HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-10-20, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, October 20,1993 Pali ('clear/ FevtiJ'ai Trust funds allocated to community projects W6$T McGILLIVRAY - The Directors of the Brinsley Commu- nity Trust met recently to allocate trust fund income to community projects and to elect officers for 1994. The Lieury Memoriam Park Fund will receive a donation of S504, This fund has been established jointly by the Township of McGil- livray and the McGillivray Athletic Committee with a view towards improving facilities at the Park. The Trust will again sponsor the annual Brinsiey Community Dinner which will be held next spring in the Township Hall. Since its inception in 1983, the Brinsley Trust has contributed over $1 1,000 to community projects in- cluding renovation of the old Township Hall, the Township his- tory "McGillivray Township Re- members", the 150th Anniversary Parade, the Lieury -Memorial Park and the McGillivray Athletic Com- mittee. The officers for 1994 are Presi- dent, Charles Corbett; Secretary, Wesley Hodgson; Treasurer, Doug- las Lee; Directors, Andrew Dixon and HarveyHodgins. Vamp ytraftts ,wen en.an:tipprDpriate ck- drop at'the..hamblon Mu- seum on theweekend. Above, thousands of people attended the two- day craft show and sale :at the Museum, whish %was apart .of'the annual Fall Colour !. Atiteft, Grand Bend Cub Devin Scott was out sell- ing apples orrrind Bend's Main Street Sat- urday aturday for the Boy Saout's,Apple Day, as- sisted by:his mother ir- ginia. Despite the wet weather, many people did attend the farmer's market in the village, as well.as the :all Colour Festival.at.the .Lambton .Museum. Below, pumpkins wire plentiful at the Gran Bend Form-er's Market. Although the weather didn't co-operate, Thtd- ford's Karen Van Steen- kiste of Twin Pine Farms, helped Sarnia's Maureen Carson pick out a nice pumpkin. • Hensall news Meeting for community betterment By Liz Sangster HENSALL - Hensall residents are invited to attend a gathering at the Hensall & District Community Centre on Thursday, October 21 when Jo-anne Walters will speak about her role as Community De- velopment Co-ordinator for Gode- rich. Walters will describe the re- sponsibilitievof the newly formed position and its benefits to her com- munity. Hosted by the Hensall Economic Development Committee and billed as a 'Community Collaboration', the evening will also feature results of the 1993 village survey and, in rec- ognition of Hensall's upcoming 110th anniversary in 1994, a Cele- bration Committee will be formed to plan exciting events for every month of that special year. Members of Hensall's community groups and organizations as well as individual residentsare encouraged to attend the evening programme, fmm 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. in the com- munity centre. Come to meet, min- gle and add your ideas and enthu- siasm to community betterment and celebration. Seniors meet The Hensall Seniors met October 12 at the Hensall United Church. Helen McKay introduced Bev Brown, from Clinton, who spoke South Huron for the Central Huron Community Transportation Ccmmittee. The Senior Rally is in Londesborough, October 20. Nineteen members were present. Winners of the cards were: Pearl McKnight, Hugh McKay, Annie Reid, Dorothy Brintnell, and Au- drey Christie. The lunch committee was Isobel Rogerson, Evelyn McBeath, and Hilda Payne. The.pubiic is invited to attend the annual general meeting of the Hu- ron -Perth -Bruce Epilepsy Society, lode held on Tuesday, November 2,.at rairmel Presbyterian Church, at 83 Nelson SL, in Hensall at 8 p.m. Legion news Hensel! Legion Branch 468 held their regular meeting October 13 at 8 p.m. Several coming events were discussed. Niue m embers ,attended the special exhibition at the Huron County Mdseum *for dinner, parade and receiving of the exhibits of the military, which have been loaned to the museum by the legion branches of Huron county. The exhibition is on from October 15, 1993 to Febru- ary 7, 1994. A euchre tournament will be held at the legion hall on October 23. Registration is at 1 p.m., games to start at 1:30 p.m. Everyrone wel- come. November 4, a door-to-door pop- py drive will take place by the Le- gion and Ladies Auxiliary members in Hensall and Zurich. On November 7, the Remem- brance Day Service will be held at Hensall Carmel Presbyterian at 9:45. A service will follow at the cenotaph and laying of wreath to pay tribute to those who served our country. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 468 Remembrance Day Dinner is Thursday, November 11, 1993 at the Hensel! and District Community Centre. The speaker is Bill Smith W.W.II, Veteran Past Provincial President of the Royal Canadian. Social hour 6 p.m., din- ner 7 p.m. Tickets available from Legion or Ladies Auxiliary mem- bers or the Legion Bar. Cost is $10.00 per person. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. BUY TERM & INVEST THE DIFFERENCE.., Affording You a Bright Future what does this mean to you? It means paying kw for your life insurance so you can "invest the difference' as you choose. Let me show you how affordable Transamerica's term life insurance is. With Transamerica, you can afford all the protection you need and you con invest your swings where you choose - a tax-deductible RRSP, competitive mutual funds or guaranteed term depottts. Find out how 'Buy Term and Invest the Difference" can make a difference In your financial security. Call today! Gabriele Sutton Representative 263-2312 TRANSAMERICA . LIFE COMPANIES liarill she f wowwl woolly yaw •••t Week of the Child Eighteen children wore on hand Saturday to enjoy "Crafts for Kids" in Hensel'. The craft Session was one of the first events for Hensall's Week of the Child. Tinker Tots Co- op Nursery School supplied the pumpkins, gourds and other sup- plies, as well as the use of their equipment. The children created some interesting and unusual spi- ders, goblins, witches and bats. Sunday saw the Mensal' and Dis- trict Optimist Club and Bell's Va- riety co-sponsor an afternoon of free movies at the Hensall Commu- nity Centre. Some 25 children en- joyed the movies. The fun continues through the week, as children are invited to join in the fun with various groups in Hensall. Everyone should be re- minded of the dress -up parade (and costume contest) on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Refreshments will be served after the parade, generously supplied by the Hensall and District Kinettes. Once again, the sixth year run- ning, the Kinettes will be on hand With goodies for all the partici- pants. The parade runs rain or shine - rain location is at the Community Centre. Later that same day will 'be the Erewhon Theatre's presentation of "The Rain Forest". This show is sponsored by the Hensall Parks Board. Tickets are available in ad- vance at the arena, and Hensall Mu- nicipal Office. A limited number wilt also be available at the door. The show be- gins at 2:00 p.m., and 11 children will be rehearsed into roles for the presentation. Children interested in acting in the performance should forward their names to the Munici- pal Office. Children are reminded that point collector sheets must be returned to the office, by noon, next Wednes- day, for point rating. Also, colour- . ing contest entries, the contest sponsored by the Hensall Brown- ies, must be returned by this Friday. Hensel! Public School is opening its doors to grandparents, and friends of the students. Thursday, October 21, is a special day with a program in the gym beginning at 9:30 a.m. Following the program, guests will be welcome to tour the rooms and see the works of the stu- dents. Everyone is welcome. I'% Pat OBrien A PROVEN WINNER MANDE% UP FOR LONDON -MIDDLESEX On October 25th let's give London -Middlesex anERIE1MCEDNOICE in parliament — Join the Pat O'Brien team! +w;r';( For More information Call 685-4745 Authorized by Gabe Valente, the Official Agent for Candidate Pat O'Brien Q well prepared resume will help you get the jot., you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely helpful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal resume should accompany your letter of application. Here are some guidelines to folloy;in preparing your resume: Cl Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than two pages U The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look U Start with your name, address and phone number Cl Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is, last job first. U Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that position. U State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities - and the results you achieved. Ll The next section of your resume should come under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. U Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. U Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application vend your resume will be the factors that make the employer decide whether to short list you for an Interview. So make it as Impressive as - you can - but stick to the facts. We Can help you get an impressive and professional -looking resume Cali Debbie Load at St. 519) 235-1331