HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-10-27, Page 28WE ARE READY
Ciba sets 1993 CORN
Wer you p111rioe hybrids and
varieties of *he *est quality
AC eravor - 2700 H.U.
liMoovan - 2700 H.U.
- 2750 H.U.
l6000rd - 2800 H.U.
3rock - 2000 N.U.
QAC Ire - 2950 H.U.
:l£Ady order discouets expire Doc. 16/83
04120 - 2 725 H.U.
G4070 - 2775 H.U.
04180 - 2850 N.U.
04280 - 2900 H.U.
112349 - 8000 H.U.
HADES - 3060 H.U.
Page 28
Times -Advocate, October 27,1993
Ea, frnst hurts corn
CLINTON - On September 29, a severe frost oc-
curred, which killed many acres of corn before it
reached maturity, says the Ontario Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food. An early frost before corn maturity
can often reduce both yield and quality acorn, as well
as increase the chances of stalk breakage of com.
Unlike last year, when corn was still in the milk
stage and had no chance to mature, much of this year's
corn was within about two weeks of reaching maturity.
The frost which occurred this year killed corn plants
-below the cob. When this occurs, the com cob "robs
.nutrients" from the stalk, to try and complete kernel
afilling and maturity. This results in weakened stalks,
. rincreasing the chance of stalk breakage.
We have already seen some of this weakness in
cornstalks from winds on October 16 and 17. Because
,;of the increased stalk breakage being seen, many fam►-
'ers arc considering harvesting corn at higher moistures
-'than they would like to.
Where high moisture corn is being stored, the rec-
ommended moisture range is.25 to 35r orcent with the
optimum level being 28 to 30 percent. High moisture
ear corn may be stored at moistures Brom 25 to 40 per-
cent, or about five percent wetter than "high moisture
shelled com.
Com has also been slow to dry down since the frost.
immature corn that was frosted will have moisture
"trapped" in the tip of the kernel, resulting in slower
dry down. As this com dries, ,kernels shrink and are
lighter in test weight. This may result in some com
grading 3 or 41his fall.
Slower dry down rates and increased chance of stalk
breakage will require each individual field .to be
checked as to when to harvest. '
Corn trial plots will be a valuable source of informa-
tion iri*checking standability of varieties. In Huron and
Perth, the Soil and Crop Improvement Associations
will be summarizing yield, moisture and standability
information for presentation at their annual meeting.
Trials should be sent to the Ontario Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food offices in Huron and Perth Counties.
Dispute still in courts
HURON PARK - The fate of
Centralia College is still ..un -
:known as court battles continue.
Last Wednesday, a judge ruled•
infavor .of the Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food thereby revers-
ing aprevious ruling that said the
college -.had :to remain open =mtil
the lawsuit is heard.
"This ruling was disappoint-
ing," said Najeeb Hassan, a law-
yer representing the students.
But that doesn't mean the col -
e 440 ~Utimately cleae.1.3f:etu-
cents are successful tWilt -their
:.lawsuit, the government could be
forced keep the college open.
"The -case still looks hopeful,"
Hassan said.
The•ministry has agreed to work
together with'xbe lawyers repre-
senting.the sutdents:and to -set
the case.to court:befornMay:994
when -the. college is alatettamolose
due to provincial;budget ams.
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(Bob, Terry, Joe) pgVIZ (Murray)
Great Plains I(11177f1
821 Hyd 5 gal. Pail $32.00
10W30 30 -gal. drum $175.00
15W40 30 ga! drum $176100
12 qt. tot ...15W40 Motor Oil... 523.00/case
821 Hydraulic Oil $25.00/case
411 Transmission Fluid $27.00/case
Rad Anti Freeze $3.99 (4 I.)
Replace those Gleanor com head gathering
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20" Blade 800 Ib. pressure complete unit.... $250.00
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Brinsley 4-H
BRINSI FY - On October 12, the
second meeting of the Brinsley 4-H
club was held at the United Church
,:at 7 p.m.
Some new members have joined
'.to make 4-H even more fun.
Everyone answered the roll call
:,of 'Why are safety procedures not
always carried out?' Some answers
were carelessness, lack of knowl-
edge, and intoxication.
The lesson of the week was elec-
tricity. A good conductor. of -elec-
tricity is copper wire,.whiettis.used
in most household wiring. The wir-
:ing :can become dangerous if it is
• 43tlid; Lor, the fuse in the fuse box is
;toobig; or there is an octopus in the
:outlet. An octopus is created by
':plugging too many appliances into
:one owlet.
Water and electricity don't mix
and they should be kept apart in ar-
. eas such as the shop, bathroom, or
barn. A demonstration to show how
an electrical shock can affect your
heart was conducted (electrical hu-
,mour). Extension cords should nev-
ter lie across doorways .or .heavy
:traffic areas.
• = Everyone enjoyed tuts -meeting
.sand no one found it ace-=.volt'ing
(more electrical humour).
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Usborne 1 1-I
Cassidie Davies
EXETER - Thursday, October
21, the Usborne I "Super Seam-
stresses" held their fifth meeting at
;.South Huron District High School.
A pamphlet was handed out thatex-
tiplained "Essential Extras". Mem-
_:hers were also given a word search
called "Fabric Sale".
The members met Nancy Hunter,
who showed the members how to
place the bobbin in its correct
Later on, after Hunter had left, all
(the members started to work on
'.their major project. Some of the
members were making scrunchies,
:gathers were making aprons, boxer
shorts or vests. Some were undecid-
At 5:20 everyone started cleaning
up. After the room was back to nor-
mal, the group gathered together
and did the pledge, roll call, secre-
taries report, treasurer's report,
press reporters report and the busi-
The meeting was adjourned at
5:30. The Achievement program
will be held Thursday, October 28.
William Dalrymple of Exeter displays a possum he accldentalty captured last week while trying
to catch a rabid cat. Dalrymple intends to let the animal free in a wooded area nearby.
Nov. 5th, 1993
10:00 a.m.
A/Berber farm Equipment - Exeter
TRACTORS- IH 3388 4wd, t ),'air; IH'10862'wd cab, air; White 2-15.5, 4wd, cab, air; IN 4186-
4wd, cab; MF 2745 2wd, cab, air;'IH 6562;wd;1Hl 1466 2 wd, cab; AC7040 2 wd, cab, air.
;OMBINES - MF 760 '81, 2 wd; MF 760:2900'hrs., 2wd;SFF r540'81 2 wd, MF 410 2wd; MF 850
84, 4wd; IH715 2 wd; IH 815 2wd, hydro..ACF 76;'AC-112 '78; ACL '76 ; White 8600 2wd, '81; NH
•TR70 1750 hrs.
GRAIN HEADS - IH 810 17.5' flex; *NM 10' PU reel;lIH 81013' PU reel; IH 810 13'; IH 810 17.5';
(3) MF 1859 15' Ilex; MF 1859 18' flex; (2) MF185913'=PU head; MF 10' PU head; White 13' flex
head; White 15'; White 10' PU head; NH 17.5' flex;+A°C 13' flex head.
CORN HEADS - (2) MF 44 RW;111iF 1163-6RN; MF 1144 4RW; (2) IH 843 4m; (2) 1H843 4RN; (2)
IH 844 4RW; (2) White 706 6RN; (2),Ar 4RN (black); NH 6RN; White 704 4RW.
PLOWS - JD 350 5x16; 111710 4x16; White 508 4 x 16; Kongskllde 6000 7F trail; JD 145 3F;
IH700 7 x 16; 111710 5 x 18;111720 54:18; Kongskllde 5F adj. semi; Kongskllde 3F adj. semi.
TILLAGE (Cultivators) - JD 1010 30' cult; Norse 13' 3PH; Hesston 25'; 111 45 18.5'; 111 45;
Kongsklide 16.5'; Glencoe 9 shank; Kongskllde 16.5' 3 PH cult; Univerferth culti planter.
TILLAGE (Other) - Noble 4RN, RC; Noble 6RN, RC; (2) Kongskllde 6RN, RC; IH 2R, RC.
PLANTER/DRILLS - IH 66 4RN; 111 10 18 x 7; 111 295 16R; MF 33 17x7; CIH 5100 24 x 6;
Amazone 4M drill; IN 510 21 x 7; CO; IH 510 21 x 7 PL; JD.8300 21 x 7 PL.
MATERIAL HANDLING - JD 468 6R puller; tunes 570 windrower; Ford 80" snow -blower; Innes
335 6RN windrower; IH 540 spreader; NI 6"x51' auger; 60" scraper blade; Clarke 3000 lb. forklift;
Van -Ey! 16' trailer; Market 21' applicator cart; Laning 6' rubber scraper.
}LAYING - IN 435 baler; IH 445 baler/thrower; 2 Wheel turner; Vicon KM 321; Dion windrow turner.
SPRAYERS - Hardl TR500; Spraymotor 300 G; Hardl incrop; Agro -Trend est. sprayer.
PUALS - (30 pair) - 18.4x38 - axle; 20.8 x 38 -axle; 18.4x38 -T -rail; 20.8x38 T -rail; 20.8 x 38 -bolt on;
18.4x34 -T -rail; 6"x38" - spacer bands; 28.4x30 -axle duals.
LAWN & GARDEN - Befco 60" finish mower; B & D edger; Grass collector; Roper 16 h.p.;
Cadet.80 hydro; MF 26" snowblower; Case 224 hydro, 48" deck; Sears chipper/shredder; Hardy
30' mower; JD 36" sno-blower; -Brouwer 3 gang mower; New Noma push mowers; New Noma
12-38 lawn tractor; New Noma 14-40 lawn tractor; New Noma 18" 5hp tiller; New Befco ten.
pTHER ATTACHMENTS - 23.1x34 axle duals; 9.00x24 rims; 23.1x26 tires; 11.00 x 16 tires &
rims; (4) White 508 plow bottoms; Buster bar harrow; Vetter applicator cart; 3 bar coil tine
harrows; Fertilizer augers; 80" bucket; Case 4 tine grapple.
OTHER - Karcher power washer; Sweepster 60" sweeper.
Consignments Welcome - Consign equipttient early and we can arrant pickup ants sebum,
Constgnnterns only accepted up to 5:00 pan. October 30th
List Subject to Additions or Deletions John Shakeiton - Auctioneer (519) 765-4450
T$rms - All Accounts to be paid in lull on day o1 sale
Not responsible for accidents parkins. lost or stolen articles. Auctioneers decision are final
Sales, Service & Rentals sinoe 1932
FAX (519)
HIH and'HHI Rums Ltd
Varna Grain
Varna Grain