HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-13, Page 3041 QS** $ccx.. GentoliVrew TA, 410F, etntiVaa AnttA 0 roc :I.*. x..34. 3.00 1.40: It. 111; 7,30 X2.15, 1.04. 1.15 5.47 r. etteiNINtee.. , Ione V376. CO nit Ce'140,X., 'Wt. bey to correct the report that 1m eeee tn circulatton, that us 2tot toke butter., gees et' atql. other kind qf trade tt axe/tat:ye gooth, Thc; repo) t We pay thr highest price in total) .for all Ai ads of farm produce, We ;tot eney /Joy the Id ziamt p ri!ee /0 Is bade, but ue !lite et:, tonwrs better tedue jitr both their cassh ttittl trade than any o'her house ttt reach of E.r, 14er. Ingrate tee prices of oar Peas and Raising um! «II the other spect'at lines m on - ,tined another column. It's simply as. tonisAing what the ready rate OW do .— fre do vot ot'ler CiatOlnee$ ail indateateal of a paltry 5 per cent., hut 0'5 fluttrante., en advantage of from 10 to 80 per eent by purehaeieg from us rather than any houee doing a credit business.— " STA.NLEY jERMYN, settemullWediftlieiesehawasea he f.ieler Kiitte.s 19EVJESDAY, JAN. 18, 1876 hos only Liberal -Conservative Journal la Sonth Huron. 'Wednesday ovooiog next, a 60041 Will be held in the Meth DcliSt (1bareh, in thie place,un, der the auspices of the L. A. fi" Tres dose eociele itecepted as CO lerienti, grand l,14,10 May be ezepected. ....rwntom considerable quan- tity pork being brought into town, despite the roughness of the roade the trol,thie loceomotion. Good prices are realized. Goo» IDEA. ----We notice by the' 4ge that the branch of tee Catie- diau Blink of 00ifilliel'ee Sir:1(40,Y rsinnin open for the transaction ef ousiness until three o'etlook P. M. oh Setureayee T E r s q L.sr;0.4". T :is question is involving eech an amount of controverey that on Thurs- day Iset a deputation from the Licensed Victualler's Associatien, headed byllon. -Vrank :Smith (President), 'mid Q. Dawson (Secretary), waited upon Hon. Oliver Muwat„ and MOSSrti. Crooks, rraser and Wood, in reference to the proposed legielation on the license ques- tion. The secretary read ten addree,s embodying the following suggestions : That the existing law reepectiug the closing on Saturday night and Sunday ttre not carried oat,especielly unlicensed Ileums. That the Crooks' act is on the whole fair, and if strietly citrried ont would greatly decrease intemperance.— That no license should be given te any house not having tne accomodation re- quired by law, and that the License In- spector should make visits mice a quarter. That there shonld be a cer- tain number of bona fide rooms for trai-ellers. That the character of per- son end houee-should be fully ascer- temed. Teat unlicensed hthises should etrictly wetched, and the law stem, gently enforeed in regard to the quite- tny bole in groceries ane to drinking on the premises, or should be with- drawe altogether fretn persons combien beg the sale of groceries and liquore.— That any perseu bolding a license con - victee of sellieg contrary tu for the first offence be filled, for the second of- fence the license be suspEnded for sixty days, and third offence be cancelled al- together. That Government Litepeceore be appointed for the suppression of un- licensed groceries and gambling hoeses. That persona found drinking; in pro- hibited houses be liable to the same punishment as the liquor-sellere. That bona, fide travellers be supplied with liquor ut any time. That licensed houses be allowed to keep open till nine o'clock on Saturday nights ; that the fine for selling liquor dude°. prohibited hours be doubled or treble c. Several epeakers urged ihe views contained in the address. and said the Asseciation were decidedly in favor of a dimiuution of licenses. lu answer tee a question from Mr. Fraser a mem' er of the de eutation said the system of putt•ing the eower of granting licenses in the banes of the Boerd and taking it away from the municipal antlearities worked satis- facterily in Montreal. TtiE ECTitiYr • - /lir. • • -- At latest accounts M. Benoit, the Opposition candidate, was 175 And of M. Jodoin, Miaisterial, in the Domin- ion elections for the' Cie.:illy of Chant- bly. At the last election Mr. Jodoie was elected by 46 majority. IT is astonishing how sweet those young. men look, whose hopes only are , raised every four years, and the young man of the Tiverton Watchman lets al- ready discharged his washerewoman, " The editor of this journal is a teinperavme man, and has never been in';oxicated, has never drank two gla4ses of beer in his life, has never tasted any liquor in his life hut for medi- eine purposes,"—Lucknow Sentinel. THAT s.ccounta for his pleading sick- -11688 so often. 1011.81rGE, DISTRICT LirG. The annuabmeeting of the Bideulph Disrict Loyal Orange Lodge was held at Creditme Tuesday, llth it st. wards of forty represehtatives front the' different ledges of the dietrict were pre-' sent. After hearing the, address of the DistrietAaster, (which will appear in next week's issue.) The routine of business way gene through, snowing the different lodges in the district to be in a very healthy condition. One thing worthy of special remark'is the action the district has taken towards raising a fund kr the support of its indigent Brothero, hape otner districts will fol- low this es.ample. The following are the offices elected for the ensuing year : Bro. John Niblock, re-elected, D. 111. " Alex. Garrett, I). D. M. *' T. D. Stanley, D. Chap. " Wm. Turner, D. Sec. " &ones ClaVes, D. T. JohniDagg, D. D. C. The next annual mooting to be held etMgemeestisteteemorieJei 10 CorrespOttdenIS. Bitoxv.:14 P. Bryan driver we invite allwho dm do 60,0 &elides short Of the Lucien and London stage, ow - 'descriptions of aceiticeits or unusual ocean jog to the breaking of an axle as ti.10 Illadek In any Pert et the Collette Write stage was nearing London, fell Under oneAlcle of the paper only, ltfail year letters the wheel and breke h;„ Mendityot Turzsday, to he sure of insertion '-' in the Trutt% of the same weak. One cote pays Slid postatte 0 yeti leave th e enVelope open, abet Heti it as "erinterte dopy." ottlE7r- VTOKIS FLOI1AL have received the first mintber "Vides Floral Guide for 11370." As usual it comes embellithed with chaete illestrations on very superior parer, end is a credit alike to its editor and publisher. The work is eublislied quarterly, midis only 25 cents a year, and may he bad at Jas. Via, Roches- ter, N. Y. As a book which gives practical enowledge of everythieg re- letieg to fltricelfure, it §titude THE DOMINION CFIIII1CHMAN.— An improvement in forte; make up and matter is apearent the cerrent num• ber of the Donegioe Churchman pub- lished in Taranto, and is now one of the fleetest ancl most conveniently ar- ranged of the religions journals 00 onr eechange list, The new dres:: and new style are decidedly becoming. Not- withstanding t foot that the enhanced appearance of the piper Must have occasioned ceneiderable (Mine, to the proprietors, the sub cription mini has been reduced from $3 to $2 per annum —a figure that slionld ieduce wha tahe an interest in church affairs to licle come sebscribers, ALLAN LINE—SPECIAL NOTICE. —Great reduction in Cabin Rates to and from Liverpool. Single B. G. Berths, $61; or Return eo., $116.50. from Toronto. Interieediate at Very low rates ; aleo both single. and return tickets. 'WHITE te SON. THE ma CLABItATIO$ G-11-4NeNric rePIME aootrv c50 Gotp`T3 vcr.ean,-zoNpot,t43 ITJANINArtoN „vxtlyoz04 evrieeteen, AND TIlE, rXeWa:NoY oe Tug aoau ete- It:roWt.uporn ON 4.11, BANDS% On Menday morning lest the Greet Western despatched twelve paseetiger coaches fren1 London for the coneeui- ence of the invited eloug the Lotelon, Huron Bruce; five them were taken on the regular train at 7;30 4. M.; and seven of them on a epecial which left Lowlon et 1;35 P. M., ie cherge of coneuctor Hays, The latter passed terotigh Exeter on its way north about 3 P. M., having on board a com- mittee of citizens of London, and the representatives of the City Press, for fee the 'purpose of welcoming the invit. ed guests and providing them with bad- ges, The train went as far as Wing - haul, and remained there over Bight. OD Tuesday Morning after the arrival of the early traiu from Kincardine, which Ilita OD bOard a 1111111ber Of pro- minent men of that town, who joined the train at Weighers], the i,ron bands were loosed, and down, down through the country, over bids and through vales, past beautiful farms, swept the speeding train, ouly stopping at the sta- tious along tee road, each supplying a large quota to the rapidly filling cars. Leaving Belgrave, which promisee to be an impoitain point, we sped on me- al we reached Blythe, which, since the L., 11. et 13. was first spoken of, has — THE CANADIAN ALMANAC. --We have bad laid on our table by Vandusen CO., a copy of the Canadian Almanac' for 1870. It is a veritable fact that so much information cannot be obteined for so little money in any other form as by investing 15 cents in a Canaeian Almanac at Vandusen & Co's. _ _ LE AP YEAE.--The c astona is that if a maiden proposes to.a bacbelor, end that bachelor deelines to entertain that proposition, said bachelor. shall buy or pay fur a dress selected by said. maiden. -- THE LOOK -UP CHRISTENED. -- On Wednesday evening the 29th ult. L3e, of Grand Bend, he'd 'the' extteme honor of being the first occupant of the new lock-up. The members of the band, at their practice on that evenine very appropriately .christened the build- ing "Lee House." SENT Up.—A. few days since, Lee, of Grand Bend, struck a neighbor over the head with a heavy log.ging chain. Conetable Gill of Exeter, had a war= t placed in his hands fur his ar- rest, aud proceeded to accomplieh it. However, he reckoned in this matter without his host, a•ncl fouud taelt not the eeeiest he the world. Wheu he .entered the house of les. soon to-be- pritener, the latter rushee for the axe, \dealt he tvould no donet have plied with telliug vigor,had not the Conetable closed with his man. After much streggling, the prisener wee secured, by haedeuffing his hands behind nis back, and in this manner brought te Exeter. He was "sent up" by T.. clieley, Esq., where he remain mail bail comes to his relief. WATCH NIGHT.—Last week we °mutated to mention that the time honored custom of bolding religious services during the departure of the eld year and the iucoming of thenew, was adhered to in the Methodist churcb in this place, Rev. Mr -Relates conducting the seryices. SiczNEss.--At the present time there is considerable sickuess ip SOBIO parts owieg no doubt to the continuous moist weather we have just experi- enced. ODE/MOIL e Seltooner 14,Tocii.erth Captain Donald McLeod,' Arrivett Goderien on the 7th of January fltreet fiom Whietior. The Capteht reports the river and lake clear Of roe, Poring the Passage up, the crew were saluted at many places along the river hy the inlathitalits, who lustily cheered and tired gene in honor of the event. S. 5, CoNVENTIoN,---The atm nal con- ventioe of the County of UMW Sate bath Aesoehttion openi din Knox ohnrwt Goderiele on Thursday tafternome and eoetineed till Friday evening. A. large itumber of eelegetee were Present frPril all petit, of the connty, andJ, II, kil- ler 'inspector of Public Schools; pre- eided, Rev, Mr. Millard, General Seeretery of the Sebbath School As- soeiation ot Canada, was present, as well ce the majority of the reverend gentlemen in the county. I.4'ive inter- esting setiotia were held, the eouchul- mg one being very largely atteuded, filling the hugest church in town, The fellowine officers were appointed :-- Preeidea, J, Miller ; Vice -Presi- dents, Rev.T. Brock and T. Goldsmith; Treamerer and Corresponding Secre- tary, E. F, Moore t Minute Secretary, James F. Dickson. Brussels was nam- ed as the neet place of ineetiog, RODGERVILLE. Mr. James W. Elder, of Rod- gerville, at the recent semi-anouttl ex- aminations of the Oatario Veeerieary College, graduated very creditably, And was awarded a (heroine by the Council of the Agricultural and Arts Associa- tion for proficiency in his profession. made rapid strides, Here et, number of gueets were teen abetted, and "good • bye" hidden. Londesboro wes left be. bied, .and ()Hittite reached,where a long- er, &lay teen. at the previous station took • elace, owieg to the great member who- got on board,. Hurryipg itruce- field, Kippen and Unbolt stations were left behind, end Exeter reached. • If ever Exeter's cheeks grew red, it was on_ that day, for laudetory praises as to ite beautifule surroundiegs, prominence and. importance, sprang from the lips of needy all on board. The only hin- drance to a perfect view of the village frem the station is a email piece of -woods which itercept she sight ; bat we under- stand Mr. Carling intends removing it as soon as possible. It beemed here as if the whole town iutended honceing the 118* reed with their presence . as only one or two who received invitati- ons failed to make use of them. This portion of the road is very even itai,c1 'middling well balliteted. At Centralia and Breekon stations the load 6f humen freight received additional accumula- tion, and London wae reached, The trip from Wingham to Loud.") (eiety- five miles) was made, including stop pages, in. about six hours. At the Great Western statioe the train rolled in, mid the human load was soonetran- shipped to terra firma.. Before leaving. the train the invited were preeented with large badges, probably as an hou- or, probably to eistinguiele them from the citizens. The Geretat Committee, coneisting of about a centenary of mem- bers, were ma haud to receive the visit • ors, an:I they did it in right royal style, and the cheicest of music welcomed them, discoursed bY t he 7 zh Batt. Badd, Which undisputedly holds, as a band, 0110 of the nigbest positions in Uanada. On the approach of the train a• salute was fired from St. James' Park, West- min.iter street, in honor of the visitors, by Meer Peters' Battery of Artillery. We much doubt if the eilvent of Lord Dufferin or the Prinee of Wales drew forth frem the good people of London a heartier response, to have the city decorated io the gayest attire, than was Major Cronvn's on thie occasion. On STRATFORD TIMES.-- -Another claimant to noticeable position in the fourth estate is the :`:;tratt..rd Times, published at Stretford, Ontario, by H. Butleran "old hand at the bellewe." Mr. ButIcr is an able journalist and one' under whose hand- the Times is cer- tain ' to prosper. The first numeer which lies on out table., is creditable in eveny xespoct. • OFF I CI ALS --The following is a list of the officials along the line of the LOltdon,Huron and Bruce Railway: 13recon seation, W. Waugh, formerly relieving agenteen main line; Centralia,. J. formerly of Allanburg Junc- tion ; Exeter, W. I-Itideu, formerly on Glencoe, and 3. McDonald, operator, Toronto Junction ; 1.1eusall. W. Deitch formerly of Winona ; Brucefield, Chas. Dean -- Clinton G W Rialto') formerly Great Western agent at Bute felo, (W. R. Thompeon, acting egent, formerly relieving agent on mein line London,) J. E. Johnston, operatort formerly at Windsoz, and W. Knew, Thamesville, warenouse,man; Londes- boro, W. lelyine, formerly agent Ayl- mer ; Blyth, M. Stehholf, formerly of uga ; Belgrave, 3. Gillis, of Korn°. Int. il,ltd NeM 11.UMWAlut etO'Betene ate openirl out 4 Of mpiete AS- *Ortmetit Of littrdwaret Pell partied, taro next Vomit, TritAD IrOttnin„ The retek. tettf tC40,4itiit ,lftSt Week entered tipoit, iits,thitd volingo.', May it Le ,buoyed • itelite• teettett;tdieentk. ••• TIVERTON. Mr. W. N. Shier, on the oc- casion of his giyine his position as teaeherin S. S. NO. 11, Brien was made the recipieut of a handsome Al - beet watch e S • 4 BRUSSELS. THE POST.—The Post Comes to us this week in a new form, it being now published on the "patent °Meet)" About sixty-five attended the Y. M. C. A. prayer -meeting ou Sundae'. afternoon of last week. 0-N4-4 KINCARDINE. %%B6'014111E11. while siointitig at' .Kenii.wortli, Vriday 0 11P train to 'this ect or both feet at the aelt16e, at'tertieou r1111 Over an ( mpinyee and The cliarge preferred itgainst the villtkge Clerk for ,eltoririg trein $400 to $(300. the itseesinent 'of int ilidividital i‘: (i);r1:(.1teiriet oc oq:11111:411,1)y, gu f (1)1r) :r.4 day for the thied lieltriuttebefore a bench of eel Jnetecea of cito voaoe And the civet dielenseted. From the Review. SAD CASE OF DROWNING. -011 Tuesday December 20th, three boys were skatino• on the mill -dein, Frank Sellery aneJohn ane Robert Gibbons, but the ice being rotten they were pre- cipittated into the water. An employee at the mill named Wm. Iheleck ran to their assistauce and succeeded in rue cuing two of them but Robert Gibbons sank under the ice, and his body was not recovered mini the next rnoruine. Hie parents have the sympathy of alt in their sed bereavement. • MITCHELL. A "Bachelor-battou" in bloom wits picked from a ficever bed in Mrs. Awty's garden last week. EMPLOYEES AND EUPLOYED A. et J. Mulheron enterteemed workinee and Choir wives td dinner on New Year's Eve. A very pleasant time was seent, aud the best of feeling prevailed. This ie an old Euglish cus- tom, and. we are glad to see that the Messrs. Mulheron have introduced it into Mitchell. USBOltNE. SUGAR MAKING. ----Mr. John Stinson of the 13th concession of lie - borne, says that on the last day of the every haud, huge mitsses Of thsplay ar- old year he tapped several maple trees, ranged in the mosnartistict design im- from which sufficient sap run te make rinegitieble was to be 'seen. Bunting of a filie lot of beautiful meple syrup. This is something eitraordinary for the .season of the year, and we doubt 3f such a thing ever before happened iu the hie - tory of the. ceuntry. • .I3LANSHARD Mtimeirmt, Enzowton.--Ileeve, Robert Beaty ; Deputy Reeve, J. Pinsruore ; all the old Centicilors re-elected, the most gorgeous and pleasing colors was to be seen from private and public houses; arches deco ated with the most becoming mottoeu; and in fact every- thing to cause the generel veidict to be and the unanimous voice to cry out, ‘i Londun, Excelsior!" Exclamations of surprise, and rjeerdations of wonder were emitted from the visitors general- ly. The mary fine Imildings which London is justly proud of, were viewed with admiration. In the afternoon de- tatchments of the committee showed the visitors through the various whole- sale houses, manufactories, and other points of interest. The very efficient Fire Depart 130115 of which the "Forest City " is possessee, turned mit in full force about 4 o'clock, and to the assem- bled multitude gave eufficient evvlence of their ability to eubdue the devouring element. Obedience to the command of Chief Wastes accounts in a great measure for the degree of perfection to which they have reached. Until SON'ell o'clock London gave te the visitors thr " Freedom of the city," and we much deubt if there were many hetes or cor- ners of the city but what were examin- ed. At seven P. M. the banquet was opened in the eity hall, Here were arrayed rows of tables the entire length of the hall, filled with the choicest that the country could produce. Ie fact, the caterers, Messrs. Conklin dt Moore, received for their unspared efforts to ernwn their part uf the programme with success, unbounded praise. If the de corations about the city were grand, those in the hall were sehlime. Taste- fully arranged and inscribed on scrolls of cotton in prominent parts of the room were the names of the stfitions along the line, and many other devices and mottoes smtable for the occasinfi had received justice at the decorators' hands, [We are totted, owing to hurry in going to press, te hold oVer tae particti, ales of the banquet for another issne.— En musts Btu linvotas win give an en- _ tertainment in Drew's Halt on Tnesday night next. 'They ate the 4.best 13ell Rutgers that travel and other. porfot- maneee aro empathy good. Iltungenit Crowley't sale on Sat- urday, 22d. M614nle WaNTEn.--On Morgages Slims Of $100 to ;600. apply to ANDItEW LAXE, POi140114 DIBOlto *tette, LUGKNOW. Eroni the Sentinel. There are eight taverne Lttehnow, and he people want los. Alorlday, the Srd. insb.,, young woman, daughter of Alex :Mc- Donald, 4th coneession el Kinloes (to- cidentally fell lute nel open eater trap door, and Reverely fractured her leg it) two places. Tttesday the 4th itiftiL Ilitrry 'lodging eon, of Johlt tiodgin8 Oth con. Kinloss, Slipped While ehap, ing in the besli, the ale coming down, iodgecl itseilf the Sae of hts knee, leaVitig a very ugly wotind abont gift inches in length, eight or tett Atitcites hota to 1)e in$Otte4 te hribi the wound U CAN , The man Shtttery formeely Of Lon - (1)1), laut now in the Chatl.ton' jail, for the Mnrder of elia Wife, reeeiree to be watcliert hy two men uiglit and ilay to pti!l'er9Y(9,)tix,t Jinn Opetiita$ the wound in hie Tee following letter from en eetemut ed gentleman of elititOti, appeared in tsl'iiitty'8 Globe: " eee An the Wobe of to.day that you have got me as one employed in the manipulation i>f the fleet ItictotnotiVe engine awl train :)v Vas; Elit‘letelilltA?:1,411,1yd• y1)411;1;, ago. 1 eaullOt tell how .youhavegot hold of that,hut I feel proud now,titat Lean say that 4ired the :old engine. le fitIrKteulgwItrt 4oft, NtY(13',i):11311t alialineg* thing now to tall; about. The etegilte'e name was Locomotion, and old. Jatnw?: Corson, Pitocv.o.-1;COS.—Tbe regular fa'Sptitecev6etlein8esi o°41ne ()wsit4'asfl°'ti ItivettGes ffretuan and we ivied to lieu' from -- twelve' io fourteen' weggnms; the hos pest wen, P. N.—l'oRent, POO:, Reeve, in .the enair. Connell - lore Porte, McLean, McRoberts and: Hutchins, Minutes of the last Meet • were read mid signed, Moved :by W. seconded by p. mo. Itoberts, That the time allowee for the collection of Taxes in this villsge be ete- tended' to the leeh iestant Cerried. Moved by W, Parte, second- ed hy R. UeLean, r,l'bitt the following accounts ee paid, and that the Reeve sign melere for the same :—Bernard Stanley, bill for nails and rope, $24,50; Goo, Shoebottom, rent and repairs on tire engine, $14.75 ; nice, haul- ing lutnber, cts; Gorrnerly, cleaning ditch (111 marliet street, $1.50; MeConnees, eleaning croseiegs, $1,00; John Bawdee, assessor $2e.00 ; John Itawden, selecting jurore, ' $2.00 ; C, F. Pashlev, cullecting taxes, $25,00; John Fox, Treeent•er, $5,00; ter. Barges, auditor, $4.00 ; Hussack, auditor, $4.00 ; Mechlin, clerk, $25,00 ; H. Mecklin, division Register, $5,00 ; se- lecting jurors, $2,00 ; postage and stationary, $3,75 ; expenses • to St. Johus, $1,50 ; T. Dight, selecting j ar- ors, $2.00 ; A. Gooeacre, for plank, $3.00,—Carried. Moved by W. Porte, seconded by D. McRoberts, that. the Reeve he in4ructed to give Mrs. Kita• me otie hundred poends of flour and a a cord of wooe, she being in steaighten- ed circumetances.—Carried. Moved by W. Porte, seco ded by R. McLean, That the resignation of H. Macklin, as Clerk be accepted by this Counciene the same time, ee take an opportunity of expreesing cur regret, that necessity compels him to sever the connecti i» with us, and thie Council ease a vote uf thanks to hen for cordial and gen- manly conduct durine his term of oc. cup:aloe as Clerk.ZCarried. Moyea by W. Hutchins, secended by W. Porte that C. F. Pitehley be and ie hereby ale poiutee clerk for this munieipality at a 8alary of twenty-five detlars, per an- num, and that the Clerk draft a By - Law conliemine the saine.—Carried. eloved by W. Porte, secouded II. elcLeau, That the retising Clerk hand over all beeks, papers, seal end othee property belonging to t munictpaly ztt resent in his posession to 0. F. rasfiley his successor in otelee,--Car- rice. By-lew N I 4 t appoietiug C. F. Pashley 1:1 the offiee of ClOOli WaS read three times ttnd pase•ed. The Council then adj nirnod. ARAUND pleased to see Mr. Wm. Taylor w co somo four mon its ago Mot With it sovere acciden t at the crossing of the U. T, ft. tilzre— out for the first time en eruches. Frieue `levier seeme to look noue the woese for the pain and confinement to his has had to suffer. New GRIST MILL.— Mr. Hooper's new Grist -mill tere atelast in working or- der. In ozir nrxt we will try to give a detailed statement of satne. One week past and no case of -Law• lessness to chronicle. Truly Lucau is improving. 'CONOEIVT.—A grand concert will be held under the anspiccis of the Sons of Temperance of the Usborne Di- visioe No. 337, Thames Road, ie. the Cheese Factory, Fazqubar, on leridaye January 14, 1S75. The' Progrartmeet consists of Itecitations, Readings and songs. The Winchelsea Brass Band will be present. See bills for further' particulars. ST. MARYS. PRESENTATI91.:T.—The.members of St. James Church, St. Mary's %tinted upon the Rev. T. Wright, their respeeted in- cumbent, and presented him with a purse continuing a considerable SULU of money, as a gift for the season. An address, signed by Mrs. F. S. Hill and Mrs. A. Cerinen, bearing 508115111mq to mg...Weight's servicee to the cengrege tton, and wishing him, Mrs. Wright and fennily long life and prosperity, was also reed. " Mo. Wvight suitably replied. Tao church prospers in this part. Bueeeemes.—en ms travels, "Slip- , , , , pe,ry Jace" Wilson 'veered St. Mary'e last week, and plied his vocetion to ad- vamtrge. The other evening, whilek Mo. Woir.was at supper lie en- , tered the front door teed carried off a a coat and. a fur cap. He ale() stole a revolver and watch from Dr. Wilton and aeveral other persone hese missed portable property from their houeee. The artidles have been found in .fack'e possession. He is safely eaged in &rat ford jail, It, be to all appearances some thud before he gets l000e. BEAFORTH. During the °evasion of the recent anniversary servic.et its the Presbyterian church of awiforth, Mr, John H. Broadfoot presented ,to the congregation a handeoitte tahte for nge in4front ef the pelpit platform. • Through an accident at lqr, Xidd's 'salt wen.one And enemeter milee „ east ot Seaman, tue menufiteture ot salt at the woi lie in Carroubrook, tOsiett has boon carried oo pretty extensively lately', has been seriously impeded. Omit three Weeks ago the tube tire well broke at a point nearly three, fo etlis the distance between the surface and the bottom of the well, As te dons°, quence, the whole tubing will have to be taken out, and men intVe been' en gagod night and day at this vvorit slime tnealeidont, and we understand there is stilt the portion of it below the tweak tho well, ThiS 14 an unfortuate draWhaelt upon the enterprise whioh Mt. Iiidd has battlqd with under ee waggons used to liold ithout three tons of coal enea, mid our trip used to be from S'heldon to Stockton, di:italic:, intent twenty-eight miles to the sea board, where the coals wore shipped lu- te vessels.' Yours truly—Jost:ea Wane: - Henn Glinton, Dec. 28 187-e STEPHEN. PRESEN TATION —0 n the eve- ning of Monday the 3rd inst., ciente a number of the friends of Fairfield as- sembled at the residence of Mr. Gree - ory, Who ie about leaving them to. as- eume the headmastership of the Et eter Public School. Miss Emma, Eseery read the address which is given below, and auether friend preeented Mr. T. Geegory with a handsome centre teble and music Stool. Mr. Gregory, although taken by sur- prise, made e very feeliag aud eppso- prime reply. Tne evening was very pleasantly spent wi h reclined :us, ulays, aud in satiatting the catteugs of their appetites with the daiuties which the friends had provided. Respected teacher and triend, we a few of your devoted pupils and friends have assem- bled this eveniag for the purpose of manifesting nut. u,ppreciation of your arduous labors whilst atnong us, end also of expressine our deep regret at , your deParturo. °Daring your four ,t3 , .11111111Pil to her rescue, Ina exertion 51, 1511(.1 was rescued by Ins compant ms in an ex. h meted , condition, being unable to melte any further efforts for his ,own safety. , , Air. Martin 'Wagon is building a large saw mill end spoke factoey at Je- richo, three miles r eet of Wieder. It will 1.e ready for operatione in two weeks A sad accident took place in the mill last week \\Then Mr. Bealey, an old gen- tleman, eot his foot Smashed 'so that no will be confined to the house for some time to come. well.to-do, yoting man, through dissapointment Itt not bailie loved by a Sherbrook b attempted' seicide. but was too well watched to bo eacceeeful. A htte tomibee of the St. John's Afore - /ea Yews thus conchules lengthv ar- ticle ealog,izing Fellows Syron of 'Hy. nophosphit ‘s: " Fellowe is cote ttunly entitled to hieh credit for his eneegy and enterpdoe in working up his voidable discovory so sucCessfully, cna the presence of Hutch gentlemen id any comintinity matto• on which 010 eortimunLy shonld eonglettmlato it. sdf." The So. John lettnroh Journal rays: " The invention of Fel- leave' Heeopliosphitee has beemne one of the 01 tble indestries of ,the cretin - try, nuiens of it4 Ithld and a credit to the Domininti Canittle," The Ameerst, N, B., Ortzet.te that a eea captain named Jenks died in Parrs. eoro receetly, who had crossed tile AA- lantin Oecen 48 times( and the Weetern wait removed from tits (entnete, givire 14 times', 1Ie was about 60 years of Mit!heel Me044111011, Whe Made OUP bretal ettace UPOn the Pettier& Of Mr, Mille, IA tA.arriill'm on Tuesday Steitehfleen, having been horn. neer ellesgow. At latest tteeouuts Ur. Ite. Connell. wee yet alive. The lerge felM et $1,200 Wee VOl. leeted at St. Voter's It. C, cathedral, in Itomion, on Oltristente DitY, ae tbe offertory. 1Mr, it Hill, of Newcastle, offore to give one nere of heed, near the railWee station, to any eertion wiz° will erect 4 fourdly'thereon, ie a libetal eft fele and we liope some eilterpriiiiitggen- tlemen will accept it. The young man frotn Lakeside, who woe supposed to tom been murdered betwen efitehell and Lietowelet has turned up. Oti sleightlig breaking up, he eteitl one week (a Metllewsonei of Ulna, in/salting a fell of (Mow, end. ae he had no means of eommunieetieg with his parents they naturally became:, alarmed as to his 'veereaboute. The nye Press. very megeleuermuely opens its advertising columns fer the use of the upemployed in the city of London, to assist in sectiritY, Means Of employment, to whom it is given grat- A Oeuitau ix Tanta/tn.—BA feel- ing still continues to minefest itself in regard to ehtirch matters ill Beyfield. Limit Sabbath the non-Uaion party, thinking that the lettioniets intended eoldieg serves°, Assembled early to guard the eltercti and prevent the en, trance of the Utdonists. One young lady who went to teach in ths Sebbath school they turned away from the deer. Some of them carried revolvers, andeas the hour for strvice apprintched, ringeeetier said to his follow es excited- ly, " if they try to force an entrance we meet shoot," No Unionists, however, anempted this feat, and the Laing -Bar - nets stood gutted ore /the church till the hour for meeteug passed, when they re. tired to their homes. At a public auction Eeeter, Eng., recently, the advowson tend next pre- sentanon to the livine tif the perieb of Charles, North Devon, wortM450 year, and now held by the rector, aged 77, e as sol t for 21,605. A woman, W.18 found frozen to &Alt owneetizh.e lake shore in Bosauquet last The Chatham Geme Protectiee So- ciety have had, a young man fined $10 and (e'er 011 all, ;1-17) for shooting a deer at 'Big Peitit•out of soason. A young girl named MAry Martin is under arrest at Thorold on a charge of infanticide. It appears she was employ- ed by Mrs, McCarty, and hal given birth to a child which she had placed iu her trunk. A man named John Moier, who haS a wife and family Switzerland, Was found to h IVO committed suicide by blowing out, his brains. ie tee woods near Peterburg, Waterloo Coutny ehe ethee morniugn In July lest it letter was posted in Toronto addreesed to Mr. D. Spry. ot etendwhich. It got inside of a Gelt pa- per, addressed te a gentleman in Now Z,aland, was conveyed to that far dis- tant, aud has tust now been re- tuened to its owner having been five mouths on the way 1 J. T. Wooa, teacher in school sec- tion No. 3, Lobo, commences the pres- ent as the twenty-second year twit he has been enga3ed as teacher in that section. At the chide of last year the pupils presented hien with a tea -set valued at $60. e Dr. Davis, the convict, at work daily in the Penitentiary yard at break- . ing stones. 411r. Carpenter, of the Dawson route, is said to be in Ottawa, wishing to re. new his contract. Sotne return of tee ',teethe of last year had better Jae made first, for great charges agaimit the men. agentent remain unanswered. line is not ititended to enrich Mr. Cer- penter, but to accommodate the public. Stratford market fees were sold a fee, deys since to Mr. Thompson fur $1. 800. ' Jno. B. Gough will deliver a lecture on " Peculiar People " in Stratford on Monday, the 7111 February next. Mondey meriting last fire was dee covered in, the upper part of the bride Ilotel, Milton, and before any - Miele, could be 'done the hetet wa • hope lessly gone, seal the residence of elr. Ches. R tsberry atilt the Oed-Fellows lust ell tent -dile bootie, etc. Pool selling oe the 'Poronto ma he- rd election vets very brisk. :gest' Ferbes did quite a large, bus- iness. A piling worean named Amelia An- thony, apparently plena 25 years of ag,:, was btought b .fore the Toronto Police M., gistra: e Th n rsrlay last, charged with being intatte. The Lend- er settes" she 'hen beau ent leyed ill the Oroeby leense, Eeplanade street, as a cook. Needing tektite arecie which was storeil in the celier, elm Wellt (IOW!: stair,i nod ill to tW at appartin,mt, which is very (1,5,11, without: it light. It tto- rears that oleo of the male employee.s of the hotel was ill the cellar at the time when she altered, told wishing to lwactice a joke on her, he held out les liend towel tie her. She advaimed into the room, and the hend coining con- tact with bee feed, gave her snob a shock that she fainted. Oe regaining concionstiess 8110 WaS f01.10d to be insaue anti the police were sent ior, ami she was removed to the -police station. At Odessa, RzIssia, on Saturday 14.st, 21 trail: filled with rpilitary l'eertlitS riill :IR' the track. teal I hingt,11(10W11 an elle At Milton, on Jan. 6th, during the poetineeters absence to tea tlze post OffiC31 .3,as entered by two snidl boys, \N SUCC,44(1_111iterrying off the ceeh box, contain -lag about $50. Through ironipt action the thieves were ceptui ed 0 couple of how's after the rubbery, and neatly all the money ncoverea. A reletive of Tuotnessen, the dynae, nete fiend, who lives in Mont eel, states that .lenomassen's family on the father's eide weee subject to periodical derangemente of the intellect and that an uncle died the Guttenberg tic asylum. The reletive is treveller aud agent for a large Germen house. A Weterloo, Ont„ mercaant claims to have sold nearly two tone of citudies during the holiday season. Mr. Wm. Crozier was engaged sow- iug sprieg wheat on the Capt•on fa-tn. neat Paris, on Monday, the 8rd of Jan. 1876. Oy Telegraph ta the Gardner Sewing Xi - chine Company, elantIttene Cornwell, October 8, 1875—Royal got flrst prlit at Glengarry County Pair, over the Webster, 0 born and 'New York Binger aaltEs 13elleville, Sort 80th, 1875 --Got first prize on VI Royal at Fair bore, beating Wheeler& Wilson and overy other machine. Oreat cootest. ./41sEs BinriBTT nreetteme, sept 1875 -Royal tooknrst prize et Unionville, competing with the Wheeler & Wilson Binger, and others Evan -Ms &IliosInitAn Tilsoribura, Oct 11, 3875 --First prize for Royal at Union Exhibition here oven all competitors MArriraW sYnwsliT Woodstools, Oct 6, 3875-Boyill took first prize at Exhibition bore oyer all competitors MaTTnav? sTMTAIIT Paris, Oct 8, 1875—Tfave taken first prize with Royal at Fair here, beating the Raymond and singer. Wiatasst SaIDET Napariee, Oct 15, 1875 --Royal has taken first prise at Fair here, over sizz ger, Howe, Wanzer and others. 4astsz,n BARRETT litirleV, net 13, 1875 -Royal takes first nrize at this Fair for family work and Liget Manufactur, fug, WILLIAM eNIDSIl As a Toronto Grey and 13 nce train was leaving Orangeville Friday a Brake man fell off the cars and W119 run o- ver. He was brought to Toronto and has to 'have both his legs amputated above the knees. Fridateenorning John le eggs of Co- bonrg through the inffuence ineele it bold attempt set sniciee. He wits found in an out buildieg with hie throat cut almost frotn ear to ear. A doctor was pion -101y summoned and throu,gh gre tt care the would-be suicide may recover.' A yonue, woman, named Ketchosen, while slotting on the liay on Frictay evening at-Belville int3 an air hole, and was taken from the water uncon scions by Charles Fialcie, who brevely centime:nice here you have cyuiced a profound interest hi our moral alla tellectui.1,1 welfare, to protnote which you heve labored. with uutiriug, zeal and en- ergy. In the school romn we found you ever ready and willing to impart ueeded itistructioht; imbuteed in year regulations, and hinel iu your &alit:Rs towel:de teachiug us both by pre- cept and example filet we shottld im- prove the golden ;oppoetunities la our posseseidn. Your labors too in con- uection with tho Sabbatn school are in- valuable, the resglt of which will not be knuwn until the great day of recoil- ing, when we tenet you iney see you have not labored in vain, but that the seed sown by , you may bring fotth 'aleundant fruit. Your christen) char. acter and deportmeut, your kind and cour teous manners, and your exemplary conduct have Wen Oar affections and we hope you will adcept thia•present as a small token of respect. We sincere- ly wish that even geeneer success may attend your efforniall throngh life ; and if we never enjoy yoUr company again on earth, may we C00,01101', SchoktrS and friends, finally have the happniese af meeting in heaVen., where we seall never pate, Major 'Bruce, vliu Eves in ,11 o n don, township, ha8 been.inede the vietipe of ao (lineage willelt ebould briog (nem the poseetretors seveee penishment, if they aro eaught, During tee the dooe 1.1,111,11 111 WI. 011,1:1 fire before all the men coeld be extrice fed, and many were berned to death. The total numeer of killed 61, and 54 are injured, several fatally. Later ititelligence eig word that e exeire 1 at halfpaet eight o'clock Senday meriting. A chenge for the worse took piece on Friday night, and the symptoms all day were against him. Sh b •fore his de- mise he appeared very cheerful aud talked very freely to bis wife. Coron- er White wae notified, end °et -Iced the impannellieg of a jure at half -past elev- en; emit!) ,sedef very itttelligent gen lt- men. Mr. James was elected foreman. The jury 'then pie ceeded to the license of deceased to vie w body, which presented a glnuttly eppearance, tie re beieg no lose that; nem berge and deep wounes. The dem-mead was bard'y re. cognizable ft om the many cuts On hi face awl heel. In consequence of Drs. Ver.ion led Husband. who attended upon Mr. Mills, being lioniceopathists, the Hamilton phyeicians of the gener- school are said to Imve all declined to essist at the examitettion. Mr. Thomas Kennedy, a drover, who liveein the townehip of Broke, was rob- be.d of $500. Mr. Ketmedy was alone in the house, and had retiree about his usual time, and was awakened about 2 o'clock in the morning by the breaking in of the doon field before he had time to do tleything, he was seized by the throat, and by three armed men, and held b, thee masked men, and the $500 in cash which he had, was taken by the the men. After taking the money they tied him hand 'and: foot, ited left his :math) ttu opportunity to onto,. ina age.. gorge theteselYee in (10,1111. ror 80r,16 tillld 116:8t. that() Illtt70 Me. John Cobbe l)cieri appoint. boon a rottriber of casesOf liorse:steal: ed station master at Glencoe, in room ing retiorted froth various pirts tile of Mr. NV. Hayden, selected to fill a country. The last we have heard of tr ome-eer at the ,....111Xetet Stitti0114 L. oceured 12Priday night at Tiorodale. ft. When an tthiltiftl Was taitOti tNeht lqtv During the manting issizee Toronto Thome.; karkea., PeripIet hitting eat - will be &fondant in tight eases Ito. tie would do well to keep their weigher, eye epan, t (1 ieirether, - niemy iliffieulthre, on or timage These victories conclusively prove that th Light Ioannina Royal the People's Favorite en tne Best Family sewing machine. The manufal tows have lately added to it the greatest novett of the age, the Royal I amp Bolder for sewin maoh ines, The lamp enn never upset' nor the of soil the work, and it ie errmgod to throw the light on nny part of the work, enabling the onern- ors ti work es Well by night se by day, soId by JAMES PICKARD Exeter. Grallt011, St the rOei- &ince of the bride's father, on the 23rd tilt., by the Eev. Mr. Valls, Mr. James - Payne, of Listowel, to Miss Mary,4,0kleet daughter of James t. rant, J. P., P. M. JARTYINIS--POTVI,--At the residence the• hz s father, on the 29th ult., by the Rev - John K Air Win W Jardine, head. master, Bath, to Isabella Jzole, eldest d %lighter of Mr Thomas S Potts, teacher, Downie. Szrawmix -McNAtiourost,--In Hibbert, on the 29th ult, by the Rev P Scott, Mr Alexander Stewart. of Mitchell, to Miss Christina MeNauglitca, of Eibbert. It now 'lepers that the rumor that Mr. Elly awl hie empleyees drove off the b who atterrn,ted to attack hie mal the called ont to aid the law officers in the dis• charge of their duty, W118 greatly eeag- gerated. • Auother inetance nf the extram din- ary mildness of the late warm season was seen in London, im Iteiday lest, in the appearance of a ra fledged blitter- THE COUN COUNCIL. BRIT II. lion811.—At Lucian on Dee. 29th the wife of Amo, Hobbs of a son. BROITNING.—In Eix3etier‘l,ntoi:: the llth bast, of t consumption Mrs Browning wife oi Dr. Browning aged 27 years STEVENSON,—.11.1 Ellice, on the 6th inst zur J110 Steveson aged 33 years, 1110611..&aineNOMPOk. VIIIINIMINIMIll cla.t ... ,,•,r, Ten. 18 1876 Spring Wheat White Wneat .111. 1..:Aldnits171.::: 7 EXETER. \ I i eits' 0 r •1:.:. •''. :*..... 800 to $ 5093 88 to 6,8,J) sllilaujoIrsper......001. ......... .1,fi too 1013,0 3:18i tt%o0 21 8t1 Potatoes Hides.. ... 125'0) t0<12 6: Sheepskins... 4166- . It: ):1.1) ttr, 00t:0) 7 000, 4 50 De'io'fi 1.1.):-"fi'lal Apples 1040:51° tot') 12 00 I 75 to 2 00 75 to 1 00 OniJas 14 to The Omety ,Council for the yeer 1870 will be composed as follows D. I). Seeforth ; Cheney, Olin. ton ; J. T. Garrow mid Dixie Watson, G4terich ; IL Winghatn • John Leckie, Bruseels ; A. L. Gibson, 'Wrox- eter ; Wheaton Hodgson, Exeter ; W. Cutlers, Baylield G. E. Cresswell add D. Welker, Tuckersmith ; L, Limiter, Uebortio ; B. IIogarth and T. .Viarly, Sterhen ; Robt. Brown and J. B. Gsi- ger, Hay ; Tnomas Simpson and George Castle, Steedey ; 11.,lessre. For 1 ard Goderich township ; Y(1 tilig alla J01111 CO11)01'118 ; Robert 'Webster and Welter Lene, Aelifieed; Charles Gervine end E. Gaunt West Wawanosh ; Thomas IL Taper and James Ettet Wewanosh ; S. Bleek and 3', Turnberry ; P. Kelly and Clearlee Proctor, Morris ; N. Monteith and J. Warwick, linnet ; Theetete Strecham. Rua 5. siontrioti, Grcy Thoirms 1lays, MeKiltep, Tile fliloWing are the ne mos of those who %Veil) Bel thd Conned htst year J, Chidley, Olinten ; IL Davie Wing. hem IDIttatth Ana T. Yearly, Ste: Oren; Gerirgs Oastlo, Showy ; John Thohanatt, Oolhinto J. Warwtek, Itoboat Webster ana WAtter eo ; la0610ent t*Otet Lard... Wool ... Turke2m G J 15 50 to 1'00 31 to 10 9 0 to5 0 'Ducks ...pr ST. MARY'S. is,..1,...coo.regthaio.r 1.7 a,ulbrnith, Clerk) Deihl wheat, per bussel so to 02 Spring wheat 90 to 92 50 W..' 60 Barley 60 te 611 29 to 91 13 to 15 16 to 17 1100 tar PI 00 0:158 Egg., per dozen ... Butter :E.ay LONDON. 'White Wheat, per contal I 60 to,65 T ...- 155 50153 Red Winter Waeat...'" 1 40 to 15o Peas ..•••... ... .14:00 00 SEAFORTH. Fall Wheat •" Spring Videat*”...-...-• Oats.. Barley ...... ..." Pea /4 Butter Eggs i 90 to 03 . ..... 90 to 93 0 30 to 30 50 to 55 0 55 to:' 65 0 17 56.18 16 to 18, LtICAN whith wheat 90 to 9.1 O'readwell 9:1 to 92 Spriug 90 to 5.12 Oat,: 0 3.1 to 32 Peas 0 60 to 0 65 Barley 5C to 50 Butter 17 to , 38 16 to 16 Zi to CI 25 12 to 13 S to 7 8 00 to 10 00 3 25 to 3 50 00 to 6 75 95 to 135 1 00 to 1 50 00 to 6 50 . . 4i to 5 00 to 7 so Eggs, por dozen Potatoes Lard Tallow Hay Thnothy seed clover seed Wool Sheepskins Beet Hides Pork GRANTON. Deihl wheat, 9 ,c Tres:dwelt, sec to 950; spring 88 town. Barley, 45 to 58. Peas, 60 to 650. Oats, 28 to 30. 13083, 4 to Cc. Butter, 1-3 to 20c Eggs 18 Pork 7 Hi les, per lb, nets por, lb G cte sheepskins 89c to I 00. n IS SOLUTION OF PARTNER- -iv SHIP. — Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing I.zetween C. Vandnsen dc M. K. Bosebough, doing business in the Village of 'Ex- eter, mirk r tto name and eyle of C. VI:mint:0n 41: Go., is this day dissolved by mutuai consent. Tho businet ,reafter will be carried iu the name of D. Vs odusen ,te Co., under the coutrol of EL Ni. Itosebough, who will pay and coilect all debts due the lace firm. Dated the 12th day of January, 1876. C. VAN DINEN , C. MoCA-L1JM, Witness. M. RDSEDOUGII. OTICE,s The party or partion that, tnOk the plow avray from 1dr, Trebble's fence roar the station road will please return it to the EMII10 place or to tho esrnor, win suitably reward:DM person who does 11. CLARE. Exeter, .7 Inrotry 11, 187o. VICK'S rLOWER a ITEGETABEE SEEDS aro the best the Worm vrodueeR. They are plap 4 by a million people 18 America, and the resuelft, heantitol Floworo and splendid Vegetable". A Priced )0gtie sent flee to all who • cloe the postufse--11 2 cent stamp. V 1 0 IC S Flower and Vegetable Garden is the wont beautitta work of tho kind hi the wort 1. 11 contains nearly 180, paves, hundrode Of line finistrations, and four Ciaroino Platen% of Viewers, heautifelly arNwtt mirl colored froni na- ture. Pi ice 35 cents in paper etiVere ; 65 Conte boned in ologilut TritIt'z irtorali Chiicta fl - With. the first itilftio,or. Price only Zeman ter the hist:rated, and eentninittig Dm elegant Frot.tispiece year, The first numb& for 18741ust issued. 1)REW'S EiALL Irritio.30 Attoreloozx O'CLOCK., Go ,,CLI1\TE JuvEmtx SINGING CLASS toe Alt ebtterett eitietesteel rib