street, Ill, Is'. BROOKS, St. Afary:s, Novetiiher ID, 1874, 85.nA. biain „street 14N5171?( 4302 SineSS 120006, any4, e ttedati 61 73 oteepted), .AOslco „free, Parents Talt fat 11118108co abent , 63 alt f) Cat teeth AS Seen; tia they begin to fail. Work t111 he •iqual ,g11,thilt• of any other office and Weil anted ea Chide DENIIST, DONE IN, .1?irstc.Claft Style,22, Arvisln . IN a1i0t - :Ms, e v 4).fq 44uri Huta/ere oTtver,, shot, PIA FIRE-GIMS ALTERRI) TO .....iettrect`• EXETE FOR Accounts due lst January; istApri, Lt July and 1st Octobei Exeter, October 22, 1875% - ISA gDR E CONIU 3 w A LaMar Begs leave to ti -auk his friends in Exeter and surrthinding country for their liberal patronage in the past,, ncl hopes to merit a fair share of their tradS, In the future, having racifile Lead, Caps, Cartridges,' Gun Wadding, Wad (-1066825 )5311l Fla.:ks, Shot bar;s,' okatiimelRods - Oap primers, Bullst-tn.ouldA 1225(4 08001-101 tom Pitting:Opt ermstsntls on hand. :Breech and muzzle -loading Hunting and Target Rifles ine.cle to ear. Kezra fitted, Baggage Cheeks and General Job -work and Repairing dome ,101; Neatneis and Dispatch Good Ranting Rifles from 612 upwards. G0114 fahot-guris,' R.1 upwards. Revolver's from 65 upwards. ,S5:crn of t,he Gun. 11/11Z7?Ite37. CLARENCE STREET/ BETWEEN DWI/OAS ; 68-m. n. Loutfcin, Deer cemb10, 1874Lond_oOnt id ,".1716ile Afother , Earth these-Telipses and pots have a,bont- used -me ,up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, ana dOret depend, on me." T NOW take tile, prosont Opportunity oi r 1,3,1 311, altOIR", 1,0 the general public for then' stippprt.;in thp pa5t ; andl„in asking .for a leun:licutoec of their confidence, 316111d. sai that nothreg on my part will be„'wnining to limbo the cStabfislirlidit War thy. of.pat- i.onape, I Would now call their 1116611 11)11 to 1116 folloW'ing asFortmcnt bf le , CLOC1K5 P;ROIVI, $1 00 TJP- WARP S. WATC,I1E,S FROLF. iIO UP WAADS. very-good:watch for 615 ; and for 618 the very host watch eve r offorolto the piddle.. This watch is made expressly for this sountry ;1117 vo)y, strong not easily put ont of order, in a zeliabie kale -keeper 1u wart 11)Led and Carries Its Own ecomniend ation with a 113.255 1112)064' of oTnEn.,wArocx-iliiz to'oatoozz IM.021X. llanSittlammtatt.rati-9157,arr.,,,u,v-SS=',11ftr•* Gold. Watches far ,.`„.,i8,d,tes' vel'Y T-landsoin0 Beata inial Gold' Setts Zli, 11,1o1yieec; CagreelSllitlit 16.0v.(1)1,7 g a 2,11 l'i'acch (' 1)) '''illei CTold Ill!accro.U.1'..-ellitiait4614,arYd', ii4te, at.,t6i0 tla 'C,Ili 1.'t E.- a , tyt, IVO f.:0 Nft;tk Of 1)16 la 66tpatteClis, A. large aSsortinelit 61.10.d Inl':f.:4008 Iiiflg,, Gold '1 ' (1'` '" '1" (1),:11 ()old Watolltkeys bilver 'Tett pets', Ovilei airaMiiTili'ttud:ciS, 1 , d iJ • ,' Wel k'1,0):' 3 11)611101)166 arAlt1,0.41g4t ' ilt 00P..41liD litt0.1,1114 ' ' Yi.:1A,"P Platt v itinvc, ' r ,ii''.0, Pi'.;;,ert, sh0 ",!'mi-svem IN 40'00444 A, 8,ori ilitlfi,t 1P.(3)t1a1to:'§, 4110 4d140;01,ttpfiit313301eri4tb,9,i.,debV:t Y.t hek'iillnoat'eAIMn11a;1 SO1,0fi1l.i0faitViq,t ga in;bdl. wS.atorrraklit). ',giiee,e14ddrio.eiiivre,ttontial 116068,, tticv 0;t laotot,, 0tber 15, 1874, n es' otle Of The LaigeSt and As Stocks Usually found, in a • eneral Store, consisting of rymLoods Crcceries Etc Ready-made • Clothing, wines and-li- quo 1s, Hard-vvake,Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he:is cleterinined not to be unde sold. by any establishment.in this section of country. Exeter. October 7. 1874 , • 59 FRESH JOHN DBMIRT is almost daily receiving 1 ' to .his already Largo l Stock of Furniture. Eianes, Organs, and ilifelocinow.i for sale ancl on hand. i-F41sTE:.S8,,.S1-I0P, a-wEinN:±'±icokttli 8311 ol)fairi tho , 0 ie. , IV,ans 30210 ,e.sva,in 1 htiving 11r;'view•8 Vory Daykqtant CIO* 1168 IlattkinlitSitatiS for 'the coming efkring 004„ (41401.16 tOlOtt wit,LdrAN,,karrout tit9 Ite" 1411, 11.11(1' (1,6iNG 1:sto THE WHOLESALE nOW 21)8.110115 rerttenclous • Reductions ill many 1117011 01 D04-11100610, 0000 4, pairs ileno Yiemen's and Children's Boots and Shoei). Reduced in price, by' 10 TO 40 PER 'CENT. G. 13. SMITH. .6!2.nuery 14, 18711. , rrIIIE .S-USINE'SS OF TUE . LATE .L S R. KERR St. Mary's -sym still be °Bawled on in all its brooches FulittliTIRIE WARE -ROOMS Opposite Box & Sommerville's Mill, A First-class Stook always on hand.• 1 A. Comnotent.Dereon has oharge of the UNDERTAKING Depattalarlt, Nitiah is constantlyisupplied with the host ol AIVERICAN 85 CANADIAN BURIAL 0A81 -1:S Funerals lectinishQ throughout on short notice and reasonahle terms. M. KERR, N. B.—We nave also on hancl the El- ectric Balin,for the preservation of • bodies'for any length of time. 8t.11Tary's, :november 19, 1874. 68 TIM LARGEST VARIETY OF • STOVES AND TIIE Cheapest Place ! TO 7,77 101111 STOVES YOU MAY FIND AT SIGN OF TIIE GOLDEN STOVE IVEA_RIZ`'S, Ont. St. Mary's, Ov. 19, 1874. •05. T GNDON, =BON & ,Ett.)°bE hAILWAY. TENnEllS For tip Delivery oflUlaterials Along the Lino ot the Railway 1.1.ETINEN41,41NFAIN*;.:1A0,0'.:"OLYT.0 are required at:the follottidng On tile 15th of Janu8ry,2:1875. :1.3%7 ithailr, the 15th of Sanuary,1875.„, _ FOr PeDat,t Rails, Cedar Post•s 4 Lagnsixer. tho Mad of .7anuary, 1874 For SpaCitiailtiOaS SI/dfati,1901•19arbiatuars tipp/y at tho Engineer's Office of the London, Httron and Bruce Banway, London. ' Tenders, under 20161, 60 bo addrossento GEORGE MASSON, Chief Engineer L f a ei B. RailWay Go., London, Ont. , • ' 33y order of the Board ________.... p11...sia,da, :0;L:36i.u:nnsa:;:nlali,ir,Diji:11:i,,.. :f:0,:87,..,S:3.'al()A,,---;701.:1:1., es:ii0II::::,,,,:ie: au exileuent BorkShire I3oal-, ,6r,,,,,,,,•,$,(..0,11,tf6e,Aa.,, ,./..-• her has for service on .1 gA con. N__,....a_____ _ and hand Cutler, N'). pet or Cash. AnPlY te —.....„...,-.......„. . 70 Q) 'FRAYED INTO Tin, ,i--, c-riair. 8 t'1',-;,:.,,?.<ierit,',b:teza'416noW61ki cetli' 1).012.1' "1)0111 oi 'a , °tIvy'd, . , 0) 1 : 3 \TV: it (11'qi,ellt tr, 1111 tt ''''1' 7O.td, 017 LONDON,' , 'weihos Oo ,00qlll,alat, the inhabltaniAl. Stephen, Ushorne, hi,demp.,. end 0 illivro y that he hoS a Bayne es, shop n centielis, v., horn 11.11 bo 310.16 Of „ - Lianr ofik REAVY II4RNES8 or 8117 artic4o ns'ua hoist in ' lmos 060bOEb6i6h00s tacit tS • • f . friTATA81:!18. 31060111 100 ottrsolv, peito8,,o,to Ss lew as thosatar',ged 1 1'Afitf4 ATTENTYPD c01tpa1fa,50guo63,, 13743 ri.ortiks;e:elo111 1,V0I'knIth ' COT