HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-1-6, Page 7erry Uliristmas SND A l\r H;W YEE TO ALL! ,t 0 VISITORS TO THE REAOYCASH STO Are reaping the rich benefits of a vilely cash business, leav fog their neighbors that deals with the merchant who both buys It lid sells on. credit, to not only pay the bad debts of somebody o Ise, but to pay the large percentage the merchant might have s 11 ved had he bought his goods for cash. We also assert (not w itliout proof) th t the c sh pt rou of the merch nt doing a cr edit business actually indirectly pays a portion each year of Ili s neighbor's store account, without any remuneration, save the chgrin he feels at the deliber te way lie has been gulled, asrnuch as he is charged •from 15 to 30 pr,ct. more t han a legitimate Profit, To coupterbalance the interest on his neighbor's account and to assist ,in. paying the l'Of7S,orriebode Besides all this., •we save as large a percentage by buying for ('ash, as the retail customer does. Thus the public has a trouble advantage; in purchasing from us over anyhouse In reach p ,,o3 1+Jgeter;'`vi.,°thatof us both BUYING 8c SELLING- FOR VJ H And as w& pui chase a large portion of our stock Direct rect om` th e Factories ore Where they, -are made consequently uentl q .y the consumer and, the producer lire in a great many lines in our business substantially brought fs ceto face, and we are therefore emancipated from the heavy tx .vhich the who c're houses invriblyr levy long on date purchasers.' e. snake ,our legitimate gain, and The Customer Pays s but y One Profit The nimble sixpense is bette:: tl1 ,n'tl a slow shilling. g . W have a fe ,special .lines worthy of particular notice. Dry Goods, we have Men'S ,1� iT cies hir s is Bc Drawers, Ladies' s Shawls, Breakfast Shawls " d 4.:i. / ' r" : ., a ., ..! t� 'wf • And Nubia sBed Blankets Horse Blankets and Buffalo 1... i . l a o Robes which "w e selling theat ghost of current prices, Ln Groceries, we have r .�.5, SiJG'ARS A10) ' RAISIN's, 5 �111C�1 f ... or �llt,e wall chill --sly eclipse any attempt at tom e- y 1' compe„ STANLEY d'tMYN tJSBQBN,l ,; Cr IirmtAs 5a bath- sehool cplicert h eonlletltipn !tsar), the glireylllc Methodist °bui•ell was field on Christmas Eve, • dud, llotwitli'stana 1'1g the e trcnioly unfavorttWe weather,' the c itll'ci.I was comfortably filled,--- Across one and of the building a plat- form was erected, on tate centro ot` wltiuh was, nlagnifloeut C1lristlnas Tree, whose top reached to the coiling. This tree was heavily laden with every variety of Christmas presents, from a !needle -ease to 4 set of furs, and being finer illuminated was quite an iinpos- irig. sight, The binding WAS reply festooned evergreens, while the motto, " Welcome I'' on the foreground wrought in rustic characters, decorated with roses,'' showed the arcistio skill which Kaci been displayed in the deco- ration. Tlbe, exercises ooimetaced with the children,wllosehappy faces th,'allg- ed tho.plitttorm singing an opening se- lection, after which prayer alts offered by Rev. Ms. Holmes. Recitations by the children, interspersed with the choicest i5abbatl) School songs were than attentively listeued to by the op. precitttive audiel,ce. `I'Ilerecitations were decidedly good, while the singing by the children, acooml'auled by \firs Marlin ilresidiu•, at the organ, was tru- ly delightful, the infant class singing, Jesus loves rue," with mnrliecl ex- pression. ',I?he distribution of over 2011 presents then became the feature of the evening, and during the distribution it was telly retreating tosee thsuliling faces which gave indication of happy hearts. Three magnificent books were given to the Misses 141otlat and•Samnel Veal for having passed the best -written examinations to the lessons for the past year. Two Handsome pictures from. the TIMES office, and a clock with "Mr•. Fitton's compliments," were also among the prizes. After a few well- chosen remarks from Rev. Mr. Ilolmes and a "Good-uightl•oug" from the chil- dren, all retired, highly gratified with the evening's proceedings. We can- not here refrain from stating that the officers and teachers of the school de- serve the highest credit for the man- ner in which the exercises were con- ducted and we feel convinced that while the school is under such management it can only be in the future what it has been in the nest "a atoms." Aum Ctrl.—On Friday last, as a son of Mr. Samuel Halls, farmer, of Us - borne, was using an axe, it slipped, cutting the main artery of his left arid:" Had the presence of mind of some one of the family left them, the young man alight have bled to death. But a stria. Ciel tightly around the arm above the wound stopped the flow until the art'. val of the medical„ entlsmeu, who prop- erly attended to him. PERSONAL.—Mr. T. Busses and his bride arrived home on Tuesday evening last, after !laving spent a happy time on -their wedding tour, visiting T'uronto, Hamilton aiid elsewhere. GRANTON. GRANTOR S. S. ANNIVIIBSARY. — On Thursday evening, $Orli Dec., tllo an- nualTS. S. anniversary was held in the lWr. M. Church, ants although the roads were "mod to the kenos," and the I ight as that which spread o'er Egypt', Set in spite of these difficulties the house was full, from the gray headed parent of 80 yeas, to the infant of .tender age. After the usual geace was sung and tea served, (ter which the.la- ties of this place deeserve much praise) the Rev. Mr. Ball was called to the chair. After a few flattering remarks on the choir. which:gave " joy in heav- en with the angeles," in splendid style, Mrs.. Et. Arnold p csiding at the organ, and wileso delicate touch's were ninth admired. Diaster John Foreman, of 13 years of age, was called on for a recita- tion,,. Loolci,g around the church," which was vett' appropriate and welt ;!.livered. Then Master Herbert He 1 ;an, 8 years old. recited "Little things" with good effect. '.L'iie next was a. dia- logue:, ,. The two beads." by Musters l;Uackwell and SlintiL)1u•ue. 10 .Lull 11 years, ie4l4ctively. Both sustained ii. it parts tt a>1l, and 'Nu—q.t. rtUcb :tp- 1,,.lu+l( 1. The A. el ria ca'. ' by 11i:•s :d;ati i3lack'tell, 7 olds, mas very well delivered. Next;. a dialogue; "Col- lecting for the illi-ioua'I;V, cause,`' --a nnuiber of little girls taking part in it, (ton- Mali!' l o intnte) was loudly cheered amidst clipping of hands. Net t a re- citation by Mss Lizzie Cameron. 11 years old, 1Vitat' is timer. wits well saanken and lunch admired. Music by the their. Then a dealogne, "steal and unreal," by busses Beason (8,) Wait• (9), hudson (8); White (10) , Dearness (10)—all acquitted themselves well, and they reflect credit on their instructor. Miss Bissett. Mnsie by the choir. A Miss Uy Warstman, "Lauding of the Pilgrims." For good orittory ;t excelled. Then followed music. Tlie chairman celled on the Rev,. Wakefield. who introduced !himself With an Irish story, '`•Tho two Cousins," which took the -.house down with roars of laughter, After quiet was restored, he gave a very impressive address to the children, with good illustrations, andstrongly advising them to attend the Sabbath School. he then ,addressed the older people, and strongly recommended scattier edu cation through an open Bible, and to be careful of. Jesuitical influence. Af- ter the usual vote, the parting oda, and the Benediction, the treasurer reported nearly $150 for the evening's proceed- ings, wiicl Will be e pelldsd on the purchaso'of books. All parties t; ere well pleased with the proceedings, start ed for home as. best they could. LUCAN. SUDDEN Th ArrL—H. Fairburne, oar village baker, dropped •dead at the brea`kfast•table this morning. Cause, heart disease.` 131 TTLIt TIMES ARIL Cuntosel.—A far- mer resitting in the 13th cob, of Steplt en was Beard, a few days ago, CC In - planting, that for the last 18 years he had been obliged to travel a distance of 40 miles, to and from his place, with of every load ` ,y grain lie had to sell, to find a market. 1tt order to accomplish this, and to be at licrne'the ire t ni;lity. he had to start n,lways not later that' 2o'clock in the inoriling, exposed to all wind.i and weather, killing his teems stmt severer injorie his health his y .l % C° the b<irgnin. 13trt he imitate ted hh - self with the filet that balm' times are coin>a nfi, and iIYli':t' henoofurtlr be would bo able to drive to Centralia and babe it;gain in a fete hours, and for f�iia f"iltrire be e111ftnoipated from the terrible slay. cry he has so h airy yeitira ue'e>l dtligod to undergo. Broderick is selling goods cheap for Cash, Great Bargains du r ig the Holiday season. Christmas and New Yoar's Goods,—New Valentia Raisins now Sugar Raisins, new Layer Raisins, new Suttana Raisins. Fresh Young Hyson Tea, ch.oicea3apan Tett, strong Gunbowder Tea, fragrant Congo Tea. Motto China Cups, motto China Mugs, fancy China Tea Sets, strong granite Tea Sets, fancy Vases. Ladies Ties, Ladies Promenade Scarfs, Ladies Kid Mitts, Ladies Kid Gloves, Ladies Cloth Gloves, Ladies Linen Collars, Ladies Linen Cuffs. Gent's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, Underclothing, &c., in great variety, at RANTON'S. CHOICE P:13E331111.3 F33 1876. THE I,goNlRD sol rr PtJLISHING 00., 41 arclay street, New Yorlc. Continue their AllT11011UZ1D Reprints of the four leacling Quarterly Ita:views: Edinburgh Review (whig). London Qatarierly Review (Con). `VF'stlni'nsterReview (t-iE;eral). British Quarterly (Evangelical). containing masterly criticisms andsummaries of all that is fresh and valuable in Literature, science and it ; and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine The mast powerful ir.outhly in the English language, famous for Stories, Essays and Sketehes of the hagllest Literary merit. Tl:a ..iS (including postage) payable strictly iv advance. For any. one ..1 vi ew $ 4.00 per,aunum. For any two Reviews7 00 • " .Fur any three eviews10 00 ' " For all four evi ews 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 00 For Blackwood and 1 Review 7 00 For.33irackwood and 2 Iteviews10 00 Foi 13lackwoon and 8 lleviewsl8 00 For lackwood and 4 Leviewsl5 00 UL CBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allow- ed to clubs of four or-moropersons. Thus:— fonr copies of Blackwood or 'tf 1 Review will be sent to oxe Anunriss for $7.2.80 ; four copies. of the four Reviews and rlacicwood for $48 and so on. To Clubs of ten more, in addition to theabove discount, a copy gratis will be allow- ed to the getter -up of tha chb, P1.ENI1UMS. New subscribess (applying early) for the yea' 1876 natty have, without extra chotge, the bcrs for the last quarter of 1875 of such perio- dicals as they may subscribe for. Neither pre min+ns to subscribers nor discount to lentos can be allowed unless the money is reolitten di ret to the publisher. Ivo prenliva Ls give./ to albs. Cireulais with further partict.lh;rs May uc had 00 application. Tli0LL50NAt0D s00•i"e 1'UntfigMtet e1aitPANY 1, 1816) 41 Barclay street,New York. WELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale or rent,a splen- did one-and-a-haif story frame dwelling house,. on Simeoe et., in the village of Exeter,' adjoining is i acre of land. Terms reasonable, and made known on applying to T. 1tTJTC 1INSON, Exeter p. 0. Exeter 879. tf. 1 ,, I. 13ISSLTTS' Livery and Sale Stables fin connection with the CentralIrotel)., Il,lini li ¢i*i onyx {T• rrl�( ;; t 1 0OD IIOES1iiS AND 'COlifropR ', A73IrJvvelilCIS ealwaynechallltt, Favorable I trangolnenis Made with comnidrSlal travolorS All tinders left at 73fgsett's, Tinshop VIII be p roniptly,attended te, Et. i w 13l0Srit,1'i'op, T4IARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB- 1� seriber•offers for sale the N.V. of lot 8t con.3, Osborne, containing b0 acres o excellent land, 40 acres cleared, balunco Well timbered, a iwolli••g house, barn and stable c the premises, also a good young oronard of graft fruit and a ne ver -failing spring. Distant from Exeter four miles. Fer"further particulars applytoJ. DEi11P- SEY, proprieror, Exeter P.O. 73-tf. L1ARM for sale—One hund- red acres, more or less, lot 0 on 8th con., Usbnrno County of Huron. 73 acres cleared, remainder in hard- wood bush, well fenced and in a gond state of cultivation, underdrained, good orch tire, splendid well of water, frame barn 30x70, a good cellar under, a log house, and convPnient to school and church. 7 miles from Lucan, f, from Granton, and 11 from St. Mary's, on a good wave' road. 'Terms—$6,800; half down and tLo other in five yr seven years' time, For further particulars apply to JAMEco SADLER. on the nremises. I07-tf WOOD The subscriber ant A e n quantity of excellent hoe 0 and maple cord and stove i wood which he will sel at reasonable figures. L CARLING Sob VOR. SALE Two cutters nearly new. see DR MOORE o 4 ✓ 0 444 .0N lit 44 w a • m iJ * H t� bJ Y'. Fro .43:1 el on 0 ITI - A. SK' N R WxiOLESALE AND 1,IETAIL BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, �j S. tidies this. opportunity of thanking his friends anti the inhabitants of • 1+xotor and Ntelllity for their past liberal patronage, hopinrl toinortt the same by Rupp1y11114 his customers with everything In his litre SUP.4111013, TO ANY`1'IIING EVER BE1+OBF, PETERED IN EXETER WIiDUINO OA.It1$ MADE TO ORD.OB,'1►POCIAI4S AND PAWL'1i:4 A SPIiCIAL1TT, FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY. FR a ExtE,Ain Co=stant.ly Q33, 1.1%,24d, At the Exeter North Poot•ofllee. and T. Short's, Crediton, and Nito41el1's, Centralia, Exeter, December 28th, 1678, 119.1y) LADIES! TRY OUR Brilliantine -lair Cream, the most. beautiful fair dressing in 055 ORIENTAL FLAIR RESTORER will in a very short time produ.,e a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without a rival forwhitening and softening the skin ROSE TOOTH PASA` fl for beautifying the gums andpresorvingthe teeth from decay. ROSE CREAM for improving the complexion., and removing tan, freckles, etc. GLY URINE JELLY will remove all so^aness caused by exposure, crackedhands, etc. SOLE MANUFAOTOBY, ' Dominion. Laboratory, Exeter. GEO. THEXTON, Manager. Member Ontarioe PhArm soy Exeter, December 23, 1876, Correct solution to J. Drew's Rebus will appe tr next week, together with the name of the winner of .the prize, and the names of those who sent solutions, with the i t> a when' they were received. SAMWELL & PICKARD Reg to inform the public that they have engaged 1VI BRIGHT Formerly with McIntyre & Co, to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTMENT and feel confident that all orders entrusted to them will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. A.11 cloths purchased from them will be CUT FREE OF CHARGE heo have also received a lapge lot of All -wool Shawls Blanketsbought much • below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains. ill NDI'f ' N r 147i1IT $110E 380 5 T0g, 13, MITH . . ARY's on, owing wonaerfni valaq in OVEROOATS Heady -rase Clothing. IN MEN'S AND BOYS.' ALSO 'W incxes,Flamels,81ack Lbs. ie. Tres and Merinoes Fresh stook of:Boots 0114'ellaes, 'CHEAP AS EVER. IlEND)HtbON & WHITE successors to G. B. Smith. St. Mary's, October: 22. 1876. ANNUAL MEETING V^^ STEL'ESN AND USBORNE'BRANCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will bold their anneal meeting at the CENTRAL HOTEL, oil WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1876 At the hour of 12 e'clock noon, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and transacting other business. W. HODGSON, President WILLIS, WHOLESALE"AND RETAIL Dealer. in Lumber SHINGLES, LATH DING DRES ED AND EUNOO- DRESSED. An oxtensive.Stockon hand. The Lnnber, for Quality or price cannot be beat. .A good assort- ment always on hand, cheap for Cash. Ward East side Main Street, between Gidly and Victoria Streets. 0.9-1v)T. WILLIS. NEW .BUTCHER SHOP •undersigned wounform inhabi- hechants of Exeter andld' viciin ty-thatthe he hais OPENED A NEW BUTCHER StiOP one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes the same liberal patronage that has bean ac corded to him in the BLACKSMITH AND WAGON stemma line will be extended to him in his new branch o business, Bis meat wagon will earl at the real denee of the villagers three times each week an FRESH MEAT all kinds kept constantly on hand at. his Satoh shop. N. B•B,laokehithing and wagon making carried on as usual in all its branches; Exeter Dec. 2 R DAVIS. London, Huron 8c Bruce Railway. mressol16111 Whinging !NOTICE. This Railway will be opened for Freight Traffic on FRIDAY, 81sT DECEMBER, 1875,. Freight will be received at the Great gest- ern Freight .Rouse in .Lofidon, on the day previous to the opening for the following sta- tions :—Brecon, Centralia, Exeter, Hensall, Brucefield, Clinton, Londesborough, Blyth, Belgrave and Wingham; also forKincari'iuer and points on the W., G. & B. JNO. CRAMPTON, F. BROUGHTON, Gen. Freight Agent. Gen.Manager. General Offices, Hamilton, Dec. 17, 1876. FRESH Oysters ! Oysters AT GEORGE KEMP'S Tobacco Store ►. Dealer in first class brands of Tobacco. Choice Cigars in every rarieiy WH©ES.AtE AND RETAIL andH1p otels c;u) Tied at 'reasonable rate . • All kinds of pipes and amokers sundries Stock Full in all Departmentsr THE L, H. & B. R. IS COMING And we. are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LARGEST, CHEAPEST && BEST stools of Goods ever brought into Exeter. OftheGeneral Line of Business. E�verything in consisting of Stap e & Fancy Dry_ Goods Millinery, , teady.rade Olothittg, Gents'Furnishings, Bats & Caps, Carpets, House Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Bee and Shoes, Stationery, Wall Papers, Crockery and Glassware, Patent Modidines, &o., &o. 1 have also seethed tho services of MR, W. E. IVES o mtanville late of Toronto its manager of my Clothing Department, A11 Work mitt out by+hrrn guaranteed to be second t of Biw + to none in the Dominion, Pant cutting a speciality. All persons favoring us with a call will find '1110 goods and prices right. Romomber; this is the lace to get everything yen want at low prices. N. B. -Ail kinds of Paris Produce taken in exchange. Zgeter +J, 1875..JA S PICKARD C. tgg S. G17T , Trraderiakc)rs and. Iit.urrilt xre Ma,nufacbtrei s 13 WOULD 6a11 spetirtiitttontion to oar undertaking depart• nicht, which Is more com- plete then e vor, n r we have added neveret note rtoaigna Of Ian/ '.rho best coffins, caskets,elnouds,and every flitter 1 reconcile et the lowest inieen. Our salW hoarse in paoint:Weed by competent ludgoaa to be s'eond' to none In the 114:1 . ,: Province. OULD' SAY TO those who Intend pnrclitasltag to do se from the nmanufacturer/. L`ho dealer who bii*PriIte son again must /necessarily' have a prod, l We claire to stye the PttrobaSere the" benefit, which cannot fail to meet the views at the Grangers. Our oxpennes faro loss thanthoso of city Mau,iladtflrors,00n seetient-. yvecan Emblems for ell the Different Sooitli6l 0. & k4. Gitxyt, FRESH ARRIVALS! AT ,TRE People's Grocery Store. J. CRUNNICAN has recoived a largo stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY" &c. also a largo stock of SOOTS ed SHOES suitable for Fall and Winter, coesisting of Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Wear. Those in want of: a first -crass article hi the Boo and shoe lino stioOld not fail to EXAMINE MY STOCK Before purchasing, al( my expei•Ienee of thirty years 10 that lite baa tiles me in puroliaeing to soloot that Only which can?coommond. a A LARGE Lot, OP �'irstClass �ac�n J'US'T ff1;CErV.ED, tJ r C RU N N ICAt'J, 13niODiEIoi 'S OLI) - l3'X'AND.