HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-6, Page 8•.1 Stat" -.414 74. • ' 4*04,4001+04114.0.00 14144404e • • . . " tt#'4ctita , 7- • • • 0.0loate • ORO l'P'?14014t4lirk 1$ to -r-'041•1 clf•WIN ,14.4fitett 11)1t.,,0*!* NArritl% 44‘, k)10wv wWhi,A1 Pr Pilo' of ,t1PV•4.4441"fegs4P.' • ve,r)' '10.44fOr'r PAIII1Qt 9911YP140)14Y, Z01,11'S Ol'oolted '1?lisliey swindlers' ,•,. WITO• rbbt oellar eederLu1040:4g or was affected ou b4s- „m4PVTev091Aes ilgata 'IPtOWIteitObAt Huiider biind she sayo, Lira t,,,111„its plcasnre ; (tall; lifep lkis cellar freln W),t11 tirr, ztrivea garb • rvictt The Its lium IsOn, passing breeze i,tleeaying,,,;vegattables: if .be„wiU cie, ,4,04etiatii,11;„ eac,lt,. iostvc xneasnre,„',, '0 Po$41.4 aat 4 sPtin2,, wartiing "to respectable rascals wlio 1";13° 1•1 AlirgklittticnIPt 't))() A4r 'tlirort01), it ix4)41 tint), illey will, never 't4.A fotti41, out, •:0'41111491741AP)Y4 ',4* 44' t4•Y,9' k oein guiltY piactices lor qlie th1411 broliv,11 mAna boautirH Itotet Yeg‘Attkie Their ptii)isliincnt, iiiarining • stagnittit Air inthe 'cel• lar, oOM'il',0 est p4tigo.'or ot,e)ring "ti)• it111.0' 41101#01,11,44 ate, '110er wt t1 :the cent, Titey may ilestreY , the soma and slo0P1011..reom bbaln"Pauo; lives and,' 'hop.es Ana ',good 4anie ,of • y•a case,,ef fOvor Atta. thoSe who are, ale oofitre, 'of , 1oide , ",•OtlXCA't1Ut 1S bulled, nit mostio affection, 414 :may' ' 't•hus- hring •te,r,t4'•Pf •phySielans, to ctire,,, ,ft ite" on themeelveS, n penaltV'giTat(1 01011 agil.ae ,Inliama or ,•a, ewainp. 1' thou tliat, tite,ItteV.:, If a olan'gficira been: into • houses, where e), Grp, i,1„ Alva! ti that'll() orr,autrrp, 114411? »We and cleu spleuditi in NI. courpe, poetioes to hts is •ritudelxitift,41)it a4T.Petlirtoleoo va'a tt“, her clutYto try to bring abent eltange iiimaree 'breathing rzi.,.ap air as foul asRe Should mal;e .th§, oileUrs eoe)edeet le the, ,pi•oesoutt,tt. 0.1." • 'eellars tlniongli the misdeeds, and sbe should enter into, • ' Yes, and; balm an Sueh houses, taOm 0L smitain him in them, she ean- ':. ectenr frou ale was as Per uot complain when she bee:a:nes a suf-' ‘ceeptible n: tne Jyji Lraoni as if it had ',"erer in his Punishment'. There are wemon who km* that their husbands are surreptitionsly getting money by dishonest means, and who are yet so fond of the pleftsures that acorns from wealth, that they eneourage rather then disoahnge the practices ivhose fruits. they enjoy. These are foolish A K •PI) 0'404, 0 1,43' eflt; and the family eat and Islept. "if in the 'midst, of, spicy And they, theught sick headaches, fey tOr leninmer ooMplaints andPo'lier •iordera that afflict -pd theft were simply "mysterious dispensations"' 'instead of, ' being tile, penalty of breathing poison, Si1.14 di'AJ.11.8 and their aceompanying 'woman liable at v t r' 111 t() become' • ess pools aNc another Proldie eanse 61- the victims of IUD: OWil folly. • ialsease. oid•fashioned (To•il 'Oain,' running along pear the bock taoor, acroks the path perhaps and' making an unsightly and offensive (tr eye and nose) track, is perhaps the ritst deadly ot the whole if neglected, •there is an eecape for its odours in lthe,mitedf door air ; but the more gem, ••teel covered drain, throuh which Qv foul air is 'continually:being driven back•' to the house, en only be kept whole • some by having a very sharp fall and • by yrequent cleaning and the use of ob- . rserbents and disinfectants : and it •Ptoo often allowed to leak through lute it and poison the water. Look out for -that. With air sua water both poison - Jed, we wilt stand a poor chance for n „tong life Or a healthy one solution of copperas, uuslnked chloride of lime, and carbolic .acid are either, of them good to destroy tall,odours, and. the poisonous germs ithat arise from such planes, and they irre any of them cheap enough, so that Nweenn, afford to ass them freely, but 'the two last nam'ed smorl almost as dis-- ;agreeably, if not as unwholesomely, as ;any place where you would use them. Pure, dry earth is nearly a$ good as :anything else, and wfd, by absorbing Ail the valuable parts that would other- miise escape in the air, soon become a good fertilizer for your land. Tbee jis only one objection to it, it does not (cost anything.—Boston Journal. JIU.?IOP. 'Sweet meets—Iwo fond lovers in a first embrace. • It is impolite to say a man has '"cheelre' say 'facial area." It's curious that we employ Irish friete 'to prevent Ameriban freeze, isn't it ? ' The earliest art students made arrow ?heads. Some of the latest art students Iroake chuchleheads. •"I'm married now.'" was the excuse ta thicago you th gave a florist for net buying as many bouquets as in forme - year. "3723 -;•,;rr cne of our most energetic etrnstees,' says a village paper in an .,obituary notice, "and we tru•estees • ,thappy." There is a ma.n in Indiana who 'takes it'hirty-two newspapers, and you might ja,s well try to ride a whirlwind , on a • e sidesaddle as to attempt to impose upon Oat mane .."Now my little boys und girls," said ittleacher, want you to be very still so that you can hear a pin drop. In a Inioment all was sifent, when a little iboy onied 'mit, "Let her drop!" i"HaVeyon. any :nice fresh farmers /eggs ?" inquired a precise Old lady at a ,grocery etore. "No, ma'm," replied the.prat tioal "bet we have some •very good hen'e eggs." She took three tto try: It is said •that the Baptist minister •:Who Is'carryine• on the pen -fight against •the Catholics a Trenton., N, J., is eo bitterly opposed to the Roman faith, that in manuscript he wt11 not 'cross letter T's. baiehdlor returning from a .hall in •;it'crowded coach, declared with a groan 'that he had not the slightest objection to "rings on his fingers," but be had a most unequivocal. aversion to "belles dn this toes.' ; • .;Doubtless Mr. .1). C.. Samples, of [C4eOrgia, dont appreciate, 'what a nar- rciis escape he bad fr'orn it falling" tre'e, which killed the two mules he was ;driving. And yet U C Samples of each' „lingratitud,eedonstantly., • A -lady applying for admission to a 'junior class °Pah •Ba -tern seminary, being questioned by the President as to her qualification, replied : "I ain't much of an arithincticker, but I am an :excellent grammarist." The -shortest way the beste---Manama :(to Ethel, on their way to the latter's First party)—"Now, mind,dailin,g if yon see any nice things on the table that you'd like to eat, yon mustn't ask for them."„Ether--"O, np,,rnap,ma „take then:.'? t,•,%;• • A show-caso containing fancy cards, fete., "specimens of the work done stands in front of a Trenton - N. • ptiothig hottse, bind placard i5 At - 0110(1, to U10 •smite, which, reads in large letters, "Hands off," A few nights since. some witty eofyaboy kayo • Toil.° a sewimport to the eard by mak.' ,itig it eeta "Elan 48 Oft4.-011 "a drutik Country bookseller to N'ointla street !wormin---"Yes ; bat the work is both Anstroctive OM Inrnorous." Fonrth street wom —" That ain't the point, ' You seo my husband has cripi4ed so • ,ri ,th0nY ngetkta, 4•1,14 stoliu'a5. mtoIooking 1. and I hate to see you hurt I com mg in tieback, way!" 4The yonng 1115.11said ths1to was nothing toompaIs&y, about itt,04,41..,wo goee, n(cetiirtes- ;01)6 t)t gray. hair a 4otheg,' thopgh.3ust,as bid a roan ttaillts. Ilettoed trtehd,. siist5:ieottely .1),Iaolt--hh(1, sotto iliLerea- • tiell ahem qtioati()ri ,11"ft6t,i6Of fis , •t1.1V'ett gentleinAg With ,h0 `davit retnftylted to his ,• 012/Yonen-ko' " I ha hair' which, 100 iett ' • :• • i`tO'fiotelon4, P V6v'Mh 6° t6 eit86gii flairtif cilk ty SSloftg L atid yqthr'*1,1'01.x:Otz ,01,tottrititiji".10000,t4,04,0,10 „ • .Wieranwo PiressNrs.-eThe•eastont :of -making preseuts to the bride, and some- times to the bridogroomeoa the odeasion of their marriage, is u very excellent •oile, whiplr,Wiltnever :be objected to by the rcd'illientS at all "events. 'There: is room for iniproVethent everywhere, but the yOung.man who submitted hint; elf to the yoke of *edit:CYR few days • ago made the bard tithe's .an"OtIlIS for:Vlett'' Might appear an indelicate suggestion. Having heard that certain partiee in tended making; him handsome presents, be made oet a list of articles of fur)* titre which he would require after his marriage, and, handed it to a friend, ac- companied by the request that presents to himself and bride would bo confined to articles 'found on the paper. The ,Cousennence was that he received a con- Siderable quantity of useful furnitere. This practical idea may have been sug- gested by a brief residence in Spain, whore the above custom is general—a lit of articles required being made out by the bride and given to a friend on the eve of her marring°. It is a very sens- ible reforin that might be introduced in Caeada to great advantage. In North Verulani, on. Siniday morn. . . ing, Dec, 19th, between thireo and four o'clock, Mr. George Lowry and his tam Lad a narro' op e ape from' death . Their house is situated on lot 3, con. 2. Somervilh, [Ind was substantially built of logs. About thYee • tui Sun- day morning Mr. Lowery was awaken- ed by a roaring noise alt around the .house, and on arieio, found the entire house enveloped in dames, which was just breaking through the loge into the interior. Ile snatched no a bed 'eon - mining three children and carried it out. The opening of the door gave a fresh draught, and witi. the exception of tho second bed, nothing more could be got onteall the family being in their clothes. Mr. Lowery placed the familt on the beds; and Mr. James Foster went off to Mr. Hanley's, a neighbor About half a mile distant, for a horse and cutter to bring the suffering famil away. The cold was intense, the ther =meter showing about 15 ° below zero, and before the party could be got to shelter they were badly frozen. Me. Haley mode thein as comfortable can:stances \vould permit, and in the morning Mr. Foster removed them to Inc own hone. , • Coronerlleiresay tolls'a story of an attempt to hoax him in the Comity of York some years ago, by an individual who took him a distance of some four- teen miles to hold an inquest on there - mains of0 matnwhoe it' turned out, had been dead a ,qharter of 'a. century. The Doctor, however, tables, by hold- ing an investigation; summoning his partner to give medical 'testimony and. collecting a large bill from the Comity. Max Adeler seems to haa,e got hold of this in sorn wsy, and dresses it as follows i -e -,"A coroner Of Mire seized an Egyptian' nibMthy"that was 'brought 'in- to town, summoned 0 jury, held an in - ghost on the mummy, brought in a verdict of 'Death from causes unknown,' and charged the -county,with the usual fee, 'With coinpetradinterest from the thno of Moses.—Osillia Pa alert. Scene in a Green. Bay, Wisconsin, police court, 3nstice Westman presid- ing. Several gamblers were under ex- amination, and one of the witnesses was questioned abeitt what 110 knew. Of gambling iu the ialOOAS in town. Yes; the had seen gambling going on in most Of them. •'Well, one for instance 2" "I havi:ecen men gambling it the Old York Saloon." "What were the stakes ?" "TheYtVere,"ahorse .On. One side and money on the ether." " •"Wall, which won 2" "Judge WeStrnan WUD the h or s e. Peremp tory co men adi d from the benCh—"There, that will dd..; this examination is reachrug into too, wide a range altogether." PURE Cr'11,111,8 AND XM1.51.111E BOYS.—Girls in etreating..diselp4tdd y'eting, mai' as equals, c o a wiong iey eau s ince y realize. Such mon should be -made to fell that until they walk with correct- ness 013(1 honor in the .patlis of right, good people' stand aloof ,from theta. Girls who respect themselves will not he'seen with such then, and decline to receive thenion faMiliar ,footing of friendship. It is a Mistaken kindness to poultice when caustic is need4 and I am inclined to think that a little shari? docieinn• on the part' lit' tho ghls- ef ter-tirty would go far to cevect the general ,looseness of Morality atheng Young Oen . ' ' ' . To Itaqsbless alto, Ifyoti want circulars, If you want hand -bills; ,. „. If you want envelopes,' • If you want business pardrk, If you want neat-. bill4heads, le your want shipping tags,, it you want toty letter" heads, If yen: want nice visiting cards, -If you want the best 'Of ball worlt, you ,iwant t!py.kl.iitI•eyfriAttfillg; ,'Ileave, your, ertlers at. tlietuns. oleo. And, you caw:secure:theft' en •OhPri.;, ice' 'Ittlow rate0' a11 ,t b8st ttylc tritr, 4.1.1ta' p.t.tttidig intending ;to ,ge -to turope W01.1if ' tlf14 W011 CO Call 5.t tlY0 'fkait8: ofile6i and 'buy', a ticket e Altai...1,16w of steamers, Ofie Of 'Which laaVeS' Qtlebee 4'114 Deli - l. a 'andlOr T..iivorpoond 'Glasgow' every : sending, liciot,ti for friontis 'lletrOy $7,,?1$ 'stoprl mit 'tweet adult pagg0t16"tt by gat tit14' the ticItets from 'the ittlan„ Lino Ageuts' this: • • • • Nay 4441.1bckr0 fgn'Q818 llifi AXIti guido .no 1 , Dear patrus Pr almelble trade, Cood oiti4ona and , beigllbor*; ikind indulgeP ca always gives, „ •New strongtli unto my labors', T've eotuo this happy New Year Aliorii (A. eel:3(9ov iyitit our ,• devil) ,•• liafl with song this 'new yea* boro) And wish y04 merry revel, I have not p*or as I -have 'To, breathe 4,2.4 sPiration ; "Tad 1 but power as Roll as skill,„ I'd have no afrectation But sing aloud with all my seta lho glories of oily pitmen — PO tune the strings of patriot lyxe And shoat with exultation. I'd sing of how our country's grown In wealth, and pop ule tier), How bright ambition `scherishid dreams Have had realization. ' , How her bright star has ever shone The brightest in the shy.; ; For love an,c1,peace surround her throne And GOD is ever nigh. To Him who fillea in heaven above And tb e eatlibe, 00 Wr—,: 4 m who in 'his' mighty • Came down for us to die— We're Wight we must to him asorit Praise for blessings we enjoy ; blessingw•gives and 'blessings holds; His love is not ailoY. No nobler theme could I desire For this my lucubration; I could not wish a better, higher Than praising Him above; But I your patience thus might tire And Cause you irritation— And you will own I ever try To keep you from vexation. We look with pride upon the strides Our village yearly takes, And mark its wealth, increasing size, Whilo man improvement makes. Thro' all Ontario's broad domain No place is rising faster, 'Twill ever rise if Wisdom reign To guard it freen disaster. With ligh teteme heart thro' summer days I've tramped my way along, Nor eould the fierce.it, hottest rays Aly willing stepeprlong. I'm every Thursday at your door, To you the Times deliver; Though often I have felt footsore, I've never faltered—never. Though winter's chill and biting blast May whistle o'er the main, And Winter deep her mantle cast, I'll bring the T -MES The hottest sun, the coldost wind But cheer me on my way ; I'll lightly laugh when they are past, Or sing a cheerful lay. And while a snppliant air I scorn, And A menial spirit hate, \Mille higit all gifts I earn, Thongh they be small or great. Reward me therefore as you may, My prayer shall ever be: May God. in heaven-direet your Through all eterniy. . . Dnuionus. way BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of tho public of 13aitish North Amerien, I deem it my duty to state tt,at my pills and Ointment aro neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States, itch pot n.nd box boars the British Government StantThwith the words, Sollo- way's Pills 11110 0in-tin ent,Lonclon,'engraved there- on. On' the label is the address, 533 Oxfoal street, le:,00nuscelr. This notice has become necessary, in nonce of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway's Pills and Ointment " being fabricated ge a578 Maiden Lane New York, by par ,Z ties styling th,m- selves " Holloway 5,1 and Cu. " with at ‘ m a .71t tiMs— assumed tia 1..fi Unprin eipled vendors can tain this trash at a very low price, mid so deceive you by selling the same for my genuine Hollowfty's Pills and Oint- ment, which are manufactured only at 533 Oxford street, London. Persons who may be doeeived please commuicate with ins.Manyrospoct'ble firms in, the British Provinceswho obtain my medicines direct firm herei, hyve very properly suggested Shat I should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their mimes In the papaya, that it may be known that medicines can be hnct genu Inc from them. Tho following is h list of the limn alluded to; and I particularly 3 °commend those who desire to get my medicines to apply to some of the houses nnanecl;Mossrsr Avery, Brown &: Co., Halifax, N. S ; DiesatE: Forsyth & N:' s. Messrs, 9113 Barker & Sons, St John, N' 33; Mr. T Des Drisay, Charlotte Town,P 32 1; Mors, Lang- ley & Co., Victoria, B C.; Messrs. Mooro & Co.,Vic- toria, 13 0: Dr. John Panel, Chatam, N 33; Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal ; 'Messrs. 3- Winer & Co. Hmuhltort; Mr. J Rose, Toronto; Mr, A Cla'p- man Smith, Bt. John. N 33; 1\Ir. JohnBon cl, Gode r- ; Messr. & Co., Torou„o ; Mr,, Chaloner, St John, 3513 Mossrs..11anpigton Bros., St John NISI Mr 31 Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryon, Morden, 350; Goorge Hunt, jr.,; Fredri olden, 3513; Mr WH hornpson, Harbor Grace, N IP; Mr111 Wilfry,Fredricktob, N 33; Messrs W & D Yulle, Montreal. The medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale nett prices, in onantities of not loss than .e2(1 worth—viz., Ss. C., 22s., and 34s.per dozen boxes of Or pots Ointment, for. which re- inittancp, must be sent in advance. . 7 THOMAS rtoLLOWAT FRESH ARRIVALS! AT ,THE People 's Grocery Stbre. , ; ; () O'N.' • •r, 8.9-,734NyQuTTL1I, ,-11alte,.1Aogr4 4, y,os, and lotsirtbsyg, ,ocar(k4s, prae, posR—seconci.,to#040 tb.O eountry,,,' •' ' , , Inrhq i);Yklia.k at;' ; 1s St tklePi?1,41,9,40,iiQ p,40 g444 0, ; la,ps ap,d, Slieep$1i3.7aS, - either, tilers or flA' 'N.F4W rJ1OLB• ';11b,ea,a4ersigeel. would iliform the J.; thaats 0 ilseter and rion)ity t13S lie inis , OPENIP.41) A NJ3IW T01I1iit S1101) 009 41001 sontuof Isis niaoltamititsbop andliopes, the snail° patronage that Lae hoOn. the 0Orcied to him in Pile 131401152fftrn AN") Whe011 MAErico line vtil be extended to him in. his new branob 0 Imanioss, 1110 meat wagon will call at the 1'O5 donee of the villagers three 51111013 eadh week an FBESH MEA.T alliends 'kept QS llst1,L111 cin h t1 1 9.5 his Dutch stop. • N, B.and wagon Malting carried on 5.5 080111 in al Its branches; 'Exeter Des, 2 R DAVIS. Exeter Clothing House ! The undersigned having scoured the servi,, eas Oa first-class cutter, Mr. Eienry Harris, (LATE OF CHICAGO), is prepared to fill satisfactorily all orders with which he may bo favol ed. The experience and suCeeas Of Mr. 'Harris in cutting and fit.. tiug garments warrant me in guaranteeing A PERFECT FIT to"OV'OryOno. 11110faverarne •WithliiS 'order. On account of the hard times I am deter- mined to sell clothing at ab low prices as any other clothing house in the West. I BUY AND SELL FOR CA$11. A choice lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods just ;received. Cloth bougnt front Inc cut free of charge. J P McINTY,I1E. :THE wr.p.moGLOCHLON WATCH A_ is 1lie best in the in aria Be siire ansi got the ,W. D.McGlochlon watch before buying. You will have no other after see- ing thm e. who wear them recommend then% Gold and Shiver, Ladies and Gentleman's slava. 77 Dundvs s the et, Lon don. See the testimonials. The largest, bestand cheapest stoek of fine Gold Jewelry, Clock s, Silver, .id Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., in theProvince. Repairing of every description. W. D. MoGLOUC1tL ON. 77 Dund as st., London I IOMINION GUN SHOP AND RI - R, PLT FACTORY, R. W.-SOPER 1 Mannfacturor of and dealer in Iltnes,:Shot Gnus, Re064vers Woodham •Harness Shop 6 EIMN11.7 ICA1-11511,, Manufacturer °Might and Heavy HIrness, weal° nform the inhabitants of Ushorne aud Blau hara . hat he has 00 1100(1 thud. prepared to InZtallifELC- 1110 LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, nd those in want ,of anything in his line will „ --,•'••••••-•••••••••••••••••••• ,•,-,,,,,••••--•-••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••-• ••••••••• •••••-•--• - ' * Nen. , 9 the ,,,,,1„ „tary - Z. - il VelAeget ., ha 1oi1ove4 his offjce to ono Aoor north et 1,.1 rutt'sbaraess, Aop, and nearly. eppos'ite „Top.a's Winshop, , Vottirleary. medeomes. WiKti Ott 11404, OM§ PreowtY ottetaloci to, porses Vixaminod as to thog se.audnoss. 'A);,Atist, `48511, 1$P, '' , ,,,. I 1 H (7:a, Gents Furnish'g •.A.Nn Ittu&4: a 111,011 THE $IMS011IBErt I3EGS TO AN nounee that ho hem just received d ii0"414 aeSertanent of CANASIANS SCOTCH Z. ENGLISH licaVirEmbe BLACK 13110ADOLOTIIS, & DO.ESKtNS, , which for tTTLE. • AND QUALITY . WILL DE IIAED TO BEAT ! TAILORIIN G Department is replete with every modern 411- ,3 provement, and furnished monthly with 71Nate 11 7.0 BT PLATES OF 1 American Styles and Cuts All Work guaranteed, and out in the mo, fashionable style. Oall early and see ono of tho ehoiceht and best selected stocks in town, and off,cring low prices fez' cash. 0. ,S0t2HCOTT. HENDERSON & WHITE SUCESSC R3 TO G. B, SMITH, ST. M ARY's are allowing wonderful -value in Ver .brought into Exeter, imported from Lon- don, v.mill on and Toronto. :ro ?Tap, SuAsoltxsiimB QS 0 I4471t. ' ittiat hallog r000ntkr ovorliaolcat aid- -: :A0t,tte0,41 t.1.10 .Xaollanorrf. • CIZLIO'rINC grit-o)ass manner, ariA for a few raght$, wkilie there is pleat), witter power, * will eboP °1"41. DRY GRAIN FOR OeNTS FR RAO, 1-1urry it along Dofore the stream frO9Zeri 11Pq. FLOUR AND FEED' LLS usual, at ' osale Prices, Wben taker from the mill by the pur chaser. And from additional improvement hat he has completed, he is now pro- ared to ao, CHOPPING every working day. Parties ean ha their grists home the same day with them. D. M'LENNAN Exeter, Deo SO, 18745. THE (FIRST TRAIN m- Highest cash price paid f or hides and sheep skins, A sr - A There hae just ;!0$ dot iriaTED AT BISSETT BROS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF T . V E S. OVERCOATS Ready-made Clothing. IN MEN'S AND BOYS.' ALSO Wincies,Fla-cnels,131ack Lus- tres and Merinoes Fresh stock of Boots and shoes, "CHEAP AS EVER." HENDERSON & WHITE Snecessors to G. B. Smith. St. Mary's, October 22, 1875. Why Don't -You go to Johns? Johns keep up Main street, at his old stand, where he has boon for 13 years. johns has moved into his now shop now. Anybody will toll you where Johns' Tin -shop is. If you do not kpow where to find 15, ask the first man you see .11 Exeter to show you. He'll do it. When you get their) you'll know it's the place because there is no other place jut like 11 5» the world. Johns sells stoves, tinware and things. 'You'll see them lying clear out on the sidewalk—all of them market.; in plain figures. You don't need. to ask lor what you want. You can pick thein up anywhete. JOHNS SELLt CHEAP so 3118 store is always full of men AMU ,womon. Last Saturday his store chock full of mon and weitien, and ho liact as much as ho could ,0 ytoortostelie money, Such a lot of money! I toll New. Patterns of Stoves are Stunners. Nothing like hem in those parts. Then there is such lots 01 Hot -Air Drums 0 This 51.011 115.5 been purchased with the inten- tiolt or selling 0 again, and not with any idea of keeping one stove over; as weuld be the case wpre they' not bought at low rates, and to sold at the smallest margin of profit. We Cannot be Undersold, and are bound to give satisfaction. Do not fail to call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine our stock of Tinware, Copper -ware, etc, LIMPS, CHIMNIES, and 1,000 L SCALE '1.s'OR 618 - Copper, Iron, etc., bought. BISS ETT BROS. CENTRALIA BUSINESS LOCATIONS AND Building Sites can be ob5ained3on easy terms in this THRIVING NEW VILAGE and other things. Suoh boantiful I amps, new which, from and Enamelled Kettles, Sauce, ans and Pots, unandeters. Table Cutlery. Cruets, Mats, Brass Churns and Brooms, Basket s and Butchor Enives, Sausage Machines and scales, Coal Oil, Black lead, stove pipe varnish; and hundreds of other things useful and good, and you'll find them piled from the cellar up to tho ceiling. NOW JOHNS IS ITO COWARD, but folks do crowd around. him and ask so many questions and pay him so many compliments itbout his stook and his grand way of doing things, that he gots kind of eonflusticated and loses him- self up ill the garret COUNTING HIS MONEY (if lib has any). The best time to see him is on rainy days, is always around 'then, but if you want thingS that aro useful aud orultulental it 'maked ne difference what day you en.11, because his inon. will ahveys maim you feel as if yeti were at homo, and will sell you, things cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. •TX -114.19'S .7101-1UTS udy their own interests by qlving him a cal he, I ••••t•-••••••••• re introit., sing elsewhere vepanang promptly tended to. Carriage Wax lubt done. 75-1,,e. • NEW Stove and Tin Shop . . • IN CRUI\TNICAN' (0`. IDiFir N•, has receivocl a largo Stook of .GROCERIES,'CILMIttRY also, a Ilargo Stook of • EOCITS,PrZi Ced teSIXOEZ , suitable Mr Fall and 'Winter, coasisting of Men's) NATomen's and Child,. ' 'ren'S Wehrb Th080 in want of it Aref-elahik artiete in the too Shoe line should not fthil tO EXAMINE -111Y 8TOOt „ t,56foi6 ,iYurchasiug, . 6i.61'11;ity ion:ill' in tlittlin'e em5,„ lt,fehlite itt pureItithing.t, .s6 et,theit only, Whitth phflteConlrdend,,,, , , ;; ; 0' • First Citts§ Baeo 4ustti xtnoPtvrts its great advantages in:conneo." tion with a Depot. and Station ON THE London, Huron &Bruce Rail- way, cannot fail to become a place of importance. ..A.: Capital Opening is presented for almost every kind o industry. HONIAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 0, 1975 106-tf. PliCENIX Corner Bathuzst LONDON', JOHN El LIOTT, FOUNDRY 77ellinTim Sts., - ONTARIO PROPRIETOR. MANUFACTURER OF IVZoadow Lark Mea.per ax41VCoweto Cultiva to, P1ow, ganz-Vlows, UND'ol/SIGft'D WAN'T TO, AC- . QtAtits' the inhabitants of'Crediton „and, tho surraiinding country that *e have opened out m Dissett's old stand a complete stock of TCATE),, .TIN and , • • • COPPER W.ARE,.• ” • COAt OEL , LJvIP C11-11A1NES; Aral filet everything foltud in n first -Ciao ostablialltnent will be fettml with tts. 'All lcinds'of tin ware itahrtfaetured by mu:selves. We llatter`ourselves that by strictattentien to business' wo will bo able to merit ashare ef, public patronage, , ,E.tt'Ve '1,43,40'1.1.0"hirig „ • ina4e a :,optialty,, alia all blibERS ./1110A1Pri'Y' .Arinvotb OASII'' 'op 841111:i 'dapper \,1f(;o1 i)leklugd otct anditgs tok, ex-6,11611gafogoods,e. IIIIELTI)1146 HILL, 266,, . , , b tc,vf"i41:46tel,S..*.eteily Common. Sense S tra.vv • Cutters :AND ALL IIIPLEIIENTS USED BY FARNERS. PARMERS' • ' '440,0777,7 ,S]D • 1:MILL,' r., hits 8i itosattatstilhafiSg grain aufit'atia i,,,itatyti1t6ct te' be the 'bestl.littoro tis aihlid. 1 ani,,tioAr edgaged tub:king:tile wi for the soiltig'hiierling0,Istisi *111 1t lystda ts sooly Oriedi 11,.18 tttbea eitelif*ith tribe' Shifter or without; ac.sortling tts defy and 'cittl'entleaver to keep olteitberittna, ant% SIZO ft, supplyltny wbo taaV net 1,t4V0' their o,vaor,. rplity,4tyrioni#11., and in natritti used Wiff fertadallttliat ',den oesited,:. andlilstl9ittsstrpaessltni Vitestern gaintaa, , 401-1N ;#TF44104941,1,04 EERED ' LOThINQ oo ilaxilufot reesiledataner fitoelt of P.141)1 1FrOo.„? Twe940); 9944480 14V9049!.9410A1)Oeve1tha4 T,..0 LAS TAI:( -401 °nob:av1);,'''414ittsot:,04.,y44,400tlePot At 84 0 14rit4teed. ri9W' tha time for a good ‘.. .11010hikiggi will be lmAl ;ecpl ill 1511 itio brittetles. 'oonsistirtg 13o pail LlikIllite 4 Val)ey $111rto Lition Ciollftre $z Qnfs ; A Fresh Stook el Teas And Frulto just coining for X-Maii, )13C Ra utiml ly ed° r :91(1: .°e4N,Val Bet, 13 D 1 TWOCa & W901 44 WAQt ti.birts Prorero Oaolurioro 11[off1or9 Itilirgloor i F'oy Sas Ties, Bows kot Gloves andkitts Buck, Eicl, Calf, Cloth and Wool, oDlitillbsenotouisauouCo4lAt Challetige tbieixrtiss,t04adpst,aiu, Solitaires, SOatrefPix4sa,itsiu4gsk with,eineel TR! L., E. B. B. L 3 COMXI- ISAA„C 7CATELING begs leave to thank his friends in Bxeter and strrrounding country for their libera1. pa,tonage, in the past, And hopes to merit a fair•share of their tradp tie future, hams r one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks Usually foUnd in a General Store CONSISTING OF Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc., Ee.c.t.4.37--made Cotlaing, wines and. li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Rind Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be under. sold by any establishment in this section of counrty. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of ' G-reen, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, aishi1Currants, Fru tlit:D 11,99 L, CANNED FRTTIT, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmoh 1.0 1, Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Srups, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common. Whiskies, Tobaccoe and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street. Exeter. PRICE'S OF S T 0 AT S HAVE Dropped night Down AT THE GOLDEN STOVE, ST. MARY'S. J. C. GILPIN. • GREAT REDUCTION CHICAP —G • • • The undersigned having just opened out, and having payments to make, is de- termined to do a business though it be at a Great Sacrifice. To do this lie has resolved to sell FO.R ON1-MONTH (which will include the Christmas Holidaysl,, at the 'following . extremely lo* pridia, Tea usually. Sold at 60 Ctg. for 450, Tea usually sold at 75 eta. fot 60o, Tea usually sold. at 85 ots,, for 70e. • Tea usually sold at $1.00 for 85e. • Sugars, all kinds, through competi.,ion, below cost. Syrt,ipo, attisinA, Currants, Soda,' &c,," 86c. are 'z'ittarilpd right dowh alined Fruit and Fish in, keepiny witli the rest. , Enfto beeome ecqualuted with tile people. We want that all should call and as, aiisee 0 to do it paying business, brit to turn ver t olie money, and at the Sallie time .pttocnt,t tevoregreytt lithiteigpiisaopeu,t right, at t1lic butto,n2, as our objeet..efor °ma tilO.n811(11111) meantime ee 6tlke sonde of those bargains At arnooferitig. e w f...,.., Gooda are all gattranteed Vresh,, and. of Good Valtte. DR .-VS7''S NEW EIL.10C thOotlit Vottdtsi, dOrnOt 40,thstgEsseilAlliattto# t81 ' (goltt door to Stanley ,t1 Serirlyn's, Main t t•-glil or Produce, 11, blsoter, December 11,1S78. • 0 2.4si,41Z ,,TAX:bItt ttivit.ys Oil hand.. Any tati&. tilitiklioa to ot Li,A1at ,18§ott.inolit• tit N6dAted and ottlAr-turtitsblitgsltspt I08515511 tot' Ptitilland of 4e4v4eg ks,k, 5011808, avt,itoesispailredtt, Ili*atos gaoW(ttt ttpttituO0 *151,teWrMg1tAelihe4aiiideArslitilaarti IlitiOttjitlY,it iaud 4,1ahtitp tJ,amiertWant ofCubpu,rthfii itf 134t .'5t b$4 1381511 p8'5ft8t1 t€toutt b130 'dont reAt 5113Q 0,,tuirt)tiorroal Hefei. • . UlliNTUtroPdtieberIA,4.915i' , , . , • , ,V. I ,