Exeter Times, 1875-1-13, Page 5Ar. tt 1 4 4'1' it'41' ' ttf,..334 lari4 teesee f „ rtitern rat. ers: " Riet3.4A1 'el'egeeare mem vel, 41),A Mere easily raised, et ilia enbje.et to dieease* ere not see iableIQTuft "ity hi wee oiling end, 't low lege are longer LVd, e d de more eeerk sad require lees fet d latent,: ti u ; litoy are etrodger ee id drew ilea- leUds to a eland a great deal more 4,41e,e, fuel tee,. in Lovely avay :prefee• ell& to kweee for general. font nee. ,,et wee 'e:,•(,,tleetie444:1,,tiAllietret thet yeet ay fere', '`v()ele 1;41.03.3 three year cld They 'elm then do e219.4.1 work on the faun 49 pay for their feed: and after , havieg e, t in ea ttdate tege fe 31, 9 a t",s ht.11.qyIve ndy for 'avY 'hod 6V30.6,1.c0.0B0ihe hoe (eelt) must be kept uutil ha is :four years old Le' he is worked at all :and when he is ,feue he must he ft iit'St 41112 "Ocilt tbthrhig its much as the mult Will it two years.old. 'But assume the are.,Itolli,required for farm Av rk, Ise° what a difference there is in favor .or theantile.. The Wotlang .4e of the inele can be safely. estimated at. 80 •,yeare. ie Werkilig its 4ife 011t,, three horsee will :be . jrequieed t(') AO equal service. 'But these are' not t oulyitems. JAI° saving of feedis "nt least one-fourth, or hoe less thafi 017 'bashels of devil and 217 tone' of hay. 'These arneunte, adcted to the original :saving in purche so of a' jamas, shoW an advantage in favor el the use, of the 'Mule -over the horre Of over $1,000 dur- ing the ordinary life of the animal. 'The mule is less dainty ,about food, un- gronitel. grain and dry, feed being just the thing for him." )0.uk10) t of the Orate etreugly 'inules over 1 e,,ettitit nth) n , le t el t) in ONO t JUeneene freaks" itany 1i arreeted yenrierceimeettreinet Out Ita,11),S4 Oetot 1ient6cliter, elairaing that haelt4e,44 one of tleggeeteeef buteelitre whose tlepredao tieueett,Deteeft4m4e7boon'froen.tittieio Net tinee publiehed, The poet imagined that lie Wa'i ft detective, and to liatri;"' good hold op hie peisonel-1Oeelieved hith of hie ceateted e Mae Otl.lar; I.Ktr60 11- Id effects. Ile wae aralteeing Wall Po - hoe, Station \yardw Ilea Eatrojemar , et ititeeferod and tamed the tables up- pAkaxilixs 1 Alio ii2Nori.ber o eit eitticoo et,„ie th aoro of oup,vo.yint. ‘0.,tor 875, ANN,I,TAT4 • :13rt,,-44.--4. Ark O IMP' TOBACCO STORE, Dealer in first elass inands of Tobiteee. 4,110teC CellortirS'1 ev,r'ft11 RETAI'L michAot wheel he locked up at tl'e • ' WHOISALE AND Ninth ayeitue Po1i.e. btation. Next supplied at reasonable rates,. , - day Reit echler appeared in the Police eu eines ot pipee and steokor0 suudiletf' '00Hrt nt made' a aeinPlaint itianiet his captor, for laeceny, ,AJOK.9„steningeatge giri reituening from Welland Avenue Methodist Church was attaeked on Lake steeet by a ruffian. The night being dark her first intimation of the ythan's ,iuteittions weeeevlkeetelteMialdb,e4,,,lr;7r la her despetietion,elie -a-truck ,Outellit- ting him full in the face, and knocking hint down. Jampin up he made for 110r again, when she put her hand in her muff, and thawing forth the, eiiorl mous key of her front door,• she eriod oat, "If you don't 'moo I have seine - thin that will malteeyoUeVeat the bents time presentiug the big key at his head The fellow, thiulthig it tc 'beder.evolver took :to his heels like a deer, and the brave young lady Went On her :way re - joking. What is holieVed to bre au- oddliv in le ,a, proeeedings has just been begun ill it Salt for criminal conversation , brought by Mies., Adele, Blake against 'Mrs. Jane Van Winkle. The sparties reside in Brooklyn, thirtife''Siiit has been begun en the Supreme Court of the comity by judge Culver, the plain- tiff's counsel. The damages claimed are $10,000. The right of o husband to bring a suit for criminal converse., tion against the seder of 1n wife hteS, tool' beeri recognielle.by tho, etieee2-- Wheth3r the wife haSe the eseenei right against the seducer of 'her' husthand it is believed be depicted e for the, firSt time in this suit. TheecaaelIas been. before the courts in Narious 'aspects al- ready. ,11Itie.eB1a1te „hogan.divoi-ce tmedingSagailist lier.liesbeeede alleging liie..,,adulteey.evith'grseyau ila1hin a r itctg t ed roe kigii'for rdfu sing to pay alimony. His wife retort- ed by saying that iWas being support. ed brhis alleged .tmistress, who is a Omen „ and evho,s1ue atle.gede Made:large ,sums of Money in that bus - Mess.' Th'e'hiiitter W'as • sk b,rod by an oi•deitfioni thitcOurt quhiug ti11r. B. eeepay.e$1.0t weekly , alimony and t'tp ,payA350:.C.Ohneseletee., • ,rotiii 4the Foroilif 4 '41 obleDelroiterbrenlght home two jugs the', Other' dayo'ne'Ittie'•1 led "boiled oil" and the other "-turpentine." They 'Were'eplacea.,'dal')thd, barn,; 'and ii'retty eesotinit, tvies noticed that the' old than bad hueinesSther't regul at. intervals. oldest -See tedietiY followed him and '69.W ldtu taking a, deepedrauglit from, cne ottleeleigte. t The old. 111P II heard a •fstepeontside-,--and'heforeegoielere-dait "he etrian t'ed Vidse jives aoeor ipgthts ar=t tistia taste. Het was hardly gone wheei the son skipped in, and took a drink • , from tli a".4.12,g. out 'oC,WhiOIi hetesit'pposed. bis father bad drank. The Pext ino2 •'went hewite spluttering; coughing and gasping, and the 91d man entered and " 'Turpentine doesn'teagree „With you, it '.r' oes Bet leettaveleeteleirelting it" et4laini- ,ed the ihjured add iudigntiut f' Tbj 4lne4V the oldemaii, -while a beautiful smile played o'er his etthut it cloesit't necessarily'follov that the rest of the family musterelisli etnrpentitielleticaliSO I dor • , .•111„, , On a it'entuelty rapid transit","lint,, TgegiAlYeee...a' ,,passengeriestoppe‘r t the .brakesman as he was. going "thiOugh, and aske1How fast does alis'Irain go ? A. mile an hour ?" It goett' fast enough If% youen't like the rate,of speed., get out and walk,' was the rejoinder.• I would,'' replied, -th-e'diSgenfte'd paseedge17,be teil-r; the eerher 'Set, .e'tc:etitet t„etety. •"TridAdi tiro'n't centd" tne until the train gels in, anal dont,...),vant,4o be eee,iteeeaeblincrthe depot s9rtwp or ' Vireo hours.' The brakeman passed A. TIIIttpLiNG 1 7370.LENT,—A Ifluropean eeevesPaekeginsetheefeilloeving',du Wing incident, which recently oceurret1 in Prussia :--A rairWay switch -tender had just, taken his pitted tO, elletrige thetiracit. ,..i-Ordet4 to -turn a4tiitIQ'Whiell'''N'ilis 4.1 eight,:. so as to preventa.. 1ision wi41 another' titaili 'frolii iu opPosite dired- vetion. e't, At thitpiticeillectonfipt • (44(overetVellis boYteiPlayieeg oiPeike rack of the ,,,advancinengine,1He might,spring. to, t tteaesc mitatid. remove him safely, bat then he would not lia* time to turn the-ewitch, and hundreds of lives would be lest through glect. In in inetant his reseIgtionTea,sh - taken. "Licidowl" he shouted to hie , 'toy, and the ehild, /nippily aocusto&ed to obedience, primititly 'threw himself on th,e ground, . and 'the Whole train 41-zundered'oV'ertit,41,31,:xt4tr,,iissen"q;E3 safety Cost thite f4tt;'ee. :The'efi•einhApg Man rushed ftir ward., fearing only a, mangled, eerpse, but „nos words Ofint,epreSs 1is IV, at seeing his child Alive and etriliatmed, The next the .Einperter William sent for the 'nal), ;and presented him.with the'Medal of ,lebnor for hi heroism, '* A P'EarnOrrs AOvciqu'unn.About a 'month since Mr. G.F. Norval, of .11am- Ilton; acting under the ,instructions of the Government, went to Long Roirit •Isfinci, in ,“La,ke• Erie 'to •collect?' sgetie lIferist" oft 'Cabadiali fOreXthibitice At the,P.Ailadelelda:;gotitennialyie,A.4e," 'Staying a few day s On the island and ,securiii(o'Vti.ilittthirds.he,requi'reti, he de; termine71,:to,starte home, but found the water exteriaing;fronn the island to the „mainland covered: withice too -thin to, *ant "tent, apktrioi thick toe2allbeY heats to pass, 41eltotigh.e to remain on the .islandefor three Weeks: teeptheeeteith -a Mr.Leerete, the Long' PecintAl5rtePany's gthiern6t;'' Capt. and Pers. Hat -bout and two other servants of the 001X1 pany..,",At laStAlteir r roviSiOnS gave out, and on Dec. 22nd they start- ed for , the manila:1)d,, edrawitig their 4d:tits:on a sled Overetfitice,ei,Alien tWO miles teem the island the ice gave way, the sled and boats' Went through the ice, the, lattr iiukipg. Fertunately the eied aid,moh, and, to it the pa,rty, clung until theyfinally reached sound ice and then the mainland in an exhausted eon - A. "1.'. STEWART'S gITY.--T110 w cet live:- pendent of the Bosten7ro'iir- we/ writes: Stewart is' beildingeu Ciarded city Ol a syst'din ',wiTrire= quire tett years tee eomplete it. Ile has drityrt a legal instrateent that equires ael expenditure of $1 000 000 a year tjfietlitfithe, 1j,yes,.p.r ecitee, e wont sell any property on, the place. He leeeee,the ,leittsea, at a dette, rc9t, And giVei all temente 'vase ever hie read" for six months. Ile owns tile railroad fromigew YOr144,0 lite plaCe, arid has just, eotnpict,od aretwgeinents fir a ning tritin, running froin Hutiter's oint to G-orden City twice a day went' minutes., He liate built twenty priites f ele`gant talltetty. 'Hi hotel:is a Agiendeortie'bvick edifiee, • open the yea", "trothfl twat rtnt af„11I epPaO,s stables atvay.': and-. nee Ail. •116eted with the hotel by an under. ground telegieeph. Stewart itt ehatig. hio ..1,v),31411. 04 from eO1l fo brick, lir hi- 1011 SAti $16r, t lace to furnist $upplY. The .4 I 4 0„L STrii A.*i5111IPTAIL ealer in Lurnbe, e ING ANL) SIDING-DLOISSLID AND UN- pmtp,;?iN, SkTINGLES, LATH AND CEDAR PO STS. FLOORl 1ettttbthk Of( hAdl*, The LuuMer, for Quality ,cir price; cannot be beat. A. g000assort- nient,always <dump for Caslm Ward 1.‘i afft side Alain Street, between Gidly and Victoria Streets. ap-1311 " .J.WILLIS; , NEW BU'iC1111R 'SEE0i) hc, undersigned would ieforra the iiiha1i- .1 tlimits o Apster and vieinitv that ha,_ hisa OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ere deer, south of bis Blacksmith shnp andhopes the same liberal patronage that has been ite eoicled toi.„-Inmin the ,„*„•,„ BLA01t8BII1II AND WAGON ',CANING I iue will bo extended to him in his new branch o usiness, Nis meat wagon will call utthe. rosi deuce of the villagers three times each week an FRESH MEAT a1J5ta11t1y on band at his bate]) • stop . n. Blackshithing and wagon making earned • a.BusUatin. au its brauellea; ,• ExeteriDee: 2 R DAVIS. eQehieji 0 eveleitteg gt..1 11100)141 Pf July., in a meeting of Aeeemblye es, LI member, much distifilittitingl IV his at apeItypieemenee, cloeed his speech, witlitis gestiwillilaon he was 'naturally wati-111;.eaeiclAttrgely ueed, band kerchief. ete4,_ 411 enibr 'replying 'Said, "Moderator, I nevelt till now tru- ly t'keew the meafring of that scripthre which sayeth that ''bodily laber Profit- eth little," bat when kesaw ;the epeech- just delivered, iternindedematof a o:storr of a Scotch wile home frem kirk who declared 'tlie serit'm' on' the' Bnest dis'couree ,ehe ever heard. What was it about?' 'HOW Amnia' I ,k..60- frButt What was the subject?':. :I'm no sure." “But what tiras' and' • did' he divide it?"' I dinua, mind the text, but oh, it •was. fineeeelleaduaseeethe.-beste.ever., I heard; for first he dang with this hate', and then he clang wi' that half; and then he stamped wi' this foot, auct then hestamped wi' that foot; and %boon p-,'• he swat, rop,ist, 0110113E PIAVO311113 1971t- • To Busiess Mtn. Ify ou want circulars, If you want hand -bills, If you want euvelOpes, • If you evantekusine,ss If you *and net' till-edsh If you w&ntoshipping,tagsm,. If you'eveant tifty letter headg, „ If yeiliewthet nice visiiadidePe.,,, If you want the best of ball work, If you want any kind ofprintingeel Leave your orders at theTietes office e,p4elrigeeeteapegesetheeteethemeeoneeg)ip#,Roe Acee(eletet9Mtattio&J#aelatitzbee.tles_tY391,1 THE ALLA'N' intendigg to go,. to Europe would do wep4otilliat ilea* otficE4d-pi di MC Ret for the Al an 'Line of .stea,mers, one of which leaves Quebec and Port - and„ for Liverpool and Glasgow 'every Stetueclay. When sending home for friends I:reit-y:1y $7 is saved on. ev.eey. adult, passenger -hy geLtinz the tickets from the Allan LineeAgente in this. country, instead of sending the laiony home 1.10,701 TIO rAfor.oele roet,a Amt. P13„ i• 7 44,7 fkrEPII.9).N AND USi3OBN.4 131,LIN11H A.GRICULTI.I1.3,AL SOCIETY Will had tiu.d, annual meeting et the CENI'ltAL HOW -014 cin WEDNESDAY JANUARY 12 1870 At the hohr of 12 o'clock uoon, for the purpose ot electing ofileei's for the ensuing yearA and, trausaeting other business, W . 110DGSO.N, President THE -FIRST TRAIN THE LEONARD SCO'PT PULTSEtING 00., 41 at t, fNISNY ; Con! 04 thele;".`eniineitie4 knints: Of,-) the 104004p g tor tallg Revieee, Edinburgh Review (Whig). London Quar:erly Review (con). WestmilnsterReview (Liberal). BcornittishaniQugnianratsetralryiy(Eovriatniegi:lmie:In)1.1 s u m m a ri e s of all that is fresh and, valuabic ,Literature, Science and Art: and • ' , _ •3Blactwoo's 'Eainburgh .The, -most polveriur tidy t inkthet .13 eghsh language,; famous' fer, S4ories, ;Essays ,Ina ,Skdielice of li;gliat Li terary'16iit. i:litktbsi(inivali,,, postage) paYable4tiletlY HOIEL FOR'SALE`.' Owing to the death of hie Wife, the subee'rib'er offersfor sale, the Commercial ,licktel at Dash-, wood, Luke Road, township of•-4Stepheil, Ctf.df* „Huron. The house is 3ex,10, 2 storeys high,dittvilig. 'grod kitchen and woodshed. AedtinnifiiIfions' driviag house and shed, two never -failing well of water, a good garden and cattle vard.cunthe., promises, winch compthes a acne of land. For further particulars apply to W. BRUNNER , 117,, DasleaVddl'i) • „ Liver)-' 666.61 ,....1•11#066,176.1,4".164064.6.6,16,,,,..., , ale Stables (Li connection with the Central Hotel). , • fqr o 1,:e:,',t;.;.ivaet. • T* 1•Y'4,41.9r i'17.3Pr -r , • ....iris °on, AND 4.00111rORT», ABLE'vehicileSalwayetin,hand. „[EtiVerable gOInents Dint o with commercial travelers, All orthos toll at Bissett's Mishap will be- ./edinptly attended to, & T. BISSETT Prop ADM FO UB- •• 6fItn. for' eon.3, TJ,g50rno, dontabitugt vte'ios exciellant $9 5,91:00 -5,1eatedi 0510300 ?sell ' tinabrned.,a be,ase, batn tri 4table 'r, the pv0511508, atifkl.'Slittilg'ntelaircl ttif finitfaturaViio ,nalle4,1 tit -011014, ilpf)b'r,te DEMP- 'veleta' le, eating, restatit erete eixecor tette t 14E5t,-pid 'eter * 78-tf. tif, if 010 Cat" tidlefilt ttUffittlir 1.146hittitta46; 6 SoYekt4040'' se , 4 SJI.A1 fort 00,1410440,rtil .0;1411 ,lot 9 8,t11 d at'IeoTI:""or-og6-abite\A-6einic:alli)tillbtlY1(e°rirkiiitIllith'10f40/`' 6 ktsit ,g86t01 111,041, 01,01,610111d 0,401 w I sta'Lti On ,67666. te4s. , tee Thoro has just ARRIVED AT AIlan Line! Carrying the Catutdian and United States Mails, Ono Of the full -powered Clvle-hun steamships of the abeve 31130, constfueli°4 051?3' e. LanY tor the navigation of tile Atlantic, vereg. 1,1151 tem 1,00 to 4,200 togs, win1os vo. Ouonoe 0 verY,, Saturday for LiVerPool and Londonderry, Prepaid passage Certificates isseea at fewest atoo to 1)0050115 wishing to bring out friends. (ILASGOW DIRECT. The stettnislifps eg tUe Glasgow Lino will be despatehed from Quebec. • l'or tickets and every informatien apply to JOLIN N PlE & SON, Times °glee, Eketet , M R S And Stock Breeders, WM.SVvEET, V. S., BISSETT BROS, THE LARGEST STOOK OF ST 0 V S ver brought into Exeter, imported fro m Lou- don, amilton and Toronto. blraduetto Veteri- • of the nary This stook has been purehased with the inten- AienALselling4Lagaiorandonot,with- anyeiciefte of keeping one stove over, as would be the ease were they not bouglit at low rates, and to sold at the smallest margin of profit. We Cannot be Undersold and are bound to give satisfaction. For any ono ,cy,i‘ew , , 4 00 per minute.), For any twoRevietis',..a.'L 17 00 " t *Fur any three eviews ... 10 00* " Fbr: all four .14 ews,. . 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 90. For .Blackwood and.]. Beview.l. 00 For ihaeltwoodolad '2 Re'views10,00 • " Blaekwoonit'ild iteviews13 00 " For lackwood and 4 Leviews15 00 44 - • -CLUBS. • d1scon4t twasAY per cent. will be ailo ad' clubs of four ok tuore persons. Thus:--. four copies of Blackwood,orof .1,11oview will be sent to ONE apintess for $12.80; four copies of the four' ReViews and Rlackwood,for ,,,48 and so on. To clubernf ten or More, in addition to the above discouht,,a copv.gratis mill be allow- ed to the getter -up of that club, PREMIUMS. Now subscribess (iiiiplyinVOarly) for the ydar 1S76 may have, without extraprge,,,theorum- bers for thelast quarter of 1875 of snob. perio- dicals as they may subscribe,for. Neither pre- miums to subseribers nor,discount to clubs can be allowed unless the Money is remitted. di - ret to the publisher. No premiums given to clbs. Circulars with further particulars may tic had on:application. T HE LEONARD seorr PUBLISHING COMPANY ,1, 1875) 43. Barclay street,New York. CHAi\TCERY SALE i-6til4=4 ;IV AL" ripTATE SITUATE IN "TheTOWNSHIP or HA - Y Ire01)5t.ggeattirlibge weeite te'ce,W 'see. siL ITlitTlISUANITO 'THE DECREE MADE IN I= the cause of CURRIE vs. CURRIE, and bemin.g dale the-15tkeday,jobeNoyernber, A. 3), •1875, thiralillibefsolrly Pu,blie hei.uction. With the approbation of HENRY MeoDER- MOTT, Esquire, Master of this Court, at Goa- ! •tterich, On trt$60, 110HTE DAT OF FEB. 3" 'RUARYVAi D. 1876, At Twelve Ce•loek noon, by the said Master, at MoGREGOR'S gormerly Batten- bury's,) in the VILT.j.A.OE .01i' BRUCEFIELD 1±1 One'leti the following valutible Farm Prop - ' catty, Viz..4Loi number twenty-six in the sixth Coulession of the Township of Hay; in the 444'14' County of Huron, containing ''ONE HUNDRED AORkS. FiRy„apresatre,cleared, end ,under pultivation, tintefe_ndecV;- tbe reunundeWie 'fitodd hod tht;oed 1W1ih .,1430 §'L itis 9' Frame House, one stoitY,Ingrt and 'sit&teen feet by tweuty-I,wo ;?it Log 13aen atelefirerAeg ';„fStiti)id, 4-0 iS.siftiff,te Wifu halur ntire's Vil- loge of Zurich', and four roileS of the London ...Grayek Road, and is convenient to 'Oh:Ural ii,i).31'Sellool House. , Tito title to the I ah'illis-indief,e1.0,1;:x.• oty, ctoyvn at‘tholitne of 'Sale de'Positof: teiVper cent.,7of rehase money. to the yendors or their Solicitors and : the belittled teithin One niOn 112t0 COMA, e0 the credit; of this eitt/SQ, Wg11,011t interest, on pay- bf Which balatufe 'he will be butitled to a ,eoe‘ eyance and to possession of the land. ' The'property will be Init up at any npset prIce of 94,000. ,The other conditions of the gfiale.orY,t Do not fail to eall before purchasing elsewhere, and examine our stank of 'Tinware, Copper -ware, etc,, LAMPS, CHMINIES, CDL -OIL. and 1,000 L SCALEirOR 918. Copper, iron, etc., bought. BISS BROS. Brick store and dwelling house,-Aleo frame welling, and stable, for sale, centre of Main • pprve, IMES, Pittyef 'floOk§",, ryinn 1 1 C'Etiss;ell's Magazin:a zine'-'• infants' MitgaziA.O'': cley , iournal, Day; 'of Rest, • ..!rshunartyatttionia,: Chil4ren's t' "; le; .' rithid,Wide Awake, Chat - €4 0 I College. Ontario has removed hie office to ,one door north of 0. Eacrett,s harness shop, and near'y oppoAte joint's Tinshop. 'Veterinary model:dues al- ways on hand. Calls promptly attended to, Horses Examined as to their sound.ness. August, 281th, 1873. terbox, Friendly Visttor, ' Childs' Companion, Band of Hope, British Workman, Ad- visor, Christian Treasury, British .1 Juvenile, Albums, Work boxes Writiu:,, Desks, aka., ate., •21 1 OR CHRISTMAS. CENT ALIA mkkovis.tti BUSINESS LOCATIONS, MoLENNA OLD G,11 I T MILL, f,or. Q. CO /14 M 0 ENSE STRAW CUTTEB. . 1 havo hearcl about, you, and what I have heard is true. The bot, --second to none jit the country. —4"1,71:ctr'Stirrsrollti Why, it is R. H Dyes, at Drew's Hotel Sta- bles, who also pays cash for Hides and Sheepskins, AND .24-4tertito..=7,elontelor,,,.,21moraleio.wir=n1 Uildbrit ite cd te.101;141npA `on eay'f'terin's THRIVING'NEW VILAGE hich,froin its great, .04vantages ,ent4tel, tion with a Depot and Station ON THE London, Huron Bruce Rail - . cannot fail to become ta plaeu of importance'. -LN- Capital Opening is presented for almost every kina industry; THOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 6, 1875 106.31. ritg, sx 'ARRIVALS! 'AT ,THE People s Grocery Store. e are*,th*a'staindieg conditionsOf the' 0,9§4t, -Pt, A41111181, „,pilltieilliti•Crn4 be lecrued in. the nietuttime at at, ofiices of .1. T. Gat'row, , W. DE,qttirtkend ',Messrs': Cameron MePadden,,,,,Vendle0 Solicitois anDdaeledthtehesa•BicoltilVf4,edsotvo,.14 lwela,044A, El. •iu.,A0Dtamorf, OAcilEati & ifeFADDEX, Yonciov,E,,5:91iotopt„.., litaeter at Goderich4, The endersietiod Imenig 4ecuited,t`tlie, „,1,1/1,te, OE (HIOAGO),,, el)ijt1are4. id ,f01 satiSfactorilY which ho nuty be faYo.tdft:,• Ito 0401164o and'euerese a kr, Elarris And.' qt.. %v.:4$ ixernieats .warratit ,nte parauteeing . A PERERCT Frit, eryone'who favoit rue :with his , • On aceount of the hara thnss am Acta).- heined ter sell elothing tit priees ,a4 any ther clothing lion* in the Wklet,i; , , BUt;4NTi-SY141J1,4,1 :10011 CAS , ehoide lot ei Crente 'teed§ inst Meal:Veda Clegac win) ut free seboeriber ti thaplo eel -a arld-eteVe• at rcittgoa.iymie egarols. , J 104.40ttni.0.4 Or$414024itt 444, "?,11Y4 o Jos s reeeked GROCERIES, .P:ROCIdRY. ttlsiy a laild stook o" ' 1:3001S s Sixitabfiffet 150331 ancl Winter, eo0r3isting oif , 6E2S) ';',7,;.NATOIlie'ps'8'.'',,aritt:.Chi fhosie in rant, 05 13 '111st-class • article 311 the 1,16 311ds11.66 line should 13 t fail to ' E ,'S,T 0 qk 136ore pUrehasing, as My eXperierito 03± 131355' yearrl it 'that line hies me In pnrelirtsing octh can recoirinfend, *.;•• , • A LARTGrIt.,.:LOT „ itSt ,iffss Btteoit . risr4itEc1iv.tm • UNNIPAN ..11.10.1)004105"..CLD'STA‘ either there or at D. JOIENS'. E BigGS TO IN, tiplaw ±40.t. haying reeently ,overhauled end Reattea the IVIac'hinery, 1e is now prepared to de CMISTXXO In a iiret•ciass reamier, and ler a few w s While there is pleittv et water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN FOR GENTS 44,1? BAG, flurry it along before the stream freezes up. F14,QUII. • AN...p we usual at esale Prices, 'When takei h'om the mill by the pur chaser. •• ' And from • ad‘htional improvement bat he has •,.Annoleted, he is now pra- axed' to ao ClIOPPING every wading day. Parties can their, grists home the same .day with them. D. 11I'LENNAN Exeter, Dec 20; 1875. NEW Stoye and Tin Shop C E IT4N. rr1EE UNDERSIG ED WANT TO AC- QuArn't the inhabitants of Credit° aui ,Chn alit? BiltaVO have.: p en cc ,oatIn Bissett, oht stioakit complete stuek 05 !DOVES, TIN Mal COPPER • W ARE • COAL 011; LAIOS,•• .L.A1UP C1iL11NEYS; tuld123 fietii everything iduud in a firSli-Chiss eStaldishoient -or foiled with us: AI kinds 6i tin ward' inanuf,tetui•ed, by. oUrselves We ildtter Ountepeeltat by, strict attention to briKinttss' we' wia ee. awe' to neerit a shire 01 paha° patronage. Eave made a specialty, and all ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CASH FOR ILDES AND SHEEP SKIN s. Wool pickings and old copper and rags talken in exchange for goods. SHELTON & HILL, CREDITON. October 2Sth. 75) PALL (75 Gents Furnish ng BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of the public of British North America, I deem it my duty to state that iny Pills and Ointment aro neltliet manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States, Pinclt pot and box bears; the 11(111013 0006111112411± Stu th the words, 'Ho 110, _raya..pub; an d 0 in tr9t d okt„'en c,.'y aye d ere-, 4At'faiFfEVIAMilifftlie-IttraffielOrtixfo5argbteet, Londen.MiCnotico has become in,cescary, in consecluttWiliiqvile and spurions imitations of " ITollowitgegr. llie and Olutmeut,", 110(1)5 t cl. at (S 111110(100 1.5.3e NNV 'Y e ork ties styling tb.en- solves " attzollow4 and, CLoia:,; a'ay assumed?-3nisnns- . nprIn nlets cu ob- tain thiS "-; at•y' low price, andsocle e by tf s'ethug the same fo152'13'11uth0 nefloway•OPHIS 0113t, „monk w11,14,4,gegnannfietured onl' at f012 110 01(1 street, tbudorra'l Persons 'who 111% be (Ie. -Hived please coltuniidAtowith mollany reaKet• eft I h• i tlito gli'Provinceswho obte;in woe i direct frdifillte,a, h. we very praeri, sug-iested that I Olefin, for the benefit of themselves 131161 the public, insert their names in tlim,vapers, that 1± 22353' be known that medicinesiiitil be had genii. inc from them, The following is a list& the arm alluded to; and I partienina ly 3'0e01ttmend those' whO desire to got my medicines tileapfly to seal of the houses,•nemed:--Illessrs. Avery, Brown, & Co., Thilifax,,,:1,4S; Niessrf Pors,yth & N. S. Wr & ' Messrs. i•BitrlieSons, St john,,N, 13 ; T Des 13ristly, Cllitilotte Town, P El; tuessrs. Lang- ley sz noVictoria, B 0„; liessrs!'iNfoore & told% 13 Oft•Dro joint Panel, Cha tam, N 71; BlesSis,4 Munro &sib:OW:Amid ; 'Messrs, J, Winer & Co, Inditott,41qr,, J 11.000, Toronto ; lir. A Ch men Smith:0SC :foil i 33; Mr. John Bond, Goilei - Jett; ltiesei•,,liallot & Toro.' o • Mr„ (1201011e1',It John, 3413 Messrs. Helm:Jon '13ros., St John ;ani' 111?ti1(1533, Whi0SW'; Mrs Oryem Minden, 34141 Air Geoxge. 3Ton t,Preilribittot, N 11: WH 1' hotripseho Names ,,Graeo, N ; J 331 Wilfry,Precirteitton, N 3);'-Mo-it.n7 c.t1 7) yuile, Montrealt;'Plib-Modieines tiro sold at the nywest wholesale nel t pri0e:3, iu cins nit -tic's of not les:, than i22C worth -viz., Elif.T;; 22s., and 34s, per dozen boxes of Pills or pots ofm , Ointent, for which, 1'0- 1111U:thee must bo sent 'in adv. neo, 0.11f ASP nor,T,OWAY LONI:)0 or,,rier Eatlia:st ANI) GENERAL tzweami, !di Go urnia 7; "else USG. C. M. "SN -111.130S., 79 WZG. 4404 FOB ORT)E7aED OLCPTELING , ,„, „ 40.vang Just remsa. oa large stook of Plain and Panpy• wwpQao, uvorena ngs •proadelothee, FTBS72,014,A.SS TILQB on dee preinises, and pelfeet fit guaranteed. New Is the time for 1, geed, eneitP slat ottevereoat (1tint'S Farnishinge will be found complete 311 all ite branches eobsistine in part *Sybito & Fancy $hirts Linen Oolittre '45 cuirs : Panel' Collars 83 C uff HE SUrifS4C1UBER BEGS TO 4N- 110111105 that he hits:jest received. a splendid asbortment of .• CANADIAN SCOTCH 44 ENCAMP. gIrgirtram BLACK BROADCLOTHS, (S,-; DOESKINS,. :which for STYLE AIW QUALITY WILL BE TO BEAT I eed & Wool 44 Woot Shirts & Drawers Cashmere Mufflers Windsor & F'hy Scarfs Ties, Bows, &c, Gloves 4na Mitts : BIAQIC, Kid, Calf, Cloth and Wool. Duke ot Colulal1Sht Club House Ointileuge Alexis, Captain. Shirt Studs, Solitaires, Scarf Pine, Rings, Watch-chailie 83 Keeps, A. Fresh Stook of Teas and Fruits just coadug for X -nuts. General Tourist, Traveller, Military, Mulligan uads, S3,403114111, Comet, Roy,414 Dolly Van -len, 'Dundee, You Bet, abenstein • M. WELD, 'I' Al IN G Department is replete with over,y modern im- provement, and Ica isislsod monthly 011)3 American Styles and Cuts All Work guaranteed, and cut in tlie 011 fa(iltion;Ole ^ Call early -and see one of the, choicest and best selected stocks hi WWII, •In 3,13 low prices for cash. C.S01)`.1..„3 (ITT. TM L., H. RI IS CO1111110 ISAAC aihniaNG be gs leave to thank his friends in Exeter and sou -rounding country for their liberal patonage in the past, and hopes to nieLita fair share of their trade in tLe future, having • s.s. Why Don't You Go to Johns? johns keeps up 11ain street, at his old stand, where 110 11130 been for 13 years. Johns has moved into his new shop uosr. Auylnidy will, tell you where Johns' Tin -shop is. If you do not ;where to ilnd it, ask the first man you see ..11 al!IXOtela t6 Show you. •He'll do it. at 'Wheu y.get theto you'll know it's the place because there is no other place like it in the world.• ' • johns ,sells stoves, tinware anaJuiugs. You'll soe them lying clear out ou the sidewalk -all of thein inarkee,m,plain figures. You doe.% ueed,to ,ask ler what you want. You can piek:tuetu up anywhere. CtillS SELLS" CHEAP ON }IAN one of the -Lrg *it and Best Assorted Stocks • Usually foui2d in a General store, CONSISTING OF Dry -Goods, Groceries,, Etc., Beadyrnade- Ooththg, Wihes, and 11- 62tibt§, 'Ordbkery; 'Badts and Shoes. Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be under- sold by any establishment in this section of counrty. so his stem ,is always full of men and women East Saturday his store was chocit full of men aud women, and he had as lunch as.hu could k•o M take the money. Such a lot of money! I tell' New -Patterns or Stoves , • are Stunners. iotbing1i0e hinn in those yarts.. :T12.tin •guch lbtij,, I" •' " there is, ' Drums and 'Other tifin;fs. Such 'beautiful arnits, ntw Onandeliers. Table.4(' Li piery, Cruets,' Mats; Brass and ,Bnatneiled Kett 130. Sa noel 1,13.C1 CbUrn's and ,Brooms; 1.;,(4i.o1s and ButeboilnaiYes, Situfiage $.eales Coal 0i1 l'ilaeklead, stove pipe varnish ;.! nit hundreds pf ether things 'usefel'and good, in ia :flit& thorn' piled from the cellar up to the ceiling:, , , ' • ,,• • • , .NOW , :3"OH1\TS• IS ITO COWARD ,but folks do crowd. arounct him and ash 10naRny questions and, psy him sd many ..coinftirieftts about hii is stock and big grand *V•of 'dein thing,s, that he gets kind of comtlustictitell and loses him - 8011 up in the garret ' ' • • • • COUNTINO HIS MONEY (if be has amyl. The best "thno to see him 'ison 151115 1111.75,. Eo is always around then, but if 'Son want things that' aro" useful and ornathental it makes no difference 17113)1±day y012!01613 1)0053150 1115 :0011 will rilwa,vs make you fool 50 12 yott were At borne, mid will dell yOu thin•gs cheaper 311501yciu eau buy them olsOWliero,, • TITA.rr'',,S4 zooms:T.4r= JOHN ERIOTT9:piTioPnitIoR. ' :en N UFA etinermi` Me.cl.crtnr a,14.037,ov •C's, '1:4411' ' 4 •' tC)3,V.01 gttOt.g441..p 1;i0 g Siette.ee,_,--) • t-fmN2v- A '.0), L I LILEM.1.-3.1NT S E D, BY S.", t(3 A _ RIO 23 3101.P:I0V41 has ft bilbte Ktigilib qng 'vale okirit tel. to he tliti'best before he 3)114130.1 ,Frirfniew. basily ea513(101 leaking 13310 41 for the spriug seeding, awl will be pre- pared to sUpPly them 9 .10, 11,1000:m 0,1333, Wit) tHbO. shifter 00 wititeat, ecemielliee , . . ,der, eavOt to kdsp Intel 0111)1)1101(1 133 size to Supply any who, may not have ,given thei, .. el The style, au m 35133 inied 131 bo 'Puled all that cam bo desired, Ana if el,'IflfISt, iob ratAINtsseti ih4ye,qt,601 flannart. • ' 1 , LLIOTT Ph o dry, toriler Bittintrstand W1liilgfbnStl4, Londp,ut, , S4 Agent, Dre*1$t Etote1001/cbtbr. JUST PECEIVED' AT TIIE EXETER Cir'Pocery and Liquor St' re A large stock of GYeen, Japau, Young Hyson and Black Teas 1.4 ra azszns. 1.1.17rant Sp 11 1111.1eL, Nee+ t";••66. C D:RIED .6..ppliEF., CANNED milt : ardines Lobsters. Satvri on -Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies,, Gins -Wines and Srups, Rye, Malt, -Scotch, Irish and Common *hiskies, Tobacepe' and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. (1. G. A., MACE, " th Street, Exeter. PRICES. HAVE wit "tied night 3r31 ow AT THE GOLDEN STOVE, ST., MARY'S., j C. GILPIN'. e , GREAT REDUCTION 3.141.2? , -R-0 Ihe undersigned having just opened out, and having payments to make, is de - ermined to do a business though it be at a Great Sacrifice. To do this he has •• resolvect,to'sell (whieli vill iticlade the Christians Holidays), at 550 following prices, 'vivo; TO ft tSbiel at. 60'cts.':Cor 450. Tea usually sold at, 75 ets, 'lot (503. rip,t, usually sold, at, $5,:cts..for :79e. SLOO ior 856. tlarottgli compotit-ioti, 17isius, Curradat:;, &o, are 'inarli.-e'd " lig' lit down. Canner' Frtilt and. Fish in lizeopin3; with the rest. In fact, everY01i31g isPUtrig'hbatt" the leh.toeii, 'our 'object' fdr one nibtith, is .135 a, paying leetin eee,, but to, turii 'over the money, 11331(3 11± the (setum tittle to buebnie ectotniuted the people. AAro' want' that aii sloaid call' 1(11 31 see as, 010 in.aantinlo saaitre einae of those bargains wet 110W ,OrleritIg.— C+330cti are all lotarantee(1 Frosli4 3±11 1 oi Good Value. r„),Ou't forgot .3110: (113±1134IDRE S TT extremely low ,B- ILO C (Next.,door to Stanley & jermyn's, Main Street TERUS 1 -Cash or P504114002 EGC401. i'i:wter, December 1 1,1871, NV I --I CEITSII.ATA snwzva 11.401IIITE StlitNt)11) aslorinent always nn hand Any kind film8114A to orcler. .4100Lassorthieet of Needles 5115 oetoe Perniseetro lord, in ?dock tor ()Very kind of Sowing .1",/ elnnea,, 1444%111es ltopai red, As T have Mid 11, long experie nee With litiWitnt NTILOIADOS, and 0ude18t aaa- them theretfal'Iyi it would ttn a‘tvamto go to those in want of Ono, to 3)03011553 131 om 200, All Of* dogis 3iNraii114 oreptlattanderlto,, 11,thu11-14t, ea* cloOk West a tho trAo , 0 3'41'1414014r telt