HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-10-20, Page 6Sommex Deluxe 700 Coil Units (Queen) Reg. $799.00 Only$679;* Page 6 Times -Advocate, October 20,1993 Forthcoming marriage - Blake and Linda Smith togeth er with Jim and Audrey Scott are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of Erin Kimberly to Bradley James. The wedding is to take place at 3 o'clock on October 23 at the Lucan United Church. Mathers-Bannister Lori Lynn Bannister and An drew Scott Mathers . were united in marriage on Satur- day, April 3, 1993 at Beech- wood St. Andrews Presbyteri- an Church with Rev. Doug Miles officiating. .Lori. is the daughter of John and Gloria Bannister of Ailsa Craig Onta- rio. Andrew is the son of Lloyd Mathers of Ailsa- Craig Ontario and Orca Mathers of Lindsay, Ontario. The maid of honour was Charlene Bannis- ter, sister of the bride. The bridesmaids were Debbie Cleminson, Colleen Gilbert, Linda Lietch and Sandra O'Leary, all friends of the bride. The best man was Greg Hindmarsh, friend of the groom. The ushers were Dean Allan, Mark Sadler, Gord Brewer, all friends of the groom, and Steve Ban- nister brother of the bride. The flowergirls were Carly Bannister, cousin ' of the bride, and Jodi Eagleson, friend of the bride and groom. The music was pro vided by Ken and Nancy McGregor and the soloists were . Debbie Johnson, Lor- raine Masschelein and Bren- da Masschelein. The master and mistress of ceremonies were Brenda Kennes and . Ralph Lietch, friends of the bride and groom. After a hon- eymoon to Mayan Beach, Mexico the couple now re- side in Exeter, Ontario. Thanks to family and friends for making our day special. Masse - Volland Karen Louise, daughter of Keith and Dorothy Volland of Hensall and Daniel Louis, son of Leo and Theresa Masse RR2 Zurich were unit- ed in marriage in St. Boniface Church, Zurich on Saturday, October 16, 1993 with Father Morris officiating. Readings by Nicole Masse, niece of groom and Norinda Smits, goddaughter of bride. Maid of honour was Lisa Pedlar, RR2 Dashwood, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Su- san Lovie, RR2 Zurich, sister of groom, Kim Ziler, Exeter, friend of the bride and Laura Shanks, Zurich, daughter of the bride. Best man was Doug Masse, RR2 Zurich, brother of the groom. Ushers were Garry Masse, RR2 Zu- rich, brother of the groom, Doug Volland, Clinton, broth- er of the bride. Ringbearer was Corey Volland, Clinton, nephew of bride. Flowergirl was Leanne Shanks, Zurich, daughter of the bride. Dinner and reception held at Hensall Recreation Centre. After a wedding trip to The Bahamas, the couple now reside in Zu- rich. Photo by Frank Phillips Second Annual Antique Show and Sale in GrandBend GRAND BEND - Historic Oakwood Inn, is the site of the Rotary Club second annual An- tique Show and Sale. Convener, Dorothy Peat, is expecting 2,000 people to view the magnificent display of antique furniture, maps, silverware, dishes, lamps, clocks etc., this weekend, Octo- ber 22, 23 and 24, in the Confer- ence Hall at Oakwood Inn on Lake Huron. The Oakwood scuing is unique for such a show, since it pre- serves a number of early build- ings made of white pine logs, cut from the nearby Pinery. These Historic buildings are one of On- tario's first Lakeside Cottage Communities and The Oakwood Inn itself provides an appropriate environment for the show and sale of early Canadiana. Tickets are still available for the Friday, October 22 evening wine and cheese reception. Phone 519-238-8437. The sale continues from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 23 and from 10 am. to 5 p.m. on Sun- day, October 24. Admission price on both days is $3.00. Proceeds from the show will be directed by The Rotary Club of Grand Bend to various communi- ty projects. Mt. Carmel CWL learn about recycling MT. CARMEL - Carla Reving- ion opened the October meeting by introducing Linda Rotteau repre- senting Bluewater Recycling. Rot- teau was a very enthusiastic spokesperson for recycling and ex- plained how items should be placed in the blue box for pickup and the importance of using the 3 Rs. Recyclables should be used as long as possible even before recy- cling and consumers should look for the numbers 1, 2, and 4 on the bottom of plastic containers as there are the types of plastics which can be remanufactured. There are currently 24 commodi- ties processed from recyclables and contrary to popular belief there are not "truckloads of stuff going to the dump". The Bluewa- ter system which moves to Huron Park in the spring has been very successful and other recycling plants are looking to ours for ide- as. The "recycling people" have published a book "A Beaver's Tale" co-sponsored by Ministries of Employment/lmmigration and Environment available in binder form at the OAC level. This book is full of educational activities for use with any secondary school subject egs. math, geography, art and science. An elementary ver- sion will be available to are schools by November. Thesc books have been requested prov- ince wide. Mt. Cannel members have been invited to the opening of the new parish hall at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Grand Bend on Tuesday November 9 at 6:30 p.m. pot luck 'please. A thank you card from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school's grade 4 students thanking CWL for New Testament bibles was passed around to the members. CWL members signed a petition which will be sent to parliament asking politicians to have the sale of the "Serial Killer" board game banned in Canada. 'Liz Conlin who recentlypassed away will have her name entered into the Book of Life. Members discussed the annual Christmas ba- zaar to be held Saturday November 6 at • Dashwood hall. The bazaar will open at 10 a.m. and penny sale draws are moved up 16 1 p.m. this year. The. December 7 Christmas dinner will be a smorgasbord sup- per at Larry's town and Country in Crediton. Members may bring a friend and small gift for gift ex- change. A "Mary Kay " representa- tive will be guest speaker, and San- ta may also make an appearance. The next meeting is Tuesday eve- ning November 2 hosted by No- reen McCann's group. 10th anniversary for HP Quitters Guild KIRKTON - Tuesday evening, October 5 the Huron -Perth Quil- ter's guild celebrated their tenth an- niversary held at the Kirkton Woodham Community Centre. The hall and tables were decorat- ed for fall and 75 guests were wel- comed by two past presidents - Florence Heard and Marlene Blackman and asked to sign the guest book. A social time was spent before dinner renewing friendships with former members and viewing the many items on display that had been made and quilted over the past years. The head table included guest speaker Jean Hillis of Ingersoll and past presidents Rosemary Schaefer. Marilyn Stephens, Flor- ence Heard, Marlene Blackman and present president Marilyn Dix- on. A skit entitled The Quitter's Guild meeting was presented by Rosemary Schaefer, Betsy Parkin- son, Jean Ratcliffe, Joan Robinson, Grace Ross, Doris Denhan, Mari- lyn Stephens, Susan Christie and Jean Copeland. The guest speaker, Jean Hillis was introduced by Rosemary Schaefer. Hillis was present 10 years ago to help organize the Hu- ron -Perth Quitters Guild. She was and still is very active in the Ox- ford Quileters Guild and gave ex- cellent advice then and now. Hillis had many items on display which were excellent examples of her ex- pertise in colour, design, piecing, applique and quilting. Slides were shown as Hillis talked about how her many designs are created, from start to finish, which provided much inspiration to all present. 19SMILES 19 PROFESSIONAL QUALITY PORTRAITS REG. $12.99 PACKAGE INCUDES: 1-8"X10';1-5"Xl," 16 WALLET SIZE (1"X1")* 11.11111111011110.11111ES 19 PORTRAITS $9.99 Peckaw 61 fin Wiens ow seleclioo (1 pose) ea h.lriand Wee bckawnr. w/ittw! wisps mailable. S2.911 keep foe Per Pawn Circle row calmer sow for advertised 11,0001 Gilts to Rosea Berl IW I S tIISFALIION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. FAMILIES WtIIOME. UNE UFFER PER FAMii Dates Fri. Oct. 29 Hours:1043 Sat. 30 Ste iLs J)epartmcnt Std 311 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Florence Heard thanked the speaker and presented her with a token of appreciation and a beauti- ful floral table arrangement. Marilyn Dixon extended thanks to all the various committees who had worked towards the success of the evening. olunteer of the week A Times Advocate community feature Marg Cook Marg Cook has been a volunteer with the South Huron Hos- pital Auxiliary for the past three years. Cook is active with hospital's Tag Day fundraiser. The Centralia resident said she became interested in the fundraiser after being visited by a canvasser a few years ago. Now Cook is one of many volunteers canvassing in the area. "The money raised goes to a good cause," she said. In the past, Cook said, Tag Day money has been used to help buy hospital equipment and to buy items that will make the hospital stay more comfortable for patients. "We decorated rooms one year," Cook said. During tough economic times, Cook said it is important that people volunteer their time because more agencies•need help with activities as.well as help raising funds. Now is' the time to save. at Campbell 'sy�� Sealy Posturepedic Deluxe Pillow Top Sets (Queen) Reg. $999.00 Only 199. 39" Sets from as low as $144. free frame with every set purchased Appliances and Furniture Sato and SiMce 63 Win St., Exam 33S-1501 23S-1964 CARPET• 111T1Ma M1 LIAR DRAPER t .1