HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-18, Page 21, .;
, A
.p 1 , ,.,' ..
' ita(; 1•114L (14.11, , J r.,,Q0 !
4433 111':711.' 4'::i''')131,1Qcl,13::' ef,i'ft,n,ty' ,,),•..i. ':::::1)tl°":1(.:11 1"
, ,'',
, , LI;;;Ncl-11 \ IgN `II t., rl.'he votal anicinnt retpeed 14.0011-
tingeireies during the juice yetere of
$101aliol..1 „1",:,ittecionfati, was ii:11'5,[',9$.1.6,
(Pah. Ate?. p. lt.K, 1r1). Qui' c'erl,t
rulere, timing tile,perioel of vide 2 yorie
expeatled the er yeinot.e euna of $111,
$7',) U, (1,?1,ii.). Ace. 1878, p, 150)...,
0. ie,01,1tield Meedeliald .waS'"t00
„ - veil' ele foe thorn, ',laid agiti,Ist leen who ineeti to 01.4.,,,"Uartige 1,1.10- " P1 0,3,.." The
• 01)allfeert Y/ (4,0eranient, eeleieia-eveut iii meet. he ", ..iel in uity 01.10 .y6,11" Iniii ‘t, li,,i4,^
70:.,,e0, 'L."Lt.A, Liberal C i tiV 0 .1.111.1)00 i' of"
„tiweeeted, it liali yeare‘.5.7,121,0l-la tee ,, , , , 4, ,, 4.
:r ,',' Again et $4, ect3,010 lu'tho $‘1,t1 I E) I 012 t," t t 1 V It4 ":"‘' 4 ',.),* ,.4' IA.", ;`... l'.J.111,1.4,..4".1,‘14,,k.l. i'l ,'9;1,,,t/14-0 ILL- ii,,:ii;')41A,tritItel°
. Of 41.1.),c by 13.1.1,14,(ifield Macdonald . , ., ‘
1 cs 0„,,t 1,,,,,,),,,,pi .,,,,,, ,), ie r v e 4,-. r.,
' ' ' lialideu tee iiiterr of $0;d21.09.- ' '
' ''' '' " ' ' ' '' ' -;osvpr.....*.optc.r3 , • , '
,,“ ' ,-,-, -- -- N 13, ---(AAAkY thee moilerate stun of
oel.! 44/ 1, 0 „tite,„ ,..,„637 to so eaeit,pee())ereepiz'ttfl.: :I( \ 14 ,lollit;,
'''''''ce a 1,0 V. iti.Thi, L'et..,1,9?.1
,. , rr HuRpAy, J.) -1\113.\.11S; 1 tiei, -..,17',S7r, 1°' '''''''''' 'll"/I'l'il`ii: 11'4 \ itg "' 111'411: ‘13***
, ,,, L. '', t A - L., , 1.
tl.',-1•1•0 Wbf,•E 2,, 4.4)11t.C1,1t A, 0,•11 ee.-penchlig
_ - -eee.,.. _Tee 7 e„........--........ -. _ ...eye-
• viW*41,4". ,C4sr,
• . L
,,,,r,;o,k0.1's .„B,'..'00,N0'.\IY; vote fey tlieln
Li, Mg VO01", iticoiury kee
1.04 11') ' 1870'-7r,;„ bilfJ c,cliteaQi.1
Uovulaiiiioltt, „1871.):•-7',1, ,
eitin $42'155.,
11: "Scraidliehl, believing hi cheap
1;WD-fee:color under liLwr 0)4 P11,1' Culposo'
, , , '1() 020 ill 1870-71, bull higher'°"%161:,
treopS have 1914 thai.ched' eletorei "-'
1 of legal trileet, each a§ 'f.Zetli:eheies MO-
P -.1d KeownS,
1,oriens in the "preeeiet 1,:mteet. It trill Liard.inip,,, ) being tene;ite.ed by Blake '
be known thattleo•ritemee on the belldt Seott, Ovoolts 4', Co, neeeeetery to
paperi tire priuted 10 the respeelive 1..)°v a 3111r ,Prloo, 00/iliclue.1114 ftg,:1872-
78 the „niedertiee„, genie ef $7-0,970" ia
eolers elinaen by the ,eandidiete. Re-
Yqte P111:1y, X911?-. X CP tt ail 11
oppeite rea tiekete. eee
)1e. .litti•lege:chteitlea:'of :teeloie lif
nainimetion, ellbse"
. a -ea ee Pk, P Piw fel , r
Thno ie Daly suflielent lo let ona
readers: know tbet: Mr. 'RE0:143,E,
, CASE has aionsebted te allow lnuesell
`to be ine,hillated its aatiiet:e'S7.daenn:
,Soatlajienton l.)1Q
, LegWatiue, *hope. that the. „:othere mark; „on the ticket than ,the
• tut; li'attehote'' a &St, r°9°1 name of the, einnliel a t e yore intend to. re -
' 84 7
▪ jittiaa:of it . being' a sinak inajority: for: Queen $4,5(17 r _ twegn-ti?e,narinee; but, in the . centee of
§;:ephee otted. toi•eacla. Thatethere
being deteitenbeed,that ,the °pantry
7' fr, -Gedi Case. 'eVere,'7 .*•e.efieeter
he proverbially, 1.103/1,U refuses twfueniell
any of their ei"ieect: bee/Nome et the pnb-
tf,u- rapoitue., .u0Aellar Ipirlug more
refined taete. late objection tce,draw-
hig oa tho, tepasitry fee $1.6,1 ioatecaneo
eoueb ,daiiiastaatc., and: $.1.5 for .9,
eco'd i041P. , • ,
, 13/ 'tit;1'14#0,4"3 .011,1Y :e00:fitrY
ideas did not appreeitite the. Hine
" ,1.11"•ike Scott Oretokee,,•-Ce
foe imitated the nip.ocent Araby .11Ielkel.
81, :',1122,4e -Vie.„, clip. 28, ,:110,reti tilait
,i kilua be the duty of tile otaniiiie4otrar
tfekI,:: Vit'c'.. 0," ltere by 4p,iblie. 14m9iitise.
Xx''' 01.. „,,,smxistrOi*ju ancir,',ro,v4i..„r
o ' tikuli ,l,p1,,its 40;.„;:' xeKoiar, hi
. ,„
„,,, ' i 0, ":, lo,,,,, "liie 'law aa'Tee his
(.3A'''64340: Mt' '' ' l'''' rig9t:;1:1111;„ei.gt : rof9X'r tte.1111(3, ,
(1;r0'.'' '' ' ' ''''' : ' '
„„.. , , .„ , , 1
' 'q"''.'",E'i444, "tlwaS'iornierry 'Oalled wee -
grinding., Not7 it is celled Refertul
f 84 Tile .boade ' of the. PrOvince 'o
,Qu'ebee, payable' in 20 years at 5 lier.
eienteinteeeseseettre''§pitleeli,....141nglaad• 'at
071, eeitte in, the dollar, ...Treasurer:
Or.doks,evitli a'ftill'illioWledge of tiiiii;'
4,akere.. $1,500;000, of Municipal' ' Loan
pill,i,,, pei)eukpeee. reetyable . he -20 years -
with, inteeest of five per cent, and' ,$e,
etired .$peeielly we foety,millione. of real
eeteabl ,,,,,,:i egoily. iced dellberaelY of -
fees them for eale at 85 in the dollar.
''Ne ,U,o-fe thi Reform l
,, -,,, , - .,
etel, Air, Treae rarer 01"QOIX,S, in his 11;.
, .
nail ',.12,.1, 21,4 tuDao,ut, says ho has a Sup.
plus hi ',',';i1,042,887. IIIcH.eilai: who is
;wino on ngarns, says tiliere is a snrPlus
Of C•5,$'1.1$',u00. ),.i"„lieh.ie eiglete?, .;
81'; i11.r. 71.I.e1i,*,ellor promised the
Meeciiituts itlid 'Cleric the Iecorne,
Irtuirliiee. La 1,1371, he pits§ed a Bill,
'through a ,narliament, but 'weeld not
ec.nis'eelt tolet it tali° effect in thrui "for
aid 1.0"..t 00tdri0 01O0ii911'. N.B .-7Me-
.df ` tltisr,e° , ' '
1 eleaulue. awl' Clexk 'willplenSe take note
• -
- e-- , „
- . 01'`: .04.LIT:0 T, .i'
faeneinfinatien' of Candidates for the
Lootil Legislature took place at Beuee-
'eld pea Monday ',Let, 'and the, election
All be held en .MV.DAY NEXT, the
18th inetea, reCho eleetersne-w thorough-
,114dotstgool •that they Will , be
held muter the ballot syevem. Make no
• em,i011.,tuajoTity,,,wpielt psliep 1144 eat .beficilY .(lth4 -4144.1141-*°;1,,, :cercees desigoatecl beto:W. X ::oppbsite the
seim t6o,t1 ef..?)1,ent _cif $227.45, 4Pub.:Acc, et
ceeYP 3' 914'1: Yqte. er. mark cna
, ,
o ip4 ,atefeieleee,y B ' ' Qr Wri.011gr :Tendert:I.:your. vot'n k t
.1\1):*"7-777C°$t'S 117°1 'tlie -1'64 not IrAtko -the ilingtrke'beee
, „ 118c,
7 ;ilia e4.iislipp it will be it Mejoeity tox Saud:1'141,11ot. appeciatiogtalat'et. 04,
rnaYe be ZIP mistakes eve, a ain n Int
t6 p,,, ' •§L(41114 E;;Ct rellaer6da the, feein the ticket, havfagiPultillitilie61C1
. • e 4- ea 474 afee., s-.L41•Pe'At' bilt'4 (10411. the sal/ 'I f i I 'The'
fa es 0 p it e.
t• ..14ft g 144.1 , , 1:11'lle weeke since, but thatelantieular
:tytt al 1,413)%11,112212.12'4,, 1,71t11
eauttidates won -Chose ft
• atethe gielative, hall iii t so:lades/3\i qu''Cl 163 '1 t
s - run 0, , • . o ie rs_ yea). t ley
color -red oe bluo-'-and Case Ines
•• lueelle.ereigeeed,,unlieeuesed and triranpl,..- easiern fihereelity inbreased. tli 9:1:f414ex'9'f PaPur JuaY" invv° beeIl
• a, b heed Qffiee,, - , oitoeeu. RED his battle oil,. flee voting
daring the past f'etir years - y • . , ,
_ • ,
-Which we are; benig rapidly. die:vele to the
lo. anauld s Commeseioner, 0 ticket will bo rinted in red, and Mr.
of:DIRECT Ne , eufficiehrfor treotl Baingers, s, be prepared as. follows :
Cro Laiia tiionoit $2,0,13,.42,quite blu,e.. The ballot paper eliould
yo 4e _Z01.. .1111,`: CASE: Thad. pi e Sent p re di-. e t c., for 1.872 Ace. p. 05). Swell
:gality. cannot last:muclidenger.with,o'tt '4 -.6'
autt, heieever, with,themble aseiate,h,de
NoogiNATIQN. yaw() Ak'imilliAcatio)3 of which I awl have had tho money, fle referred tp ,- ' '
''''-'i,', , . . „..
,„...,, . , ee humble followee.e .A11d, gontlowon, "I' the 4:livision: ei': ihe eenntY 0441. freih '
(1481t„. ,' '''''''.:: ,1\ID 1.3,-..IS,.11i9-1; Tirli.; QA"t- 4i11111441:11,Q:13.YlitiQtliaccattee"tltrje'11942•$4:1111).'4.)turrit-14:41 INIVIekiA)‘aVtileyartirgieteldni'e tit3t1'11111YU'irtut. tit'
,,, ,i,e4,1,.,n, , , . .
`;,., , , , , while yo.nr reprosoutative. . Of Pearee Goderich towrialiip alletild be left in
. , ''':-' ', - ' ' it was impoeeible to (may books Anti Smith Lturon. ,Ile Ilad tteard it ra-
The, tiomiliation oi- eandidate$ fer documents to diepeove etatenuOe mored that one peat of the townstill),
. . . :, , . ::
the representation of. We Swath Rid:14W efich as have been Made here and else. eyes goien.),. to sup ear thaoyee troth the,
nk • ,
0 t. I10,41iii, wits liel4 4. Isruce,f1014, QA Where sgeinet, :the (1..eeeinment, • alid other.- (Cheere kt'ud ,1,14Ughtet9 Mf. -
'Monday' laSt llth ins0' TalIfie daY Ivas
P , . , . , , ..., . .
one Punnet trust hie memory to eervo cording to Mr Bishop'e logic a Govern -
vary cold, and tilO ltrOceodlligs wore arneht on OVOI:y 020481022, and, I'll have ment wench had a strong and slavish
Biehole would by 2•114)-VO,C_‘ to " walk- the unable to dieprove. The question.' of
1.)11,,,c,itept,%d,;si:Lit,),:;it 1:61t , ).,eolt,,,:leitii,k,!,),...7,1e,,,,,, (tioe,l'cLinalit±tooutt?,'soksslit'41,:vtietic'guitvsin.pdati-eviliehrtnal friz.,?0,pb,,01.411/210.1340:1,nteGerotuitil.11ivit :117;.e, ilLiiinaa: . ., a , 4 4
1 (,•;01104," ,A111011,, N'ill. • probkt,bly ,acoolna payment to criminal ; witnessee, the il I r
;Nish: 041,040 than Mr,: BishoP.- '''' His - - '..e e.. . :`,' '. Andall the Principal "Oitia$
-,e0//, 0- A Member of ,,Parliament 'was, , ,' , - . ' , , r ., •.• ------‘
'ft"' ' the''''''.1111' ''''f'(''''lialtli'c6; th'cl'''' l'ei.'''g voting itghinSt 41'401 has deternfinea iinpersenated in the gehtleMailly 'rneiilt ' ' MOWS advances 'On Produce :
ehla• -between. ' fertY ift'll iffii, Persons: ray felon& Mr ' 'Bowerman' ' to turn leer for London-e-ene - who' was 'found Buys 'and eells Sterling Exchairgei
, .
peeseitt when the, meeting' was at itS agatna wo,,,,Iyas •
'white 11,4t. Mr. A, Diol't,eol 1, Rogiskar erable heigth ' in tbeatl-tieSiel,fl'ained°141fitcel; ovf°tteillilgaswtivtiltIlittillieeGo;vpeOrsliztrill. allrittXr ' ' DC ele9eutilletiLf:o,rni:* tale ' 1. i'i411,11Paillf CIpTrnts''
of, 1110 C06.1A.).% aeted. aS returning -4117 lietening to the arguments advanced, every, Government measure,. blach or
use' and after eeading tho writ, 70alied I consider I was (pito justified in Vat^ ,. .
for liu1}111aa04.4, , ' ' ' ing against the payment of' these wit-
, Mr, A, "3"8110P, the late rePresente- nesses, Seine had found- fault with
tive, -was proposed. by by Ille. Hugh 'ine and ceiteured the GOVe111111011t all
LON Cx st., ot 11111S (ARCO, See011(1Cd 1)) the,Orturge Ineorporation enestrien. it
by Lir. Alexander Diulean, of lis- is not .our fault -not the fault of the
)7)*°':°°7' ' ' ' , ' MleistrYi [ say, that the Orangemen
, I
' Mr. Geo, Case. was prepoeed by Mr. aro not incorporated. No. After Pas -
.Gee. W/Ills, Reeve ef P,xetee; SecOnded' sing through the House, the bill had to
hy--Mr; II. Bo'Nerinae, of.1,1eborue, ' go to the old country to receive the
Mr., 51110S. GrOBW4) Ur. Hugh Queen's Sanction before it Could beemne
Love and a Mr. -1110eq maid weer) pro- law, Thie eanction 'was refueed. That
posed ill 9edev that they might have an was not the fault of the Government:
opportnnity of speaking. . Daring the nee t session a general in -
Mr. Love said he erene tcoli3O norni-. eorporatien hill was iutrodueed by Mr.
'natiou wider the impieseion that therehMowat, 'under the provisions of which
would he, no , 0Peoeition to the Reform the Orangemen were allowed greater
Dpirduee, :aha. was vere tin,u4i surprised Orivileaes than they weuld have obtain-.
to see",that Mr. fal (,::::maetaaotwas in the ed had'their special act been approved'
fielq. , mr ease 3,14' been a warm by the Qeteen That is why I voted
personal friend of late for him, beam., against them.: I do not. regret that
tertaieed a very grea4espeet, and had vete, and I would-, if neceseary; vote the
he been aWzire that M. Case intoned to same way again. The subject of enil-
oontest the itichog,, h. wank' not haVe :gration, too, has been spoken. of. An
so readily consented 6 allow his name amendment to a motion was moved by
to appear as the propieer of My. Bieht Mie Boultbee tothe'effeet that the Go -
op. Per eighteen yews he (Me. Leve) vernMent:should curtail their expenses
had been a resident ,of SoutleHuron, in eonnectien with immigration, but
Duriag that time, ancl in fact,: since he theMover .Was so ashained of if that he
came to Canada, Ee lud been identified fle,d the House and left the amendthent
withtlie ReefOrm paoy and , had done to , take .ctire of 'itself. (Laug,hter.)
all he eould, -ein his evil humble. way," Immigrant§ ban not be brought to Can-
, to ' Eidrluiee. the came. He did not ada attlie same rate:as's few years.ago.
propose lir: Bishoplaleause he Was the Our Government hag' to compete with
ablest, man in the Refet'm peety .of the New Zealand acid sotne other &reign
Ridine7--.no, they' had many :Abler men country I don't. know what, Wile:pay
. • . . , ,
ell-hunie proPosed ki.'llisifep beeause the whole'pasiage Money of °Migrants,
he had giYaii a cronslstent , suPpoet to and we have to glVe . a bomis of $6 to
the Mowet ,G,overnmentL-it Govern- every immigrant who stops three
knout whiqh had 'ruled US , wisely.,and months in the country. Mr. Bishop
eaoludmicrilly de pessible, having due then referred briefly co the Central
consideration to the increaeingrequire- Prison job, defended the Governnient
monts of the country.' The 'policy in fer givin r; the work Without contraot ore
connectiou with the Model Faxin he
strongly condemned. --4[01.101 Vilnius in
his opinion were huenb*, 'and always
woulc1 be. But he bed gereat confidence
in Mr. Mowat. The settlement of the
veximg LoanFund. 4 neaion should se -
'Ohre td Mr. Mowat the gratitude of the
people:. He then referred to inunigra-
tioia. and. si.441 there was a ,great deal of
humbng hi .conneotion with ft. Why
:a. 'couple of years' wee had heard an
emig,ration agent mete the absurd and
aetoundingstatethent that the farmers
ef the, Pro vin ce 'of Ontario wanted one
, The flxoter Bran
white, the member for South Huron
voted. Mr. Oaee et mos o f
u, a$ an In- •
dependent man, unpledged to any par- Deposits from One
ty, and would go down, to the House
prepared to support any . meaeures -L-"yable o" Den."'" with lolerest from
1V111011 111 ms opinion were calculated tO orvion Houns-vrom 10 A.M. to P, Al; HaturdaY
benefit ri the coaetry, Tho Dpeo-
ple should yote for Kr, Case if they de-
sired a repre4entative who would sup- Exeter, October 20, 1074
port economy an 1 oppose extravagance.
Mr. Greenway made am able speech,
which, we are sorry to say, oer limited
space prevents us completing.
Mr. Bishop made a short reply, the
eist of it being, 4 nan a bigger Grit
now than I ever was before."
The Reterning-Oilicer announced as
Mr, Bishop's agent for the payinent of
money, Mr. Heigh Love ; a$ Mr. Case's
agent, Mr. J. W. Bensoe, of Seaforth.
After cheers for Queen and candi-
dates the meetine broke up.
— ,
-fereing the •peoPlie te ior .17..T. he ,gt.iiil3iiii'''skicet'illoca4.1194t:r4o.iej41°14o.a".t'h'kal'iik„ei:Cis114''
'• ' •
'11'6 141.75 iu 18-73-(ruh. Ae.c. p. 84.) : anA
fe)y Inendrell evhieb,noeyii'!e $53,510.88 in. 1874, (Pub. Ace. ,p,o. 76
main Of Salullield . ,
D‘OLL'ARSeeimet soon vane
' • ',..4VOIDED WO would' refey tiloSe Who,
, elvish' to 'dee thn Goyeinnient record and
whe can be aone'„inced by a ,eoznparison
figurea.to an ::artiPle tinotliereeel-
. "Vote doivu'clireettaxation
,iroarig aiiinatiaesEx.
There:is. splPuelicl:prospect Mr.
;ratan McDougall Ileieting Mr.: 'Smith in.
vc,a(11,,- Pe-Ople are:
'thoroughly aeciesed to the necessity of
• pondenaiiing-the peesent Gervernmant,
- „and are "cleterminekr) place Me. -Mc-
/ 11;,-.P. Inl
14e Inost ,parreipt and extraVagant Gov,-
• cnnipneeits Which eview; iii.(eaaude,,:
read:reettlil follow them.' iu the name; ef'
• if they: Were.' going -0
the:countrY' int; the: inisPrYeeif ,direet
taxiitien, Spit:11,11as iu effect shut
eyes and ,tioc,lehienself to' the-GOV,
ornmente voting to ,sustaiu 'them is
. • . • .
every, ituquitous measure, and nevee.
Making ..his vOiee lrearcrein faVee. !of
cconemy .alia:,„3.•(:ta'ctt2c111111021,t.„ $92.:th.
giddlesex will aid' itself of nta including
evhen it shoves ,ISmith (id
'the "N'a11,. and. do! honor to ittielf ;in
„ ,
r blilailid • rr. ,Moi.Yoli,a11. Work 'ooz-
Willi deterininet.
the,, ,elpse of the poll on
;11oriday.next,,,and victory will Porch en
thd:OppoeitionheniteiTT Vitork f' work r
.vork :
lin `. '
• ,FACTS. ..THS POPLE. • ..
We (Urea' the: attention of °MT readers
_ ,
to the fonowing .".Titets and ligurasr
view ' of the impending eleCtien fer
T.,,,cical:Legisl:it.nre they are \earthy
coneidezation bee,the peoele- of :On-
'Vhe Gdverninenta Saildfield Mee'
,..:1;fonalci in .1871" 'expeleded
'leer, McKellar; ktepiaiii 1873' 'expended.
e the enarmoirs sain of $2,506',:?,12:82.e
the. „triftiiiiphatireti,§o
0 9
;AI I.
P ee; • 1:
, „ ;
, 10.• Wood,:liange.rp, Inapectere, trs°-
in, two,years Cealition poet. ,$52.
377,.,04,:f;aelide Tor tWo years under Re-
'foimi Grit fuld the'pountrY has to eount
out only $102,65'1 !
: '17. The ex ponces, : of ;CiVil Govern-
ment ander Coalitibn in One 'year ex-
ededdel'$'11.5,618,.07'; while:under; Re -
fora?. G.i.t pile:pees,. it reaches themecle
est stim of'$156,6'41,12:1'
18. imiaor, a : Liberai-ConSeeiative
Coalition the'expeittlitere t 9,9,29pr:-
56 the 0roWn:Lands1:)epartnient in
1871 "17ealiees $076 ;1813.52 for xevenue.
The ell Coalitien G-overiUnenteley, the,
1.1h-eral expenditeirein187 qf
18,,realizeS $910,097188, Yei‘ily ;that
'10. "Itec onald 1.671'
sem e .e.ereeee, • 21.22.21U
461' g Per sq., Mille.
Blake,'Scoet-k 'Co., being unwilling Ito,
any such sacethae, sell five thonsaRd
miles for a$602,605; baing onlye$119
,per '
• 20.-,011. 2beli • N•oieraber; 1871.'„fhe
..01-tobanonderuned' Sandlield. MacclOncild
foreselling 485'square Miles' :of tiMber
Inn itsevithout:havingfirst:eofishltecl Par-
liament Tlie ReAnnsw;L Grit; Govern....
Aleut of Blake,' ,Sticett Se.:CO. 'sold 1,000,
squave mehls without -cons -tilting Parlia-
ment, -which the •Giob'elit;thly` coon:161cl-
2. Tile highest amount expeenlecl by
.Macidonald amy • Pile 'year.
ngenCi.esevite lif1,872-e
Aee. p 85cie,..1871),..: This noble
1-(Geii) goVel.nettene in '1872 ON-
tho iktnie pltrffose
p. G7) ; 1873,,
cc. 1873, p: '107).
I atittiontal.tiontingeheieti'tincler
tiler:16)mM, 111' 1'871 am etintecl
1871, p. 1t4).
1,aardanirsilip.,of Refoten
1872, they` Mete:deed
i'18:73"te $8ft;970.i
1,58). '
erfarleitt hotter
'41' required
.. .221. In 1'861 Washighly improper;
lot Jesepli'.-'0,'IMiiriSiin -to' advise , the
GOvernment Wit/tont 'a spat' in
the Paylitiment: IreAtig. -1872 Blake
and McKenzie eresigriede 'their seatr, in -
()Maio Leg,islaturb,'.but':theY, con-
tinued to advise the Government until
-Oet, &1st .orthe'stLicaeymilf'. ••
.7N. • B.--,-,PleKenzie, fortunately' '4aid
not.ferget to deaw,liie pay: to del..' .21;
,.Thie,ie. Reform ej-, •
7 25. In 1871.Blaito mo'Ved .a resolu-
tion- cendenainug eSauclfield , for ape
poi u ti»g ;off:lei:de-before Parliainent: lead
ereetted the.,officeis ancl fixed the' ealae-
ies. In 1872 Blake McKellar':.&" Co..;'
,appoiuted Spence't'o at
ealaey of fele200 a. year, , two-montlfs,
before Parliament . ,
N. 1.i., -This !
26. , ,Blakta. McKenzie, MCKellar
condemned Sandideld Ybecturg6
,appeinted, Geeeley, einiereiber ,of
Picadianient,": „to ,offirle...•of 'Sheriff. t
,Reforril Grit GOvernmen ,
true, lb .its'aaeofessfonsi a,pleointecle.11..
mew trftlio niheeeed sheriff PI Huron!
N.„ B -This is Reform acrain '
. • 0
27.1. -In 1871 Blake, McKellar'•&''CO.
wereeispoeedetoepayiitg. eXttairfees
tp salaried ,ogicere ,,for extra, •,setviees.
In 1872 13ialteecli Co. paid 3. G. S'eOf t,
a.permanent efile.er, $240 'f or .drawing
Ll?e which properly
onld have been' cleawn hie.; offiee.
c eli a r s al kwril, Edwards p sr-
Matieet officer, the teilling surnOile$300,
foe extra eeyvicese...;'",•;ie. '
al$0311eforra.! r, 1
.0. 'a lleferne ,Qpne eel tioneof, 1860
res el tion w a.§. p S „ 110 Oil
penditeees of peliiic monies, ghoul(' be
made by the E e tl
Press eilif elle* fer"'Per'ilainent'sliall have
boon ,c`ibtaiit eel„,”' '14 1672, the, Reforin
t (Ix eveetinsient, ex eceeded the, app.re.
it'80 074 '( 1 . E t'
metes' of 1872: • 20) I • 187" tli
eleif coalition.exeeetlect ,approprirt-
i' e$ 'co. 14 •'t1 1.1
eleiment ut Aces p 157). a
never excieded the
epriation. ! - 1
'11,1 • ,kogilet, 18721' tlie • Cildbe,
-,offibtal.l. to beware," , ita' their,
lice ill election will net be 'tele,
rCl, .l.'012g0t.,W11. , tilt; 4:
t,11C,' (11'1 XrilliSter "
"d0r0.,,11. p0f.ittligStet". to,,y0tai
',;'0"11111011e " fir
feennati, :High selioel
candidate the
tehe 'appeeyee 'oft
ailed R,efdriCi -
, '
Je0d. gallditeld 1
77777.- r
Bi/ECOPi A..
, The -following 7 direations for the'
"geeidence.of eke:toes must 'carPfully
observed :- -7- • t. -
The veter !will enter :the comport,.
ineut, oeeeted for the purpose, and with
a pencil there peovulect, place a cebss
opposhe the name of the candidate for
whoM he iotes, thue X, As shown,' in
the above foiana TT
' The ,,voterthen folds the ballot
to show a portion Of the back 0111,
will 'then place it ine.fhe
whichileeee-111...eueopeere.ehe. melee "e,
and deli:yea-me same to•the'Deput4at
.turnine4[Ezer;.who Will place
eet box.' The voter Will then o
Te „a ,
of the'Tnins may be had at any of the
Boek Stores, Exeter, and at N. 4. Bos -
worth's Drug Store, Lucan, Replete
with all the general news of tbe day,
and counined with local news. Tiice 5
cents per copy.
,xelgria4 •
eminitted to, lathitioit
oar report of the Band Coacert ,:last
week that, the view? need en,,the
Skin was kindly loaned , by 'Allis,' a.4).,
BoLSAID L 'Hanford, of mr.
Buckinghitaufs blacksmith shop has
beenlaid up for' the past efew days,
owing,to a severe put received While
the ground that the smile men who re- ehoeing a reetless horse.
Bamx.-For enterprise, priee
. .
from Saittlheld :due:della d weie the "N ely
the, people of Exeter against' any
MOD W110 it Limier the direetions put
in any et the towns in Canada. Load
of Mr. Diekey. The work, he said, after load of brick is now being deposit -
could have been done ne cheaper. Re-
ed huilding.sitee, for private dwell -
;formers and Conservatives alike de-
ings, steres, etc. ,
dared that the Government goe 'value
Thartis.-Our carrier :boy desires us
for their meney in the fence around the
Parliament buildings. He next refet- t9 °iWess' l'wy silleere thanks t°
red to the Agricultural College, and his many patrons in the village for the
thought the Opposition leader, m. a handsome }manner in which they re-
emmeron .might bo .aohomed for the ceived him aud his annual address on
disgraceful partle took in connection New Years lay and since. -
huudred;thorteand aeilcultiiral laborers, trith the Model Parm enquiry, and Mc- 13113LE S061.ETY.-U he annual meeting
whom they would e7i1)ingly pay $80 Candless should be sorry for the part 01 the -Exeter Branch Bible Society will
inon'th the yeiir tbroa ell, and also pro-- he took. It. :‘,.as throvgh Mowa's Akeld,in the EpiseOpal Church to-
vid.6 them with a hoe e. rent free, and hind-hoartednoss that, McCandless ee. morrow (Friday). evening. Mr.
other perquisites. ;.e taughter). 'Yet oeived the $1,000. His reason fur
the Speaker lead f'xitif in Mr.
lishep stj- ,Ilensoo, agent of the. somety, and
Mow:et, and: priaohth
which, : eeeeley, fax 4,iit
ceived the contract for its .couetructiou •
-tea Ne.
'''In'th471,,Lsodsaii/1101-1°218' et '11'
If a voter then -ugh inad.verteneeaor 7repi
mishap,,,spoils a ballot paper or enVo- of a GeV",
lope, he eau return the same to the Des 'port of ev`ce.7pee,
puty Returning Officer, who, on being ice and fair
satiefied of thejact, will give tinertber. be fair to the 'keetye-!,
clnit. '0 a
ed equal j,uSt'd
- 0ouldtett
ent unieSs- we
' „lftheeleetor votes formorecandidetes gave thein"fair ' 'What they pre-
thanhe is. entitled, to, or,Marks,the posed'in opPositioneWas.earriect outiv:
let paper anenvelope in , any -way 'in them in pewee. He.' dondemneel' the
which afterviaeds identified; his -trate Government of tho late' Sandfuild
Void.and and win hdt conate donald for spendneeertey withont the
ea. causent of he e oophis 'epic eitlitivee,
If tlie vete]: taltes , a ballot piper or bat neolectecl to slid, 'where lead
' ' '
envelope out of tilie,polling station,. or been clone, itncl ;else forgot to toll the
'franduleutly puts any other paper into, people. that on. seveval!oecetsions III.ew a t
.the,ballot box than, „the . , hillot paper 'comniitted the very cieficle which he (hie
''giVere him hy the Deputy Returning speaker) condemned, I 'Wolfed now the
'Officer, he v,,,ill be subject togbe punish- ballot, thanks to Refo nere, and under
ed by a fine or impli.eoilment for & term its provision§ we WO ;1.1.,;.111tVe til0 fiest
not! ,c;eeeding six mondire, with or h:eo election in Ont'ai .:ts: A represent-
-wrthont hard -labor. • • t,' • • ld 1 v he ieleee nal'. d
•a, lee wort lot • , e nase
. . clioiZle of the people. 'lie Oren allthiedrto
Wens in South Bruce. • - positive that the Go vcnineut were' eco-
„ ,
inferination 't'o 'the effect fillet Saturda -
-inimical ana eit:iver. , . -
IIIr. 'Willis, the.eneceieeeateecrillfr. Case,
.'',.. NeWs.frozn. all pexts' of Canada giye
,, . . - a- :. Y said ,it: NV11,3 very necksiti y the t 11te
lat.stelv,,a,s„. n01..d.'ll, tho extreme. • present Government Islinu,d aN,7c3 a:'
. , ;1;11E Wl'it fey, East Alicldlesex has strong' opposition--stOpY not only in.
been issued.. The:nomination for the taleett; bat strolig in hinbers--te 'act
Commone falt:e ,pla'ce 'On' 21st inst, as a Salutary clieck to heir uplicensed.
. ,4 . , e . . een provioue spulier had eforeeel to tie
chosen the, statclard:lee, arer of the Op- Loon Fund as,.a q"nesti. forthe settle!.
0 < 3.1 . ,f, ,1•0 . 18 10P, voted: to woo( elnet., is the material now mica by 0)1 - lo 5111 han)', sends an Apofitolic s , ,.. , , ........4., ,,
apt*/ Ig,k,,,,,ongok4, 144,, tato ,..leifd actlion. of Sole 1, ,of Reform ai d. li, .13' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' tl F ' ' ' ' '
-, 4 ' ' ) 1 '
Ian .li: I repreeent,'
„telokefeedteiiageoueead two,,y,(00,ra a,g(,, oa you in tti t two 86f$40A-s'of th0 04;1141(1 :i.t- 2111111 clonn.tsi ,1081188 000 sote,&,' oiietejebig mot) '0,4 I it ,1 ,f th 66110(1104i -049r 110r8{41.111111 her` abn Al.
b, 'NNT,1-1,oss opposes Mr. R. S. the surPlus, and thou; it thetWasinc;of
Hoh: MODotieall 'has squar.1.4ering of tha Pull°. funds. • the
positio,uista ni:East York, and his ,suc-
,ceee ,is a dead eat ,
1.P.nis Council:business nitist he a .jel-
ly geed thir g,'l 'If such 'hap 'anything
"Drew, once a Councillor has
haelY'erected" biick block and.hoUSe,
:Mr.' We 'VeritY, *.noey "a ditto, hits,
built a brick honse ; 'John :Ron,.
ment of the :Moe ,C-overnment
'deserved the ev4dast peaise 'and
twOrship of the, people. Exeter had re- in the Local House,' and not enough of
ceived nearly:SI, 00, lit -he looked at working fot the 'country: ,pre-
.. 1, the money as .onl b.oriered. N. ow it, veils. to a large' extent -among both Op -
4:0 itbr not We ,Teed,ift eas, , bt 0110001 be deniod+that o Province as position and Minieterialiste. 11r. Bish-
op had even to -day attempted to justifY
a Vote because' it, was ,for the' good of
.the party. He .(the,, Speaker) did not
believe in this hand, suliservient Tole
loWing of any party, be 'their aotione
good. or bad, be their eedminietration
-economical or extravagetnt. Sneh per-
tyism would never benefit the country,
and legislatures and legislators 'were
supposed to exist 'for that purpose. If
the actions.of a Government were bad,
their followere should condemn them.
These were applicable to a body so lie.'
culiarly coneteucted as our Lewd. Le-.
pertiug that payment was : Stone, of
Guelph, refused to, allow tho Govern-
ment to take .possession of the 'farm,
and McCandless was obliged to
himself and family hie pwn
others are expected to address the audi-
COLD. -As ,ive made tho remark
cold" to a friend on Saturday
.ei. , . • • --, ,, +11.6 111 Wed.:
ul.,..e. ,--- --,- - '..) 1 ' reel
..,,,,ease eeenenft last, he very promptly, and
'. ' -er,eee.-kno name- for.1 .o....eermexe In
spaelm, Leg. an orman s yarns in 'the
East, Biding, to the division of the
.e.lonnty tor registration purposes, by
Whieh the County lost eighteen thee -
sand dollarv, 410 spoke for ' an hour
eind a half and appealed to the people
suppert him, professing to believe
he would have as large a majority as
any member of the next Parliament.
Mr. Greenway risina was received
with cheers. He said. Xrr. Bishop had
taken an hour and a half and it would
take another hour and a half to, ex-
PlAin away his course in Parliament,
He had.no fault to find with Mr. 13ialn
op perseeelly, but with his actione
Parliament. Ho (Mr. Bishop) led
seid he W01141 alway-s vote for good
meaeures, but he was note() f011la 111,
feet, Mr. Bishop had. been a most ser-
vile follower and' slavish supporter of
Mr. Mowat, and to peove this aseerticei
referred to the speech mr. ,Bishop
unide when a moticm censurieg 1110
Hon. Mr. Menellarezas before the
Honse. On that ocieve Bieber)
said 110 had so much ie in Mr.
4Mewitt „that he could]. a,.ote cif
deesure erraanst McKell ainehter.)
Ifr.' Bishop -Where lie you see
that ? I didn't say that
Mr. Greenway -I sat that; sir, hi Yone,
own leading paper, 1,4 Wobe-t-'-it'paper1
whose:stir:ten-lents yen' will hardly, c'on.-
tradict. : the .opinionfof the' SPeaker
there was 'altogether too Much partyi3m
110W ,11.,Clitf.,04, 1146'. e'll''agtg,A)•?):0,1
Faserverins.-13alls, dinners, oyster
suppers, dances. and parties are the
Years Day, when a niost enjoyable
let aiam: iees hj \ uyias) its. on: Ito: :wino. ti .3 . 1' 'Ai 11. 1. , It isi ae a cg, ,,01-01 :1,11 ,t eh: ut e, gr s- pvuEcEBPH;;;; . t Bi 1y counArheaani ja:s,e,,Lar,,g.egt Lula
tamed some 100 of his friends on New
of hie, mehtal aha physical, were in
- Mr. Skinner, baker, of Exefer, _e_ae. Best Assolturent of . N)
has bread constantly for sale at J, 1:-.) yE _ s TruFF, 8
Sho[Citto'isAcCi lo.encrli"ciol;r0E,pondent mail his ' '
Patent Medicines !
. .
letters so that they will reach this of- •
lice not later thau TuesdaY evening ? HORSE & CATTLE '
Printers' „dopy goes at ono cent per, • e . MEDICINES, .
ou,41cei., 'CIE./1'2'Ra L Id.
ality of $orae of oar citizens a very neat etrd.' `:•-",71 •
-.0.0.— '
S01100LOPENING --Through. the liber -
and cominochous eehool house has been
fitted ap to ineet the wants of tale les-
ser children iii Oar ini.,1,t, who are very
numerous, it being found impracticable
especially in wintee, to send theta SO
long a distance to the common school
of the section, the parents generally
preferiing te pay. a trifle.per head and
ha-ve theni' ediicated in 'the villtige.
Under the efficient ruaantgement of the
school committee (Messre. Trivitt,
Baker atid Anderson), the work pro-
g;ressed. speedily and the house was
quickly fitted for tho intended use.
Mr. Greenway, in addition to other
gifts nits also :given a Schooi Bell
which may now he daily heard ringing
out its ownpritises. Ou the .opening
occasion, Rev W. Godein in the.chair,
we had. an unusually pleasant time ;
a succession of harmonious dialogues
and recitationta, interposed with music
and song garb the audience a °Teat
amount of oujoyment ; as elso did° the
distribation of thefruite,of a handsome
and heavy -laden Christmas tree to
Mrs. Trivitt'e Sunday School scholars, EX.ETFR PURI.' FACTORY I ,, ,
who were also preseut. Miss ,Frupkins,
music teacher, very leindlY presided at
the organ. The committee eonsider
themselves very fortunate in securing
the efficient services of Miss Greeuway
of Exeter to caery °a theschool which
is in full operation, and commeoces
zinelolin.uft,4. raur4 froi:a 2_,., 0, ..t06,0 .610 v ,tyitli eihe.ti__AiesIte.irsontiLsilt.ig st..zIsceetiej.44,S,,Se., IL:SI:amyl
s c hT 0112 Tun. :84,t eIe,Es C T f2001, -..q .--r-t ill: s1,1 .ev 10111 tet :el° 1 t2 of0:11; lillsin0011:lisilu::‘,..Ifijiltil:IttluLtil.:(21:18tpt(011:eitlasniul:3p1111°:Ileye eedi tilt eis"'°l'isillTe II lioeCioll ;
0 • I'L.-.. 110tiO0 Will bo 'eive.r.; it is o-prrepesed to
other furnishillgs
.. ,
for Messrs. Brederiek Sanders midi
elace.yesteeday, ..4„. poll was demanded nooessary te reador teaotune eithetivu.
L L L • .LA A fl 09 to
ch. of M0,150115 130,4
sT, JOHN, N. R. , •
and ToWns in.Outario (It Yirebec,
New York Excbunto, Greenbacks, 40,,
tartliity . .
01 the J)01Pin."10.
Dollar Upwarde received,
(luta of Deposit to (1(tte of Withdrawal
front10 A. es, toile X,
El -)W1). W. STRA.THY.
',Tooth, Nail, Hair, aiid
School Books, Toy Books, ,
Blank Books, Magazines,
Alburtis, Pitney GOods,
Pencil Slates, Lead Pen,
pile, Sze.
OLE agents for IAZARUS, 11011111.
).0 Co.'s Celebrated Petfeeted Spectaolesdan
A.S0 for the London Life Inurance co., of
Pres clip tious. and- Recipes quielly and gaol',
rately di.s.pensed. Remember ate Mee -Di-
rectly -opposite the "Central. Elotel,"
Exetei- 0. VANDUSEN ifs Co.
Exeter, January 7 1874. 71-yt
lAME on the enclosure of the sub-
sexiber, on or ablnit the First of November,
1874,, a largo,. tether; seems. to be nbout 3
or 5 years of age. Any pereons proving property,
payilig Exists Can take them away. JOHN
Alii0DOntiell,111r. Grigg haviug resign-
ed. Meeses. .MacDunnel Brodetick
were 'elected.
Pinsr:LeThe first building was
use of' the men workiug on the raelroacl
ereeted. on the StatiOn 01*(1'1.111V here,
yeeterday. It will' Slluty, .for the
and tor depositing then .t.00le. II fore v, sevage hes bowl LL,vpoioLoF2.1.,,ex.r.;:orilso
We Inlet not but we khan have a gobd
time, and that UM.' Nvorthy 1ZUCV(2''S
BOW reeidence as well as the school,
house will be filled to overflowing. -
"";1117ilti ,and tifiiiiiii. .
,-- - --:4-,.....; -.:"..,
aeon Neer°, placed.. on th.134...work, on mon eeeeee la eiteeeneue of aleee, anT1 vietnity
o; olopowolod to l000iso stioporii)thool 141.14j0b
clay last. . ' " WU1-k; albo at libeit to 0,1,01,00141,18 un•tbe
Trebla'e advertisenient elext week. * Ile ' '614=....' a 1.0'4V (1001S I, 01.11.11id Alil11.1.14,:Gtili
LCOK Our. Look out for Mr J. , e e'. e e
. -ve... WAX -W.31,..OrifiN.,01111(..41„.) .
111°11(115 'Cfterl"g 801310 PN'-'1Q11°"t vill6ge 1. Poerrieee.--A ',race:tine uf tile sup-
PtOrat'LY,for, .saloo -111.the me101tImo. 'lie,. porters 01 Er:- jell n 11.1.beDutigall NV 05
e ill sell out his stock of boots anCl'elf,id ,in ,t,no e\etano seenen_fienee, Die.
shoos, barliese, etc., itt cost, price. , doip)e, ee, weeteoseay inget . mr. 011,,i111
Exit:Ten ' Norm c. -We Weald lee 1.
the 'attention or tlio nutn.el'utT6 re'd-4.1".-1:e-t-'§fl'-‘1'rtiti)edil.t6eilLt°111.'h\ir'alsillitir;,‘Ii)eLe,t,titertriutcet';!IlilediNVIillti,
Of the TIMES to, Ourrelley & 0We adverI faiweeeie roproseetco by efa T.o. 6,,, tee.
tiement. This 'firm eslcablilieci ituifiu erdeli,,111r-efel.)ougitil made au excel
i'lleeter North about, cent •year ago, , and' ).6-.444,./,4,,..- .644 eieeneiuininie poe.ne,,,n 11,,
ill)iS is eliiellY' °I.%cfng, to fair 11,"1,Iel h91-10st tsi:eir‘jec.(li°1,1e;137itilu°vIs':6cifc't'huesci.'''i'g"'lblitiff;l'f 1\l'\;.1(1)t()1€-',11.1el:
has coiltiniled . to prosper uver , slue°.
a(1111ing. - . '1, -..i' . 'Mr. Seatelierd followed .Mr, .1,t,e1)ougall
, .... - ., , . . , , ,
' TilE Ancie.0:1;*'`,"-''*vill..ttil`24 ilaritca -the ibil it attaelcecl 11:411 gen tleinaii foe ti 01
art of' prte--er.viug thee. beelie 1,. 1 Liar*
generations, het all thee, olla hayo not
beim 'able to' discover an ',in fallible •pre-
Verittitive thAt will stop the lath: ,italin
falling off. 13eariiio 1 withont deubt
mOst ',delightful prepration to use,,' eVer
inade. '' ' ' .
the' safest dressing, and ',isr, ,''iti,e,ii,,,. t,.lie
. ,
einissiohnay.-- Tho pOstpcneett mis.
sionniey meetthe ni "behalf Of,t1113 IL C. I . II . • I, b 1 , If f 141. IV', ' '"
professing to boat strong, _party man;
Mr..H., Macklin replied' to Mr: Seatehe
ercr and advocated the 01aiins of
McDougall. a The meeting Wee
!4t 1put, equally .divAded., wad Ani,
One uf, Gran t6lr. aeted
as ehairman.: Inepting of ,:',1.1e0. Oen,.
eervative electors of BiadulplOvadlield;
Ai -AIN STREET, one door south of
teto Britannia Rouse. SOUTECOTT has
oil nand 11 mant.er of umps. Orders filled on
the shui ;Cc Mice. .91.1tisfactio.o. guaranteedboth
as to work 0.05 roatlYrial. N. 11.-.&larg,e quantity
of 0 inch stuff forpuniimrulier s' use for sole --
J01124 SOU 2.Hilcitpr.
scriber ham on bandund foi• sale en E. lot
e. Silty, t!,,Oee black ash. Apfly on the
prermees .111(,119X. r
" --.1" -7
moot in 1.10 Ootirt
°C) E 1:t C ,{7/
County ,
Goclerieli January 22 18—
cot-I:TT OV 11.1JL ON. ,
the: Ott c,1.4o.1`. .,:\" Z. D.
;11411 ';,;(4,' _aria , Lot
Nunditit.Z,-.).4,nty; in the '.1.!`purt.11.004:es-
rd 1110 l'w,c1,,z,b,:ip „qt tko'
Count kiliron, and of fie' 86C't
10).10 Chtiarioj, tniit.,-"tito.
(anon/moth. iberete
Tu PrAtt301,re CoNomnii,a).
Taii„O'Notiee that an t.;'1.1.car0521116.5.begAinntOo
by DON Al.,1/1,31i.X.1.), 01 ,r ri'miLaiiip'eritaY, sat' .
m..0.00 1.1..k; ale\ 7, ..'.,,,r,r,,terfleavb to r,0111.31,0„0
Rart.autissc 60/."im, affekting.-the.nrc-':-
, cat 0014140 0 'til/ 60..-1,41'..1 /104lig,--thrqugh Qua
abovo-ntolitlyzoit 0,4011, and als0', the adjoining
lands, and t.iat stioAaP'idie,ati,,on v,111 IdArd
fore the or ore'.,..i.tho,;.103.1.gu of the County
00orti:ue ti11.1 cotatts,,,,tuaroil 55. Ohataberg
the Town of Uoderiall oaNtscitiosatry,,the twou-
tiota day of „Tannari', A. a). 18.1.,lb Ton 0'01001; ill
t'oe forenoon, w'01(.:1$. Lima mait place 101.1.0E.miatt
iatoilcaocl M:£1 tallg 'LI to said applieation
',forittesttlit t tl,h9111$1. $t.,:tolavlq;$ au 00(100,, allnWini
thesaidlupplication May bu made their
1)11tud at andurieb, in tho CountY'etilitroMtliiti
Ninth thi.y of Janualy, D. 1071. ,
iOW .tts WALI(ER.
. '.,Sottpltors for Donald -11011, the Petitioner, ,
C EI)A 11 P(,), r
ia eiranten on Friclayevening last, and; ails • C oltd.WOOd
Society atilt belield (D.V.).:0iiTlfeeSchr.y, DwO16.1;at,Ifirebsy8e'cIDC'n.' -pti-c$0:fr8 roeuiriire,11:118, Easte'
a ivhole received)16 mo at the- heind§
th inst. in' the 13. o.' Church in' this ,comoioan, It/00min, Degg, and er- corawiert, den be careened by,applyintg to'
Mowat ent than they,
of" the
Jlev. E. Boberie, 'Liteds.37,. ',IFte"fTeison. ' Although -Mr. Smith • wire
, • T11.0S. GllEENWA Y
ed with 'others to addedSs the meeting;
weak-kneed ntaves of Censer -
were, justly eiitietel.
, , „
had 7,,been need tt a et to lure the
and W. Ayers, Windsgr, are expecte. feeeted neither ho rim! any Of Im $up. ,
nnir 1,
, • y ne penti.st ed,?of.eTts.1(iTt' tiotrqatlisir°18t11.11.1111t1nY
(1. 1 • 0
erected a enagiiifieent brielt, 0,100k ; and many wei leee.prlee Gs Iv given .11101c,
Mt. Jitanes Pieltavd, 'low it ditto, late, aetasieeearieeittion es ,e, this mea
from business. And ,1107 Mr. Dave it. poweefnieloverie ..th bands of t4€.1
Air. J116: Trick li as aottiallY refired- th a to ':;,'ere: t -..-e.' -le ' 1 " I.' 1 I a r Le soi csilto.L'el, c'e-tOdni, 1,E.,;.,rii.bd,b11,0Y1.1;:m.*,:;w0;1":,011v.e. „.t.,'"I'7[111,,,vattys 'itiohriv eet iti.,11,et,,eN(i3aotriiitiall ii(1.1.6,,til°, olv.ere id,1 ilyil,)rle'orlofepILI11,voL h. aot,m,itlibw: ,eylr tek9;tv itietr
a c ee ' t , i :1 T unc provet
johils; eittliough lately 'eleeted, bat not Gioeeontnent, , le eleit, to teei Eykert
thr°11e'rh th'' '.111tig° to ,111° bil°1E:3"9-111s''' porters of lifileMPDotigall," ':- --' '
Yet talteli his seat, lias had' hauled a a valuable mere whiell wat on the span , '
invetAigatioii, thi p0alc said the Cov- • /,
'iiinfibe,r cif thOnsanel„ of beick, for the t . • . e 'ern
' c ' ,., c. , ‘e - ,, ,, , , ernmen .we. ieee, .ie e , ey were iieviti, driviiie;;fell clown on the street. tt.nNi0i,l'ilitIN:tcos..,,,3;r1IIIvi'IaTs--ieildi 1,,,tt nA°11'14nc;III.;11,i,Igi ,0°11;
.-Paising :uen lie" managed to get hdr as c ' .
etrecetoii oi it oriel{ St,01'0 aleee Je.iiii ince. iiii t iv! et d i
''Sonin,'dfiei`eni lighten. '11,-.:„. rj,ti4 -pi.1.;,..,, a 1 t 'v. i .11g o criu.sil ., .6 i , 'an
,.• - r ' 7:: - e l• ', . ' willing to sine loo ts anc ' e is,
1 qi.wi tapas
far as the "Artinsioli " I -louse But all Alo,nda, last tiers we're ,.0.1kgilt0011 no*
on; tvlio committed ite as bad acts as gislaturee which greatly reeemble the vetex11,38V endeavors Were Of 410 111111111)1011S Vitt n, retteed avot eft 11,1e,,
I „
-; . °4-'1 RYitert. Mr. M. CItMeron iotrodue. County Councils, Tlie eouni,ry wonie She. (lied of runture oil Saturday even- McDougall 01: A147,, Statth, the to,v,21 holt
A.,fewweels ago ouo ofAyltam°51.13081 ed a motion N911i would COVer t/110 Of- have rung with tile neiet of the Grits if ole' • WaS ,/"O‘Ytlear t4,0' eaPpottots Oaelie•-•
ff •• • 11 d iioa the f'encee of all thet Mr. AfOltrat Sandfid.(1, Alscdoli (dd. .hrta. given filat AO0/0ClatillA11,---At EL ineeting of :tile candidate being:Athol:it equally divided.
' D 1 1 ',1 1 ' 1
quiet, ino erieive, ca u
eon ot, be ,truited,;111. matentiony. Of refused acoop t told ottn }It It 11011clay to tile Calitral Pr:eon em r'-)replielt and TI bortie APTIcillturtil boa c outgo, I c lose let aS 11.3 0(.1
. 11, , f . M
ei -that aete nal evelit 1Jut, ft looked tale A ployees in order that they enielrt hoot t3i06Y 14teidat, the felleWmg a.'14 "'rm. q -11°T"
, , ,r Q 4
• (
have Mr. Bev/Grine ald itt the 1)i•e- 1\I-. 0*. Clitnerofi. re: the' e, rose urfg' (leeienee.--:The concert the 'f, ,71V,
, Lsy. .
liva with , 11'18, ,inainOtat a, 1190 score ,vioue election hiful takell 110 active surpi'ised. to hear ono of tile Grit spealtz 8,,,°,11 ;' V,,,inee'doo, J.', Ltill.tor ; Tr049'r J4/410 ia611301-1161150 1.WtS 0 grantl etteeeno, the '. :'' , ,,, ea:' "a' er,"aa,'
years, imd become , 1110 father Of 0 p Rai eithee for t'ig..Litt t4i, iNfie 131shop. ers refer *unasked to tlie Proton o u t.' .1.,,,)1.,,°1',,l1x(l l 0°,...(b , 'J.,. tuY0,1"' Dairette0.113 I''' I latgo hall Wag , erow,,de(l and a 1'0 ' W1"1114;'-a±b.u5'
bool.,0 and, two. cluldrena before lie i a wislied to t:, A l'", 33tshoP all ej-v• rage, When 110 doubt existed, in tho ‘v. lieVls, ueo. il,borlittY4t, tfc.;41..etts-iih,t;I: :.1.riitt):tlialt .1.0111.1, i I .asF i iiairlY)ia-liq.)'1,reeasidl,e1)(10 ilt() tpilie' ", ' ..._....,/,/,. -
theught abeut it., , otte 1 is the case, portunity to slicthe in epenctenee lie mend of ail rational ()Jug 11101 0 most J. 13r0o.k, rf, lishharn, Jeiln ,
enjoying itt.n. 10003,-0100n with. as witielled `tMr. 1.311? s %otos (1 in.ng the to cooree (lie se 'tiers of Protcn, 1010 ..1.;•%.,:-T‘• 1." . -
40.-weeer ;.and the aged. youths are now profeso'ed: to 1-0 110 had narl'ovvly infamons attempt of the 'Ooveriniient, 13iss,,eLA tr,„.• LPt:iit(tt (rfaotili 031s:41.1-1:: ‘I'l'*11,30. 1110 oth. .6p01a..,:v1;:i itIATul,010t1rIam,11)10aeignIvtiitatieodiothetonl,Smelovyl? 'lin
,ii, ell ecir teia a pah of tin tlee, eves. tett) s Aist011 11 't ill tile li°111) 0 tuld Vot11/t., for, '.;', r. Nathaniel .1)iekey, the 048 (Iirjet 1°1' 01° 04111'001 ter,,1Th'.-14 /11. ttetiqinmee. The laiettn band was in
laindonJael, was Ipielted up, on the had,00nie to, tl,,ionelueion that Mr, hero of the Central 'Prison ipb, T.G,; sTillmicic; vog..; A, G„ Ittundtuce played Boole fine
ton Iloagson NV. • Alex. Lewis, I. Or.; •
ItIortiing sad 0°11(1h:ion, and ear- us.' He (the,lealter) wai turned win., "Toward oh, senior, Ittr.notton.. the mutual meeting josi et`
ried into, Sinimene'Aiotel, 'Mr., Ilugh againet, letr. I3i. on tieeount of the ; t whaipck, ; win Biddulph District 0, held ap .,‘,/ ji,JusiLLAN
L •
o,Rea, Tlie little fellow beconie way he had vor tho bill providing
side wallt,on Sorth street,on Saturday Bishop WIII4 Ila41 rePleOl'it Dickey, Meth° cause of Bei orm, wag' >Yet', ; Jarnbroak,e.T. ; What. 00068, 1.38ADy_mADE ,
given the Contractewithout tender; for
the cronstrliction Of,the Central‘Prison,
by tvbieli 'the country, lost over $200,-
000 1 Titan 'Air, 1. D. Wagne'e,
eteitInfeeee siipporter; eeceived the tree -
,...0.0011.1. stun of eight dollars a- day as -
overseer of rho worit, and •itt, •ftlie"same
thinf thwarted ;Ids htteitiese. , Theft the
eo,lieeittenbed that lie covad tlot itoop on for the rei,vnier ; flobt. rocland, I.Oltany ruosdity lest; tile follo'seing
•' e 9 & C,,x1 5
S.V.G. ; II. rilicito)i, coli ; fl. J.3.rown, tv6r° °1°('ttla °I'll.'"°*1)°4r°T4 T": " ,
, , it):, ;
hie feet, . ile laid, towi i LI lie v 11 I -I c neilercct tlintio evititeesee I d.
. t ioi ieet ‘a, t oc) 4. ; 0 ' la
h.41.1011) '191(1)11t),,,k,I;I:jorilT:1, 181':;(.)4,41.,),1.)°,,),:3t.114!"S',1'01,t1-t,10') if,13.1 rfull‘'s1.1.,:taCig):e6,,eit,Xvi. jeltlefec't(itirtniille)g,"(())11111deart feller) cieouild Cite Perlin/tient buildinge, titi.3p;''cfp8:sev°0();).:*1)*'tv---:IiiI;reclilit!tlifIli°01.‘1:r;113';'elit°°,$'h'ilhiY,..aisitidl)b°1c,i4,1;: ii.'io°,11)'14 ,°(.51:' Iti:r''''x'Illi'd'il'I'iil'ilir'ox'ti 11.1:;:e:f4,1'0,°t1,,00' \r'COT"Iii.„: ilf::(9.P '1''''''''''.'‘'.. idAit6),,,y,,L Alt ;t '1, 8$ ''
# .)
0 cit. pth rill Et very ,iow., 11101neubi, lrad ofnelvd eases. pea-, eine .::.
gee° ..(i ott, (it( tis e e poci nit 1 y r 1 lei 1) j) r t .15 ,'1].. II (f $ r I k. 1 3 i 1 -1,,.. & $' .4/
, i , ,i vV,k)-, oiciv,intan, 0, 0., J..taptn, VV. 5 `", '
,v,„„ ,,i,,,a,,,e11,„,1„„ I,„ aalei(e,f,oeoe, eortni,tte/1.1,inei otlier 'gel:11,11.11110n to .(lonipetelit illeclittnies tteclared oil oath 1)riiited roi, Itie pa.,,t Sew Weeics,, we it(ri., t.,,c0'114 irrteat.t.t, in Jalint,t, 181,., ,„, , - , ,
,,The.: Newaaatle, "N. 11,, 9..,104+' nee of be..liontiliaf,80., ,, ... - 7-.....1110f, is boilor tliftli tnoto'statonlo.nt, have been tifeitatirig the qiieetion'Ivith e_..ee...„....e.,_;‘,,,,i;',„4.,..e,, „,___,'", '''' " AT ootIT
lf.i.'idby.,1,110r41.11g,pit,PItAltSi, 0/..,11,1', Aliller ' Aft'. 131811°1) t.---'11-"' 14fAillil'is',6f-' ---,tilo,ftlico i7tt,S only worth 80'ets, ourseleet4 of f;)rming a coreiiiittao pf , 4 , , P
ji.,,,,It,,,,,,1)..intliars,f,440,,,Altjf„.aif kbr, rnitt('Jii'fif,1,1(.1 flews' an,.(11 folle,I,:t;t;,/trioit),, ,iii,hfivolit,11111),,eci(u)ii),,,I: irjarf„roptolalii,d, yet, iit et:et $1.1,43 ot4,. rot, tilleaevliej,.,[piie,teid, 14111,4,Cotili_g ocaid,ipen lino,: 151'101)11°8 ,';'f?)'3...,.<9'..t.';',Pole)iit.'',fis,ti,10.),-fillf,e,, 71/111$),,,tiltn. vdr,eAsit, tilll'ing. t11,0100nb
4,,,,,,A4tivi,1,1uplas ,,,,,igplood115,sarly , (Li*, ,,,no yl.)1t ari ,Lte 1101 , -, ,(A)„.. '.1„„irt. Vil,:1 ..,On .„lia at,vancielitent, i:lierielai, oil the nom witoinvent II
( ,hp,owot lixtf *ssiloon,w,ittl,ti)6 PKih614 114tb PiLrlittnit, 1(1;1:flit, ,Wettliiiy, to plo.;:so ivr):, ,81)oalcer Nvolitl., , li: /1,(1, cohitiOlOn of ritpqr., :)i:t1 la 1f10:4 t(l:"00'48° f""'“), (' 1 . ,,,1 ',V ,. 1 g t It c4a3k, 14Y'an'is'sv4mi*Talitheis6//aorotliobn-P
11C.. 8ti "4 110 ira 4 (let to i't i ' " '
1 * ' - 11 $ . WIii,011.104$1104tLattil 7.1871. '1.
'lf,1011141:i .naVe .1)0011 'trOZ011 cis much right a paid AS Witlieses its•s, ; A, shore, 13ros, Niblock," D,is„, /e.t.a
; d Sh
*' • GOtolan 1.),1 Lt draitton. 1300t a an.
• • " h )
is,t4s botlt berate, andaafter3110 1,111111€ Itas bernd wit ve4ee I vice 'Blake and had heel' ob- Wet Mir Se 'eactiany UM good '1,0per tie 11,4)1111(101 10 '60 al. isn't
o'f L'ivtlit Ida office, gsN0 ,briof term, and 41,..0 ±51,1100, 0410 thole °pillion we shoold, nitttirth, .0661141:11011.6 a Gotico ta5k 14114 lice As aboat to Undettithe
. . .
, -
. ' , „ , .
i .,„.ie,
, ,
, . . i