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Page 26 Times -Advocate, October 20,1993
al1H f :4
slimed mss- were :4ibttght to Centralis College Thursday and Friday for a 'twoday sympo-
sium called "Agriculture: if you=eat you're involved." Focusing on agricultural issues, the stu-
dents heard from many guest speakers, including those on a discusslon panel Thursday after-
noon. From left are Peter Darblshire, Janet Kleinschmidt, Jeff Wilson, Tony McQuail, Phil
Armstrong, Doug Smith, Murrey,Blackie, and Ted Zettel.
Beef carcass
iSEATERTN - A very. successful
4huod.Ccunty beef Carcass' i m-
-petition concluded with an _educe
tionad:meeting_ in.Seaforth on.Sep-
secber29: Beef pmduoers.bad the
.cppotmnity to learn . about lean
yield,; dressingperoent, average fat,
:gtade_fat..etc.:through pictures and
-Thirty a ht pals -were graded
_at Dont iBrott rs : in _Stacey _Creek.
:the.aveisge-tarcassweight•was .727
abs. with a crib -eye area of 13:95
.se}uare:inches._avenge fat_ of 11.2
miu artd a percent lean yield of 59
'percent Percent lean yield is .the
amount. of.lean- meatthat acarcass
:will. yield. As within . thc indust ry ,
the .cares varied in lean yield
tmm46:percent to 67 percent. To a
packer ;this represents. quite a :di f-
ference:in the amount of. meat. the y
. _rave to sell.
The top loan yielding .neer was a
Chamlais Angus entered by Dairen
Johnston of.:Bluevale. "This steer
• had a ban yield of . 66.5 -percent
with a rib-eye.area of 17.7_,square
inches. -Pauline Anon of Wronger
:bad ;ihe'rriYal loan .fielding . heifer
'with a -lean yield of 65.6. percent
and a lib -eye . area of 18 'square
inches. This heifer was a Belgium
;Blue. -Limousin cross Both
animals were born . and raised on
their respective .farms. Complete
results .from . the competition . are
available firm the Ontario Ministry
of .Agriculture and Food office . in
4 -
441 meeting in Brinsley
By Valerie Ryan
;BRINSLEY -Monday, October
4 _at 7:00 -p.m. the :Brins1ey 4-1-1
club beldits organizational -meeting
in the !Brinsley -church. First off
they played a.guessing game to get
better _acquainted with other mem-
.brrrs..Then _they:met leaders Kristen
"Tompson. Heather Love and Mar-
cia Trevithick..Carol Amos.alsaat-
-tended but she will be -retiring.
"Tire .club :that :had nominations,
-the outcome avas Giselle Vanneste,
president; vice president Valerie
Ryan ..and fuer Amy Trevi-
: thick. -hey _decided:on Totaling sec -
-retary, Valerie Ryan for die organi-
_rational :meeting. -Then .they made
members pages :and 'passed them
Kristen Thompson explained a
.little :bit about the .dlub :and ;dis-
cussed..some field :trips :they -might
_lake such as a. tour .of the fire .de-
partment or police :department. he
meeting Avasedjotnned at 8:00 p.m.
by:president Giselle Vanneste.
-VaperSiainsstresses meet
413y1Meliestt mit
:EXETER - On October .116, :the.
.Llsboene 1 "Super .8eanisu es"
i id irifatu at•Bev
+sa!itt's-ahouse :and .at -Polka Dot.
Pamphlets were handed outahat.ex-
piained ..seam finishes,:pressing
pointers., serging basics, and . dos-
ing _eietails.sunch :as buuons, snaps,
bocks.mid.eyes: and zippers. Mem-
bers that .tried some of . these tech-
niques on:the sewing machines and
Membcrs,that.we repot tryingDut
techniques worked :on a .Cabbage
.- h -T-shirt.
At .2:45 members began .to :pack
,up, .their .booklets .w ..go .to -Polka-
Dot., At:the Polka -Dot _Lori -McNuu
explained :about :interfacing :and
which was stggest. lvlembe rs,aiso
learned -about !the .binds .of fabric
:dhaLare-sold:there: McNnu showed
.the many kinds of notions :avails-
Next ascaveager.hunt math:game
was ;played. Ideambers- had .w find
eetiain ;kinds .of :pattens and their
:the:nations .they would need, Fuld
tbam,.and add: up.dietQial+cast.
"Tfie:nextmeeting is:otrTbtmtday, I
October 21 in ,the oswinga etrt-
meot:of:&ouch Huron biigh:School.
,EXETER - >att ,Warier 14, ,the
,third -,sooting ;of the Lisburne 1
"Sew limy" club was • held at Bev
Prout's.hmne. The,nine;members of
the club :showed .their Cabbage
Patch doll jogging pants they had
made. Scare of .the members
brought some things they had
sewed before.
Then each of the members had to
say something that you would find
on the back of a pattern envelope.
The members discussed .the
achievement program. Then they
started to .make a Cabbage Patch
doll shirt. At 5:30 the meeting was
1Mie Import program apiO1IMMOd
OTTAWA - lialtain which
allows producers to impart desig-
nated pesticides for their own use
will be implemented by the federal
government. The announcement
.was made by Agriculture and
Agri=Food Minister Charles May-
"1 am pleased this program is
now in place," said Mayer. "It re-
sponds to the recommendation el
the Pesticide Registration. Review
Task Force in 1990."
The review was conducted by
representatives from farm, forest-
ry, environmental, health and con-
sumer groups as well as the chemi-
cal industry. its recommendations
focused on enhancing the protec-
tion of human health and the envi-
ronment while ensuring access to
the best pest management tools.
The Own -Use import Program is
only one component of the govern-
ment's response to the task force.
In tandem with a price monitoring
system now in place, -the 'ltew pre -
gran' will help producers have ac-
cess to competitively priced pesti-
cides. Under the program, only
products equivalent to those regis-
tered in Canada can be imported.
As well, all Canadian health, safe-
ty and environmental standards
will e respected and upheld.
The Own -Use import proposal
was pre -published for comment in
the Canada Gazette in May.
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