HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-13, Page 4HAPPY N11,«' YEAH TO ALL! 0 VISITOI-tg TO THE vel. ?b CASE. We tide Editor tit the Exeter Times- Slls.- In your last )138 00 tilers is a parageaPh signed i'allstiti&'"--(Pity that,l LW could not give laic right name) hot I know pretty well wile lie ie by the subJect platter ; ,also by seeded hien going to your office shortly befog e pub. Notation. But before lie assumed such A title he slaoa'd have boon just and have spoken,; the truth, instead of a tis- sue of falsehoods, and of whish Ile 'knew hotter, and, if I ala ;lot lilietalcen, hewas present at the (miso died) trial at Zurich. in the tiretplace, he says Haat he hin full possession of the facts.. Then, why didlie lust tell the truth ? He drags there Wore I.NT, d3r0wnl and other Magietra+es on I lie bench, which_ was au abolniriable falsehood, for Mr. Brown sat alone, ire netted me to sit with him, which I declined, as I saw Mr. Brown was in very bed humor, and. I wap satisfied that he c4-1(1 riot mean to do Gill justieo and the subsequent proceedings justrfiad we :iu lay opinion. I am therefore glad that I did not dis- grace myself by taking ti part in the iu- famous proceeding, for 1 obert D )w, J. P., (who was also present) and I eau positively swear that Mr. Brown did not take dcwn the evidence as it was given. He garbled the whole in a manner highly discreditable to him ; every part of the evidence made against Gill was carefully taken, while that iu his favor was entirely omitted ; and how a 'uan who has sworn to do justice could have acted as Mr, Brown did, I ani at a loss to oonueivo. As for the information and bummons, the least said tile better for 141r. Brown's reputation as a Magis- trate. As far as the appeal is concern- ed, Gill's lawyer advised hire t. take it to Toronto, as all the'papers were de- cidedly bad. As for the Judge giving judgment against Gill, was utterly false, as no judgment was ever given, nor any costs, as the telegram below will clearly thew. As some gentlemen in Guderich advised Gill to abandon the appeal, Gill cousulled ole ou the subject, and I told hitt not to disoblige hie friends as it Would be for his benefit ultimately, and RE , , . . ,,,, - . A to abandon the appeal ; so I think " Justiiia" does not maintain his char- , actor for veracity. The telegram below will vouch for rhe truth of my asserti- ons. With regara to Gill's guilt, if Gill was guilty, why did " Justitia" and Brown go crying to the Crown Attorney and telling him falsehood:. (of which he is now fully aware) to try to get Gill to abandon the proseentiuu against Prout and Simpson, fc•robstructing him in.his duty, and that if he wanted to do so Brown would withdraw the case against Gill ? This shows that the case agaiuet Gill was trumped. up for the vile pur- po:re of getting GUI to abandon the proeecutiou of Prout and Simpson at the Assizes. With regard to the cora• this affair about 1) - t Are reaping the rich benefits of a purely cash business, leav mg their neighbors that deals with the merchant who both buys cud sells on credit, to not only pay the bad debts of somebody else, but to pay the large percentage the merchant inght have s Ived had he bought his goods for cash. We also assert (not without proof) tht the c sh pt ron of the merch nt doing a credit business actually indirectly pays a portion each year of Iris neighbor's store -account, without any remuneration, save the ch grin he feelE at the deliber to way he has been gulled, il..aimuch as he is charged from li 15 to 30 pr.ct. more t han a legitimate Profit. To coarterbalance the interest on his neighbor's account and to assist in paying the BO Debts of SomebodyElse nun naemeut of , vying to cheat Exeter out of two dol 'ars fur his poll -tux, every person pre- sent ("Justitia" included) knows full well teelulamt'us transactions of Brown. It was {le tvho wrote the receipt of tat2 paid, •whish molts never paid ; it was he wino wrote"the certificate of tee path - work doue, which way never performed —both of which was disapproved of by Mr. McAllister, the Path -master of the `t'ow'nship of Hay. Tuts GIDLEv, J. P. [TELEGRAu.—''fie Prout. Think cont victim bad ; eau get certiorari in. vaaAt- tiou.] Besides all this, we save as large a percentage by buying fo cash, as the retail customer does. Thus the public has tt double. advantage in purchasing from us over any house in reach of h:xeter, vi:,., that of us both BUYING & SELLING FOR CASH And as we poi chase a large portion of our stock Direct from the Pactori E S Where they are made, consequently the consumer and the producer are in a great many lines in our business substantially brought face to face, andwe are therefore emancipated from the heavy t:c. which the who CSC, 1c11: c E 11.) Iibly lar.s. ,;, 1, u K date purchasers. LET US LIVE. On the 12th day of Der. a certain party (generous euougil when sober), Balled at my door requesting me to go for a buggy ride ; at first 1 felt rattler indifferent about going but Upou faar• tiler importunity conseuted to r'ecom- pany hien to a friends a few miles dis- taut. immediately upon getting into the buggy he applied the whip to the horse and heedlasa of a!1 remonstrances ou lay part drove at a furious rate, checking and tahippirag tile horse then giving him the role until the animal was iu a rage with fear. I attempted to stop the horse laid jump out but nay attempt was frustrated by the intoxi- cated driver. We were tliown and my arui broken by the fall, N ow it would, be supposed the euift,ri,u s of the frac- ture with the pecuniary loss which my- self and family shall suffer by suspen elou of business should have enlisted the sympathy rather then censure of every right-minded man in the colnrnu- liity but daily you hear of a "drunken !% drive " which some evil-dispased par- ty with a good deal of cheek and very little forethought has felt disposed to float throughout the neighborhood in connection with my name. Now I find it difiic ill to bear this last expression and linty be pardoned if I 'iuforrin the. pnblic that I arra a mar upon whom in- temperance has no claim. that I deify that getleman or any other to furnish we with a single instance in which my- self or any of my family were under the influnce of liquor and I hereby de- ny the veracity of that report concern- ing meso freely circulated throughout, the neighborli)od. D. G. Wnrrz. • W. make our legitimate gain, and The Customer Pays but One Profit Toe nimble siix pensee is bette than the slow shilling. g We have a few special lines worthy of particular notice.. In Dry Goods we have Morir S Undershirts & Drawers, • Ladies' Shawls, Breakfast Shawls V O*704 *;SO Broderick is selling goods cheap for Cash. Great Bargains dur- ing the Holiday season. st Christmas and New Yoar's Goods,—New Valentia Raisins new Sugar Raisins, new Layer Raisins, new Suttana Raisns, Fresh Young Hyson Tea, choice Japan Tea, strong Gunbowder Tea, fragrant Congo Tea. Motto China Cups, motto China 1fugs, fancy China Tea Sets, strong granite Tea Sets, fancy Vases. Ladies Ties, Ladies Promenade Scarfs, Ladies Kid Mitts, Ladies Kid Gloves, Ladies Cloth Gloves, Ladies Linen Collars, Ladies Linen Cuffs. Gent's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, Underclothing, dcc., in great variety, at RANTON'S. s And Nu'bia:s,, Bed Blankets, horse Blankets, and Buffalo Robes Which We are selling ghost the ghost of current prices; In Groceries, we have ri+;Asf. SUGARS A.1435 RAISINS, 'W'hich to price will entirely eclipse attenp t at tOTAIN3 AMERICAN. CHARLIE Ross.—Some few days ergo a report reached Philadelphia that the authorities in Milford, .N. 11., had Char- lie Ross in their possession. Charlie's, p,treuts at once went to the place, but only again to be disappointed. as his real name was Blanchard, be having been picked u' whilst playing in front' of his mother's house at St. Albans, FLED TO CANADA.-- N. C. Williamson, of Delmore, Ohio, obtained $20,000 cash from the .Lima, Ohio, Bank and fled to Canada. The farmers to whorn he owed large suns for timber, assern bled in large force, formed itt proses- sloe, marched to the factory andibegan loading with staves, inaehiilery and whatever' other valuables they could llay, hands on. When the factory was cone. pletely riddled they went to a store, it) which Williamson was it ptrtner,'and seized it. Wiltiamson'e liabilities will reach over $100,000. °NCH A 1M'.11LLIo5AXlm. Alanson Pal- mar, who a few years ago otviwd solus of the driest steamers on the great lakes, au whose great wealth made [tits one of the powerful eitire;t,e of Buffalo, died the talon dry in att a►syltun. pea." trilese and trazy, at tile age of eighty- one years. He lout his wealth in reek. less speculation. ANNULLING 3otYCi'AMY.—W' .. . Stolle. Utah emigration agent, has arrived tat Washinf ou, bringing .with him a du, t ' t t signed by ZJd t ) plicate X,ritition,,8t30 l mon wttnon, addressed to Congress, prayi►Ig the Clotted States to give Utah a State Government, and to what' the P'tdard luny it polygamy, y. ;lana potitioui *Ong ental& alerrautsen pends Wilk rismi 1101 tgW O H 111 1:14 bale Refuter Farm stock eto.—Joan. 20th the pro- rerty of the late R. Pinoomb Lot 11 Con. 4 Usborne W. Hodgson. Auc. RAILROAD OPENS FOR PASSENGER TRAFFIC NEXT MONDAY. o (14 • 4,4 If, • w U3 b 4 a 171_cag • Z 1-4C a r o 4) 0 f=f1 tin ›- ArT 01 O a r 4 } a ro Il - m d pi z 8 0.01 lar rY: U BUTAIL RARER AND CONVEUTIOlitott A O. takes thin opportunity of thanking his friends and the inhabitants eif h gxetur and vicinity, for their past liberal patronage, Lopingtourertt the sante l?y eupp YRa Me customers wttin everything tutus nue SUPEEtOB TO ANYTIIING EVER BEFORE O11l: EKED IN EXETER WEDDING CAKES litA-DE To O1%D7 R. fi0CIAL3 AND P,AIVED28 A SPECIALITY.. ' FAUILIES WAITED ON DAILY. ' +w 3RE. 13 Qo sta'Z .t1y' O =maul, At the Exeter North Post-ofpoe. and T. Short',, Crediton, and Mikhail's, Centralia, teeter, December nth, 1870. 0.9.139 LADIES WAY OUR Brilliantine Hair Cream, the most beautiful hair dressing iu use ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER will in a very short time produce. a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without a rival for whitening and softening the skin ROSE TOOTH PASTE for beautifying the gums anikpreservingthe teeth from dooay. ROSE CREAM for improving the complexion, and removing tan, freckles, ote. GLYOER INE JELLY will remove all soreness caused by exposure, cracked hands, ate. SOLE MANUFACTORY, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. GEO. TEIEYTON, Manager. Member Ontario Pharmacy wwwwwi Exeter, December 23, 1875. FUR'N'ITUR 1. This Rebus is to inform the public that we are prepared to fill orders for Furnilure, home-made or foreign, rich in design, of elegant workmanship and latest styles, or of plait among which may be noted Bureaus, Tables, Arm -chairs, Di- vans, Hat -racks, Wash -stands, Book -eases, and a miscellane- ous stock of Cabinet Ware, 2. A well furnished house is the pride of a sensible woman and an iiatelligent man. 3. Remem- ber our address, and. do not fail to call on us. CORRECT. NAME. RESIDENCE. Dr Moore, Exeter, Sarah A Goodaere, Liman, %Ire Jane Gregory, Centralia, R 0 Tye, Baysvllle, DATE. Nova- Nov •17 Dec 11 Dec 25 INCORRECT. NAME RESIDENCE. Annie Whitlock, Exeter, Tate W D Bright, Mrs C Willis, " Kate McLeod. . Gordon McLeod, " II)' 34 (0* DATE. Nov 27 Doc 4 Dec — Dec 18 Deo 18 Being the first to send in a correct Solution, he becomes the possessor of TIIE CANE ROCKING CHAIR. But I throw out now a consoling idea, and say I have any quantity of them, and a Merge assortment of other FURNITURE still $N hand. JOIDRF,W. Exeter, Jan. 12th, 1875. SAMWE L PICKARD }:egto inform thepubllo that they have engaged MR B RIGHT Formerly with McIntyre & Co, to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTMENT and feel coufideut that all orders entrusted to them will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION AII elothe purchased from them will be CUT FREE OF CHARGE Theo have also received a large lot of All -wool Shawls Blankets, bought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains. Stock Full in all Departmentsr and THE L., H. 8c B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead, nal have opened out the LARGEST. c,;r L.r1.r 0nEl aikoI3ST. stook of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the General Line of Business. consisting of btap e & Fancy Dry -Goods, Millinery Ready. -made Olotain.g, Gents' FursiIh tge, Hato & Caps, Carpets, House Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Loop. and Sha s/,-6 atiouery, Wall Payers, drockory and telasewsre, Patent Afedieiues,&e., &s. X have r3lW ti,ured the services of B. W. H. IVES CLEARING SA olgualop iii' 454 WIIITE`w' SUCL ons TO;t3. B. ol'l>Er> rzi ST, MARY'S, Selling out their Winter Stpi1 PRICES AND BAItFAINS TiNUSUAL AT RETAIL MAY BE LOOKED FOB. TIENDEIISON & WHITE. OMINION GUMS 1•OP ANB BI - VDT.; FL1t FACTORY. R. W. S O P E Manufacturer of and deeior in ,RpItea, Sher Guns, ]Regetuer' of 5owinanvilie, late of Toronto, as manager of my Clothing 'Department. All work sent out by him guaranteed to be eoeend to none in the Dominion. Pant cutting a speciality. All, perilous favoring us with µcall will find the goods and prices !Jett. Beweinborr this is the t ev rthinyou want at low prices. N, B.—All kende of Farm Produce taken in place do ge y Y g aahrigga. Ezetor Sl, 1876: a'AS PICKARD a. iJndertakt ti anc% urnzttrd ct -lrer E` WOULD r 1' oauepo5laletteuttou to QUr uutitlt,ikirlg depart., n,ont, which' is more (win.vete than eror,as moo havri added several noW designs of late. Tile beat delle ie, caskets',thlouds a ire *Very y Inner I rs' nisi' Iotee8t Miser. Ott ,,tie* ins aibare Y , II 'prokramitted by cow otent tea es t tb be' p second tp eon♦ tri the Drwluos. J OULD SAY TO those who' intend purulla(YIng to do so from the nnauufaeturet% X11w dealer vino buys to well again must neressaraly boyo at pica. WO shift toive 11.e urchaeore the K p $. benefit, 'VJina}1; cannot fail to meet tiw views of the Grangor,Y. Our expenses litre lees tltantho$o of city uwuu froiurarr,aonsetitien t- y **taus Emblem s far 41 theiffcDont • , oyc -i etic8 C. f+ .. G I..)a.✓L NOTICE. rjlHE COUNTY COUNCIL OF HU ron will meet in the Coni t Room in the Tows of Guderich ou TUESDAY, 25th of J&N., INSTANT G adericb, Jan loth, 1878. PETER. LbAMa N, C Brick Stora and dwelling house, -Also frame wellin g and stable, forsate, centre ao1 ilaia. chute Exeter. BIBLES. Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Casse'.1's Magazine, Saturday Maga- sine, Infannts' Magazine, Saint. day Journal, Day of Rest, Sunday at Home, *Children's Friend, Wide Awake, Chat. terbox, Friendly Visitor, Childs' Companion, Band of Hope, British Workman, Ad. 'riser, Christian Treasury, British Fi Juvenile, Albums, Work boxes Writing Desks, dm., deo., 1 OR CHRISTMAS. THE FIRST TRAIN M"" Highest cash price paid for hides and sheep skins, There has just ARRIVED BISSETT BROS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES ter brought into Exeter, imported from Lois. don, amillou and Toronto. This stook has been purchased with the inten- tion of selling it again,'aud not with ai4y idea of keeping one stove over, aswdould be the ease were they not bought at low ratan and to sold at the smallest margin of profit...,, We ` Cannot be Undersold, and are bound to give satisfsctaon. Do not fail to call before pnrehasing elsewhere, and examine our stock of Tinware, Copper -ware, etc, LAMPS, CHIMNIES, COAL -OIL. and 1,000 L SCALES1rOR $18. Copper, iron, ete., bought. BISS i;TT, BROS. FRESH ARRIVALS! AT THE People ' s Grocery Store. J. CR UNNI AN C has received s large stock of GROCERIES.. CROCKERY &e also a large stock of BOOTS Cid SZCOES suitable for Fall and Winter, eonsistlng cYf Men's, Women's and Child. ren Wear. n Those event of r fere h l glade artiste eta lens het► , and shoe linerag s old not fail to EXAMINE MY STOCK :Before r ' tl 1 t eh'asi y U N bl es my e-pbrlenoe of tbirty years in that line eel blee rine in purohasing to eeleet that oulywiniean_ call rodoremnend. A LAII E LOT OF Ffrst s1'Utrl,' .Il l ]T+i1V1L' ', a CRUNNICA . 1`l oll1Ri0i OtiU#1•