Times Advocate, 1993-10-20, Page 221111111111111111111111111 Page 22 Tunes -Advocate, October 20,1993 HENSALL - 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent. Fridge and stove included. 5460 per month, heat and hydro included. Central location. Phone 236-4961. (33tfn) OOMMERCIAI. SPACE FOR RENT - Main Street exposure in downtown Exeter. 345 sq. ft plus separate bathroom 5410 per month. Heat included Air conditioner supplied. Available immediately. Phone 23S-1354.(33tfn) APARTMENT FOR RENT with whirlpool roan. 580/week based on monthly rental, heat rid hydro included. Hansel 262-2314. (34tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. in quiet triplex. Fri. & Stove, large yard, first and last, references. 5400.00 plus utilities. Available Dec. 1. 235-3152. (41142•) ZURICH - Warehouse 400 sq. ft. with 2 large overhead door. Tidy newer concrete ::and steel suucture. Variety of industrial, . c nmercial applications. 5500 per month. 1:31fice space - 2 office' plus reception ,xoom. 5250.00 per month. Jerry Zehr 236.4/12. (41:42c) IZiJRICI1 - Tidy main floor 1 bedroom :apartment with front and back yard. Appliances included. 5280330 per month. SSppacious main floor 2 bedroom apamnent plus storage rooms, open concept Jiving dining and kitchen with dry bar. 5295.00 • per math. Jerry Zehr 236.4712. (41;42c) GROUND FLOOR heated, one bedroom apt., no or appliances qlocation AND apt. pa� furnished, reasonable. Laundry and parting available. Pbone235-1497.(41dn) /2 Reeves Oils Acrylics Brushes - HENSALL - 2-4 bedroom apartment in duplex. 3625.0U includes heat and cabte, Call Heather Rogers 235-1732 Notate Realty Ire. 235.1621. (41tfn) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • 2 bedroom house with eat -in kitchen, separate dinutg rooni, 5595.00 monthly plus utilities. t t . Call H Realty Inc. 235-1621. li APARTMENT SUBLEASE - Large one bedroom apartment. Nov. 1/93 to April/94. Near White Oaks. Call 686.0346 or 433-7281.(42c) ONE: BEDROOM API'. ground floor, downtown Hensall, convenient w everything, backyard, sunporch, not suitable for children. 262-3205. (42.44c) EXETER - new apartment, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen and livingroom, fridge and love. Available now. 5550.00 plus utilities. 235-1730ask for Andy. (42tfn) LU(AN - 2 bedroom apartment available immediately. 666-1770 or 666-1776 after 6 p.m. (42:43c) EXETER - House - 3+1 bedrooms. '14,2 baths, main floor laundry, ;leas :beat. 235.1498after 6 p.m. (42tfn) DASHWOOD-Zurich area, 15'+rMr old brick house, 3 bedroom, full basement, 5525.00 month. Phone 1.296-4750. (42c) HOUSE FOR RENT for 12 months - 5 minutes from Exeter. Evergreen Famu. 5400 monthly including heat and hydro. Prefer single person. 1.482-7181. (42c) THE '0L1) TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, .including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, .etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-0318.07th') WELDING SHOP, steel insulated, 40'x80' with 200 amp, 550 service. Cinton area. 1600 per month. (`an ?33.7296. (26tfn) 23 Wanted lo Rent ?MIDDLE AGED WORKING COUPLE, no'doldta . nrraat.ao-aent 2 bedroom house roc :farm isorue an likatditi/ExeterMensall rates Ca1123-0122afterSixru. (42:43c) UP TO .200 ACRES of level tiled clay -loam: Fmth: Cotmty clay loam preferred but -riot essential. Long or shon term lease. Phone (519)3353110. (42:43c) UP TO MO .ACRES atone free sand Ling tttcmi lease. Call (519; 5=2180. (42143c) With the Class new V Exabire Milo _Grand Bead.<ktsrt� s1 �tit18M(o . 0.1.9) 23Q 2420 11.11441104M17 :as4'Main IL, (519) Mimeo what NEW LISTINGS 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - Excellent condition, family room, formal diciMg -room. Deep lot, close to idowntown. Asking $114,900. GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS - WiNTER IN FLORI- DAPrime property for sale in Pelifth Harbour Mobile Home Park, Punta Gorda, Florida. Priced to sell at $59,900 U.S. dollars. Very safe area. 15 SHERWOOD CRES., EXET- ER - Four bedroom home, priced right at $149,900. LUXURY HOME IN HENSALL - Huge kitchen with all the con• venienceS, 4 baths, $159.000. WELL 'D!RIOf MO 4IiliW HOME • Main floor laundry, large mas- ter bedroom with ensuite. Locat- ed in Hensel!, across from school. OUNTRY PROPERTY - 1.75 acres, 1-1/2 storey bride, 3 bed- room, 4 pc. bath. 564,900. Call Murray Keys. 150 FT. CORE COMMERCIAL - Best.traffic area in town. Call Bill Gitfillan. C LT='` E= DENTAL Commercial opportunity, feasibil- ity study and plans for motel available. Call Bill GiltiUan JOSEPH - $23,000. Call Bill Fuss. INVESTMENT PROPERTY - $339,000. Call Bili GiNillan. LUS LIVING' BUDGET CONSCIOUS? - small QUARTERS - Excellent opllortu- down payment and payments of nity for arty venture. Vendor will $600, per rnonth or leas. Listed assist in financing. 372.374 at $73,000. Qpen to o4]'ers• Main St., Exeter. Sales Repos M MOW 22111411.16, MhMroy SAO muip IMi$ =*11 Nu 11011.7706 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of WILLIAM CHARLES BAKER All persons having claims against the estate of William Charles Baker, latest the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 2.5 day of November 1992 arc hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1993 after which date the assets will be distribut- ed having regard only w claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 28th day of September 1993. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors tor the executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELEANOR SHIRLEY DAVIDSON deceased All persons having chains against the estate of Eleanor Shirley Davidson, late of the Town of Winton, County of Bruce, who died on or about the 12th day of August 1993, are required to file particulars of same with Raymond and McLean, 387 Main St. Exeter, Ontario by the 30th day of October 1993, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those clams of which notice has been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Solicitors tor the executor Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 NOTiDE"TO.OREDITORS in the -Estate of DAVID L ESTER KKESTLE Late of the Towrtahip of Biddulph in the County of Middlesex, who died on the 11th day of September 1993. Credi- tors and others having claims .against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims" to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1993, after which date . the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, D.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor torthe Executrix L... Montredi employees give to shy Grand Bind Sand dunes won't be uIIt, beach to have snow fence By Peed Groves T -A staff GRAND BEND - Sand dunes will not be built along the Main. Beach in Grand Bend. The Grand Bend Ratepayers As- sociation have told council that it strongly recommends against the building of a dune which; if built, would have measured 30 feet wide, six feet high and and stretch over 1,100 feet. Following concerns that sand management was a problem, and after seeking the assistance of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Au- thority, council decided to let the GBRA make the final decision. At last Tuesday night's council meeting, the OBRA presented a three-point document, stating Why a dune would not work along the Main Beach. With the: wind blowing, sand managemertt.Isar' [immediate prob- lem which the village has to look in to. It expected that sometime this week, a single strand of snow fenc- ing will be erected along the beach. "A considerable amount of sand has already moved. If we wait much longer, :the snow fencing won't be of any value," said coun- cillor Ed Fluter. He owns z cottage along the Main Beach which stretches from the Oakwood Beach to the condos, and Fluter said he spends about $150 a year on sand management himself. Fluter added that during the sec- ond weekend in September, proper- ty owners got together and put up some snow fencing on their -own. Pat Donnelly of the ABCA who made several presentations to coun- cil about sand management sug- gested snow fencing as an alterna- tive. "Since it's fairly experimental, we should try snow fencing. I see it as a cheap alternative," said councillor Bill Uniac. On Tuesday, the village already had quotes for snow fencing and the price was about 51,600 for wooden fencing for the 1,100 feet while plastic fencing would prob- ably -be twice that amount. The price does not include labour of which could either be done on a volunteer basis or would have to be done by the village's Public 'Works department. "Sooner or later we'have to make a decision on what we're going to Vote by population, insists council do," Said Ivey. In regards to snow fencing, Ivey said, "we've had the ARCA say without the co-operation of local people it won't work." Briefly, the following are the three points set out by the GRRA as objections to sand dunes. 1. The large span of the proposed dune would invite the kind of "un- authorized use" that caused the vil- lage to level the . original dunes years ago. Donnolly emphasized that the dune would require a lot of nurtur- ing and policing by- residents. In a community where the largest sand castle in the world lasted only a week, signage to keep people riff the dunes would simply not work. 2. The beach is the main attrac- tion of the village, and shrinking the useable size makes no sense. Now parents can monitor their chil- dren in the water, with a dune, that may not be possible. There are lots of sports played on the beach and such things as volleyballs and fris- beesmay go into the dune grass. 3. The GBRA felt there was hid- den costs to creating a dune such as law enforcement and cleaning up debris in the dunes. Sillery asks to drop opposition to new county structure EXETER - One:municipality, one vote-•that's,the way the-tnajority of county council wants to structure :the body in tuning years, but the Town :of :Exeter .will continuo to press for representation -by :popula- tion. Cotmty .council, -aware it is al- ready to aarge .aral cumbersome body, .will be even Jaeger after the ;1111ptt:mu nicipal election -when some of the villages and townships are , lft eproogltao,bave:a second rep- s+ sentative aLthe.couoail. Pians t6 • cut.thetnumber of council'members have.tmme .and :gate .over the :past months, eventually distilling [down to a simple :proposal 40.alIow only one .representative and one vote :from each of }Iron's municipali- ties. Exeter council will continue to oppose that plan, fearing that the larger population centres can br overwhelmed by the smaller villag- EXETER - 'The Bank of Mon- treal's Ontario employees launched :their 1993 charity campaign, called Our -People Fund earlier this fall. in" :late September Peter McCal- lum, Exeter area manager and Jim Lynn, Goderich area Manager pre- sented Kathleen Babcock, of the Huron County Community Child Abuse Committee with a donation. Last year over $1 million was raised for Ontario charities. ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS CONTACT THIS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS DEADLINE -OCTOBER 31, 1993 C'-' .r.il �Lfrr ��i�. 235-1621 415 Main St. S.. Exeter es and .townships, They have re- peatedly stated they .want council- lors to have one vote per 1,000 of popularion. Town councillor Ervin Sillery, however, .attempted Monday -eve- ning .to -break that gridlock -by ask- ing that council's objection oro the plan be withdrawn - and allowing .a private members bill 10 proceed to Queen's Park to approve the uncan- ventional council structure, _ Our: - rent law only allows for *lila types of proportional repreatida- tion. "I was involved in this 15 years ago, and Goderich was the thorn in the side at that time," said Sillery. Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller said she had thought it was a unanimous decision of council .that they pre- , ferre d representation on a papule - tion basis. "This "This will die if Exeter objects,' said. mayor Bruce Shaw of the county council's present plan, add- ing it is unlikely a private members bill will pass if not unanimously agreed upon by all municipalities. "It's been tittering back and forth," said Sillery. "I'd like to see it settled...I'd like to see Exeter go along with it and be on the same side for once." Shaw said he did not agree with the view that Exeter has opposed evCfything at county council. I.N07:171 LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly Street. Suite 207 London, Ontario N6A 1S2 -When Sillery asked council 's ob- jection be removed from theeldd uve committee report, he to get the motion seconded. Fuller said this issue has come before county council four- times, and Exeter has restated its position each time. "This is the fust time I knew we were not all together on this," said an annoyed Fuller. "I think you have to look at as- sessment population, and you can't . just say one vote," she said. Councillor Robert Drummond said he agreed there should be a weighted voting system, "and that areas of large population should not be forced to go along with some- thing wanted by areas of smaller population." LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION - Excellent family home, 3 bed- room, brick ranch, close to shop- ping, churches, schools, Cully fin- ished inished basement, insulated attached garage. fireplace with El- mira insert, extensive landscaping. A must to see at $155,900 - IDEAL FAMILY BUSINE s in a small town. 2 bay carwash • one is a truck bay. Concrete block building on good size lot. Worth looki • into at S42,000. Heather Rogers* 235-1732 M.J. chanyf•• 235-1077 Murray Woods• 235.0927 Jim Rogers** 235-1732 imsousofT YALAIE Barry Mertary • 262.3107 Gary pelohert• • 236.7222 Henry Larsen• • 2366.4031 • Brok•r " SOW R•pr•s motto dim ' og rs Heather Rogers is pleased to announce that aim Regent has joined Estate Realty Inc. as a sales rep. Having retired after 32 years of police work, now when you meet Jim Professionally it won't be to receive a ticket but perhaps to assist you in your real estate needs. Please call him at 235-1.621. or res. 236.1732. CREDITON - 2 bedroom home 1/2 acre lot. House priced td sell. Low 60s. Negotiable. HENSALL income property, a total renovation from top to bottom; live in one apartment and rent the other and have extra income. Everything new and modem. Maintenance free. HENSALL - Mill St. 1650 sq. ft. home on nice lot. 1 year old, with new price that you can't build it for. New price $129,900. DASHW00D WEST - 2 miles from Grand Bend, 1 3/4 sto- rey brick home with double garage on Targe 2 acre coun try lot. ' LUCAN - Larger one floor bun- galow on a park like setting lot. Large 3 car garage with heated shop, lot 1 acre plus, this is one of the nicest prop- erties around. LUCAN - 100 acres, cash crop, barn, bush, nide place to build a house. SHIPKA - 1 floor ranch on large country lot with a low price. Try your price. CREDITON - 3 plus 2 bed- room home, ready to move in, on 3 1/2 acres. This property features a 36' x 48' shop or shed for trucks and a small barn. Extra lane for parking. KIRKTON - 50 acres of cash' crop land. STEPHEN TWP. 50 acres cash Crop land with pipeline water. CREDITON - gas bar, snack bar, hair shop, plus 3 acre lot, try your offer. CREDiTON - 3 plus 1 bed room home on nice oountry lot, pipeline water. CREDITON-,,�2 acre lot. $14,900 W' 4' x 168' lot with ga,, water, cable, $20,000. Ron O'Brin Silos Rep. 439-1400 snytlm• or 2344281 Residence